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Illinois Compiled Statutes
Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide. Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.
ELECTIONS (10 ILCS 5/) Election Code. 10 ILCS 5/Art. 1
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 1 heading)
10 ILCS 5/1-1
(10 ILCS 5/1-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1-1)
Sec. 1-1.
This Act may be cited as the Election Code. This Act is the
general election law of Illinois and
any reference in any other Act to "the general election law" or "the
general election law of this State" is a reference to this Act, as now or
hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475 .)
10 ILCS 5/1-2
(10 ILCS 5/1-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 1-2)
Sec. 1-2.
The provisions of this Act, so far as they are the same as those
of any prior statute, shall be construed as a continuation of such prior
provisions, and not as a new enactment.
If in any other statute reference is made to an Act of the General
Assembly, or a Section of such an Act, which is continued in this
Code, such reference shall be held to refer to the Act or Section thereof
so continued in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
10 ILCS 5/1-3
(10 ILCS 5/1-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 1-3)
Sec. 1-3. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Election" includes the submission of all questions of public
policy, propositions, and all measures submitted to popular vote, and
includes primary elections when so indicated by the context.
2. "Regular election" means the general, general primary,
consolidated and consolidated primary elections regularly scheduled in Article
2A. The even numbered year municipal primary established in Article 2A is
a regular election only with respect to those municipalities in which a
primary is required to be held on such date.
3. "Special election" means an election not regularly recurring at fixed
intervals, irrespective of whether it is held at the same time and place and by
the same election officers as a regular election.
4. "General election" means the biennial election at which members of
the General Assembly are elected. "General primary election", "consolidated election" and "consolidated primary election" mean
the respective elections or the election dates designated and established
in Article 2A of this Code.
5. "Municipal election" means an election or primary, either regular
or special, in cities, villages, and incorporated towns; and "municipality"
means any such city, village or incorporated town.
6. "Political or governmental subdivision" means any unit of local
government, or school district in which elections are or may be held.
"Political or governmental subdivision" also includes, for election purposes,
Regional Boards of School Trustees, and Township Boards of School Trustees.
7. The word "township" and the word "town" shall apply
interchangeably to the type of governmental organization established in
accordance with the provisions of the Township Code. The term
"incorporated town" shall mean a municipality referred to as an
incorporated town in the Illinois Municipal Code, as now or hereafter
8. "Election authority" means a county clerk or a Board of Election
9. "Election Jurisdiction" means (a) an entire county, in the case of
a county in which no city board of election commissioners is located or
which is under the jurisdiction of a county board of election commissioners;
(b) the territorial jurisdiction of a city board of election commissioners;
and (c) the territory in a county outside of the jurisdiction of a city
board of election commissioners. In each instance election jurisdiction
shall be determined according to which election authority maintains the
permanent registration records of qualified electors.
10. "Local election official" means the clerk or secretary of a unit
of local government or school district, as the case may be, the treasurer
of a township board of school trustees, and the regional superintendent
of schools with respect to the various school officer elections and school
referenda for which the regional superintendent is assigned election duties
by The School Code, as now or hereafter amended.
11. "Judges of election", "primary judges" and similar terms, as
applied to cases where there are 2 sets of judges, when used in
connection with duties at an election during the hours the polls are
open, refer to the team of judges of election on duty during such hours;
and, when used with reference to duties after the closing of the polls,
refer to the team of tally judges designated to count the vote after the
closing of the polls and the holdover judges designated pursuant to
Section 13-6.2 or 14-5.2. In such case, where, after the closing of the
polls, any act is required to be performed by each of the judges of
election, it shall be performed by each of the tally judges and by each
of the holdover judges.
12. "Petition" of candidacy as used in Sections 7-10 and 7-10.1
shall consist of a statement of candidacy, candidate's statement
containing oath, and sheets containing signatures of qualified primary
electors bound together.
13. "Election district" and "precinct", when used with reference to
a 30-day residence requirement, means the smallest constituent territory
in which electors vote as a unit at the same polling place in any
election governed by this Act.
14. "District" means any area which votes as a unit for the election of
any officer, other than the State or a unit of local government or school
district, and includes, but is not limited to, legislative, congressional
and judicial districts, judicial circuits, county board districts,
municipal and sanitary district wards, school board districts, and precincts.
15. "Question of public policy" or "public question"
means any question, proposition or measure submitted to the voters at an
election dealing with subject matter other than the nomination or election
of candidates and shall include, but is not limited to, any bond or tax
referendum, and questions relating to the Constitution.
16. "Ordinance providing the form of government of a municipality
or county pursuant to Article VII of the Constitution" includes ordinances,
resolutions and petitions adopted by referendum which provide for the form
of government, the officers or the manner of selection or terms of office
of officers of such municipality or county, pursuant to the provisions of
Sections 4, 6 or 7 of Article VII of the Constitution.
17. "List" as used in Sections 4-11, 4-22, 5-14, 5-29, 6-60, and 6-66
shall include a computer tape or computer disc or other electronic data
processing information containing voter information.
18. "Accessible" means accessible to persons with disabilities and elderly
individuals for the purpose of voting or registration, as determined by
rule of the State Board of Elections.
19. "Elderly" means 65 years of age or older.
20. "Person with a disability" means a person having a temporary or permanent physical disability.
21. "Leading political party" means one of the two political parties
whose candidates for governor at the most recent three gubernatorial
elections received either the highest or second highest average number of
votes. The political party whose candidates for governor received the
highest average number of votes shall be known as the first leading
political party and the political party whose candidates for governor
received the second highest average number of votes shall be known as the
second leading political party.
22. "Business day" means any day in which the office of an election
authority, local election official or the State Board of Elections is open
to the public for a minimum of 7 hours.
23. "Homeless individual" means any person who has a nontraditional
residence, including, but not limited to, a shelter, day shelter, park
bench, street corner, or space under a bridge.
24. "Signature" means a name signed in ink or in digitized form. This definition does not apply to a nominating or candidate petition or a referendum petition. 25. "Intelligent mail barcode tracking system" means a printed trackable barcode attached to the return business reply envelope for mail-in ballots under Article 19 or Article 20 that allows an election authority to determine the date the envelope was mailed in absence of a postmark. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/1-3.5 (10 ILCS 5/1-3.5) Sec. 1-3.5. Absentee voting. Any references to absentee ballots, absentee voters, absentee registration, or absentee voting procedures in this Code shall be construed to refer to vote by mail ballots, persons who vote by mail, registration by mail, or voting by mail.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/1-4 (10 ILCS 5/1-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 1-4) Sec. 1-4. (a) In any case in which this Act prescribes a period of time within which petitions for nomination must be filed, the office in which petitions must be filed shall remain open for the receipt of such petitions until 5:00 P.M. on the last day of the filing period. (b) (Blank). (Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-5
(10 ILCS 5/1-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 1-5)
Sec. 1-5.
(Source: P.A. 86-873. Repealed by P.A. 89-653, eff. 8-14-96.)
10 ILCS 5/1-6
(10 ILCS 5/1-6)
Sec. 1-6. Computing dates of various acts; Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
(a) If the first or last day fixed by law to do any act required or
allowed by this Code falls on a State holiday or a Saturday or a Sunday, the
period shall extend through the first business day next
following the day
otherwise fixed as the first or last day,
irrespective of whether any election authority or local election official
conducts business on the State holiday, Saturday, or Sunday.
(b) For the purposes of this Section, "State holiday" means New Year's
Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, President's
Day, Casimir Pulaski's Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Freedom Day, Independence Day,
Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and
any other day from time to time declared by the President of the United States
or the Governor of Illinois to be a day during which the agencies of the State
of Illinois that are ordinarily open to do business with the public shall be
closed for business.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, nominating
papers, petitions of objection to nominating papers, certificates of withdrawal
of candidacy, and reports of political committees actually received by election
authorities and local election officials on a State holiday, a Saturday, or a
Sunday shall not be deemed invalid or defective for that reason alone.
(Source: P.A. 102-14, eff. 1-1-22; 102-334, eff. 8-9-21.)
10 ILCS 5/1-7
(10 ILCS 5/1-7)
Sec. 1-7.
No straight party voting.
Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, straight party voting by a single vote is not permitted in
(Source: P.A. 89-700, eff. 1-17-97.)
10 ILCS 5/1-8 (10 ILCS 5/1-8) Sec. 1-8. Canvassing boards abolished. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this Code, local canvassing boards are
abolished. In this Code or any other law a reference to a
local or county canvassing board means (i) for elections in
which the political subdivision that is choosing
candidates or submitting a public question is located
entirely within the jurisdiction of a single election
authority, that election authority and (ii) for elections for offices and public questions not listed in Section 22-1 of this Code in
which the political subdivision that is choosing candidates
or submitting a public question is located within the
jurisdiction of 2 or more election authorities, the election
authority having jurisdiction over the location at which the
political subdivision has its principal office.
(Source: P.A. 94-647, eff. 1-1-06.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-9 (10 ILCS 5/1-9) Sec. 1-9. Central counting of grace period, early, vote by mail, and provisional ballots. Notwithstanding any statutory provision to the contrary enacted before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly, all grace period ballots, early voting ballots, vote by mail ballots, and provisional ballots to be counted shall be delivered to and counted at an election authority's central ballot counting location and not in precincts. References in this Code enacted before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly to delivery and counting of grace period ballots, early voting ballots, vote by mail ballots, or provisional ballots to or at a precinct polling place or to the proper polling place shall be construed as references to delivery and counting of those ballots to and at the election authority's central ballot counting location.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/1-9.1 (10 ILCS 5/1-9.1) Sec. 1-9.1. Ballot counting information dissemination. Each election authority maintaining a website must provide 24-hour notice on its website of the date, time, and location of the analysis, processing, and counting of all ballot forms. Each election authority must notify any political party or pollwatcher of the same information 24 hours before the count begins if such political party or pollwatcher has requested to be notified. Notification may be by electronic mail at the address provided by the requester.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/1-9.2 (10 ILCS 5/1-9.2) Sec. 1-9.2. Uncounted ballot information on website. No later than 48 hours after the closing of polling locations on election day, each election authority maintaining a website shall post the number of ballots that remain uncounted. The posting shall separate the number of ballots yet to be counted into the following categories: ballots cast on election day, early voting ballots, provisional ballots, vote by mail ballots received by the election authority but not counted, and vote by mail ballots sent by the election authority but have not been returned to the election authority. This information shall be updated on the website of the election authority each day until the period for counting provisional and vote by mail ballots has ended. All election authorities, regardless of whether they maintain a website, shall share the same information, separated in the same manner, with the State Board of Elections no later than 48 hours after the closing of polling locations on election day and each business day thereafter until the period for counting provisional and vote by mail ballots has ended.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/1-10
(10 ILCS 5/1-10)
Sec. 1-10. Public comment. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
State Board of Elections in
evaluating the feasibility of any new voting system shall seek and accept
public comment from persons with disabilities, including but not
limited to organizations of the blind.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/1-11 (10 ILCS 5/1-11) Sec. 1-11. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 97-766, eff. 7-6-12. Repealed internally, eff. 5-31-13.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-12 (10 ILCS 5/1-12) Sec. 1-12. Public university voting. (a) Each appropriate election authority shall, in addition to the early voting conducted at locations otherwise required by law, conduct early voting, grace period registration, and grace period voting at the student union on the campus of a public university within the election authority's jurisdiction. The voting required by this subsection (a) to be conducted on campus must be conducted from the 6th day before a general primary or general election until and including the 4th day before a general primary or general election from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and as otherwise required by Article 19A of this Code, except that the voting required by this subsection (a) need not be conducted during a consolidated primary or consolidated election. If an election authority has voting equipment that can accommodate a ballot in every form required in the election authority's jurisdiction, then the election authority shall extend early voting and grace period registration and voting under this Section to any registered voter in the election authority's jurisdiction. However, if the election authority does not have voting equipment that can accommodate a ballot in every form required in the election authority's jurisdiction, then the election authority may limit early voting and grace period registration and voting under this Section to voters in precincts where the public university is located and precincts bordering the university. Each public university shall make the space available at the student union for, and cooperate and coordinate with the appropriate election authority in, the implementation of this subsection (a).
(b) (Blank). (c) For the purposes of this Section, "public university" means the University of Illinois, Illinois State University, Chicago State University, Governors State University, Southern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, and Northeastern Illinois University. (d) For the purposes of this Section, "student union" means the Student Center at 750 S. Halsted on the University of Illinois-Chicago campus; the Public Affairs Center at the University of Illinois at Springfield or a new building completed after the effective date of this Act housing student government at the University of Illinois at Springfield; the Illini Union at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; the SIUC Student Center at the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale campus; the Morris University Center at the Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville campus; the University Union at the Western Illinois University at the Macomb campus; the Holmes Student Center at the Northern Illinois University campus; the University Union at the Eastern Illinois University campus; NEIU Student Union at the Northeastern Illinois University campus; the Bone Student Center at the Illinois State University campus; the Cordell Reed Student Union at the Chicago State University campus; and the Hall of Governors in Building D at the Governors State University campus. (Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13; 98-691, eff. 7-1-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-13 (10 ILCS 5/1-13) Sec. 1-13. Forms of signature. The making and signing of any form, including an application to register, a certificate authorizing cancellation of a registration or authorizing a transfer of registration, an application to vote, a provisional ballot, or affidavit, but not including a nominating or candidate petition or a referendum petition, may be by a signature written in ink or in digitized form.
(Source: P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-15 (10 ILCS 5/1-15) Sec. 1-15. Procedures for the disposal of election records. This Code is subject to the provisions of Section 14a of the Local Records Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-475, eff. 8-14-09.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-16 (10 ILCS 5/1-16) Sec. 1-16. Election authorities; notices by electronic mail. If an election authority is required by law to send an election-related notice to an individual, that election authority may send that notice solely by electronic mail if the individual provides a current e-mail address to the election authority and authorizes the election authority to send notices by electronic mail. For the purposes of this Section, the term "notice" does not include a ballot or any notice required under Sections 1A-16.5 or 1A-16.7 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-17 (10 ILCS 5/1-17) Sec. 1-17. Election authority voting equipment information. Every 2 years, each election authority shall submit information on the voting equipment used within the jurisdiction of the election authority to the State Board of Elections. The information must include: (1) the age and functionality of each item of voting | | (2) a formal letter containing a general description
| | of the status of the voting equipment, the election authority's perceived need for new voting equipment, and the costs associated with obtaining new equipment.
| Each election authority must publish the information submitted under this Section online.
(Source: P.A. 100-623, eff. 7-20-18.)
10 ILCS 5/1-18 (10 ILCS 5/1-18) Sec. 1-18. Cybersecurity. (a) Each election authority maintaining a website shall begin utilizing a ".gov" website address and a ".gov" electronic mail address for each employee within one year of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. The integrity of election authorities' websites and electronic mail addresses shall be protected using electronic mail security products provided by the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology or a third-party vendor. (b) Each election authority shall perform an organizational risk assessment through the Cyber Navigator Program on a biennial basis. (c) Each election authority shall begin performing monthly vulnerability scans to defend against cyber breaches within 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. (d) Each election authority shall begin using endpoint detection and response security tools on all computers utilized by employees within one year of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-19 (10 ILCS 5/1-19) (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2025) Sec. 1-19. Access to Voting for Persons with Disabilities Advisory Task Force. (a) The Access to Voting for Persons with Disabilities Advisory Task Force is hereby created to review current laws and make recommendations to improve access to voting for persons with disabilities. Members of the Task Force shall be appointed as follows: (1) Three members appointed by the Governor, one of | | whom shall serve as chair, and at least one with experience representing or working with persons with physical disabilities and one with experience representing or working with person with neurological or mental disabilities;
| (2) Three members appointed by the President of the
| | Senate, including at least one attorney with election law experience;
| (3) Three members appointed by the Senate Minority
| | Leader, including at least one attorney with election law experience;
| (4) Three members appointed by the Speaker of the
| | House of Representatives, including at least one attorney with election law experience;
| (5) Three members appointed by the Minority Leader of
| | the House of Representatives, including at least one attorney with election law experience.
| (b) The Task Force shall hold a minimum of 4 meetings. No later than August 1, 2022, the Task Force shall produce and the State Board of Elections shall publish on its website a report with a summary of the laws and resources available for persons with disabilities seeking to exercise their right to vote. The Task Force shall produce a report with recommendations for changes to current law or recommendations for election authorities submit the report to the Governor and General Assembly no later than December 15, 2022.
(c) The Members shall serve without compensation. If a vacancy occurs on the Task Force, it shall be filled according to the guidelines of the initial appointment. At the discretion of the chair, additional individuals may participate as non-voting members in the meetings of the Task Force.
(d) The State Board of Elections shall provide staff and administrative support to the Task Force.
(e) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 102-668, eff. 11-15-21; 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
10 ILCS 5/1-20 (10 ILCS 5/1-20) Sec. 1-20. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 96-1008, eff. 7-6-10. Repealed internally, eff. 3-2-11.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-20.1 (10 ILCS 5/1-20.1) (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2026) Sec. 1-20.1. Task Force to Review Eligibility to Hold Public Office. (a) The Task Force to Review Eligibility to Hold Public Office is created. The purpose of the Task Force is to review what criminal conduct precludes a person from holding public office in this State and to make recommendations as to what criminal conduct should preclude an individual from holding public office. (b) The Task Force shall be comprised of the following members: (1) The president of a statewide bar association or | | his or her designee, the executive director of a statewide association advocating for the advancement of civil liberties or his or her designee, an executive director of a legal aid organization or statewide association with a practice group dedicated to or focused on returning citizen expungements and sealing of criminal records, all appointed by the Governor.
| (2) 4 members of the public, one appointed by each of
| | the following: the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; the President of the Senate; and the Minority Leader of the Senate.
| (3) 2 individuals who have been formerly
| | incarcerated, appointed by the Governor.
| (4) The Attorney General or his or her designee.
(5) 2 individuals from the Illinois Sentencing Policy
| | Advisory Council appointed by the Executive Director.
| (6) 2 State Representatives appointed by the Speaker
| | of the House of Representatives; 2 State Representatives appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; 2 State Senators appointed by the President of the Senate; 2 State Senators appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate.
| The members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation. All appointments under this subsection must be made within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
(c) The State Board of Elections shall provide administrative and technical support to the Task Force and be responsible for administering its operations and ensuring that the requirements of the Task Force are met. The Executive Director of the State Board of Elections shall appoint a cochairperson for the Task Force and the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall jointly appoint a cochairperson for the Task Force.
(d) The Task Force shall meet at least 4 times with the first meeting occurring within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly. The Executive Director of the State Board of Elections shall designate the day, time, and place for each meeting of the Task Force.
(e) The Task Force shall review what conduct currently precludes an individual from holding public office in this State; the policy rationale for precluding an individual from holding public office based on certain criminal conduct; available research and best practices for restoring returning individuals to full citizenship; and the processes of restoration of eligibility to hold public office in this State. After this review, the Task Force shall make recommendations as to what criminal conduct shall preclude an individual from holding public office in this State.
(f) The Task Force shall produce a report detailing the Task Force's findings and recommendations and needed resources. The Task Force shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor by May 1, 2025.
(g) This Section is repealed on January 1, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 103-562, eff. 11-17-23.)
10 ILCS 5/1-21 (10 ILCS 5/1-21) (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2025) Sec. 1-21. Public Financing of Judicial Elections Task Force. (a) The Public Financing of Judicial Elections Task Force is hereby created for the purposes described in subsection (b). Members of the Task Force shall be appointed as follows: (1) one member appointed by the Governor; (2) one member appointed by the Attorney General; (3) 2 members appointed by the President of the | | (4) 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the House
| | (5) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
| | (6) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
| | House of Representatives.
| (b) The Task Force shall study the feasibility of implementing a system of campaign finance that would allow public funds to be used to subsidize campaigns for candidates for judicial office in exchange for voluntary adherence by those campaigns to specified expenditure limitations. In conducting its study, the Task Force shall consider whether implementing such a system of public financing is in the best interest of the State. The Task Force may propose one or more funding sources for the public financing of judicial elections, including, but not limited to, fines, voluntary contributions, surcharges on lobbying activities, and a whistleblower fund. The Task Force shall consider the following factors:
(1) the amount of funds raised by past candidates for
| | (2) the amount of funds expended by past candidates
| | (3) the disparity in the amount of funds raised by
| | candidates for judicial office of different political parties;
| (4) the amount of funds expended with respect to
| | campaigns for judicial office by entities not affiliated with a candidate;
| (5) the amount of money contributed to or expended by
| | a committee of a political party to promote a candidate for judicial office;
| (6) jurisprudence concerning campaign finance and
| | public financing of political campaigns, both for judicial office and generally; and
| (7) any other factors that the Task Force determines
| | are related to the public financing of elections in this State.
| The Task Force shall also suggest changes to current law that would be necessary to facilitate public financing of candidates for judicial office.
(c) The Task Force shall complete its study no later than June 30, 2024 and shall report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly as soon as possible after the study is complete.
(d) The members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for their expenses incurred in performing their duties. If a vacancy occurs on the Task Force, it shall be filled according to the guidelines of the initial appointment.
(e) The State Board of Elections shall provide staff and administrative support to the Task Force.
(f) As used in this Section, "judicial office" means nomination, election, or retention to the Supreme Court, the Appellate Court, or the Circuit Court.
(g) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 102-909, eff. 5-27-22; 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
10 ILCS 5/1-22 (10 ILCS 5/1-22) (Section scheduled to be repealed on June 1, 2025) Sec. 1-22. The Illinois Elections and Infrastructure Integrity Task Force. (a) The Illinois Elections and Infrastructure Integrity Task Force is created. The Task Force shall consist of the following members: (1) 4 members appointed one each by the Speaker of | | the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the Senate;
| (2) one member with subject matter expertise
| | regarding cybersecurity, appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives;
| (3) one member with subject matter expertise
| | regarding voting technology or election integrity, appointed by the Speaker of the House;
| (4) one member who is an individual with current
| | experience in operational cybersecurity, preferably international operational cybersecurity, appointed by the President of the Senate;
| (5) one county clerk, appointed by the Minority
| | (6) the Chair of the Board of Election Commissioners
| | for the City of Chicago or the Chair's designee;
| (7) the county clerk of Cook County;
(8) one election administrator, appointed by the
| | (9) the Executive Director of the State Board of
| | Elections or the Executive Director's designee;
| (10) the Secretary of State or the Secretary's
| | (11) the Director of the Illinois Emergency
| | Management Agency or the Director's designee;
| (12) the Secretary of Innovation and Technology or
| | the Secretary's designee; and
| (13) the Attorney General or the Attorney General's
| | (b) The Task Force shall evaluate and make recommendations to prepare for and prevent foreign interference in elections in advance of the 2024 election and all future elections in the State and to prepare for and prevent potential cyberattacks on State infrastructure. In carrying out its duties, the Task Force shall prioritize the security of all Illinois residents and cooperation with other states and with law enforcement to protect United States national sovereignty. The Task Force shall submit a report containing its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly not later than January 1, 2024. The Task Force shall also submit a report evaluating the 2024 election to the Governor and the General Assembly not later than March 1, 2025.
(c) The State Board of Elections shall provide staff and administrative support to the Task Force.
(d) The Task Force is dissolved, and this Section is repealed, on June 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 102-1108, eff. 12-21-22 .)
10 ILCS 5/1-23 (10 ILCS 5/1-23) (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2025) Sec. 1-23. Ranked-Choice and Voting Systems Task Force. (a) The Ranked-Choice and Voting Systems Task Force is created. The purpose of the Task Force is to review voting systems and the methods of voting, including ranked-choice voting, that could be authorized by law. The Task Force shall have the following duties: (1) Engage election officials, interested groups, and | | members of the public for the purpose of assessing the adoption and implementation of ranked-choice voting in presidential primary elections beginning in 2028.
| (2) Review standards used to certify or approve the
| | use of a voting system, including the standards adopted by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and the State Board of Elections.
| (3) Advise whether the voting system used by Illinois
| | election authorities would be able to accommodate alternative methods of voting, including, but not limited to, ranked-choice voting.
| (4) Make recommendations or suggestions for changes
| | to the Election Code or administrative rules for certification of voting systems in Illinois to accommodate alternative methods of voting, including ranked-choice voting.
| (b) On or before June 30, 2025, the Task Force shall publish a final report of its findings and recommendations. The report shall, at a minimum, detail findings and recommendations related to the duties of the Task Force and the following:
(1) the process used in Illinois to certify voting
| | systems, including which systems can conduct ranked-choice voting; and
| (2) information about the voting system used by
| | election authorities, including which election authorities rely on legacy hardware and software for voting and which counties and election authorities rely on equipment for voting that has not exceeded its usable life span but require a software upgrade to accommodate ranked-choice voting. In this paragraph, "legacy hardware and software" means equipment that has exceeded its usable life span.
| (c) The Task Force shall consist of the following members:
(1) 4 members, appointed by the Senate President,
| | including 2 members of the Senate and 2 members of the public;
| (2) 4 members, appointed by the Speaker of the House
| | of Representatives, including 2 members of the House of Representatives and 2 members of the public;
| (3) 4 members, appointed by the Minority Leader of
| | the Senate, including 2 members of the Senate and 2 members of the public;
| (4) 4 members, appointed by the Minority Leader of
| | the House of Representatives, including 2 members of the House of Representatives and 2 members of the public;
| (5) 4 members, appointed by the Governor, including
| | at least 2 members with knowledge and experience administering elections.
| (d) Appointments to the Task Force shall be made within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly. Members shall serve without compensation.
(e) The Task Force shall meet at the call of a co-chair at least quarterly to fulfill its duties. At the first meeting of the Task Force, the Task Force shall elect one co-chair from the members appointed by the Senate President and one co-chair from the members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(f) The State Board of Elections shall provide administrative support for the Task Force.
(g) This Section is repealed, and the Task Force is dissolved, on July 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23; 103-563, eff. 11-17-23.)
10 ILCS 5/1-24 (10 ILCS 5/1-24) Sec. 1-24. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-25.) |
10 ILCS 5/1-25 (10 ILCS 5/1-25) (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2026) Sec. 1-25. The Security of Remote Vote by Mail Task Force. (a) The Security of Remote Vote by Mail Task Force is hereby created for the purposes described in subsection (b). Members of the Task Force shall be appointed as follows: (1) 2 members who identify as a voter with a print | | disability appointed by the Governor;
| (2) 2 members who have experience with absent
| | military and naval service voting appointed by the Governor;
| (3) one member with expertise in cybersecurity
| | appointed by the Governor;
| (4) one member with expertise in election security
| | appointed by the Governor;
| (5) one member with expertise in administering
| | elections appointed by the Governor;
| (6) 2 members appointed by the President of the
| | (7) 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the House
| | (8) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
| | (9) 2 members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
| | House of Representatives.
| (b) The Task Force shall study the feasibility of implementing a remote vote by mail system that would allow an election authority to transmit a vote by mail ballot electronically to a voter, and allow the voter to mark, verify, and return the ballot to the election authority electronically. In conducting its study, the Task Force shall consider whether implementing such a system of remote vote by mail is a safe and secure way to vote; what methods of remote voting exist within the United States; and what factors, if any, mitigate security related concerns in relation to implementing a remote vote by mail system. The Task Force shall also suggest changes to current law that would be necessary to implement a remote vote by mail system that would allow an election authority to transmit a vote by mail ballot electronically to a voter, and allow the voter to mark, verify, and return the ballot to the election authority electronically.
(c) The Task Force shall complete its study no later than June 30, 2025 and shall report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly as soon as possible after the study is complete.
(d) The members shall serve without compensation. If a vacancy occurs on the Task Force, it shall be filled according to the guidelines of the initial appointment.
(e) The State Board of Elections shall provide staff and administrative support to the Task Force.
(f) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
10 ILCS 5/Art. 1A
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 1A heading)
10 ILCS 5/1A-1
(10 ILCS 5/1A-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-1)
Sec. 1A-1.
A State Board of Elections is hereby established which shall have
general supervision over the administration of the registration and
election laws throughout the State, and shall perform only such duties as
are or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
(Source: P.A. 78-918.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-2
(10 ILCS 5/1A-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-2)
Sec. 1A-2.
The State Board of Elections shall consist of 8 members, 4 of whom shall
be residents of Cook County and 4 of whom shall be residents of the State
outside of Cook County. Of the 4 members from each area of required residence,
2 shall be affiliated with the same political party as the Governor, and
2 shall be affiliated with the political party whose nominee for Governor
in the most recent general election received the second highest number of
votes. Members shall be persons who have extensive knowledge of the election
laws of this State.
(Source: P.A. 80-1178.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-2.1
(10 ILCS 5/1A-2.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-2.1)
Sec. 1A-2.1.
Each member of the State Board of Elections, before entering upon his
duties, shall subscribe to the Constitutional oath and shall give an
official bond in the penal sum of $100,000, with a corporate surety or
individual sureties approved by the Governor, conditioned upon the faithful
discharge of the duties of his office. The bond and oath shall be filed
with the office of the Secretary of State within 10 days after the
(Source: P.A. 78-918.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-3
(10 ILCS 5/1A-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-3)
Sec. 1A-3.
Subject to the confirmation requirements of Section 1A-4, 4
members of the State Board of Elections shall be appointed in each odd-numbered
year as follows:
(1) The Governor shall appoint 2 members of the same | | political party with which he is affiliated, one from each area of required residence.
(2) The Governor shall appoint 2 members of the
| | political party whose candidate for Governor in the most recent general election received the second highest number of votes, one from each area of required residence, from a list of nominees submitted by the first state executive officer in the order indicated herein affiliated with such political party: Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer. If none of the State executive officers listed herein is affiliated with such political party, the nominating State officer shall be the first State executive officer in the order indicated herein affiliated with an established political party other than that of the Governor.
(3) The nominating state officer shall submit in
| | writing to the Governor 3 names of qualified persons for each membership on the State Board of Elections to be appointed from the political party of that officer. The Governor may reject any or all of the nominees on any such list and may request an additional list. The second list shall be submitted by the nominating officer and shall contain 3 new names of qualified persons for each remaining appointment, except that if the Governor expressly reserves any nominee's name from the first list, that nominee shall not be replaced on the second list. The second list shall be final.
(4) Whenever all the state executive officers
| | designated in paragraph (2) are affiliated with the same political party as that of the Governor, all 4 members of the Board to be appointed that year, from both designated political parties, shall be appointed by the Governor without nominations.
(5) The Governor shall submit in writing to the
| | President of the Senate the name of each person appointed to the State Board of Elections, and shall designate the term for which the appointment is made and the name of the member whom the appointee is to succeed.
(6) The appointments shall be made and submitted by
| | the Governor no later than April 1 and a nominating state officer required to submit a list of nominees to the Governor pursuant to paragraph (3) shall submit a list no later than March 1. For appointments occurring in 2019, the appointments shall be made and submitted by the Governor no later than May 15.
(7) In the appointment of the initial members of the
| | Board pursuant to this amendatory Act of 1978, the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) of this Section shall apply except that the Governor shall appoint all 8 members, 2 from each of the designated political parties from each area of required residence.
(Source: P.A. 101-5, eff. 5-15-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-3.1
(10 ILCS 5/1A-3.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-3.1)
Sec. 1A-3.1.
Of the members initially appointed to the State Board of Elections pursuant
to this amendatory Act of 1978, one member affiliated with each political
party from each area of required residence shall serve a term commencing
July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979, and the other initial members shall
serve terms commencing July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1981.
Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the contrary, the term
of office of each member of the State Board of Elections is abolished on
the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1985.
Subject to the confirmation requirements of Section 1A-4, 8
members of the State Board of Elections shall be appointed in accordance
with the provisions of Section 1A-3, except that the Governor shall appoint
4 members of the same political party with which he is affiliated and 4
members of the political party whose candidate for Governor in the most
recent general election received the second highest number of votes and
except that a nominating State officer shall submit to the Governor
his required list of nominees within 15 days after the current terms of
office are abolished and the Governor shall make appointments within 30
days after the current terms of office are abolished.
Of the members initially appointed to the State Board of Elections pursuant to
this amendatory Act of 1985, one member affiliated with each political
party for each area of required residence shall serve a term commencing
July 1, 1985, and ending July 1, 1987, and the other initial members shall
serve terms commencing July 1, 1985, and ending July 1, 1989.
The terms of subsequent members of the State Board of Elections shall be
4 years commencing on July 1 of the year in which the appointments are made.
A member shall serve until his successor is duly appointed and has qualified.
No appointee shall enter upon the duties of his office until all members
required to be appointed in that year have been confirmed by the Senate
by record vote pursuant to Section 1A-4.
(Source: P.A. 84-115.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-4
(10 ILCS 5/1A-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-4)
Sec. 1A-4.
All appointments of members to the State Board of Elections
shall be subject to the advice and consent of the Senate pursuant to this
Section. Appointments by the Governor pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2) and
(7) of Section 1A-3 shall require the advice and consent of a 3/5 vote of
the members elected to the Senate. Appointments by the Governor pursuant
to paragraph (4) of Section 1A-3 shall require the advice and consent of
a 2/3 vote of the members elected to the Senate.
The Senate shall confirm or reject appointments within 30 session days
or 60 calendar days after they are submitted by the Governor, whichever
occurs first. Except in the case of appointments to fill vacancies,
the confirmation time period specified in this Section shall not commence
until all appointments required to be made in that year have been submitted
by the Governor.
(Source: P.A. 80-1178.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-5
(10 ILCS 5/1A-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-5)
Sec. 1A-5.
An appointment to fill each vacancy on the
State Board of Elections shall be made pursuant to the appropriate paragraph
of Section 1A-3 in the same manner as the appointment of members for new terms.
Each appointment to fill a vacancy shall
be for the completion of the term of that position.
The Governor shall make an appointment to fill each vacancy and shall submit
it to the President of the Senate within 30 days of the occurrence of the
vacancy, or within 30 days of the submission of a list of nominees to him
pursuant to paragraph (3) of Section 1A-3, whichever is later. A nominating
state officer shall submit to the Governor his required list of nominees
to fill a vacancy within 15 days of the occurrence of the vacancy. If the
Governor does not fill a vacancy required to be filled pursuant to paragraph
(3) of Section 1A-3 within the required 30 days, the nominating state officer
shall make the appointment from among the nominees he previously
(Source: P.A. 80-1178.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-6
(10 ILCS 5/1A-6) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-6)
Sec. 1A-6.
One member of the State Board of Elections shall be elected by
the members of the Board to be chair and shall serve as chair of
the Board for a term ending June 30, 1979. On July 1 of 1979 and on July
1 of each odd-numbered year thereafter, a chair shall be elected by
the members of the Board for a 2 year term ending June 30 of the next
odd-numbered year. If July 1 of any odd-numbered year does not fall on a
business day, said election shall be held on the first business day
thereafter. The chair elected for each 2 year term shall not be of
the same political party affiliation as the prior chair. Whenever a
vacancy occurs in the office of chair, a new chair of the same political
party affiliation shall be
elected for the remainder of the vacating chair's term. Whenever a chair
is elected, the Board shall elect from among its members, a
vice chair who shall not be of the same political party affiliation
as the chair.
Upon the confirmation of all of the members of the State Board of Elections
initially appointed under the amendatory Act of 1978, the Governor shall
designate one of the members as interim chair who shall preside over
the Board until a chair is elected pursuant to this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/1A-6.1
(10 ILCS 5/1A-6.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-6.1)
Sec. 1A-6.1.
The chair of the State Board of Elections shall preside
at all meetings of the Board, except that the vice chair shall preside
at any meeting when the chair is absent. The salary of the chair
shall be $25,000 per year, or as set by the Compensation Review Board,
whichever is greater, and the salary of the vice-chair shall be $20,000
per year, or as set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is
greater. The salary of the other Board members
shall be $15,000 per year, or as set by the Compensation Review Board,
whichever is greater. Each member shall be reimbursed for actual expenses
incurred in the performance of his duties.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/1A-7
(10 ILCS 5/1A-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-7)
Sec. 1A-7.
The State Board of Elections shall meet at such time or times as the chair
or any 4 members shall direct, but at least once per month.
Five members of the Board are necessary to constitute a quorum and 5 votes
are necessary for any action of the Board
to become effective, including the appointment of the executive director, the
employment of technical consultants and the employment of other persons.
If a quorum is present at a meeting of the Board, one of the members
present may vote for the absent member pursuant to a written proxy
signed by the absent member. A member voting by proxy who is not in
attendance may not be counted towards the presence of a quorum.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/1A-8 (10 ILCS 5/1A-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-8) Sec. 1A-8. The State Board of Elections shall exercise the following powers and perform the following duties in addition to any powers or duties otherwise provided for by law: (1) Assume all duties and responsibilities of the | | State Electoral Board and the Secretary of State as heretofore provided in this Code;
| (2) Disseminate information to and consult with
| | election authorities concerning the conduct of elections and registration in accordance with the laws of this State and the laws of the United States;
| (3) Furnish to each election authority prior to each
| | primary and general election and any other election it deems necessary, a manual of uniform instructions consistent with the provisions of this Code which shall be used by election authorities in the preparation of the official manual of instruction to be used by the judges of election in any such election. In preparing such manual, the State Board shall consult with representatives of the election authorities throughout the State. The State Board may provide separate portions of the uniform instructions applicable to different election jurisdictions which administer elections under different options provided by law. The State Board may by regulation require particular portions of the uniform instructions to be included in any official manual of instructions published by election authorities. Any manual of instructions published by any election authority shall be identical with the manual of uniform instructions issued by the Board, but may be adapted by the election authority to accommodate special or unusual local election problems, provided that all manuals published by election authorities must be consistent with the provisions of this Code in all respects and must receive the approval of the State Board of Elections prior to publication; provided further that if the State Board does not approve or disapprove of a proposed manual within 60 days of its submission, the manual shall be deemed approved;
| (4) Prescribe and require the use of such uniform
| | forms, notices, and other supplies not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code as it shall deem advisable which shall be used by election authorities in the conduct of elections and registrations;
| (5) Prepare and certify the form of ballot for any
| | proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Illinois, or any referendum to be submitted to the electors throughout the State or, when required to do so by law, to the voters of any area or unit of local government of the State;
| (6) Require such statistical reports regarding the
| | conduct of elections and registration from election authorities as may be deemed necessary;
| (7) Review and inspect procedures and records
| | relating to conduct of elections and registration as may be deemed necessary, and to report violations of election laws to the appropriate State's Attorney or the Attorney General;
| (8) Recommend to the General Assembly legislation to
| | improve the administration of elections and registration;
| (9) Adopt, amend or rescind rules and regulations in
| | the performance of its duties provided that all such rules and regulations must be consistent with the provisions of this Article 1A or issued pursuant to authority otherwise provided by law;
| (10) Determine the validity and sufficiency of
| | petitions filed under Article XIV, Section 3, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970;
| (11) Maintain in its principal office a research
| | library that includes, but is not limited to, abstracts of votes by precinct for general primary elections and general elections, current precinct maps, and current precinct poll lists from all election jurisdictions within the State. The research library shall be open to the public during regular business hours. Such abstracts, maps, and lists shall be preserved as permanent records and shall be available for examination and copying at a reasonable cost;
| (12) Supervise the administration of the registration
| | and election laws throughout the State;
| (13) Obtain from the Department of Central Management
| | Services, under Section 405-250 of the Department of Central Management Services Law, such use of electronic data processing equipment as may be required to perform the duties of the State Board of Elections and to provide election-related information to candidates, public and party officials, interested civic organizations, and the general public in a timely and efficient manner;
| (14) To take such action as may be necessary or
| | required to give effect to directions of the national committee or State central committee of an established political party under Sections 7-8, 7-11, and 7-14.1 or such other provisions as may be applicable pertaining to the selection of delegates and alternate delegates to an established political party's national nominating conventions or, notwithstanding any candidate certification schedule contained within this Code, the certification of the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate selected by the established political party's national nominating convention;
| (15) To post all early voting sites separated by
| | election authority and hours of operation on its website at least 5 business days before the period for early voting begins;
| (16) To post on its website the statewide totals, and
| | totals separated by each election authority, for each of the counts received pursuant to Section 1-9.2; and
| (17) To post on its website, in a downloadable
| | format, the information received from each election authority under Section 1-17.
| The Board may by regulation delegate any of its duties or functions under this Article, except that final determinations and orders under this Article shall be issued only by the Board.
