|  |
Public Act 094-1015
Public Act 094-1015 |
SB2454 Enrolled |
LRB094 14354 LJB 49277 b |
| AN ACT concerning liquor.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by | changing Section 6-15 as follows:
| (235 ILCS 5/6-15) (from Ch. 43, par. 130)
| Sec. 6-15. No alcoholic liquors shall be sold or delivered | in any
building belonging to or under the control of the State | or any political
subdivision thereof except as provided in this | Act. The corporate
authorities of any city, village, | incorporated town or township may provide by
ordinance, | however, that alcoholic liquor may be sold or delivered in any
| specifically designated building belonging to or under the | control of the
municipality or township, or in any building | located on land under the
control of the municipality; provided | that such township complies with all
applicable local | ordinances in any incorporated area of the township.
Alcoholic | liquor may be delivered to and sold under the authority of a | special use permit on any property owned by a conservation | district organized under the Conservation District Act, | provided that (i) the alcoholic liquor is sold only at an event | authorized by the governing board of the conservation district, | (ii) the issuance of the special use permit is authorized by | the local liquor control commissioner of the territory in which | the property is located, and (iii) the special use permit | authorizes the sale of alcoholic liquor for one day or less. | Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at any airport | belonging to
or under the control of a municipality of more | than 25,000 inhabitants, or
in any building or on any golf | course owned by a park district organized under
the Park | District
Code, subject to the approval of the governing board | of the district, or
in any building or on any golf course owned |
| by a forest preserve district
organized under the Downstate | Forest Preserve District Act, subject to the
approval of the | governing board of the district, or on the grounds
within 500 | feet of any building owned by a forest preserve district
| organized under the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act | during
times when food is dispensed for consumption within
500 | feet of the building from which the food is dispensed,
subject | to the
approval of the
governing board of the district, or in a | building owned by a Local Mass
Transit District organized under | the Local Mass Transit District Act, subject
to the approval of | the governing Board of the District, or in Bicentennial
Park, | or
on the premises of the City of Mendota Lake Park
located | adjacent to Route 51 in Mendota, Illinois, or on the premises | of
Camden Park in Milan, Illinois, or in the community center | owned by the
City of Loves Park that is located at 1000 River | Park Drive in Loves Park,
Illinois, or, in connection with the | operation of an established food
serving facility during times | when food is dispensed for consumption on the
premises, and at | the following aquarium and museums located in public
parks: Art | Institute of Chicago, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago
| Historical Society, Field Museum of Natural History, Museum of | Science and
Industry, DuSable Museum of African American | History, John G. Shedd
Aquarium and Adler Planetarium, or at | Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences
in Peoria, or in | connection with the operation of the facilities of the
Chicago | Zoological Society or the Chicago Horticultural Society on land
| owned by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County,
or on any | land used for a golf course or for recreational purposes
owned | by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, subject to the | control
of the Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners | and applicable local
law, provided that dram shop liability | insurance is provided at
maximum coverage limits so as to hold | the
District harmless from all financial loss, damage, and | harm,
or in any building
located on land owned by the Chicago | Park District if approved by the Park
District Commissioners, | or on any land used for a golf course or for
recreational |
| purposes and owned by the Illinois International Port District | if
approved by the District's governing board, or at any | airport, golf course,
faculty center, or
facility in which | conference and convention type activities take place
belonging | to or under control of any State university or public community
| college district, provided that with respect to a facility for | conference
and convention type activities alcoholic liquors | shall be limited to the
use of the convention or conference | participants or participants
in cultural, political or | educational activities held in such facilities,
and provided | further that the faculty or staff of the State university or
a | public community college district, or members of an | organization of
students, alumni, faculty or staff of the State | university or a public
community college district are active | participants in the conference
or convention, or in Memorial | Stadium on the campus of the University of
Illinois at | Urbana-Champaign during games in which the
Chicago Bears | professional football team is playing in that stadium during | the
renovation of Soldier Field, not more than one and a half | hours before the
start of the game and not after the end of the | third quarter of the game,
or in the Pavilion Facility on the | campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago during games in | which the Chicago Storm professional soccer team is playing in | that facility, not more than one and a half hours before the | start of the game and not after the end of the third quarter of | the game, or in the Pavilion Facility on the campus of the | University of Illinois at Chicago during games in which the | WNBA professional women's basketball team is playing in that | facility, not more than one and a half hours before the start | of the game and not after the 10-minute mark of the second half | of the game, or by a catering establishment which has rented | facilities
from a board of trustees of a public community | college district, or in a restaurant that is operated by a | commercial tenant in the North Campus Parking Deck building | that (1) is located at 1201 West University Avenue, Urbana, | Illinois and (2) is owned by the Board of Trustees of the |
| University of Illinois, or, if
approved by the District board, | on land owned by the Metropolitan Sanitary
District of Greater | Chicago and leased to others for a term of at least
20 years. | Nothing in this Section precludes the sale or delivery of
| alcoholic liquor in the form of original packaged goods in | premises located
at 500 S. Racine in Chicago belonging to the | University of Illinois and
used primarily as a grocery store by | a commercial tenant during the term of
a lease that predates | the University's acquisition of the premises; but the
| University shall have no power or authority to renew, transfer, | or extend
the lease with terms allowing the sale of alcoholic | liquor; and the sale of
alcoholic liquor shall be subject to | all local laws and regulations.
