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Public Act 099-0670 Public Act 0670 99TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 099-0670 | HB4606 Enrolled | LRB099 17180 NHT 41538 b |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section | 10-20.12b as follows:
| (105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b)
| Sec. 10-20.12b. Residency; payment of tuition; hearing; | criminal penalty.
| (a) For purposes of this Section:
| (1) The residence of a person who has legal custody of | a pupil is
deemed to be the residence of the pupil.
| (2) "Legal custody" means one of the following:
| (i) Custody exercised by a natural or adoptive | parent with whom the
pupil resides.
| (ii) Custody granted by order of a court of | competent jurisdiction to a
person with whom the pupil | resides for reasons other than to have access to the
| educational programs of the district.
| (iii) Custody exercised under a statutory | short-term guardianship,
provided that within 60 days | of the pupil's enrollment a court order is entered
that | establishes a permanent guardianship and grants | custody to a person with
whom the pupil resides for |
| reasons other than to have access to the educational
| programs of the district.
| (iv) Custody exercised by an adult caretaker | relative who is receiving
aid under the Illinois Public | Aid Code for the pupil who resides with that
adult | caretaker relative for purposes other than to have | access to the
educational programs of the district.
| (v) Custody exercised by an adult who demonstrates | that, in fact, he or
she has assumed and exercises | legal responsibility for the pupil and provides
the | pupil with a regular fixed night-time abode for | purposes other than to have
access to the educational | programs of the district.
| (a-5) If a pupil's change of residence is due to the | military service obligation of a person who has legal custody | of the pupil, then, upon the written request of the person | having legal custody of the pupil, the residence of the pupil | is deemed for all purposes relating to enrollment (including | tuition, fees, and costs), for the duration of the custodian's | military service obligation, to be the same as the residence of | the pupil immediately before the change of residence caused by | the military service obligation. A school district is not | responsible for providing transportation to or from school for | a pupil whose residence is determined under this subsection | (a-5). School districts shall facilitate re-enrollment when | necessary to comply with this subsection (a-5).
| (b) Except as otherwise provided under Section 10-22.5a, | only resident
pupils of a school district may attend the | schools of the district without
payment of the tuition required | to be charged under Section 10-20.12a.
However, children for | whom the Guardianship Administrator of the Department of
| Children and Family Services has been appointed temporary | custodian or guardian
of the person of a child shall not be | charged tuition as a nonresident pupil if
the child was placed | by the Department of Children and Family Services with a
foster | parent or placed in another type of child care facility and the | foster
parent or child care facility is located in a school | district other than
the child's former school district and it | is determined by the Department of
Children and Family Services | to be in the child's
best interest to maintain attendance at | his or her former school district.
| (c) The provisions of this subsection do not apply in | school districts
having a population of 500,000 or more.
If a | school board in a school district with a population of less | than
500,000 determines that a pupil who is attending school in
| the district on a tuition free basis is a nonresident of the | district for whom
tuition is required to be charged under | Section 10-20.12a, the board shall
notify the person who | enrolled the pupil of the amount of the tuition
charged under | Section 10-20.12a that is due to the district for a the | nonresident
pupil's attendance in the district's schools. The | notice shall detail the specific reasons why the board believes |
| that the pupil is a nonresident of the district and shall be | given by
certified mail, return receipt requested. Within 10 | calendar days after receipt of the
notice, the person who | enrolled the pupil may request a hearing to
review the | determination of the school board. The request shall be sent by
| certified mail, return receipt requested, to the district | superintendent.
Within 10 calendar days after receipt of the | request, the board shall notify, by
certified mail, return | receipt requested, the person requesting the hearing of
the | time and place of the hearing, which shall be held not less | than 10 nor
more than 20 calendar days after the
notice of | hearing is given. At least 3 calendar days prior to the | hearing, each party shall disclose to the other party all | written evidence and testimony that it may submit during the | hearing and a list of witnesses that it may call to testify | during the hearing. The hearing notice shall notify the person | requesting the hearing that any written evidence and testimony | or witnesses not disclosed to the other party at least 3 | calendar days prior to the hearing are barred at the hearing | without the consent of the other party. The board or a hearing | officer designated by the
board shall conduct the hearing. The | board and the person who enrolled
the pupil may be represented | at the hearing by representatives of their
choice. At the | hearing, the person who enrolled the pupil shall have the
| burden of going forward with the evidence concerning the | pupil's residency. If
the hearing is conducted by a hearing |
| officer, the hearing officer,
within 5 calendar days after the | conclusion of the hearing, shall send a written report
of his | or her findings by certified mail, return receipt requested, to | the
school board and to the person who enrolled the pupil.
