90th General Assembly
Status of HB0851
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   New Act                                                                     
   720 ILCS 5/Article 21.4 heading new                                         
   720 ILCS 5/21.4-1 new                                                       
   720 ILCS 5/21.4-2 new                                                       
   720 ILCS 5/21.4-3 new                                                       
   720 ILCS 5/21.4-4 new                                                       

        Creates the Health Care Facilities Act to  make  any  person  who      
   intentionally interferes with another person's access to a health care      
   facility  civilly liable for damages, legal fees, and costs.  Provides      
   for injunctive relief.  Amends the Criminal Code of 1961 to create the      
   offense of  intentional  interference  with  access  to  health  care.      
   Violation is a Class A misdemeanor.                                         
          FISCAL NOTE (Dpt. Corrections)                                       
          There would be no corrections population or fiscal impact.           
          CORRECTIONAL NOTE                                                    
          No change from DOC fiscal note.                                      
          STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE                                           
          In the opinion of DCCA, HB851 fails to create a State mandate.       
          JUDICIAL NOTE                                                        
          There may be an increase in judicial workloads; impact on the        
          need for the number of judges cannot be determined.                  
   97-02-20  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-02-20  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-02-26  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               JUD-CIVIL LAW         
   97-03-07  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   97-03-07  H  CORRECTIONAL NOTE FILED                                        
   97-03-07  H                   COMMITTEE               JUD-CIVIL LAW         
   97-03-19  H                     FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED CROSS                 
   97-03-19  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED     CROSS                 
   97-03-19  H                   JUDICIAL NOTE REQUESTED CROSS                 
   97-03-19  H                   COMMITTEE               JUD-CIVIL LAW         
   97-03-20  H  DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE                     007-003-000   HJUA    
   97-03-20  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 MULLIGAN              
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    LANG                  
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    ERWIN                 
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    CROSS                 
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    BIGGERT               
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MOORE,ANDREA          
   97-03-21  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    LINDNER               
   97-04-03  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   97-04-03  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-04  H                       JUDICIAL NOTE FILED                       
   97-04-04  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-09  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    GASH                  
   97-04-09  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    FEIGENHOLTZ           
   97-04-10  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   97-04-10  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-10  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCKEON                
   97-04-11  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    CROSS                 
   97-04-11  H  THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/PASSED        073-041-000           
   97-04-14  S  ARRIVE IN SENATE                                               
   97-04-14  S  PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING                         
   97-04-16  S  CHIEF SPONSOR                            PARKER                
   97-04-17  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-04-17  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   97-04-24  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              LINK                  
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


 Full Text  Bill Summary