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Public Act 100-0200 Public Act 0200 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0200 | HB3773 Enrolled | LRB100 10423 MJP 20626 b |
| AN ACT concerning safety.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Smoke Detector Act is amended by changing | Sections 3 and 4 as follows:
| (425 ILCS 60/3) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 803)
| Sec. 3.
(a) Every dwelling unit or hotel shall be equipped | with at least one
approved smoke detector in an operating | condition within 15 feet of every room
used for sleeping | purposes. The detector shall be installed on the ceiling
and at | least 6 inches from any wall, or on a wall located between 4 | and 6
inches from the ceiling.
| (b) Every single family residence shall have at least one | approved smoke
detector installed on every story of the | dwelling unit, including basements
but not including | unoccupied attics. In dwelling units with split levels,
a smoke | detector installed on the upper level shall suffice for the
| adjacent lower level if the lower level is less than one full | story below
the upper level; however, if there is an | intervening door between the
adjacent levels, a smoke detector | shall be installed on each level.
| (c) Every structure which (1) contains more than one | dwelling unit, or
(2) contains at least one dwelling unit and |
| is a mixed-use structure, shall
contain at least one approved | smoke detector at the uppermost ceiling of
each interior | stairwell. The detector shall be installed on the ceiling,
at | least 6 inches from the wall, or on a wall located between 4 | and 6
inches from the ceiling.
| (d) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of a | structure to supply
and install all required detectors. The | owner shall be responsible for
making reasonable efforts to | test and maintain detectors in common
stairwells and hallways. | It shall be the responsibility of a tenant to
test and to | provide general maintenance for the detectors within the
| tenant's dwelling unit or rooming unit, and to notify the owner | or the
authorized agent of the owner in writing of any | deficiencies which the
tenant cannot correct. The owner shall | be responsible for providing one
tenant per dwelling unit with | written information regarding detector
testing and | maintenance.
| The tenant shall be responsible for replacement of any | required batteries
in the smoke detectors in the tenant's | dwelling unit, except that the owner
shall ensure that such | batteries are in operating condition at the time
the tenant | takes possession of the dwelling unit. The tenant shall provide
| the owner or the authorized agent of the owner with access to | the dwelling
unit to correct any deficiencies in the smoke | detector which have been
reported in writing to the owner or | the authorized agent of the owner.
| (e) The requirements of this Section shall apply to any | dwelling unit
in existence on July 1, 1988, beginning on that | date. Except as provided
in subsections (f) and (g), the smoke | detectors required in such dwelling
units may be either : | battery powered provided the battery is a self-contained, | non-removable, long term battery, or wired into the structure's | AC power
line, and need not be interconnected.
| (1) The battery requirements of this Section shall | apply to battery powered smoke detectors that: (A) are in | existence and exceed 10 years from the date of their being | manufactured; (B) fails to respond to operability tests or | otherwise malfunctions; or (C) are newly installed. | (2) The battery requirements of this Section do not | apply to: (A) a fire alarm, smoke detector, smoke alarm, or | ancillary component that is electronically connected as a | part of a centrally monitored or supervised alarm system; | (B) a fire alarm, smoke detector, smoke alarm, or ancillary | component that uses: (i) a low-power radio frequency | wireless communication signal, or (ii) Wi-Fi or other | wireless Local Area Networking capability to send and | receive notifications to and from the Internet, such as | early low battery warnings before the device reaches a | critical low power level; or (C) such other devices as the | State Fire Marshal shall designate through its regulatory | process. | (f) In the case of any dwelling unit that is newly |
| constructed,
reconstructed, or substantially remodelled after | December 31, 1987, the
requirements of this Section shall apply | beginning on the first day of
occupancy of the dwelling unit | after such construction, reconstruction or
substantial | remodelling. The smoke detectors required in such dwelling
unit | shall be permanently wired into the structure's AC power line, | and if
more than one detector is required to be installed | within the dwelling
unit, the detectors shall be wired so that | the actuation of one detector
will actuate all the detectors in | the dwelling unit.
| In the case of any dwelling unit that is newly constructed,
| reconstructed, or substantially remodeled on or after January | 1, 2011, smoke detectors permanently wired into the structure's | AC power line must also maintain an alternative back-up power | source, which may be either a battery or batteries or an | emergency generator. | (g) Every hotel shall be equipped with operational portable
| smoke-detecting alarm devices for the deaf and hearing impaired | of audible
and visual design, available for units of occupancy.
| Specialized smoke-detectors for the deaf and hearing | impaired shall be
available upon request by guests in such | hotels at a rate
of at least one such smoke detector per 75 | occupancy units or portions
thereof, not to exceed 5 such smoke | detectors per hotel.
Incorporation or connection into an | existing interior alarm system, so as
to be capable of being | activated by the system, may be utilized in lieu of
the |
| portable alarms.
| Operators of any hotel shall post conspicuously at the main | desk a
permanent notice, in letters at least 3 inches in | height, stating that
smoke detector alarm devices for the deaf | and hearing impaired are
available. The proprietor may require | a refundable deposit for a portable
smoke detector not to | exceed the cost of the detector.
| (g-5) A hotel, as defined in this Act, shall be responsible | for installing and maintaining smoke detecting equipment. | (h) Compliance with an applicable federal, State or local | law or
building code which requires the installation and | maintenance of smoke
detectors in a manner different from this | Section, but providing a level of
safety for occupants which is | equal to or greater than that provided by
this Section, shall | be deemed to be in compliance with this Section, and
the | requirements of such more stringent law shall govern over the
| requirements of this Section.
| (i) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to | dwelling units and hotels within municipalities with a | population over 1,000,000 inhabitants. | (Source: P.A. 96-1292, eff. 1-1-11; 97-447, eff. 1-1-12.)
| (425 ILCS 60/4) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 804)
| Sec. 4.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c), willful | Willful failure to install or maintain in operating condition | any
smoke detector required by this Act shall be a Class B |
| misdemeanor.
| (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), tampering | Tampering with, removing, destroying, disconnecting or | removing the
batteries from any installed smoke detector, | except in the course of
inspection, maintenance or replacement | of the detector,
shall be a Class A misdemeanor in the case of | a first conviction, and a
Class 4 felony in the case of a | second or subsequent conviction.
| (c) A party in violation of the battery requirements of | subsection (e) of Section 3 of this Act shall be provided with | 90 day's warning with which to rectify that violation. If that | party fails to rectify the violation within that 90 day period, | he or she may be assessed a fine of up to $100, and may be fined | $100 every 30 days thereafter until either the violation is | rectified or the cumulative amount of fines assessed reaches | $1,500. The provisions of subsection (a) and (b) of this | Section shall apply only after the penalty provided under this | subsection (c) has been exhausted to the extent that a | violating party has reached the $1,500 cumulative fine | threshold and has failed to rectify the violation. | If the alleged violation has been corrected prior to or on | the date of the hearing scheduled to adjudicate the alleged | violation, then the violation shall be dismissed | (Source: P.A. 85-143.)
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2023.
Effective Date: 1/1/2023