The | person who enrolled the pupil may, within 5 calendar days
after | receiving the findings, file written objections to the findings | with the
school board by sending the objections by certified | mail, return receipt
requested, addressed to the district | superintendent.
Whether the hearing is conducted by the school | board or a hearing officer, the
school board shall, within 30 | calendar 15 days after the conclusion of the hearing, decide
| whether or not the pupil is a resident of the district and the | amount of any
tuition required to be charged under Section | 10-20.12a as a result of the
pupil's attendance in the schools | of the district. The school board shall send
a copy of its | decision within 5 calendar days of its decision to the person | who enrolled the
pupil by certified mail, return receipt | requested. This decision must inform the person who enrolled | the pupil that he or she may, within 5 calendar days after | receipt of the decision of the board, petition the regional | superintendent of schools to review the decision. The decision | must also include notification that, at the request of the | person who enrolled the pupil, the pupil may continue attending | the schools of the district pending the regional superintendent | of schools' review of the board's decision but that tuition | shall continue to be assessed under Section 10-20.12a of this |
| Code during the review period and become due upon a final | determination of the regional superintendent of schools that | the student is a nonresident , and the decision of the school | board shall be final .
| Within 5 calendar days after receipt of the decision of the | board pursuant to this subsection (c) of this Section, the | person who enrolled the pupil may petition the regional | superintendent of schools who exercises supervision and | control of the board to review the board's decision. The | petition must include the basis for the request and be sent by | certified mail, return receipt requested, to both the regional | superintendent of schools and the district superintendent. | Within 5 calendar days after receipt of the petition, the | board must deliver to the regional superintendent of schools | the written decision of the board, any written evidence and | testimony that was submitted by the parties during the hearing, | a list of all witnesses that testified during the hearing, and | any existing written minutes or transcript of the hearing or | verbatim record of the hearing in the form of an audio or video | recording documenting the hearing. The board may also provide | the regional superintendent of schools and the petitioner with | a written response to the petition. The regional superintendent | of schools' review of the board's decision is limited to the | documentation submitted to the regional superintendent of | schools pursuant to this Section. | Within 10 calendar days after receipt of the documentation |
| provided by the school district pursuant to this Section, the | regional superintendent of schools shall issue a written | decision as to whether or not there is clear and convincing | evidence that the pupil is a resident of the district pursuant | to this Section and eligible to attend the district's schools | on a tuition-free basis. The decision shall be transmitted to | the board and the person who enrolled the pupil and shall, with | specificity, detail the rationale behind the decision. | (c-5) The provisions of this subsection apply only in | school districts
having a population of 500,000 or more. If the | board of education of a school
district with a population of | 500,000 or more determines that a pupil who is
attending school | in the district on a tuition free basis is a nonresident of
the | district for whom tuition is required to be charged under | Section
10-20.12a, the board shall notify the person who | enrolled the pupil of the
amount of the tuition charged under | Section 10-20.12a that is due to the
district for the | nonresident pupil's attendance in the district's schools. The
| notice shall be given by certified mail, return receipt | requested. Within 10 calendar
days after receipt of the notice, | the person who enrolled the pupil may request
a hearing to | review the determination of the school board. The request shall
| be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the | district
superintendent. Within 30 calendar days after receipt | of the
request, the board shall notify, by certified mail, | return receipt requested,
the person requesting the hearing of |
| the time and place of the hearing, which
shall be held not less | than 10 calendar nor more than 30 calendar days after the | notice of
hearing is given. The board or a hearing officer | designated by the board shall
conduct the hearing. The board | and the person who enrolled the pupil may each
be represented | at the hearing by a representative of their choice. At the
| hearing, the person who enrolled the pupil shall have the | burden of going
forward with the evidence concerning the | pupil's residency. If the hearing is
conducted by a hearing | officer, the hearing officer, within 20 calendar days after the
| conclusion of the hearing, shall serve a written report of his | or her findings
by personal service or by certified mail, | return receipt requested, to the
school board and to the person | who enrolled the pupil. The person who enrolled
the pupil may, | within 10 calendar days after receiving the findings, file | written
objections to the findings with the board of education | by sending the
objections by certified mail, return receipt | requested, addressed to the
general superintendent of schools. | If the hearing is conducted by the board of
education, the | board shall, within 45 calendar days after the
conclusion of | the hearing, decide whether or not the pupil is a resident of | the
district and the amount of any tuition required to be | charged under Section
10-20.12a as a result of the pupil's | attendance in the schools of the district.
