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Public Act 102-0232 Public Act 0232 102ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 102-0232 | HB3940 Enrolled | LRB102 17040 JLS 22467 b |
| AN ACT concerning business.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Motor Vehicle Franchise Act is amended by | changing Sections 1.1 and 6 as follows:
| (815 ILCS 710/1.1) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 751.1)
| Sec. 1.1. Declaration of purpose. The Legislature finds | and declares that
the distribution and sale of vehicles within | this State vitally affects
the general economy of the State | and the public interest, welfare, and safety and
that in order | to promote the public interest, welfare, and safety, and in | the exercise
of its police power, it is necessary to regulate | motor vehicle manufacturers,
distributors, wholesalers and | factory or distributor branches or representatives,
and to | regulate dealers of motor vehicles doing business in this | State in
order to prevent frauds, impositions, discrimination, | and other abuses upon its citizens,
to protect and preserve | the investments and properties of the citizens of
this State, | to foster healthy competition, and to provide adequate and | sufficient service to consumers generally. The licensing and | supervision of motor vehicle dealers is necessary for the | protection of consumers and the sale of motor vehicles by | unlicensed dealers shall should be prohibited prevented .
| The Legislature further finds that the regulation of motor | vehicle manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, factory | branches, distributor branches and representatives, and | dealers promotes the distribution of motor vehicles to the | public and provides a system for servicing vehicles and for | complying with manufacturer warranties so that consumers can | keep their motor vehicles properly functioning and safe. The | sale and distribution of motor vehicles constitutes a | continuing obligation of manufacturers, distributors, | wholesalers, factory branches, distributor branches and | representatives, and dealers to consumers, and the public has | an interest in promoting the availability of post-sale | mechanical and operational services. | (Source: P.A. 100-308, eff. 8-24-17.)
| (815 ILCS 710/6) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 756)
| Sec. 6. Warranty agreements; claims; approval; payment; | written
disapproval. | (a) Every manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, | distributor branch
or division, factory branch or division, or | wholesale branch or division
shall properly fulfill any | warranty agreement and adequately and fairly
compensate each | of its motor vehicle dealers for labor and parts.
| (b) Adequate and fair compensation requires the | manufacturer to pay each dealer no less than the amount the | retail customer pays for the same services with regard to rate |
| and time. | Any time guide previously agreed to by the manufacturer | and the dealer for extended warranty repairs may be used in | lieu of actual time expended. In the event that a time guide | has not been agreed to for warranty repairs, or said time guide | does not define time for an applicable warranty repair, the | manufacturer's time guide shall be used, multiplied by 1.5. | In no event shall such compensation fail to include full | reasonable
compensation for diagnostic work, as well as repair | service, labor, and
parts. Time allowances for the diagnosis | and performance of warranty
work and service shall be no less | than charged to retail customers
reasonable and adequate for | the same work to be performed. | No warranty or factory compensated repairs shall be | excluded from this requirement, including recalls or other | voluntary stop-sell repairs required by the manufacturer. If a | manufacturer is required to issue a recall, the dealer will be | compensated for labor time as above stated. | Furthermore, manufacturers shall pay the dealer the same | effective labor rate (using the 100 sequential repair orders | chosen and submitted by the dealer less simple maintenance | repair orders) that the dealer receives for customer-pay | repairs. This requirement includes vehicle diagnostic times | for all warranty repairs. Additionally, if a technician is | required to communicate with a Technical Assistance | Center/Engineering/or some external manufacturer source in |