After the acquisition by | Winnebago County of the property located at 404
Elm Street in | Rockford, a commercial tenant who sold alcoholic liquor at
| retail on a portion of the property under a valid license at | the time of
the acquisition may continue to do so for so long | as the tenant and the
County may agree under existing or future | leases, subject to all local laws
and regulations regarding the | sale of alcoholic liquor. Each
facility shall provide dram shop | liability in maximum insurance coverage
limits so as to save | harmless the State, municipality, State university,
airport, | golf course, faculty center, facility in which conference and
| convention type activities take place, park district, Forest | Preserve
District, public community college district, | aquarium, museum, or sanitary
district from all financial loss, | damage or harm. Alcoholic liquors may be
sold at retail in | buildings of golf courses owned by municipalities in
connection | with the operation of an established food serving facility
| during times when food is dispensed for consumption upon the | premises.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at | retail in any building
owned by a fire protection district | organized under the Fire Protection
District Act, provided that | such delivery and sale is approved by the board
of trustees of | the district, and provided further that such delivery and
sale | is limited to fundraising events and to a maximum of 6 events |
| per year.
| Alcoholic liquor may be delivered to and sold at retail in | the
Dorchester Senior Business Center owned by the Village of | Dolton if the
alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in | connection with organized
functions for which the planned | attendance is 20 or more persons, and if
the person or facility | selling or dispensing the alcoholic liquor has
provided dram | shop liability insurance in maximum limits so as to hold
| harmless the Village of Dolton and the State from all financial | loss,
damage and harm.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail in | any
building used as an Illinois State Armory provided:
| (i) the Adjutant General's written consent to the | issuance of a
license to sell alcoholic liquor in such | building is filed with the
| (ii) the alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in | connection
with organized functions held on special | occasions;
| (iii) the organized function is one for which the | planned attendance
is 25 or more persons; and
| (iv) the facility selling or dispensing the alcoholic | liquors has
provided dram shop liability insurance in | maximum limits so as to save
harmless the facility and the | State from all financial loss, damage or harm.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail in | the Chicago
Civic Center, provided that:
| (i) the written consent of the Public Building | Commission which
administers the Chicago Civic Center is | filed with the Commission;
| (ii) the alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in | connection with
organized functions held on special | occasions;
| (iii) the organized function is one for which the | planned attendance is
25 or more persons;
| (iv) the facility selling or dispensing the alcoholic | liquors has
provided dram shop liability insurance in |
| maximum limits so as to hold
harmless the Civic Center, the | City of Chicago and the State from all
financial loss, | damage or harm; and
| (v) all applicable local ordinances are complied with.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered or sold in any building | belonging to
or under the control of any city, village or | incorporated town where more
than 75% of the physical | properties of the building is used for commercial
or | recreational purposes, and the building is located upon a pier | extending
into or over the waters of a navigable lake or stream | or on the shore of a
navigable lake or stream. Alcoholic liquor | may be sold in buildings under
the control of the Department of | Natural Resources when written consent to
the issuance of a | license to sell alcoholic liquor in such buildings is
filed | with the Commission by the Department of Natural Resources.
| Alcoholic liquor may be served or delivered in buildings and | facilities under
the control
of the Department of Natural | Resources upon the written approval of the
Director of
Natural | Resources acting as the controlling government authority. The | Director
Natural Resources may specify conditions on that | approval, including but not
limited to
requirements for | insurance and hours of operation.
