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Public Act 103-0803 Public Act 0803 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY | Public Act 103-0803 | HB3521 Enrolled | LRB103 29647 BMS 56046 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation. | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly: | Section 5. The Hospital Licensing Act is amended by | changing Section 9.6 as follows: | (210 ILCS 85/9.6) | Sec. 9.6. Patient protection from abuse. | (a) No administrator, agent, or employee of a hospital or | a hospital affiliate, or a member of a hospital's its medical | staff , may abuse a patient in the hospital or in a facility | operated by a hospital affiliate . | (b) Any hospital administrator, agent, employee, or | medical staff member , or an administrator, employee, or | physician employed by a hospital affiliate, who has reasonable | cause to believe that any patient with whom he or she has | direct contact has been subjected to abuse in the hospital or | hospital affiliate shall promptly report or cause a report to | be made to a designated hospital administrator responsible for | providing such reports to the Department as required by this | Section. | (c) Retaliation against a person who lawfully and in good | faith makes a report under this Section is prohibited. | (d) Upon receiving a report under subsection (b) of this |
| Section, the hospital or hospital affiliate shall submit the | report to the Department within 24 hours of obtaining such | report. In the event that the hospital receives multiple | reports involving a single alleged instance of abuse, the | hospital shall submit one report to the Department. | (e) Upon receiving a report under this Section, the | hospital or hospital affiliate shall promptly conduct an | internal review to ensure the alleged victim's safety. | Measures to protect the alleged victim shall be taken as | deemed necessary by the hospital's administrator and may | include, but are not limited to, removing suspected violators | from further patient contact during the hospital's or hospital | affiliate's internal review. If the alleged victim lacks | decision-making capacity under the Health Care Surrogate Act | and no health care surrogate is available, the hospital or | hospital affiliate may contact the Illinois Guardianship and | Advocacy Commission to determine the need for a temporary | guardian of that person. | (f) All internal hospital and hospital affiliate reviews | shall be conducted by a designated hospital employee or agent | who is qualified to detect abuse and is not involved in the | alleged victim's treatment. All internal review findings must | be documented and filed according to hospital or hospital | affiliate procedures and shall be made available to the | Department upon request. | (g) Any other person may make a report of patient abuse to |
| the Department if that person has reasonable cause to believe | that a patient has been abused in the hospital or hospital | affiliate . | (h) The report required under this Section shall include: | the name of the patient; the name and address of the hospital | or hospital affiliate treating the patient; the age of the | patient; the nature of the patient's condition, including any | evidence of previous injuries or disabilities; and any other | information that the reporter believes might be helpful in | establishing the cause of the reported abuse and the identity | of the person believed to have caused the abuse. | (i) Except for willful or wanton misconduct, any | individual, person, institution, or agency participating in | good faith in the making of a report under this Section, or in | the investigation of such a report or in making a disclosure of | information concerning reports of abuse under this Section, | shall have immunity from any liability, whether civil, | professional, or criminal, that otherwise might result by | reason of such actions. For the purpose of any proceedings, | whether civil, professional, or criminal, the good faith of | any persons required to report cases of suspected abuse under | this Section or who disclose information concerning reports of | abuse in compliance with this Section, shall be presumed. | (j) No administrator, agent, or employee of a hospital or | hospital affiliate shall adopt or employ practices or | procedures designed to discourage good faith reporting of |
| patient abuse under this Section. | (k) Every hospital and hospital affiliate shall ensure | that all new and existing employees are trained in the | detection and reporting of abuse of patients and retrained at | least every 2 years thereafter. | (l) The Department shall investigate each report of | patient abuse made under this Section according to the | procedures of the Department, except that a report of abuse | which indicates that a patient's life or safety is in imminent | danger shall be investigated within 24 hours of such report. | Under no circumstances may a hospital's or hospital | affiliate's internal review of an allegation of abuse replace | an investigation of the allegation by the Department. | (m) The Department shall keep a continuing record of all | reports made pursuant to this Section, including indications | of the final determination of any investigation and the final | disposition of all reports. The Department shall inform the | investigated hospital or hospital affiliate and any other | person making a report under subsection (g) of its final | determination or disposition in writing. | (n) The Department shall not disclose to the public any | information regarding any reports and investigations under | this Section unless and until the report of abuse is | substantiated following a full and proper investigation. | (o) All patient identifiable information in any report or | investigation under this Section shall be confidential and |
| shall not be disclosed except as authorized by this Act or | other applicable law. | (p) Nothing in this Section relieves a hospital or | hospital affiliate administrator, employee, agent, or medical | staff member from contacting appropriate law enforcement | authorities as required by law. | (q) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to mean | that a patient is a victim of abuse because of health care | services provided or not provided by health care | professionals. | (r) Nothing in this Section shall require a hospital or | hospital affiliate , including its employees, agents, and | medical staff members, to provide any services to a patient in | contravention of his or her stated or implied objection | thereto upon grounds that such services conflict with his or | her religious beliefs or practices, nor shall such a patient | be considered abused under this Section for the exercise of | such beliefs or practices. | (s) The Department's implementation of this Section is | subject to appropriations to the Department for that purpose. | (t) As used in this Section, the following terms have the | following meanings: | "Abuse" means any physical or mental injury or sexual | abuse intentionally inflicted by a hospital or hospital | affiliate employee, agent, or medical staff member on a | patient of the hospital or hospital affiliate and does not |
| include any hospital or hospital affiliate , medical, health | care, or other personal care services done in good faith in the | interest of the patient according to established medical and | clinical standards of care. | "Hospital affiliate" has the meaning given to that term in | Section 10.8. | "Mental injury" means intentionally caused emotional | distress in a patient from words or gestures that would be | considered by a reasonable person to be humiliating, | harassing, or threatening and which causes observable and | substantial impairment. | "Sexual abuse" means any intentional act of sexual contact | or sexual penetration of a patient in the hospital. | "Substantiated", with respect to a report of abuse, means | that a preponderance of the evidence indicates that abuse | occurred. | (Source: P.A. 96-692, eff. 1-1-10.) |
Effective Date: 1/1/2025