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Public Act 102-0487 Public Act 0487 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0487 | HB3582 Enrolled | LRB102 15003 JLS 20358 b |
| AN ACT concerning employment.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act | is amended by changing Sections 10, 20, 25, 30, and 45 as | follows:
| (820 ILCS 180/10)
| Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act, except as otherwise | expressly provided:
| (1) "Commerce" includes trade, traffic, commerce,
| transportation, or communication; and "industry or | activity
affecting commerce" means any activity, business, | or industry in
commerce or in which a labor dispute would | hinder or obstruct
commerce or the free flow of commerce, | and includes "commerce" and
any "industry affecting | commerce".
| (2) "Course of conduct" means a course of repeatedly | maintaining
a visual or physical proximity to a person or | conveying oral or
written threats, including threats | conveyed through electronic
communications, or threats | implied by conduct. | (2.5) "Crime of violence" means any conduct proscribed | by Articles 9, 11, 12, 26.5, 29D, and 33A of the Criminal |
| Code of 2012 or a similar provision of the Criminal Code of | 1961, in addition to conduct proscribed by Articles of the | Criminal Code of 2012 referenced in other definitions in | this Section.
| (3) "Department" means the Department of Labor.
| (4) "Director" means the Director of Labor.
| (5) "Domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence" means domestic violence, sexual
assault, gender | violence, or stalking.
| (6) "Domestic violence" means abuse, as defined in | Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, | by a family or household member, as defined in Section 103 | of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
| (7) "Electronic communications" includes | communications via
telephone, mobile phone, computer, | e-mail, video recorder, fax
machine, telex, pager, online | platform (including, but not limited to, any public-facing | website, web application, digital application, or social | network), or any other electronic communication, as | defined in Section 12-7.5 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| (8) "Employ" includes to suffer or permit to work.
| (9) Employee.
| (A) In general. "Employee" means any person | employed by an employer.
| (B) Basis. "Employee" includes a person employed | as described in
subparagraph (A) on a full or |
| part-time basis,
or as a participant in a work
| assignment as a condition of receipt of federal or | State
income-based public assistance.
| (10) "Employer" means any of the following: (A) the | State or any agency
of the
State; (B) any unit of local | government or school district; or (C) any person
that | employs
at least one employee.
| (11) "Employment benefits" means all benefits provided | or made
available to employees by an employer, including | group life
insurance, health insurance, disability | insurance, sick leave,
annual leave, educational benefits, | pensions, and profit-sharing, regardless of
whether such | benefits are provided by a practice or written
policy of | an employer or through an "employee benefit plan".
| "Employee benefit plan" or "plan" means an employee | welfare
benefit plan or an employee pension benefit plan | or a plan which
is both an employee welfare benefit plan | and an employee pension
benefit plan.
| (12) "Family or household member", for employees with | a family or household member who is a victim of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any
| other crime of violence , means a spouse or party to a civil | union ,
parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, or | any son, daughter, other person related by blood or by | present or prior marriage or civil union , other person who | shares a relationship through a child, or any other |
| individual
whose close association
with the employee is | the equivalent of a family relationship as determined by | the employee son or daughter , and persons jointly residing
| in the same household.
| (12.5) "Gender violence" means: | (A) one or more acts of violence or aggression | satisfying the elements of any criminal offense under the | laws of this State that are committed, at least in part, on | the basis of a person's actual or perceived sex or gender, | regardless of whether the acts resulted in criminal | charges, prosecution, or conviction; | (B) a physical intrusion or physical invasion of a | sexual nature under coercive conditions satisfying the | elements of any criminal offense under the laws of this | State, regardless of whether the intrusion or invasion | resulted in criminal charges, prosecution, or conviction; | or | (C) a threat of an act described in item (A) or (B) | causing a realistic apprehension that the originator of | the threat will commit the act. | (13) (Blank). "Parent" means the biological parent of | an employee or an
individual who stood in loco parentis to | an employee when the
employee was a son or daughter. "Son | or daughter" means
a biological, adopted, or foster child, | a stepchild, a legal
ward, or a child of a person standing | in loco parentis, who is
under 18 years of age, or is 18 |
| years of age or older and incapable
of self-care because | of a mental or physical disability.
| (14) "Perpetrator" means an individual who commits or | is alleged
to have committed any act or threat of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any | other crime of violence .
| (15) "Person" means an individual, partnership, | association,
corporation, business trust, legal | representative, or any
organized group of persons.
| (16) "Public agency" means the Government of the State | or
political subdivision thereof; any agency of the State, | or of a
political subdivision of the State; or any | governmental agency.
