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Public Act 101-0527 Public Act 0527 101ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 101-0527 | SB0161 Enrolled | LRB101 07505 RJF 52549 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Attorney General Act is amended by adding | Sections 6.3 and 6.4 as follows: | (15 ILCS 205/6.3 new) | Sec. 6.3. Worker Protection Unit. | (a) The General Assembly finds that the welfare and | prosperity of all Illinois citizens and businesses requires the | establishment of a Unit within the Attorney General's Office | dedicated to combatting businesses that underpay their | employees, force their employees to work in unsafe conditions, | and gain an unfair economic advantage by avoiding their tax and | labor responsibilities. The Worker Protection Unit shall be | focused on protecting the State's workforce to ensure workers | are paid properly, guarantee safe workplaces, and allow | law-abiding business owners to thrive through healthy and fair | competition. Businesses that violate the State's worker | protection laws put a greater burden on taxpayers by hurting | the State's ability to provide critical services; compliant | businesses cannot compete against those who gain an unfair | advantage by evading their responsibilities. | (b) There is created within the Office of the Attorney |
| General a Worker Protection Unit, consisting of Assistant | Attorneys General appointed by the Attorney General, who, | together with other staff as deemed necessary by the Attorney | General, shall have the power and duty on behalf of persons | within this State, to intervene in, initiate, and enforce all | legal proceedings on matters related to the payment of wages, | the safety of the workplace, and fair employment practices, | including, without limitation, the provisions of the | Prevailing Wage Act, the Employee Classification Act, the | Minimum Wage Law, the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act, or | the Wage Payment and Collection Act, whenever the Attorney | General determines that such action is necessary to protect the | rights and interests of Illinois workers and Illinois | businesses. | (c) Prior to initiating an action, the Attorney General | shall conduct an investigation and may: (1) require an | individual or entity to file a statement or report in writing | under oath or otherwise, as to all information the Attorney | General may consider necessary; (2) examine under oath any | person alleged to have participated in or with knowledge of the | alleged violation; or (3) issue subpoenas or conduct hearings | in aid of any investigation. | (d) In an action brought under this Section, the Attorney | General may obtain, as a remedy, monetary damages to the State, | restitution, and equitable relief, including any permanent or | preliminary injunction, temporary restraining order, or other |
| order, including an order enjoining the defendant from engaging | in a violation, or order any action as may be appropriate. In | addition, the Attorney General may request and the court may | impose a civil penalty against any person or entity found by | the court to have violated the Prevailing Wage Act, the | Employee Classification Act, the Minimum Wage Law, the Day and | Temporary Labor Services Act, the Wage Payment and Collection | Act, or any other law related to the payment of wages, the | safety of the workplace, or fair employment practices, in a sum | not to exceed the maximum amount of any civil penalty | prescribed by law. Neither the State nor an aggrieved | individual may recover monetary relief, including civil | penalties, in more than one proceeding related to the same | violation. | (e) Upon the Attorney General's request, the Illinois | Department of Labor shall provide any materials or documents | already in the Department's possession pertaining to the | enforcement of this Section. The Office of the Attorney General | may use information obtained under this Section, including | information that is designated as and that qualifies for | confidential treatment, which information the Attorney | General's Office shall maintain as confidential, for law | enforcement purposes only, which information may be shared with | other law enforcement officials. Nothing in this Section is | intended to take away or limit any powers of the Attorney | General under common law or other statutory law. |
| (15 ILCS 205/6.4 new) | Sec. 6.4. Worker Protection Unit Task Force. | (a) There is created a Worker Protection Task Force within | the Office of the Illinois Attorney General. The Task Force | shall be coordinated by the Office of the Attorney General to | promote a statewide outreach and enforcement effort to target | businesses that violate the State's worker protection laws. The | purpose of the Task Force shall be to: | (1) create a coalition in Illinois dedicated to | protecting the State's workforce and law-abiding | businesses; | (2) facilitate the timely sharing of information | between Task Force members relating to suspected worker | exploitation; | (3) promote the refinement of targeting methods and | best practices, and develop strategies to systemically | investigate worker exploitation; and | (4) work cooperatively with labor and community | organizations, businesses and business coalitions, and | other advocacy groups to increase public awareness on the | underground economy in an effort to promote fairness, | combat discrimination, and protect the welfare of the | State. | (b) The Task Force shall consist of: | (1) the Illinois Attorney General; |
| (2) Assistant Attorneys General, assigned at the | discretion of the Illinois Attorney General; | (3) three elected State's Attorneys of Illinois, or | their designees, selected by the Attorney General; | (4) the Director of Labor or his or her designee; | (5) the Director of Employment Security or his or her | designee; | (6) the Director of Human Rights or his or her | designee; and | (7) the chairperson of the Illinois Workers' | Compensation Commission or his or her designee. | (c) The Task Force shall elect a chairperson from its | membership and shall have the authority to determine its own | meeting schedule, hearing schedule, and agendas. Members of the | Task Force shall serve without compensation. | (d) The Task Force shall submit a report to the Governor | and the General Assembly regarding its progress no later than | December 1, 2020. | (e) This Section is repealed December 1, 2021.
Effective Date: 1/1/2020