Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 103-0923
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 103-0923


Public Act 0923 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY


Public Act 103-0923
SB2781 EnrolledLRB103 37263 JAG 67384 b

    AN ACT concerning conservation.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Act.
    Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds it is in
the interest of the State to encourage natural solutions as
one component of the State's efforts to reduce and remediate
the impacts of climate change. Natural solutions must include
planting native trees and other vegetation demonstrated to
reduce carbon dioxide. To accomplish this purpose, the State
must offer assistance to other units of local government that
are taking steps to fight climate change by restoring forests,
wetlands, prairies, and other landscapes that are native to
Illinois and that are demonstrated to have a positive
environmental impact.
    Section 10. State goal. It is the goal of the State that
there be no overall net loss of the State's existing forest,
prairie, or wetland acres or their functional value due to
State-supported activities. Further, the State and units of
local government shall preserve, enhance, and create forests,
prairies, and wetlands where practical in order to mitigate
the impact of climate change and reduce carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere.
    Section 15. Receipt of federal moneys. The Department of
Natural Resources may receive federal moneys to administer a
Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program.
    Section 20. Establishment of the Healthy Forests,
Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program.
    (a) The Department of Natural Resources, subject to
appropriation, shall establish and administer a Healthy
Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program to restore
degraded forest lands and native prairies and to promote the
growth of native vegetation that removes carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and helps mitigate the impact of climate
    (b) Entities that may apply to participate in the Healthy
Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program include:
        (1) State agencies and units of local government,
    including, but not limited to, municipalities, townships,
    counties, forest preserves, and park districts;
        (2) conservation land trusts;
        (3) not-for-profit entities with conservation
    missions, including, but not limited to, climate change
    mitigation, preservation of natural lands, and
    conservation of the State's natural resources; and
        (4) other entities that, because of their missions,
    are determined by the Department to be eligible recipients
    of the grants under this Act.
    (c) At least 75% of the moneys appropriated for the
Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program shall be
awarded to the State agencies, units of local government, land
trusts, and other entities that the Department determines are
eligible for a grant under this Section. The Department may
use an amount not to exceed 23% of the moneys appropriated for
the Program for the purposes of restoring degraded forest
lands and native prairies and to promote the growth of native
vegetation that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and
help mitigate the impact of climate change. The Department may
use an amount not to exceed 2% of the moneys appropriated for
the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program for
administrative costs associated with the Program.
    (d) The Department shall adopt any rules necessary for the
implementation of this Act, including rules establishing
requirements and timeframes for the submission of grant
applications by entities that are authorized to apply to
participate in the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies
Grant Program.
    (e) Grants provided under this Act may be used by eligible
entities for the purpose of:
        (1) matching funds for federal or private dollars for
    projects that forward the goal of climate change
    mitigation through promotion of the management, planting,
    maintaining, and preserving of native grasses, plants, and
        (2) financing projects along roadways and in parks and
    forest preserves on public or private lands to plant
    native trees and prairie grasses demonstrated to absorb
        (3) financing projects that promote the stewardship of
    existing public and private urban forests and natural
    lands, including the removal of invasive or nonnative
    plant species;
        (4) funding regional teams tasked with planting native
    prairie grasses and trees, prescribed burning for the
    maintenance of natural lands, removing invasive plant
    species, and educational outreach; and
        (5) promoting education and marketing regarding local
    projects or steps community members may take to promote
    the growth of native vegetation that removes carbon
    dioxide from the atmosphere.
    Section 25. Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant
Fund. The Healthy Forest, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Fund
shall be administered by the Department of Natural Resources.
The Fund may receive moneys appropriated by the General
Assembly or from the federal government, private donations, or
any other legal source. Subject to the limitations in
subsection (c) of Section 20 of this Act, moneys in the Fund
shall be used by the Department for the purpose of providing
grant assistance in accordance with this Act and for the
purpose of administering the grant program established under
this Act.
    Section 90. The Department of Natural Resources Act is
amended by changing Section 1-15 as follows:
    (20 ILCS 801/1-15)
    Sec. 1-15. General powers and duties.
    (a) It shall be the duty of the Department to investigate
practical problems, implement studies, conduct research and
provide assistance, information and data relating to the
technology and administration of the natural history,
entomology, zoology, and botany of this State; the geology and
natural resources of this State; the water and atmospheric
resources of this State; and the archeological and cultural
history of this State.
    (b) The Department (i) shall obtain, store, and process
relevant data; recommend technological, administrative, and
legislative changes and developments; cooperate with other
federal, state, and local governmental research agencies,
facilities, or institutes in the selection of projects for
study; cooperate with the Board of Higher Education and with
the public and private colleges and universities in this State
in developing relevant interdisciplinary approaches to
problems; and evaluate curricula at all levels of education
and provide assistance to instructors and (ii) may sponsor an
annual conference of leaders in government, industry, health,
and education to evaluate the state of this State's
environment and natural resources.
    (c) The Director, in accordance with the Personnel Code,
shall employ such personnel, provide such facilities, and
contract for such outside services as may be necessary to
carry out the purposes of the Department. Maximum use shall be
made of existing federal and state agencies, facilities, and
personnel in conducting research under this Act.
    (c-5) The Department may use the services of, and enter
into necessary agreements with, outside entities for the
purpose of evaluating grant applications and for the purpose
of administering or monitoring compliance with grant
agreements. Contracts under this subsection shall not exceed 5
2 years, without an executed extension in length.
    (d) In addition to its other powers, the Department has
the following powers:
        (1) To obtain, store, process, and provide data and
    information related to the powers and duties of the
    Department under this Act. This subdivision (d)(1) does
    not give authority to the Department to require reports
    from nongovernmental sources or entities.
        (2) To cooperate with and support the Illinois Science
    and Technology Advisory Committee and the Illinois
    Coalition for the purpose of facilitating the effective
    operations and activities of such entities. Support may
    include, but need not be limited to, providing space for
    the operations of the Committee and the Illinois
    (e) The Department is authorized to make grants to local
not-for-profit organizations for the purposes of development,
management, maintenance, and study of wetland areas, forests,
prairies, and other landscapes demonstrated to reduce the
impact of climate change.
    (f) The Department has the authority to accept, receive
and administer on behalf of the State any gifts, bequests,
donations, income from property rental and endowments. Any
such funds received by the Department shall be deposited into
the DNR Special Projects Fund, a trust fund in the State
treasury, and used for the purposes of this Act or, when
appropriate, for such purposes and under such restrictions,
terms and conditions as are predetermined by the donor or
grantor of such funds or property. Any accrued interest from
money deposited into the DNR Special Projects Fund shall be
reinvested into the Fund and used in the same manner as the
principal. The Director shall maintain records which account
for and assure that restricted funds or property are disbursed
or used pursuant to the restrictions, terms or conditions of
the donor.
    (g) The Department shall recognize, preserve, and promote
our special heritage of recreational hunting and trapping by
providing opportunities to hunt and trap in accordance with
the Wildlife Code.
    (h) Within 5 years after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, the Department
shall fly a United States Flag, an Illinois flag, and a POW/MIA
flag at all State parks. Donations may be made by groups and
individuals to the DNR Special Projects Fund for costs related
to the implementation of this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 102-388, eff. 1-1-22; 102-699, eff. 4-19-22;
103-363, eff. 7-28-23.)
    Section 95. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
Section 5.1015 as follows:
    (30 ILCS 105/5.1015 new)
    Sec. 5.1015. The Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies
Grant Fund.

Effective Date: 1/1/2025