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Public Act 098-0879 Public Act 0879 98TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 098-0879 | SB3255 Enrolled | LRB098 19628 MLW 54827 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing | Section 11-1301.2 as follows:
| (625 ILCS 5/11-1301.2) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-1301.2)
| Sec. 11-1301.2. Special decals for parking; persons with | disabilities.
| (a) The Secretary of State shall provide for, by | administrative rules, the
design, size, color, and placement of | a person with disabilities motorist decal
or device
and shall | provide for, by administrative
rules, the content and form of | an application for a person with disabilities
motorist decal or | device,
which shall be used by local authorities in the | issuance thereof to a
person with temporary disabilities, | provided that the decal or device is
valid for no more than 90 | days, subject to renewal for like periods based upon
continued | disability, and further provided that the decal or device | clearly
sets forth the date that the decal or device expires.
| The application shall
include the requirement of an Illinois | Identification Card number or a State
of Illinois driver's | license number.
This decal or device may be used by the | authorized holder to designate and identify a vehicle not owned |
| or displaying a
registration plate as provided in Sections | 3-609 and 3-616 of this Act to
designate when the vehicle is | being used to transport said person or persons
with | disabilities, and thus is entitled to enjoy all the privileges | that would
be afforded a person with disabilities licensed | vehicle.
Person with disabilities decals or devices issued and | displayed pursuant to
this Section shall be recognized and | honored by all local authorities
regardless of which local | authority issued such decal or device.
| The decal or device shall be issued only upon a showing by | adequate
documentation that the person for whose benefit the | decal or device is to be
used has a disability as defined in | Section 1-159.1 of this
Code and the disability is temporary.
| (b) The local governing authorities shall be responsible | for the provision
of such decal or device, its issuance and | designated placement within the
vehicle. The cost of such decal | or device shall be at the discretion of
such local governing | authority.
| (c) The Secretary of State may, pursuant to Section | 3-616(c), issue
a person with disabilities parking decal or | device to a person with
disabilities as defined by Section | 1-159.1. Any person with disabilities
parking decal or device | issued by the Secretary of State shall be registered to
that | person with disabilities in the form to be prescribed by the | Secretary of
State. The person with disabilities parking decal | or device shall not display
that person's address. One |
| additional decal or device may be issued to an
applicant upon | his or her written request and with the approval of the
| Secretary of
The written request must include a | justification of the need for the
additional decal or device.
| (c-5) Beginning January 1, 2014, the Secretary shall | provide by administrative rule for the issuance of a separate | and distinct parking decal or device for persons with | disabilities as defined by Section 1-159.1 of this Code and who | meet the qualifications under this subsection. The authorized | holder of a decal or device issued under this subsection (c-5) | shall be exempt from the payment of fees generated by parking | in a metered space, a parking area subject to paragraph (10) of | subsection (a) of Section 11-209 of this Code, or a publicly | owned parking area. | The Secretary shall issue a meter-exempt decal or device to | a person with
disabilities who: (i) has been issued | registration plates under subsection (a) of Section 3-609 or | Section 3-616 of this Code or a special decal or device under | this Section, (ii) holds a valid Illinois driver's license, and | (iii) is unable to do one or more of the following: | (1) manage, manipulate, or insert coins, or obtain | tickets or tokens in parking meters or ticket machines in | parking lots, due to the lack of fine motor control of both | hands; | (2) reach above his or her head to a height of 42 | inches from the ground, due to a lack of finger, hand, or |
| upper extremity strength or mobility; | (3) approach a parking meter due to his or her use of a | wheelchair or other device for mobility; or | (4) walk more than 20 feet due to an orthopedic, | neurological, cardiovascular, or lung condition in which | the degree of debilitation is so severe that it almost | completely impedes the ability to walk. | The application for a meter-exempt parking decal or device | shall contain a statement certified by a licensed physician, | physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse attesting to | the permanent nature of the applicant's condition and verifying | that the applicant meets the physical qualifications specified | in this subsection (c-5). | Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection (c-5), | the Secretary shall issue a meter-exempt decal or device to a | person who has been issued registration plates under Section | 3-616 of this Code or a special decal or device under this | Section, if the applicant is the parent or guardian of a person | with disabilities who is under 18 years of age and incapable of | driving. | (d) Replacement decals or devices may be issued for lost, | stolen, or
destroyed decals upon application and payment of a | $10 fee. The replacement
fee may be waived for individuals that | have claimed and received a grant under
the Senior Citizens and | Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief Act.
| (e) A person classified as a veteran under subsection (e) |
| of Section 6-106 of this Code that has been issued a decal or | device under this Section shall not be required to submit | evidence of disability in order to renew that decal or device | if, at the time of initial application, he or she submitted | evidence from his or her physician or the Department of | Veterans' Affairs that the disability is of a permanent nature. | However, the Secretary shall take reasonable steps to ensure | the veteran still resides in this State at the time of the | renewal. These steps may include requiring the veteran to | provide additional documentation or to appear at a Secretary of | State facility. To identify veterans who are eligible for this | exemption, the Secretary shall compare the list of the persons | who have been issued a decal or device to the list of persons | who have been issued a disabled veteran vehicle registration | plate under Section 3-609 of this Code, or who are identified | as a veteran on their driver's license under Section 6-110 of | this Code or on their identification card under Section 4 of | the Illinois Identification Card Act. | (Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; 97-845, eff. 1-1-13; | 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 98-577, eff. 1-1-14.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2015