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Public Act 102-0803 Public Act 0803 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0803 | HB5225 Enrolled | LRB102 25500 SPS 34788 b |
| AN ACT concerning employment.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Job | Training Assistance and Support Services Pilot Program Act. | Section 5. Purpose. The purpose of the Job Training | Assistance and Support Services Pilot Program is to address | significant barriers to individuals participating in | apprenticeships, including, but not limited to, lack of | affordable and reliable transportation, lack of affordable and | high-quality childcare, and other barriers that may prohibit a | worker from retaining employment. The Pilot Program may | provide barrier reduction funding for eligible individuals | participating in registered apprenticeship, | pre-apprenticeship, or work-based learning programs such as an | internship, paid work experience, transitional jobs training, | on-the-job training, or incumbent worker programs administered | by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. | Section 10. Job Training Assistance and Support Services | Pilot Program. | (a) The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity | shall, subject to appropriation, develop a Job Training |
| Assistance and Support Services Pilot Program. The Department | of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall award grants to | organizations to distribute subsidies to qualifying | individuals. To be eligible for assistance under the Pilot | Program, an individual is required to participate in a | registered apprenticeship program, pre-apprenticeship program | as defined by the United States Department of Labor, or | work-based learning programs, such as an internship, paid work | experience, transitional jobs training, on-the-job training, | or incumbent worker programs administered by the Department of | Commerce and Economic Opportunity. | (b) The assistance provided by the Pilot Program may | include funds for transportation, child care, housing-related | expenses, including, but not limited to, rent and utilities, | transportation, child care, digital technology needs, | education needs, mental health services, substance abuse | services, income support, and work-related supplies that are | not typically covered by programmatic supportive services. | Section 15. Report. No later than January 1, 2028, the | Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall submit | to the Governor and the General Assembly a report that | evaluates the results of the Pilot Program and its | effectiveness in assisting Pilot Program participants in | entering the workforce or in obtaining better employment. The | report shall include a recommendation regarding whether to |
| renew the Pilot Program, and if renewal is recommended, if the | Pilot Program should be expanded or otherwise enhanced. | Section 20. Rules. The Department of Commerce and Economic | Opportunity shall adopt all rules necessary for the | implementation of the Pilot Program created under this Act. | Section 25. Repeal. This Act is repealed on January 1, | 2029.
Effective Date: 1/1/2023