The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by filing copies of the report as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act, and filing such additional copies with the State Government Report Distribution Center for the General Assembly as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-9
(10 ILCS 5/1A-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-9)
Sec. 1A-9. The State Board of Elections shall appoint an executive
director and an assistant executive director. The annual compensation of the executive director and
assistant executive director shall be determined by the Board.
The executive director and assistant executive director may be removed
from office at any time by a vote of
at least 5 members of the Board. Upon any such removal a vacancy is
created which shall be filled as provided for the initial appointments.
The Board, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, may
from time to time contract with technical consultants to assist it in the
performance of its duties. Such technical consultants shall be compensated
only under contracts which specify the duties to be performed and the compensation
therefor. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, contracts with
technical consultants, other than hearing officers
and attorneys representing the Board in litigation, shall terminate no more
than 60 days after the commencement of the specified duties and may be extended
once for a period of no more than 30 days upon the affirmative vote of a
majority of the Board. The time limitations imposed by this Section on
contracts with technical consultants shall not apply to a contract with a
technical consultant for the provision of electronic data processing
services in connection with the Board's performance of the duties assigned
to it pursuant to paragraph (11) of Section 1A-8 or in connection with the
Board's performance of the duties assigned to it pursuant to Sections 4-8,
5-7 and 6-35 concerning the furnishing of electronic data or compilations
containing voter registration information to state political committees
registered pursuant to the Illinois Campaign Finance Act or the Federal
Election Campaign Act. No technical consultant, other than a hearing officer
or an attorney engaged to represent the Board in litigation, may be compensated
under more than one contract in any fiscal year.
(Source: P.A. 93-1091, eff. 3-29-05.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-10
(10 ILCS 5/1A-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-10)
Sec. 1A-10.
The State Board of Elections shall keep a full and true public record of all of
its proceedings and of all monies
received and expended. The Board shall file and preserve in its principal
office all orders and
records pertaining to its duties. The executive director shall exercise
general supervision over the operation of the business of the Board and
its equipment, facilities, employees and consultants, in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the Board and as otherwise directed by the
Board. The assistant executive director shall administer the operations
and staff of the permanent branch office of the Board.
(Source: P.A. 83-941.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-11
(10 ILCS 5/1A-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-11)
Sec. 1A-11.
The principal office of the State Board of Elections shall be maintained
in Springfield and a permanent branch office shall be maintained in
Chicago. The permanent offices of the Board shall be kept open during the
ordinary business hours of State offices. However, on the day of any
election, or at any other time, the offices of the Board may be kept open
such additional time as the Board shall deem necessary to carry out its
(Source: P.A. 78-918.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-12
(10 ILCS 5/1A-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-12)
Sec. 1A-12. The State
Board of Elections may employ, promote or discharge such additional
persons as are necessary for the proper performance of its duties under
this Code, including investigators, examiners and hearing officers.
However, persons employed by the State Board of Elections prior to January 1,
1978 and previously certified under a merit plan adopted by the Board
shall not be subject to any probationary period nor required to qualify
by examination under "The Personnel Code"
to continue in their positions. No
employee or consultant may appear before the Board in any representative
capacity within 6 months after termination of his employment or
contractual relationship with the Board.
(Source: P.A. 93-1091, eff. 3-29-05.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-13
(10 ILCS 5/1A-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-13)
Sec. 1A-13.
No employee of the State Board of Elections including its
executive director and assistant executive director shall engage in
any partisan political activity whatsoever, except to vote at elections,
nor shall such person contribute, either financially or in services or
goods or any other way, to any political party, candidate or organization
engaged in political activity. No employee of the Board shall become a
candidate for nomination for, or election to, or accept appointment to any
public office. Whoever violates any provision of this Section shall
be deemed to have vacated his position and shall be discharged. No such
person shall be thereafter rehired unless the State Civil Service Commission,
upon appeal, finds that this Section has not been violated by such person.
(Source: P.A. 83-941.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-14
(10 ILCS 5/1A-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-14)
Sec. 1A-14. Political activity by members of the State Board of Elections. (a) No member of the State Board of Elections may become a candidate
for nomination for, or election to,
or accept appointment to or hold any other remunerative public office or public
employment or any office in a political party. No member of the State Board of Elections shall: (i) contribute, either financially or in services or goods or any other way, to any political committee; (ii) serve as an officer of any political committee; or (iii) be a candidate who is designated as the candidate to be supported by a candidate political committee. (b) A member of the State Board of Elections who is either an officer of a political committee or a candidate who is designated as the candidate to be supported by a candidate political committee shall within 30 days after confirmation by the Senate: (i) resign as an officer of the political committee; (ii) have his or her name removed as the candidate to be supported by a political committee; (iii) notify the Board of the member's intent to convert the political committee to a limited activity committee under Section 9-1.8, and complete the transition to a limited activity committee within 60 days after confirmation; or (iv) dissolve the committee. A member of the State Board of Elections who is in violation of this subsection (b) on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly must come into compliance within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. (c) Violation of any prohibition
in this Section shall disqualify a member of the Board and a
vacancy is thereby created. A vacancy also exists upon the occurrence of
any of the events enumerated in Section 25-2 of this Act as in the case
of an elective office. (d) As used in this Section, "political committee" includes both the meaning provided in Section 9-1.8 of this Code and the meaning provided in 52 U.S.C. 30101.
(Source: P.A. 102-664, eff. 1-1-22 .)
10 ILCS 5/1A-15
(10 ILCS 5/1A-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 1A-15)
Sec. 1A-15. On the request of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services,
the State Board of Elections shall provide the Department with tapes,
discs, other electronic data or compilations thereof which only provide the
name, address and, when available, the Social Security number of registered
voters for the purpose of tracing absent parents and the collection of
child support. Such information shall be provided at reasonable cost,
which shall include the cost of duplication plus 15% for administration.
The confidentiality of all information contained on such tapes, discs and
other electronic data or combination thereof shall be protected as provided
in Section 11-9 of "The Illinois Public Aid Code".
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16
(10 ILCS 5/1A-16)
Sec. 1A-16. Voter registration information; Internet posting; processing
of voter registration forms; content of such forms. Notwithstanding any law to
the contrary, the following provisions shall apply to voter registration under
this Code.
(a) Voter registration information; Internet posting of voter registration
form. Within 90 days after August 21, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-574), the State Board of Elections shall post on its World Wide Web
site the following information:
(1) A comprehensive list of the names, addresses, | | phone numbers, and websites, if applicable, of all county clerks and boards of election commissioners in Illinois.
(2) A schedule of upcoming elections and the deadline
| |
(3) A downloadable, printable voter registration
| | form, in at least English and in Spanish versions, that a person may complete and mail or submit to the State Board of Elections or the appropriate county clerk or board of election commissioners.
Any forms described under paragraph (3) must state the following:
If you do not have a driver's license or social
| | security number, and this form is submitted by mail, and you have never registered to vote in the jurisdiction you are now registering in, then you must send, with this application, either (i) a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or (ii) a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter. If you do not provide the information required above, then you will be required to provide election officials with either (i) or (ii) described above the first time you vote at a voting place.
(b) Acceptance of registration forms by the State Board of Elections and
county clerks and board of election commissioners. The
State Board of Elections, county clerks, and board of election commissioners
shall accept all completed voter registration forms
described in subsection (a)(3) of this Section and Section 1A-17 and voter registration forms created under Section 30 of the Address Confidentiality for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, or Stalking Act that are:
(1) postmarked on or before the day that voter
| | registration is closed under this Code;
(2) not postmarked, but arrives no later than 5 days
| | after the close of registration;
(3) submitted in person by a person using the form on
| | or before the day that voter registration is closed under this Code; or
(4) submitted in person by a person who submits one
| | or more forms on behalf of one or more persons who used the form on or before the day that voter registration is closed under this Code.
Upon the receipt of a registration form, the State Board of Elections shall
the date on which the form was received
and send the form via first class mail to the appropriate county clerk or board
election commissioners, as the case may be, within 2 business days based upon
the home address of the person submitting the registration form. The county
clerk and board of election commissioners shall accept and process any form
received from the State Board of Elections.
(c) Processing of registration forms by county clerks and boards of election
commissioners. The county clerk or board of election commissioners shall
promulgate procedures for processing the voter registration form.
(d) Contents of the voter registration form. The State Board shall create
a voter registration form, which must contain the following content:
(1) Instructions for completing the form.
(2) A summary of the qualifications to register to
| |
(3) Instructions for mailing in or submitting the
| |
(4) The phone number for the State Board of Elections
| | should a person submitting the form have questions.
(5) A box for the person to check that explains one
| | of 3 reasons for submitting the form:
(a) new registration;
(b) change of address; or
(c) change of name.
(6) a box for the person to check yes or no that
| | asks, "Are you a citizen of the United States?", a box for the person to check yes or no that asks, "Will you be 18 years of age on or before election day?", and a statement of "If you checked 'no' in response to either of these questions, then do not complete this form.".
(7) A space for the person to fill in his or her home
| |
(8) Spaces for the person to fill in his or her
| | first, middle, and last names, street address (principal place of residence), county, city, state, and zip code.
(9) Spaces for the person to fill in his or her
| | mailing address, city, state, and zip code if different from his or her principal place of residence.
(10) A space for the person to fill in his or her
| | Illinois driver's license number if the person has a driver's license.
(11) A space for a person without a driver's license
| | to fill in the last four digits of his or her social security number if the person has a social security number.
(12) A space for a person without an Illinois
| | driver's license to fill in his or her identification number from his or her State Identification card issued by the Secretary of State.
(13) A space for the person to fill the name
| | appearing on his or her last voter registration, the street address of his or her last registration, including the city, county, state, and zip code.
(14) A space where the person swears or affirms the
| | following under penalty of perjury with his or her signature:
(a) "I am a citizen of the United States.";
(b) "I will be at least 18 years old on or before
| |
(c) "I will have lived in the State of Illinois
| | and in my election precinct at least 30 days as of the date of the next election."; and
(d) "The information I have provided is true to
| | the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false information, then I may be fined, imprisoned, or, if I am not a U.S. citizen, deported from or refused entry into the United States.".
(15) A space for the person to fill in his or her
| | e-mail address if he or she chooses to provide that information.
| (d-5) Compliance with federal law; rulemaking authority. The voter
form described in this Section shall be consistent with the form prescribed by
Election Commission under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993,
P.L. 103-31, as amended from time to time, and the Help America Vote Act of
2002, P.L. 107-252, in all relevant respects. The State Board of Elections
shall periodically update the form based on changes to federal or State law.
The State Board of Elections shall promulgate any rules necessary for the
implementation of this Section; provided that the rules
comport with the letter and spirit of the National Voter Registration Act of
1993 and Help America Vote Act of 2002 and maximize the opportunity for a
person to register to vote.
(d-10) No later than 90 days after the 2022 general election, the State Board of Elections shall permit applicants to choose between "male", "female", or "non-binary" when designating the applicant's sex on the voter registration form.
(e) Forms available in paper form. The State Board of Elections shall make
the voter registration form available in regular paper stock and form in
sufficient quantities for the general public. The State Board of Elections may
provide the voter registration form to the Secretary of State, county
clerks, boards of election commissioners, designated agencies of the State of
Illinois, and any other person or entity designated to have these forms by this Code in regular paper stock and form or some other format deemed
suitable by the Board. Each county clerk or board of election commissioners has
the authority to design and print its own voter registration form so long as
the form complies with the requirements of this Section. The State Board
of Elections, county clerks, boards of election commissioners, or other
designated agencies of the State of Illinois required to have these forms under this
Code shall provide a member of the public with any reasonable
number of forms
that he or she may request. Nothing in this Section shall permit the State
Board of
Elections, county clerk, board of election commissioners, or other appropriate
election official who may accept a voter registration form to refuse to accept
a voter registration form because the form is printed on photocopier or regular
stock and form.
(f) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-292, eff. 1-1-22; 102-668, eff. 11-15-21 .)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.1 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.1) Sec. 1A-16.1. Automatic voter registration; Secretary of State. (a) The Office of the Secretary of State and the State Board of Elections, pursuant to an interagency contract and jointly adopted rules, shall establish an automatic voter registration program that satisfies the requirements of this Section and other applicable law. (b) If an application, an application for renewal, a change of address form, or a recertification form for a driver's license or a State identification card issued by the Office of the Secretary of State meets the requirements of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005, then that application shall serve as a dual-purpose application. The dual-purpose application shall: (1) also serve as an application to register to vote | | (2) allow an applicant to change his or her
| | registered residence address or name as it appears on the voter registration rolls;
| (3) provide the applicant with an opportunity to
| | affirmatively decline to register to vote or to change his or her registered residence address or name by providing a check box on the application form without requiring the applicant to state the reason; and
| (4) unless the applicant declines to register to vote
| | or change his or her registered residence address or name, require the applicant to attest, by signature under penalty of perjury as described in subsection (e) of this Section, to meeting the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her driver's license or identification card dual-purpose application.
| (b-5) If an application, an application for renewal, a change of address form, or a recertification form for a driver's license or a State identification card issued by the Office of the Secretary of State, other than an application or form that pertains to a standard driver's license or identification card and does not list a social security number for the applicant, does not meet the requirements of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005, then that application shall serve as a dual-purpose application. The dual-purpose application shall:
(1) also serve as an application to register to vote
| | (2) allow an applicant to change his or her
| | registered residence address or name as it appears on the voter registration rolls; and
| (3) if the applicant chooses to register to vote or
| | to change his or her registered residence address or name, then require the applicant to attest, by a separate signature under penalty of perjury, to meeting the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her dual-purpose application.
| (b-10) The Office of the Secretary of State shall clearly and conspicuously inform each applicant in writing: (i) of the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois, (ii) of the penalties provided by law for submission of a false voter registration application, (iii) that, unless the applicant declines to register to vote or update his or her voter registration, his or her dual-purpose application shall also serve as both an application to register to vote and his or her attestation that he or she meets the eligibility requirements for voter registration, and that his or her application to register to vote or update his or her registration will be transmitted to the State Board of Elections for the purpose of registering the person to vote at the residence address to be indicated on his or her driver's license or identification card, and (iv) that declining to register to vote is confidential and will not affect any services the person may be seeking from the Office of the Secretary of State.
(c) The Office of the Secretary of State shall review information provided to the Office of the Secretary of State by the State Board of Elections to inform each applicant for a driver's license or permit or a State identification card issued by the Office of the Secretary of State, other than an application or form that pertains to a standard driver's license or identification card and does not list a social security number for the applicant, whether the applicant is currently registered to vote in Illinois and, if registered, at what address.
(d) The Office of the Secretary of State shall not require an applicant for a driver's license or State identification card to provide duplicate identification or information in order to complete an application to register to vote or change his or her registered residence address or name. Before transmitting any personal information about an applicant to the State Board of Elections, the Office of the Secretary of State shall review its records of the identification documents the applicant provided in order to complete the application for a driver's license or State identification card to confirm that nothing in those documents indicates that the applicant does not satisfy the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address.
(e) A completed, signed application for (i) a driver's license or permit or a State identification card issued by the Office of the Secretary of State, that meets the requirements of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005; or (ii) a completed application under subsection (b-5) of this Section with a separate signature attesting the applicant meets the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her application shall constitute a signed application to register to vote in Illinois at the residence address indicated in the application unless the person affirmatively declined in the application to register to vote or to change his or her registered residence address or name. If the identification documents provided to complete the dual-purpose application indicate that he or she does not satisfy the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address, the application shall be marked as incomplete.
(f) For each completed and signed application that constitutes an application to register to vote in Illinois or provides for a change in the applicant's registered residence address or name, the Office of the Secretary of State shall electronically transmit to the State Board of Elections personal information needed to complete the person's registration to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address. The application to register to vote shall be processed in accordance with Section 1A-16.7.
(g) If the federal REAL ID Act of 2005 is repealed, abrogated, superseded, or otherwise no longer in effect, then the State Board of Elections shall establish criteria for determining reliable personal information indicating citizenship status and shall adopt rules as necessary for the Secretary of State to continue processing dual-purpose applications under this Section.
(h) As used in this Section, "dual-purpose application" means an application, an application for renewal, a change of address form, or a recertification form for driver's license or permit or a State identification card offered by the Secretary of State, other than an application or form that pertains to a standard driver's license or identification card and does not list a social security number for the applicant, that also serves as an application to register to vote in Illinois. "Dual-purpose application" does not mean an application under subsection (c) of Section 6-109 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
(Source: P.A. 103-210, eff. 7-1-24; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.2 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.2) Sec. 1A-16.2. Automatic voter registration; designated automatic voter registration agencies. (a) Each designated automatic voter registration agency shall, pursuant to an interagency contract and jointly-adopted rules with the State Board of Elections, agree to participate in an automatic voter registration program established by the State Board of Elections that satisfies the requirements of this Section and other applicable law. If the designated automatic voter registration agency provides applications, applications for renewal, change of address forms, or recertification forms to individuals for services offered by another agency, then the State Board of Elections and the designated automatic voter agency shall consult with the other agency. The State Board of Elections shall consider the current technological capabilities of the designated voter registration agency when drafting interagency contracts and jointly-adopted rules. The State Board of Elections and the designated automatic voter registration agency shall amend these contracts and rules as the technological capabilities of the designated voter registration agencies improve. (b) As provided in subsection (a) of this Section, each designated automatic voter registration agency that collects or cross-references reliable personal information indicating citizenship status may provide that an application for a license, permit, program, or service shall serve as a dual-purpose application. The dual-purpose application shall: (1) also serve as an application to register to vote | | (2) allow an applicant to change his or her
| | registered residence address or name as it appears on the voter registration rolls;
| (3) provide the applicant with an opportunity to
| | affirmatively decline to register to vote or change his or her registered residence address or name by providing a check box on the application form without requiring the applicant to state the reason; and
| (4) unless the applicant declines to register to vote
| | or to change his or her registered residence address or name, require the applicant to attest, by signature under penalty of perjury, to meeting the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her dual-purpose application.
| (c) As provided in subsection (a) of this Section, each designated automatic voter registration agency that does not collect or cross-reference records containing reliable personal information indicating citizenship status may provide that an application, an application for renewal, a change of address form, or a recertification form for a license, permit, program, or service shall serve as a dual-purpose application. The dual-purpose application shall:
(1) also serve as an application to register to vote
| | (2) allow an applicant to change his or her
| | registered residence address or name as it appears on the voter registration rolls; and
| (3) if the applicant chooses to register to vote or
| | to change his or her registered residence address or name, then require the applicant to attest, by a separate signature under penalty of perjury, to meeting the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her dual-purpose application.
| (c-5) The designated automatic voter registration agency shall clearly and conspicuously inform each applicant in writing: (i) of the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois, (ii) of the penalties provided by law for submission of a false voter registration application, (iii) that, unless the applicant declines to register to vote or update his or her voter registration, his or her application shall also serve as both an application to register to vote and his or her attestation that he or she meets the eligibility requirements for voter registration, and that his or her application to register to vote or update his or her registration will be transmitted to the State Board of Elections for the purpose of registering the person to vote at the residence address to be indicated on the dual-purpose application, (iv) that information identifying the agency at which he or she applied to register to vote is confidential, (v) that declining to register to vote is confidential and will not affect any services the person may be seeking from the agency, and (vi) any additional information needed in order to comply with Section 7 of the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993.
(d) The designated automatic voter registration agency shall review information provided to the agency by the State Board of Elections to inform each applicant whether the applicant is currently registered to vote in Illinois and, if registered, at what address.
(e) The designated automatic voter registration agency shall not require an applicant for a dual-purpose application to provide duplicate identification or information in order to complete an application to register to vote or change his or her registered residence address or name. Before transmitting any personal information about an applicant to the State Board of Elections, the agency shall review its records of the identification documents the applicant provided or that the agency cross-references in order to complete the dual-purpose application, to confirm that nothing in those documents indicates that the applicant does not satisfy the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address. A completed and signed dual-purpose application, including a completed application under subsection (c) of this Section with a separate signature attesting that the applicant meets the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address as indicated on his or her application, shall constitute an application to register to vote in Illinois at the residence address indicated in the application unless the person affirmatively declined in the application to register to vote or to change his or her registered residence address or name. If the identification documents provided to complete the dual-purpose application, or that the agency cross-references, indicate that he or she does not satisfy the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address, the application shall be marked as incomplete.
(f) For each completed and signed dual-purpose application that constitutes an application to register to vote in Illinois or provides for a change in the applicant's registered residence address or name, the designated automatic voter registration agency shall electronically transmit to the State Board of Elections personal information needed to complete the person's registration to vote in Illinois at his or her residence address. The application to register to vote shall be processed in accordance with Section 1A-16.7.
(g) As used in this Section:
"Designated automatic voter registration agency" or
| | "agency" means the divisions of Family and Community Services and Rehabilitation Services of the Department of Human Services, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the Department of Natural Resources, or an agency of the State or federal government that has been determined by the State Board of Elections to have access to reliable personal information and has entered into an interagency contract with the State Board of Elections to participate in the automatic voter registration program under this Section.
| "Dual-purpose application" means an application, an
| | application for renewal, a change of address form, or a recertification form for a license, permit, program, or service offered by a designated automatic voter registration agency that also serves as an application to register to vote in Illinois.
| "Reliable personal information" means information
| | about individuals obtained from government sources that may be used to verify whether an individual is eligible to register to vote.
| (h) This Section shall be implemented no later than July 1, 2019.
(Source: P.A. 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.5 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.5) Sec. 1A-16.5. Online voter registration. (a) The State Board of Elections shall establish and maintain a system for online voter registration that permits a person to apply to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration. In accordance with technical specifications provided by the State Board of Elections, each election authority shall maintain a voter registration system capable of receiving and processing voter registration application information, including electronic signatures, from the online voter registration system established by the State Board of Elections. (b) The online voter registration system shall employ security measures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of voter registration applications submitted electronically pursuant to this Section. (c) The Board may receive voter registration information provided by applicants using the State Board of Elections' website, may cross reference that information with data or information contained in the Secretary of State's database in order to match the information submitted by applicants, and may receive from the Secretary of State the applicant's digitized signature upon a successful match of that applicant's information with that contained in the Secretary of State's database. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who is qualified to register to vote and who has an authentic Illinois driver's license or State identification card issued by the Secretary of State may submit an application to register to vote electronically on a website maintained by the State Board of Elections. (e) An online voter registration application shall contain all of the information that is required for a paper application as provided in Section 1A-16 of this Code, except that the applicant shall be required to provide: (1) the applicant's full Illinois driver's license or | | State identification card number;
| (2) the last 4 digits of the applicant's social
| | (3) the date the Illinois driver's license or State
| | identification card was issued.
| (f) For an applicant's registration or change in registration to be accepted, the applicant shall mark the box associated with the following statement included as part of the online voter registration application:
"By clicking on the box below, I swear or affirm all of the following:
(1) I am the person whose name and identifying information is provided on this form, and I desire to register to vote in the State of Illinois.
(2) All the information I have provided on this form is true and correct as of the date I am submitting this form.
(3) I authorize the Secretary of State to transmit to the State Board of Elections my signature that is on file with the Secretary of State and understand that such signature will be used by my local election authority on this online voter registration application for admission as an elector as if I had signed this form personally.".
(g) Immediately upon receiving a completed online voter registration application, the online voter registration system shall send, by electronic mail, a confirmation notice that the application has been received. Within 48 hours of receiving such an application, the online voter registration system shall send by electronic mail, a notice informing the applicant of whether the following information has been matched with the Secretary of State database:
(1) that the applicant has an authentic Illinois
| | driver's license or State identification card issued by the Secretary of State and that the driver's license or State identification number provided by the applicant matches the driver's license or State identification card number for that person on file with the Secretary of State;
| (2) that the date of issuance of the Illinois
| | driver's license or State identification card listed on the application matches the date of issuance of that card for that person on file with the Secretary of State;
| (3) that the date of birth provided by the applicant
| | matches the date of birth for that person on file with the Secretary of State; and
| (4) that the last 4 digits of the applicant's social
| | security number matches the last 4 digits for that person on file with the Secretary of State.
| (h) If the information provided by the applicant matches the information on the Secretary of State's databases for any driver's license and State identification card holder and is matched as provided in subsection (g) above, the online voter registration system shall:
(1) retrieve from the Secretary of State's database
| | files an electronic copy of the applicant's signature from his or her Illinois driver's license or State identification card and such signature shall be deemed to be the applicant's signature on his or her online voter registration application;
| (2) within 2 days of receiving the application,
| | forward to the county clerk or board of election commissioners having jurisdiction over the applicant's voter registration: (i) the application, along with the applicant's relevant data that can be directly loaded into the jurisdiction's voter registration system and (ii) a copy of the applicant's electronic signature and a certification from the State Board of Elections that the applicant's driver's license or State identification card number, driver's license or State identification card date of issuance, and date of birth and social security information have been successfully matched.
| (i) Upon receipt of the online voter registration application, the county clerk or board of election commissioners having jurisdiction over the applicant's voter registration shall promptly search its voter registration database to determine whether the applicant is already registered to vote at the address on the application and whether the new registration would create a duplicate registration. If the applicant is already registered to vote at the address on the application, the clerk or board, as the case may be, shall send the applicant by first class mail, and electronic mail if the applicant has provided an electronic mail address on the original voter registration form for that address, a disposition notice as otherwise required by law informing the applicant that he or she is already registered to vote at such address. If the applicant is not already registered to vote at the address on the application and the applicant is otherwise eligible to register to vote, the clerk or board, as the case may be, shall:
(1) enter the name and address of the applicant on
| | the list of registered voters in the jurisdiction; and
| (2) send by mail, and electronic mail if the
| | applicant has provided an electronic mail address on the voter registration form, a disposition notice to the applicant as otherwise provided by law setting forth the applicant's name and address as it appears on the application and stating that the person is registered to vote.
| (j) An electronic signature of the person submitting a duplicate registration application or a change of address form that is retrieved and imported from the Secretary of State's driver's license or State identification card database as provided herein may, in the discretion of the clerk or board, be substituted for and replace any existing signature for that individual in the voter registration database of the county clerk or board of election commissioners.
(k) Any new registration or change of address submitted electronically as provided in this Section shall become effective as of the date it is received by the county clerk or board of election commissioners having jurisdiction over said registration. Disposition notices prescribed in this Section shall be sent within 5 business days of receipt of the online application or change of address by the county clerk or board of election commissioners.
(l) All provisions of this Code governing voter registration and applicable thereto and not inconsistent with this Section shall apply to online voter registration under this Section. All applications submitted on a website maintained by the State Board of Elections shall be deemed timely filed if they are submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on the 16th day prior to an election. After the registration period for an upcoming election has ended and until the 2nd day following such election, the web page containing the online voter registration form on the State Board of Elections website shall inform users of the procedure for grace period voting.
(m) The State Board of Elections shall maintain a list of the name, street address, e-mail address, and likely precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, of people who apply to vote online through the voter registration system and those names and that information shall be stored in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees.
(n) The Illinois State Board of Elections shall develop or cause to be developed an online voter registration system able to be accessed by at least the top two most used mobile electronic operating systems by January 1, 2016.
(o) (Blank).
(p) Each State department that maintains an Internet website must include a hypertext link to the homepage website maintained and operated pursuant to this Section 1A-16.5. For the purposes of this Section, "State department" means the departments of State Government listed in Section 5-15 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois (General Provisions and Departments of State Government).
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.6 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.6) Sec. 1A-16.6. Government agency voter registration. (a) By April 1, 2016, the State Board of Elections shall establish and maintain a portal for government agency registration that permits an eligible person to electronically apply to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration whenever he or she conducts business, either online or in person, with a designated government agency. The portal shall interface with the online voter registration system established in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code and shall be capable of receiving and processing voter registration application information, including electronic signatures, from a designated government agency. The State Board of Elections shall modify the online voter registration system as necessary to implement this Section. Voter registration data received from a designated government agency through the online registration system shall be processed as provided for in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. Whenever the registration interface is accessible to the general public, including, but not limited to, online transactions, the interface shall allow the applicant to complete the process as provided for in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. The online interface shall be capable of providing the applicant with the applicant's voter registration status with the State Board of Elections and, if registered, the applicant's current registration address. The applicant shall not be required to re-enter any registration data, such as name, address, and birth date, if the designated government agency already has that information on file. The applicant shall be informed that by choosing to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration, the applicant consents to the transfer of the applicant's personal information to the State Board of Elections. Whenever a government employee is accessing the registration system while servicing the applicant, the government employee shall notify the applicant of the applicant's registration status with the State Board of Elections and, if registered, the applicant's current registration address. If the applicant elects to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration, the government employee shall collect the needed information and assist the applicant with his or her registration. The applicant shall be informed that by choosing to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration, the applicant consents to the transfer of the applicant's personal information to the State Board of Elections. In accordance with technical specifications provided by the State Board of Elections, each designated government agency shall maintain a data transfer mechanism capable of transmitting voter registration application information, including electronic signatures where available, to the online voter registration system established in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. Each designated government agency shall establish and operate a voter registration system capable of transmitting voter registration application information to the portal as described in this Section by July 1, 2016. (b) Whenever an applicant's data is transferred from a designated government agency, the agency must transmit a signature image if available. If no signature image was provided by the agency or if no signature image is available in the Secretary of State's database or the statewide voter registration database, the applicant must be notified that their registration will remain in a pending status and the applicant will be required to provide identification and a signature to the election authority on Election Day in the polling place or during early voting. (c) The State Board of Elections shall track registration data received through the online registration system that originated from a designated government agency for the purposes of maintaining statistics required by the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993, as amended. (d) The State Board of Elections shall submit a report to the General Assembly and the Governor by December 1, 2015 detailing the progress made to implement the government agency voter registration portal described in this Section. (e) The Board shall adopt rules, in consultation with the impacted agencies. (f) As used in this Section, a "designated government agency" means the Secretary of State's Driver Services and Vehicle Services Departments, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Employment Security, and the Department on Aging; however, if the designated government agency becomes a designated automatic voter registration agency under Section 1A-16.1 or Section 1A-16.2 of this Code, that agency shall cease to be a designated government agency under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.7 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.7) Sec. 1A-16.7. Automatic voter registration. (a) The State Board of Elections shall establish and maintain a portal for automatic government agency voter registration that permits an eligible person to electronically apply to register to vote or to update his or her existing voter registration as provided in Section 1A-16.1 or Section 1A-16.2. The portal shall interface with the online voter registration system established in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code and shall be capable of receiving and processing voter registration application information, including electronic signatures, from the Office of the Secretary of State and each designated automatic voter registration agency, as defined in Section 1A-16.2. The State Board of Elections may cross-reference voter registration information from any designated automatic voter registration agency, as defined under Section 1A-16.2 of this Code, with information contained in the database of the Secretary of State as provided under subsection (c) of Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. The State Board of Elections shall modify the online voter registration system as necessary to implement this Section. (b) Voter registration data received from the Office of the Secretary of State or a designated automatic voter registration agency through the online registration application system shall be processed as provided in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. (c) The State Board of Elections shall establish technical specifications applicable to each automatic government registration program, including data format and transmission specifications. The Office of the Secretary of State and each designated automatic voter registration agency shall maintain a data transfer mechanism capable of transmitting voter registration application information, including electronic signatures where available, to the online voter registration system established in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. (d) The State Board of Elections shall, by rule, establish criteria and procedures for determining whether an agency of the State or federal government seeking to become a designated automatic voter registration agency has access to reliable personal information, as defined under this subsection (d) and subsection (f) of Section 1A-16.2 of this Code, and otherwise meets the requirements to enter into an interagency contract and to operate as a designated automatic voter registration agency. The State Board of Elections shall approve each interagency contract upon affirmative vote of a majority of its members. As used in this subsection (d), "reliable personal information" means information about individuals obtained from government sources that may be used to verify whether an individual is eligible to register to vote. (e) Whenever an applicant's data is transferred from the Office of the Secretary of State or a designated automatic voter registration agency, the agency must transmit a signature image if available. If no signature image was provided by the agency, or if no signature image is available in the Office of the Secretary of State's database or the statewide voter registration database, the applicant must be notified that his or her registration will remain in a pending status, and the applicant will be required to provide identification that complies with the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 and a signature to the election authority on election day in the polling place or during early voting. (f) Upon receipt of personal information collected and transferred by the Office of the Secretary of State or a designated automatic voter registration agency, the State Board of Elections shall check the information against the statewide voter registration database. The State Board of Elections shall create and electronically transmit to the appropriate election authority a voter registration application for any individual who is not registered to vote in Illinois and is not disqualified as provided in this Section or whose information reliably indicates a more recent update to the name or address of a person already included in the statewide voter database. The election authority shall process the application accordingly. (g) The appropriate election authority shall ensure that any applicant who is registered to vote or whose existing voter registration is updated under this Section is promptly sent written notice of the change. The notice required by this subsection (g) may be sent or combined with other notices required or permitted by law, including, but not limited to, any notices sent pursuant to Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. Any notice required by this subsection (g) shall contain, at a minimum: (i) the applicant's name and residential address as reflected on the voter registration list; (ii) a statement notifying the applicant to contact the appropriate election authority if his or her voter registration has been updated in error; (iii) the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois; (iv) a statement notifying the applicant that he or she may opt out of voter registration or request a change to his or her registration information at any time by contacting an election official; and (v) contact information for the appropriate election authority, including a phone number, address, electronic mail address, and website address. (h) The appropriate election authority shall ensure that any applicant whose voter registration application is not accepted or deemed incomplete is promptly sent written notice of the application's status. The notice required by this subsection may be sent or combined with other notices required or permitted by law, including, but not limited to, any notices sent pursuant to Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. Any notice required by this subsection (h) shall contain, at a minimum, the reason the application was not accepted or deemed incomplete and contact information for the appropriate election authority, including a phone number, address, electronic mail address, and website address. (i) If the Office of the Secretary of State or a designated automatic voter registration agency transfers information, or if the State Board of Elections creates and transmits a voter registration application, for a person who does not qualify as an eligible voter, then it shall not constitute a completed voter registration form, and the person shall not be considered to have registered to vote. (j) If the registration is processed by any election authority, then it shall be presumed to have been effected and officially authorized by the State, and that person shall not be found on that basis to have made a false claim to citizenship or to have committed an act of moral turpitude, nor shall that person be subject to penalty under any relevant laws, including, but not limited to, Sections 29-10 and 29-19 of this Code. This subsection (j) does not apply to a person who knows that he or she is not entitled to register to vote and who willfully votes, registers to vote, or attests under penalty of perjury that he or she is eligible to register to vote or willfully attempts to vote or to register to vote. (k) The State Board of Elections, the Office of the Secretary of State, and each designated automatic voter registration agency shall implement policies and procedures to protect the privacy and security of voter information as it is acquired, stored, and transmitted among agencies, including policies for the retention and preservation of voter information. Information designated as confidential under this Section may be recorded and shared among the State Board of Elections, election authorities, the Office of the Secretary of State, and designated automatic voter registration agencies, but shall be used only for voter registration purposes, shall not be disclosed to the public except in the aggregate as required by subsection (m) of this Section, and shall not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The following information shall be designated as confidential: (1) any portion of an applicant's Social Security | | (2) any portion of an applicant's driver's license
| | number or State identification number;
| (3) an applicant's decision to decline voter
| | (4) the identity of the person providing information
| | relating to a specific applicant; and
| (5) the personal residence and contact information of
| | any applicant for whom notice has been given by an appropriate legal authority.
| This subsection (k) shall not apply to information the State Board of Elections is required to share with the Electronic Registration Information Center.
(l) The voter registration procedures implemented under this Section shall comport with the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993, as amended, and shall specifically require that the State Board of Elections track registration data received through the online registration system that originated from a designated automatic voter registration agency for the purposes of maintaining statistics.
Nothing in this Code shall require designated voter registration agencies to transmit information that is confidential client information under State or federal law without the consent of the applicant.
(m) The State Board of Elections, each election authority that maintains a website, the Office of the Secretary of State, and each designated automatic voter registration agency that maintains a website shall provide information on their websites informing the public about the new registration procedures described in this Section. The Office of the Secretary of State and each designated automatic voter registration agency shall display signage or provide literature for the public containing information about the new registration procedures described in this Section.
(n) No later than 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, the State Board of Elections shall hold at least one public hearing on implementing this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly at which the public may provide input.
(o) The State Board of Elections shall submit an annual public report to the General Assembly and the Governor detailing the progress made to implement this Section. The report shall include all of the following: the number of records transferred under this Section by agency, the number of voters newly added to the statewide voter registration list because of records transferred under this Section by agency, the number of updated registrations under this Section by agency, the number of persons who opted out of voter registration, and the number of voters who submitted voter registration forms using the online procedure described in Section 1A-16.5 of this Code. The 2018 and 2019 annual reports may include less detail if election authorities are not equipped to provide complete information to the State Board of Elections. Any report produced under this subsection (o) shall exclude any information that identifies any individual personally.
