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Public Act 103-0665 Public Act 0665 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY | Public Act 103-0665 | HB4170 Enrolled | LRB103 34659 MXP 64502 b |
| AN ACT concerning transportation. | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | represented in the General Assembly: | Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | Section 5.1015 as follows: | (30 ILCS 105/5.1015 new) | Sec. 5.1015. The International Brotherhood of Electrical | Workers Fund. | Section 10. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by | changing Section 3-699.14 as follows: | (625 ILCS 5/3-699.14) | Sec. 3-699.14. Universal special license plates. | (a) In addition to any other special license plate, the | Secretary, upon receipt of all applicable fees and | applications made in the form prescribed by the Secretary, may | issue Universal special license plates to residents of | Illinois on behalf of organizations that have been authorized | by the General Assembly to issue decals for Universal special | license plates. Appropriate documentation, as determined by | the Secretary, shall accompany each application. Authorized | organizations shall be designated by amendment to this |
| Section. When applying for a Universal special license plate | the applicant shall inform the Secretary of the name of the | authorized organization from which the applicant will obtain a | decal to place on the plate. The Secretary shall make a record | of that organization and that organization shall remain | affiliated with that plate until the plate is surrendered, | revoked, or otherwise cancelled. The authorized organization | may charge a fee to offset the cost of producing and | distributing the decal, but that fee shall be retained by the | authorized organization and shall be separate and distinct | from any registration fees charged by the Secretary. No decal, | sticker, or other material may be affixed to a Universal | special license plate other than a decal authorized by the | General Assembly in this Section or a registration renewal | sticker. The special plates issued under this Section shall be | affixed only to passenger vehicles of the first division, | including motorcycles and autocycles, or motor vehicles of the | second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds. Plates | issued under this Section shall expire according to the | multi-year procedure under Section 3-414.1 of this Code. | (b) The design, color, and format of the Universal special | license plate shall be wholly within the discretion of the | Secretary. Universal special license plates are not required | to designate "Land of Lincoln", as prescribed in subsection | (b) of Section 3-412 of this Code. The design shall allow for | the application of a decal to the plate. Organizations |
| authorized by the General Assembly to issue decals for | Universal special license plates shall comply with rules | adopted by the Secretary governing the requirements for and | approval of Universal special license plate decals. The | Secretary may, in his or her discretion, allow Universal | special license plates to be issued as vanity or personalized | plates in accordance with Section 3-405.1 of this Code. The | Secretary of State must make a version of the special | registration plates authorized under this Section in a form | appropriate for motorcycles and autocycles. | (c) When authorizing a Universal special license plate, | the General Assembly shall set forth whether an additional fee | is to be charged for the plate and, if a fee is to be charged, | the amount of the fee and how the fee is to be distributed. | When necessary, the authorizing language shall create a | special fund in the State treasury into which fees may be | deposited for an authorized Universal special license plate. | Additional fees may only be charged if the fee is to be paid | over to a State agency or to a charitable entity that is in | compliance with the registration and reporting requirements of | the Charitable Trust Act and the Solicitation for Charity Act. | Any charitable entity receiving fees for the sale of Universal | special license plates shall annually provide the Secretary of | State a letter of compliance issued by the Attorney General | verifying that the entity is in compliance with the Charitable | Trust Act and the Solicitation for Charity Act. |
| (d) Upon original issuance and for each registration | renewal period, in addition to the appropriate registration | fee, if applicable, the Secretary shall collect any additional | fees, if required, for issuance of Universal special license | plates. The fees shall be collected on behalf of the | organization designated by the applicant when applying for the | plate. All fees collected shall be transferred to the State | agency on whose behalf the fees were collected, or paid into | the special fund designated in the law authorizing the | organization to issue decals for Universal special license | plates. All money in the designated fund shall be distributed | by the Secretary subject to appropriation by the General | Assembly. | (e) The following organizations may issue decals for | Universal special license plates with the original and renewal | fees and fee distribution as follows: | (1) The Illinois Department of Natural Resources. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Roadside Monarch Habitat Fund and $15 to the Secretary | of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Roadside Monarch | Habitat Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State Special | License Plate Fund. | (2) Illinois Veterans' Homes. | (A) Original issuance: $26, which shall be | deposited into the Illinois Veterans' Homes Fund. |
