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Public Act 103-0999 Public Act 0999 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY | Public Act 103-0999 | SB3434 Enrolled | LRB103 38192 JAG 68325 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government. | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly: | Section 5. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act is | amended by changing Section 5 as follows: | (20 ILCS 3305/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 1055) | Sec. 5. Illinois Emergency Management Agency. | (a) There is created within the executive branch of the | State Government an Illinois Emergency Management Agency and a | Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, herein | called the "Director" who shall be the head thereof. The | Director shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice | and consent of the Senate, and shall serve for a term of 2 | years beginning on the third Monday in January of the | odd-numbered year, and until a successor is appointed and has | qualified; except that the term of the first Director | appointed under this Act shall expire on the third Monday in | January, 1989. The Director shall not hold any other | remunerative public office. For terms beginning after January | 18, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1179) and | before January 16, 2023, the annual salary of the Director | shall be as provided in Section 5-300 of the Civil | Administrative Code of Illinois. Notwithstanding any other |
| provision of law, for terms beginning on or after January 16, | 2023, the Director shall receive an annual salary of $180,000 | or as set by the Governor, whichever is higher. On July 1, | 2023, and on each July 1 thereafter, the Director shall | receive an increase in salary based on a cost of living | adjustment as authorized by Senate Joint Resolution 192 of the | 86th General Assembly. | For terms beginning on or after January 16, 2023, the | Assistant Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency | shall receive an annual salary of $156,600 or as set by the | Governor, whichever is higher. On July 1, 2023, and on each | July 1 thereafter, the Assistant Director shall receive an | increase in salary based on a cost of living adjustment as | authorized by Senate Joint Resolution 192 of the 86th General | Assembly. | (b) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall obtain, | under the provisions of the Personnel Code, technical, | clerical, stenographic and other administrative personnel, and | may make expenditures within the appropriation therefor as may | be necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act. The agency | created by this Act is intended to be a successor to the agency | created under the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster | Agency Act of 1975 and the personnel, equipment, records, and | appropriations of that agency are transferred to the successor | agency as of June 30, 1988 (the effective date of this Act). | (c) The Director, subject to the direction and control of |
| the Governor, shall be the executive head of the Illinois | Emergency Management Agency and the State Emergency Response | Commission and shall be responsible under the direction of the | Governor, for carrying out the program for emergency | management of this State. The Director shall also maintain | liaison and cooperate with the emergency management | organizations of this State and other states and of the | federal government. | (d) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall take an | integral part in the development and revision of political | subdivision emergency operations plans prepared under | paragraph (f) of Section 10. To this end it shall employ or | otherwise secure the services of professional and technical | personnel capable of providing expert assistance to the | emergency services and disaster agencies. These personnel | shall consult with emergency services and disaster agencies on | a regular basis and shall make field examinations of the | areas, circumstances, and conditions that particular political | subdivision emergency operations plans are intended to apply. | (e) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency and political | subdivisions shall be encouraged to form an emergency | management advisory committee composed of private and public | personnel representing the emergency management phases of | mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The Local | Emergency Planning Committee, as created under the Illinois | Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, shall |
| serve as an advisory committee to the emergency services and | disaster agency or agencies serving within the boundaries of | that Local Emergency Planning Committee planning district for: | (1) the development of emergency operations plan | provisions for hazardous chemical emergencies; and | (2) the assessment of emergency response capabilities | related to hazardous chemical emergencies. | (f) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall: | (1) Coordinate the overall emergency management | program of the State. | (2) Cooperate with local governments, the federal | government, and any public or private agency or entity in | achieving any purpose of this Act and in implementing | emergency management programs for mitigation, | preparedness, response, and recovery. | (2.5) Develop a comprehensive emergency preparedness | and response plan for any nuclear accident in accordance | with Section 65 of the Nuclear Safety Law of 2004 and in | development of the Illinois Nuclear Safety Preparedness | program in accordance with Section 8 of the Illinois | Nuclear Safety Preparedness Act. | (2.6) Coordinate with the Department of Public Health | with respect to planning for and responding to public | health emergencies. | (3) Prepare, for issuance by the Governor, executive | orders, proclamations, and regulations as necessary or |