(p) The State Board of Elections, in consultation with election authorities, the Office of the Secretary of State, designated automatic voter registration agencies, and community organizations, shall adopt rules as necessary to implement the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.8 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.8) Sec. 1A-16.8. Automatic transfer of registration based upon information from the National Change of Address database and designated automatic voter registration agencies. (a) The State Board of Elections shall cross-reference the statewide voter registration database against the United States Postal Service's National Change of Address database twice each calendar year, April 15 and October 1 in odd-numbered years and April 15 and December 1 in even-numbered years or with the same frequency as in subsection (b) of this Section, and shall share the findings with the election authorities. (b) In addition, beginning no later than September 1, 2017, the State Board of Elections shall utilize data provided as part of its membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center in order to cross-reference the statewide voter registration database against databases of relevant personal information kept by designated automatic voter registration agencies, including, but not limited to, driver's license information kept by the Secretary of State, at least 6 times each calendar year and shall share the findings with election authorities. This subsection (b) shall no longer apply once Sections 1A-16.1 and 1A-16.2 of this Code are fully implemented as determined by the State Board of Elections. Upon a determination by the State Board of Elections of full implementation of Sections 1A-16.1 and 1A-16.2 of this Code, the State Board of Elections shall file notice of full implementation and the inapplicability of this subsection (b) with the Index Department of the Office of the Secretary of State, the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Legislative Reference Bureau. (b-5) The State Board of Elections shall not be required to share any data on any voter attained using the National Change of Address database under subsection (a) of this Section if that voter has a more recent government transaction indicated using the cross-reference under subsection (b) of this Section. If there is contradictory or unclear data between data obtained under subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, then data obtained under subsection (b) of this Section shall take priority. (c) An election authority shall automatically register any voter who has moved into its jurisdiction from another jurisdiction in Illinois or has moved within its jurisdiction provided that: (1) the election authority whose jurisdiction | | includes the new registration address provides the voter an opportunity to reject the change in registration address through a mailing, sent by non-forwardable mail, to the new registration address, and
| (2) when the election authority whose jurisdiction
| | includes the previous registration address is a different election authority, then that election authority provides the same opportunity through a mailing, sent by forwardable mail, to the previous registration address.
| This change in registration shall trigger the same inter-jurisdictional or intra-jurisdictional workflows as if the voter completed a new registration card, including the cancellation of the voter's previous registration. Should the registration of a voter be changed from one address to another within the State and should the voter appear at the polls and offer to vote from the prior registration address, attesting that the prior registration address is the true current address, the voter, if confirmed by the election authority as having been registered at the prior registration address and canceled only by the process authorized by this Section, shall be issued a regular ballot, and the change of registration address shall be canceled. If the election authority is unable to immediately confirm the registration, the voter shall be permitted to register and vote a regular ballot, provided that he or she meets the documentary requirements for same-day registration. If the election authority is unable to confirm the registration and the voter does not meet the requirements for same-day registration, the voter shall be issued a provisional ballot.
(d) No voter shall be disqualified from voting due to an error relating to an update of registration under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16; 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-16.9 (10 ILCS 5/1A-16.9) Sec. 1A-16.9. Implementation. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall be implemented no later than July 1, 2018, except for the changes made to Section 1A-16.2 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-464, eff. 8-28-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-17 (10 ILCS 5/1A-17)
Sec. 1A-17. Voter registration outreach. (a) The Secretary of State, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of Public Aid, the Department of Employment Security, and each public institution of higher learning in Illinois must make available on its World Wide Web site a downloadable, printable voter registration form that complies with the requirements in subsection (d) of Section 1A-16 for the State Board of Elections' voter registration form. (b) Each public institution of higher learning in Illinois must include voter registration information and a voter registration form supplied by the State Board of Elections under subsection (e) of Section 1A-16 in any mailing of student registration materials to an address located in Illinois. Each public institution of higher learning must provide voter registration information and a voter registration form supplied by the State Board of Elections under subsection (e) of Section 1A-16 to each person with whom the institution conducts in-person student registration. (c) As used in this Section, a public institution of higher learning means a public university, college, or community college in Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; incorporates P.A. 94-492, eff. 1-1-06; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-18 (10 ILCS 5/1A-18)
Sec. 1A-18. Voter registration applications; General Assembly district offices. Each member of the General Assembly, and his or her State employees (as defined in Section 1-5 of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act) authorized by the member, may make available voter registration forms supplied by the State Board of Elections under subsection (e) of Section 1A-16 to the public and may undertake that and other voter registration activities at the member's district office, during regular business hours or otherwise, in a manner determined by the member.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-19 (10 ILCS 5/1A-19)
Sec. 1A-19. Effect of extension of canvassing period on terms of public offices and official acts. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, if the proclamation of election results for an elected office has not been issued by the date of the commencement of the term of that elected office because of the extension of canvassing periods under this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, then the term of the elected office shall commence on a date 14 days after the proclamation of election results is issued for that elected office. (b) If subsection (a) applies to the commencement date of an elected official's term, and if the elected official is authorized or required by law to perform an official act by a date occurring before the commencement of his or her term of office, including but not limited to holding an organizational meeting of the public body to which the public official is elected, then notwithstanding any law to the contrary the date by which the act shall be performed shall be a date 14 days after the date otherwise established by law. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section or of this Code to the contrary, the terms of office for Supreme, Appellate, and Circuit Judges commence on the first Monday in December following their election or retention. Judicial election results must be proclaimed before that date.
(Source: P.A. 93-847, eff. 7-30-04.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-20
(10 ILCS 5/1A-20)
Sec. 1A-20.
Help Illinois Vote Fund.
The Help Illinois Vote Fund is created
as a
special fund in the State treasury. All federal funds received by the State
for the
implementation of the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 shall be deposited
into the Help Illinois Vote Fund. Moneys from any other source may be deposited
into the Help Illinois Vote Fund. The Help Illinois Vote Fund shall be
appropriated solely to the State Board of Elections for use only in the
of activities and programs authorized or mandated by or in accordance with the
federal Help America Vote Act of 2002.
(Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-25 (10 ILCS 5/1A-25) Sec. 1A-25. Centralized statewide voter registration list. (a) The centralized statewide voter registration list required by Title III, Subtitle A, Section 303 of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 shall be created and maintained by the State Board of Elections as provided in this Section. (1) The centralized statewide voter registration list | | shall be compiled from the voter registration data bases of each election authority in this State.
| (2) With the exception of voter registration forms
| | submitted electronically through an online voter registration system, all new voter registration forms and applications to register to vote, including those reviewed by the Secretary of State at a driver services facility, shall be transmitted only to the appropriate election authority as required by Articles 4, 5, and 6 of this Code and not to the State Board of Elections. All voter registration forms submitted electronically to the State Board of Elections through an online voter registration system shall be transmitted to the appropriate election authority as required by Section 1A-16.5. The election authority shall process and verify each voter registration form and electronically enter verified registrations on an expedited basis onto the statewide voter registration list. All original registration cards shall remain permanently in the office of the election authority as required by this Code.
| (3) The centralized statewide voter registration list
| | (i) Be designed to allow election authorities to
| | utilize the registration data on the statewide voter registration list pertinent to voters registered in their election jurisdiction on locally maintained software programs that are unique to each jurisdiction.
| (ii) Allow each election authority to perform
| | essential election management functions, including but not limited to production of voter lists, processing of vote by mail voters, production of individual, pre-printed applications to vote, administration of election judges, and polling place administration, but shall not prevent any election authority from using information from that election authority's own systems.
| (4) The registration information maintained by each
| | election authority shall be synchronized with that authority's information on the statewide list at least once every 24 hours.
| (5) The vote by mail, early vote, and rejected ballot
| | information maintained by each election authority shall be synchronized with the election authority's information on the statewide list at least once every 24 hours. The State Board of Elections shall maintain the information required by this paragraph in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees.
| (i) Within one day after receipt of a vote by
| | mail voter's ballot, the election authority shall transmit by electronic means the voter's name, street address, email address and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections.
| (ii) Within one day after receipt of an early
| | voter's ballot, the election authority shall transmit by electronic means the voter's name, street address, email address and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections.
| (iii) If a vote by mail ballot is rejected for
| | any reason, within one day after the rejection the election authority shall transmit by electronic means the voter's name, street address, email address and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections. If a rejected vote by mail ballot is determined to be valid, the election authority shall, within one day after the determination, remove the name of the voter from the list transmitted to the State Board of Election.
| (6) Beginning no later than January 1, 2024, the
| | statewide voter registration list shall be updated on a monthly basis by no sooner than the first of every month; however, the information required in paragraph (5) shall be updated at least every 24 hours and made available upon request to permitted entities as described in this Section.
| (b) To protect the privacy and confidentiality of voter registration information, the disclosure of any portion of the centralized statewide voter registration list to any person or entity other than to a State or local political committee and other than to a governmental entity for a governmental purpose is specifically prohibited except as follows: (1) subject to security measures adopted by the State Board of Elections which, at a minimum, shall include the keeping of a catalog or database, available for public view, including the name, address, and telephone number of the person viewing the list as well as the time of that viewing, any person may view the list on a computer screen at the Springfield office of the State Board of Elections, during normal business hours other than during the 27 days before an election, but the person viewing the list under this exception may not print, duplicate, transmit, or alter the list; or (2) as may be required by an agreement the State Board of Elections has entered into with a multi-state voter registration list maintenance system.
(c) Except during the 27 days immediately preceding any election, the State Board of Elections shall make available to the public the statewide voter registration list, allowing for redaction of telephone numbers, social security numbers, street numbers of home addresses, birth dates, identifiable portions of email addresses, and other highly sensitive personal information. Information released under this subsection shall be used only for the purposes defined within the federal National Voter Registration Act, 52 U.S.C. 20507(i), ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters. The State Board of Elections may charge a reasonable fee under this subsection, consisting of the cost of duplication plus a 15% fee for administration. No sooner than 14 days after a request for voter registration records is made under this subsection, the State Board of Elections shall publicly disclose the request on a publicly accessible website regardless of whether the request was approved or denied. Voter registration records or data shall not be used for any personal, private, or commercial purpose, including, but not limited to, the intimidation, threat, or deception of any person or the advertising, solicitation, sale, or marketing of products or services. The State Board of Elections shall deny a request made under this subsection to any person or entity that is the subject of a court order finding a violation of this subsection. Upon the entry of a court order finding that a person or entity has violated this subsection, the clerk of the circuit court shall forward a copy of the order to the State Board of Elections.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23; 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-30
(10 ILCS 5/1A-30)
Sec. 1A-30. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 94-492, eff. 1-1-06. Repealed by P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-35 (10 ILCS 5/1A-35)
Sec. 1A-35. Early and grace period voting education. Subject to appropriation, the State Board of Elections must develop and implement an educational program to inform the public about early voting and grace period voting. The State Board shall conduct the program beginning August 1, 2006, and until the 2006 general election.
(Source: P.A. 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-40 (10 ILCS 5/1A-40) Sec. 1A-40. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 95-441, eff. 8-27-07. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-09.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-45 (10 ILCS 5/1A-45) Sec. 1A-45. Electronic Registration Information Center. (a) The State Board of Elections shall enter into an agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center effective no later than January 1, 2016, for the purpose of maintaining a statewide voter registration database. The State Board of Elections shall comply with the requirements of the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement. The State Board of Elections shall require a term in the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement that requires the State to share identification records contained in the Secretary of State's Driver Services Department and Vehicle Services Department (excluding those fields unrelated to voter eligibility, such as income or health information). (b) The Secretary of State and the State Board of Elections shall enter into an agreement to permit the Secretary of State to provide the State Board of Elections with any information required for compliance with the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement. The Secretary of State shall deliver this information as frequently as necessary for the State Board of Elections to comply with the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement. (b-5) (Blank). (c) Any communication required to be delivered to a registrant or potential registrant pursuant to the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement shall include at least the following message: "Our records show people at this address may not be | | registered to vote at this address, but you may be eligible to register to vote or re-register to vote at this address. If you are a U.S. Citizen, a resident of Illinois, and will be 18 years old or older before the next general election in November, you are qualified to vote.
| We invite you to check your registration online at
| | (enter URL) or register to vote online at (enter URL), by requesting a mail-in voter registration form by (enter instructions for requesting a mail-in voter registration form), or visiting the (name of election authority) office at (address of election authority)."
| The words "register to vote online at (enter URL)" shall be bolded and of a distinct nature from the other words in the message required by this subsection (c).
(d) Any communication required to be delivered to a potential registrant that has been identified by the Electronic Registration Information Center as eligible to vote but who is not registered to vote in Illinois shall be prepared and disseminated at the direction of the State Board of Elections. All other communications with potential registrants or re-registrants pursuant to the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement shall be prepared and disseminated at the direction of the appropriate election authority.
(e) The Executive Director of the State Board of Elections or his or her designee shall serve as the Member Representative to the Electronic Registration Information Center.
(f) The State Board of Elections may adopt any rules necessary to enforce this Section or comply with the Electronic Registration Information Center Membership Agreement.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)
10 ILCS 5/1A-50 (10 ILCS 5/1A-50) Sec. 1A-50. The ERIC Operations Trust Fund. The ERIC Operations Trust Fund (Trust Fund) is created as a nonappropriated trust fund to be held outside of the State treasury, with the State Treasurer as ex officio custodian. The Trust Fund shall be financed by a combination of private donations and by appropriations by the General Assembly. The Board may accept from all sources, contributions, grants, gifts, bequeaths, legacies of money, and securities to be deposited into the Trust Fund. All deposits shall become part of the Trust Fund corpus. Moneys in the Trust Fund are not subject to appropriation and shall be used by the Board solely for the costs and expenses related to the participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center pursuant to this Code. All gifts, grants, assets, funds, or moneys received by the Board for the purpose of participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center shall be deposited and held in the Trust Fund by the State Treasurer separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of this State and shall be administered by the Board exclusively for the purposes set forth in this Section. All moneys in the Trust Fund shall be invested and reinvested by the State Treasurer. All interest accruing from these investments shall be deposited in the Trust Fund. The ERIC Operations Trust Fund is not subject to sweeps, administrative charge-backs, or any other fiscal or budgetary maneuver that would in any way transfer any amounts from the ERIC Operations Trust Fund into any other fund of the State.
(Source: P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-55 (10 ILCS 5/1A-55) (Text of Section from P.A. 100-587 and P.A. 101-2) Sec. 1A-55. Cyber security efforts. The State Board of Elections shall provide by rule, after at least 2 public hearings of the Board and in consultation with the election authorities, a Cyber Navigator Program to support the efforts of election authorities to defend against cyber breaches and detect and recover from cyber attacks. The rules shall include the Board's plan to allocate any resources received in accordance with the Help America Vote Act and provide that no less than half of any such funds received shall be allocated to the Cyber Navigator Program. The Cyber Navigator Program should be designed to provide equal support to all election authorities, with allowable modifications based on need. The remaining half of the Help America Vote Act funds shall be distributed as the State Board of Elections may determine, but no grants may be made to election authorities that do not participate in the Cyber Navigator Program. In distribution of the remaining funds received under the federal Help America Vote Act, the Board may make such funds available to election authorities for the maintenance of secure collection sites for the return of vote by mail ballots.
(Source: P.A. 102-1, eff. 4-2-21.) (Text of Section from P.A. 100-623 and P.A. 101-2) Sec. 1A-55. Cyber security efforts. The Board shall adopt rules, after at least 2 public hearings of the Board and in consultation with election authorities, establishing a cyber navigator program to support election authorities' efforts to defend against cyber breaches and detect and recover from cyber attacks. The rules shall include the Board's plan to allocate any resources received in accordance with the federal Help America Vote Act and provide that no less than half of any funds received under the federal Help America Vote Act shall be allocated to the cyber navigator program. The cyber navigator program shall be designed to provide equal support to all elections authorities with some modifications allowable based on need. The remaining half of the federal Help America Vote Act funds shall be distributed as the Board sees fit, but no grants may be made to election authorities that do not participate in the cyber navigator program managed by the Board. In distribution of the remaining funds received under the federal Help America Vote Act, the Board may make such funds available to election authorities for the maintenance of secure collection sites for the return of vote by mail ballots.
(Source: P.A. 102-1, eff. 4-2-21.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-60 (10 ILCS 5/1A-60) Sec. 1A-60. High school voter registration. (a) The State Board of Elections shall prepare a one page document explaining the process to register to vote to be disseminated to high school age students. Every high school must provide students with that document, which may be disseminated electronically. (b) No high school may prohibit nonpartisan voter registration activities on its premises. A high school may adopt reasonable regulations restricting nonpartisan voter registration activities.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.) |
10 ILCS 5/1A-65 (10 ILCS 5/1A-65) Sec. 1A-65. Election authority guidance. 90 days before any election, the State Board of Elections shall provide written guidance to election authorities on: (1) ballot tracking procedures and the proper terminology to be used as part of those procedures; and (2) summarizing requirements for voting, curbside voting, early voting, and vote by mail.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.) |
10 ILCS 5/Art. 2
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 2 heading)
10 ILCS 5/Art. 2A
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 2A heading)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1)
(Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 89-719, which has been
held unconstitutional)
Sec. 2A-1.
All Elections - Governed by this Code - Construction of
Article 2A.
(a) No public question may be submitted to any voters in this State, nor
may any person be nominated for public office or elected to public or
political party office in this State except pursuant to this Code,
notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute or municipal charter.
However, this Code shall not apply to elections for officers or public
questions of local school councils established pursuant to Chapter 34 of
the School Code, soil and water conservation districts or drainage
districts, except as specifically made applicable by another statute.
(b) All elections in this State shall be held in accordance with the
consolidated schedule of elections established in Sections 2A-1.1 and
2A-1.2. No election may be held on any date other than a date on which
an election is scheduled under Section 2A-1.1, except special elections
to fill congressional vacancies held pursuant to writs of election
issued by the Governor, judicial elections to fill vacancies in the office of
Supreme Court Judge held pursuant to writs of election issued by the
Governor under subsection (a-5) of Section 2A-9, township referenda and votes
of the town electors
held at the annual town meeting, emergency referenda approved pursuant to
Section 2A-1.4, special elections held between January 1, 1995 and July 1,
1995 under Section 34-53 of the School Code, and city, village or
incorporated town primary elections in
even-numbered years expressly authorized in this Article to provide for
annual partisan elections.
(c) At the respective elections established in Section 2A-1.1,
candidates shall be elected to office, nominated for election thereto or
placed on the ballot as otherwise required by this Code, and public
questions may be submitted, as specified in Section 2A-1.2.
(d) If the requirements of Section 2A-1.2 conflict with any specific
provision of Sections 2A-2 through 2A-54, as applied to any office or
election, the requirements of Section 2A-1.2 prevail, and shall be
enforced by the State Board of Elections.
(e) In the event any court of competent jurisdiction declares an
election void, the court may order another election without regard to
the schedule of elections set forth in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 89-719, eff. 3-7-97 .)
(Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 89-719, which has been
held unconstitutional)
Sec. 2A-1.
All Elections - Governed by this Code - Construction of
Article 2A.
(a) No public question may be submitted to any voters in this State, nor
may any person be nominated for public office or elected to public or
political party office in this State except pursuant to this Code,
notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute or municipal charter.
However, this Code shall not apply to elections for officers or public
questions of local school councils established pursuant to Chapter 34 of
the School Code, soil and water conservation districts or drainage
districts, except as specifically made applicable by another statute.
(b) All elections in this State shall be held in accordance with the
consolidated schedule of elections established in Sections 2A-1.1 and
2A-1.2. No election may be held on any date other than a date on which
an election is scheduled under Section 2A-1.1, except special elections
to fill congressional vacancies held pursuant to writs of election
issued by the Governor, township referenda and votes of the town electors
held at the annual town meeting, emergency referenda approved pursuant to
Section 2A-1.4, special elections held between January 1, 1995 and July 1,
1995 under Section 34-53 of the School Code, and city, village or incorporated
town primary elections in even-numbered years expressly authorized in this
Article to provide for annual partisan elections.
(c) At the respective elections established in Section 2A-1.1,
candidates shall be elected to office, nominated for election thereto or
placed on the ballot as otherwise required by this Code, and public
questions may be submitted, as specified in Section 2A-1.2.
(d) If the requirements of Section 2A-1.2 conflict with any specific
provision of Sections 2A-2 through 2A-54, as applied to any office or
election, the requirements of Section 2A-1.2 prevail, and shall be
enforced by the State Board of Elections.
(e) In the event any court of competent jurisdiction declares an
election void, the court may order another election without regard to
the schedule of elections set forth in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 88-511 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.1)
Sec. 2A-1.1. All elections; consolidated schedule. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, in
even-numbered years, the general election shall be held on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday of November; and an election to be known
as the general primary election shall be held on the third Tuesday in March.
(b) In odd-numbered years, an election to be known as the
consolidated election shall be held on the first Tuesday in April except
as provided in Section 2A-1.1a of this Code; and
an election to be known as the consolidated primary election shall be
held on the last Tuesday in February.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 102-687, eff. 12-17-21.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1a
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1a) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.1a)
Sec. 2A-1.1a.
Whenever the date designated in paragraph (b) of Section
2A-1.1 for the consolidated election conflicts with the celebration of Passover,
that election shall be postponed to the first Tuesday following the last
day of Passover.
(Source: P.A. 82-1014.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1b (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1b) Sec. 2A-1.1b. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 102-692, eff. 1-7-22; 102-693, eff. 1-7-22. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-23.) |
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1c (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1c) Sec. 2A-1.1c. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-23.) |
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.2
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.2)
Sec. 2A-1.2. Consolidated schedule of elections; offices designated.
(a) At the general election in the appropriate even-numbered years, the
following offices shall be filled or shall be on the ballot as otherwise
required by this Code:
(1) Elector of President and Vice President of the | |
(2) United States Senator and United States
| |
(3) State Executive Branch elected officers.
(4) State Senator and State Representative.
(5) County elected officers, including State's
| | Attorney, County Board member, County Commissioners, and elected President of the County Board or County Chief Executive.
(6) Circuit Court Clerk.
(7) Regional Superintendent of Schools, except in
| | counties or educational service regions in which that office has been abolished.
(8) Judges of the Supreme, Appellate and Circuit
| | Courts, on the question of retention, to fill vacancies and newly created judicial offices.
(9) (Blank).
(10) Trustee of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
| | District of Greater Chicago, and elected Trustee of other Sanitary Districts.
(11) Special District elected officers, not otherwise
| | designated in this Section, where the statute creating or authorizing the creation of the district requires an annual election and permits or requires election of candidates of political parties.
| (12) Beginning with the 2024 general election, the
| | elected members of the Chicago Board of Education; the election of members of the Chicago Board of Education shall be a nonpartisan election as provided for under this Code and may be conducted on a separate ballot.
(b) At the general primary election:
(1) in each even-numbered year candidates of
| | political parties shall be nominated for those offices to be filled at the general election in that year, except where pursuant to law nomination of candidates of political parties is made by caucus.
(2) in the appropriate even-numbered years the
| | political party offices of State central committeeperson, township committeeperson, ward committeeperson, and precinct committeeperson shall be filled and delegates and alternate delegates to the National nominating conventions shall be elected as may be required pursuant to this Code. In the even-numbered years in which a Presidential election is to be held, candidates in the Presidential preference primary shall also be on the ballot.
(3) in each even-numbered year, where the
| | municipality has provided for annual elections to elect municipal officers pursuant to Section 6(f) or Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution, pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code or pursuant to the municipal charter, the offices of such municipal officers shall be filled at an election held on the date of the general primary election, provided that the municipal election shall be a nonpartisan election where required by the Illinois Municipal Code. For partisan municipal elections in even-numbered years, a primary to nominate candidates for municipal office to be elected at the general primary election shall be held on the Tuesday 6 weeks preceding that election.
(4) in each school district which has adopted the
| | provisions of Article 33 of the School Code, successors to the members of the board of education whose terms expire in the year in which the general primary is held shall be elected.
(c) At the consolidated election in the appropriate odd-numbered years,
the following offices shall be filled:
(1) Municipal officers, provided that in
| | municipalities in which candidates for alderperson or other municipal office are not permitted by law to be candidates of political parties, the runoff election where required by law, or the nonpartisan election where required by law, shall be held on the date of the consolidated election; and provided further, in the case of municipal officers provided for by an ordinance providing the form of government of the municipality pursuant to Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution, such offices shall be filled by election or by runoff election as may be provided by such ordinance;
(2) Village and incorporated town library directors;
(3) City boards of stadium commissioners;
(4) Commissioners of park districts;
(5) Trustees of public library districts;
(6) Special District elected officers, not otherwise
| | designated in this Section, where the statute creating or authorizing the creation of the district permits or requires election of candidates of political parties;
(7) Township officers, including township park
| | commissioners, township library directors, and boards of managers of community buildings, and Multi-Township Assessors;
(8) Highway commissioners and road district clerks;
(9) Members of school boards in school districts
| | which adopt Article 33 of the School Code;
(10) The directors and chair of the Chain O Lakes -
| | Fox River Waterway Management Agency;
(11) Forest preserve district commissioners elected
| | under Section 3.5 of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act;
(12) Elected members of school boards, school
| | trustees, directors of boards of school directors, trustees of county boards of school trustees (except in counties or educational service regions having a population of 2,000,000 or more inhabitants) and members of boards of school inspectors, except school boards in school districts that adopt Article 33 of the School Code;
(13) Members of Community College district boards;
(14) Trustees of Fire Protection Districts;
(15) Commissioners of the Springfield Metropolitan
| | Exposition and Auditorium Authority;
(16) Elected Trustees of Tuberculosis Sanitarium
| |
(17) Elected Officers of special districts not
| | otherwise designated in this Section for which the law governing those districts does not permit candidates of political parties.
(d) At the consolidated primary election in each odd-numbered year,
candidates of political parties shall be nominated for those offices to be
filled at the consolidated election in that year, except where pursuant to
law nomination of candidates of political parties is made by caucus, and
except those offices listed in paragraphs (12) through (17) of subsection
At the consolidated primary election in the appropriate odd-numbered years,
the mayor, clerk, treasurer, and alderpersons shall be elected in
municipalities in which
candidates for mayor, clerk, treasurer, or alderperson are not permitted by
law to be candidates
of political parties, subject to runoff elections to be held at the
consolidated election as may be required
by law, and municipal officers shall be nominated in a nonpartisan election
in municipalities in which pursuant to law candidates for such office are
not permitted to be candidates of political parties.
At the consolidated primary election in the appropriate odd-numbered years,
municipal officers shall be nominated or elected, or elected subject to
a runoff, as may be provided by an ordinance providing a form of government
of the municipality pursuant to Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution.
(e) (Blank).
(f) At any election established in Section 2A-1.1, public questions may
be submitted to voters pursuant to this Code and any special election
otherwise required or authorized by law or by court order may be conducted
pursuant to this Code.
Notwithstanding the regular dates for election of officers established
in this Article, whenever a referendum is held for the establishment of
a political subdivision whose officers are to be elected, the initial officers
shall be elected at the election at which such referendum is held if otherwise
so provided by law. In such cases, the election of the initial officers
shall be subject to the referendum.
Notwithstanding the regular dates for election of officials established
in this Article, any community college district which becomes effective by
operation of law pursuant to Section 6-6.1 of the Public Community College
Act, as now or hereafter amended, shall elect the initial district board
members at the next regularly scheduled election following the effective
date of the new district.
(g) At any election established in Section 2A-1.1, if in any precinct
there are no offices or public questions required to be on the ballot under
this Code then no election shall be held in the precinct on that date.
(h) There may be conducted a
referendum in accordance with the provisions of Division 6-4 of the
Counties Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 102-177, eff. 6-1-22; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-691, eff. 12-17-21 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.3
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1.3) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.3)
Sec. 2A-1.3.
Calendar of Elections - Determination and Publication -
State Board. On December 1, 1980 and on December 1 of each even-numbered year
the State Board of Elections shall have prepared and published an official
State calendar of elections listing the elections to be held during that
year and the following year, the election dates, and the offices to be on
the ballot at each such election and any functional dates or other information
relevant to the conduct of elections. The official calendar shall include
all offices in the State.
The official State Calendar shall comply with the schedule of
elections established in this Article 2A. The official calendar may be
amended from time to time by the Board by adoption and publication of
modifications or additions or by adoption and publication of a revised
official calendar.
On December 1, 1981 and each odd-numbered year thereafter the Board shall
have prepared and published
a revised official calendar if any modifications or additions
were made by separate publication after the initial adoption of the
official calendar for that biennium.
(Source: P.A. 81-929 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-1.4
(10 ILCS 5/2A-1.4) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-1.4)
Sec. 2A-1.4.
Emergency Referenda - Petition - Approval.
Whenever any
public question is to be submitted pursuant to law, whether by action of
the governing body of a unit of local government or school district, by
petition, or by court order, the governing body of the unit of local
government or school district whose powers or duties are directly
affected by the result of the vote on the public question may petition
the circuit court for an order declaring such proposition to be an
emergency and fixing a date other than a regularly scheduled election
date under Section 2A-1.1 on which a special referendum election shall
be held for the submission of the public question.
The petition shall set forth the public question and the action taken
which requires the submission of the question, the next regularly
scheduled election under Section 2A-1.1 at which the proposition could
otherwise be placed on the ballot, the estimated costs of conducting a
separate special election, and the reasons why an emergency exists to
justify such special election prior to the next ensuing regular
election. The petition must be approved by a majority of the members,
elected or appointed, of the governing body.
The court shall conduct a hearing on the petition. Any resident of
the area in which the referendum is to be conducted may oppose the
The court may approve the petition for an emergency referendum only
upon a finding, supported by the evidence, that the referendum is
necessitated by an imminent need for approval of additional authority in
order to maintain the operations or facilities of the unit of government
or school district and that such need is due to circumstances beyond the
control of the governing body.
(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-6.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-2
(10 ILCS 5/2A-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-2)
Sec. 2A-2.
Presidential and Vice Presidential Electors - Time of
Election. As many electors of President and Vice President of the United
States as this State may be entitled to elect shall be elected at the
general election, immediately preceding the expiration of the term of
the incumbent President of the United States.
(Source: P.A. 80-936 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-3
(10 ILCS 5/2A-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-3)
Sec. 2A-3.
United States Senator - Time of Election.
A United States
Senator shall be elected at the general election immediately preceding
the expiration of the term of an incumbent United States Senator from
this State.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-4
(10 ILCS 5/2A-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-4)
Sec. 2A-4.
United States Representative - Time of Election.
Representatives in the United States Congress from this State shall be
elected at each general election, and vacancies shall be filled at
special elections pursuant to writs of election issued by the Governor.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-5
(10 ILCS 5/2A-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-5)
Sec. 2A-5.
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General,
Secretary of State, Comptroller - Time of Election. The Governor,
Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State and
Comptroller shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the
general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-6
(10 ILCS 5/2A-6) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-6)
Sec. 2A-6.
State Treasurer - Time of Election.
The State Treasurer
shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the general
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-7
(10 ILCS 5/2A-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-7)
Sec. 2A-7.
State Senator - Time of Election.
A State Senator shall
be elected in a legislative district at the general election which
immediately precedes the expiration of the term of that district's
incumbent Senator.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-8
(10 ILCS 5/2A-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-8)
Sec. 2A-8.
State Representative - Time of Election.
Members of the
State House of Representatives shall be elected at the general election
in 1978 and at each general election every 2 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-9 (10 ILCS 5/2A-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-9) Sec. 2A-9. Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Judges. (a) If one of the following events occurs 134 or more days before a general primary election at which judges are to be nominated, the term of an incumbent judge will expire on the first Monday in December of the next even-numbered year: (1) the judge dies; (2) the Chief Justice receives a written resignation | | or notice of retirement, signed and submitted by the judge, which specifies a date of resignation or retirement on or before the first Monday in December of the next even-numbered year;
| (3) a statute mandates the judge's retirement for
| | reason of age on or before the first Monday in December of the next even-numbered year;
| (4) the judge was eligible to seek retention in the
| | next general election but failed to timely file a declaration of candidacy to succeed himself or, having timely filed such declaration, withdrew it;
| (5) the judge is convicted of a felony or other
| | (6) the judge is removed from office.
If one of the preceding events occurs less than 134 days before a primary election at which judges are to be nominated, the term of an incumbent judge will expire on the first Monday in December following the second general election thereafter.
(b) Judges of the Appellate and Circuit Courts shall be elected in their respective districts or circuits at the general election of each even-numbered year immediately preceding the expiration of the term of each incumbent judge, not retained, and shall enter upon the duties of their offices on the first Monday of December after their election.
(c) Whenever an additional appellate or Circuit Judge is authorized by law, the office shall be filled in the manner provided for filling a vacancy in that office.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-10
(10 ILCS 5/2A-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-10)
Sec. 2A-10.
Assessor - Board of Appeals.
In each county which elects
a County Assessor and a Board of Appeals, the County Assessor and the
Board of Appeals shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at
the general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-10.1
(10 ILCS 5/2A-10.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-10.1)
Sec. 2A-10.1.
Supervisor of Assessments.
In each county of less than
3,000,000 inhabitants having an elected supervisor of assessments, the
supervisor of assessments shall be elected at a general election and shall
serve for a term of 4 years.
(Source: P.A. 84-837.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-11
(10 ILCS 5/2A-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-11)
Sec. 2A-11.
Board of Assessors - Time of Election.
A member of the
Board of Assessors in each county which elects members of a Board of
Assessors shall be elected at each general election to succeed each
incumbent member whose term expires before the following general
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-12
(10 ILCS 5/2A-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-12)
Sec. 2A-12.
Board of Review - Time of Election.
A member of the
Board of Review in any county which elects members of a Board of Review
shall be elected, at each general election which immediately precedes
the expiration of the term of any incumbent member, to succeed each
member whose term ends before the following general election, except that
members of the Cook County Board of Review shall be elected as provided in
subsection (c) of Section 5-5 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-13
(10 ILCS 5/2A-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-13)
Sec. 2A-13.
Recorder of Deeds - Time of Election.
In each county
which elects a recorder, a recorder shall be elected
at the general election in 1980 and at the general election every 4
years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 83-358.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-14
(10 ILCS 5/2A-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-14)
Sec. 2A-14.
County Auditor - Time of Election.
The County Auditor of
each county which elects a County Auditor shall be elected at the
general election in 1980 and at the general election every 4 years
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-15
(10 ILCS 5/2A-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-15)
Sec. 2A-15.
Circuit Clerk - Time of Election.
The Clerk of the
Circuit Court in each county shall be elected at the general election in
1980 and at the general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-16
(10 ILCS 5/2A-16) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-16)
Sec. 2A-16.
County Clerk - Time of Election.
The County Clerk of
each county shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the
general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-17
(10 ILCS 5/2A-17) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-17)
Sec. 2A-17.
Sheriff - Time of Election.
The Sheriff of each county
shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the general
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-18
(10 ILCS 5/2A-18) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-18)
Sec. 2A-18.
Coroner - Time of Election.
In each county which elects a Coroner, the Coroner shall be elected at the
general election in 1980 and at the general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-19
(10 ILCS 5/2A-19) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-19)
Sec. 2A-19.
County Treasurer - Time of Election.
County Treasurers
shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the general
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-416; 80-936; 80-1364.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-20
(10 ILCS 5/2A-20) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-20)
Sec. 2A-20.
Regional Superintendent of Schools - Time of Election.
Except in counties or educational service regions in which that office has
been abolished, the Regional Superintendents of Schools shall be elected at the
general election in 1978 and at the general election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 87-654; 88-89.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-21
(10 ILCS 5/2A-21) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-21)
Sec. 2A-21.
State's Attorney - Time of Election.
State's Attorneys
shall be elected at the general election in 1980 and at the general
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-22
(10 ILCS 5/2A-22) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-22)
Sec. 2A-22.
Cook County - Commissioner - President - Time of Election.
County Commissioners and the President of the County Board of Cook
County, and the Chief Executive officer in other home rule counties,
shall be elected at the general election in 1978 and at the general
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-23
(10 ILCS 5/2A-23) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-23)
Sec. 2A-23.
County Board Members - Time of Election.
County Board
members in counties under township organization shall be elected at the
general election in each even-numbered year to succeed members whose
terms expire prior to the next general election.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-24
(10 ILCS 5/2A-24) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-24)
Sec. 2A-24.
County Commissioners - Non Township Counties - Time of
Election. A County Commissioner shall be elected at each general
election in counties not under township organization to succeed each
incumbent Commissioner whose term expires before the following general
The Board of County Commissioners, at least 30 days before the first
day for filing nomination petitions preceding each primary election in which
2 Commissioners are to be elected, may provide by resolution that candidates
for such position shall each file nomination papers for and be nominated
for and elected to a specific office.
The resolution shall designate the positions to be filled as follows: Position
A is the position now held (or vacated) by ........... (Name of one incumbent
or most recent Commissioner) and position B is the position now held (or
vacated) by .......... (Name of the other incumbent or most recent Commissioner).
(Source: P.A. 82-373 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-25
(10 ILCS 5/2A-25) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-25)
Sec. 2A-25.
Chicago - Mayor - Clerk - Treasurer - Time of Election.
The Mayor, a city clerk and a city treasurer of the City of Chicago
shall be elected at the consolidated election in 1979 and at the
consolidated election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 80-936.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-26
(10 ILCS 5/2A-26) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-26)
Sec. 2A-26. Chicago alderpersons. Alderpersons of the City of Chicago shall
be elected at the consolidated primary election in 1979 and at the
consolidated primary election every 4 years thereafter. The runoff
election where necessary, pursuant to law, for Chicago alderpersons shall be
held at the consolidated election in 1979, and every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-27
(10 ILCS 5/2A-27) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-27)
Sec. 2A-27.
Cities generally; mayor; clerk; treasurer; time of election.
mayor, a city clerk, and a city treasurer shall be elected in each city that
elects those officers (except the City of Chicago) at the consolidated election
in 1979 or 1981 (in whichever of those years the terms of those officers
expire) and at the consolidated election every 4 years thereafter. In cities
that have provided for a 2 year term for elective officers under Section
3.1-10-65 of the Illinois Municipal Code, however, these city
officers shall be elected at the consolidated election of each odd-numbered
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-28
(10 ILCS 5/2A-28) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-28)
Sec. 2A-28. Cities generally - alderpersons - time of election. An alderperson
of a city other than the City of Chicago shall be elected at
the consolidated or general primary election in each year to succeed each
incumbent alderperson whose term ends before the following consolidated or
general election.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-29
(10 ILCS 5/2A-29) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-29)
Sec. 2A-29.
Cities under Commission Form of Government -
Commissioners and Mayor - Time of Election. A mayor and the
commissioners of all municipalities which have adopted the commission
form of municipal government shall be elected at the consolidated or
general primary election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term
of the incumbent mayor and commissioners.
(Source: P.A. 81-1433 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-30
(10 ILCS 5/2A-30) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-30)
Sec. 2A-30. Villages and incorporated towns with population of less than 50,000; president; trustees; clerk.
In villages and incorporated towns with a population of less
than 50,000, a president shall be elected at the consolidated
election in every other odd-numbered year when the president
is elected for a 4-year term, and in each odd-numbered year
when the president is elected for a 2-year term.
Except as provided in Section 2A-30a, in villages and incorporated towns
with a population of less
than 50,000, 3 trustees shall be elected at the consolidated
election in each odd-numbered year when trustees are elected
for 4-year terms, and at the consolidated election in each
odd-numbered year and at the general primary election in each even-numbered
year when trustees are elected for 2-year terms. A primary to nominate
candidates for the office of trustee to be elected at the general primary
election shall be held on the Tuesday 6 weeks preceding that election.
In villages and incorporated towns with a population of less
than 50,000, a clerk shall be elected at the consolidated election
in every other odd-numbered year when the clerk is elected for a 4-year term, and in each odd-numbered year when the clerk is elected
for a 2-year term.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-30a
(10 ILCS 5/2A-30a) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-30a)
Sec. 2A-30a.
