90th General Assembly
Status of SB1307
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   70 ILCS 2605/271 new                                                        

        Amends the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act.  Enlarges      
   the District to include  the  described  tracts  of  land.   Effective      
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1.  (Tabled May 19, 1998)                          
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          210 ILCS 125/4.5 new                                                 
        Amends the Swimming Pool and Bathing Beach  Act.   Provides  that      
   the  Department  of  Public Health may not require portable toilets at      
   bathing beaches owned by a not for profit property association or by a      
   municipality  with  a  population  under  10,000   unless   there   is      
   demonstrable, present, continuing, and clear health risk at the beach.      
   Defines health risk.                                                        
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 2.                                                 
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          70 ILCS 2605/4.7                from Ch. 42, par. 323.7              
          70 ILCS 2605/4.11               from Ch. 42, par. 323.11             
          70 ILCS 2605/5.9                from Ch. 42, par. 324s               
        Further amends the Metropolitan Water Reclamation  District  Act.      
   Removes  the  position of assistant director of information technology      
   from the requirements of civil  service  examination  and  appointment      
   eligibility  and  makes  the  position  one  appointed  by the general      
   superintendent.  Permits  the  transfer  of  the  district's  interest      
   income  among its most needy funds upon a two-thirds vote of the board      
   of trustees.  Excludes certain types of interest.                           
          FISCAL NOTE, H-AMS 1 & 2 (Dpt. Revenue)                              
          No fiscal impact on the Dpt. of Revenue.                             
          PENSION NOTE, H-AMS 1 & 2                                            
          No fiscal impact for any public pension fund or retirement           
          system in Illinois.                                                  
          FISCAL NOTE (Dpt. Commerce & Community Affairs)                      
          No fiscal impact on local gov'ts. or DCCA.                           
          STATE MANDATES ACT FISCAL NOTE                                       
          Fails to create a State mandate.                                     
          HOME RULE NOTE                                                       
          Fails to preempt home rule authority.                                
          STATE MANDATES ACT FISCAL NOTE, H-AMS 1 & 2                          
          No change from previous mandates note.                               
          HOME RULE NOTE, H-AMS 1 & 2                                          
          No change from previous home rule note.                              
   98-01-29  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   98-01-29  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   98-03-03  S       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               LOC GOV & ELE         
   98-03-10  S       DO PASS                             007-000-000   SLGV    
   98-03-10  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 2ND READING  98-03-11              
   98-03-11  S  SECOND READING                                                 
   98-03-11  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 3RD READING  98-03-12              
   98-03-24  S  THIRD READING - PASSED                   052-000-000           
   98-03-24  H  ARRIVE IN HOUSE                                                
   98-03-24  H  HOUSE SPONSOR                            SKINNER               
   98-03-24  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   98-03-24  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   98-04-14  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               EXECUTIVE             
   98-04-22  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-EXECUTIVE     H    
   98-04-22  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   98-04-22  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-EXECUTIVE     H    
   98-04-22  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   98-04-22  H  DO PASS AMENDED/SHORT DEBATE             013-000-000   HEXC    
   98-04-22  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   98-04-23  H  FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED         LANG                  
   98-04-23  H  STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE RQSTD AS AMENDED  LANG                  
   98-04-23  H  HOME RULE NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED      LANG                  
   98-04-23  H  PENSION NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED        LANG                  
   98-04-23  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-04-23  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BEAUBIEN              
   98-04-23  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BROWN                 
   98-04-30  H  FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED             BY #1 & 2             
   98-04-30  H  PENSION NOTE FILED AS AMENDED            BY #1 & 2             
   98-04-30  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-05  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   98-05-05  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   98-05-05  H  HOME RULE NOTE FILED                                           
   98-05-05  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-05  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BERGMAN               
   98-05-06  H  STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED  BY HA #1,2            
   98-05-06  H  HOME RULE NOTE FILED                     BY HA #1,2            
   98-05-06  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   98-05-06  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-14  H  RECALLED TO SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-14  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 03-SKINNER            
   98-05-14  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   98-05-14  H  HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE                       
   98-05-15  H  3RD READING AND PASSAGE DEADLINE EXTEND  MAY 22, 1998          
   98-05-15  H  HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE                       
   98-05-19  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-19  H  THIRD READING - CONSIDERATION POSTPONED                        
   98-05-19  H  PLACED CALENDAR-CONSIDERATION POSTPONED                        
   98-05-19  H  RECALLED TO SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   98-05-19  H  MOTION TO TABLE AMENDMENT - PREVAILED    01                    
   98-05-19  H  PLACED CALENDAR-CONSIDERATION POSTPONED                        
   98-05-19  H  TABLED PURSUANT TO RULE 40(a)            HA #3                 
   98-05-19  H  THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/PASSED        100-016-001           
   98-05-20  S  SECRETARYS DESK - CONCURRENCE            02                    
   98-05-20  S  FILED WITH SECRETARY                                           
   98-05-20  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 02/KLEMM              
   98-05-20  S                        MOTION REFERRED TO SRUL                  
   98-05-20  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 02/KLEMM              
   98-05-20  S                           RULES REFERS TO SLGV                  
   98-05-21  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 02/KLEMM              
   98-05-21  S                                BE ADOPTED SLGV/006-000-000      
   98-05-21  S     MOTION TO CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 02/KLEMM              
   98-05-21  S  SEN CONCURS IN HSE AMENDMENTS (NO.)      02/055-001-000        
   98-05-21  S  PASSED BOTH HOUSES                                             
   98-06-19  S  SENT TO THE GOVERNOR                                           
   98-08-14  S  GOVERNOR APPROVED                                              
   98-08-14  S                            EFFECTIVE DATE 98-08-14              
   98-08-14  S  PUBLIC ACT.............................. 90-0781               


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