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Public Act 103-0531 Public Act 0531 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 103-0531 | HB2450 Enrolled | LRB103 27345 AMQ 53717 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Department of Professional Regulation Law | of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by | adding Section 2105-370 and 2105-375 as follows: | (20 ILCS 2105/2105-370 new) | Sec. 2105-370. Continuing education; cultural competency. | (a) As used in this Section: | "Cultural competency" means a set of integrated attitudes, | knowledge, and skills that enables a health care professional | or organization to care effectively for patients from diverse | cultures, groups, and communities. | "Health care professional" means a person licensed or | registered by the Department under the following Acts: the | Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Nurse Practice Act, the | Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act, the Illinois Optometric | Practice Act of 1987, the Illinois Physical Therapy Act, the | Pharmacy Practice Act, the Physician Assistant Practice Act of | 1987, the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, | the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary | Act, the Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act, the | Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Respiratory Care |
| Practice Act, the Professional Counselor and Clinical | Professional Counselor Licensing and Practice Act, the | Illinois Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act, | the Illinois Dental Practice Act, the Illinois Dental Practice | Act, or the Behavior Analyst Licensing Act. | (b) For health care professional license or registration | renewals occurring on or after January 1, 2025, a health care | professional who has continuing education requirements must | complete at least a one-hour course in training on cultural | competency. A health care professional may count this one hour | for completion of this course toward meeting the minimum | credit hours required for continuing education. | (c) The Department may adopt rules for the implementation | of this Section. | (20 ILCS 2105/2105-375 new) | Sec. 2105-375. Limitation on specific statutorily mandated | training requirements. | (a) As used in this Section: | "Health care professional" means a person licensed or | registered by the Department under the following Acts: the | Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Nurse Practice Act, the | Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act, the Illinois Optometric | Practice Act of 1987, the Illinois Physical Therapy Act, the | Pharmacy Practice Act, the Physician Assistant Practice Act of | 1987, the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, |
| the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary | Act, the Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act, the | Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Respiratory Care | Practice Act, the Professional Counselor and Clinical | Professional Counselor Licensing and Practice Act, the | Illinois Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act, | the Illinois Dental Practice Act, the Illinois Dental Practice | Act, or the Behavior Analyst Licensing Act. | "Statutorily mandated topics" means continuing education | training as specified by statute, including, but not limited | to, training required under Sections 2105-365 and 2105-370. | (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for health | care professional license or registration renewals occurring | on or after January 1, 2025, a health care professional whose | license or registration renewal occurs every 2 years must | complete all statutorily mandated topics within 3 renewal | periods. If any additional statutorily mandated topics are | added by law after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | the 103rd General Assembly, then a health care professional | whose license or registration renewal occurs every 2 years | must complete all statutorily mandated topics within 4 renewal | periods. | (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for health | care professional license or registration renewals occurring | on or after January 1, 2025, a health care professional whose | license or registration renewal occurs every 3 years must |
| complete all statutorily mandated topics within 2 renewal | periods. If any additional statutorily mandated topics are | added by law after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | the 103rd General Assembly, then a health care professional | whose license or registration renewal occurs every 3 years | must complete all statutorily mandated topics within 3 renewal | periods. | (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to | the contrary, the implicit bias awareness training required | under Section 2105-15.7 and the sexual harassment prevention | training required under Section 2105-15.5 must be completed as | provided by law. | (d-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section | to
the contrary, the Alzheimer's disease and other dementias | training required under Section 2105-365 must be completed | prior to the end of the health care professional's first | license renewal period, and thereafter in accordance with this | Section. | (e) The Department shall maintain on its website | information regarding the current requirements for the | specific statutorily mandated topics. | (f) Each license or permit application or renewal form the | Department provides to a health care professional must include | a notification regarding the current specific statutorily | mandated topics. |
| Section 10. The Illinois Controlled Substances Act is | amended by changing Section 315.5 as follows: | (720 ILCS 570/315.5) | Sec. 315.5. Opioid education for prescribers. In | accordance with the requirement for prescribers of controlled | substances to undergo training under Section 1263 of the | Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328), | every Every prescriber who is licensed to prescribe controlled
| substances shall, during the pre-renewal period, complete one | hour 3 hours of continuing education on safe opioid
| prescribing practices offered or accredited by a professional | association, State government agency, or federal government
| agency. Notwithstanding any individual licensing Act or | administrative rule, a
prescriber may count this hour these 3 | hours toward the total continuing education hours required for | renewal of a
professional license. Continuing education on | safe opioid prescribing practices applied to meet any other | State
licensure requirement or professional accreditation or | certification requirement may be used toward the
requirement | under this Section.
The Department of Financial and | Professional Regulation may adopt rules for the administration | of this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 100-1106, eff. 1-1-19 .)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2025. |
Effective Date: 1/1/2025