Trustees in villages under 5,000; time of election.
villages of under 5,000 population that provide by resolution
and referendum that the village board of trustees
shall be comprised of 4 members as provided by Section 3.1-25-10
of the Illinois Municipal Code, 2 trustees shall
be elected at the consolidated
election in each odd-numbered year after the adoption of the resolution
when trustees are elected for 4 year terms, and at the consolidated election
in each odd-numbered year and at the general primary election in each
year after the adoption of the resolution when
trustees are elected for 2 year terms.
(Source: P.A. 87-1119.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-31
(10 ILCS 5/2A-31) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-31)
Sec. 2A-31.
Villages over 50,000; president;
trustees; clerk; time of election.
(a) In villages with a population of
50,000 or more, a
president shall be elected at the consolidated election in 1979 or 1981
(in whichever of those years the term of the president expires)
and every
4 years thereafter.
(b) In villages with a population of 50,000 or more, 6 trustees shall be
elected at the consolidated election in 1979 or 1981 (in
whichever of
those years the terms of the trustees expire) and every 4 years
thereafter, unless the village has provided, in accordance with Section
3.1-25-15 of the Illinois Municipal Code, to elect trustees in
the manner
provided for villages with a population of less than 50,000, in which
case trustees shall be elected at the time prescribed in Section 2A-30
of this Act.
(c) In villages with a population of 50,000 or more, a clerk shall be
elected at the consolidated election in every other odd-numbered year
when the clerk is elected for a 4 year term, and in each odd-numbered
year when the clerk is elected for a 2 year term.
(Source: P.A. 87-1119 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-32
(10 ILCS 5/2A-32) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-32)
Sec. 2A-32.
Incorporated Towns with Population of 50,000 or More -
President - Clerk - Collector - Assessor - Supervisor - Trustee - Time
of Election. In each incorporated town with a population of 50,000 or
more, a president, a clerk, a collector, a supervisor and an assessor, when required,
shall be elected in every incorporated town at the consolidated election
in 1985 and at the consolidated election every 4 years thereafter.
A trustee shall be elected to succeed each trustee whose term expires
in a particular year, such election to be held at the consolidated
election in odd-numbered years.
The term of office of a trustee which expires in 1984 is extended to
1985 and the term of office of a trustee which expires in 1986 is extended to 1987.
(Source: P.A. 83-720 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-33
(10 ILCS 5/2A-33) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-33)
Sec. 2A-33.
Town - Supervisors - Trustees - Township Collectors -
Township Clerks - Township Assessors - Time of Election.
In each town where such officials are elected, supervisors, township
trustees, township collectors, township clerks multi-township assessors
and township assessors
shall be elected at the consolidated election in 1981 and at the
consolidated election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 81-838 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-34
(10 ILCS 5/2A-34) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-34)
Sec. 2A-34.
Highway Commissioners - Road District Clerks - Time of
Election. Highway commissioners and road district clerks shall be
elected at the consolidated election in 1985 and at the consolidated
election every 4 years thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 81-1433 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-36
(10 ILCS 5/2A-36) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-36)
Sec. 2A-36.
Fire Protection District - Trustee - Time of Election.
trustee of a Fire Protection District which elects its trustees shall be
elected at each consolidated election in odd-numbered years
to succeed
each incumbent trustee whose term expires before the following
consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-37
(10 ILCS 5/2A-37) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-37)
Sec. 2A-37.
Library District - Trustee - Time of Election.
A trustee
of a Library District shall be elected, at the consolidated
election in
odd-numbered years which immediately precedes the expiration of the term
of any incumbent trustee, to succeed each incumbent trustee whose term
ends before the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 81-929.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-38
(10 ILCS 5/2A-38) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-38)
Sec. 2A-38.
General Park District - Commissioners - Time of
Election. A commissioner of a General Park District shall be elected at
the consolidated election in odd-numbered years to succeed each incumbent
commissioner whose term expires before the following consolidated
(Source: P.A. 84-861 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-39
(10 ILCS 5/2A-39) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-39)
Sec. 2A-39.
Township Park District - Commissioner - Time of Election.
A commissioner of a Township Park District shall be elected at the consolidated
election of each odd-numbered year to succeed each incumbent commissioner
whose term expires before the following consolidated
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-40
(10 ILCS 5/2A-40) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-40)
Sec. 2A-40.
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago -
Trustee - Time of Election. A trustee of the Metropolitan Sanitary
District of Greater Chicago shall be elected at each general election to
succeed each incumbent trustee whose term expires before the following
general election.
(Source: P.A. 80-936 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-41
(10 ILCS 5/2A-41) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-41)
Sec. 2A-41. Sanitary District - Trustee - Time of Election. A
trustee of a Sanitary District which elects its trustees, other than the
Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago or the Fox Metro Water Reclamation District, shall be elected at
the general election in each even-numbered year which immediately
precedes the expiration of the term of any incumbent trustee, to succeed
each incumbent trustee whose term ends before the following general
(Source: P.A. 101-523, eff. 8-23-19.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-43
(10 ILCS 5/2A-43) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-43)
Sec. 2A-43.
Springfield Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium
Authority - Commissioner - Time of Election. A commissioner of the
Springfield Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium Authority shall be
elected at the consolidated election of each odd-numbered
year to succeed
each incumbent commissioner whose term expires before the following
consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-44
(10 ILCS 5/2A-44) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-44)
Sec. 2A-44.
Board of Library Trustees - Members - Time of Election.
A member of an elected Board of Library Trustees shall be elected at the
consolidated election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term
of an incumbent trustee, to succeed each incumbent trustee whose term
expires before the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 84-770.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-45
(10 ILCS 5/2A-45) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-45)
Sec. 2A-45.
Community Buildings - Board of Managers - Member - Time of
Election. A member of a Board of Managers, which may have authority over
township community buildings, shall be elected at the consolidated
election of each odd-numbered year to succeed each incumbent
manager whose term expires before the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-46
(10 ILCS 5/2A-46) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-46)
Sec. 2A-46.
Board of Stadium Commissioners - Commissioner - Time of
election. A commissioner of a city Board of Stadium Commissioners shall be
elected at each consolidated election which immediately precedes the
expiration of the term of any incumbent commissioner, to succeed each
incumbent commissioner whose term expires before the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-48
(10 ILCS 5/2A-48) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-48)
Sec. 2A-48. Chicago Board of Education and Board of School Directors; member; time of election. Except as otherwise provided, a
member of a Board of School Directors or a member of an elected Board of
Education, as the case may be, shall be elected at each consolidated
election to succeed each incumbent member whose term ends before the
following consolidated election. Beginning with the 2024 general election, the Chicago Board of Education elected members shall be elected as provided in subsection (b-15) of Section 34-3 of the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-177, eff. 6-1-22 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-49
(10 ILCS 5/2A-49) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-49)
Sec. 2A-49.
Board of School Inspectors - Member - Time of Election.
A member of a Board of School Inspectors shall be elected at the
consolidated election which immediately precedes the
expiration of the
term of any incumbent school inspector, to succeed each incumbent school
inspector whose term ends before the following consolidated
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-50
(10 ILCS 5/2A-50) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-50)
Sec. 2A-50.
Regional Board of School Trustees - Trustee - Time of
Election. Except in educational service regions having a population of
2,000,000 or more inhabitants, a trustee of a Regional Board of School
Trustees shall be elected at the consolidated election to
succeed each incumbent
trustee whose term ends before the following consolidated
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98 .)
10 ILCS 5/2A-51
(10 ILCS 5/2A-51) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-51)
Sec. 2A-51.
Schools - Trustee - Time of Election.
Except in a
township in which all school districts located therein have withdrawn from
the jurisdiction and authority of the trustees of schools under the
provisions of subsection (b) of Section 5-1 of the School Code and except
in townships in which the office of trustee of schools has been abolished
as provided in subsection (c) of Section 5-1 of the School Code,
a trustee of schools shall be elected in townships at the consolidated
election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term of any
incumbent trustee, to succeed each incumbent trustee whose term ends before
the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-52
(10 ILCS 5/2A-52) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-52)
Sec. 2A-52.
Community College District - Member - Time of Election.
A member of the Board of a Community College District shall be elected
at each consolidated election to succeed each elected
incumbent member of
the Board whose term expires before the following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-53
(10 ILCS 5/2A-53) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-53)
Sec. 2A-53.
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-5, eff. 1-1-96.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-54
(10 ILCS 5/2A-54) (from Ch. 46, par. 2A-54)
Sec. 2A-54.
In those cases in which the election to an office is changed
by the consolidation of elections to an earlier or later month in the same
year or to a different year, the term of any incumbent serving on December
1, 1980 is extended to the first Monday in the first month following the
election of his successor and until the successor has qualified, and the
term of the successor in office shall commence on that first Monday.
The term of office of a person elected at a nonpartisan election whose
term begins before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 shall
expire on the date that his or her term would have expired had this amendatory
Act of 1997 not been enacted. The term of office of a person elected at a
consolidated election held on or after the effective date of this amendatory
Act of
1997 to succeed to a term of office of a person elected at a nonpartisan
election shall begin upon the termination of the predecessor's term of office.
The term of office of a person elected to succeed to a term of office of a
person elected at a nonpartisan election shall end after the next consolidated
election at which a successor is elected and at the regularly scheduled time
for the ending of terms of office as provided in the Act or Acts creating or
governing that unit of local government or school district.
this general provision for the transition of terms of office in relation
to the adoption of a uniform schedule of elections shall be subject to the
specific provisions for the transition of terms of office in the several
Acts creating or governing the creation of various units of local government
and school districts, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 90-358, eff. 1-1-98.)
10 ILCS 5/2A-55
(10 ILCS 5/2A-55)
Sec. 2A-55.
Forest preserve districts; commissioners; time of election.
forest preserve district commissioner elected under Section 3.5 of the
Downstate Forest Preserve District Act shall be elected at each consolidated
election to succeed each incumbent commissioner whose term expires before the
following consolidated election.
(Source: P.A. 88-443.)
10 ILCS 5/Art. 2B
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 2B heading)
(Repealed) (Source: P.A. 101-642, eff. 6-16-20. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-21.) |
10 ILCS 5/Art. 3
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 3 heading)
10 ILCS 5/3-1
(10 ILCS 5/3-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-1)
Sec. 3-1.
Every person (i) who has resided in this State and in the
election district 30 days next preceding any election therein, or (ii) who
has resided in and is registered to vote from the election district 30 days
next preceding any election therein and has moved to another election district
in this State within said 30 days and has made and subscribed to the affidavit
provided in paragraph (b) of Section 17-10 of this Act, or (iii) who has
resided in and is registered to vote from the election district 30 days next
preceding any election therein and has not moved to another residence but whose
address has changed as a result of implementation of a 9-1-1 emergency
telephone system and has made and subscribed to the affidavit provided in
subsection (a) of Section 17-10, and who
is a citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 or more years is
entitled to vote at such election for all offices and on all
propositions. Any military establishment within the boundaries of
Illinois is "in this State" even though the government of the United
States may have exclusive jurisdiction over such establishment.
(Source: P.A. 90-664, eff. 7-30-98.)
10 ILCS 5/3-1.2
(10 ILCS 5/3-1.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-1.2)
Sec. 3-1.2.
Eligibility to sign petition.
For the purpose
determining eligibility to sign a nominating
petition or a petition proposing a public question the terms "voter",
voter", "qualified voter", "legal voter", "elector", "qualified elector",
"primary elector" and "qualified primary elector" as used in this Code or
in another Statute shall mean a person who is registered to vote at the
address shown opposite his signature on the petition or was registered to
vote at such address when he signed the petition.
Any person, otherwise qualified under this Section, who has not moved to
another residence but whose address has changed as a result of implementation
of a 9-1-1 emergency telephone system shall be considered a "voter",
"registered voter", "qualified voter", "legal voter", "elector", "qualified
elector", "primary elector", and "qualified primary elector".
(Source: P.A. 91-57, eff. 6-30-99; 92-129, eff. 7-20-01.)
10 ILCS 5/3-1.3
(10 ILCS 5/3-1.3) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-1.3)
Sec. 3-1.3.
Whenever this Code or another statute requires that a
nominating petition or a petition proposing a public question shall be
signed by a specified percentage of the registered voters of the State, a
political subdivision or district or precinct or combination of precincts,
the total number of voters to which the percentage is applied shall be the
number of voters who are registered in the State, political subdivision or
district or precinct or combination of precincts, as the case may be, on
the date registration closed before the regular election next preceding the
last day on which such petition may be filed in accordance with the general
election law. This Section does not apply to the determination of the
number of signatures required on a petition filed pursuant to Article IX of
the Liquor Control Act of 1934.
(Source: P.A. 84-1467 .)
10 ILCS 5/3-2
(10 ILCS 5/3-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-2)
Sec. 3-2.
(a) A permanent abode is necessary to constitute a
residence within the meaning of Section 3-1. No elector or
spouse shall be deemed to have lost his or her residence in
any precinct or election district in this State by reason of
his or her absence on business of the United States, or of this State.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent homeless
individuals from registering to vote under the provisions of this Act.
(b) A homeless individual must have a mailing address in order to be
eligible to register to vote. For purposes of this Act, a mailing address
shall constitute a homeless individual's residence for voting purposes. A
mailing address of a homeless individual may include, but is not limited
to, a shelter, a day shelter, or a private residence.
Election authorities may by reasonable rules limit the place where
voter registration of homeless individuals may be taken and the class of
deputy registrars who may take the voter registration of homeless individuals.
(c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to confer upon homeless
individuals any additional privileges or benefits other than the right to
register to vote and to be qualified to vote in an election under Articles
4, 5, and 6 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-1241.)
10 ILCS 5/3-3
(10 ILCS 5/3-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-3)
Sec. 3-3.
Every honorably discharged soldier or sailor who is an
inmate of any soldiers' and sailors' home within the State of Illinois,
any person who is a resident of a facility licensed or certified pursuant to the
Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, or any person who is a resident of a community-integrated living arrangement, as defined in Section 3 of the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act,
for 30 days or longer, and who is a citizen of the United States and has
resided in this State and in the election district 30 days next
preceding any election shall be entitled to vote in the election
district in which any such home or community-integrated living arrangement in which he is an
inmate or resident is located, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be
elected by the people, and upon all questions that may be submitted to
the vote of the people: Provided, that he shall declare upon oath, that it
was his bona fide intention at the time he entered said home or community-integrated living arrangement to become a
resident thereof.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.) |
10 ILCS 5/3-4
(10 ILCS 5/3-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-4)
Sec. 3-4.
No patient who has resided for less than 180 days in any hospital or mental institution in this State shall by
virtue of his abode at such hospital or mental institution be deemed a
resident or legal voter in the town, city, village or election district or
precinct in which such hospital or mental institution may be situated; but
every such person shall be deemed a resident of the town, city, village or
election district or precinct in which he resided next prior to becoming a
patient of such hospital or mental institution. However, the term "hospital"
does not include skilled nursing facilities.
(Source: P.A. 100-1110, eff. 8-28-18; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
10 ILCS 5/3-5 (10 ILCS 5/3-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 3-5)
Sec. 3-5. No person who has been legally convicted, in this
or another state or in any federal court, of any crime, and
is serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution,
or who has been convicted under any Section of this Code and is
serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution,
shall vote, offer to vote, attempt to vote or be permitted
to vote at any election until his release from confinement.
Confinement for purposes of this Section shall include any
person convicted and imprisoned but granted a furlough as
provided by Section 3-11-1 of the Unified Code of Corrections,
or admitted to a work release program as provided by Section
3-13-2 of the Unified Code of Corrections. Confinement shall
not include any person convicted and imprisoned but released on parole.
Confinement or detention in a jail pending acquittal or
conviction of a crime is not a disqualification for voting.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
10 ILCS 5/3-6 (10 ILCS 5/3-6) Sec. 3-6. Voting and registration age. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who is 17 years old on the date of a caucus, general primary election, or consolidated primary election and who is otherwise qualified to vote is qualified to vote at that caucus, general primary, or consolidated primary, including voting a vote by mail, grace period, or early voting ballot with respect to that general primary or consolidated primary, if that person will be 18 years old on the date of the immediately following general election or consolidated election for which candidates are nominated at that primary. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who is otherwise qualified to vote may preregister to vote on or after that person's 16th birthday, with the registration application held in abeyance by the State Board of Elections until that individual attains the required age to vote, at which time the State Board of Elections shall transmit the registration application to the applicable election authority. Preregistration under this subsection (b) shall be completed using the online voter registration system, as provided in Section 1A-16.5, or an electronic voter registration portal with an automatic voter registration agency, as provided in Section 1A-16.7. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual who is 17 years of age, will be 18 years of age on the date of the immediately following general or consolidated election, and is otherwise qualified to vote shall be deemed eligible to circulate a nominating petition or a petition proposing a public question. (d) For the purposes of this Code, a person who is 16 years of age or older shall be deemed competent to execute and attest to any voter registration forms. (e) References in this Code and elsewhere to the requirement that a person must be 18 years old to vote shall be interpreted in accordance with this Section.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 1-1-24 .) |
10 ILCS 5/3-7 (10 ILCS 5/3-7) Sec. 3-7. Voters in consolidating and merging townships. (a) In the consolidated election where township trustees are elected next following the certification of a successful referendum to consolidate townships under Article 22 of the Township Code, the qualified electors entitled to caucus, vote for, be nominated for, and run for offices in the consolidated township that is to be formed are those registered voters residing in any of the townships identified in the referendum as they exist prior to consolidation. (b) In the consolidated election where township trustees are elected next following the certification of a successful referendum to dissolve a township and merge its territory into 2 adjacent townships under Article 23 of the Township Code, the qualified electors entitled to caucus, vote for, be nominated for, and run for offices in a receiving township shall also include those registered voters residing in the territory of the dissolving township described in the resolutions adopted under Section 23-10 of the Township Code as the territory to be merged with the receiving township. For purposes of this subsection (b) only, "dissolving township" and "receiving township" have the meaning provided in Section 23-5 of the Township Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-107, eff. 1-1-18 .) |
10 ILCS 5/Art. 4
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 4 heading)
THAN 500,000
10 ILCS 5/4-1
(10 ILCS 5/4-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-1)
Sec. 4-1.
Except as provided in this Article 4, it is unlawful for
any person residing in a county containing a population of less than
500,000, to vote at any election at which
any officers are to be nominated or elected,
or at any election at which any questions of public policy are to be voted
on, unless such
person is at the time of such
election a registered voter under the provisions of this Article 4.
The provisions of this Article do not apply to electors voting in an
election of any soil and water conservation district or drainage district
or to electors residing in municipalities in this State which have adopted
"An Act regulating
the holding of elections and declaring the result thereof in cities,
villages and incorporated towns in this State", approved June 19, 1885,
as amended, or which have adopted Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act. This
Article shall not apply to electors voting pursuant to Article 20 of this Act.
The provisions of this Article 4, so far as they require the registration
of voters as a condition to their being allowed to vote shall not apply
to persons otherwise entitled to vote who have made and subscribed to the
affidavit provided in paragraph (b) of Section 17-10 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 81-1060.)
10 ILCS 5/4-2
(10 ILCS 5/4-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-2)
Sec. 4-2.
No person shall be entitled to be registered in and from
any precinct unless such person shall by the date of the election next
following have resided in the State and within the precinct 30 days and
be otherwise qualified to vote at such election. Every applicant who
shall be 18 years of age or over on the day of the next election shall
be permitted to register, if otherwise qualified.
To constitute residence under this Act, Article 3 is controlling.
(Source: P.A. 81-953.)
10 ILCS 5/4-3
(10 ILCS 5/4-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-3)
Sec. 4-3.
The county board shall appoint the place of registry in each
precinct for any precinct re-registration of 1969 and 1970 under this
Article 4 and for all precinct registrations. Such place or places shall be
in the most public, orderly and convenient portions thereof; and no
building or part of a building shall be designated or used as a place of
registry, in which spirituous or intoxicating liquor is sold or which is
used as political headquarters for any party, candidate or office holder.
The county clerk may demand of the chief of police of each city, village or
incorporated town, or the sheriff, to furnish officers of the law to attend
during the progress of any registration at any place or places of
registration designated by the county board.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 570.)
10 ILCS 5/4-4
(10 ILCS 5/4-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-4)
Sec. 4-4.
The county clerk shall be ex officio the registration
officer of such county and shall have full charge and control of the
registration of voters within such county, where this Article 4 is in
For the 3 days of any 1969 and 1970 re-registration and for precinct
registrations hereinafter provided, 2 of the judges of election, no more
than one from the same political party, theretofore duly appointed and
confirmed as such and acting in each precinct, shall be designated by
the county clerk to constitute a board of registration for each
precinct, respectively, and each of such judges of election so
designated shall serve as a judge of registration therein.
In counties over 1,000,000 population town or road district clerks,
city or village clerks, their duly authorized deputies approved by the
county clerk, and employees of the office of the county clerk may be
appointed by the county clerk as deputy registration officers.
Such clerks appointed as deputy registration officers may accept
registration of voters at their offices at any time that such
registrations may be accepted by the county clerk, but shall not accept
such registrations at any other place. Such deputy registration officers
shall return any registrations accepted by them to the county clerk
within 7 days after any registration is accepted by them.
Registration officers, deputy registration officers and judges of
registration shall be officers of the court and the provisions of the
laws of this State as to vacancies, removal and control (except as
hereinafter provided), and punishment in case of misbehavior of judges
of election shall apply to such registration officials.
Each registration officer including officers and judges of
registration shall before entering upon his duties take and subscribe to
the following oath or affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will
support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties
of the office of registration officer to the best of my ability, and
that I will register no person nor cause the registration of any person
except upon his personal application before me.
....................................... (Signature of Registration Officer)"
This oath shall be administered by the county clerk, or by one of his
deputies, or by any person qualified to take acknowledgments and shall
immediately thereafter be filed with the county clerk, except that
judges of registration may administer such oath or affirmation to each other
and such oath of office and all affidavits which have been signed and sworn
to before them shall be returned to the office of the county clerk in an
envelope provided for that purpose.
No registration official for a precinct or other place of
registration shall, without urgent necessity, absent himself from the
place of registration or revision of registration upon any day of
registration or revision of registration whereby less than the number of
persons necessary to conduct the registration or revision of
registration shall be present during such hours of registration or
revision of registration.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 572 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-5
(10 ILCS 5/4-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-5)
Sec. 4-5.
The registration preceding the November, 1942, election shall
constitute a permanent registration subject to revision and alteration in
the manner hereinafter provided; and all registrations subsequent thereto
shall be upon registration record cards provided by the county clerk.
However, if the county board, by resolution adopted before October 15,
1969, determines that there shall be a re-registration in the county before
the June, 1970, primary as provided in this Article, such 1942 registration
shall be a permanent registration only until such re-registration as
provided in Section 4-5.01.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2987 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-5.01
(10 ILCS 5/4-5.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-5.01)
Sec. 4-5.01.
Where the county board determines, as provided in Section 4-5,
that there shall be a re-registration before the June, 1970, primary, there
shall, subject to the provisions of Section 4-6, be 3 days of re-registration
in each precinct. The first of such 3 days of
re-registration shall be Friday, November 21, 1969; the second, Friday,
December 19, 1969; and the third, Tuesday, January 15, 1970. On each of the
3 days of re-registration, the registration place or places shall open at
8:00 a.m. and remain open until 9:00 p.m.
Re-registration provided by this Article 4 shall be conducted by the
county clerk, shall be at the office of such clerk or in the precinct or in
the offices of the respective deputy registration officers appointed by the
county clerk as hereinabove in this Article provided, and shall be upon
registration record cards in the manner provided by this Article. Such
re-registration shall constitute a permanent registration subject to
revision and alteration in the manner hereinafter provided. All
registrations shall be on registration record cards provided by the county
clerk in accordance with the provisions of this Article 4.
Immediately following the last day of precinct re-registration in 1970,
all permanent registration records compiled before November 21, 1969, shall
be destroyed if no election contest is pending in which such records are
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2987 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-6
(10 ILCS 5/4-6) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-6)
Sec. 4-6.
For the purpose of registering voters under this Article in
addition to the method provided for precinct registration under Section
4-7, the office of the county clerk shall be open every day, except Saturday,
Sunday, and legal holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. On Saturdays the
hours of registration shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and such
additional hours as the county clerk may designate. If, however, the county
board otherwise duly regulates and fixes the hours of opening and closing
of all county offices at the county seat of any county, such regulation
shall control and supersede the hours herein specified. There shall be no
registration at the office of the county clerk or at the office of municipal
and township or road district clerks serving as deputy
registrars during the 27 days preceding any regular or
special election at which the cards provided in this Article are used, or
until the 2nd day following such regular or special election;
provided, that if by reason of the proximity of any such elections to one
another the effect of this provision would be to close registrations for
all or any part of the 10 days immediately prior to such 27 day
period, the
county clerk shall accept, solely for use in the subsequent and not in any
intervening election, registrations and transfers of registration within
the period from the 27th to the 38th days, both inclusive, prior
to such
subsequent election. In any election called for
the submission of the revision or alteration of, or the amendments to the
Constitution, submitted by a Constitutional Convention, the final day for
registration at the office of the election authority charged with the
printing of the ballot of this election shall be the 15th day prior to the
date of election.
Any qualified person residing within the county or any portion thereof
subject to this Article may register or re-register with the county clerk.
Each county clerk shall appoint one or more registration or
re-registration teams for the purpose of accepting the registration or
re-registration of any voter who files an affidavit that he is physically
unable to appear at any appointed place of registration or re-registration.
Each team shall consist of one member of each political party having the
highest and second highest number of registered voters in the county. The
county clerk shall designate a team to visit each person with a disability and shall
accept the registration or re-registration of each such person as if he had
applied for registration or re-registration at the office of the county
As used in this Article, "deputy registrars" and "registration
officers" mean any
person authorized to accept registrations of electors under this Article.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/4-6.1
(10 ILCS 5/4-6.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-6.1)
Sec. 4-6.1.
In addition to registration at the office of the county clerk,
and at the offices of municipal and township or road district clerks,
each county clerk shall provide for the following additional methods of
(1) the appointment of deputy registrars as provided | |
(2) the establishment of temporary places of
| | registration, as provided in Section 4-6.3.
Each county clerk may provide for precinct registration pursuant to Section
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-6.2
(10 ILCS 5/4-6.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-6.2)
Sec. 4-6.2. (a) The county clerk shall appoint all municipal and township
or road district clerks or their duly authorized deputies as deputy registrars
who may accept the registration of all qualified residents of the State.
The county clerk shall appoint all precinct committeepersons in the county
as deputy registrars who may accept the registration of any qualified resident
of the State, except during the 27 days preceding an election.
The county clerk shall appoint each of the following named persons as deputy
registrars upon the written request of such persons:
1. The chief librarian, or a qualified person | | designated by the chief librarian, of any public library situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State, at such library.
2. The principal, or a qualified person designated by
| | the principal, of any high school, elementary school, or vocational school situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State, at such school. The county clerk shall notify every principal and vice-principal of each high school, elementary school, and vocational school situated within the election jurisdiction of their eligibility to serve as deputy registrars and offer training courses for service as deputy registrars at conveniently located facilities at least 4 months prior to every election.
3. The president, or a qualified person designated by
| | the president, of any university, college, community college, academy or other institution of learning situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any resident of the State, at such university, college, community college, academy or institution.
4. A duly elected or appointed official of a bona
| | fide labor organization, or a reasonable number of qualified members designated by such official, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State.
5. A duly elected or appointed official of a bonafide
| | State civic organization, as defined and determined by rule of the State Board of Elections, or qualified members designated by such official, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the State. In determining the number of deputy registrars that shall be appointed, the county clerk shall consider the population of the jurisdiction, the size of the organization, the geographic size of the jurisdiction, convenience for the public, the existing number of deputy registrars in the jurisdiction and their location, the registration activities of the organization and the need to appoint deputy registrars to assist and facilitate the registration of non-English speaking individuals. In no event shall a county clerk fix an arbitrary number applicable to every civic organization requesting appointment of its members as deputy registrars. The State Board of Elections shall by rule provide for certification of bonafide State civic organizations. Such appointments shall be made for a period not to exceed 2 years, terminating on the first business day of the month following the month of the general election, and shall be valid for all periods of voter registration as provided by this Code during the terms of such appointments.
6. The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, or
| | a reasonable number of employees designated by the Director and located at public aid offices, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the county at any such public aid office.
7. The Director of the Illinois Department of
| | Employment Security, or a reasonable number of employees designated by the Director and located at unemployment offices, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the county at any such unemployment office.
8. The president of any corporation as defined by the
| | Business Corporation Act of 1983, or a reasonable number of employees designated by such president, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State.
If the request to be appointed as deputy registrar is denied, the
county clerk shall, within 10 days after the date the request is submitted,
provide the affected individual or organization with written notice setting
forth the specific reasons or criteria relied upon to deny the request to
be appointed as deputy registrar.
The county clerk may appoint as many additional deputy registrars as he
considers necessary. The county clerk shall appoint such additional deputy
registrars in such manner that the convenience of the public is served,
giving due consideration to both population concentration and area. Some
of the additional deputy registrars shall be selected so that there are an
equal number from each of the 2 major political parties in the election
jurisdiction. The county clerk, in appointing an additional deputy
registrar, shall make the appointment from a list of applicants submitted
by the Chair of the County Central Committee of the applicant's
political party. A Chair of a County Central Committee shall submit a
list of applicants to the county clerk by November 30 of each year. The
county clerk may require a Chair of a County Central Committee to
furnish a supplemental list of applicants.
Deputy registrars may accept registrations at any time other than the 27-day period preceding an election. All persons appointed as deputy
registrars shall be registered voters within the county and shall take and
subscribe to the following oath or affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support
the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State
of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office
of deputy registrar to the best of my ability and that I will register no
person nor cause the registration of any person except upon his personal
application before me.
(Signature Deputy Registrar)"
This oath shall be administered by the county clerk, or by one of his
deputies, or by any person qualified to take acknowledgement of deeds and
shall immediately thereafter be filed with the county clerk.
Appointments of deputy registrars under this Section, except precinct committeepersons, shall be for 2-year terms, commencing on December 1 following
the general election of each even-numbered year; except that the terms of
the initial appointments shall be until December 1st following the next
general election. Appointments of precinct committeepersons shall be for
terms commencing on the date of the county convention following the general
primary at which they were elected and ending on the date immediately preceding the date of the next county convention, which may be held by audio or video conference. The county clerk shall issue a
certificate of appointment to each deputy registrar, and shall maintain in
his office for public inspection a list of the names of all appointees.
(b) The county clerk shall be responsible for training all deputy registrars
appointed pursuant to subsection (a), at times and locations reasonably
convenient for both the county clerk and such appointees. The county clerk
shall be responsible for certifying and supervising all deputy registrars
appointed pursuant to subsection (a). Deputy registrars appointed under
subsection (a) shall be subject to removal for cause.
Completed registration materials under the control of deputy registrars,
appointed pursuant to subsection (a), shall be returned to the appointing election
authority by first-class mail within 2 business days or personal delivery within 7 days, except that completed registration materials
received by the deputy registrars during the period between the 35th and
28th day preceding an election shall be returned by the deputy
registrars to
the appointing election authority within 48 hours after receipt thereof. The
completed registration materials received by the deputy registrars on the
28th day preceding an election shall be returned by the deputy
within 24 hours after receipt thereof. Unused materials shall be returned
by deputy registrars appointed pursuant to paragraph 4 of subsection (a),
not later than the next working day following the close of registration.
(d) The county clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may
be, must provide any additional forms requested by any deputy registrar
regardless of the number of unaccounted registration forms the deputy registrar
may have in his or her possession.
(e) No deputy registrar shall engage in any electioneering or the promotion
of any cause during the performance of his or her duties.
(f) The county clerk shall not be criminally or civilly liable for the
acts or omissions of any deputy registrar. Such deputy registrars shall
not be deemed to be employees of the county clerk.
(g) Completed registration materials returned by deputy registrars for persons residing outside the county shall be transmitted by the county clerk within 2 days after receipt to the election authority of the person's election jurisdiction of residence. (Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
10 ILCS 5/4-6.3
(10 ILCS 5/4-6.3) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-6.3)
Sec. 4-6.3.
The county clerk may establish a temporary place of registration
for such times and at such locations within the county as the county clerk
may select. Notice
of the time and place
of registration under this Section shall be published by the county
clerk in a newspaper
having a general circulation in the county not less than 3 nor
more than 15 days before the holding of such registration.
Temporary places of registration shall be established so
that the areas of concentration of population or use by the public are served,
whether by
facilities provided in places of private business or in public buildings
or in mobile units. Areas which may be designated as temporary places of
registration include, but are not limited to, facilities licensed or certified
pursuant to the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, Soldiers' and Sailors'
Homes, shopping centers, business districts, public buildings and county fairs.
Temporary places of registration shall be available to the
public not less than 2 hours per year for each 1,000 population or
fraction thereof in the county.
All temporary places of registration shall be manned by deputy county
clerks or deputy registrars appointed pursuant to Section 4-6.2.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
10 ILCS 5/4-7
(10 ILCS 5/4-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-7)
Sec. 4-7.
In counties having a re-registration in 1969 and 1970, there
shall be 3 days of precinct re-registration in each precinct. The first of
such 3 days shall be Friday, November 21, 1969; the second, Friday,
December 19, 1969; and the third, Tuesday, January 15, 1970. In all
counties over 1,000,000 population, or in counties under 1,000,000
population if the county clerk determines to have precinct registration in
the county pursuant to Section 4-6.1 there shall be one day of precinct
registration preceding each regular election on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday in November of even numbered years, on Saturday preceding the
Tuesday 6 weeks preceding the election. The county board shall have
authority to designate 2 days of registration in each precinct, in which
event the second day of precinct registration shall be 29 days before such
election. On each day of registration, the registration places shall be
opened at noon and remain open until 9:00 P.M. The provisions of Section
4-3 of this Article shall apply to the selection of places of registration
or re-registration under this Section.
At least 20 days prior to a precinct registration or re-registration,
the county clerk shall publish a notice of registration or re-registration,
giving the dates, hours and places of registration or re-registration, in a
newspaper of general circulation published in the county, if there is one,
or otherwise in a newspaper of general circulation in such county.
The election authorities shall issue credentials to registration day
pollwatchers in the manner and on the terms prescribed in Section 17-23
with respect to pollwatchers at elections. Registration day pollwatchers
shall be allowed to see the names and addresses of the people who have registered
during the course of the day.
No person shall, at any precinct registration or reregistration, do any
electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion
within any precinct registration place or within 30 feet thereof. Nothing
in this Act shall be construed to prohibit any candidate from being present
in or near any precinct registration place. All persons who register to
vote at any precinct registration place must be residents of the precinct
in which they register.
(Source: P.A. 81-1535.)
10 ILCS 5/4-8
(10 ILCS 5/4-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-8)
Sec. 4-8. The county clerk shall provide a sufficient number of blank
forms for the registration of electors, which shall be known as
registration record cards and which shall consist of loose leaf sheets
or cards, of suitable size to contain in plain writing and figures the
data hereinafter required thereon or shall consist of computer cards of
suitable nature to contain the data required thereon. The registration record
cards, which shall include an affidavit of registration as hereinafter
provided, shall be executed in duplicate.
The registration record card shall contain the following and such
other information as the county clerk may think it proper to require for
the identification of the applicant for registration:
Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or
Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such
middle name, if any.
Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue, or other location of
the dwelling, including the apartment, unit or room number, if any, and in the
case of a mobile home the lot number, and such additional clear and definite
description as may be necessary to determine the exact location of the
dwelling of the applicant. Where the location cannot be determined by
street and number, then the section, congressional township and range
number may be used, or such other description as may be necessary,
including post-office mailing address. In the case of a homeless individual,
the individual's voting residence that is his or her mailing address shall be
included on his or her registration record card.
Term of residence in the State of Illinois and precinct. This
information shall be furnished by the applicant stating the place or
places where he resided and the dates during which he resided in such
place or places during the year next preceding the date of the next
ensuing election.
Nativity. The state or country in which the applicant was born.
Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized. If
naturalized, the court, place, and date of naturalization.
Date of application for registration, i.e., the day, month and year
when applicant presented himself for registration.
Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.
Physical disability of the applicant, if any, at the time of
registration, which would require assistance in voting.
The county and state in which the applicant was last registered.
Electronic mail address, if any. Signature of voter. The applicant, after the registration and in the
presence of a deputy registrar or other officer of registration shall be
required to sign his or her name in ink or digitized form to the affidavit on both the
original and duplicate registration record cards.
Signature of deputy registrar or officer of registration.
In case applicant is unable to sign his name, he may affix his mark
to the affidavit. In such case the officer empowered to give the
registration oath shall write a detailed description of the applicant in
the space provided on the back or at the bottom of the card or sheet;
and shall ask the following questions and record the answers thereto:
Father's first name.
Mother's first name.
From what address did the applicant last register?
Reason for inability to sign name.
Each applicant for registration shall make an affidavit in
substantially the following form:
I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States;
that on the date of the next election I shall have resided in the State
of Illinois and in the election precinct in which I reside 30 days and
that I intend that this location shall be my residence; that
I am fully qualified to vote, and that the above statements are true.
(His or her signature or mark)
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Signature of registration officer. (To be signed in presence of registrant.)
Space shall be provided upon the face of each registration record
card for the notation of the voting record of the person registered
Each registration record card shall be numbered according to
precincts, and may be serially or otherwise marked for identification in
such manner as the county clerk may determine.
The registration cards shall be deemed public records and shall be
open to inspection during regular business hours, except during the 27
days immediately preceding any election. On written request of any
candidate or objector or any person intending to object to a petition, the
election authority shall extend its hours for inspection of registration
cards and other records of the election authority during the period
beginning with the filing of petitions under Sections 7-10, 8-8, 10-6 or
28-3 and continuing through the termination of electoral board hearings on
any objections to petitions containing signatures of registered voters in
the jurisdiction of the election authority. The extension shall be for a
period of hours sufficient to allow adequate opportunity for examination of
the records but the election authority is not required to extend its hours
beyond the period beginning at its normal opening for business and ending
at midnight. If the business hours are so extended, the election authority
shall post a public notice of such extended hours. Registration record
cards may also be inspected, upon approval of the officer in charge of the
cards, during the 27 days immediately preceding any election.
record cards shall also be open to inspection by certified judges and poll
watchers and challengers at the polling place on election day, but only to
the extent necessary to determine the question of the right of a person to
vote or to serve as a judge of election. At no time shall poll watchers or
challengers be allowed to physically handle the registration record cards.
