Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 103-1050
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 103-1050


Public Act 1050 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY


Public Act 103-1050
SB3793 EnrolledLRB103 36593 MXP 66702 b

    AN ACT concerning State government.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Illinois Economic Opportunity Act is
amended by changing Section 3 as follows:
    (20 ILCS 625/3)  (from Ch. 127, par. 2603)
    Sec. 3. (a) A community action agency is a political
subdivision of the State, a combination of political
subdivisions, a public agency, or a private nonprofit agency
which has the authority under any applicable charter or laws
to receive funds pursuant to Section 2 to support community
action programs of the type described in Section 4 and is
designated as a community action agency.
    (b) Each community action agency shall administer its
community action programs through a Community Action Board
consisting of no less than 9 members and no more than 15 to 51
members chosen as follows:
        (1) One-third of the members of the Board shall be
    elected public officials, currently holding office, or
    representatives designated by these officials. These
    members shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
    the chief elected official of the political subdivision
    served by the community action agency.
        (2) At least one-third of the members shall be persons
    chosen in accordance with democratic selection procedures
    adequate to assure that they are representative of
    low-income individuals and families the poor from within
    the area served.
        (3) The other members shall be officials or members of
    business, industry, labor, religious, welfare, education
    or other major groups or interests in the community. Each
    member of the Board selected to represent a specific
    geographic area within a community shall reside in that
        (4) The community action agency through its bylaws
    shall determine the board tenure of the members selected
    under subparagraphs (2) or (3).
    (c) Each community action agency shall consult
neighborhood-based organizations composed of residents of the
area and members of the groups served by that agency for
assistance in the planning, conduct and evaluation of
community action programs.
    (d) A community action agency shall
        (1) plan and carry out community action programs;
        (2) address the needs of low-income residents, gather
    information as to the problems and causes of poverty in
    the community and, where necessary, establish priorities
    among projects and activities on the basis of which
    projects provide the best and most efficient use of
        (3) encourage organizations engaged in activities
    related to community action programs to plan for, secure
    and administer financial assistance available either under
    Section 2 or from other sources on a common or cooperative
    basis, provide planning and technical assistance to those
    organizations, and cooperate with such organizations in
    undertaking actions to improve upon existing efforts to
    reduce poverty;
        (4) initiate and sponsor projects which are responsive
    to needs of the poor not otherwise being met, with
    particular emphasis on providing central or common
    services that can be drawn upon by a variety of related
    programs, and which offer new approaches or new types of
    services that can be incorporated into other programs; and
        (5) join with and encourage business, labor and other
    private groups and organizations to undertake, together
    with public officials and agencies, activities supporting
    community action programs which will result in the
    additional use of private resources and capabilities in an
    effort to develop new employment opportunities and
    stimulate investment that will have a measurable impact on
    reducing poverty among the residents of areas of
    concentrated poverty, and provide methods by which
    residents of those areas can work with private groups,
    firms, and institutions in seeking solutions to problems
    of common concern.
(Source: P.A. 87-926.)

Effective Date: 1/1/2025