| order to provide a warranty repair, the manufacturer shall pay | for the time from start of communications (including hold | time) until the communication is complete. | The dealer may submit a request to the manufacturer for | warranty labor rate increases a maximum of once per calendar | year. | A claim made by a franchised motor vehicle dealer for | compensation under this Section shall be either approved or | disapproved within 30 days after the claim is submitted to the | manufacturer in the manner and on the forms the manufacturer | reasonably prescribes. An approved claim shall be paid within | 30 days after its approval. If a claim is not specifically | disapproved in writing or by electronic transmission within 30 | days after the date on which the manufacturer receives it, the | claim shall be considered to be approved and payment shall | follow within 30 days. | In the determination
of what constitutes reasonable | compensation under this Section, the principal
factor to be | given consideration shall be the prevailing wage rates being
| paid by the dealer in the relevant market area in which the | motor vehicle
dealer is doing business, and in no event shall | such compensation to of a motor
vehicle dealer for labor times | and labor rates warranty service be less than the rates | charged by such
dealer for like service to retail customers | for nonwarranty service and
repairs. Additionally, the | manufacturer The franchiser shall reimburse the dealer |
| franchisee for any parts
provided in satisfaction of a | warranty at the prevailing retail price charged
by that dealer | for the same parts when sold to a retail customer not provided | in satisfaction of a
warranty; provided that such motor | vehicle franchisee's prevailing retail price
is not | unreasonable when compared with that of the holders of motor | vehicle
franchises from the same motor vehicle franchiser for | identical merchandise
in the geographic area in which the | motor vehicle franchisee is engaged in
business . | There shall be no reduction in payments due to | preestablished market norms or market averages.
Manufacturers | are prohibited from establishing restrictions or limitations | of customer repair frequency due to failure rate indexes or | national failure averages. | No debit reduction or charge back of any item on a warranty | repair order may be made absent a finding of fraud or illegal | actions by the dealer. | A warranty claim timely made shall not be deemed invalid | solely because unavailable parts cause additional use and | mileage on the vehicle. | If a manufacturer imposes a recall or stop sale on any new | vehicle in a dealer's inventory that prevents the sale of the | vehicle, the manufacturer shall compensate the dealer for any | interest and storage until the vehicle is repaired and made | ready for sale. | Manufacturers are not permitted to impose any form of cost |
| recovery fees or surcharges against a franchised auto | dealership for payments made in accordance with this Section. | All claims, either original or resubmitted, made by motor | vehicle
dealers hereunder and under Section 5 for such labor | and parts shall be either
approved or disapproved within 30 | days following their submission. All
approved claims shall be | paid within 30 days following their approval. The
motor | vehicle dealer who submits a claim which is disapproved shall | be notified
in writing of the disapproval within the same | period, and each such notice
shall state the specific grounds | upon which the disapproval is based. The
motor vehicle dealer | shall be permitted to correct and resubmit such
disapproved | claims within 30 days of receipt of disapproval. Any claims | not
specifically disapproved in writing within 30 days from | their submission shall
be deemed approved and payment shall | follow within 30 days. The manufacturer
or franchiser shall | have the right to require reasonable documentation for
claims | and to audit such claims within a one year period from the date | the
claim was paid or credit issued by the manufacturer or | franchiser, and to
charge back any false or unsubstantiated | claims. The audit and charge back
provisions of this Section | also apply to all other incentive and reimbursement
programs | for a period of one year after the date the claim was paid or | credit issued by the manufacturer or franchiser. However, the | manufacturer retains the
right to charge back any fraudulent | claim if the manufacturer establishes in
a court of competent |
| jurisdiction in this State that the claim is fraudulent.
| (c) The motor vehicle franchiser shall not, by agreement, | by restrictions
upon reimbursement, or otherwise, restrict the | nature and extent of services to
be rendered or parts to be | provided so that such restriction prevents the motor
vehicle | franchisee from satisfying the warranty by rendering services | in a good
and workmanlike manner and providing parts which are | required in accordance
with generally accepted standards. Any | such restriction shall constitute a
prohibited practice.
