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Public Act 100-0105 Public Act 0105 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 100-0105 | HB2663 Enrolled | LRB100 10114 NHT 20288 b |
| AN ACT concerning children.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Findings and purposes. | (a) The General Assembly finds all of the following: | (1) Research suggests that school expulsion and | suspension practices are associated with negative | educational, health, and developmental outcomes for | children. | (2) Recent studies have shown that the expulsion of | children in early care and educational settings is | occurring at alarmingly high rates, particularly among | certain racial and gender groups. A nationwide study on | preschool expulsion found that preschoolers were expelled | at more than 3 times the rate of kindergarten through | twelfth grade students. | (3) Recent data from the U.S. Department of Education | indicate that there are significant disparities within | this trend. African American boys make up 19% of preschool | enrollment but 45% of preschoolers suspended more than | once. Other research shows that while Hispanic and African | American boys combined represent 46% of all boys in | preschool, these children represent 55% of preschool boys | suspended. Boys make up 79% of preschoolers suspended once |
| and 82% of preschoolers suspended multiple times. African | American girls also represent 54% of female children | receiving one or more out-of-school suspensions, but only | 20% of female preschool enrollment overall. | (4) A study completed in 2005 analyzing expulsion rates | among states indicated that while this State reported the | sixth-lowest expulsion rate of the 40 states surveyed, | pre-kindergartners were expelled at a rate 3 times that of | their older peers. A study conducted in 2002 in Chicago | showed a high rate of expulsion, particularly in | infant-toddler programs, with over 40% of child care | programs asking a child to leave because of | social-emotional and behavioral problems, with the most | challenging behaviors being biting, hitting, and | aggressive behavior. | (5) This State has recently improved expulsion and | suspension practices in grades kindergarten through 12 via | Public Act 99-456, and the federal government has imposed | new expulsion and suspension policy requirements on some | federally funded early childhood programs. These | protections are important, but inconsistent and | incomplete, as they do not cover all children in Illinois | early learning programs. | (6) Access to infant and early childhood mental health | consultants and positive behavior intervention and support | have been shown to reduce or prevent expulsion and |
| suspension in early care and education programs. Early | childhood professionals also need training, technical | assistance, and professional development support to ensure | they are able to respond to the social-emotional needs of | young children and to ensure successful student | participation in programs. | (7) Nationally and in this State, insufficient data | collection hinders the ability to gauge the prevalence of | expulsion or suspension of children from a range of early | learning programs prior to formal school entry. | (b) The purposes of this Act are to: | (1) ensure that the goals of any disciplinary action by | State-funded or State-licensed early childhood programs | shall always include the well-being of all children, | including those experiencing difficulties as well as | others in the classroom, and prohibit the behavior-related | removal of young children from early care and education | settings without prior documentation, intervention, and | planned transitions; | (2) ensure that early childhood professionals have the | resources needed to support children's social and | emotional health and to address challenging behaviors; and | (3) develop systems to track expulsion and suspension. | Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections | 2-3.71, 2-3.71a, and 10-22.6 as follows:
| (105 ILCS 5/2-3.71) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.71)
| Sec. 2-3.71. Grants for preschool educational programs. | (a) Preschool program.
| (1) The State Board of Education shall implement and | administer
a grant program under the provisions of this | subsection which shall
consist of grants to public school | districts and other eligible entities, as defined by the | State Board of Education, to conduct voluntary
| educational programs for children ages 3 to 5 which include | a parent
education component. A public school district | which receives grants under
this subsection may | subcontract with other entities that are eligible to | conduct a preschool educational
program. These grants must | be used to supplement, not supplant, funds received from | any other source.
| (2) (Blank).
| (3) Any teacher of preschool children in the program | authorized by this
subsection shall hold an early childhood | teaching certificate.
| (4) (Blank).
| (4.5) The State Board of Education shall provide the | primary source of
funding through appropriations for the | program.