Notwithstanding any other | provision of this Act, alcoholic liquor sold by a
United States | Army Corps of Engineers or Department of Natural
| concessionaire who was operating on June 1, 1991 for | on-premises consumption
only is not subject to the provisions | of Articles IV and IX. Beer and wine
may be sold on the | premises of the Joliet Park District Stadium owned by
the | Joliet Park District when written consent to the issuance of a | license
to sell beer and wine in such premises is filed with | the local liquor
commissioner by the Joliet Park District. Beer | and wine may be sold in
buildings on the grounds of State | veterans' homes when written consent to
the issuance of a | license to sell beer and wine in such buildings is filed
with | the Commission by the Department of Veterans' Affairs, and the
| facility shall provide dram shop liability in maximum insurance |
| coverage
limits so as to save the facility harmless from all | financial loss, damage
or harm. Such liquors may be delivered | to and sold at any property owned or
held under lease by a | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority or
Metropolitan | Exposition and Auditorium Authority.
| Beer and wine may be sold and dispensed at professional | sporting events
and at professional concerts and other | entertainment events conducted on
premises owned by the Forest | Preserve District of Kane County, subject to
the control of the | District Commissioners and applicable local law,
provided that | dram shop liability insurance is provided at maximum coverage
| limits so as to hold the District harmless from all financial | loss, damage
and harm.
| Nothing in this Section shall preclude the sale or delivery | of beer and
wine at a State or county fair or the sale or | delivery of beer or wine at a
city fair in any otherwise lawful | manner.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings in | State parks
under the control of the Department of Natural | Resources,
| a. the State park has overnight lodging facilities with | some
restaurant facilities or, not having overnight | lodging facilities, has
restaurant facilities which serve | complete luncheon and dinner or
supper meals,
| b. consent to the issuance of a license to sell | alcoholic liquors in
the buildings has been filed with the | commission by the Department of
Natural Resources, and
| c. the alcoholic liquors are sold by the State park | lodge or
restaurant concessionaire only during the hours | from 11 o'clock a.m. until
12 o'clock midnight. | Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act,
alcoholic | liquor sold by the State park or restaurant concessionaire | is not
subject to the provisions of Articles IV and IX.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings on | properties
under the control of the Historic Sites and | Preservation Division of the
Historic Preservation
Agency or |
| the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum provided:
| a. the property has overnight lodging facilities with | some restaurant
facilities or, not having overnight | lodging facilities, has restaurant
facilities which serve | complete luncheon and dinner or supper meals,
| b. consent to the issuance of a license to sell | alcoholic liquors in
the buildings has been filed with the | commission by the Historic Sites and
Preservation Division
| of the Historic
Preservation Agency or the Abraham Lincoln | Presidential Library and Museum,
| c. the alcoholic liquors are sold by the lodge or | restaurant
concessionaire only during the hours from 11 | o'clock a.m. until 12 o'clock
| The sale of alcoholic liquors pursuant to this Section does | not
authorize the establishment and operation of facilities | commonly called
taverns, saloons, bars, cocktail lounges, and | the like except as a part
of lodge and restaurant facilities in | State parks or golf courses owned
by Forest Preserve Districts | with a population of less than 3,000,000 or
municipalities or | park districts.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in the Springfield
| Administration Building of the Department of Transportation | and the
Illinois State Armory in Springfield; provided, that | the controlling
government authority may consent to such sales | only if
| a. the request is from a not-for-profit organization;
| b. such sales would not impede normal operations of the | departments
| c. the not-for-profit organization provides dram shop | liability in
maximum insurance coverage limits and agrees | to defend, save harmless
and indemnify the State of | Illinois from all financial loss, damage or harm;
| d. no such sale shall be made during normal working | hours of the
State of Illinois; and
| e. the consent is in writing.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings in |
| recreational
areas of river conservancy districts under the | control of, or leased
from, the river conservancy districts. | Such sales are subject to
reasonable local regulations as | provided in Article IV; however, no such
regulations may | prohibit or substantially impair the sale of alcoholic
liquors | on Sundays or Holidays.
| Alcoholic liquors may be provided in long term care | facilities owned or
operated by a county under Division 5-21 or | 5-22 of the Counties Code,
when approved by the facility | operator and not in conflict
with the regulations of the | Illinois Department of Public Health, to
residents of the | facility who have had their consumption of the alcoholic
| liquors provided approved in writing by a physician licensed to | practice
medicine in all its branches.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and dispensed in | State housing
assigned to employees of the Department of | Corrections.