| (17) "Public assistance" includes cash, food stamps, | medical
assistance, housing assistance, and other benefits | provided on
the basis of income by a public agency or | public employer.
| (18) "Reduced work schedule" means a work schedule | that reduces
the usual number of hours per workweek, or | hours per workday, of
an employee.
| (19) "Repeatedly" means on 2 or more occasions.
| (20) "Sexual assault" means any conduct proscribed by: | (i) Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 except | Sections 11-35 and 11-45; (ii) Sections 12-13, 12-14, | 12-14.1, 12-15, and 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 2012; or | (iii) a similar provision of the Criminal Code of 1961. |
| (20.5) "Sexual violence" means sexual assault.
| (21) "Stalking" means any conduct proscribed by the | Criminal
Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 in | Sections 12-7.3, 12-7.4, and 12-7.5.
| (22) "Victim" or "survivor" means an individual who | has
been subjected to domestic violence, sexual violence, | or gender violence , or any other crime of violence.
| "Victim" also includes any person described as a victim, | as
defined under Section 2 of the Crime Victims | Compensation
Act .
| (23) "Victim services organization" means a nonprofit,
| nongovernmental organization that provides assistance to | victims
of domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence , or any other crime of violence or to advocates | for such victims,
including a rape crisis center, an | organization carrying out a
domestic violence program, an | organization operating a shelter or
providing counseling | services, or a legal services organization
or other | organization providing assistance through the legal
| process.
| (Source: P.A. 101-221, eff. 1-1-20 .)
| (820 ILCS 180/20)
| Sec. 20. Entitlement to leave due to domestic violence, | sexual violence, or gender violence , or any other crime of | violence .
| (a) Leave requirement.
| (1) Basis. An employee who is a victim of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any
| other crime of violence or an employee who has a family or | household member who is a victim of
domestic violence, | sexual violence, or gender violence , or any other crime of
| violence whose interests are not adverse to
the employee | as it relates to the domestic violence, sexual violence, | or gender violence , or any other crime of violence may | take unpaid
from work if the employee or employee's | family or household member is experiencing an incident of | domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or | any other crime of violence or to address domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any | other crime of violence by:
| (A) seeking medical attention for, or recovering | from,
physical or psychological injuries caused by | domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence , or any other crime of violence to the | employee or the employee's family or
household member;
| (B) obtaining services from a victim services | organization
for the employee or the employee's family | or household
| (C) obtaining psychological or other counseling | for the
employee or the employee's family or household | member;
| (D) participating in safety planning, temporarily | or
permanently relocating, or taking other actions to | increase
the safety of the employee or the employee's | family or
household member from future domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any | other crime of violence or
ensure economic security; | or
| (E) seeking legal assistance or remedies to ensure | the
health and safety of the employee or the | employee's family
or household member, including | preparing for or
participating in any civil or | criminal legal proceeding
related to or derived from | domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence , or any other crime of violence .
| (2) Period. Subject to subsection (c), an employee | working for an employer that employs
at least 50 employees | shall be
entitled to a total of 12 workweeks of leave | during any 12-month
period. Subject to subsection (c), an | employee working for an employer that employs
at least 15 | but not more than 49 employees shall be entitled to a total | of 8 workweeks of leave during any 12-month period. | Subject to subsection (c), an employee working for an | employer that employs at least one but not more than 14 | employees shall be entitled to a total of 4 workweeks of | leave during any 12-month period. The total number of | workweeks to which an employee is entitled shall not |
| decrease during the relevant 12-month period. This Act | does not create a right for an employee to take
unpaid | leave that exceeds the unpaid leave time allowed under, or
| is in addition to the unpaid leave time permitted by, the | federal
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. | 2601 et seq.).
| (3) Schedule. Leave described in paragraph (1) may be | taken consecutively, intermittently , or on a reduced work | schedule.
| (b) Notice. The employee shall provide the employer with | at least 48 hours'
notice of the employee's intention | to take the leave, unless providing
such notice is not | practicable. When an unscheduled absence occurs,
the employer | may not take any action against the employee if the
employee, | upon request of the employer and within a reasonable period | after the absence, provides
certification under subsection | (c).
| (c) Certification.
| (1) In general. The employer may require the employee | to provide
certification to the employer
| (A) the employee or the employee's family or | household
member is a victim of domestic violence, | sexual violence, or gender violence , or any other | crime of violence ; and
| (B) the leave is for one of the purposes | enumerated in
paragraph (a)(1).
| The employee shall provide such certification to the | employer within a
reasonable period after the employer | requests certification.