Updated copies of computer tapes or computer discs or other electronic data
processing information containing voter registration information shall
be furnished by the county clerk within 10 days after December 15 and
15 each year and within 10 days after each registration
period is closed to the State Board of Elections in a form
prescribed by the
Board. For the purposes of this Section, a registration period is closed 27
days before the date of any regular or special election. Registration
information shall include, but not be limited to, the
following information: name, sex, residence, telephone number, if any,
age, party affiliation, if applicable, precinct, ward, township,
county, and representative, legislative and
congressional districts. In the event of noncompliance, the State
Board of Elections is directed to obtain compliance forthwith with this
nondiscretionary duty of the election authority by instituting legal
proceedings in the circuit court of the county in which the election
authority maintains the registration information. The costs of furnishing
updated copies of tapes or discs shall be paid at a rate of $.00034 per
name of registered voters in the election jurisdiction, but not less than
$50 per tape or disc and shall be paid from appropriations made to the
State Board of Elections for reimbursement to the election authority for
such purpose. The State Board shall furnish copies of such tapes, discs, other
electronic data or compilations thereof to state political committees
registered pursuant to the Illinois Campaign Finance Act or the Federal
Election Campaign Act and to governmental entities, at their request and at a reasonable cost.
To protect the privacy and confidentiality of voter registration information,
the disclosure
of electronic voter registration records to any person or entity other than to a
State or local political
committee and other than to a governmental entity for a governmental
purpose is specifically prohibited except as follows: subject to security measures adopted by the State Board of Elections which, at a minimum, shall include the keeping of a catalog or database, available for public view, including the name, address, and telephone number of the person viewing the list as well as the time of that viewing, any person may view the centralized statewide voter registration list on a computer screen at the Springfield office of the State Board of Elections, during normal business hours other than during the 27 days before an election, but the person viewing the list under this exception may not print, duplicate, transmit, or alter the list. Copies of
the tapes, discs, or other electronic data shall be furnished by the county
clerk to local political committees and governmental entities at their request and at a
reasonable cost.
Reasonable cost of the tapes, discs, et cetera for
this purpose would be the cost of duplication plus 15% for
administration. The individual representing a political committee
requesting copies of such tapes shall make a sworn affidavit that the
information shall be used only for bona fide political purposes,
including by or for candidates for office or incumbent office holders.
Such tapes, discs or other electronic data shall not be used under any
circumstances by any political committee or individuals for purposes of
commercial solicitation or other business purposes. If such tapes
contain information on county residents related to the operations of
county government in addition to registration information, that
information shall not be used under any circumstances for commercial
solicitation or other business purposes. The prohibition in this
Section against using the computer tapes or computer discs or other
electronic data processing information containing voter registration
information for purposes of commercial solicitation or other business
purposes shall be prospective only from the effective date of this
amended Act of 1979. Any person who violates this provision shall be
guilty of a Class 4 felony.
The State Board of Elections shall promulgate, by October 1, 1987, such
regulations as may be necessary to ensure uniformity throughout the State
in electronic data processing of voter registration information. The
regulations shall include, but need not be limited to, specifications for
uniform medium, communications protocol and file structure to be employed
by the election authorities of this State in the electronic data processing
of voter registration information. Each election authority utilizing
electronic data processing of voter registration information shall comply
with such regulations on and after May 15, 1988.
If the applicant for registration was last registered in another
county within this State, he shall also sign a certificate authorizing
cancellation of the former registration. The certificate shall be in
substantially the following form:
To the County Clerk of.... County, Illinois. (or)
To the Election Commission of the City of ...., Illinois.
This is to certify that I am registered in your (county) (city) and
that my residence was .
Having moved out of your (county) (city), I hereby authorize you to
cancel said registration in your office.
Dated at ...., Illinois, on (insert date).
(Signature of Voter)
Attest: ................, County Clerk, ............. County, Illinois.
The cancellation certificate shall be mailed immediately by the
County Clerk to the County Clerk (or election commission as the case may
be) where the applicant was formerly registered. Receipt of such
certificate shall be full authority for cancellation of any previous
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 10-1-13; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/4-8.01
(10 ILCS 5/4-8.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-8.01)
Sec. 4-8.01.
If an applicant for registration reports a permanent physical
disability which would require assistance in voting, the county clerk shall
mark all his registration cards in the right margin on the front of the
card with a band of ink running the full margin which shall be of contrast
to, and easily distinguishable from, the color of the card. If an applicant
for registration declares upon properly witnessed oath, with his signature
or mark affixed, that he cannot read the English language and that he will
require assistance in voting, all his registration cards shall be marked in
a manner similar to the marking on the cards of a voter who requires
assistance because of physical disability, except that the marking shall be
of a different distinguishing color. Following each election the cards of
any voter who has requested assistance as a voter with a disability, and has stated
that the disability is permanent, or who has received assistance because of
inability to read the English language, shall be marked in the same manner.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/4-8.02
(10 ILCS 5/4-8.02) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-8.02)
Sec. 4-8.02.
Upon the issuance of a voter's identification card for persons with disabilities as provided
in Section 19-12.1, the county clerk shall cause the identification number
of such card to be clearly noted on all the registration cards of such voter.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/4-8.03
(10 ILCS 5/4-8.03) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-8.03)
Sec. 4-8.03.
The State Board of Elections shall design a registration
record card which, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall
be used in triplicate by all election authorities
in the State, except those election authorities adopting a computer-based
voter registration file authorized under Section 4-33. The Board shall prescribe the form and specifications, including
but not limited to the weight of paper, color and print of such cards.
Such cards shall contain boxes or spaces for the information required under
Sections 4-8 and 4-21 of this Code; provided, that such cards shall also
contain a box or space for the applicant's social security number, which
shall be required to the extent allowed by law but in no case shall the
applicant provide fewer than the last 4 digits of the social security
number, and a box for
the applicant's telephone number, if available.
Except for those election authorities adopting a computer-based voter
registration file authorized under Section 4-33, the original and duplicate
cards shall respectively constitute the master
file and precinct binder registration records of the voter. A copy shall be given to the applicant upon completion of his or her
or completed transfer of registration.
Whenever a voter moves to another precinct within the same election
jurisdiction or to another election jurisdiction in the State, such voter
may transfer his or her registration by presenting his or her copy to the election authority or a deputy registrar. If such voter is not
in possession of or has lost his or her copy, he or she
effect a transfer of registration by executing an Affidavit of Cancellation
of Previous Registration.
In the case of a transfer of registration to a new election jurisdiction,
the election authority shall transmit the voter's copy
or such
affidavit to the election authority of the voter's former election
jurisdiction, which shall immediately cause the transmission of the voter's
previous registration card to the voter's new election authority. No
transfer of registration to a new election jurisdiction shall be complete
until the voter's old election authority receives notification.
Deputy registrars shall return all copies of registration record cards or
Affidavits of
Cancellation of Previous Registration to the election authority within 7
working days after the receipt thereof, except that such copies
Affidavits of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by the deputy
registrars between the 35th and 28th day preceding an election
shall be
returned by the deputy registrars to the election authority within 48 hours
after receipt. The deputy registrars shall return the copies or
of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by them on the 28th day
preceding an election to the election authority within 24 hours after receipt
(Source: P.A. 91-73, eff. 7-9-99; 92-816, eff. 8-21-02.)
10 ILCS 5/4-8.5 (10 ILCS 5/4-8.5) Sec. 4-8.5. Deputy registrar eligibility. Unless otherwise provided by law, an individual who is 17 years old or older who is registered to vote in this State shall be eligible to serve as a deputy registrar.
(Source: P.A. 99-722, eff. 8-5-16; 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/4-9
(10 ILCS 5/4-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-9)
Sec. 4-9.
The county clerk shall fully instruct the registration officers
and deputy registration officers in their duties. Each registration officer
and deputy registration officer shall receipt to the county clerk for all
blank registration record cards issued to him, specifying therein the
number of the blanks received by him, and each registration officer and
deputy registration officer shall be charged with such blanks until he
returns them to the county clerk. If for any cause a blank registration
record card is mutilated or rendered unfit for use in making it out, or if
a mistake thereon has been made, such blank shall not be destroyed, but the
word "mutilated" shall be written across the face of such card, and the
card shall be returned to the county clerk and be preserved in the same
manner and for the same length of time as mutilated ballots. When each 1969
and 1970 precinct re-registration has been completed, each registration
officer shall certify the registration records in substantially the
following form:
"We, the undersigned registration officers or deputy registration officers
in the County of .... in the State of Illinois, do swear (or affirm) that at
the registration of electors on (insert date)
there was registered by us in the said election precinct the names which
appear on the registration records, and that the number of voters registered
and qualified was and is the number of ....
Registration officers.
Date ................"
After completion of each 1969 and 1970 precinct re-registration each of
the officers of registration for such precinct shall place all registration
cards received by him, regardless of whether such cards have been unused,
filled out, executed or mutilated, in an envelope to be provided for that
purpose by the county clerk and shall seal such envelope with an official
wax impression seal and sign his name across the face of such envelope.
The judge of registration for such precinct shall include in the envelope
sealed by him the certification of the registration records hereinabove
required. The judge of registration for such precinct shall within 24 hours
after the close of re-registration make personal delivery of all envelopes
containing the re-registration cards for such precinct to the county clerk.
Other precinct registrations shall be certified and returned in the same
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
10 ILCS 5/4-10
(10 ILCS 5/4-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-10)
Sec. 4-10.
Except as herein provided, no person shall be registered,
unless he applies in person to a registration officer, answers such
relevant questions as may be asked of him by the registration officer,
and executes the affidavit of registration. The registration officer shall
require the applicant to furnish two forms of identification, and except in the
case of a homeless individual, one of which must include his or her residence
address. These forms of identification shall include, but not be limited to,
any of the following: driver's license, social security card, public aid
identification card, utility bill, employee or student identification card,
lease or contract for a residence, credit card, or a civic, union or professional association membership card.
The registration officer shall require a homeless individual to furnish
evidence of his or her use of the mailing address stated. This use may be
demonstrated by a piece of mail addressed to that individual and received at
that address or by a statement from a person authorizing use of the mailing
address. The registration officer shall require each applicant for
registration to read or have read to him the affidavit of registration
before permitting him to execute the affidavit.
One of the registration officers or a deputy registration officer,
county clerk, or clerk in the office of the county clerk, shall
administer to all persons who shall personally apply to register the
following oath or affirmation:
"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly
answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching your name,
place of residence, place of birth, your qualifications as an elector
and your right as such to register and vote under the laws of the State
of Illinois."
The registration officer shall satisfy himself that each applicant
for registration is qualified to register before registering him. If the
registration officer has reason to believe that the applicant is a resident
of a Soldiers' and Sailors' Home or any facility which is licensed or certified
pursuant to the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the following question shall be put,
"When you entered the home which is your present address, was it your bona
fide intention to become a resident thereof?" Any voter of a township, city,
village or incorporated town in which such applicant resides, shall be
permitted to be present at the place of any precinct registration and shall
have the right to challenge any applicant who applies to be registered.
In case the officer is not satisfied that the applicant is qualified
he shall forthwith notify such applicant in writing to appear before the
county clerk to complete his registration. Upon the card of such
applicant shall be written the word "incomplete" and no such applicant
shall be permitted to vote unless such registration is satisfactorily
completed as hereinafter provided. No registration shall be taken and
marked as incomplete if information to complete it can be furnished on
the date of the original application.
Any person claiming to be an elector in any election precinct and
whose registration card is marked "Incomplete" may make and sign an
application in writing, under oath, to the county clerk in substance in
the following form:
"I do solemnly swear that I, ...., did on (insert date) make
application to the board of registry of the .... precinct of the township of
.... (or to the county clerk of .... county) and that said board or clerk
refused to complete my registration as a qualified voter in said
precinct. That I reside in said precinct, that I intend to reside in said
precinct, and am a duly qualified voter of said precinct and am entitled to be
registered to vote in said precinct at the next election.
(Signature of applicant) ............................."
All such applications shall be presented to the county clerk or to
his duly authorized representative by the applicant, in person between
the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day after the days on
which the 1969 and 1970 precinct re-registrations are held but not on
any day within 27 days preceding the ensuing general election and
thereafter for the registration provided in Section 4-7 all such
applications shall be presented to the county clerk or his duly
authorized representative by the applicant in person between the hours
of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day prior to 27 days preceding the
ensuing general election. Such application shall be heard by the county
clerk or his duly authorized representative at the time the application
is presented. If the applicant for registration has registered with the
county clerk, such application may be presented to and heard by the
county clerk or by his duly authorized representative upon the dates
specified above or at any time prior thereto designated by the county clerk.
Any otherwise qualified person who is absent from his county of
residence either due to business of the United States or because he is
temporarily outside the territorial limits of the United States may
become registered by mailing an application to the county clerk within
the periods of registration provided for in this Article, or by simultaneous
application for registration by mail and vote by mail ballot as provided in
Article 20 of this Code.
Upon receipt of such application the county clerk shall immediately
mail an affidavit of registration in duplicate, which affidavit shall
contain the following and such other information as the State Board of
Elections may think it proper to require for the identification of the
Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or
Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such
middle name, if any.
Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue or other
location of the dwelling, and such additional clear and definite
description as may be necessary to determine the exact location of the
dwelling of the applicant. Where the location cannot be determined by
street and number, then the Section, congressional township and range
number may be used, or such other information as may be necessary,
including post office mailing address.
Electronic mail address, if the registrant has provided this information. Term of residence in the State of Illinois and the precinct.
Nativity. The State or country in which the applicant was born.
Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized. If
naturalized, the court, place and date of naturalization.
Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.
Out of State address of ..........................
State of ...........) )ss County of ..........)
I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States;
that on the day of the next election I shall have resided in the State
of Illinois and in the election precinct 30 days; that I am
fully qualified to vote, that I am not registered to vote anywhere else
in the United States, that I intend to remain a resident of the State of
Illinois and of the election precinct, that I intend to return to the State
of Illinois, and that the above statements are true.
(His or her signature or mark)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, an officer qualified to administer
oaths, on (insert date).
Signature of officer administering oath.
Upon receipt of the executed duplicate affidavit of Registration, the
county clerk shall transfer the information contained thereon to
duplicate Registration Cards provided for in Section 4-8 of this Article
and shall attach thereto a copy of each of the duplicate affidavit of
registration and thereafter such registration card and affidavit shall
constitute the registration of such person the same as if he had applied
for registration in person.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-115, eff. 10-1-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
10 ILCS 5/4-11
(10 ILCS 5/4-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-11)
Sec. 4-11.
At least 2 weeks prior to the general November election in
each even numbered year and the consolidated election in
each odd-numbered
year the county clerk shall cause a list to be made for each precinct of
all names upon the registration record cards not marked or erased, in
order, with the address, provided, that such list may be arranged
by street and number, in numerical order, with respect to all precincts
in which all, or substantially all residences of voters therein shall be
located upon and numbered along streets, avenues, courts, or other highways
which are either named or numbered, upon direction either of the county
board or of the circuit court. On the list, the county clerk shall indicate,
by italics, asterisk, or other means, the names of all persons who have
registered since the last regularly scheduled election in the consolidated
schedule of elections established in Section 2A-1.1 of this Act. The county
clerk shall cause such precinct lists to be printed
or typed in sufficient numbers to meet all reasonable demands, and
upon application a copy of the same shall be given to any person applying
therefor. By such time, the county clerk shall give the precinct lists
to the chair of a county central committee of an established political
party, as such party is defined in Section 10-2 of this Act, or to the chair's
duly authorized representative. Within 30 days of the effective date of
this Amendatory Act of 1983, the county clerk shall give the precinct lists
compiled prior to the general November election of 1982 to the chair
of county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's
duly authorized representative.
Prior to the opening of the polls for other elections, the county clerk
shall transmit or deliver to the judges of election of each polling place
a corrected list of registered voters in the precinct, or the names of persons
added to and erased or withdrawn from the list for such precinct. At other
times such list, currently corrected, shall be kept available for public
inspection in the office of the county clerk.
Within 60 days after each general election the county
clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of
registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at that general
election, and shall provide a copy of such list to the chair of the county
central committee of each established political party or to the chair's
duly authorized representative.
Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983, the
county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the
list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at
the general election of 1982, and shall provide a copy of such coded list
to the chair
of the county central committee of each established political party or to
the chair's duly authorized representative.
The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual
cost of duplicating
each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-12
(10 ILCS 5/4-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-12)
Sec. 4-12.
Any voter or voters in the township, city, village or
incorporated town containing such precinct, and any precinct committeeperson
in the county, may, between the hours of 9:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. of Monday and Tuesday of the second week prior to the
week in which the 1970 primary election for the nomination of candidates
for State and county offices or any election thereafter is to be held, make
application in writing, to the county clerk, to have any name upon the
register of any precinct erased. Such application shall be, in substance,
in the words and figures following:
"I, being a qualified voter, registered from No. .... Street in the ....
precinct of the .... ward of the city (village or town of) .... (or of the
.... town of ....) do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that ....
registered from No. .... Street is not a qualified voter in the ....
precinct of .... ward of the city (village or town) of .... (or of the ....
town of ....) and hence I ask that his name be erased from the register of
such precinct for the following reason .....
Affiant further says that he has personal knowledge of the facts set
forth in the above affidavit.
(Signed) .....
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant before
the county clerk or any deputy authorized by the county clerk for that
purpose, and filed with said clerk. Thereupon notice of such application,
and of the time and place of hearing thereon, with a demand to appear
before the county clerk and show cause why his name shall not be erased
from said register, shall be mailed, in an envelope duly stamped and
directed to such person at the address upon said register, at least four
days before the day fixed in said notice to show cause. If such person has provided the election authority with an e-mail address, then the election authority shall also send the same notice by electronic mail at least 4 days before the day fixed in said notice to show cause.
A like notice shall be mailed to the person or persons making the
application to have the name upon such register erased to appear and show
cause why said name should be erased, the notice to set out the day and
hour of such hearing. If the voter making such application fails to appear
before said clerk at the time set for the hearing as fixed in the said
notice or fails to show cause why the name upon such register shall be
erased, the application to erase may be dismissed by the county clerk.
Any voter making the application is privileged from arrest while
presenting it to the county clerk, and while going to and from the office
of the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
10 ILCS 5/4-13
(10 ILCS 5/4-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-13)
Sec. 4-13.
A docket of all applications to the county clerk, whether such
application shall be made for the purpose of being registered, or restored,
or for the purpose of erasing a name on the register or for completing
registration, shall be made out in the order of the precincts. The county
clerk shall sit to hear such applications between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the second week prior to
the week in which the 1970 primary election for the nomination of
candidates for State and county officers or any election thereafter is to
be held. Witnesses may be sworn and examined upon the hearing of the
Each person appearing in response to an application to have his name
erased shall deliver to the county clerk a written affidavit, which shall
be, in substance, in the words and figures following:
"I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the United States; that I do
reside and have resided in the State of Illinois since the .... day of ....
and in the county of .... in said state since the .... day of .... and in
the .... precinct of the .... ward, in the city, village, incorporated town
or town of .... in said county and state, since the .... day of .... and
that I am .... years of age; and that I am the identical person registered
in said precinct under the name I subscribe hereto."
This affidavit shall be signed and sworn to or affirmed before any
person authorized to administer oaths or affirmations. The decision on each
application shall be announced at once after the hearing, and a minute made
thereof, and when an application to be registered or to be restored to the
register or to complete registration shall be allowed, the county clerk
shall cause a minute to be made upon the original and duplicate
registration record cards.
All applications under this Section and all hearings hereinafter
provided may be heard by a deputy county clerk or clerks specially
designated by the county clerk for this purpose, and a decision by a deputy
so designated, shall become the decision of the county clerk upon approval
by the county clerk.
In any case in which the county clerk refuses an application to be
registered or restored or to have a registration completed, or orders a
name erased or stricken from the register, application may be made to the
circuit court to be placed upon the register, and such applications shall
be heard, and appeals taken from refusal of such applications, in the
manner provided in other civil actions. The court may,
at its discretion, hear such applications upon the same days
as are specified in this Section for hearings by the county clerk, and, in such cases,
application to be heard by the court may be made on such days. Forms for
applications to the court shall be furnished by the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 83-334 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-14
(10 ILCS 5/4-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-14)
Sec. 4-14.
In all registrations it shall be the duty of every board of
registry conducting a registration under Section 4-7 of this Article, at
the time of making delivery of its registration records to the county
clerk, to make a report to the clerk listing the names of all registered
persons in such precinct for which it has served as a board of registry
whom it knows or upon information believes to have removed from the
precinct in which such person is registered. Where no further registration
is had under the provisions of Section 4-7 prior to an election, it shall
be the duty of the judges of election of each precinct, on or before
Tuesday three weeks preceding the election, to make a report to the county
clerk listing the names of all registered persons in such precinct whom
they know or on information believe to have removed from the precinct in
which such person is registered. Such report by the board of registry or
the judges of election shall be treated as an application to erase from the
register any name appearing in such report, and notice thereof shall be
given to such person in the manner provided by Section 4-12 of this
Article. If such person does not appear at the time and place designated in
the notice, his registration shall be cancelled by the county clerk.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1385 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-14.1
(10 ILCS 5/4-14.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-14.1)
Sec. 4-14.1. Cancelation of deceased voter's registration. Upon establishment of an electronic reporting system for death registrations as provided in the Vital Records Act, the county clerk of the county where a decedent last resided, as indicated on the decedent's death certificate, may issue certifications of death records from that system and may use that system to cancel the registration of any person who has died during the preceding month. Regardless of whether or not such a system has been established, it is the duty of the county clerk to examine, monthly, the
records deposited in his or her office pursuant to the Vital Records Act that
relate to deaths in the county, and to cancel the registration of any
person who has died during the preceding month.
(Source: P.A. 96-1484, eff. 1-1-11 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-15
(10 ILCS 5/4-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-15)
Sec. 4-15.
Within 5 days after a person registers or transfers his
registration with the office of the election authority, such election authority shall send by
mail, and by electronic mail if the registrant has provided the election authority with an e-mail address, a certificate to such person setting forth the elector's name and
address as it appears upon the registration record card, and shall request
him in case of any error to present the certificate on or before the 7th
day next ensuing at the office of the election authority in order to secure
correction of the error. The certificate shall contain on the outside a
request for the postmaster to return it within 5 days if it cannot be
delivered to the addressee at the address given thereon. Upon the return by
the post office of a certificate which it has been unable to deliver at the
given address because the addressee cannot be found there or because no
such address exists, a notice shall be at once sent through the United
States mail to such person at the address appearing upon his registration
record card requiring him to appear before the election authority, within 5 days,
to answer questions touching his right to register. If the person notified
fails to appear at the election authority's office within 5 days as directed or
if he appears and fails to prove his right to register, the election authority
shall mark his registration card as incomplete and he shall not be
permitted to vote until his registration is satisfactorily completed.
If an elector possesses such a certificate valid on its face, if his
name does not expressly appear to have been erased or withdrawn from the
precinct list as corrected and revised as provided by Section 4-11 of this
Article, if he makes an affidavit and attaches such certificate thereto,
and if such affidavit substantially in the form prescribed in Section 17-10
of this Act is sworn to before a judge of election on suitable forms
provided by the election authority for that purpose, such elector shall be
permitted to vote even though his duplicate registration card is not to be
found in the precinct binder and even though his name is not to be found
upon the printed or any other list.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 10-1-13.)
10 ILCS 5/4-16
(10 ILCS 5/4-16) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-16)
Sec. 4-16. Any registered voter who changes his residence from one address
to another within the same county wherein this Article is in effect, may
have his registration transferred to his new address by making and signing
an application for change of residence address upon a form to be provided
by the county clerk. Such application must be made to the office of the
county clerk and may be made either in person or by mail. In case the
person is unable to sign his name, the county clerk shall require him to
execute the application in the presence of the county clerk or of his
properly authorized representative, by his mark, and if satisfied of the
identity of the person, the county clerk shall make the transfer.
Upon receipt of the application, the county clerk, or one of his
employees deputized to take registrations shall cause the signature of the
voter and the data appearing upon the application to be compared with the
signature and data on the registration record card, and if it appears that
the applicant is the same person as the person previously registered under
that name the transfer shall be made.
No transfers of registration under the provisions of this Section shall
be made during the 27 days preceding any election at which such
voter would
be entitled to vote. When a removal of a registered voter takes place from
one address to another within the same precinct within a period during
which a transfer of registration cannot be made
before any election or primary, he shall be entitled to vote upon
presenting the judges of election his affidavit substantially in the form
prescribed in Section 17-10 of this Act of a change of residence address
within the precinct on a date therein specified.
The county clerk may obtain information from utility companies, city,
village, incorporated town and township records, the post office, or from
other sources, regarding the removal of registered voters, and may treat
such information, and information procured from his death and marriage
records on file in his office, as an application to erase from the register
any name concerning which he may so have information that the voter is no
longer qualified to vote under the name, or from the address from which
registered, and give notice thereof in the manner provided by Section 4-12
of this Article, and notify voters who have changed their address that a
transfer of registration may be made in the manner provided in this
Section enclosing a form therefor.
If any person be registered by error in a precinct other than that in
which he resides, the county clerk may transfer his registration to the
proper precinct, and if the error is or may be on the part of the
registration officials, and is disclosed too late before an election or
primary to mail the certificate required by Section 4-15, such certificate
may be personally delivered to the voter and he may vote thereon as therein
provided, but such certificates so issued shall be specially listed with
the reason for the issuance thereof.
Where a revision or rearrangement of precincts is made by the county
board, the county clerk shall immediately transfer to the proper precinct
the registration of any voter affected by such revision or rearrangement of
the precinct; make the proper notations on the registration cards of a
voter affected by the revision or rearrangement and shall issue revised
certificates to each registrant of such change.
Any registered voter who changes his or her name by marriage or
otherwise shall be required to register anew and authorize the cancellation
of the previous registration; but if the voter still resides in the same
the elector may, if otherwise
qualified, vote upon making an affidavit at the polling place attesting that the voter is the same person who is registered to vote under his or her former name. The affidavit shall be treated by the election authority as authorization to cancel the registration under the former name, and the election authority shall register the person under his or her current name.
The precinct election officials shall report to the county clerk the
names and addresses of all persons who have changed their addresses and
voted, which shall be treated as an application to change address
accordingly, and the names and addresses of all persons otherwise voting by
affidavit as in this Section provided, which shall be treated as an
application to erase under Section 4-12 hereof.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-17
(10 ILCS 5/4-17) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-17)
Sec. 4-17.
Following the general election in November, 1946, and
following the November election every 4 years thereafter, the county
clerk shall examine the registration record cards, and shall send to
every voter who has not voted during the preceding four years a notice
through the mails, substantially as follows:
Notice of suspension of registration:
"You are hereby notified that your registration will be cancelled
according to law for failure to vote during the last 4 years, unless you
apply for reinstatement within 30 days. You may reinstate your
registration by signing the statement below and returning it to this
office or by making application in person to do so."
Application for reinstatement of registration:
"I do hereby certify that I still reside at the address from which I
am registered and apply for reinstatement of my registration.
Signed ....
Present Address ....
Date ...."
In case the elector is unable to sign his name, the application for
reinstatement shall be made at the office of the county clerk, or in the
case of an elector, absent from the county of his residence, it shall be
made before the clerk of a circuit court in the county in which the
elector is temporarily detained.
After the expiration of 30 days the county clerk shall cancel the
registration of all electors thus notified who have not applied for
A proper entry shall be made on the registration record cards for all
electors whose registrations are reinstated. Any elector whose
registration has been cancelled for failure to vote may register again
by making the application therefor in the manner provided by this
Article 4. When a registration is cancelled or erased under this or
other sections of this Article 4, a proper entry shall be made on the
original and duplicate registration cards by the county clerk, which
shall then be placed in a file of cancelled registrations and shall be
preserved for 2 years from date of cancellation. The county clerk shall,
however, place the cancelled cards in a suspense file, and reinstate them
at any time within such 2 year suspense period, when a person's registration
is cancelled
under this or other sections of this Article for failure to apply for
reinstatement or to appear in proper time, and there is sufficient
subsequent showing that he is a duly qualified elector.
(Source: P.A. 81-155.)
10 ILCS 5/4-18
(10 ILCS 5/4-18) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-18)
Sec. 4-18.
The county clerk on his or her own initiative or upon
the order of the county board or of the circuit court
shall at all times have authority to conduct investigations and to make
canvasses of the registered voters in any precinct by other methods than
those prescribed herein, and shall at all times have authority to cancel
registration in the manner provided by this section. Canvassers appointed
for such canvasses and investigations
shall be appointed by the county clerk; shall be confirmed by the circuit
court in the manner provided by Section 13-3 of this Act for the confirmation of
judges of election; shall be officers of that court; and shall be subject
to the same control and punishment as judges of election. If upon the basis
of investigation or canvasses, the county clerk is of the opinion that any
person registered under this Article 4 is not a qualified voter or has
ceased to be a qualified voter, he or she shall send a notice through
the United States mail to such person, requiring him or her to appear
before the county clerk
for a hearing within 5 days after the date of mailing the notice and show
cause why his or her registration shall not be cancelled. If such person
fails to appear within such time as provided, his or her registration
shall be cancelled. If such person does appear, he or she shall execute
an affidavit similar in every respect to the affidavit required
of applicants under Section 4-13 of this Article 4.
(Source: P.A. 83-334 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-18.01
(10 ILCS 5/4-18.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-18.01)
Sec. 4-18.01.
Each registered voter lacking a permanent abode shall be
canvassed by the county clerk before each election. The canvass shall be by
mail sent not later than 49 days preceding the election to the mailing
address listed on the voter's registration record card. The clerk shall
include in the mailing a postage prepaid return postcard. The voter must
certify on the postcard his or her continued residence at the registration
address and mail the postcard back to the clerk so that it is postmarked no
later than the 26th day preceding the election.
If an application for registration is presented within the 49 day period
preceding an election, then this Section shall not apply and the provisions
of this Article with respect to the mailing of a verification of a
registration notice shall be a canvass, except that such notice shall be
mailed to the registrant's mailing address.
(Source: P.A. 87-1241.)
10 ILCS 5/4-19
(10 ILCS 5/4-19) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-19)
Sec. 4-19.
If either the original or duplicate registration card, or both,
of any elector shall be lost, destroyed or mutilated in whole or in part,
the county clerk shall prepare two new registration cards, an original and
a duplicate and shall require the execution of a new registration affidavit
by such elector, and if any such elector shall refuse to execute the
affidavit within thirty days after the mailing of a notice to him at the
last address from which he has registered, then his registration shall be
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/4-20
(10 ILCS 5/4-20) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-20)
Sec. 4-20.
The original registration cards shall remain permanently
in the office of the county clerk or election authority except as destroyed as provided in
Section 4-5.01; shall be filed alphabetically without regard to
precincts; and shall be known as the master file. The master file may be kept in a computer-based voter registration file or paper format, provided a secondary digital back-up is kept off site. The digital file shall be searchable and remain current with all registration activity conducted by the county clerk or election authority. The duplicate
registration cards shall constitute the official registry of voters for
all elections subject to the provisions of this Article 4, shall be
filed by precincts alphabetically or geographically so as to correspond
with the arrangement of the list for such precincts respectively,
compiled pursuant to Section 4-11 of this Article, and shall be known as
the precinct file. The duplicate cards for use in conducting elections
shall be delivered to the judges of election by the county clerk in a
suitable binder or other device, which shall be locked and sealed in
accordance with the directions to be given by the county clerk and shall
also be suitably indexed for convenient use by the precinct officers. The
duplicate cards
shall be delivered to the judges of
election for use at the polls for elections at the same time as the
official ballots are delivered to them, and shall be returned to the
county clerk by the judges of election within the time provided for the
return of the official ballots. The county clerk shall determine the
manner of delivery and return of such duplicate cards,
and shall at all other times retain them at his office except for such
use of them as may be made under this Article with respect to
registration not at the office of the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/4-21
(10 ILCS 5/4-21) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-21)
Sec. 4-21.
For use in connection with referenda and the nonpartisan
and consolidated elections, each election authority shall maintain
permanent records of the boundaries of all political subdivisions
partially or wholly within its jurisdiction and any districts thereof,
and shall maintain permanent records indicating by tax extension number
code for each registered
voter the political subdivisions and any districts thereof in which that
voter resides. Such records may be kept on the registration record
cards or on separate registration lists, or if a method other than record
coding by tax extension numbers as adopted by an election authority,
such method shall be, approved by the State Board of Elections. Each political
subdivision must, no later than 5 days after any redistricting, annexation,
disconnection or other boundary change is adopted, give notice of any
such adoption and the effective date of such act to each election
authority having election jurisdiction over any of its former or new
Each election authority must make available to election judges for
use on election day, records indicating by tax extension number code or
other method approved by the State Board of Elections for each registered
voter, the political subdivisions in which that voter resides. For the
purposes of election day use by election judges, such records must be kept
on the registration record cards or on separate registration lists.
(Source: P.A. 84-861.)
10 ILCS 5/4-22
(10 ILCS 5/4-22) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-22)
Sec. 4-22.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section upon application
to vote each registered elector shall sign his name or make his mark as the
case may be, on a certificate substantially as follows:
City of ....... Ward ....... Precinct .......
Election ....... (Date) ....... (Month) ....... (Year)
Registration Record .......
Checked by .......
Voter's number ....
Sign this certificate and hand it to the election officer in charge. After
the registration record has been checked, the officer will hand it back
to you. Whereupon you shall present it to the officer in charge of the ballots.
I hereby certify that I am registered from the address below and am qualified to vote.
Signature of voter .......
residence address .......
An individual shall not be required to provide his social
security number when applying for a ballot. He shall not be denied a
ballot, nor shall his ballot be challenged, solely because of his refusal
to provide his social security number.
Nothing in this Act prevents an individual from being requested
to provide his social security number when the individual applies for a
If, however, the certificate contains a space for the individual's
social security number, the following notice shall appear on the
certificate, immediately above such space,
in bold-face capital letters, in type the size of which
equals the largest type on the certificate:
The certificates of each State-wide political party at a general primary election
shall be separately printed upon paper of uniform quality, texture and size,
but the certificates of no 2 State-wide political parties shall be of the
same color or tint. However, if the election authority provides computer
generated applications with the precinct, ballot style and voter's name
and address preprinted on the application, a single application may be used
for State-wide political parties if it contains spaces or check-off boxes
to indicate the political party. Such application shall not entitle the
voter to vote in the primary of more than one political party at the same election.
At the consolidated primary, such certificates may contain spaces or checkoff
boxes permitting the voter to request a primary ballot of any other political
party which is established only within a political subdivision and for which
a primary is conducted on the same election day. Such application shall
not entitle the voter
to vote in both the primary of the State-wide political party and the primary
of the local political party with respect to the offices of the same political
subdivision. In no event may a voter vote in more than one State-wide primary
on the same day.
The judges in charge of the precinct registration files shall compare the
signature upon such certificate with the signature on the registration record
card as a means of identifying the voter. Unless satisfied by such comparison
that the applicant to vote is the identical person who is registered under
the same name, the judges shall ask such applicant the questions for identification
which appear on the registration card, and if the applicant does not prove
to the satisfaction of a majority of the judges of the election precinct
that he is the identical person registered under the name in question then
the vote of such applicant shall be challenged by a judge of election, and
the same procedure
followed as provided by law for challenged voters.
In case the elector is unable to sign his name, a judge of election shall
check the data on the registration card and shall check the address given,
with the registered address, in order to determine whether he is entitled to vote.
One of the judges of election shall check the certificate of each applicant
for a ballot after the registration record has been examined, and shall
sign his initials on the certificate in the space provided therefor, and
shall enter upon such certificate the number of the voter in the place provided
therefor, and make an entry in the voting record space on the registration
record, to indicate whether or not the applicant voted. Such judge shall
then hand such certificate back to the applicant in case he is permitted
to vote, and such applicant shall hand it to the judge of election in charge
of the ballots. The certificates of the voters shall be filed in the order
in which they are received and shall constitute an official poll record.
The term "poll lists" and "poll books", where used in this Article, shall
be construed to apply to such official poll record.
After each general primary election the county clerk shall indicate by
color code or other means next to the name of each registrant on the list
of registered voters in each precinct the primary ballot of a political
party that the registrant requested at that general primary election. The
county clerk, within 60 days after the general primary election, shall provide
a copy of this coded list to the chair of the county central committee
of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.
Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983,
the county clerk shall provide to the chair of the county central committee
of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized
the list of registered voters in each precinct at the time of the general
primary election of 1982 and shall indicate on such list by color code or
other means next to the name of a registrant the primary ballot of a political
party that the registrant requested at the general primary election of 1982.
The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual
cost of duplicating
each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.
Where an elector makes application to vote by signing and presenting the
certificate provided by this Section, and his registration record card is
not found in the precinct registry of voters, but his name appears as that
of a registered voter in such precinct upon the printed precinct register
as corrected or revised by the supplemental list, or upon the consolidated
list, if any, and whose name has not been erased or withdrawn from such
register, the printed precinct register as corrected or revised by the supplemental
list, or consolidated list, if any, shall be prima facie evidence of the
elector's right to vote upon compliance with the provisions hereinafter
set forth in this Section. In such event one of the judges of election
shall require an affidavit by such person and one voter residing in the
precinct before the judges of election, substantially in the form prescribed
in Section 17-10 of this Act, and upon the presentation of such affidavits,
a certificate shall be issued to such elector, and upon the presentation
of such certificate and affidavits, he shall be entitled to vote.
Provided, however, that applications for ballots made by registered voters
under the provisions of Article 19 of this Act shall be accepted by the
Judges of Election in lieu of the "Certificate of Registered Voter" provided
for in this Section.
When the county clerk delivers to the judges of election for use at the
polls a supplemental or consolidated list of the printed precinct register,
he shall give a copy of the supplemental or consolidated list to the chair
of a county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's
duly authorized representative.
Whenever 2 or more elections occur simultaneously, the election authority
charged with the duty of providing application certificates may prescribe
the form thereof so that a voter is required to execute only one, indicating
in which of the elections he desires to vote.
After the signature has been verified, the judges shall determine in which
political subdivisions the voter resides by use of the information contained
on the voter registration cards or the separate registration lists or other
means approved by the State Board of Elections and prepared and supplied
by the election authority. The voter's certificate shall be so marked by
the judges as to
show the respective ballots which the voter is given.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-23
(10 ILCS 5/4-23) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-23)
Sec. 4-23.
The provisions of this Article 4, so far as they require the
registration of voters as a condition to their being allowed to
vote, shall not apply to persons otherwise entitled to vote, who are,
at the time of the election, or at any time within 60 days prior to
such election have been, engaged in the military or naval service of
the United States, and who appear personally at the polling place on
election day and produce to the judges of election satisfactory
evidence thereof, but such persons, if otherwise qualified to vote,
shall be permitted to vote at such election without previous registration.
All such persons shall also make an affidavit which shall be
in substantially the following form:
"State of Illinois) ) ss. County of ........)
............ Precinct ............ Ward
I, ..............., do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a
citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 years or over, and that
within the past 60 days prior to the date of this election at which I
am applying to vote, I have been engaged in the .... (military or
naval) service of the United States; and I am qualified to vote under
and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois, and
that I am a legally qualified voter of this precinct and ward except
that I have, because of such service, been unable to register as a
voter; that I now reside at .... (insert street and number, if any) in
this precinct and ward, that I have maintained a legal residence in this
precinct and ward for 30 days and in the State 30 days next preceding
this election.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Judge of Election."