No person shall furnish or allow to be furnished | any alcoholic
liquors to any prisoner confined in any jail, | reformatory, prison or house
of correction except upon a | physician's prescription for medicinal purposes.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the | Willard Ice
Building in Springfield, at the State Library in | Springfield, and at
Illinois State Museum facilities by (1) an
| agency of the State, whether legislative, judicial or | executive, provided
that such agency first obtains written | permission to sell or dispense
alcoholic liquors from the | controlling government authority, or by (2) a
not-for-profit | organization, provided that such organization:
| a. Obtains written consent from the controlling | government authority;
| b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner | that does not
impair normal operations of State offices | located in the building;
| c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in | connection with an
official activity in the building;
| d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram |
| shop liability
insurance in maximum coverage limits and in | which the carrier agrees to
defend, save harmless and | indemnify the State of Illinois from all
financial loss, | damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
| alcoholic liquors.
| Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit | organization or agency
of the State from employing the services | of a catering establishment for
the selling or dispensing of | alcoholic liquors at authorized functions.
| The controlling government authority for the Willard Ice | Building in
Springfield shall be the Director of the Department | of Revenue. The
controlling government authority for Illinois | State Museum facilities shall
be the Director of the Illinois | State Museum. The controlling government
authority for the | State Library in Springfield shall be the Secretary of State.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail or | dispensed
at any facility, property or building under the | jurisdiction of the
Historic Sites and Preservation Division of | the
Historic Preservation Agency
or the Abraham
Lincoln | Presidential Library and Museum
where the delivery, sale or
| dispensing is by (1)
an agency of the State, whether | legislative, judicial or executive,
provided that such agency | first obtains written permission to sell or
dispense alcoholic | liquors from a controlling government authority, or by (2) an | individual or
not-for-profit organization provided that such | individual or organization:
| a. Obtains written consent from the controlling | government authority;
| b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner | that does not
impair normal workings of State offices or | operations located at the
facility, property or building;
| c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in | connection with an
official activity of the individual or
| not-for-profit organization in the facility,
property or | building;
| d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram |
| shop liability
insurance in maximum coverage limits and in | which the carrier agrees to
defend, save harmless and | indemnify the State of Illinois from all
financial loss, | damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
| alcoholic liquors.
| The controlling government authority for the
Historic | Sites and Preservation Division of the
Historic Preservation | Agency
shall be the Director of the Historic Sites and | Preservation, and the
government authority for the | Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
shall be the | Director of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and | Museum.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail or | dispensed for
consumption at the Michael Bilandic Building at | 160 North LaSalle Street,
Chicago IL 60601, after the normal | business hours of any day care or child care
facility located | in the building, by (1) a commercial tenant or subtenant
| conducting business on the premises under a lease made pursuant | to Section
405-315 of the Department of Central Management | Services Law (20 ILCS
405/405-315), provided that such tenant | or subtenant who accepts delivery of,
sells, or dispenses | alcoholic liquors shall procure and maintain dram shop
| liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in which the | carrier
agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless the | State of Illinois from
all financial loss, damage, or harm | arising out of the delivery, sale, or
dispensing of alcoholic | liquors, or by (2) an agency of the State, whether
legislative, | judicial, or executive, provided that such agency first obtains
| written permission to accept delivery of and sell or dispense | alcoholic liquors
from the Director of Central Management | Services, or by (3) a not-for-profit
organization, provided | that such organization:
| a. obtains written consent from the Department of | Central Management
| b. accepts delivery of and sells or dispenses the | alcoholic liquors in a
manner that does not impair normal |
| operations of State offices located in the
| c. accepts delivery of and sells or dispenses alcoholic | liquors only in
connection with an official activity in the | building; and
| d. provides, or its catering service provides, dram | shop liability
insurance in maximum coverage limits and in | which the carrier agrees to
defend, save harmless, and | indemnify the State of Illinois from all
financial loss, | damage, or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
| alcoholic liquors.
| Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit | organization or agency
of the State from employing the services | of a catering establishment for
the selling or dispensing of | alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by
the Director of | Central Management Services.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the | James R.