| (2) Contents. An employee may satisfy the | certification
requirement of paragraph (1) by providing to | the employer
a sworn statement of the employee, and if the | employee has possession of such document, the employee | shall provide one of the following documents upon | obtaining such documents the
employee shall provide :
| (A) documentation from an employee, agent, or | volunteer of
a victim services organization, an | attorney, a member of
the clergy, or a medical or other | professional from whom
the employee or the employee's | family or household member
has sought assistance in | addressing domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any other crime of violence and | the effects of the violence;
| (B) a police or court record; or
| (C) other corroborating evidence.
| The employee shall choose which document to submit, | and the employer shall not request or require more than | one document to be submitted during the same 12-month | period leave is requested or taken if the reason for leave | is related to the same incident or incidents of violence | or the same perpetrator or perpetrators of the violence. | (d) Confidentiality. All information provided to the |
| employer pursuant
to subsection (b) or (c), including a | statement of the employee or any
other documentation, record, | or corroborating evidence, and the fact
that the employee has | requested or obtained leave pursuant to this
Section, shall be | retained in the strictest confidence by the employer,
except | to the extent that disclosure is:
| (1) requested or consented to in writing by the | employee; or
| (2) otherwise required by applicable federal or State | law.
| (e) Employment and benefits.
| (1) Restoration to position.
| (A) In general. Any
employee who takes leave under | this Section for the
intended purpose of the leave | shall be entitled, on return
from such leave:
| (i) to be restored by the employer to the | position of
employment held by the employee when | the leave
commenced; or
| (ii) to be restored to an equivalent position | with
equivalent employment benefits, pay, and | other terms
and conditions of employment.
| (B) Loss of benefits. The taking of leave under | this
Section shall not result in the loss of any | employment
benefit accrued prior to the date on which | the leave
| (C) Limitations. Nothing in this subsection shall |
| be
construed to entitle any restored employee to:
| (i) the accrual of any seniority or employment
| benefits during any period of leave; or
| (ii) any right, benefit, or position of | employment
other than any right, benefit, or | position to which
the employee would have been | entitled had the
employee not taken the leave.
| (D) Construction. Nothing in this paragraph shall | be
construed to prohibit an employer from requiring an
| employee on leave under this Section to report | periodically
to the employer on the status and | intention of the employee
to return to work.
| (2) Maintenance of health benefits.
| (A) Coverage. Except as provided in subparagraph | (B),
during any period that an employee takes leave | under this
Section, the employer shall maintain | coverage for the
employee and any family or household | member under any group
health plan for the duration of | such leave at the level and
under the conditions | coverage would have been provided if
the employee had | continued in employment continuously for
the duration | of such leave.
| (B) Failure to return from leave. The employer may | recover
the premium that the employer paid for | maintaining coverage
for the employee and the | employee's family or household
member under such group |
| health plan during any period of
leave under this | Section if:
| (i) the employee fails to return from leave | under
this Section after the period of leave to | which the
employee is entitled has expired; and
| (ii) the employee fails to return to work for | a
reason other than:
| (I) the continuation, recurrence, or onset | of
domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any other crime of
| violence that entitles the
employee to leave | pursuant to this Section; or
| (II) other circumstances beyond the | control of the employee.
| (C) Certification.
| (i) Issuance. An employer may require an | employee who
claims that the employee is unable to | return to work
because of a reason described in | subclause (I) or
(II) of subparagraph (B)(ii) to | provide, within a
reasonable period after making | the claim,
certification to the employer that the | employee is
unable to return to work because of | that reason.
| (ii) Contents. An employee may satisfy the
| certification requirement of clause (i) by | providing
to the employer:
| (I) a sworn statement of the employee;
| (II) documentation from an employee, | agent, or
volunteer of a victim services | organization, an
attorney, a member of the | clergy, or a medical
or other professional | from whom the employee
has sought assistance | in addressing domestic violence, sexual | violence, or gender violence , or any other | crime of
violence and the effects of that
| violence;
| (III) a police or court record; or
| (IV) other corroborating evidence.
| The employee shall choose which document to submit, | and the employer shall not request or require more than | one document to be submitted. | (D) Confidentiality. All information provided to | the
employer pursuant to subparagraph (C), including a
| statement of the employee or any other documentation,
| record, or corroborating evidence, and the fact that | the
employee is not returning to work because of a | reason
described in subclause (I) or (II) of | subparagraph (B)(ii)
shall be retained in the | strictest confidence by the
employer, except to the | extent that disclosure is:
| (i) requested or consented to in writing by | the
employee; or
| (ii) otherwise required by applicable federal | or
State law.
