Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Revenue & Finance (H) 5/29/2017 6:00 PM |
Dan Lesser | Shriver Center on Poverty Law | Shriver Center on Poverty Law |
Dave Comerford | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Dave Lowitzki | Lowitzki Consulting, LLC | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Samir Tanna | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Will Lovett | IEA | IEA |
Hearing Date and Time: Revenue (S) 1/24/2017 3:00 PM |
Adam B Becker | Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children | 3,200 members of the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children |
Adolfo Ariza | Lurie Children's Hospital | Registered Illinois voter |
Allison | None | Allison Polke |
Amanda Kelley | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
amanda minor | Douglas County Health Department | IPHA |
Amanda Montgomery | Howard Area Community Center | SB 9 |
Amanda Osta | Physician Pediatrician | Self |
Amy Bohnert Tu | Loyola University | Myself |
Amy Thompson | Cass County Health Department | Cass County Health Department |
Andrew C English | Cass County Health Department | Cass County Health Department |
Ann T Cutler | Pediatrician | self |
Anna Browar | Citizen | Self |
Anna Carvlin | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | none |
Anna Stange | Self | Self |
Anthony T Largo | Self | Self |
Barb Hohlt | St Clair County Health Dept | St Clair County Health Dept |
Barbara Franco | Childserv | Barbara Franco |
Beth Fiorini | Whiteside County Health Department | Whiteside County Health Dept. |
Brittan Bolin | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Brittan Bolin | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Carla Ewing | Mercer County Health Department | Mercer County Health Department |
Carrie Boyd | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Carrie Skogsberg | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Cathy Ferguson | Lee County Health Department | Lee County Health Department |
Chrissy Carlson | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium NIPHC | NIPHC- Health Depts of the Cities of Chicago and Evanston, Village of Skokie, and Counties of Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, Will, and Winnebago |
Cinthia Leman | Loyola | NA |
Craig Beintema | Illinois Association Of Public Health Administrators | Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators |
Craig Beintema | Stephenson County Health | Board of Health |
Cynthia Poland | Wabash Co. Health Dept | Wabash Co. Health Dept. |
Damon Roberson | Fulton County Health Department | Fulton County |
Dan Lesser | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Daniel Neumann | Advocate Children's Hospital - Oak Lawn | self |
David J Melby | Illinois Advocacy Committee of the American Heart Association | Illinois Advocacy Committee of the American Heart Association |
Deanna Durica | Cook County Department of Public Health | Cook County Department of Public Health |
Deanna Sullivan | IL Statewide School Management Alliance | IL Statewide School Management Alliance |
Debra Vogel | self | self |
Derek Craig | Individual | Individual |
Diana Stenger | Coles County Health Department | Local Health Departments |
Diane Chapeta | Seven Generations Ahead | Illinois Farm to School Network |
Diane Taylor | Univeristy of chicago Laboratory Schools | self |
Diane Wolniewicz | individual | individual |
Don Cavi | Logan County Department of Public Health | Logan County Department of Public Health |
Donna George | Donna George | CLOCC |
Douglas Toole | Vermilion County Health Department | Vermilion County Health Department |
Edward J Bellfield | Pediatrician | self |
Edward Winslow | Winslow Medical Group | Self |
Elaine Jones | CLOCC | CLOCC |
Elena Marre | -- | self |
Elissa Bassler | Illinois Public Health Institute | Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity |
Elizabeth Berkeley | McCormick Tribune YMCA | Elizabeth Berkeley |
Elizabeth Bilotta | Will County Health Department | Will County Health Department |
Elizabeth Swider | Pediatrician | self |
Eric Goodwin | Citizen | Self |
Erin Kostuch | NA | NA |
Esther Sciammarella | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition |
Genna Lipkin | Physician | self |
Gordana Krkic | IL Academy of Family Physicians | IL Academy of Family Physicians |
Grecia Rodriguez | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Gwenan Wilbur | Swedish Covenant Hospital | CLOCC |
Inha Jo | Pediatrician | Self |
Jamie Epping | Cass County Health Department | Cass County Health Department |
Janet Mason | Edgar Co. Public Health Dept. | Edgar Co. Public Health Dept. |
Janna Simon | Illinois Public Health Institute | Illinois Public Health Institute |
Javette C Orgain MD MPH | IAFP | SELF |
Jeff Workman | Clay & Effingham County Health Departments | Self & two health departments |
