90th General Assembly
Status of HB1334
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   35 ILCS 5/210                                                               

        Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act.   Makes  the  dependent  care      
   assistance  program  tax  credit  applicable  to  all  taxpayers (now,      
   taxpayers primarily engaged in manufacturing) beginning with tax years      
   beginning on or after January 1, 1997.  Exempts the  credit  from  the      
   sunset provisions.                                                          
   97-03-04  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-03-04  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-05  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               REVENUE               
   97-03-11  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    HUGHES                
   97-03-13  H  DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE                     010-001-000   HREV    
   97-03-13  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-03-18  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   97-03-18  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-25  H  THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/PASSED        116-000-000           
   97-04-29  S  ARRIVE IN SENATE                                               
   97-04-29  S  PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING   97-04-30              
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


 Full Text  Bill Summary