| (f) Prohibited acts.
| (1) Interference with rights.
| (A) Exercise of rights. It shall be unlawful for | any
employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the | exercise
of or the attempt to exercise any right | provided under
this Section.
| (B) Employer discrimination. It shall be unlawful | for any
employer to discharge or harass any | individual, or
otherwise discriminate against any | individual with respect
to compensation, terms, | conditions, or privileges of
employment of the | individual (including retaliation in any
form or | manner) because the individual:
| (i) exercised any right provided under this | Section;
| (ii) opposed any practice made unlawful by | this
| (C) Public agency sanctions. It shall be unlawful | for any
public agency to deny, reduce, or terminate | the benefits
of, otherwise sanction, or harass any | individual, or
otherwise discriminate against any | individual with respect
to the amount, terms, or | conditions of public assistance of
the individual | (including retaliation in any form or
manner) because |
| the individual:
| (i) exercised any right provided under this | Section;
| (ii) opposed any practice made unlawful by | this
| (2) Interference with proceedings or inquiries. It | shall be
unlawful for any person to discharge or in any | other manner
discriminate (as described in subparagraph | (B) or (C) of
paragraph (1)) against any individual | because such individual:
| (A) has filed any charge, or has instituted or | caused to be
instituted any proceeding, under or | related to this
| (B) has given, or is about to give, any | information in
connection with any inquiry or | proceeding relating to any
right provided under this | Section; or
| (C) has testified, or is about to testify, in any | inquiry
or proceeding relating to any right provided | under this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 101-221, eff. 1-1-20 .)
| (820 ILCS 180/25)
| Sec. 25. Existing leave usable for addressing domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any criminal | violence . An employee who is entitled to take paid or unpaid |
| leave (including
family, medical, sick, annual, personal, or | similar leave) from employment,
pursuant to federal, State, or | local law, a collective bargaining agreement, or
employment | benefits program or plan, may elect to substitute any period | of such
leave for an equivalent period of leave provided under | Section 20. The employer may not require the employee to | substitute available paid or unpaid leave for leave provided | under Section 20.
| (Source: P.A. 101-221, eff. 1-1-20 .)
| (820 ILCS 180/30)
| Sec. 30. Victims' employment sustainability; prohibited
| discriminatory acts. | (a) An employer shall not fail to hire, refuse to hire,
| discharge, constructively discharge, or harass any individual, | otherwise discriminate against any
individual with respect to | the compensation, terms, conditions, or
privileges of | employment of the individual, or retaliate against an
| individual in any form or manner, and a public agency shall not | deny,
reduce, or terminate the benefits of, otherwise | sanction, or harass any
individual, otherwise discriminate | against any individual with respect
to the amount, terms, or | conditions of public assistance of the
individual, or | retaliate against an individual in any form or manner,
| because:
| (1) the individual involved:
| (A) is or is perceived to be a victim of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any | criminal violence ;
| (B) attended, participated in, prepared for, or | requested
leave to attend, participate in, or prepare | for a criminal
or civil court proceeding relating to | an incident of
domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any criminal violence of which the | individual or a
family or household member of the | individual was a victim, or requested or took leave | for any other reason provided under Section 20;
| (C) requested an adjustment to a job structure, | workplace
facility, or work requirement, including a | transfer,
reassignment, or modified schedule, leave, a | changed
telephone number or seating assignment, | installation of a
lock, or implementation of a safety | procedure in response
to actual or threatened domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any | other crime of
violence ,
regardless of whether the | request was granted; or | (D) is an employee whose employer is subject to | Section 21 of the Workplace Violence Prevention Act; | or
| (2) the workplace is disrupted or threatened by the | action of a
person whom the individual states has | committed or threatened to
commit domestic violence, |
| sexual violence, or gender violence , or any other crime of
| violence against the individual or the
individual's family | or household member.
| (b) In this Section:
| (1) "Discriminate", used with respect to the terms, | conditions,
or privileges of employment or with respect to | the terms or
conditions of public assistance, includes not | making a reasonable
accommodation to the known limitations | resulting from
circumstances relating to being a victim of | domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or | any criminal violence or a family or household member | being a victim of
domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any other crime of
violence of an | otherwise qualified individual:
| (A) who is:
| (i) an applicant or employee of the employer | (including a
public agency); or
| (ii) an applicant for or recipient of public | assistance
from a public agency; and
| (B) who is:
| (i) or is perceived to be a victim of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or | any other crime of
violence ; or
| (ii) with a family or household member who is | or is perceived to be a victim of
domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or |
| any other crime of
violence whose interests are | not adverse to
the individual in subparagraph (A) | as it relates to the domestic violence, sexual | violence, or gender violence , or any other crime | of
violence ;
| unless the employer or public agency can demonstrate that | the
accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the | operation of
the employer or public agency.
