92nd General Assembly
Status of HB0079
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   215 ILCS 5/Art. XXA heading new                                             
   215 ILCS 5/371A-1 new                                                       
   215 ILCS 5/371A-5 new                                                       
   215 ILCS 5/371A-10 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-15 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-20 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-25 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-30 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-35 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-40 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-45 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-50 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-55 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-60 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-65 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-70 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-75 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-80 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-85 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-90 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-95 new                                                      
   215 ILCS 5/371A-100 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-105 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-110 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-115 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-120 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-125 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-130 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-135 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-140 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-145 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-150 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-155 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-160 new                                                     
   215 ILCS 5/371A-165 new                                                     

        Amends the Illinois Insurance Code.   Creates  the  Accident  and      
   Health  Insurance Rate Law.  Authorizes the Department of Insurance to      
   review and approve or disapprove premium rates for accident and health      
   insurance. Provides that rate increases greater than the  increase  in      
   the  medical  care  component  of  the  Consumer  Price  Index must be      
   approved by the Department  before  the  rates  are  used.   Specifies      
   financial  information  to  be  reported to the Department.  Effective      
   January 1, 2002.                                                            
   DEC-08-2000  H  PREFILED WITH CLERK                                            
   JAN-10-2001  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   JAN-10-2001  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   JAN-30-2001  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 KENNER                
   JAN-30-2001  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 HOWARD                
   JAN-31-2001  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               CONSUMER PROT         
   FEB-06-2001  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 CURRY,JULIE           
   FEB-15-2001  H  MOTION DO PASS-LOST                      006-007-000   HCON    
   FEB-15-2001  H       REMAINS IN COMMITTEE                CONSUMER PROT         
   MAR-16-2001  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   FEB-13-2002  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               CONSUMER PROT         
   FEB-22-2002  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   JAN-07-2003  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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