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Public Act 103-0761 Public Act 0761 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY | Public Act 103-0761 | SB2702 Enrolled | LRB103 36180 RPS 66272 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation. | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly: | Section 5. The Fire Sprinkler Contractor Licensing Act is | amended by changing Sections 10 and 17 as follows: | (225 ILCS 317/10) | Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | context otherwise requires: | "Designated certified person" means an individual who has | met the qualifications set forth under Section 20. | "Fire protection system layout documents" means layout | drawings, catalog information on standard products, and other | construction data that provide detail on the location of | risers, cross mains, branch lines, sprinklers, piping per | applicable standard, and hanger locations. "Fire protection | system layout documents" serve as a guide for fabrication and | installation of a fire sprinkler system and shall be based | upon applicable standards pursuant to Section 30. | "Fire sprinkler contractor" means a person who holds | himself or herself out to be in the business of providing | service for a fire sprinkler system or contracts with a person | to provide service for a fire sprinkler system. | "Fire sprinkler contractor license" means a license issued |
| to a qualified fire sprinkler contractor. | "Fire sprinkler inspector" means an individual who is | qualified to perform routine inspection or testing of fire | sprinkler systems pursuant to Section 17 and who is employed | or contracted by a single fire sprinkler contractor at a time | to perform fire sprinkler inspections . | "Fire sprinkler inspector license" means a license issued | to a qualified fire sprinkler inspector. | "Fire sprinkler system" means any water-based automatic | fire extinguishing system employing fire sprinklers, including | accessory fire pumps and associated piping, fire standpipes, | or underground fire main systems starting at the connection to | the water service after the approved backflow device is | installed under the requirements of the Illinois Plumbing Code | and ending at the most remote fire sprinkler. "Fire sprinkler | system" includes but is not limited to a fire sprinkler system | in a residential, commercial, institutional, educational, | public, or private occupancy. "Fire sprinkler system" does not | include single sprinkler heads that are in a loop of the | potable water system, as referenced in 77 Ill. Adm. Code | 890.1130 and 890.1200. | "Licensee" means a person or business organization | licensed in accordance with this Act. | "NICET" means the National Institute for Certification in | Engineering Technologies. | "Office" means the Office of the State Fire Marshal. |
| "Person" means an individual, group of individuals, | association, trust, partnership, corporation, limited | liability company, firm, business, person doing business under | an assumed name, the State of Illinois, or department thereof, | any other state-owned and operated institution, or any other | entity. | "Responsible managing employee" means the individual | designated by the fire sprinkler contractor that is not | required to have a designated certified person under Section | 120. | "Routine inspection or testing" means inspection or | testing to verify the condition of an existing fire sprinkler | system at predetermined intervals in accordance with the | standards of the National Fire Protection Association. | "Rules" means the rules adopted pursuant to this Act. | "Service" means work on a fire sprinkler system, | including, but not limited to, installation, repair, | inspection, testing, and maintenance, within the scope of this | Act. | "Standards" means those standards or codes referenced in | this Act or its rules. | "Supervision" means the direction and management by a | designated certified person or responsible managing employee | of the activities of non-certified personnel in the service of | fire sprinkler systems. | (Source: P.A. 102-612, eff. 8-27-21.) |
| (225 ILCS 317/17) | Sec. 17. Fire sprinkler inspector license; application; | minimum qualifications for routine inspection or testing. | (a) Any individual who performs routine inspection or | testing of any fire sprinkler system under this Act shall: (i) | be employed by a single licensed fire sprinkler contractor at | a time to perform fire sprinkler inspections ; and (ii) meet | the minimum qualifications of this Section except where the | individual is exempted by subsection (c). | Beginning January 1, 2024, any individual who performs | routine inspection or testing of any fire sprinkler system | under this Act shall be individually licensed and possess on | his or her person a fire sprinkler inspector license including | a photo identification issued by the Office. | A person applying for an initial fire sprinkler inspector | license or renewing a fire sprinkler inspector license shall | demonstrate to the Office proof of minimum qualifications as | required by subsection (b) of this Section, except where the | individual is exempted by subsection (c). | (b) Any individual who performs routine inspection or | testing of any fire sprinkler system under this Act shall | possess proof of: | (1) current certification by a nationally recognized | certification organization, such as NICET certification in | Inspection and Testing of Water Based Systems, at an |
| appropriate level, or the equivalent; on or after the | effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General | assembly through December 31, 2022, an appropriate level | in NICET certification in Inspection and Testing of Water | Based Systems shall be level II; on and after January 1, | 2023, an appropriate level in NICET certification in | Inspection and Testing of Water Based Systems shall be | level III; | (2) current ASSE 15010 certification in inspection, | testing, and maintenance for water-based fire protection | systems by the American Society of Sanitary Engineering; | or | (3) satisfactory completion of a certified sprinkler | fitter apprenticeship program approved by the U.S. | Department of Labor. | (c) The following are exemptions to the licensing | requirements of this Section: | (1) State employees who perform routine inspection or | testing on behalf of State institutions and who meet the | requirements of subsection (b) need not be licensed under | this Section or employed by a fire sprinkler contractor | under this Act in order to perform routine inspection or | testing duties while engaged in the performance of their | official duties. | (2) The requirements of this Section do not apply to | individuals performing inspection or testing of fire |
| sprinkler systems on behalf of a municipality, a county, a | fire department, a fire protection district, or the Office | while engaged in the performance of their official duties. | (3) The requirements of this Section do not apply to a | stationary engineer, operating engineer, or other | individual employed on a full-time basis by the facility | owner or owner's representative performing weekly and | monthly inspections and tests in accordance with | applicable standards adopted under the rules. | (d) Each fire sprinkler inspector shall be subject to the | requirements for license renewal and continuing education | under Section 35. | (e) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit an | individual who is licensed as a fire sprinkler inspector from | being employed by another employer or self-employed to perform | duties that would not require a fire sprinkler inspector | license. | (Source: P.A. 102-612, eff. 8-27-21.) |
Effective Date: 1/1/2025