| (B) Renewal: $26, which shall be deposited into | the Illinois Veterans' Homes Fund. | (3) The Illinois Department of Human Services for | volunteerism decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25, which shall be | deposited into the Secretary of State Special License | Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25, which shall be deposited into | the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (4) The Illinois Department of Public Health. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund and $15 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Prostate Cancer | Awareness Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (5) Horsemen's Council of Illinois. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Horsemen's Council of Illinois Fund and $15 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Horsemen's | Council of Illinois Fund and $2 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. | (6) K9s for Veterans, NFP. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Fund and $15 |
| to the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Post-Traumatic | Stress Disorder Awareness Fund and $2 to the Secretary | of State Special License Plate Fund. | (7) The International Association of Machinists and | Aerospace Workers. | (A) Original issuance: $35; with $20 to the Guide | Dogs of America Fund and $15 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 going to the Guide Dogs | of America Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (8) Local Lodge 701 of the International Association | of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. | (A) Original issuance: $35; with $10 to the Guide | Dogs of America Fund, $10 to the Mechanics Training | Fund, and $15 to the Secretary of State Special | License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $30; with $13 to the Guide Dogs of | America Fund, $15 to the Mechanics Training Fund, and | $2 to the Secretary of State Special License Plate | Fund. | (9) Illinois Department of Human Services. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Theresa Tracy Trot - Illinois CancerCare Foundation | Fund and $15 to the Secretary of State Special License |
| Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Theresa Tracy | Trot - Illinois CancerCare Foundation Fund and $2 to | the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (10) The Illinois Department of Human Services for | developmental disabilities awareness decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Developmental Disabilities Awareness Fund and $15 to | the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Developmental | Disabilities Awareness Fund and $2 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. | (11) The Illinois Department of Human Services for | pediatric cancer awareness decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Pediatric Cancer Awareness Fund and $15 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Pediatric Cancer | Awareness Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (12) The Department of Veterans' Affairs for Fold of | Honor decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the Folds | of Honor Foundation Fund and $15 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Folds of Honor |
| Foundation Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (13) The Illinois chapters of the Experimental | Aircraft Association for aviation enthusiast decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Experimental Aircraft Association Fund and $15 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Experimental | Aircraft Association Fund and $2 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. | (14) The Illinois Department of Human Services for | Child Abuse Council of the Quad Cities decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the Child | Abuse Council of the Quad Cities Fund and $15 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Child Abuse | Council of the Quad Cities Fund and $2 to the Secretary | of State Special License Plate Fund. | (15) The Illinois Department of Public Health for | health care worker decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | Illinois Health Care Workers Benefit Fund, and $15 to | the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Illinois Health | Care Workers Benefit Fund and $2 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. |
| (16) The Department of Agriculture for Future Farmers | of America decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the Future | Farmers of America Fund and $15 to the Secretary of | State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Future Farmers | of America Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (17) The Illinois Department of Public Health for | autism awareness decals that are designed with input from | autism advocacy organizations. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the Autism | Awareness Fund and $15 to the Secretary of State | Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Autism Awareness | Fund and $2 to the Secretary of State Special License | Plate Fund. | (18) (17) The Department of Natural Resources for Lyme | disease research decals. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the Tick | Research, Education, and Evaluation Fund and $15 to | the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the Tick Research, | Education, and Evaluation Fund and $2 to the Secretary | of State Special License Plate Fund. | (19) (17) The IBEW Thank a Line Worker decal. |