| A reasonable accommodation must be made in a timely | fashion. Any exigent circumstances or danger facing the | employee or his or her family or household member shall be | considered in determining whether the accommodation is | reasonable. | (2) "Qualified individual" means:
| (A) in the case of an applicant or employee | described in
paragraph (1)(A)(i), an individual who, | but for being a
victim of domestic violence, sexual | violence, or gender violence , or any other crime of
| violence or with a family or
household member who is a | victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any other crime of
violence , can | perform the essential functions of the
employment | position that such individual holds or desires;
| (B) in the case of an applicant or recipient | described in
paragraph (1)(A)(ii), an individual who, | but for being a
victim of domestic violence, sexual |
| violence, or gender violence , or any other crime of
| violence or with a family or
household member who is a | victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or | gender violence , or any other crime of
violence , can | satisfy the essential requirements of the
program | providing the public assistance that the individual
| receives or desires.
| (3) "Reasonable accommodation" may include an | adjustment to a job
structure, workplace facility, or work | requirement, including a
transfer, reassignment, or | modified schedule, leave, a changed
telephone number or | seating assignment, installation of a lock,
or | implementation of a safety procedure, or assistance in | documenting domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence , or any other crime of
violence that occurs at | the workplace or in work-related settings, or any other | reasonable accommodation in response to actual or
| threatened domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender | violence , or any other crime of
violence .
| (4) Undue hardship.
| (A) In general. "Undue hardship" means an action | requiring
significant difficulty or expense, when | considered in light
of the factors set forth in | subparagraph (B).
| (B) Factors to be considered. In determining | whether a
reasonable accommodation would impose an |
| undue hardship on
the operation of an employer or | public agency, factors to
be considered include:
| (i) the nature and cost of the reasonable
| accommodation needed under this Section;
| (ii) the overall financial resources of the | facility
involved in the provision of the | reasonable
accommodation, the number of persons | employed at such
facility, the effect on expenses | and resources, or
the impact otherwise of such | accommodation on the
operation of the facility;
| (iii) the overall financial resources of the | employer
or public agency, the overall size of the | business of
an employer or public agency with | respect to the
number of employees of the employer | or public agency,
and the number, type, and | location of the facilities
of an employer or | public agency; and
| (iv) the type of operation of the employer or | public
agency, including the composition, | structure, and
functions of the workforce of the | employer or public
agency, the geographic | separateness of the facility
from the employer or | public agency, and the
administrative or fiscal | relationship of the facility
to the employer or | public agency.
| (c) An employer subject to Section 21 of the Workplace |
| Violence Prevention Act shall not violate any provisions of | the Workplace Violence Prevention Act. | (d) Confidentiality. All information provided to the
| employer pursuant to this Section including a
statement of the | employee or any other documentation, record, or corroborating | evidence, and the fact that the employee has requested or | obtained an accommodation pursuant to this Section shall be | retained in the strictest confidence by the employer, except | to the extent that disclosure is: | (1) requested or consented to in writing by the
| employee; or | (2) otherwise required by applicable federal or State
| law. | (Source: P.A. 101-221, eff. 1-1-20 .)
| (820 ILCS 180/45)
| Sec. 45. Effect on other laws and employment benefits.
| (a) More protective laws, agreements, programs, and
plans. | Nothing in this Act shall be construed to supersede
any | provision of any federal, State, or local law, collective
| bargaining agreement, or employment benefits program or plan
| that provides:
| (1) greater leave benefits for victims of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any
| other crime of violence
than the rights established under | this
Act; or
| (2) leave benefits for a larger population of
victims | of domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , | or any
other crime of violence (as defined in
such law, | agreement, program, or plan) than the victims
of domestic | violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any
| other crime of violence covered under this Act.
| (b) Less protective laws, agreements, programs, and
plans. | The rights established for employees who are victims
of | domestic violence, sexual violence, or gender violence , or any
| other crime of violence and employees with a family or
| household member who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual | violence, or gender violence , or any
other crime of violence | under this Act shall not be diminished by any
federal, State or | local law, collective bargaining agreement, or
employment | benefits program or plan.
| (Source: P.A. 101-221, eff. 1-1-20 .)
Effective Date: 1/1/2022