| appropriate in coping with disasters. | (4) Promulgate rules and requirements for political | subdivision emergency operations plans that are not | inconsistent with and are at least as stringent as | applicable federal laws and regulations. | (5) Review and approve, in accordance with Illinois | Emergency Management Agency rules, emergency operations | plans for those political subdivisions required to have an | emergency services and disaster agency pursuant to this | Act. | (5.5) Promulgate rules and requirements for the | political subdivision emergency management exercises, | including, but not limited to, exercises of the emergency | operations plans. | (5.10) Review, evaluate, and approve, in accordance | with Illinois Emergency Management Agency rules, political | subdivision emergency management exercises for those | political subdivisions required to have an emergency | services and disaster agency pursuant to this Act. | (6) Determine requirements of the State and its | political subdivisions for food, clothing, and other | necessities in event of a disaster. | (7) Establish a register of persons with types of | emergency management training and skills in mitigation, | preparedness, response, and recovery. | (8) Establish a register of government and private |
| response resources available for use in a disaster. | (9) Expand the Earthquake Awareness Program and its | efforts to distribute earthquake preparedness materials to | schools, political subdivisions, community groups, civic | organizations, and the media. Emphasis will be placed on | those areas of the State most at risk from an earthquake. | Maintain the list of all school districts, hospitals, | airports, power plants, including nuclear power plants, | lakes, dams, emergency response facilities of all types, | and all other major public or private structures which are | at the greatest risk of damage from earthquakes under | circumstances where the damage would cause subsequent harm | to the surrounding communities and residents. | (10) Disseminate all information, completely and | without delay, on water levels for rivers and streams and | any other data pertaining to potential flooding supplied | by the Division of Water Resources within the Department | of Natural Resources to all political subdivisions to the | maximum extent possible. | (11) Develop agreements, if feasible, with medical | supply and equipment firms to supply resources as are | necessary to respond to an earthquake or any other | disaster as defined in this Act. These resources will be | made available upon notifying the vendor of the disaster. | Payment for the resources will be in accordance with | Section 7 of this Act. The Illinois Department of Public |
| Health shall determine which resources will be required | and requested. | (11.5) In coordination with the Illinois State Police, | develop and implement a community outreach program to | promote awareness among the State's parents and children | of child abduction prevention and response. | (12) Out of funds appropriated for these purposes, | award capital and non-capital grants to Illinois hospitals | or health care facilities located outside of a city with a | population in excess of 1,000,000 to be used for purposes | that include, but are not limited to, preparing to respond | to mass casualties and disasters, maintaining and | improving patient safety and quality of care, and | protecting the confidentiality of patient information. No | single grant for a capital expenditure shall exceed | $300,000. No single grant for a non-capital expenditure | shall exceed $100,000. In awarding such grants, preference | shall be given to hospitals that serve a significant | number of Medicaid recipients, but do not qualify for | disproportionate share hospital adjustment payments under | the Illinois Public Aid Code. To receive such a grant, a | hospital or health care facility must provide funding of | at least 50% of the cost of the project for which the grant | is being requested. In awarding such grants the Illinois | Emergency Management Agency shall consider the | recommendations of the Illinois Hospital Association. |
| (13) Do all other things necessary, incidental or | appropriate for the implementation of this Act. | (g) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is authorized | to make grants to various higher education institutions, | public K-12 school districts, area vocational centers as | designated by the State Board of Education, inter-district | special education cooperatives, regional safe schools, and | nonpublic K-12 schools for safety and security improvements. | For the purpose of this subsection (g), "higher education | institution" means a public university, a public community | college, or an independent, not-for-profit or for-profit | higher education institution located in this State. Grants | made under this subsection (g) shall be paid out of moneys | appropriated for that purpose from the Build Illinois Bond | Fund. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency shall adopt | rules to implement this subsection (g). These rules may | specify: (i) the manner of applying for grants; (ii) project | eligibility requirements; (iii) restrictions on the use of | grant moneys; (iv) the manner in which the various higher | education institutions must account for the use of grant | moneys; and (v) any other provision that the Illinois | Emergency Management Agency determines to be necessary or | useful for the administration of this subsection (g). | (g-5) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is | authorized to make grants to not-for-profit organizations | which are exempt from federal income taxation under section |