The affidavit of any such person shall be supported by the affidavit
of a resident and qualified voter of any such precinct and ward, which
affidavit shall be in substantially the following form:
"State of Illinois) ) ss. County of ........)
................ Precinct ............... Ward
I, ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a resident of this
precinct and ward and entitled to vote at this election; that I am
acquainted with .... (name of the applicant); that I verily believe him
or her to be an actual bona fide resident of this precinct and ward and that I
verily believe that he or she has maintained a legal residence therein 30 days,
and in this State 30 days next preceding this election.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Judge of Election."
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-24
(10 ILCS 5/4-24) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-24)
Sec. 4-24.
In the event that any city, village or incorporated town within
a county shall become subject to the authority of a board of election
commissioners, by the adoption of Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act, or
shall cease to be subject to the authority of such a board, by the
abandonment of said Articles, it shall not be necessary for the registered
voters in the area affected by such action to register again, either under
this Article or under Article 6 of this Act unless they are not
re-registered under the 1969 and 1970 re-registration provisions in
counties where such provisions are applicable.
This Article 4 shall immediately become effective in any area of a
county that ceases to be subject to the authority of a board of election
Within 24 hours after the court has entered its
order declaring Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act adopted by any city, village
or incorporated town or rejected by the voters of any city, village or
incorporated town, after having been in effect therein, it shall be the
duty of the board of election commissioners or of the county clerk, as the
case may be, to turn over to the officer or officers thereafter to be
charged with the registration of voters within the area affected (the
county clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be) the
original and duplicate registration cards of all persons affected by the
adoption or rejection of said Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act; and at the
same time to turn over all forms, papers and other instruments pertaining
to the registration of voters within the area affected, and all booths,
ballot boxes and election equipment formerly used in conducting elections
in such area.
The original registration cards of the voters turned over to the county
clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be, shall be
placed in a master file together with the registration cards of all voters
who previously registered under the provisions of this Article or of
Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act, as the case may be, and said cards shall
then become part of the official registration record required to be kept in
the office of the county clerk or of the board of election commissioners,
as the case may be.
The duplicate cards shall be arranged in precinct order and shall be
retained in the office of the county clerk or of the board of election
commissioners, as the case may be, for the use in conducting elections.
Such duplicate cards shall become part of the official registration record
required to be kept in the office of the county clerk or of the board of
election commissioners, as the case may be.
(Source: P.A. 83-334.)
10 ILCS 5/4-24.1
(10 ILCS 5/4-24.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-24.1)
Sec. 4-24.1.
If any area becomes subject to a board of election
commissioners by reason of annexation to a city, village or incorporated
town subject to such a board or ceases to be subject to a board of election
commissioners by reason of disconnection from such a city, village or
incorporated town, it shall not be necessary for the registered voters in
such area to register again, either under this Article or Article 6.
As soon as practicable after such annexation or disconnection, the
county clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be, shall
turn over to officer or officers thereafter to be charged with the
registration of voters within the area affected (the board of election
commissioners or county clerk, as the case may be) the original and
duplicate registration cards of all registered voters in the annexed or
disconnected area.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 405.)
10 ILCS 5/4-25
(10 ILCS 5/4-25) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-25)
Sec. 4-25.
The compensation of the deputy registrars and judges of
registration appointed by the county board to conduct the registrations
under Section 4-6.3 and Section 4-7, shall be fixed by the county board,
but in no case shall such compensation be less than $15 nor more than
$25 per day for each day actually employed at the registration, canvass
and revision and such deputy registrars and judges of registration shall
also be compensated at the rate of five cents per mile for each mile
actually traveled in calling at the county clerk's office for
registration cards and returning them to said officer.
The State Board of Elections shall reimburse each county for the
amount of the increase in compensation under this Section provided by
this amendatory Act from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
10 ILCS 5/4-27
(10 ILCS 5/4-27) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-27)
Sec. 4-27.
At each regular special or primary election to which this
Article 4 is applicable, the judges of election shall personally affix all
affidavits made before them in accordance with the provisions of Sections
4-15, 4-16, 4-22, 4-23, 7-45 or 17-10, respectively, to the
respective applications to vote.
Persons voting for whom no registration card is found in the master file
or precinct binder shall be investigated by the county clerk or persons in
his office, as shall likewise be investigated the correctness of affidavits
filed under the provisions of the Sections hereinbefore in this Section
enumerated. If from such investigation the county clerk shall be satisfied
that the provisions of this Article have been violated, or that any person
has voted who was not qualified so to do, he shall make a complete report
to the State's Attorney of the County, attaching thereto a correct copy of
the application to vote and any affidavit which may have been executed by
the voter and supporting witnesses, if any. The State's Attorney shall
prosecute all such reports of fraud if on the basis of the facts so
reported, and of any additional investigation he may cause to be made, he
shall be satisfied that a knowing violation of this Article or of this Act
has been committed. The County Clerk shall further file with the circuit
court, for such action as is provided in cases of the misbehavior of judges
of election, a copy of any such report in which it shall appear that the
judges of election knowingly permitted a person to vote who was not
qualified so to do under the provisions of this Article or of this Act, or
otherwise were guilty of a knowing breach of their duties as such under
this Act.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3481 .)
10 ILCS 5/4-28
(10 ILCS 5/4-28) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-28)
Sec. 4-28.
During the hours of registration or revision of registration no
person shall bring, take, order or send into, or shall attempt to bring,
take or send into any place of registration or revision of registration,
any distilled or spirituous liquors whatever; or shall, at any such time
and place drink or partake of such liquor.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/4-30
(10 ILCS 5/4-30) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-30)
Sec. 4-30.
The county clerk on his own initiative or upon order of
the county board shall at all times have authority to
conduct investigation and to make canvasses of the registered voters in
any precinct canvass or at other times and by other methods than those
so prescribed. However, the county clerk shall at least once in every 2
years conduct a verification of voter registrations and shall cause the
cancellation of registration of persons who have ceased to be qualified
voters. Such verification shall be accomplished by one of the
following methods: (1) precinct canvass conducted by 2 qualified
persons of opposite party affiliation appointed by the county clerk or (2)
written request for verification sent to each registered voter by first
class mail, not forwardable or (3) an alternative method of verification
submitted in writing to and approved by the State Board of Elections at
a public meeting not less than 60 days prior to the date on which the county
clerk has fixed for implementation of that method of verification; provided,
that the county clerk shall submit to the State Board of Elections
a written statement of the results obtained by use of such alternative method
within 30 days of completion of the verification. Provided that in
each precinct one canvasser may be appointed from outside such precinct
if not enough other qualified persons who reside within the precinct can
be found to serve as canvasser in such precinct. The one canvasser so
appointed to serve in any precinct in which he is not entitled to vote
prior to the election must be entitled to vote elsewhere within the ward,
township or road district which includes within its boundaries the precinct
in which such canvasser is appointed and such canvasser must be otherwise
qualified. If upon the basis of investigation or canvasses, the county
clerk shall be of the opinion that any person registered under this
Article is not a qualified voter or has ceased to be a qualified
voter, he shall send a notice through the United States mail to such
person, requiring him to appear before the county clerk for a hearing
within ten days after the date of mailing such notice and show cause why
his registration shall not be cancelled. If such person fails to appear
within such time as provided, his registration shall be cancelled. If
such a person does appear, he shall make an affidavit similar in every
respect to the affidavit required of applicants under Section 4-13 and his
registration shall be reinstated.
If the county clerk cancels such registration upon the voter failing
to appear, the county clerk shall immediately
request of the clerk of the city, village or incorporated town in which
the person claimed residence, to return the triplicate card of
registration of the said person and within twenty-four hours after
receipt of said request, the said clerk shall mail or cause to be
delivered to the county clerk the triplicate card of registration of the
said person and the said triplicate card shall thereupon be cancelled by
the county clerk.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
10 ILCS 5/4-31
(10 ILCS 5/4-31) (from Ch. 46, par. 4-31)
Sec. 4-31.
In any county in which there is a municipality under the jurisdiction
of a board of election commissioners, the county clerk and his appointed
deputy registrars shall accept the registration of qualified persons residing
within such municipality and shall transmit the completed registration
to the board of election commissioners prior to the close of registration
before an election.
(Source: P.A. 83-1059.)
10 ILCS 5/4-33
(10 ILCS 5/4-33)
Sec. 4-33. Computerization of voter records.
(a) The State Board of Elections shall design a registration record card
that, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall be used in duplicate
by all election authorities in the State adopting a computer-based voter
registration file as provided in this Section. The Board shall prescribe the
and specifications, including but not limited to the weight of paper, color,
and print of the cards. The cards shall contain boxes or spaces for the
information required under Sections 4-8 and 4-21; provided that
the cards shall also contain: (i) A space for a person to fill in his or her
Illinois driver's license number if the person has a driver's license; (ii) A
space for a person without a driver's license to fill in the last four digits
of his or her social security number if the person has a social security
(b) The election authority may develop and implement a system
to prepare,
use, and maintain a computer-based voter registration file that includes a
computer-stored image of the signature of each voter. The computer-based voter
registration file may be used for all purposes for which the original
registration cards are to be used.
In the case of voter registration forms received via an online voter registration system, the original registration cards will include the signature received from the Secretary of State database. The electronic file shall be the master file.
(b-2) The election authority may develop and implement a system to maintain registration cards in digital form using digitized signatures, which may be stored in a computer-based voter registration file under subsection (b) of this Section. The making and signing of any form, including an application to register and a certificate authorizing cancellation of a registration or authorizing a transfer of registration may be by a signature written in ink or by a digitized signature. (c) Any system created, used, and maintained under subsection
(b) of this
Section shall meet the following standards:
(1) Access to any computer-based voter registration | | file shall be limited to those persons authorized by the election authority, and each access to the computer-based voter registration file, other than an access solely for inquiry, shall be recorded.
(2) No copy, summary, list, abstract, or index of any
| | computer-based voter registration file that includes any computer-stored image of the signature of any registered voter shall be made available to the public outside of the offices of the election authority.
(3) Any copy, summary, list, abstract, or index of
| | any computer-based voter registration file that includes a computer-stored image of the signature of a registered voter shall be produced in such a manner that it cannot be reproduced.
(4) Each person desiring to vote shall sign an
| | application for a ballot, and the signature comparison authorized in Articles 17 and 18 of this Code may be made to a copy of the computer-stored image of the signature of the registered voter.
(5) Any voter list produced from a computer-based
| | voter registration file that includes computer-stored images of the signatures of registered voters and is used in a polling place during an election shall be preserved by the election authority in secure storage until the end of the second calendar year following the election in which it was used.
(d) Before the first election in which the election authority
elects to use
a voter list produced from the computer-stored images of the signatures of
registered voters in a computer-based voter registration file for signature
comparison in a polling place, the State Board of Elections shall certify that
the system used by the election authority complies with the standards set forth
in this Section. The State Board of Elections may request a sample poll list
intended to be used in a polling place to test the accuracy of the list and the
adequacy of the computer-stored images of the signatures of the registered
(e) With respect to a jurisdiction that has copied all of its
signatures into a computer-based registration file, all references in this Act
or any other Act to the use, other than storage, of paper-based voter
registration records shall be deemed to refer to their computer-based
(f) Nothing in this Section prevents an election authority from
submitting to the State Board of Elections a duplicate copy of some, as the
State Board of Elections shall determine, or all of the data contained in each
voter registration record that is part of the electronic master file. The
duplicate copy of the registration record shall be maintained by the State
Board of Elections under the same terms and limitations applicable to the
election authority and shall be of equal legal dignity with the original
registration record maintained by the election authority as proof of any fact
contained in the voter registration record.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/4-50 (10 ILCS 5/4-50) Sec. 4-50. Grace period. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Code to the contrary, each election authority shall
establish procedures for the registration of voters and for change of address during the period from the close of
registration for an election until and including the day of the election. During this grace period, an unregistered qualified
elector may
register to vote, and a registered voter may submit a change of address form, in person in the office of the election
authority, at a permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10, at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, or at a voter registration location specifically designated for this
purpose by the election authority. Grace period registration and changes of address shall also be conducted for eligible residents in connection with voting at facilities under Section 19-12.2 of this Code. The election authority shall
register that individual, or change a registered voter's address, in the same manner as otherwise provided by this Article for registration and change of address. If a voter who registers or changes address during this grace period wishes to vote at the election or primary occurring during the grace period, he or she must do so by grace period voting. The election authority shall offer in-person grace period voting at the authority's office, any permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10, and at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, where grace period registration is required by this Section; and may offer in-person grace period voting at additional hours and locations specifically designated for the purpose of grace period voting by the election authority. The election authority may allow grace period voting by mail only if the election authority has no ballots prepared at the authority's office. Grace period voting shall be in a manner substantially similar to voting under Article 19A. Within one day after a voter casts a grace period ballot, or within one day after the ballot is received by the election authority if the election authority allows grace period voting by mail, the election authority shall transmit by electronic means pursuant to a process established by the State Board of Elections the voter's name, street address, e-mail address, and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections, which shall maintain those names and that information in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees. The name of each person issued a grace period ballot shall also be placed on the appropriate precinct list of persons to whom vote by mail and early ballots have been issued, for use as provided in Sections 17-9 and 18-5. A person who casts a grace period ballot shall not be permitted to revoke that ballot and vote another ballot with respect to that primary or election. Ballots cast by persons who register or change address during the grace period at a location other than their designated polling place on election day must be transmitted to and counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be transmitted to and counted at precinct polling places.
The grace period ballots determined to be valid shall be added to the vote totals for the precincts for which they were cast in the order in which the ballots were opened. In counties with a population of less than 100,000 that do not have electronic poll books, the election authority may opt out of registration in the polling place if the election authority establishes grace period registration and voting at other sites on election day at the following sites: (i) the election authority's main office and (ii) a polling place in each municipality where 20% or more of the county's residents reside if the election authority's main office is not located in that municipality. The election authority may establish other grace period registration and voting sites on election day provided that the election authority has met the notice requirements of Section 19A-25 for permanent and temporary early voting sites.
(Source: P.A. 100-442, eff. 8-25-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/4-105 (10 ILCS 5/4-105) Sec. 4-105. First time voting. A person must vote for the first time in person and not a vote by mail ballot if the person registered to vote by mail, unless the person first provides the appropriate election authority with sufficient proof of identity and the election authority verifies the person's proof of identity. Sufficient proof of identity shall be demonstrated by submission of the person's driver's license number or State identification card number or, if the person does not have either of those, verification by the last 4 digits of the person's social security number, a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other federal, State, or local government document that shows the person's name and address. A person may also demonstrate sufficient proof of identity by submission of a photo identification issued by a college or university accompanied by either a copy of the applicant's contract or lease for a residence or any postmarked mail delivered to the applicant at his or her current residence address. Persons who apply to register to vote by mail but provide inadequate proof of identity to the election authority shall be notified by the election authority that the registration has not been fully completed and that the person remains ineligible to vote by mail or in person until such proof is presented.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/Art. 5
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 5 heading)
500,000 OR MORE
10 ILCS 5/5-1
(10 ILCS 5/5-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-1)
Sec. 5-1.
Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for
any person residing in a county containing a population of 500,000 or
more, to vote at any election, unless such person is at the
time of such election a registered voter under the requirements of this
Article 5 or is exempt under Section 5-29.01 from registration.
Provided, that this Article 5 shall not apply to electors residing in
cities, villages, and incorporated towns in this State which have
adopted or are operating under Article 6, 14 and 18 of this Act, or to
electors voting pursuant to Article 20 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-2
(10 ILCS 5/5-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-2)
Sec. 5-2.
No person shall be entitled to be registered in and from
any precinct unless such person shall by the date of the election next
following have resided in the State and within the precinct 30 days and
be otherwise qualified to vote at such election. Every applicant who
shall be 18 years of age or over on the day of the next election shall
be permitted to register, if otherwise qualified. To constitute
residence under this Article 5 Article 3 is controlling.
(Source: P.A. 81-953.)
10 ILCS 5/5-3
(10 ILCS 5/5-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-3)
Sec. 5-3.
The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint the place of
registry in each precinct for any precinct registration under Section 5-17
of this Article 5. Such place or places shall be in the most public,
orderly and convenient portions thereof; and no building or part of a
building shall be designated or used as a place of registry, in which
spirituous or intoxicating liquor is sold. The County Clerk may demand of
the Chief of Police of each city, village or incorporated town, or the
Sheriff to furnish officers of the law to attend during the progress of any
registration at any place or places of registration designated by the
County Commissioners.
Such officers of the law shall be furnished by the Chief of Police or
Sheriff and shall be stationed in the place or places of registration in
such manner as the County Clerk shall direct, and during such assignment
shall be under the direction and control of the County Clerk.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1200.)
10 ILCS 5/5-4
(10 ILCS 5/5-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-4)
Sec. 5-4.
The County Clerk shall be ex-officio the registration officer of
such county and shall have full charge and control of the registration of
voters within such county where this Article 5 is in effect. The clerk and
a duly appointed deputy clerk of each city, village, incorporated town and
township in which all or any part of the territory in which this Article 5
is in effect shall be deputy registration officers.
(Source: P.A. 83-1059.)
10 ILCS 5/5-5
(10 ILCS 5/5-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-5)
Sec. 5-5.
For the purpose of registering voters under this Article 5, in
addition to the method provided for precinct registration under Sections
5-6 and 5-17 of this Article 5, the office of the county clerk shall be
open between 9:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on all days except Saturday,
Sunday and holidays, but there shall be no registration at such office
during the 35 days immediately preceding any election required to be held
under the law but if no precinct registration is being conducted prior to
any election then registration may be taken in the office of the county
clerk up to and including the 28th day prior to an election. On
the hours of registration shall be from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. noon.
During such 35 or 27 day period, registration of electors of
subdivisions wherein a regular, or special election is required to be held
shall cease and shall not be resumed for the registration of electors of
such political subdivisions until the second day following the day of such
election. In any election called for the submission of the revision or
alteration of, or the amendments to the Constitution, submitted by a
Constitutional Convention, the final day for registration at the office of
the election authority charged with the printing of the ballot of this
election shall be the 15th day prior to the date of the election.
Each county clerk shall appoint one deputy for the purpose of
accepting the registration of any voter who files an affidavit that he
is physically unable to appear at any appointed place of registration.
The county clerk shall designate a deputy to visit each person with a disability
and shall accept the registration of each such person as if he had
applied for registration at the office of the county clerk.
The offices of city, village, incorporated town and town clerks shall
also be open for the purpose of registering voters residing in the
territory in which this Article is in effect, and also, in the case of
city, village and incorporated town clerks, for the purpose of registering
voters residing in a portion of the city, village or incorporated town not
located within the county, on all days on which the
office of the county clerk is open for the registration of voters of
such cities, villages, incorporated towns and townships.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/5-6
(10 ILCS 5/5-6) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-6)
Sec. 5-6.
Subject to the provisions of Section 5-19 of this Article 5,
in addition to the registration authorized at the offices of the County
Clerk, city clerk, town clerk, incorporated town clerk and village clerk
under Section 5-5 of this Article 5, and that provided by Section 5-17 of
this Article 5, there shall be three days of re-registration in each
precinct as established by the Board of County Commissioners for county and
township elections. The first of said three days of re-registration shall
be Friday, September 15, 1961; the second of said three days of
re-registration shall be Friday, October 13, 1961 and the third of said
three days of re-registration shall be Tuesday, March 13, 1962. On each of
the said three days of re-registration the registration places shall open
at eight o'clock a. m. and remain open until nine o'clock p. m. It shall be
the duty of the County Board to appoint the place of registry in each
precinct and the provisions of Section 5-3 of this Article 5 shall apply
The re-registration provided by this Article 5 shall constitute a
permanent registration subject to revision and alteration in the manner
hereinafter provided. All registrations shall be upon registration record
cards provided by the County Clerk in accordance with the provisions of
this Article 5.
Immediately following the first day of precinct re-registration in 1961,
all permanent registration records compiled prior to September 15, 1961,
shall be destroyed if no election contest is pending in which such records
are material.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1919.)
10 ILCS 5/5-7
(10 ILCS 5/5-7)
(from Ch. 46, par. 5-7)
Sec. 5-7. The county clerk shall provide a sufficient number of
blank forms for the registration of electors which shall be known as
registration record cards and which shall consist of loose leaf sheets
or cards, of suitable size to contain in plain writing and figures the
data hereinafter required thereon or shall consist of computer cards of
suitable nature to contain the data required thereon. The registration
record cards, which shall include an affidavit of registration as
hereinafter provided, shall be executed in duplicate.
The registration record card shall contain the following and such
other information as the county clerk may think it proper to require for
the identification of the applicant for registration:
Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or
Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such
middle name, if any.
Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue, or other
location of the dwelling, including the apartment, unit or room number,
if any, and in the case of a mobile home the lot number, and such additional
clear and definite description as may be necessary to determine the exact
location of the dwelling of the applicant, including post-office mailing
address. In the case of a homeless individual, the individual's voting
residence that is his or her mailing address shall be included on his or her
registration record card.
Term of residence in the State of Illinois and the precinct. Which
questions may be answered by the applicant stating, in excess of 30 days
in the State and in excess of 30 days in the precinct.
Nativity. The State or country in which the applicant was born.
Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized. If
naturalized, the court, place and date of naturalization.
Date of application for registration, i.e., the day, month and year
when applicant presented himself for registration.
Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.
Physical disability of the applicant, if any, at the time of
registration, which would require assistance in voting.
The county and state in which the applicant was last registered.
Electronic mail address, if any. Signature of voter. The applicant, after the registration and in the
presence of a deputy registrar or other officer of registration shall be
required to sign his or her name in ink or digitized form to the affidavit on the original
and duplicate registration record card.
Signature of Deputy Registrar.
In case applicant is unable to sign his name, he may affix his mark
to the affidavit. In such case the officer empowered to give the
registration oath shall write a detailed description of the applicant in
the space provided at the bottom of the card or sheet; and shall ask the
following questions and record the answers thereto:
Father's first name .......................
Mother's first name .......................
From what address did you last register?
Reason for inability to sign name.
Each applicant for registration shall make an affidavit in
substantially the following form:
State of Illinois) )ss County of )
I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States;
that on the date of the next election I shall have resided in the State
of Illinois and in the election precinct in which I reside 30 days; that
I am fully qualified to vote. That I intend that this location shall be
my residence and that the above statements are true.
(His or her signature or mark)
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Signature of Registration Officer. (To be signed in presence of Registrant.)
Space shall be provided upon the face of each registration record
card for the notation of the voting record of the person registered
Each registration record card shall be numbered according to towns
and precincts, wards, cities and villages, as the case may be, and may
be serially or otherwise marked for identification in such manner as the
county clerk may determine.
The registration cards shall be deemed public records and shall be
open to inspection during regular business hours, except during the 27
days immediately preceding any election. On written request of any
candidate or objector or any person intending to object to a petition, the
election authority shall extend its hours for inspection of registration
cards and other records of the election authority during the period
beginning with the filing of petitions under Sections 7-10, 8-8, 10-6 or
28-3 and continuing through the termination of electoral board hearings on
any objections to petitions containing signatures of registered voters in
the jurisdiction of the election authority. The extension shall be for a
period of hours sufficient to allow adequate opportunity for examination of
the records but the election authority is not required to extend its hours
beyond the period beginning at its normal opening for business and ending
at midnight. If the business hours are so extended, the election authority
shall post a public notice of such extended hours. Registration record cards
may also be inspected, upon approval of the officer in charge of the cards,
during the 27 days immediately preceding any election. Registration
cards shall also be open to inspection by certified judges and poll watchers
and challengers at the polling place on election day, but only to the extent
necessary to determine the question of the right of a person to vote or to
serve as a judge of election. At no time shall poll watchers or challengers be
allowed to physically handle the registration record cards.
Updated copies of computer tapes or computer discs or other electronic data
processing information containing voter registration information shall
be furnished by the county clerk within 10 days after December 15 and
15 each year and within 10 days after each registration
period is closed to the State Board of Elections in a form
prescribed by the
Board. For the purposes of this Section, a registration period is closed 27
days before the date of any regular or special election. Registration
shall include, but not be limited to, the
following information: name, sex, residence, telephone number, if any, age,
party affiliation, if applicable, precinct, ward, township, county, and
representative, legislative and congressional districts. In the event of
noncompliance, the State Board of Elections is directed to obtain compliance
forthwith with this nondiscretionary duty of the election authority by
instituting legal proceedings in the circuit court of the county in which the
election authority maintains the registration information. The costs of
furnishing updated copies of tapes or discs shall be paid at a rate of $.00034
per name of registered voters in the election jurisdiction, but not less than
$50 per tape or disc and shall be paid from appropriations made to the State
Board of Elections for reimbursement to the election authority for such
purpose. The State Board shall furnish copies of such tapes, discs, other electronic
data or compilations thereof to state political committees registered pursuant
to the Illinois Campaign Finance Act or the Federal Election Campaign Act and to governmental entities, at
their request and at a reasonable cost.
To protect the privacy and confidentiality of voter registration information,
the disclosure
of electronic voter registration records to any person or entity other than to a
State or local political
committee and other than to a governmental entity for a governmental
is specifically prohibited except as follows: subject to security measures adopted by the State Board of Elections which, at a minimum, shall include the keeping of a catalog or database, available for public view, including the name, address, and telephone number of the person viewing the list as well as the time of that viewing, any person may view the centralized statewide voter registration list on a computer screen at the Springfield office of the State Board of Elections, during normal business hours other than during the 27 days before an election, but the person viewing the list under this exception may not print, duplicate, transmit, or alter the list.
Copies of the tapes, discs or other
electronic data shall be furnished by the county clerk to local political
committees and governmental entities at their request and at a reasonable cost. Reasonable cost of the
tapes, discs, et cetera for this purpose would be the cost of duplication plus
15% for administration. The individual representing a political committee
requesting copies of such tapes shall make a sworn affidavit that the
information shall be used only for bona fide political purposes,
including by or for candidates for office or incumbent office holders.
Such tapes, discs or other electronic data shall not be used under any
circumstances by any political committee or individuals for purposes of
commercial solicitation or other business purposes. If such tapes
contain information on county residents related to the operations of
county government in addition to registration information, that
information shall not be used under any circumstances for commercial
solicitation or other business purposes. The prohibition in this
Section against using the computer tapes or computer discs or other
electronic data processing information containing voter registration
information for purposes of commercial solicitation or other business
purposes shall be prospective only from the effective date of this
amended Act of 1979. Any person who violates this provision shall be
guilty of a Class 4 felony.
The State Board of Elections shall promulgate, by October 1, 1987, such
regulations as may be necessary to ensure uniformity throughout the State
in electronic data processing of voter registration information. The
regulations shall include, but need not be limited to, specifications for
uniform medium, communications protocol and file structure to be employed
by the election authorities of this State in the electronic data processing
of voter registration information. Each election authority utilizing
electronic data processing of voter registration information shall comply
with such regulations on and after May 15, 1988.
If the applicant for registration was last registered in another
county within this State, he shall also sign a certificate authorizing
cancellation of the former registration. The certificate shall be in
substantially the following form:
To the County Clerk of .... County, Illinois. To the Election
Commission of the City of ...., Illinois.
This is to certify that I am registered in your (county) (city) and
that my residence was .....
Having moved out of your (county) (city), I hereby authorize you to
cancel said registration in your office.
Dated at .... Illinois, on (insert date).
(Signature of Voter)
Attest ......, County Clerk, ........ County, Illinois.
The cancellation certificate shall be mailed immediately by the
county clerk to the county clerk (or election commission as the case may
be) where the applicant was formerly registered. Receipt of such
certificate shall be full authority for cancellation of any previous
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 10-1-13; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/5-7.01
(10 ILCS 5/5-7.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-7.01)
Sec. 5-7.01.
If an applicant for registration reports a permanent physical
disability which would require assistance in voting, the county clerk shall
mark all his registration cards in the right margin on the front of the
card with a band of ink running the full margin which shall be of contrast
to, and easily distinguishable from, the color of the card. If an applicant
for registration declares upon properly witnessed oath, with his signature
or mark affixed, that he cannot read the English language and that he will
require assistance in voting, all his registration cards shall be marked in
a manner similar to the marking on the cards of a voter who requires
assistance because of physical disability, except that the marking shall be
of a different distinguishing color. Following each election the cards of
any voter who has requested assistance as a voter with a disability, and has stated
that the disability is permanent, or who has received assistance because of
inability to read the English language, shall be marked in the same manner.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/5-7.02
(10 ILCS 5/5-7.02) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-7.02)
Sec. 5-7.02.
Upon the issuance of a voter's identification card for persons with disabilities as provided
in Section 19-12.1, the county clerk shall cause the identification number
of such card to be clearly noted on all the registration cards of such voter.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/5-7.03
(10 ILCS 5/5-7.03) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-7.03)
Sec. 5-7.03.
The State Board of Elections shall design a registration
record card which, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall
be used in triplicate by all election authorities
in the State, except those election authorities adopting a computer-based
voter registration file authorized under Section 5-43. The Board shall prescribe the form and specifications, including
but not limited to the weight of paper, color and print of such cards.
Such cards shall contain boxes or spaces for the information required under
Sections 5-7 and 5-28.1 of this Code; provided, that such cards shall also
contain a box or space for the applicant's social security number, which
shall be required to the extent allowed by law but in no case shall the
applicant provide fewer than the last 4 digits of the social security
number, and a box for
the applicant's telephone number, if available.
Except for those election authorities adopting a computer-based voter
registration file authorized under Section 5-43, the original and duplicate
cards shall respectively constitute the master
file and precinct binder registration records of the voter. A copy shall be given to the applicant upon completion of his or her
or completed transfer of registration.
Whenever a voter moves to another precinct within the same election
jurisdiction or to another election jurisdiction in the State, such voter
may transfer his or her registration by presenting his or her copy to the election authority or a deputy registrar. If such voter is not
in possession of or has lost his or her copy, he or she
effect a transfer of registration by executing an Affidavit of Cancellation
of Previous Registration. In the case of a transfer of registration to a
new election jurisdiction, the election authority shall transmit the
voter's copy or such affidavit to the election
authority of the
voter's former election jurisdiction, which shall immediately cause the
transmission of the voter's previous registration card to the voter's new
election authority. No transfer of registration to a new election
jurisdiction shall be complete until the voter's old election authority
receives notification.
Deputy registrars shall return all copies of registration record cards or
Affidavits of
Cancellation of Previous Registration to the election authority by first-class mail within 2 business days or personal delivery within 7
days after the receipt thereof, except that such copies
Affidavits of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by the deputy
registrars between the 35th and 28th day preceding an election
shall be
returned by the deputy registrars to the election authority within 48 hours
after receipt. The deputy registrars shall return the copies or
of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by them on the 28th day
preceding an election to the election authority within 24 hours after receipt
(Source: P.A. 97-81, eff. 7-5-11.)
10 ILCS 5/5-8
(10 ILCS 5/5-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-8)
Sec. 5-8.
The County Clerk shall supply Deputy Registrars, Officers of
Registration and Judges of Registration with registration forms and shall
fully instruct them in their duties. Each Deputy Registrar, Officer of
Registration and Judge of Registration shall receipt to the County Clerk
for all blank registration records issued to them, specifying therein the
number of blanks received by them, and each Deputy Registrar, Officer of
Registration and Judge of Registration shall be charged with such blanks
until he returns them to the County Clerk. If for any cause a blank
registration record card is mutilated or rendered unfit for use in making
it out, or if a mistake therein has been made, such blank shall not be
destroyed, but the word "mutilated" shall be written across the face of
such blank, and such blank shall be returned to the County Clerk and shall
be preserved in the same manner and for the same length of time as
mutilated ballots. When each 1961 and 1962 precinct re-registration shall
have been completed, a Deputy Registrar or Judge of Registration shall
return all registration record cards to the County Clerk whether such cards
have been filled out, executed or whether they are unused, or whether they
have been mutilated. A Deputy Registrar, or Judge of Registration for
precinct registration shall make personal delivery of the registration
records to the County Clerk, after the close of each precinct registration.
Each Deputy Registrar and Judge of Registration shall certify the
registration records in substantially the following form:
"We, the undersigned Deputy Registrars and Judge of Registration in the
County of .... in the State of Illinois, do swear (or affirm) that at the
registration of electors on the .... day of .... there was registered by us
in the said election precinct the names which appear on the registration
records, and that the number of voters registered and qualified was and is
the number .....
.... (Judge of Registration)
.... (Deputy Registrar)
.... (Deputy Registrar)
Date ....."
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1919.)
10 ILCS 5/5-8.5 (10 ILCS 5/5-8.5) Sec. 5-8.5. Deputy registrar eligibility. Unless otherwise provided by law, an individual who is 17 years old or older who is registered to vote in this State shall be eligible to serve as a deputy registrar.
(Source: P.A. 99-722, eff. 8-5-16; 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/5-9
(10 ILCS 5/5-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-9)
Sec. 5-9.
Except as herein provided, no person shall be registered
unless he applies in person to registration officer, answers such
relevant questions as may be asked of him by the registration officer,
and executes the affidavit of registration. The registration officer shall
require the applicant to furnish two forms of identification, and except in the
case of a homeless individual, one of which must include his or her residence
address. These forms of identification shall include, but not be limited to,
any of the following: driver's license, social security card, public aid
identification card, utility bill, employee or student identification card,
lease or contract for a residence, credit card, or a civic, union or professional association membership card.
The registration officer shall require a homeless individual to furnish
evidence of his or her use of the mailing address stated. This use may be
demonstrated by a piece of mail addressed to that individual and received at
that address or by a statement from a person authorizing use of the mailing
address. The registration officer shall require each applicant for registration
to read or have read to him the affidavit of registration before permitting him
to execute the affidavit.
One of the Deputy Registrars, the Judge of Registration, or an
Officer of Registration, County Clerk, or clerk in the office of the
County Clerk, shall administer to all persons who shall personally apply
to register the following oath or affirmation:
"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly
answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching your place of
residence, name, place of birth, your qualifications as an elector and
your right as such to register and vote under the laws of the State of
The Registration Officer shall satisfy himself that each applicant
for registration is qualified to register before registering him. If the
registration officer has reason to believe that the applicant is a resident
of a Soldiers' and Sailors' Home or any facility which is licensed or certified
pursuant to the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the following question shall be put,
"When you entered the home which is your present address, was it your bona fide
intention to become a resident thereof?" Any voter of a township, city,
village or incorporated town in which such applicant resides, shall be
permitted to be present at the place of precinct registration, and shall have
the right to challenge any applicant who applies to be registered.
In case the officer is not satisfied that the applicant is qualified,
he shall forthwith in writing notify such applicant to appear before the
County Clerk to furnish further proof of his qualifications. Upon the
card of such applicant shall be written the word "Incomplete" and no
such applicant shall be permitted to vote unless such registration is
satisfactorily completed as hereinafter provided. No registration shall
be taken and marked as "incomplete" if information to complete it can be
furnished on the date of the original application.
Any person claiming to be an elector in any election precinct in such
township, city, village or incorporated town and whose registration is
marked "Incomplete" may make and sign an application in writing, under
oath, to the County Clerk in substance in the following form:
"I do solemnly swear that I, .........., did on (insert date) make application to the Board of Registry of the ........
precinct of ........ ward of the City of .... or of the ......... District
......... Town of .......... (or to the County Clerk of .............) and
............ County; that said Board or Clerk refused to complete my
registration as a qualified voter in said precinct, that I reside in said
precinct (or that I intend to reside in said precinct), am a duly qualified
voter and entitled to vote in said precinct at the next election.
(Signature of Applicant)"
All such applications shall be presented to the County Clerk by the
applicant, in person between the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and five
o'clock p.m., on Monday and Tuesday of the third week subsequent to
the weeks in which the 1961 and 1962 precinct re-registrations are to be
held, and thereafter for the registration provided in Section 5-17 of
this Article, all such applications shall be presented to the County
Clerk by the applicant in person between the hours of nine o'clock a.m.
and nine o'clock p.m. on Monday and Tuesday of the third week
prior to the date on which such election is to be held.
Any otherwise qualified person who is absent from his county of
residence either due to business of the United States or because he is
temporarily outside the territorial limits of the United States may
become registered by mailing an application to the county clerk within
the periods of registration provided for in this Article or by simultaneous
application for registration by mail and vote by mail ballot as provided in
Article 20 of this Code.
Upon receipt of such application the county clerk shall immediately
mail an affidavit of registration in duplicate, which affidavit shall
contain the following and such other information as the State Board of
Elections may think it proper to require for the identification of the
Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or
Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such
middle name, if any.
Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue or other
location of the dwelling, and such additional clear and definite
description as may be necessary to determine the exact location of the
dwelling of the applicant. Where the location cannot be determined by
street and number, then the Section, congressional township and range
number may be used, or such other information as may be necessary,
including post office mailing address.
Electronic mail address, if the registrant has provided this information. Term of residence in the State of Illinois and the precinct.
Nativity. The State or country in which the applicant was born.
Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized. If
naturalized, the court, place and date of naturalization.
Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.
Out of State address of ..........................
State of .........) )ss County of ........)
I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States;
that on the day of the next election I shall have resided in the State
of Illinois for 6 months and in the election precinct 30 days; that I am
fully qualified to vote, that I am not registered to vote anywhere else
in the United States, that I intend to remain a resident of the State of
Illinois and of the election precinct, that I intend to return to the State
of Illinois, and that the above statements are true.
(His or her signature or mark)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, an officer qualified to administer
oaths, on (insert date).
Signature of officer administering oath.
Upon receipt of the executed duplicate affidavit of Registration, the
county clerk shall transfer the information contained thereon to
duplicate Registration Cards provided for in Section 5-7 of this Article
and shall attach thereto a copy of each of the duplicate affidavit of
registration and thereafter such registration card and affidavit shall
constitute the registration of such person the same as if he had applied
for registration in person.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-115, eff. 10-1-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.) |
10 ILCS 5/5-9.1
(10 ILCS 5/5-9.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-9.1)
Sec. 5-9.1. Cancelation of deceased voter's registration. Upon establishment of an electronic reporting system for death registrations as provided in the Vital Records Act, the county clerk of the county where a decedent last resided, as indicated on the decedent's death certificate, may issue certifications of death records from that system and may use that system to cancel the registration of any person who has died during the preceding month and cause the name of each such deceased person to be erased from the register of the precinct in which the deceased person was registered. Regardless of whether or not such a system has been established, it is the duty of the county clerk to examine monthly the
records deposited in his or her office pursuant to the Vital Records Act that
relate to deaths in the county, to cancel the registration of
any person who has died during the preceding month and cause the name
of each such deceased person to be erased from the register of the precinct
in which the deceased person was registered.
(Source: P.A. 96-1484, eff. 1-1-11 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-10
(10 ILCS 5/5-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-10)
Sec. 5-10.
The two Deputy Registrars provided by this Article 5 for
re-registration in each precinct shall be the canvassers of the precinct
for which they are appointed.