Such funds shall be distributed to achieve a goal | of "Preschool for All Children" for the benefit
of all | children whose families choose to participate in the |
| program. Based on available appropriations, newly funded | programs shall be selected through a process giving first | priority to qualified programs serving primarily at-risk | children and second priority to qualified programs serving | primarily children with a family income of less than 4 | times the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the | Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human | Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). For | purposes of this paragraph (4.5), at-risk children are | those who because of their home and community environment | are subject
to such language, cultural, economic and like | disadvantages to cause them to have
been determined as a | result of screening procedures to be at risk of
academic | failure. Such screening procedures shall be based on | criteria
established by the State Board of Education. | Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (4.5), | grantees under the program must enter into a memorandum of | understanding with the appropriate local Head Start | agency. This memorandum must be entered into no later than | 3 months after the award of a grantee's grant under the | program, except that, in the case of the 2009-2010 program | year, the memorandum must be entered into no later than the | deadline set by the State Board of Education for | applications to participate in the program in fiscal year | 2011, and must address collaboration between the grantee's | program and the local Head Start agency on certain issues, |
| which shall include without limitation the following: | (A) educational activities, curricular objectives, | and instruction; | (B) public information dissemination and access to | programs for families contacting programs; | (C) service areas; | (D) selection priorities for eligible children to | be served by programs; | (E) maximizing the impact of federal and State | funding to benefit young children; | (F) staff training, including opportunities for | joint staff training; | (G) technical assistance; | (H) communication and parent outreach for smooth | transitions to kindergarten; | (I) provision and use of facilities, | transportation, and other program elements; | (J) facilitating each program's fulfillment of its | statutory and regulatory requirements; | (K) improving local planning and collaboration; | and | (L) providing comprehensive services for the | neediest Illinois children and families. | If the appropriate local Head Start agency is unable or | unwilling to enter into a memorandum of understanding as | required under this paragraph (4.5), the memorandum of |
| understanding requirement shall not apply and the grantee | under the program must notify the State Board of Education | in writing of the Head Start agency's inability or | unwillingness. The State Board of Education shall compile | all such written notices and make them available to the | public.
| (5) The State Board of Education shall develop and | provide
evaluation tools, including tests, that school | districts and other eligible entities may use to
evaluate | children for school readiness prior to age 5. The State | Board of
Education shall require school districts and other | eligible entities
to obtain consent from the parents
or | guardians of children before any evaluations are | conducted. The State
Board of Education shall encourage | local school districts and other eligible entities to | evaluate the
population of preschool children in their | communities and provide preschool
programs, pursuant to | this subsection, where appropriate.
| (6) The State Board of Education shall report to the | General Assembly by November 1, 2018 2010
and every
2 3 | years thereafter on the results and progress of
students | who were enrolled in preschool educational programs, | including an
assessment of which programs have been most | successful in promoting
academic excellence and | alleviating academic failure. The State Board of
Education | shall assess the academic progress of all students who have |
| been
enrolled in preschool educational programs.
| On or before November 1 of each fiscal year in which | the General Assembly provides funding for new programs | under paragraph (4.5) of this Section, the State Board of | Education shall report to the General Assembly on what | percentage of new funding was provided to programs serving | primarily at-risk children, what percentage of new funding | was provided to programs serving primarily children with a | family income of less than 4 times the federal poverty | level, and what percentage of new funding was provided to | other programs. | (7) Due to evidence that expulsion practices in the | preschool years are linked to poor child outcomes and are | employed inconsistently across racial and gender groups, | early childhood programs receiving State funds under this | subsection (a) shall prohibit expulsions. Planned | transitions to settings that are able to better meet a | child's needs are not considered expulsion under this | paragraph (7). | (A) When persistent and serious challenging | behaviors emerge, the early childhood program shall | document steps taken to ensure that the child can | participate safely in the program; including | observations of initial and ongoing challenging | behaviors, strategies for remediation and intervention | plans to address the behaviors, and communication with |
| the parent or legal guardian, including participation | of the parent or legal guardian in planning and | decision-making. | (B) The early childhood program shall, with | parental or legal guardian consent as required, | utilize a range of community resources, if available | and deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, | developmental screenings, referrals to programs and | services administered by a local educational agency or | early intervention agency under Parts B and C of the | federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act, | and consultation with infant and early childhood | mental health consultants and the child's health care | provider. The program shall document attempts to | engage these resources, including parent or legal | guardian participation and consent attempted and | obtained. Communication with the parent or legal | guardian shall take place in a culturally and | linguistically competent manner. | (C) If there is documented evidence that all | available interventions and supports recommended by a | qualified professional have been exhausted and the | program determines in its professional judgment that | transitioning a child to another program is necessary | for the well-being of the child or his or her peers and | staff, with parent or legal guardian permission, both |