Thompson Center in Chicago, subject to the provisions | of Section 7.4 of the
State Property Control Act, and 222 South | College Street in Springfield,
Illinois by (1) a commercial | tenant or subtenant conducting business on the
premises under a | lease or sublease made pursuant to Section 405-315 of the
| Department of Central Management Services Law (20 ILCS | 405/405-315), provided
that such tenant or subtenant who
sells | or dispenses alcoholic liquors shall procure and maintain dram | shop
liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in | which the carrier
agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless | the State of Illinois from
all financial loss, damage or harm | arising out of the sale or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors, or | by (2) an agency of the State, whether legislative,
judicial or | executive, provided that such agency first obtains written
| permission to sell or dispense alcoholic liquors from the | Director of
Central Management Services, or by (3) a | not-for-profit organization,
provided that such organization:
| a. Obtains written consent from the Department of | Central Management
| b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner |
| that does not
impair normal operations of State offices | located in the building;
| c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in | connection with an
official activity in the building;
| d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram | shop liability
insurance in maximum coverage limits and in | which the carrier agrees to
defend, save harmless and | indemnify the State of Illinois from all
financial loss, | damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
| alcoholic liquors.
| Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit | organization or agency
of the State from employing the services | of a catering establishment for
the selling or dispensing of | alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by
the Director of | Central Management Services.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered at any facility | owned by the
Illinois Sports Facilities Authority provided that | dram shop liability
insurance has been made available in a | form, with such coverage and in such
amounts as the Authority | reasonably determines is necessary.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the | Rockford
State Office Building by (1) an agency of the State, | whether legislative,
judicial or executive, provided that such | agency first obtains written
permission to sell or dispense | alcoholic liquors from the Department of
Central Management | Services, or by (2) a not-for-profit organization,
provided | that such organization:
| a. Obtains written consent from the Department of | Central Management
| b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner | that does not
impair normal operations of State offices | located in the building;
| c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in | connection with an
official activity in the building;
| d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram | shop liability
insurance in maximum coverage limits and in |
| which the carrier agrees to defend,
save harmless and | indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
| damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of | alcoholic liquors.
| Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit | organization or agency
of the State from employing the services | of a catering establishment for
the selling or dispensing of | alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by
the Department of | Central Management Services.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in a building | that is owned
by McLean County, situated on land owned by the | county in the City of
Bloomington, and used by the McLean | County Historical Society if the sale
or delivery is approved | by an ordinance adopted by the county board, and
the | municipality in which the building is located may not prohibit | that
sale or delivery, notwithstanding any other provision of | this Section. The
regulation of the sale and delivery of | alcoholic liquor in a building that
is owned by McLean County, | situated on land owned by the county, and used
by the McLean | County Historical Society as provided in this paragraph is an
| exclusive power and function of the State and is a denial and | limitation
under Article VII, Section 6, subsection (h) of the | Illinois Constitution
of the power of a home rule municipality | to regulate that sale and delivery.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in any building | situated on
land held in trust for any school district | organized under Article 34 of
the School Code, if the building | is not used for school purposes and if the
sale or delivery is | approved by the board of education.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in buildings | owned
by the Community Building Complex Committee of Boone | County,
Illinois if the person or facility selling or | dispensing the
alcoholic liquor has provided dram shop | liability insurance with coverage and
in amounts that the | Committee reasonably determines are necessary.
| Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in the building |
| located at
1200 Centerville Avenue in Belleville, Illinois and | occupied by either the
Belleville Area Special Education | District or the Belleville Area Special
Cooperative. | Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the Louis | Joliet
Renaissance Center, City Center Campus, located at 214 | N. Ottawa Street,
Joliet, and
the Food Services/Culinary Arts | Department facilities, Main Campus, located at
1215 Houbolt | Road, Joliet, owned by or under the control of Joliet Junior
| College,
Illinois Community College District No. 525.
| Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the | building located at 446 East Hickory Avenue in Apple River, | Illinois, owned by the Apple River Fire Protection District, | and occupied by the Apple River Community Association if the | alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in connection with | organized functions approved by the Apple River Community | Association for which the planned attendance is 20 or more | persons and if the person or facility selling or dispensing the | alcoholic liquor has provided dram shop liability insurance in | maximum limits so as to hold harmless the Apple River Fire | Protection District, the Village of Apple River, and the Apple | River Community Association from all financial loss, damage, | and harm.
| (Source: P.A. 93-19, eff. 6-20-03; 93-103, eff. 1-1-04; 93-627, | eff. 6-1-04; 93-844, eff. 7-30-04; 94-300, eff. 7-21-05; | 94-382, eff. 7-29-05; 94-463, eff. 8-4-05; revised 8-19-05.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | becoming law. |
Effective Date: 7/7/2006