| (d) For the purposes of this Section, the "prevailing | retail price
charged by that dealer for the same parts" means | the price paid by
the motor vehicle franchisee for parts, | including all shipping and other
charges, multiplied by the | sum of 1.0 and the franchisee's average percentage
markup over | the price paid by the motor vehicle franchisee for parts | purchased
by the motor vehicle franchisee from the motor | vehicle franchiser and sold at
retail. The motor vehicle | franchisee may establish average percentage markup
under this | Section by submitting to the motor vehicle franchiser 100 | sequential
customer paid service repair orders or 90 days of | customer paid service repair
orders, whichever is less, | covering repairs made no more than 180 days before
the | submission, and declaring what the average percentage markup | is. The
average percentage markup so declared shall go into | effect 30 days following
the declaration, subject to audit of | the submitted repair orders by the motor
vehicle franchiser |
| and adjustment of the average percentage markup based on
that | audit. Any audit must be conducted within 30 days following | the
declaration. Only retail sales not involving warranty | repairs, parts covered
by subsection (e) of this Section, or | parts supplied for routine vehicle
maintenance, shall be | considered in calculating average percentage markup. No
motor | vehicle franchiser shall require a motor vehicle franchisee to | establish
average percentage markup by a methodology, or by | requiring information, that
is unduly burdensome or time | consuming to provide, including, but not limited
to, part by | part or transaction by transaction calculations. A motor | vehicle
franchisee shall not request a change in the average | percentage markup more
than twice in one calendar year.
| (e) If a motor vehicle franchiser supplies a part or parts | for use in a
repair rendered under a warranty other than by | sale of that part or parts to
the motor vehicle franchisee, the | motor vehicle franchisee shall be entitled to
compensation | equivalent to the motor vehicle franchisee's average | percentage
markup on the part or parts, as if the part or parts | had been sold to the motor
vehicle franchisee by the motor | vehicle franchiser. The requirements of this
subsection (e) | shall not apply to entire engine assemblies and entire
| transmission
assemblies. In the case of those assemblies, the | motor vehicle franchiser
shall reimburse the motor vehicle | franchisee in the amount of 30% of what the
motor vehicle | franchisee would have paid the motor vehicle franchiser for |
| the
assembly if the assembly had not been supplied by the | franchiser other than by
the sale of that assembly to the motor | vehicle franchisee.
| (f) The obligations imposed on motor vehicle franchisers | by this Section
shall apply to any parent, subsidiary, | affiliate, or agent of the motor vehicle
franchiser, any | person under common ownership or control, any employee of the
| motor vehicle franchiser, and any person holding 1% or more of | the shares of
any class of securities or other ownership | interest in the motor vehicle
franchiser, if a warranty or | service or repair plan is issued by that person
instead of or | in addition to one issued by the motor vehicle franchiser.
| (g) (Blank). (1) Any motor vehicle franchiser and at least | a majority of its
Illinois franchisees of the same line make | may agree in an express written
contract citing this Section | upon a uniform warranty reimbursement policy used
by | contracting franchisees to perform warranty repairs. The | policy shall only
involve either reimbursement for parts used | in warranty repairs or the use
of a Uniform Time Standards | Manual, or both. Reimbursement for parts under the
agreement | shall be used instead of the franchisees' "prevailing retail | price
charged by that dealer for the same parts" as defined in | this Section to
calculate compensation due from the franchiser | for parts used in warranty
repairs. This Section does not | authorize a franchiser and its Illinois
franchisees to | establish a uniform hourly labor reimbursement.
| Each franchiser shall only have one such agreement with | each line make.