| the current and pending programs shall create a | transition plan designed to ensure continuity of | services and the comprehensive development of the | child. Communication with families shall occur in a | culturally and linguistically competent manner. | (D) Nothing in this paragraph (7) shall preclude a | parent's or legal guardian's right to voluntarily | withdraw his or her child from an early childhood | program. Early childhood programs shall request and | keep on file, when received, a written statement from | the parent or legal guardian stating the reason for his | or her decision to withdraw his or her child. | (E) In the case of the determination of a serious | safety threat to a child or others or in the case of | behaviors listed in subsection (d) of Section 10-22.6 | of this Code, the temporary removal of a child from | attendance in group settings may be used. Temporary | removal of a child from attendance in a group setting | shall trigger the process detailed in subparagraphs | (A), (B), and (C) of this paragraph (7), with the child | placed back in a group setting as quickly as possible. | (F) Early childhood programs may utilize and the | State Board of Education, the Department of Human | Services, and the Department of Children and Family | Services shall recommend training, technical support, | and professional development resources to improve the |
| ability of teachers, administrators, program | directors, and other staff to promote social-emotional | development and behavioral health, to address | challenging behaviors, and to understand trauma and | trauma-informed care, cultural competence, family | engagement with diverse populations, the impact of | implicit bias on adult behavior, and the use of | reflective practice techniques. Support shall include | the availability of resources to contract with infant | and early childhood mental health consultants. | (G) Beginning on July 1, 2018, early childhood | programs shall annually report to the State Board of | Education, and, beginning in fiscal year 2020, the | State Board of Education shall make available on a | biennial basis, in an existing report, all of the | following data for children from birth to age 5 who are | served by the program: | (i) Total number served over the course of the | program year and the total number of children who | left the program during the program year. | (ii) Number of planned transitions to another | program due to children's behavior, by children's | race, gender, disability, language, class/group | size, teacher-child ratio, and length of program | day. | (iii) Number of temporary removals of a child |
| from attendance in group settings due to a serious | safety threat under subparagraph (E) of this | paragraph (7), by children's race, gender, | disability, language, class/group size, | teacher-child ratio, and length of program day. | (iv) Hours of infant and early childhood | mental health consultant contact with program | leaders, staff, and families over the program | year. | (H) Changes to services for children with an | individualized education program or individual family | service plan shall be construed in a manner consistent | with the federal Individuals with Disabilities | Education Act. | The State Board of Education, in consultation with the | Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development and the | Department of Children and Family Services, shall adopt | rules to administer this paragraph (7). | (b) (Blank).
| (Source: P.A. 95-724, eff. 6-30-08; 96-119, eff. 8-4-09; | 96-944, eff. 6-25-10; 96-948, eff. 6-25-10.)
| (105 ILCS 5/2-3.71a) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.71a)
| Sec. 2-3.71a. Grants for early childhood parental training | programs. The State Board of Education shall implement and | administer a grant
program consisting of
grants to public |
| school districts and other eligible entities, as defined by the | State Board of Education, to conduct early childhood parental | training programs for the parents of
children in the period of | life from
birth to kindergarten. A public
school district that | receives
grants under this Section may contract with
other | eligible entities to conduct an early childhood parental | training program.
These grants must be used to supplement, not | supplant, funds received from any other source. A school board | or other eligible entity
shall employ appropriately qualified | personnel for its early
childhood parental training program, | including but not limited to certified
teachers, counselors, | psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.
| (a) As used in this Section, "parental training" means and | includes
instruction in the following:
| (1) Child growth and development, including prenatal | development.
| (2) Childbirth and child care.
| (3) Family structure, function and management.
| (4) Prenatal and postnatal care for mothers and | infants.
| (5) Prevention of child abuse.
| (6) The physical, mental, emotional, social, economic | and psychological
aspects of interpersonal and family | relationships.
| (7) Parenting skill development.
| The programs shall include activities that require |
| substantial
participation and interaction between parent and | child.
| (b) The Board shall annually award funds through a grant | approval process established by the State Board of Education,
| providing that an annual appropriation is made for this purpose | from State,
federal or private funds. Nothing in this Section | shall preclude school
districts from applying for or accepting | private funds to establish and
implement programs.
| (c) The State Board of Education shall assist those | districts and other eligible entities offering
early childhood | parental training programs, upon request, in developing | instructional
materials, training teachers and staff, and | establishing appropriate time
allotments for each of the areas | included in such instruction.