Jennifer L Miller | Physician | self |
Jim Rauschenbach | CHAMPIONS Youth Fitness | CLOCC |
Joanne Kouba | Loyola University Chicago | self |
John ONeal | Citizen | Citizen |
Joseph Goldzweig | Mended Little Hearts | Joseph & Marjorie Goldzweig |
Judy Tiggelaar | IAHPERD | IAHPERD |
Judy Wissel | Wabash County Health Department | Wabash County Health Department |
Karen Larimer | DePaul University | American Heart Association |
Katelyn Kanwischer | Individual | Individual |
Katrina Pavlik | Breastfeed Chicago | self |
Katrina Vigsnes | Easter Seals of Metropolitan Chicago | not a group organization or entity |
Kay Kelly | pediatrician with Du Page Pediatrics | self |
Kent Tarro | Macoupin County Public Health Department | Macoupin County Public Health Department |
Kile OToole | NA | NA |
Kortney A Spectre | Self | Self |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Lana Sample | Ford County Public Health Department | Ford County Public Health Department |
Lara Dugas | Loyola University Chicago | Myself |
Laura Greeley | Park District of Oak Park | Laura Greeley |
Lauren Schwerzler | not applicable | Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children |
Lee Kowalski | Self | na |
Leslie Cordes | Pediatrician | self |
Linda Debergh | CCHD | CCHD |
Lindsey Arenberg | Citizen | Citizen |
Lisa Giddens-White | Self Employed | SELF |
Lisa Gonzalez | DeKalb County Health Department | Public Health - DeKalb County |
Lori Ryan | Marion County Health Department | Marion County Health Department |
marcia widolff | Whiteside County Health Department | Whiteside County Health Deparmtent |
Mark Peysakhovich | American Heart Association and American Stroke Association | American Heart Association and American Stroke Association |
Mary DAnza | Loyola University Chicago | Self |
Mary Elsner | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Mary J Hayes | Mary J Hayes DDS | self |
Maryann Mason | Constitutent | Myself |
Maryellen Schwartz | None | Person Maryellen SCHWARTZ |
Melanie Unterfranz | Youth Guidance | Melanie Unterfranz |
Michael Hansen | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Miriam Link-Mullison | Jackson County Health Department | Jackson County Health Department |
Monika Ivanova | Up2Us Sports | CLOCC |
Nancy J Martin | Christian County Health Department | Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators |
Natasha Holbert | Self | CLOCC |
Nirja Shah | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Self |
Patricia M Notario MD | Pediatrician | Self |
Patricia Zavos | Self | Self |
Philip Jass | Grundy County Health Department | Grundy County Health Department |
Rachel Cane | Pediatrician | self |
Rae ONeill | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
RaeAnn VanGundy | Kendall County Health Department | Kendall County Health Department |
Rebecca G Baker | individual | individual |
Rebecca Perkins | Loyola University of Chicago | Loyola University |
Rhonda Andrews | Fayette County Health Department | Citizens of Fayette County |
Robin Ayers | West Central Child Care Connection | Myself |
Rosemary F Jaffe | American Heart Assoc. | American Heart Assoc |
Ruth Jewell | Retired | AHA |
Ryan Burgess | NA | Myself |
Samir Tanna | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Sandra Martell | Winnebago County Health Department | Winnebago County Health Department |
Sari | Insource Accounting Inc. | self |
Sari Browar | Insource Accounting Inc. | self |
Sharon Frederking | Washington County Health Department | Washington County Health Department |
Sheila Beale | Myself | Myself |
Shelly Taylor | Cass County Health Department | Cass County Health Department |
Sheri Drotor | Cumberland County Health Department | Cumberland County Health Department |
Shirine Seals | TCA Health, Inc. | CLOCC |
Stephanie Wojtowicz | Pediatrician | self |
Susan Sirota | Pediatrician | self |
Susanna A McColley MD | Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | not applicable |
Sussan Navabi | self | self |
Teresa Armstrong | Cass County Health Department | public health |
Terrence Roche | na | Terrence Roche |
Tiffany Angelo | Cass county health department | Cass county health department |
Tim Sanborn MD | Northshore University Healthsystem | American Heart Association |
Tim Sanborn MD | Northshore University Healthsystem | American Heart Association |
Tom Hughes | Il.Public Health Assoc. | Il.Public Health Assoc. |
Tom Bradach | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Self |
Toni Brown | Stepping Stones Child's Center | child care centers caring for our young children |
Vanessa Reese | Citizen | CLOCC |
Vickie M Smith | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Walter Howe | McLean County Health Department | IAPHA |
Wayne H Franklin MD | Loyola University Medical Center | Self |
Whitney Richardson | Myself | Myself |