If the hearing is | conducted by a hearing officer, the board of education
shall, | within 45 days after the receipt of the hearing officer's |
| findings,
decide whether or not the pupil is a resident of the | district and the amount of
any tuition required to be charged | under Section 10-20.12a as a result of the
pupil's attendance | in the schools of the district. The board of education
shall | send, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of | its decision
to the person who enrolled the pupil, and the | decision of the board shall be
| (d) If a hearing is requested under subsection (c) of this | Section or (c-5) to review
the determination of the school | board or board of education that a nonresident pupil is | attending the schools of the
district without payment of the | tuition required to be charged under Section
10-20.12a, the | pupil may, at the request of the a person who enrolled
the | pupil, continue attendance at the schools of the district | pending the a final
decision of the board or regional | superintendent of schools, as applicable, and the school | district's payments under Section 18-8.05 of this Code shall | not be adjusted due to tuition collection under this Section. | of the board following the hearing. However, attendance of
that | pupil in the schools of the district as authorized by this | subsection (d)
shall not relieve any person who enrolled the | pupil of the obligation to pay
the tuition
charged for that | attendance under Section 10-20.12a if the final decision of
the | board or regional superintendent of schools is that the pupil | is a nonresident of the district.
If a pupil is determined to | be a nonresident of the district for whom tuition
is required |
| to be charged pursuant to this Section, the board shall
refuse | to permit the pupil to continue attending the schools of the | district
unless the required tuition is paid for the pupil.
| (d-5) If a hearing is requested under subsection (c-5) of | this Section to review the determination of the board of | education that a nonresident pupil is attending the schools of | the district without payment of the tuition required to be | charged under Section 10-20.12a of this Code, the pupil may, at | the request of the person who enrolled the pupil, continue | attendance at the schools of the district pending a final | decision of the board following the hearing. However, | attendance of that pupil in the schools of the district as | authorized by this subsection (d-5) shall not relieve any | person who enrolled the pupil of the obligation to pay the | tuition charged for that attendance under Section 10-20.12a of | this Code if the final decision of the board is that the pupil | is a nonresident of the district. If a pupil is determined to | be a nonresident of the district for whom tuition is required | to be charged pursuant to this Section, the board shall refuse | to permit the pupil to continue attending the schools of the | district unless the required tuition is paid for the pupil. | (e) Except for a pupil referred to in subsection (b) of | Section 10-22.5a, a
pupil referred to in Section 10-20.12a, or | a pupil referred to in subsection
(b) of this Section, a person | who knowingly enrolls or
attempts to enroll in the schools of a | school district on a tuition free basis
a pupil known by that |
| person to be a nonresident of the district shall be
guilty of a | Class C misdemeanor.
| (f) A person who knowingly or wilfully presents to any | school district any
false information regarding the residency | of a pupil for the purpose of
enabling that pupil to attend any | school in that district without the payment
of a nonresident | tuition charge shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
| (g) The provisions of this Section are subject to the | provisions of the
Education for Homeless Children Act. Nothing | in this Section shall be
construed to apply to or require the | payment of tuition by a parent or guardian
of a "homeless | child" (as that term is defined in Section 1-5 of the Education
| for Homeless Children Act) in connection with or as a result of | the homeless
child's continued education or enrollment in a | school that is chosen in
accordance with any of the options | provided in Section 1-10 of that Act.
| (Source: P.A. 94-309, eff. 7-25-05.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2017