| (d) School districts and other eligible entities may offer | early childhood parental training courses during that
period of | the day which is not part of the regular school day. Residents
| of the community may enroll in such courses. The school board | or other eligible entity may
establish fees and collect such | charges as may be necessary for attendance
at such courses in | an amount not to exceed the per capita cost of the
operation | thereof, except that the board or other eligible entity may | waive all or part of such
charges if it determines that the | parent is indigent or that the
educational needs of the parent | require his or her attendance at such courses.
| (e) Parents who participate in early childhood parental |
| training
programs under this Section may be eligible for | reasonable reimbursement
of any incidental transportation and | child care expenses from the school
district receiving funds | pursuant to this Section.
| (f) Districts and other eligible entities receiving
grants | pursuant to this Section shall
coordinate programs created | under this
Section with other preschool educational programs, | including "at-risk"
preschool programs, special and vocational | education, and related
services provided by other governmental | agencies and not-for-profit agencies.
| (g) The State Board of Education shall report to the | General Assembly
by July 1, 1991, on the results of the | programs funded pursuant to this
Section and whether a need | continues
for such programs.
| (h) After July 1, 2006, any parental training services | funded pursuant to this Section on the effective date of this | amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly shall continue to | be funded pursuant to this Section, subject to appropriation | and the meeting of program standards. Any additional parental | training services must be funded, subject to appropriation, | through preschool education grants pursuant to subdivision (4) | of subsection (a) of Section 2-3.71 of this Code for families | with children ages 3 to 5 and through prevention initiative | grants pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 2-3.89 of this | Code for expecting families and those with children from birth | to 3 years of age.
| (i) Early childhood programs under this Section are subject | to the requirements under paragraph (7) of subsection (a) of | Section 2-3.71 of this Code. | (Source: P.A. 94-506, eff. 8-8-05.)
| (105 ILCS 5/10-22.6) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.6)
| Sec. 10-22.6. Suspension or expulsion of pupils; school | searches.
| (a) To expel pupils guilty of gross disobedience or | misconduct, including gross disobedience or misconduct | perpetuated by electronic means, pursuant to subsection (b-20) | of this Section, and
no action shall lie against them for such | expulsion. Expulsion shall
take place only after the parents | have been requested to appear at a
meeting of the board, or | with a hearing officer appointed by it, to
discuss their | child's behavior. Such request shall be made by registered
or | certified mail and shall state the time, place and purpose of | the
meeting. The board, or a hearing officer appointed by it, | at such
meeting shall state the reasons for dismissal and the | date on which the
expulsion is to become effective. If a | hearing officer is appointed by
the board he shall report to | the board a written summary of the evidence
heard at the | meeting and the board may take such action thereon as it
finds | appropriate. If the board acts to expel a pupil, the written | expulsion decision shall detail the specific reasons why | removing the pupil from the learning environment is in the best |
| interest of the school. The expulsion decision shall also | include a rationale as to the specific duration of the | expulsion. An expelled pupil may be immediately transferred to | an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or | 13B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because | of the expulsion, except in cases in which such transfer is | deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in | the alternative program.
| (b) To suspend or by policy to authorize the superintendent | of
the district or the principal, assistant principal, or dean | of students
of any school to suspend pupils guilty of gross | disobedience or misconduct, or
to suspend pupils guilty of | gross disobedience or misconduct on the school bus
from riding | the school bus, pursuant to subsections (b-15) and (b-20) of | this Section, and no action
shall lie against them for such | suspension. The board may by policy
authorize the | superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
| principal, or dean of students of any
school to suspend pupils | guilty of such acts for a period not to exceed
10 school days. | If a pupil is suspended due to gross disobedience or misconduct
| on a school bus, the board may suspend the pupil in excess of | 10
days for safety reasons. | Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the
| parents or guardian of a pupil along with a full statement of | the
reasons for such suspension and a notice of their right to | a review. The school board must be given a summary of the |
| notice, including the reason for the suspension and the | suspension length. Upon request of the
parents or guardian the | school board or a hearing officer appointed by
it shall review | such action of the superintendent or principal, assistant
| principal, or dean of students. At such
review the parents or | guardian of the pupil may appear and discuss the
suspension | with the board or its hearing officer. If a hearing officer
is | appointed by the board he shall report to the board a written | summary
of the evidence heard at the meeting. After its hearing | or upon receipt
of the written report of its hearing officer, | the board may take such
action as it finds appropriate. If a | student is suspended pursuant to this subsection (b), the board | shall, in the written suspension decision, detail the specific | act of gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the | decision to suspend. The suspension decision shall also include | a rationale as to the specific duration of the suspension. A | pupil who is suspended in excess of 20 school days may be | immediately transferred to an alternative program in the manner | provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil must not | be denied transfer because of the suspension, except in cases | in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the | safety of students or staff in the alternative program.