The County Clerk shall furnish to each Deputy Registrar a blank book
which shall be named "Verification List", each page of which shall be ruled
into columns, and to be marked thus:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WRITE NAME OF STREET ON THIS LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NAMES REGISTERED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HOUSE NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME INITIAL MISS REMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MRS. "OK," MOVED or DIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Such book shall contain pages sufficient to allow listing of all names
on registration record card by street, avenue, alley, drive, lane, road and
court in the precinct in question. During the progress of the 3rd
re-registration, or immediately thereafter, each Deputy Registrar shall
transfer all the names upon the registration record cards to such
verification list; arranging them according to streets, avenues, alleys,
drives, lanes, roads or courts, beginning with the lowest residence number,
and placing them numerically, as near as possible, from the lowest up to
the highest number, starting each street, avenue, alley, drive, lane, road
and court upon a separate sheet.
They shall first write the name of such street, avenue, alley, lane,
road or court at the top of the page, and then proceed to transfer the
names of such "Verification Lists" according to the street numbers as above
If, during either day of the 1961 and 1962 precinct re-registration, any
registered voter of the township, city, village or incorporated town shall
come before the Deputy Registrars and the Judge of Registration and make an
oath that he believes that any particular person whose name has been
entered upon the registry is not a qualified voter, such fact shall be
noted; and after the completion of such "Verification Lists" one of the
Registrars, or Judge of Registration, shall make a cross or check mark in
ink opposite such name. If said Deputy Registrars or the Judge of
Registration know any person so complained of is a qualified voter and
believe that such complaint was made only to vex or harass such qualified
voter, then such name shall be placed upon such lists without such cross or
check mark, but such cross or check mark shall be placed upon such lists in
case either of the Registrars or the Judge of Registration desires.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1919 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-11
(10 ILCS 5/5-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-11)
Sec. 5-11.
Upon the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday following the last day
of precinct registration, if so much time is required, the two Deputy
Registrars shall go together and canvass the precinct for which they have
been appointed, calling at each dwelling place as indicated upon said
"Verification Lists"; and if they shall find that any person whose name
appears upon their "Verification Lists" does not reside at the place
designated thereupon, they shall make a notation in the column headed
"Remarks" as follows: "Not Found", "Died", or "Moved", as the case may be,
indicating that such person does not reside at such place.
Whenever deemed necessary by the canvassers, or either of them, he or
they may demand of the person having command of the police in such precinct
to furnish a policeman, to accompany them and protect them in the
performance of their duties; and it shall be the duty of the person having
command of the police in such precinct to furnish a policeman for such
In making such canvass no person shall refuse to answer questions and
give the information asked for and known to him or her, or shall wilfully
and knowingly give false information, or make false statements. In making
such canvass said canvassers shall make special inquiry at the residence or
place designated on the said verification books, as to all persons
registered as qualified voters, and shall receive information from judges
of election, party canvassers, or other persons.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/5-12
(10 ILCS 5/5-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-12)
Sec. 5-12.
Immediately upon the completion of canvass, said canvassers, or
one of them, shall sign a notice and send the same through the United
States mail, duly stamped, to the address given on the verification
books, or in the case of homeless individuals, to their mailing address,
of all persons in connection with whose names they have made a notation
indicating that they do not reside at such place, which notice shall
require such persons to appear before the Board of Revision, composed of
said canvassers and the judge of registration, on the Monday and Tuesday
following completion of the canvass, giving the time and place of such
session, to show cause why his or her name should not be erased from the
registry of the precinct in question. Proper blanks and postage stamps
shall be furnished for this purpose to the canvassers by said County Clerk.
A personal notice shall also be served by the canvassers at the time such
canvass is being made, by leaving the same with the party, if found, or if
he or she is not found at the place designated in such verification books,
by leaving the same at such address, if there be such place. Such notice,
to be sent through the mail, must be mailed not later than 10 o'clock p.m.
of Thursday of the week of such canvass. If sufficient postage stamps are
not delivered to the canvassers by the County Clerk for the purpose
aforesaid, then anyone may furnish such postage stamps to such canvassers
for the purpose or such canvassers may procure the same at their own
expense and afterwards render an account therefor to the County Clerk, duly
sworn to, and the County Clerk shall audit such account and cause the same
to be paid by the County Treasurer. Such County Clerk, upon application,
shall deliver to such canvassers postage stamps sufficient for the purpose
The registration officers shall make their returns to the County Clerk
not later than noon of the day following the last day of the canvass of the
registration provided by this Section.
The County Clerk when complaint is made to him shall investigate the
action of such canvassers and shall cause them or either of them to be
prosecuted criminally for such wilful neglect of duty.
(Source: P.A. 87-1241.)
10 ILCS 5/5-13
(10 ILCS 5/5-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-13)
Sec. 5-13.
The canvassers, or one of them, shall prepare a list of the
names of the parties designated as aforesaid, and to whom such notice has
been sent, given, or left at the address, and make and attach his, or their
affidavit or affidavits thereto stating that notice, duly stamped, was
mailed to each of the said parties at the places designated on said list,
on or before 10 o'clock p. m. of the Thursday following the canvass, and
that notice was also personally left at the said address of each of said
parties named in said lists so attached, if there be such address. Blank
affidavit forms shall be furnished by the County Clerk for the purpose
aforesaid; but if none are furnished, such canvassers shall cause the same
to be drawn, and they shall swear to such affidavit before the Judge of
Registration of such precinct or County Clerk, or one of his Deputies.
Either of the canvassers shall have the power and right of both in the
matter pertaining to such canvass; but in case either refuses or neglects
to make such canvass as aforesaid, then the other may make such canvass
In case of the temporary disability upon the part of either canvasser,
the remaining canvasser shall appoint a temporary canvasser who shall
represent and be affiliated with the same political party as the canvasser
whose place is being filled, and shall administer to him the usual oath of
office for canvassers. Such temporary canvasser shall perform all the
duties of the office until the disability of the regular canvasser is
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/5-14
(10 ILCS 5/5-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-14)
Sec. 5-14.
Either of the canvassers shall, at the end of the canvass,
return the "Verification Lists" to the County Clerk and a certificate of
the correctness of such return. Immediately after receipt of such Verification
Lists, the County Clerk shall cause copies to be printed in plain large
type in sufficient numbers to meet all demands, and upon application, a
copy of the same shall be given to any person applying therefor. Thereafter
a list of registered voters in each precinct shall be compiled by the County
clerk, prior to the General Election to be held in November of each even
numbered year. On the list, the County Clerk shall indicate, by italics,
asterisk, or other means, the names of all persons who have registered since
the last regularly scheduled election in the consolidated schedule of elections
established in Section 2A-1.1 of this Act.
When the list of registered voters in each precinct is compiled, the
County Clerk shall give a copy of it to the chair of a county central
committee of an established political party, as such party is defined in
Section 10-2 of this Act, or to the chair's duly authorized representative.
Within 30 days of the effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1983, the
County Clerk shall
give the list of registered voters in each precinct that was compiled prior
to the general November election of 1982 to the chair of a county central
committee of an established political party or to the chair's duly
Within 60 days after each general election the county clerk
shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of registered
voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at that general election,
and shall provide a copy of such list to the chair of the county central
committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly
authorized representative.
Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983, the
county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the
list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at
the general election of 1982, and shall provide a copy of such
coded list to the chair of the county central committee of each established
political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.
The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual
cost of duplicating
each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-15
(10 ILCS 5/5-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-15)
Sec. 5-15.
Any voter or voters in the township, city, village, or
incorporated town containing such precinct, and any precinct committeeperson
in the county, may, between the hours of nine
o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. of the Monday and Tuesday of the third
week immediately preceding the week in which such April 10, 1962 Primary
Election is to be held, make application in writing, before such County
Clerk, to have any name upon such register of any precinct erased.
Thereafter such application shall be made between the hours of nine o'clock
a.m. and six o'clock p.m. of Monday and Tuesday of the second week prior
to the week in which any county, city, village, township, or incorporated
town election is to be held. Such application shall be in substance, in the
words and figures following:
"I, being a qualified voter, registered from No. .... Street in the ....
precinct of the .... Ward of the city (village or town of .... ) of
the .... District .... town of .... do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that
.... registered from No. .... Street is not a qualified voter in the ....
precinct of the .... ward of the city (village or town) of .... or of the
.... district town of .... hence I ask that his name be erased from the
register of such precinct for the following reason ..... Affiant further
says that he has personal knowledge of the facts set forth in the above
(Signed) .....
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant before
the County Clerk or any Deputy authorized by the County Clerk for that
purpose, and filed with the Clerk. Thereupon notice of such application,
with a demand to appear before the County Clerk and show cause why his name
shall not be erased from the register, shall be mailed by special
delivery, duly stamped and directed, to such person, to the address upon
said register at least 4 days before the day fixed in said notice to
show cause. If such person has provided the election authority with an e-mail address, then the election authority shall also send the same notice by electronic mail at least 4 days before the day fixed in said notice to show cause.
A like notice shall be mailed to the person or persons making the
application to have the name upon such register erased to appear and show
cause why the name should be erased, the notice to set out the day and
hour of such hearing. If the voter making such application fails to appear
before the Clerk at the time set for the hearing as fixed in the said
notice or fails to show cause why the name upon such register shall be
erased, the application may be dismissed by the County Clerk.
Any voter making such application or applications shall be privileged
from arrest while presenting the same to the County Clerk and while going
to and returning from the office of the County Clerk.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)
10 ILCS 5/5-16
(10 ILCS 5/5-16) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-16)
Sec. 5-16.
A docket of all applications to the County Clerk, whether
such application shall be made for the purpose of being registered, or
restored, or for the purpose of erasing a name on the register or for
completing registration shall be made out in the order of the towns,
wards, districts, precincts as the case may be. The County Clerk shall
sit to hear such applications between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and
nine o'clock p. m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the third week
preceding the week in which such April 10, 1962 Primary Election is to
be held, and thereafter the County Clerk shall sit to hear such
applications between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and nine o'clock p.
m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the second week prior to the week
in which any county, city, town, village or incorporated town election
is to be held. At the request of either party to such applications, the
Clerk shall issue subpoenas to witnesses to appear at such hearings, and
witnesses may be sworn and examined upon the hearing of said
applications. Each person appearing in response to an application to
have a name erased shall deliver to the County Clerk a written
affidavit, which shall be, in substance, in the words and figures
"I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the United States; that I
do reside and have resided in the State of Illinois since the .... day
of .... and in the county of .... in said State, since the .... day of
.... and in the .... precinct of the .... ward, in the city, village or
incorporated town of .... or in the .... district town of .... in said
county and State, since the .... day of .... and that I am .... years of
age; that I am the identical person registered in said precinct under
the name I subscribe hereto."
This answer shall be signed and sworn to or affirmed before any
person authorized to administer oaths or affirmations. The decision on
each application shall be announced at once after hearing, and a minute
made thereof, and when an application to be registered or to be restored
to such register or to complete registration shall be allowed, the said
County Clerk shall cause a minute to be made upon the original and
duplicate registration records withdrawn.
All applications under this Section and hearings as hereinafter provided
may be heard by deputy county clerks specially designated by the County
Clerk for this purpose, and a decision by such deputies so designated, shall
become the decision of the County Clerk, upon approval by the County Clerk.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-16.1
(10 ILCS 5/5-16.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-16.1)
Sec. 5-16.1.
In addition to registration at the office of the county clerk and at the
offices of municipal and township clerks, each
county subject to this Article shall provide for the
following methods of registration:
(1) The appointment of deputy registrars as provided | |
(2) The establishment of temporary places of
| | registration as provided in Section 5-16.3.
Each county subject to this Article may provide for precinct registration
pursuant to Section 5-17.
(Source: P.A. 83-1059 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-16.2
(10 ILCS 5/5-16.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-16.2)
Sec. 5-16.2. (a) The county clerk shall appoint all municipal and
township clerks or their duly authorized deputies as deputy registrars who
may accept the registration of all qualified residents of the State.
The county clerk shall appoint all precinct committeepersons in the county
as deputy registrars who may accept the registration of any qualified resident
of the State, except during the 27 days preceding an election.
The county clerk shall appoint each of the following named persons as deputy
registrars upon the written request of such persons:
1. The chief librarian, or a qualified person | | designated by the chief librarian, of any public library situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State, at such library.
2. The principal, or a qualified person designated by
| | the principal, of any high school, elementary school, or vocational school situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any resident of the State, at such school. The county clerk shall notify every principal and vice-principal of each high school, elementary school, and vocational school situated within the election jurisdiction of their eligibility to serve as deputy registrars and offer training courses for service as deputy registrars at conveniently located facilities at least 4 months prior to every election.
3. The president, or a qualified person designated by
| | the president, of any university, college, community college, academy or other institution of learning situated within the election jurisdiction, who may accept the registrations of any resident of the State, at such university, college, community college, academy or institution.
4. A duly elected or appointed official of a bona
| | fide labor organization, or a reasonable number of qualified members designated by such official, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State.
5. A duly elected or appointed official of a bona
| | fide State civic organization, as defined and determined by rule of the State Board of Elections, or qualified members designated by such official, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the State. In determining the number of deputy registrars that shall be appointed, the county clerk shall consider the population of the jurisdiction, the size of the organization, the geographic size of the jurisdiction, convenience for the public, the existing number of deputy registrars in the jurisdiction and their location, the registration activities of the organization and the need to appoint deputy registrars to assist and facilitate the registration of non-English speaking individuals. In no event shall a county clerk fix an arbitrary number applicable to every civic organization requesting appointment of its members as deputy registrars. The State Board of Elections shall by rule provide for certification of bona fide State civic organizations. Such appointments shall be made for a period not to exceed 2 years, terminating on the first business day of the month following the month of the general election, and shall be valid for all periods of voter registration as provided by this Code during the terms of such appointments.
6. The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, or
| | a reasonable number of employees designated by the Director and located at public aid offices, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the county at any such public aid office.
7. The Director of the Illinois Department of
| | Employment Security, or a reasonable number of employees designated by the Director and located at unemployment offices, who may accept the registration of any qualified resident of the county at any such unemployment office.
8. The president of any corporation as defined by the
| | Business Corporation Act of 1983, or a reasonable number of employees designated by such president, who may accept the registrations of any qualified resident of the State.
If the request to be appointed as deputy registrar is denied, the
county clerk shall, within 10 days after the date the request is submitted,
provide the affected individual or organization with written notice setting
forth the specific reasons or criteria relied upon to deny the request to
be appointed as deputy registrar.
The county clerk may appoint as many additional deputy registrars as he
considers necessary. The county clerk shall appoint such additional deputy
registrars in such manner that the convenience of the public is served,
giving due consideration to both population concentration and area. Some
of the additional deputy registrars shall be selected so that there are an
equal number from each of the 2 major political parties in the election
jurisdiction. The county clerk, in appointing an additional deputy
registrar, shall make the appointment from a list of applicants submitted
by the Chair of the County Central Committee of the applicant's
political party. A Chair of a County Central Committee shall submit a
list of applicants to the county clerk by November 30 of each year. The
county clerk may require a Chair of a County Central Committee to
furnish a supplemental list of applicants.
Deputy registrars may accept registrations at any time other than the 27-day period preceding an election. All persons appointed as deputy
registrars shall be registered voters within the county and shall take and
subscribe to the following oath or affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support
the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State
of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office
of deputy registrar to the best of my ability and that I will register
no person nor cause the registration of any person except upon his personal
application before me.
(Signature of Deputy Registrar)"
This oath shall be administered by the county clerk, or by one of his
deputies, or by any person qualified to take acknowledgement of deeds and
shall immediately thereafter be filed with the county clerk.
Appointments of deputy registrars under this Section, except precinct committeepersons, shall be for 2-year terms, commencing on December 1 following
the general election of each even-numbered year, except that the terms of
the initial appointments shall be until December 1st following the next
general election. Appointments of precinct committeepersons shall be for
terms commencing on the date of the county convention following the
general primary at which they were elected and ending on the date immediately preceding the date of the next county convention, which may be held by audio or video conference. The county clerk shall issue a
certificate of appointment to each deputy registrar, and shall maintain in
his office for public inspection a list of the names of all appointees.
(b) The county clerk shall be responsible for training all deputy registrars
appointed pursuant to subsection (a), at times and locations reasonably
convenient for both the county clerk and such appointees. The county clerk
shall be responsible for certifying and supervising all deputy registrars
appointed pursuant to subsection (a). Deputy registrars appointed under
subsection (a) shall be subject to removal for cause.
Completed registration materials under the control of deputy registrars,
appointed pursuant to subsection (a), shall be returned to the appointing election
authority by first-class mail within 2 business days or personal delivery within 7 days, except that completed registration materials
received by the deputy registrars during the period between the 35th and
28th day preceding an election shall be returned by the deputy
registrars to
the appointing election authority within 48 hours after receipt thereof. The
completed registration materials received by the deputy registrars on the
28th day preceding an election shall be returned by the deputy
registrars within 24 hours after receipt thereof.
Unused materials shall be returned by deputy
registrars appointed pursuant to paragraph 4 of subsection (a), not later
than the next working day following the close of registration.
(d) The county clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may
be, must provide any additional forms requested by any deputy registrar
regardless of the number of unaccounted registration forms the deputy registrar
may have in his or her possession.
(e) No deputy registrar shall engage in any electioneering or the promotion
of any cause during the performance of his or her duties.
(f) The county clerk shall not be criminally or civilly liable for the
acts or omissions of any deputy registrar. Such deputy registers shall not
be deemed to be employees of the county clerk.
(g) Completed registration materials returned by deputy registrars for persons residing outside the county shall be transmitted by the county clerk within 2 days after receipt to the election authority of the person's election jurisdiction of residence.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)
10 ILCS 5/5-16.3
(10 ILCS 5/5-16.3) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-16.3)
Sec. 5-16.3.
The county clerk may establish temporary places of
registration for such times and at such locations within the county as the
county clerk may select. Notice
of time and place of registration at any such temporary place of
registration under this Section shall be published by the county
clerk in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county not less
than 3 nor more than 15 days before the holding of such registration.
Temporary places of registration shall be established so that the
areas of concentration of population or use by the public are served,
whether by facilities provided in places of private business or in
public buildings or in mobile units. Areas which may be designated as
temporary places of registration include, but are not limited to, facilities
licensed or certified pursuant to the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act,
Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes,
shopping centers, business districts, public buildings and county fairs.
Temporary places of registration shall be available to the public not
less than 2 hours per year for each 1,000 population or fraction thereof
in the county.
All temporary places of registration shall be manned by deputy county
clerks or deputy registrars appointed pursuant to Section 5-16.2.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
10 ILCS 5/5-17
(10 ILCS 5/5-17) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-17)
Sec. 5-17.
If the county clerk determines, as provided in Section 5-16.1, to have
precinct registration in the county, the board of county commissioners
shall, prior to any general state election held in the month of November of
any even numbered year designate a day or days and shall designate
convenient places in the townships or cities or villages or incorporated
towns for registration of voters. Such day or days shall not be more than
36 nor less than 28 days before such election.
The provisions of Section 5-3 of this Article shall apply to the
selection of places of registration under this Section and the provisions
of Section 5-3 relative to the attendance of police officers during the
conduct of such registration shall also apply.
The officers of registration chosen to conduct registrations under the
provisions of this Section shall be chosen by the county clerk.
In choosing officers of registration, the county clerk shall choose only
persons residing in the township in which the place of registration is
located. He shall choose, in each precinct, 3 officers of registration, at
least one from each of the 2 major political parties. The county clerk may
appoint additional officers of registration in precincts which have had
sudden increases in population.
The officers so chosen shall be voters registered under the provisions
of this Article 5, and shall have the same qualifications and take the same
oath as required of registration officers under Section 5-4 of this Article
5, and shall be subject to the same penalties.
The places of registration designated by the board of county
commissioners under the provisions of this Section shall be open from 8
a.m. to 9 p.m. on such day or days as may be specified by the board of
county commissioners.
Registration under this Section shall be made in the same manner as
provided for precinct registration under the provisions of this Article 5,
but the canvass of registration shall be made by 2 registration officers of
different political affiliations, said registration officers to be
designated by the county clerk and the hearing and final revision of the
registry heretofore conducted by the board of revision shall be performed
by the county clerk or his deputy on the Monday and Tuesday following
precinct registration. Said revision under this Section shall take place at
the office of the county clerk between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
The registration officers shall make their returns to the county clerk
not later than noon of the day following the last day of the canvass of
registration provided by this Section.
The election authorities shall issue credentials to registration day pollwatchers
in the manner and on the terms prescribed in Section 17-23 with respect
to pollwatchers at elections. Registration day pollwatchers shall be allowed
to see the names and addresses of the people who have registered during
the course of the day.
No person shall, at any precinct registration or reregistration, do any
electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion
within any precinct registration place or within 30 feet thereof. Nothing
in this Act shall be construed to prohibit any candidate from being present
in or near any precinct registration place. All persons who register to
vote at any precinct registration place must be residents of the precinct
in which they register.
(Source: P.A. 81-1535.)
10 ILCS 5/5-18
(10 ILCS 5/5-18) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-18)
Sec. 5-18.
At least 20 days prior to the precinct registration under
Section 5-6 of this Article 5, and at least 20 days prior to any
registration that may be provided under Section 5-17 of this Article 5,
the County Clerk shall
publish a notice of registration, giving the dates, hours and places of
in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county.
(Source: P.A. 79-75 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-19
(10 ILCS 5/5-19) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-19)
Sec. 5-19.
Only persons residing within the corporate limits of a city,
village or incorporated town wherein this Article 5 is in effect, shall
be permitted to register in the office of the clerk of the respective city,
village or incorporated town in which they reside and then only during the
periods provided by Section 5-5 of this Article 5.
Within 24 hours after a person has registered in the office of the clerk
of a city, village or incorporated town, the said clerk shall transmit by
mail or cause to be delivered to the County Clerk the original and duplicate
registration cards of the person who has registered in his office.
Only persons who reside within the limits of a town in a county wherein
this Article 5 is in effect shall be permitted to register in the office
of the town clerk of the respective towns in which they reside and then
only during the periods provided by Section 5-5 of this Article 5.
Within 24 hours after a person not residing within the corporate limits
of a city, village or incorporated town has registered in the office of
a town clerk, the town clerk shall transmit by mail or cause to be delivered
to the county clerk the original and duplicate
cards of the person who has registered in his office. Within 24 hours after
a person who resides within the limits of a city, village or incorporated
town has registered in the office of a town clerk, the town clerk shall
transmit by mail or cause to be delivered the original and duplicate cards
of the person so registered to the county clerk.
Any person residing in the territory wherein this Article 5 is in effect,
may register in the office of the county clerk during the hours, and within
the periods provided by Section 5-5 of this Article 5.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-20
(10 ILCS 5/5-20) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-20)
Sec. 5-20.
Registrations under the above section shall be made in the
manner provided by sections 5-7 and 5-9, but electors whose registrations
are marked "Incomplete" may make the applications provided by section 5-9
only on Monday and Tuesday of the third week prior to the week in which the
election for officers, for which they are permitted to vote, is to be held.
The subsequent procedure with reference to said cards shall be the same as
that provided for voters registering under section 5-19 except that the
election referred to shall be the election at which the applicant would be
permitted to vote if otherwise qualified.
(Source: Laws 1949, p. 855 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-21
(10 ILCS 5/5-21) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-21)
Sec. 5-21.
To each person who registers at the office of the county, city,
village, incorporated town or town clerk, or any place designated by the
Board of County Commissioners under Section 5-17 of Article 5 and within
five days thereafter, the election authority shall send by mail, and electronic mail if the registrant has provided the election authority with an e-mail address, a notice setting
forth the elector's name and address as it appears on the registration record
card, and shall request him in case of any error to present the notice on
or before the seventh day next ensuing at the office of the election authority
in order to secure the correction of the error. Such notice shall contain
on the outside a request for the postmaster to return it within five days
if it cannot be delivered to the addressee at the address given thereon.
Upon the return by the post office of such notice which it has been unable
to deliver at the given address because the addressee cannot be found there,
a notice shall be at once sent through the United States mail to such person
at the address appearing upon his registration record card requiring him
to appear before the election authority, within five days, to answer questions
touching his right to register. If the person notified fails to appear at
the election authority's office within five days as directed or if he appears
and fails to prove his right to register, the election authority shall cancel
his registration.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 10-1-13.)
10 ILCS 5/5-22
(10 ILCS 5/5-22) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-22)
Sec. 5-22.
As soon as possible after the precinct registration held under
section 5-6 and again after the registrations provided by section 5-17 of
this article 5, the County Clerk shall require all city, village and incorporated
town clerks to call at his office and shall
give written and verbal instructions relative to duties under this article
5 to all city, village and incorporated town clerks, and shall also supply
them with, and get their receipts for blank registration cards to enable
them to perform their duties with respect to the registration of voters
in their offices under section 5-19 of this article 5.
As soon as possible after the precinct registration held under section
5-6 of this article, the County Clerk shall require all town clerks to appear
at his office at which time he shall give them verbal and written instructions
relative to their duties under this article 5, and at the same time he shall
also supply them with and get their receipts for blank registration cards
to enable them to perform their duties with respect to the registration
of voters in their offices under section 5-19 of this article 5.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-23
(10 ILCS 5/5-23) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-23)
Sec. 5-23. Any registered voter who changes his residence from one address,
number or place to another within the same county wherein this Article 5
is in effect, may have his registration transferred to his new address by
making and signing an application for such change of residence upon a form
to be provided by the county clerk. Such application must be made to the
office of the county clerk. In case the person is unable to sign his name
the county clerk shall require such person to execute the request in the
presence of the county clerk or of his properly authorized representative,
by his mark, and if satisfied of the identity of the person, the county
clerk shall make the transfer.
Upon receipt of such application, the county clerk, or one of his employees
deputized to take registrations shall cause the signature of the voter and
the data appearing upon the application to be compared with the signature
and data on the registration record, and if it appears that the applicant
is the same person as the party previously registered under that name the
transfer shall be made.
Transfer of registration under the provisions of this section may not be
made within the period when the county clerk's office is closed to registration
prior to an election at which such voter would be entitled to vote.
Any registered voter who changes his or her name by marriage or
otherwise, shall be required to register anew and authorize the
cancellation of the previous registration; provided, however, that if
the change of name takes place within a period during which such new
registration cannot be made, next preceding any election or primary, the
elector may, if otherwise qualified, vote upon making the following
affidavit before the judges of election:
I do solemnly swear that I am the same person now registered in the
.... precinct of the .... ward of the city of .... or .... District Town
of .... under the name of .... and that I still reside in said precinct
or district.
(Signed) ....
If the voter whose name has changed still resides in the same precinct, the voter may vote after making the affidavit at the polling place regardless of when the change of name occurred. In that event, the affidavit shall not state that the voter is required to register; the affidavit shall be treated by the election authority as authorization to cancel the registration under the former name, and the election authority shall register the voter under his or her current name.
Suitable forms for this purpose shall be provided by the county clerk. The form
in all cases shall be similar to the form furnished by the county clerk
for county and state elections.
The precinct election officials shall report to the county clerk the names
and addresses of all such persons who have changed their addresses and voted.
The city, village, town and incorporated town clerks shall within five days
after every election report to the county clerk the names and addresses
of the persons reported to them as having voted by affidavit as in this
Section provided.
The county clerk may obtain information from utility companies, city,
village, town and incorporated town records, the post office or from
other sources regarding the removal of registered voters and notify such
voters that a transfer of registration may be made in the manner
provided by this Section.
If any person be registered by error in a precinct other than that in
which he resides the county clerk shall be empowered to transfer his
registration to the proper precinct.
Where a revision or rearrangement of precincts is made by the board
of county commissioners, the county clerk shall immediately transfer to
the proper precinct the registration of any voter affected by such
revision or rearrangement of the precincts; make the proper notations on
the registration cards of a voter affected by the revision of
registration and shall notify the registrant of such change.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)
10 ILCS 5/5-24
(10 ILCS 5/5-24) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-24)
Sec. 5-24.
Following the general election occurring in November of 1944 and
following the November election every four years thereafter, the county
clerk shall examine the registration record and shall send to every
voter who has not voted during the preceding four years a notice through
the mails, substantially as follows:
Notice of Suspension of Registration:
"You are hereby notified that your registration will be cancelled
according to law for failure to vote during the last four years, unless
you apply for reinstatement within thirty days. You may reinstate your
registration by signing the statement below and returning it to this
office or by making application to do so."
Application for Reinstatement of Registration:
"I do hereby certify that I still reside at the address from which I
am registered and apply for reinstatement of my registration.
Signed ....
Present address ....
Date ...."
In case the elector is unable to sign his name, the application for
reinstatement shall be made at the office of the county clerk, or in the
case of an elector, absent from the county of his residence, it shall be
made before the clerk of a court of record in the county in which the
elector is temporarily detained.
After the expiration of thirty days the county clerk shall cancel the
registration of all electors thus notified who have not applied for
A proper entry shall be made on the registration record for all
electors whose registrations are reinstated. Any elector whose
registration has been cancelled for failure to vote may register again
by making the application therefor in the manner provided by this
article 5.
When a registration is cancelled under this or other sections of this
article 5, a proper entry shall be made on the registration cards by the
county clerk.
The county clerk shall, however, keep the cancelled cards in a suspense
file for 2 years and reinstate them at any time within such 2 year suspense
period, when a person's registration is cancelled under this or other Sections
of this Article for failure to apply for reinstatement or to appear in proper
time, and there is sufficient subsequent showing that he is a duly qualified elector.
(Source: P.A. 81-155.)
10 ILCS 5/5-25
(10 ILCS 5/5-25) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-25)
Sec. 5-25.
The county clerk on his own initiative or upon order of
the board of county commissioners shall at all times have authority to
conduct investigation and to make canvasses of the registered voters in
any precinct canvass or at other times and by other methods than those
so prescribed. However, the county clerk shall conduct
a verification of voter registrations at least once in
every 2 years, and shall cause the cancellation of registration of persons
who have ceased to be qualified voters. Such verification shall be accomplished
by one of the following methods: (1) precinct canvass conducted by 2 qualified
persons of opposite party affiliation appointed by the county clerk or (2)
written request for verification sent to each registered voter by first
class mail, not forwardable or (3) an alternative method of verification
submitted in writing to and approved by the State Board of Elections at
a public meeting not less than 60 days prior to the date which the county
clerk has fixed for implementation of that method of verification; provided,
that the county clerk shall submit to the State Board of Elections a written
statement of the results obtained by use of such alternative method within
30 days of completion of the verification. In
each precinct one canvasser may be appointed from outside such precinct
if not enough other qualified persons who reside within the precinct can
be found to serve as canvasser in such precinct. The one canvasser so
appointed to serve in any precinct in which he is not entitled to vote
prior to the election must be entitled to vote elsewhere within the ward
or township which includes within its boundaries the precinct in which
such canvasser is appointed and such canvasser must be otherwise
qualified. If upon the basis of investigation or canvasses, the county
clerk shall be of the opinion that any person registered under this
Article 5 is not a qualified voter or has ceased to be a qualified
voter, he shall send a notice through the United States mail to such
person, requiring him to appear before the county clerk for a hearing
within ten days after the date of mailing such notice and show cause why
his registration shall not be cancelled. If such person fails to appear
within such time as provided, his registration shall be cancelled. If
such a person does appear, he shall make an affidavit similar in every
respect to the affidavit required of applicants under Section 5-16 of
this Article 5.
(Source: P.A. 81-1535.)
10 ILCS 5/5-25.01
(10 ILCS 5/5-25.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-25.01)
Sec. 5-25.01.
Each registered voter lacking a permanent abode shall be
canvassed by the county clerk before each election. The canvass shall be by
mail sent not later than 49 days preceding the election to the mailing
address listed on the voter's registration record card. The clerk shall
include in the mailing a postage prepaid return postcard. The voter must
certify on the postcard his or her continued residence at the registration
address and mail the postcard back to the clerk so that it is postmarked no
later than the 26th day preceding the election.
If an application for registration is presented within the 49 day period
preceding an election, then this Section shall not apply and the provisions
of this Article with respect to the mailing of a verification of a
registration notice shall be a canvass, except that such notice shall be
mailed to the registrant's mailing address.
(Source: P.A. 87-1241.)
10 ILCS 5/5-25.1
(10 ILCS 5/5-25.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-25.1)
Sec. 5-25.1.
In any county in which there is a municipality under the
jurisdiction of a board of election commissioners, the county clerk and
his appointed deputy registrars shall accept the registration of qualified
persons residing within such municipality and shall transmit the completed registration
to the board of election commissioners prior to the close of registration
before an election.
(Source: P.A. 83-1059.)
10 ILCS 5/5-26
(10 ILCS 5/5-26) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-26)
Sec. 5-26.
If either of the original or duplicate
registration cards, or all of any elector shall be lost, destroyed or mutilated
in whole or in part, the county clerk shall prepare 2 new registration cards,
an original and a duplicate
and shall require the execution of a new registration affidavit by such
elector, and if any such elector shall refuse to execute such affidavit
within thirty days after the mailing of a notice to such elector at the
last address from which he has registered, then the registration of such
elector shall be cancelled. If either the original or duplicate registration
cards, of all registered voters of a city, village or incorporated town,
township or any ward, or precinct thereof, shall be lost or destroyed, the
county clerk shall require a re-registration of electors of such city, village
or incorporated town, township, ward or precinct and the same provisions
as required for any registration under section 5-17 of this article 5 shall
apply to such re-registration.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-28
(10 ILCS 5/5-28) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-28)
Sec. 5-28.
The original registration record cards shall remain permanently in
the office of the county clerk or election authority except as destroyed as provided in
Section 5-6; shall be filed alphabetically without regard to precincts;
and shall be known as the master file. The master file may be kept in a computer-based voter registration file or paper format, provided a secondary digital back-up is kept off site. The digital file shall be searchable and remain current with all registration activity conducted by the county clerk or election authority. The duplicate registration record
cards shall constitute the official registry of voters for all elections
and shall be filed by precincts and
townships. The duplicate cards for use in conducting
elections shall be delivered to the judges of election by the county
clerk in a suitable binder or other device, which shall be locked and
sealed in accordance with the directions to be given by the county clerk
and shall also be suitably indexed for convenient use by the precinct
officers. The precinct files shall be delivered to the judges of
election for use at the polls for elections at the same
time as the official ballots are delivered to them, and shall be
returned to the county clerk by the judges of election within the time
provided for the return of the official ballots. The county clerk shall
determine the manner of return and delivery of such file.
(Source: P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/5-28.1
(10 ILCS 5/5-28.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-28.1)
Sec. 5-28.1.
For use in connection with referenda and the nonpartisan
and consolidated elections, each election authority shall maintain
permanent records of the boundaries of all political subdivisions
partially or wholly within its jurisdiction and any districts thereof,
and shall maintain permanent records indicating by tax extension number
code for each registered
voter the political subdivisions and any districts thereof in which that
voter resides. Such records may be kept on the registration record
cards or on separate registration lists, or if a method other than record
coding by tax extension number is adopted by an election authority,
such method shall be, approved by the State Board of Elections. Each political
subdivision must, no later than 5 days after any redistricting, annexation,
disconnection or other boundary change is adopted, give notice of any
such adoption and the effective date of such act to each election
authority having election jurisdiction over any of its former or new
Each election authority must make available to election judges for
use on election day, records indicating by tax extension number code or
other method approval by the State Board of Elections for each registered
voter, the political subdivisions in which that voter resides. For the
purposes of election day use by election judges, such records must be kept
on the registration record cards or on separate registration lists.
(Source: P.A. 84-861.)
10 ILCS 5/5-29
(10 ILCS 5/5-29) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-29)
Sec. 5-29.
Upon application to vote, except as hereinafter provided
for absent electors, each registered elector shall sign his name or make
his mark as the case may be, on a certificate substantially as follows:
"Certificate of Registered Voter
Town of................District or Precinct Number..........; City of................Ward...............Precinct..........; Village of................................Precinct..........; Election..................................................... (date) (month) (year) Registration record Checked by..................... Voter's number..................
Instruction to voters
Sign this certificate and hand it to the election officer in charge.
After the registration record has been checked, the officer will hand it
back to you. Whereupon you shall present it to the officer in charge of
the ballots.
I hereby certify that I am registered from the address below and am
qualified to vote.
Signature of voter ...............
Residence address ..............."
An individual shall not be required to provide his social
security number when applying for a ballot. He shall not be denied a
ballot, nor shall his ballot be challenged, solely because of his refusal
to provide his social security number.
Nothing in this Act prevents an individual from being requested
to provide his social security number when the individual applies for a
If, however, the certificate contains a space for the individual's
social security number, the following notice shall appear on the
certificate, immediately above such space,
in bold-face capital letters, in type the size of which
equals the largest type on the certificate:
Certificates as above prescribed shall be furnished by the county
clerk for all elections.
The Judges in charge of the precinct registration files shall compare
the signature upon such certificate with the signature on the
registration record card as a means of identifying the voter. Unless
satisfied by such comparison that the applicant to vote is the identical
person who is registered under the same name, the Judges shall ask such
applicant the questions for identification which appear on the
registration card and if the applicant does not prove to the
satisfaction of a majority of the judges of the election precinct that
he is the identical person registered under the name in question then
the vote for such applicant shall be challenged by a Judge of Election,
and the same procedure followed as provided by law for challenged voters.
In case the elector is unable to sign his name, a Judge of Election
shall check the data on the registration card and shall check the
address given, with the registered address, in order to determine
whether he is entitled to vote.
One of the Judges of election shall check the certificate of each
applicant for a ballot after the registration record has been examined
and shall sign his initials on the certificate in the space provided
therefor, and shall enter upon such certificate the number of the voter
in the place provided therefor, and make an entry in the voting record
space on the registration record, to indicate whether or not the
applicant voted. Such judge shall then hand such certificate back to the
applicant in case he is permitted to vote, and such applicant shall hand
it to the judge of election in charge of the ballots. The certificates
of the voters shall be filed in the order in which they are received and
shall constitute an official poll record. The term "Poll Lists" and
"Poll Books" where used in this article 5 shall be construed to apply to
such official poll records.
After each general primary election the county clerk shall indicate by
color code or other means next to the name of each registrant on the list
of registered voters in each precinct the primary ballot of a political
party that the registrant requested at that general primary election. The
county clerk, within 60 days after the general primary election, shall
provide a copy of this coded list to the chair of the county central
committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly
authorized representative.
Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983,
the county clerk shall provide to the chair of the county central
committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly
authorized representative the list of registered voters in each precinct at
the time of the general primary election of 1982 and shall indicate on such
list by color code or other means next to the name of a registrant the
primary ballot of a political party that the registrant requested at the
general primary election of 1982.
The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual cost of
duplicating each copy of a list provided under either of the 2
preceding paragraphs.