| 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code for eligible | security improvements that assist the organization in | preventing, preparing for, or responding to threats, attacks, | or acts of terrorism. To be eligible for a grant under the | program, the Agency must determine that the organization is at | a high risk of being subject to threats, attacks, or acts of | terrorism based on the organization's profile, ideology, | mission, or beliefs. Eligible security improvements shall | include all eligible preparedness activities under the federal | Nonprofit Security Grant Program, including, but not limited | to, physical security upgrades, security training exercises, | preparedness training exercises, contracting with security | personnel, and any other security upgrades deemed eligible by | the Director. Eligible security improvements shall not | duplicate, in part or in whole, a project included under any | awarded federal grant or in a pending federal application. The | Director shall establish procedures and forms by which | applicants may apply for a grant and procedures for | distributing grants to recipients. Any security improvements | awarded shall remain at the physical property listed in the | grant application, unless authorized by Agency rule or | approved by the Agency in writing. The procedures shall | require each applicant to do the following: | (1) identify and substantiate prior or current | threats, attacks, or acts of terrorism against the | not-for-profit organization; |
| (2) indicate the symbolic or strategic value of one or | more sites that renders the site a possible target of a | threat, attack, or act of terrorism; | (3) discuss potential consequences to the organization | if the site is damaged, destroyed, or disrupted by a | threat, attack, or act of terrorism; | (4) describe how the grant will be used to integrate | organizational preparedness with broader State and local | preparedness efforts, as described by the Agency in each | Notice of Opportunity for Funding; | (5) submit (i) a vulnerability assessment conducted by | experienced security, law enforcement, or military | personnel, or conducted using an Agency-approved or | federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program self-assessment | tool, and (ii) a description of how the grant award will be | used to address the vulnerabilities identified in the | assessment; and | (6) submit any other relevant information as may be | required by the Director. | The Agency is authorized to use funds appropriated for the | grant program described in this subsection (g-5) to administer | the program. Any Agency Notice of Opportunity for Funding, | proposed or final rulemaking, guidance, training opportunity, | or other resource related to the grant program must be | published on the Agency's publicly available website, and any | announcements related to funding shall be shared with all |
| State legislative offices, the Governor's office, emergency | services and disaster agencies mandated or required pursuant | to subsections (b) through (d) of Section 10, and any other | State agencies as determined by the Agency. Subject to | appropriation, the grant application period shall be open for | no less than 45 calendar days during the first application | cycle each fiscal year, unless the Agency determines that a | shorter period is necessary to avoid conflicts with the annual | federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program funding cycle. | Additional application cycles may be conducted during the same | fiscal year, subject to availability of funds. Upon request, | Agency staff shall provide reasonable assistance to any | applicant in completing a grant application or meeting a | post-award requirement. | (h) Except as provided in Section 17.5 of this Act, any | moneys received by the Agency from donations or sponsorships | unrelated to a disaster shall be deposited in the Emergency | Planning and Training Fund and used by the Agency, subject to | appropriation, to effectuate planning and training activities. | Any moneys received by the Agency from donations during a | disaster and intended for disaster response or recovery shall | be deposited into the Disaster Response and Recovery Fund and | used for disaster response and recovery pursuant to the | Disaster Relief Act. | (i) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency may by rule | assess and collect reasonable fees for attendance at |
| Agency-sponsored conferences to enable the Agency to carry out | the requirements of this Act. Any moneys received under this | subsection shall be deposited in the Emergency Planning and | Training Fund and used by the Agency, subject to | appropriation, for planning and training activities. | (j) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is authorized | to make grants to other State agencies, public universities, | units of local government, and statewide mutual aid | organizations to enhance statewide emergency preparedness and | response. | (k) The Agency shall do all other things necessary, | incidental, or appropriate for the implementation of this Act, | including the adoption of rules in accordance with the | Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. | (Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; | 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1115, eff. 1-9-23; 103-418, eff. | 1-1-24 .) |
Effective Date: 1/1/2025