| (b-5) Among the many possible disciplinary interventions | and consequences available to school officials, school | exclusions, such as out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, | are the most serious. School officials shall limit the number |
| and duration of expulsions and suspensions to the greatest | extent practicable, and it is recommended that they use them | only for legitimate educational purposes. To ensure that | students are not excluded from school unnecessarily, it is | recommended that school officials consider forms of | non-exclusionary discipline prior to using out-of-school | suspensions or expulsions. | (b-10) Unless otherwise required by federal law or this | Code, school boards may not institute zero-tolerance policies | by which school administrators are required to suspend or expel | students for particular behaviors. | (b-15) Out-of-school suspensions of 3 days or less may be | used only if the student's continuing presence in school would | pose a threat to school safety or a disruption to other | students' learning opportunities. For purposes of this | subsection (b-15), "threat to school safety or a disruption to | other students' learning opportunities" shall be determined on | a case-by-case basis by the school board or its designee. | School officials shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve | such threats, address such disruptions, and minimize the length | of suspensions to the greatest extent practicable. | (b-20) Unless otherwise required by this Code, | out-of-school suspensions of longer than 3 days, expulsions, | and disciplinary removals to alternative schools may be used | only if other appropriate and available behavioral and | disciplinary interventions have been exhausted and the |
| student's continuing presence in school would either (i) pose a
| threat to the safety of other students, staff, or members of
| the school community or (ii) substantially disrupt, impede, or
| interfere with the operation of the school. For purposes of | this subsection (b-20), "threat to the safety of other | students, staff, or members of the school community" and | "substantially disrupt, impede, or interfere with the | operation of the school" shall be determined on a case-by-case | basis by school officials. For purposes of this subsection | (b-20), the determination of whether "appropriate and | available behavioral and disciplinary interventions have been | exhausted" shall be made by school officials. School officials | shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve such threats, | address such disruptions, and minimize the length of student | exclusions to the greatest extent practicable. Within the | suspension decision described in subsection (b) of this Section | or the expulsion decision described in subsection (a) of this | Section, it shall be documented whether other interventions | were attempted or whether it was determined that there were no | other appropriate and available interventions. | (b-25) Students who are suspended out-of-school for longer | than 4 school days shall be provided appropriate and available | support services during the period of their suspension. For | purposes of this subsection (b-25), "appropriate and available | support services" shall be determined by school authorities. | Within the suspension decision described in subsection (b) of |
| this Section, it shall be documented whether such services are | to be provided or whether it was determined that there are no | such appropriate and available services. | A school district may refer students who are expelled to | appropriate and available support services. | A school district shall create a policy to facilitate the | re-engagement of students who are suspended out-of-school, | expelled, or returning from an alternative school setting. | (b-30) A school district shall create a policy by which | suspended pupils, including those pupils suspended from the | school bus who do not have alternate transportation to school, | shall have the opportunity to make up work for equivalent | academic credit. It shall be the responsibility of a pupil's | parent or guardian to notify school officials that a pupil | suspended from the school bus does not have alternate | transportation to school. | (c) The Department of Human Services
shall be invited to | send a representative to consult with the board at
such meeting | whenever there is evidence that mental illness may be the
cause | for expulsion or suspension.
| (c-5) School districts shall make reasonable efforts to | provide ongoing professional development to teachers, | administrators, school board members, school resource | officers, and staff on the adverse consequences of school | exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom | management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, and |
| developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote | positive and healthy school climates. | (d) The board may expel a student for a definite period of | time not to
exceed 2 calendar years, as determined on a case by | case basis.