Any such agreement shall:
| (A) Establish a uniform parts reimbursement rate. The | uniform parts
reimbursement rate shall be greater than the | franchiser's nationally
parts reimbursement | rate in effect at the time the first such agreement | becomes
effective; however, any subsequent agreement shall | result in a uniform
reimbursement rate that is greater or | equal to the rate set forth in the
immediately prior | agreement.
| (B) Apply to all warranty repair orders written during | the period that
the agreement is effective.
| (C) Be available, during the period it is effective, | to any motor
vehicle franchisee of the same line make at | any time and on the same terms.
| (D) Be for a term not to exceed 3 years so long as any | party to the
agreement may terminate the agreement upon | the annual anniversary of the
agreement and with 30 days' | prior written notice; however, the agreement shall
remain | in effect for the term of the agreement regardless of the | number of
dealers of the same line make that may terminate | the agreement.
| (2) A franchiser that enters into an agreement with its | franchisees
pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection (g) | may seek to recover its costs
from only those franchisees that | are receiving their "prevailing retail price
charged by that |
| dealer" under subsections (a) through (f) of this Section,
| subject to the following requirements:
| (A) "costs" means the difference between the uniform | reimbursement rate
set forth in an agreement entered into | pursuant to paragraph (1) of this
subsection (g) and the | "prevailing retail price charged by that dealer"
received | by those franchisees of the same line make. "Costs" do not | include the following: legal fees or expenses; | administrative expenses; a profit mark-up; or any other | item;
| (B) the costs shall be recovered only by increasing | the invoice price on
new vehicles received by those | franchisees; and
| (C) price increases imposed for the purpose of | recovering costs imposed
by this Section may vary from | time to time and from model to model, but shall
apply | uniformly to all franchisees of the same line make in the | State of
Illinois that have requested reimbursement for | warranty repairs at their
"prevailing retail price charged | by that dealer", except that a franchiser may
make an | exception for vehicles that are titled in the name of a | consumer in
another state.
| (3) If a franchiser contracts with its Illinois dealers | pursuant to
paragraph (1) of this subsection (g), the | franchiser shall certify under oath
to the Motor Vehicle | Review Board that a majority of the franchisees of that
line |
| make did agree to such an agreement and file a sample copy of | the
agreement. On an annual basis, each franchiser shall | certify under oath to
the Motor Vehicle Review Board that the | reimbursement costs it recovers under
paragraph (2) of this | subsection (g) do not exceed the amounts authorized by
| paragraph (2) of this subsection (g). The franchiser shall | maintain for a
period of 3 years a file that contains the | information upon which its
certification is based. | (3.1) A franchiser subject to subdivision (g)(2) of this | Section, upon request of a dealer subject to that subdivision, | shall disclose to the dealer, in writing or in person if | requested by the dealer, the method by which the franchiser | calculated the amount of the costs to be reimbursed by the | dealer. The franchiser shall also provide aggregate data | showing (i) the total costs the franchiser incurred and (ii) | the total number of new vehicles invoiced to each dealer that | received the "prevailing retail price charged by that dealer" | during the relevant period of time. In responding to a | dealer's request under this subdivision (g)(3.1), a franchiser | may not disclose any confidential or competitive information | regarding any other dealer. Any dealer who receives | information from a franchiser under this subdivision (g)(3.1) | may not disclose that information to any third party unless | the disclosure occurs in the course of a lawful proceeding | before, or upon the order of, the Motor Vehicle Review Board or | a court of competent jurisdiction.
| (4) If a franchiser and its franchisees do not enter into | an agreement
pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection (g), | and for any matter that is
not the subject of an agreement, | this subsection (g) shall have no effect
| (5) For purposes of this subsection (g), a Uniform Time | Standard Manual
is a document created by a franchiser that | establishes the time allowances for
the diagnosis and | performance of warranty work and service. The allowances
shall | be reasonable and adequate for the work and service to be | performed.
Each franchiser shall have a reasonable and fair | process that allows a
franchisee to request a modification or | adjustment of a standard or standards
included in such a | manual. | (6) A franchiser may not take any adverse action against a | franchisee for not having executed an agreement contemplated | by this subsection (g) or for receiving the "prevailing retail | price charged by that dealer". Nothing in this subsection | shall be construed to prevent a franchiser from making a | determination of a franchisee's "prevailing retail price | charged by that dealer", as provided by this Section.
| (Source: P.A. 96-11, eff. 5-22-09.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2022