State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                          SENATE RESOLUTION
 2        WHEREAS, Under the federal  Clean  Air  Act,  the  United
 3    States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is required to
 4    review  the  national   ambient air quality standards for air
 5    pollutants, including ozone and  particulate    matter  (PM),
 6    every 5 years; and
 7        WHEREAS,  Ozone occurs in the atmosphere as a  product of
 8    gases  such  as  nitrogen   oxides   and   volatile   organic
 9    compounds,  and particulate matter consists of finely divided
10    solid  and  liquid   material   commonly   originating   from
11    ground-level industrial processes; and
12        WHEREAS,  In  response  to  a  court  order, the USEPA is
13    considering  whether to  revise  the  current  standards  for
14    ozone and fine particulate matter;  and
15        WHEREAS,  The  USEPA has proposed to tighten the standard
16    for ground-level ozone from 0.12  parts  per  million  (ppm),
17    measured  at  the  highest  hour  of    the day, to 0.08 ppm,
18    measured over an 8-hour period, and has recommended  a    new
19    standard for fine particulate matter (2.5 microns in diameter
20    or smaller) of  15 micrograms per cubic meter annually and 50
21    micrograms per cubic meter  daily; and
22        WHEREAS, The USEPA will announce a final rule setting the
23    ozone  and    particulate matter national ambient air quality
24    standards in July, 1997; and
25        WHEREAS, The Nation's air quality has been improving  for
26    all  pollutants    over  the  past 10 years under the current
27    standards  and  should    continue  to  improve  under  those
28    standards; and
29        WHEREAS,  Current  studies  do  not  adequately   support
30    changing  the    standards  for  ozone  and  fine particulate
31    matter; in particular, studies of the  risks  of  particulate
                            -2-               SRS90SJ0005JJsa
 1    matter  do  not  properly  take into account many behavioral,
 2    occupational, environmental, and  genetic  factors  that  may
 3    negate   the   purported     increase  in  mortality  due  to
 4    particulate matter; and
 5        WHEREAS, The USEPA has failed to  identify  a  sufficient
 6    biological   nexus    between  fine  particulate  matter  and
 7    increases in mortality;  the Clean Air   Scientific  Advisory
 8    Committee   has   stated  that  there  are  "many  unanswered
 9    questions  and  uncertainties  associated  with  establishing
10    causality of the  association between PM2.5  and  mortality";
11    and
12        WHEREAS,  An  estimated  323  counties nationwide will be
13    placed in non-attainment   with  the  implementation  of  the
14    proposed  standards  and businesses across this  State, small
15    and large, will be required to make costly  modifications  to
16    comply with the proposed standards; and
17        WHEREAS,  With  the expansion of Clean Air Act regulation
18    under the  proposed standards, the State of Illinois will  be
19    required  to  revise its air quality  programs and to conduct
20    extensive  monitoring  of  ozone  and   particulate   matter;
21    therefore, be it
23    ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the USEPA  to
24    refrain    from  tightening  the standards for ozone and fine
25    particulate matter without  (i) conducting additional  health
26    and  scientific  studies that support the proposed  standards
27    and (ii) thoroughly measuring the  economic  consequences  of
28    the  proposed standards; and be it further
29        RESOLVED,  That  suitable  copies  of  this resolution be
30    forwarded to each  member of the Illinois delegation  to  the
31    United  States  Congress  and  to  the   Administrator of the
                            -3-               SRS90SJ0005JJsa
 1    United States Environmental Protection Agency.

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