A student who
is determined to have brought one of | the following objects to school, any school-sponsored activity
| or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable | relationship to school shall be expelled for a period of not | less than
one year: | (1) A firearm. For the purposes of this Section, | "firearm" means any gun, rifle, shotgun, weapon as defined | by Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code, | firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners | Identification Card Act, or firearm as defined in Section | 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012. The expulsion period | under this subdivision (1) may be modified by the | superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may | be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis. | (2) A knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon | regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other | object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily | harm, including "look alikes" of any firearm as defined in | subdivision (1) of this subsection (d). The expulsion | requirement under this subdivision (2) may be modified by | the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination | may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis. |
| Expulsion
or suspension
shall be construed in a
manner | consistent with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities | Education
Act. A student who is subject to suspension or | expulsion as provided in this
Section may be eligible for a | transfer to an alternative school program in
accordance with | Article 13A of the School Code.
| (d-5) The board may suspend or by regulation
authorize the | superintendent of the district or the principal, assistant
| principal, or dean of students of any
school to suspend a | student for a period not to exceed
10 school days or may expel | a student for a definite period of time not to
exceed 2 | calendar years, as determined on a case by case basis, if (i) | that student has been determined to have made an explicit | threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a | student, or any school-related personnel, (ii) the Internet | website through which the threat was made is a site that was | accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or | was available to third parties who worked or studied within the | school grounds at the time the threat was made, and (iii) the | threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the | safety and security of the threatened individual because of his | or her duties or employment status or status as a student | inside the school.
| (e) To maintain order and security in the schools, school | authorities may
inspect and search places and areas such as | lockers, desks, parking lots, and
other school property and |
| equipment owned or controlled by the school, as well
as | personal effects left in those places and areas by students, | without notice
to or the consent of the student, and without a | search warrant. As a matter of
public policy, the General | Assembly finds that students have no reasonable
expectation of | privacy in these places and areas or in their personal effects
| left in these places and areas. School authorities may request | the assistance
of law enforcement officials for the purpose of | conducting inspections and
searches of lockers, desks, parking | lots, and other school property and
equipment owned or | controlled by the school for illegal drugs, weapons, or
| illegal or dangerous substances or materials, including | searches conducted
through the use of specially trained dogs. | If a search conducted in accordance
with this Section produces | evidence that the student has violated or is
violating either | the law, local ordinance, or the school's policies or rules,
| such evidence may be seized by school authorities, and | disciplinary action may
be taken. School authorities may also | turn over such evidence to law
enforcement authorities.
| (f) Suspension or expulsion may include suspension or | expulsion from
school and all school activities and a | prohibition from being present on school
| (g) A school district may adopt a policy providing that if | a student
is suspended or expelled for any reason from any | public or private school
in this or any other state, the | student must complete the entire term of
the suspension or |
| expulsion in an alternative school program under Article 13A of | this Code or an alternative learning opportunities program | under Article 13B of this Code before being admitted into the | school
district if there is no threat to the safety of students | or staff in the alternative program.
| (h) School officials shall not advise or encourage students | to drop out voluntarily due to behavioral or academic | difficulties. | (i) A student may not be issued a monetary fine or fee as a | disciplinary consequence, though this shall not preclude | requiring a student to provide restitution for lost, stolen, or | damaged property. | (j) Subsections (a) through (i) of this Section shall apply | to elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, special | charter districts, and school districts organized under | Article 34 of this Code. | (k) The expulsion of children enrolled in programs funded | under Section 1C-2 of this Code is subject to the requirements | under paragraph (7) of subsection (a) of Section 2-3.71 of this | Code. | (Source: P.A. 99-456, eff. 9-15-16 .)
| Section 10. The Child Care Act of 1969 is amended by adding | Section 5.10 as follows: | (225 ILCS 10/5.10 new) |
| Sec. 5.10. Child care limitation on expulsions. Consistent | with the purposes of this amendatory Act of the 100th General | Assembly and the requirements therein under paragraph (7) of | subsection (a) of Section 2-3.71 of the School Code, the | Department, in consultation with the Governor's Office of Early | Childhood Development and the State Board of Education, shall | adopt rules prohibiting the use of expulsion due to a child's | persistent and serious challenging behaviors in licensed day | care centers, day care homes, and group day care homes. The | rulemaking shall address, at a minimum, requirements for | licensees to establish intervention and transition policies, | notify parents of policies, document intervention steps, and | collect and report data on children transitioning out of the | program.
Effective Date: 1/1/2018