| (A) Original issuance: $15, which shall be | deposited into the Secretary of State Special License | Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $2, which shall be deposited into the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (20) An Illinois chapter of the International | Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for International | Brotherhood of Electrical Workers decal. | (A) Original issuance: $25; with $10 to the | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Fund | and $15 to the Secretary of State Special License | Plate Fund. | (B) Renewal: $25; with $23 to the International | Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Fund and $2 to the | Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. | (f) The following funds are created as special funds in | the State treasury: | (1) The Roadside Monarch Habitat Fund. All money in | the Roadside Monarch Habitat Fund shall be paid as grants | to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to fund | roadside monarch and other pollinator habitat development, | enhancement, and restoration projects in this State. | (2) The Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund. All money in | the Prostate Cancer Awareness Fund shall be paid as grants | to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Chicago. | (3) The Horsemen's Council of Illinois Fund. All money |
| in the Horsemen's Council of Illinois Fund shall be paid | as grants to the Horsemen's Council of Illinois. | (4) The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Fund. | All money in the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness | Fund shall be paid as grants to K9s for Veterans, NFP for | support, education, and awareness of veterans with | post-traumatic stress disorder. | (5) The Guide Dogs of America Fund. All money in the | Guide Dogs of America Fund shall be paid as grants to the | International Guiding Eyes, Inc., doing business as Guide | Dogs of America. | (6) The Mechanics Training Fund. All money in the | Mechanics Training Fund shall be paid as grants to the | Mechanics Local 701 Training Fund. | (7) The Theresa Tracy Trot - Illinois CancerCare | Foundation Fund. All money in the Theresa Tracy Trot - | Illinois CancerCare Foundation Fund shall be paid to the | Illinois CancerCare Foundation for the purpose of | furthering pancreatic cancer research. | (8) The Developmental Disabilities Awareness Fund. All | money in the Developmental Disabilities Awareness Fund | shall be paid as grants to the Illinois Department of | Human Services to fund legal aid groups to assist with | guardianship fees for private citizens willing to become | guardians for individuals with developmental disabilities | but who are unable to pay the legal fees associated with |
| becoming a guardian. | (9) The Pediatric Cancer Awareness Fund. All money in | the Pediatric Cancer Awareness Fund shall be paid as | grants to the Cancer Center at Illinois for pediatric | cancer treatment and research. | (10) The Folds of Honor Foundation Fund. All money in | the Folds of Honor Foundation Fund shall be paid as grants | to the Folds of Honor Foundation to aid in providing | educational scholarships to military families. | (11) The Experimental Aircraft Association Fund. All | money in the Experimental Aircraft Association Fund shall | be paid, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly | and distribution by the Secretary, as grants to promote | recreational aviation. | (12) The Child Abuse Council of the Quad Cities Fund. | All money in the Child Abuse Council of the Quad Cities | Fund shall be paid as grants to benefit the Child Abuse | Council of the Quad Cities. | (13) The Illinois Health Care Workers Benefit Fund. | All money in the Illinois Health Care Workers Benefit Fund | shall be paid as grants to the Trinity Health Foundation | for the benefit of health care workers, doctors, nurses, | and others who work in the health care industry in this | State. | (14) The Future Farmers of America Fund. All money in | the Future Farmers of America Fund shall be paid as grants |
| to the Illinois Association of Future Farmers of America. | (15) The Tick Research, Education, and Evaluation | Fund. All money in the Tick Research, Education, and | Evaluation Fund shall be paid as grants to the Illinois | Lyme Association. | (16) The International Brotherhood of Electrical | Workers Fund. All money in the International Brotherhood | of Electrical Workers Fund shall be paid as grants to any | local chapter of the International Brotherhood of | Electrical Workers that is located in this State. | (Source: P.A. 102-383, eff. 1-1-22; 102-422, eff. 8-20-21; | 102-423, eff. 8-20-21; 102-515, eff. 1-1-22; 102-558, eff. | 8-20-21; 102-809, eff. 1-1-23; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-112, | eff. 1-1-24; 103-163, eff. 1-1-24; 103-349, eff. 1-1-24; | revised 12-15-23.) |
Effective Date: 1/1/2025