Where an elector makes application to vote by signing and presenting
the certificate provided by this Section, and his registration record
card is not found in the precinct registry of voters, but his name
appears as that of a registered voter in such precinct upon the printed
precinct list of voters and whose name has not been erased or withdrawn
from such register, it shall be the duty of one of the Judges of
Election to require an affidavit by such person and two voters residing
in the precinct before the judges of election that he is the same person
whose name appears upon the precinct register and that he resides in the
precinct stating the street number of his residence. Forms for such
affidavit shall be supplied by the county clerk for all elections. Upon
the making of such affidavit and the presentation of his certificate
such elector shall be entitled to vote. All affidavits made under this
paragraph shall be preserved and returned to the county clerk in an
envelope. It shall be the duty of the county clerk within 30 days after
such election to take steps provided by Section 5-27 of this article 5
for the execution of new registration affidavits by electors who have
voted under the provisions of this paragraph.
Provided, however, that the applications for ballots made by
registered voters and under the provisions of article 19 of this act
shall be accepted by the Judges of Election in lieu of the "certificate
of registered voter" provided for in this section.
When the county clerk delivers to the judges of election for use at the
polls a supplemental or consolidated list of the printed precinct register,
he shall give a copy of the supplemental or consolidated list to the chair
of a county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's
duly authorized representative.
Whenever two or more elections occur simultaneously, the election
authority charged with the duty of providing application certificates
may prescribe the form thereof so that a voter is required to execute
only one, indicating in which of the elections he desires to vote.
After the signature has been verified, the judges shall determine in
which political subdivisions the voter resides by use of the information
contained on the voter registration cards or the separate registration
lists or other means approved by the State Board of Elections and
prepared and supplied by the election authority. The voter's
certificate shall be so marked by the judges as to show the respective
ballots which the voter is given.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-29.01
(10 ILCS 5/5-29.01) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-29.01)
Sec. 5-29.01.
The provisions of this Article 5, so far as they
require the registration of voters as a condition to their being allowed
to vote shall not apply to persons otherwise entitled to vote, who are,
at the time of the election, or at any time within 60 days prior to such
election, have been engaged in the military or naval service of the
United States, and who appear personally at the polling place on
election day and produce to the judges of election satisfactory evidence
thereof, but such persons, if otherwise qualified to vote, shall be
permitted to vote at such election without previous registration.
All such persons shall also make an affidavit which shall be in
substantially the following form:
"State of Illinois) )ss. County of ........)
.............. Precinct .............. Ward
I, ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a citizen of the
United States, of the age of 18 years or over, and that within the past
60 days prior to the date of this election at which I am applying to
vote, I have been engaged in the .... (military or naval) service of
the United States; and I am qualified to vote under and by virtue of the
Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois, and that I am a legally
qualified voter of this precinct and ward except that I have, because of
such service, been unable to register as a voter; that I now reside at
.... (insert street and number, if any) in this precinct and ward, that
I have maintained a legal residence in this precinct and ward for 30
days and in the State 30 days next preceding this election.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Judge of Election."
The affidavit of any such person shall be supported by the affidavit
of a resident and qualified voter of any such precinct and ward, which
affidavit shall be in substantially the following form:
"State of Illinois) )ss. County of ........)
............. Precinct ........... Ward
I, ...., do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a resident of this
precinct and ward and entitled to vote at this election; that I am
acquainted with .... (name of the applicant); that I verily believe him
to be an actual bona fide resident of this precinct and ward and that I
verily believe that he has maintained a legal residence therein 30 days
and in this State 30 days next preceding this election.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).
Judge of Election."
The provisions of this Article 5, so far as they require the registration
of voters as a condition to their being allowed to vote shall not apply
to persons otherwise entitled to vote who have made and subscribed to the
affidavit provided in paragraph (b) of Section 17-10 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-30
(10 ILCS 5/5-30) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-30)
Sec. 5-30.
Upon application to vote at a general primary election each registered
elector shall sign his name or mark and write his address on a certificate
substantially the same as that used in the general election except that it
shall have a place for party affiliation which is to be filled in by the
elector, or by the officer in charge if the elector is unable to write. The
certificates of each State-wide political party at a primary election
shall be separately printed upon paper
of uniform quality, texture and size, but the certificates of no 2 State-wide
political parties shall be of the same color or tint.
However, if the election authority provides computer generated applications
with the precinct, ballot style and voter's name and address preprinted on
the application, a single application may be used for State-wide political
parties if it contains spaces or check-off boxes to indicate the political
party. Such application shall not entitle the voter to vote in the primary
of more than one political party at the same election.
Such applications
may contain spaces or check-off boxes permitting the voter
to request a primary
ballot of any other political party which is established only within a political
subdivision and for which a primary is conducted on the same election day.
Such application shall not entitle the voter to vote in both the primary
of the State-wide political party and the primary of the local political
party with respect to the offices of the same political subdivision. In
no event may a voter vote in more than one State-wide primary on the same
day. Such certificates
when checked and initialed by the Judge in charge shall constitute the
primary poll record. Such certificates at the close of the election shall
be placed in an envelope, sealed and returned with the ballots. Nothing
herein shall be construed to conflict with sections 7-44 and 7-45 of
article 7 of this act. Provided, however, that the applications for ballots
made by registered voters under the provisions of article 19 of this act
shall be accepted by the Judges of election in lieu of the "certificate of
registered voter" provided for in this section.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-31
(10 ILCS 5/5-31) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-31)
Sec. 5-31.
All challenged voters affidavits made before the judges of
election under provisions of sections 5-29 and 5-30 of this article 5
shall be immediately returned to the office of the county clerk.
Such affidavits, before being so returned, shall be enclosed in an envelope
provided for that purpose, which shall then be securely sealed with the
sealing wax or other adhesive material, and each of the judges shall
write his name across the seal. No judge of election shall break the
seal of, or open any envelope containing affidavits, or shall permit any
person to open any such envelope or break the seal thereof while the
same is in his custody. It shall be the duty of the county clerk
to furnish affidavits and envelopes provided by Sections 5-29 and 5-30 of
this article 5 to the judges of election for all
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-34
(10 ILCS 5/5-34) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-34)
Sec. 5-34.
The official poll record provided by sections 5-29 and 5-30 of
this article 5 shall constitute the poll list, and poll books shall not be
kept by clerks of election. Where in this article 5, reference is made to
poll lists or poll books, such reference shall hereafter apply to the
official poll record.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/5-35
(10 ILCS 5/5-35) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-35)
Sec. 5-35.
The officers of registration selected to conduct
registrations under Section 5-17 shall be paid at the rate set out below:
Registration officers selected to conduct registration and canvass
under Section 5-17 shall be paid at a rate of not less than $20 per day
nor more than $30 per day, for each day designated by the County Board
for any registration and canvass provided by Section 5-17, but in no
case shall any such officer selected to conduct canvass be credited for
less than two days' service for each canvass.
Officers of registration selected to conduct any registration under
Section 5-17 shall be compensated at the rate of 5 cents per mile for
each mile actually traveled in calling at the county clerk's office for
registration cards and returning them to said officer.
The State Board of Elections shall reimburse each county for the amount
of the increase in compensation under this Section provided by this
amendatory Act from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
10 ILCS 5/5-36
(10 ILCS 5/5-36) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-36)
Sec. 5-36.
In the event that the voters of any city, village or incorporated
town (in any county having a population of 500,000 or more) which has adopted
Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act (or the Act of which they are a continuation)
shall reject the city election law as provided by said Article 6, it shall
not be necessary for the registered voters of said city, so rejecting the
city election law to register again under the provisions of this Article
5 unless they are not registered under the 1961 and 1962 re-registration provisions.
Within twenty-four hours after the Circuit Judge has entered his order
declaring Articles 6, 14 and 18 of this Act rejected by the voters of any
city, village, or incorporated town, it shall be the duty of the Board of
Election Commissioners formerly having jurisdiction over elections held
in such city, village or incorporated town to turn over to the County Clerk
the original and duplicate registration cards of all persons affected by
the rejection of the city election law in said city, village or incorporated
town; the said Board of Election Commissioners shall also turn over to the
County Clerk all forms, papers and other instruments pertaining to the registration
and election of voters within the said city, village or incorporated town
that rejected the city election law, and they shall also cause to be delivered
to the clerk of any such city, village or incorporated town that rejected
the city election law, all booths and ballot boxes formerly used in conducting
elections in said city, village or incorporated town.
The original registration cards of the voters turned over to the County
Clerk by the Board of Election Commissioners shall be placed in a master
file together with the registration cards of all voters who previously registered
under the provisions of this Article 5 and said cards shall then become
part of the official registration record for the county in which this Article
5 is in effect.
The duplicate cards shall be arranged in precinct order and shall be retained
in the office of the county clerk for use in conducting State, county and
township elections. The said duplicate cards shall become part of the official
registration record for the county in which this Article 5 is in effect.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/5-37
(10 ILCS 5/5-37) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-37)
Sec. 5-37.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Commissioners to
do, and cause to be done all things required of them by Section 5-36 of
this Article 5.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/5-37.1
(10 ILCS 5/5-37.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-37.1)
Sec. 5-37.1.
If any area becomes subject to a board of election
commissioners by reason of annexation to a city, village or incorporated
town subject to such a board or ceases to be subject to a board of election
commissioners by reason of disconnection from such a city, village or
incorporated town, it shall not be necessary for the registered voters in
such area to register again, either under this Article or Article 6.
As soon as practicable after such annexation or disconnection, the
county clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be, shall
turn over to officer or officers thereafter to be charged with the
registration of voters within the area affected (the board of election
commissioners or county clerk, as the case may be) the original and
duplicate registration cards of all registered voters in the annexed or
disconnected area.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 405.)
10 ILCS 5/5-38
(10 ILCS 5/5-38) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-38)
Sec. 5-38.
All laws in conflict with this Article 5 shall no longer be
applicable to the electors residing in the territorial limits where this
Article 5 is in effect, but all laws and parts of laws not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Article 5 shall continue in force and effect.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 253 .)
10 ILCS 5/5-39
(10 ILCS 5/5-39) (from Ch. 46, par. 5-39)
Sec. 5-39.
During the hours of registration or revision of registration no
person shall bring, take, order or send into, or shall attempt to bring,
take or send into any place of registration or revision of registration,
any distilled or spirituous liquors whatever; or shall, at any such time
and place drink or partake of such liquor.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/5-43
(10 ILCS 5/5-43)
Sec. 5-43. Computerization of voter records.
(a) The State Board of Elections shall design a registration record card
that, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall be used in duplicate
by all election authorities in the State adopting a computer-based voter
registration file as provided in this Section. The Board shall prescribe the
and specifications, including but not limited to the weight of paper, color,
and print of the cards. The cards shall contain boxes or spaces for the
information required under Sections 5-7 and 5-28.1; provided that
the cards shall also contain: (i) A space for the person to fill in his or
her Illinois driver's license number if the person has a driver's license; (ii)
A space for a person without a driver's license to fill in the last four digits
of his or her social security number if the person has a social security
(b) The election authority may develop and implement a system to
use, and maintain a computer-based voter registration file that includes a
computer-stored image of the signature of each voter. The computer-based voter
registration file may be used for all purposes for which the original
registration cards are to be used. In the case of voter registration forms received via an online voter registration system, the original registration cards will include the signature received from the Secretary of State database. The
electronic file shall be the master file.
(b-2) The election authority may develop and implement a system to maintain registration cards in digital form using digitized signatures, which may be stored in a computer-based voter registration file under subsection (b) of this Section. The making and signing of any form, including an application to register and a certificate authorizing cancellation of a registration or authorizing a transfer of registration may be by a signature written in ink or by a digitized signature. (c) Any system created, used, and maintained under subsection
(b) of this
Section shall meet the following standards:
(1) Access to any computer-based voter registration | | file shall be limited to those persons authorized by the election authority, and each access to the computer-based voter registration file, other than an access solely for inquiry, shall be recorded.
(2) No copy, summary, list, abstract, or index of any
| | computer-based voter registration file that includes any computer-stored image of the signature of any registered voter shall be made available to the public outside of the offices of the election authority.
(3) Any copy, summary, list, abstract, or index of
| | any computer-based voter registration file that includes a computer-stored image of the signature of a registered voter shall be produced in such a manner that it cannot be reproduced.
(4) Each person desiring to vote shall sign an
| | application for a ballot, and the signature comparison authorized in Articles 17 and 18 of this Code may be made to a copy of the computer-stored image of the signature of the registered voter.
(5) Any voter list produced from a computer-based
| | voter registration file that includes computer-stored images of the signatures of registered voters and is used in a polling place during an election shall be preserved by the election authority in secure storage until the end of the second calendar year following the election in which it was used.
(d) Before the first election in which the election authority
elects to use
a voter list produced from the computer-stored images of the signatures of
registered voters in a computer-based voter registration file for signature
comparison in a polling place, the State Board of Elections shall certify that
the system used by the election authority complies with the standards set forth
in this Section. The State Board of Elections may request a sample poll list
intended to be used in a polling place to test the accuracy of the list and the
adequacy of the computer-stored images of the signatures of the registered
(e) With respect to a jurisdiction that has copied all of its
signatures into a computer-based registration file, all references in this Act
or any other Act to the use, other than storage, of paper-based voter
registration records shall be deemed to refer to their computer-based
(f) Nothing in this Section prevents an election authority from
submitting to the State Board of Elections a duplicate copy of some, as the
State Board of Elections shall determine, or all of the data contained in each
voter registration record that is part of the electronic master file. The
duplicate copy of the registration record shall be maintained by the State
Board of Elections under the same terms and limitations applicable to the
election authority and shall be of equal legal dignity with the original
registration record maintained by the election authority as proof of any fact
contained in the voter registration record.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)
10 ILCS 5/5-50 (10 ILCS 5/5-50) Sec. 5-50. Grace period. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Code to the contrary, each election authority shall
establish procedures for the registration of voters and for change of address during the period from the close of
registration for an election until and including the day of the election. During this grace period, an unregistered qualified
elector may
register to vote, and a registered voter may submit a change of address form, in person in the office of the election
authority, at a permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10, at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, or at a voter registration location specifically designated for this
purpose by the election authority. Grace period registration and changes of address shall also be conducted for eligible residents in connection with voting at facilities under Section 19-12.2 of this Code. The election authority shall
register that individual, or change a registered voter's address, in the same manner as otherwise provided by this Article for registration and change of address. If a voter who registers or changes address during this grace period wishes to vote at the election or primary occurring during the grace period, he or she must do so by grace period voting. The election authority shall offer in-person grace period voting at his or her office, any permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10, and at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, where grace period registration is required by this Section; and may offer in-person grace period voting at additional hours and locations specifically designated for the purpose of grace period voting by the election authority. The election authority may allow grace period voting by mail only if the election authority has no ballots prepared at the authority's office. Grace period voting shall be in a manner substantially similar to voting under Article 19A. Within one day after a voter casts a grace period ballot, or within one day after the ballot is received by the election authority if the election authority allows grace period voting by mail, the election authority shall transmit by electronic means pursuant to a process established by the State Board of Elections the voter's name, street address, e-mail address, and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections, which shall maintain those names and that information in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees. The name of each person issued a grace period ballot shall also be placed on the appropriate precinct list of persons to whom vote by mail and early ballots have been issued, for use as provided in Sections 17-9 and 18-5. A person who casts a grace period ballot shall not be permitted to revoke that ballot and vote another ballot with respect to that primary or election. Ballots cast by persons who register or change address during the grace period at a location other than their designated polling place on election day must be transmitted to and counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be transmitted to and counted at precinct polling places. The grace period ballots determined to be valid shall be added to the vote totals for the precincts for which they were cast in the order in which the ballots were opened.
In counties with a population of less than 100,000 that do not have electronic poll books, the election authority may opt out of registration in the polling place if the election authority establishes grace period registration and voting at other sites on election day at the following sites: (i) the election authority's main office and (ii) a polling place in each municipality where 20% or more of the county's residents reside if the election authority's main office is not located in that municipality. The election authority may establish other grace period registration and voting sites on election day provided that the election authority has met the notice requirements of Section 19A-25 for permanent and temporary early voting sites.
(Source: P.A. 100-442, eff. 8-25-17.) |
10 ILCS 5/5-105 (10 ILCS 5/5-105) Sec. 5-105. First time voting. A person must vote for the first time in person and not a vote by mail ballot if the person registered to vote by mail, unless the person first provides the appropriate election authority with sufficient proof of identity and the election authority verifies the person's proof of identity. Sufficient proof of identity shall be demonstrated by submission of the person's driver's license number or State identification card number or, if the person does not have either of those, verification by the last 4 digits of the person's social security number, a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other federal, State, or local government document that shows the person's name and address. A person may also demonstrate sufficient proof of identity by submission of a photo identification issued by a college or university accompanied by either a copy of the applicant's contract or lease for a residence or any postmarked mail delivered to the applicant at his or her current residence address. Persons who apply to register to vote by mail but provide inadequate proof of identity to the election authority shall be notified by the election authority that the registration has not been fully completed and that the person remains ineligible to vote by mail or in person until such proof is presented.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15 .) |
10 ILCS 5/Art. 6
(10 ILCS 5/Art. 6 heading)
10 ILCS 5/6-1
(10 ILCS 5/6-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-1)
Sec. 6-1.
The provisions of this Article 6 (and of Articles 14 and 18
hereof) so far as they are the same as those of the provisions of "An Act
regulating the holding of elections and declaring the result thereof in
cities, villages and incorporated towns in this state", approved June 19,
1885, as amended, (hereinafter sometimes referred to in this Article as
the Act of 1885) shall be construed as a continuation of such prior
provisions and not as a new enactment; and it is declared to be the
legislative intent that any city, village or incorporated town which has
heretofore adopted and become entitled to the provisions of said Act of
1885, shall automatically become subject to the provisions of this Article
6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this Act (as well as certain sections in other
articles which are made specifically applicable to such city, village or
incorporated town), which three articles together shall be known as the
City Election Law.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-2
(10 ILCS 5/6-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-2)
Sec. 6-2.
The electors of any city now existing in this state may
adopt and become entitled to the benefits of this Article 6 and Articles
14 and 18 of this Act in the manner following:
Whenever one thousand of the legal voters of such city voting at the last
preceding election shall petition the circuit court of the county in which
such city is located, to submit to a vote of the electors of such city the
proposition as to whether such city and the electors thereof shall adopt
and become entitled to the benefits of this Article, and said Articles 14
and 18 of this Act, it shall be the duty of such circuit court to order
such proposition to be submitted accordingly at the next succeeding general
or regularly scheduled municipal election; and if such proposition is not
adopted at such election, the same shall in like manner be submitted to
a vote of the electors of such city by said circuit court upon a like application
at any general
or regularly scheduled municipal election thereafter. If one thousand shall
exceed one-eighth of the legal voters of any such city voting at the last
preceding general or consolidated
election, then such application need not be signed or made by more than
one-eighth of the legal voters of such city voting at the last preceding
general or consolidated election. Such petition shall be subject to the
applicable provisions of Article 28 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)
10 ILCS 5/6-3
(10 ILCS 5/6-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-3)
Sec. 6-3.
The circuit court shall give at least 60 days
notice of such election by publishing such notice in one or more
newspapers published within such city, for at least 5 times, the first
publication to be at least 60 days before the day of election, and if no
newspaper is published in such city, then by posting at least 5 copies
of such notice in each ward 60 days before such election; and such court
shall enter an order directing the county clerk to prepare the necessary
blank returns for the use of the judges of election, substantially in
the following form:
"At an election held in the .... precinct of the .... ward in the
city of .... in the State of Illinois, on the .... day of .... in the
year .... the following vote was cast for and against city election
law, to-wit:
For city election law .... votes.
Against city election law .... votes.
Certified by us:
A.B., G.H.,
C.D., I.J.,
E.F., K.L.,
Judges of Election"
Also to prepare separate tally sheets with appropriate headings.
And it shall be the duty of such county clerk to deliver to the
judges of all the precincts in such city at such election proper tally
sheets and blank statements of returns of votes cast for and against
such proposition at such election. And it shall be the duty of the
circuit court to supervise and direct such matters and see that
they are properly done.
The circuit court shall also prepare directions to the
judges of election as to the manner of canvassing the votes for and
against such proposition, keeping tally thereof and making returns of
the votes as to such proposition, in accordance with the provisions of
this article; also informing them therein of the penalties of the law
imposed upon the judges for any refusal or neglect pertaining to their
duties, and such circuit court shall deliver such directions
to the county clerk directing him to have them printed and sent out to
such judges. And it shall be the duty of such county clerk to obey such
It shall be the duty of the county clerk to do and cause to be done
all things required of him by Sections 6-2 to 6-20, inclusive, of this
Article, and for a failure to perform such duties he shall, on
conviction, be removed from his office by the court in which such
conviction shall be had.
The county shall pay all expenses connected with such election.
(Source: P.A. 84-551.)
10 ILCS 5/6-4
(10 ILCS 5/6-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-4)
Sec. 6-4.
At such election the ballots, so far as they relate to this act,
shall be written or printed in the following form: "For city election law"
or "Against city election law."
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-5
(10 ILCS 5/6-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-5)
Sec. 6-5.
The ballot upon such proposition in the form aforesaid must be
printed or written at the bottom of the ticket containing the names of
candidates for public offices at such election who are voted for by any
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-6
(10 ILCS 5/6-6) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-6)
Sec. 6-6.
The judges of such election shall canvass the ballots so cast for
or against such proposition. They shall count in favor of said proposition
all ballots, "For city election law" and they shall count against such
proposition all ballots, "Against city election law".
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-7
(10 ILCS 5/6-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-7)
Sec. 6-7.
Such canvass shall be made by such judges in the following
manner: Before the name or names of any candidate on any ballot shall be
canvassed, one of the judges, two sitting on either side of him and
observing the canvass, shall separate all the ballots cast in such precinct
into 3 piles or files, putting together in the first pile all those
containing the phrase, "For city election law", and putting together in the
second pile all the ballots containing the phrase, "Against city election
law", and putting together in the third pile all the other ballots of every
description. One of the 3 judges shall then count the first pile of ballots
in batches of 10, and when one batch is counted, shall pass the same to the
next judge, who shall count the same and pass it to the third judge, who
shall also count it, and when the 3 shall have finished the count of the 10
ballots, the last judge shall announce in a loud voice the result, "Ten
votes for city election law". It shall then be duty of each of 2 judges,
who took no part in the counting, to tally 10 votes accordingly on his
tally sheet for city election law, and so the whole pile shall be counted.
Before counting the second pile the tally judges shall announce the result
or number so entered and credited, "For city election law", and the second
pile shall be counted in the same way in batches of 10, and the result
tallied and announced in the same way "Against city election law". And
thereupon it shall be the duty of each of the judges in turn to announce in
a loud voice the result of the election in that precinct upon that
proposition. No ballot shall be counted for or against such proposition
unless it be in the form herein prescribed; no account is to be kept of the
third pile of ballots as to such proposition.
(Source: Laws 1957, p. 1450.)
10 ILCS 5/6-8
(10 ILCS 5/6-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-8)
Sec. 6-8.
If no tally sheet shall be furnished to the judges of any
precinct relating to such proposition, the tally judges shall use any piece
of paper containing the headings written out by either of them: "For city
election law", and "Against city election law", and tally the vote thereon
opposite the respective headings as announced to them: and if no blank
statements of returns relating to such proposition be provided or furnished
to them, then it shall be the duty of the judges to write out a return in
triplicate, in substance in accordance with the form found in Section 6-3
of this Article.
(Source: Laws 1957, p. 1450 .)
10 ILCS 5/6-9
(10 ILCS 5/6-9) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-9)
Sec. 6-9. After ascertaining and announcing the result as aforesaid,
such judges shall make, fill up and sign duplicate returns or
statements of the votes cast for and against such proposition as
aforesaid, in the form found in Section 6-3 of this Article, each of
which shall be attested by the other judges, and each of which shall
then be enclosed and sealed in an envelope, one of which shall be on the
outside addressed to the appropriate election authority and one to the comptroller of such city, or to the
officer whose duties correspond with those of the comptroller. Upon each
of which statements shall be endorsed "city election law returns". In
the same manner the tally sheet in duplicate shall be signed by the
judges, and shall be enclosed and sealed in separate envelopes, one of
which shall be addressed to the county judge and one to the city clerk;
upon both of the envelopes shall be endorsed "city election law
tallies". On the outside of each envelope shall be endorsed whether it
contains a statement of the votes cast or the tallies, and for what
precinct and ward. After the envelopes respectively containing such
returns and tallies are closed and sealed, the judges of election shall
each write across the folds of such envelopes their names, and thereupon
each of the judges of election shall take one of said returns or
tallies, and shall deliver, each one respectively, to the person or
officer to whom addressed, by noon of the next day, and when delivered
he shall receive a receipt therefor from the officer to whom delivered,
and it shall be the duty of such officer to give such receipts, and to
safely keep such envelopes unopened until called for by the election authority
as herein provided.
(Source: P.A. 94-647, eff. 1-1-06 .)
10 ILCS 5/6-10
(10 ILCS 5/6-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-10)
Sec. 6-10.
At the canvass of the ballots in any precinct in any city where
such proposition has been submitted, it shall be the duty of such judges of
election, on request, to admit to the room two electors of the ward who
voted in favor of such proposition and two who voted against it, as special
watchers of such canvass; and said judges and the police officer or other
officer of the law present shall protect such watchers and see that they
are not excluded, and at the time of such canvass of the ballots cast for
or against such proposition such watchers shall be entitled to a position
where they can plainly see and read each ballot, and it shall be the duty
of such judges to grant and protect them in such position.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-11
(10 ILCS 5/6-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-11)
Sec. 6-11. The returns must be canvassed in the same
manner as any other referendum held in the municipality.
(Source: P.A. 94-647, eff. 1-1-06.)
10 ILCS 5/6-12
(10 ILCS 5/6-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-12)
Sec. 6-12.
No judge of election shall knowingly open, change, tear,
mutilate, lose or conceal or knowingly cause or permit to be opened,
changed, torn, mutilated, lost or concealed any return of votes cast for or
against this Article 6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this Act, or any tally
sheet of votes so cast for or against such proposition after the same has
been sealed up and delivered to him to be carried and delivered to the
officer of law required by this act to receive the same.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/6-13
(10 ILCS 5/6-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-13)
Sec. 6-13.
No officer having possession of such returns, tallies or
ballots, shall steal, counsel or assist in stealing, or shall change or
mutilate any return or tally sheet relating to such election.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2532.)
10 ILCS 5/6-15
(10 ILCS 5/6-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-15)
Sec. 6-15.
Any village or incorporated town in this state may adopt this
article 6 and articles 14 and 18 of this Act, in like manner, and the
same shall be submitted to a vote of the people of the said village or
incorporated town, upon written application to said court, of 150 electors
in such village or incorporated town.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3481.)
10 ILCS 5/6-16
(10 ILCS 5/6-16) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-16)
Sec. 6-16.
After and from the time of the adoption of this Article and
Articles 14 and 18 of this Act, as aforesaid, the provisions of the said
Articles shall be applicable to such cities, villages or incorporated
towns, together with such other sections of this Act which are made
specifically applicable thereto, and all laws in conflict therewith shall
no longer be applicable to such cities, villages or incorporated towns. But
all laws or parts of laws not inconsistent with the provisions of said
Articles and sections shall continue in force and be applicable to any such
city, village or incorporated town, the same as if said Articles and
sections had not been adopted.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-17
(10 ILCS 5/6-17) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-17)
Sec. 6-17.
Whenever 1,000 of the legal voters in a city of 250,000
population or less where this Article 6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this
Act or the Act of which they are a continuation have been adopted shall
petition the circuit court in the county in which such city is located to
submit to a vote of the electors of such city the proposition as to whether
such city and the electors thereof shall reject the Articles,
the court shall enter an order of record approving such petition and
thereupon the court
shall submit such proposition to the legal voters of such city at the next
succeeding general, state, county or municipal election to be held in such
county in not less than 30 days after the entry of such order. If 1,000
shall exceed one-eighth of the legal voters of any such city then such petition
need not be signed or made by more than one-eighth of
the legal voters of such city. Notice of election shall be given by the
court at least 20 days prior to such election by
publication in one or more newspapers of general circulation published
within such city.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
10 ILCS 5/6-18
(10 ILCS 5/6-18) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-18)
Sec. 6-18.
The ballots which shall be used for voting on the rejection of
this Act shall be written or printed in the following form:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shall the city Yes election law be - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
rejected? No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The ballots to be used at such election shall be printed by the officers
charged by law with the duty of printing ballots for general elections in
said city. The ballots so cast shall be received, returned and canvassed in
the same manner and by the same officers as is provided by law in the case
of ballots cast for city officers and any contest of the result of such
election shall be tried as nearly as may be in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1 .)
10 ILCS 5/6-19
(10 ILCS 5/6-19) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-19)
Sec. 6-19.
The election officials canvassing returns shall cause a
statement of the result of such election on the rejection of this Article 6
and Articles 14 and 18 of this Act to be certified to the court. If a
majority of the total votes cast at such election is in the affirmative,
the court shall enter an order declaring said Articles rejected and shall
file a copy of the order in the office of the Secretary of State. Thereupon
said Articles shall cease to be operative and binding in such city.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3481.)
10 ILCS 5/6-19.1
(10 ILCS 5/6-19.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-19.1; formerly Ch. 46, par. 701)
Sec. 6-19.1.
Validation of rejection.
When, prior to February 13, 1967, in
any city with a population of 100,000 or less, a majority of the legal voters
voting on the proposition of whether the city election law shall be rejected,
as provided in Section 6-18, have voted in favor of the rejection of the city
election law and the election is in other respects in conformity with law, the
publication of the election notice is declared to be legal and valid and the
election is validated, notwithstanding that the publication was only 12 days
prior to the election by publication in one or more newspapers of general
circulation published within the city.
(Source: P.A. 87-1052.)
10 ILCS 5/6-19.5 (10 ILCS 5/6-19.5) Sec. 6-19.5. Rejection of Article by superseding county board of election commissioners. In addition to any other method of rejection provided in this Article, when a county board of election commissioners is established in accordance with subsection (c) of Section 6A-1 in a county in which is located any portion of a municipality with a municipal board of election commissioners, the application of the provisions of this Article to the territory of that municipality located within that county is rejected.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13.) |
10 ILCS 5/6-20
(10 ILCS 5/6-20) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-20)
Sec. 6-20.
Any village or incorporated town in this State having adopted
this Article 6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this Act may reject them in the
same manner as provided in the case of cities upon written application to
the circuit court in which such village or incorporated town is located of
150 electors in such village or incorporated town.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3481.)
10 ILCS 5/6-21
(10 ILCS 5/6-21) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-21)
Sec. 6-21.
In every city, village and incorporated town so adopting
this Article 6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this Act there shall be created
a board of election commissioners, which shall be composed of 3 members,
each of whom shall be designated as an election commissioner, and shall
be appointed by the circuit court in the county in which such city,
village or incorporated town shall be located. Each person appointed as
an election commissioner shall at the time of such appointment have been
a resident of the State of Illinois for the 2 years last past, except that
the appointing court may waive the 2 year residence requirement for good
cause shown and entered of record.
And such appointment
shall be entered of record in such court, and when qualified such
commissioner shall be an officer of such court. The first appointment of
such commissioners shall be within 60 days after the adoption of said
Articles, and those first appointed shall hold their offices for the
period of 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively, and the judge appointing them
shall designate the term for which each one shall hold his office,
whether for 1, 2 or 3 years. If the office of either commissioner shall
become vacant, it shall thereupon be the duty of such court to appoint
within 60 days a
successor for such unexpired term; within 60 days after the expiration
of the term for
which each commissioner is appointed such court shall, in the same way,
nominate and appoint a successor, who shall hold his office for the
period of 3 years, and until his successor is appointed.
A board of election commissioners is not a unit of local government
within the meaning of Section 8 of Article VII of the Constitution of
1970. Appointments of election commissioners on and after July 1, 1971,
shall continue to be made by the circuit court in the same manner as
before that date.
(Source: P.A. 82-1014.)
10 ILCS 5/6-22
(10 ILCS 5/6-22) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-22)
Sec. 6-22.
Two of such commissioners at least shall always
be selected from the 2 leading political parties of the state,
one from each of such parties, and all shall be legal voters
residing in such city, village or incorporated town, and be
persons of well known political convictions and of approved
integrity and capacity. No commissioner can hold any other
political office. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of
the court that one of the leading political parties of the
state is not represented upon such commission by a person of
the same political faith, the court shall at once remove one
of such commissioners and fill the vacancy with a member of
the leading political party not so represented.
(Source: P.A. 80-656.)
10 ILCS 5/6-23
(10 ILCS 5/6-23) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-23)
Sec. 6-23.
Such court may at any time, upon complaint made and cause shown
satisfactory to it, after notice to such commissioner and an opportunity to
be heard, remove any such commissioner and enter of record in the court
such order of removal. Such order may be appealed as in other civil cases.
Such complaint must be signed and sworn to by at least 25 legal voters of
such city, village or incorporated town, and must state the grounds of such
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3840.)
10 ILCS 5/6-24
(10 ILCS 5/6-24) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-24)
Sec. 6-24.
Within 20 days after such first appointment shall be
made, such commissioners shall organize as a board by electing one of
their number as chair and one as secretary, and they shall perform
the duties incident to such offices. And upon every new appointment of
a commissioner, such board shall reorganize in like manner. Each
commissioner, before taking his seat in such board, shall take an oath
of office before the court, which in substance shall be in the following
"I, .... do solemnly swear, (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the
United States, and have resided in the State of
Illinois for a period of 2 years last past, and that I am a legal
voter and resident of the jurisdiction of the .......... Board of Election
Commissioners. That I will support the Constitution of
the United States and of the State of Illinois, and the laws passed in
pursuance thereof, to the best of my ability, and will faithfully and
honestly discharge the duties of the office of election commissioner."
Where the 2 year residence requirement is waived by the appointing court,
the provision pertaining to the 2 year residence requirement shall be omitted
from the oath of office.
Which oath, when subscribed and sworn to before such court shall be
filed in the office of the county clerk of said county and be there
preserved. Such commissioner shall also, before taking such oath, give
an official bond in the sum of $10,000.00 with two securities, to be
approved by said court, conditioned for the faithful and honest
performance of his duties and the preservation of the property of his
office. Such board of commissioners shall at once secure and open an
office sufficient for the purposes of such board, which shall be kept
open during ordinary business hours of each week day and such other days
and such other times as the board may direct or as otherwise required by
law, legal holidays excepted; provided that such office shall be
kept open from the time of opening the polls on the day of any election,
primary or general, and until all returns of that election have been
received from each precinct under the jurisdiction of such Board. Upon
the opening of such office the county clerk of the county in which such
city, village or incorporated town is situated shall, upon demand, turn
over to such board all registry books, registration record cards, poll
books, tally sheets and ballot boxes heretofore used and all other
books, forms, blanks and stationery of every description in his hands in
any way relating to elections or the holding of elections within such
city, village or incorporated town.
(Source: P.A. 100-1027, eff. 1-1-19 .)
10 ILCS 5/6-25
(10 ILCS 5/6-25) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-25)
Sec. 6-25.
Said board shall have the right to employ an executive director
who shall have charge of the office of said board and who shall be present and
in attendance at all proper business hours. Such executive director shall take
an oath of office before the court to the effect that he will honestly and
faithfully perform all the duties of such office, under the direction of said
board, which shall be preserved in the same way, and he shall be under the
direction of said board, and he shall have the right to administer all oaths
required under this act to be administered by either of said commissioners.
The board shall have the right to employ an independent external auditor who
shall assist the board and the circuit court in reviewing and approving all
financial expenditures of the board. The board may employ an attorney who
shall advise and represent such board in all cases where the advice or services
of an attorney are necessary. Such additional assistance may be employed by
said board from time to time, as may be necessary, with the consent and
approval previously entered of record by said court or which may afterwards be
approved by such court.
(Source: P.A. 87-1052.)
10 ILCS 5/6-26
(10 ILCS 5/6-26) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-26)
Sec. 6-26.
The board of election commissioners shall make all necessary
rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Article 6 and Articles 14
and 18 of this Act, with reference to the registration of voters and the
conduct of elections. The board of election commissioners shall, except as
otherwise provided in this Section, have charge of and make provisions for
all elections, general, special, local, municipal, state and county, and
all others of every description to be held in such city or any part
thereof, at any time, or in such village or incorporated town, as the case
may be. The board of election commissioners shall not have charge of
elections for local school councils established pursuant to Article 34 of
The School Code.
(Source: P.A. 84-923; 87-454.)
10 ILCS 5/6-27
(10 ILCS 5/6-27) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-27)
Sec. 6-27.
Every person having resided in the State and in election
precinct 30 days next preceding any election therein and who shall be a
citizen of the United States of the age of 18 or more years, shall be
entitled to vote at such elections described in the last preceding
After the first registration provided by this Article, the vote of no
person, other than an elector voting pursuant to Article 20 of this Act
or exempt under Section 6-67.01 or 6-67.02 of this Article from
registration, shall be received in any election conducted under the
provisions of this Article 6 or Articles 14 and 18 of this Act unless
such person has registered under the provisions of this Article in the
precinct in which such person resides. For the purposes of this
Article, the word "election" shall include primary.
No person shall be entitled to be registered in or from any precinct
unless such person shall, by the date of the election next following,
have resided in the State and within the precinct for 30 days, and be
otherwise qualified to vote at such election. Every applicant who shall
be 18 years of age on the day of the next election shall be permitted to
register, if otherwise qualified.
To constitute residence under this Act, Article 3 is controlling.
(Source: P.A. 81-953.)
10 ILCS 5/6-28
(10 ILCS 5/6-28) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-28)
Sec. 6-28.
The first registration under this Article shall be that
preceding the election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November, 1936. Registration for such election shall be conducted
by the Board of Election Commissioners, shall be either at the office of
such Board or in the precinct, as hereinafter provided in this Article, and
shall be upon registration record cards in the manner provided by this
Article. Such first registration under this Article and subsequent
revisions thereof shall be under the full charge and control of the Board
of Election Commissioners, and the expenses thereof shall be paid in the
manner provided by this Article. It shall be the duty of such board to give
timely notice through the press of the time and place of such first
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-29
(10 ILCS 5/6-29) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-29)
Sec. 6-29.
For the purpose of registering voters under this Article,
the office of the Board of Election Commissioners shall be open during
ordinary business hours of each week day, from 9 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon
on the last four Saturdays immediately preceding the end of the period
of registration preceding each election, and such other days and such
other times as the board may direct. During the 27 days immediately
preceding any election there shall be no registration of voters at the
office of the Board of Election Commissioners in cities, villages and
incorporated towns of fewer than 200,000 inhabitants. In cities,
villages and incorporated towns of 200,000 or more inhabitants, there
shall be no registration of voters at the office of the Board of
Election Commissioners during the 35 days immediately preceding any
election; provided, however, where no precinct registration is being
conducted prior to any election then registration may be taken in the
office of the Board up to and including the 28th day prior to such
election. The Board of Election Commissioners may set up and establish
as many branch offices for the purpose of taking registrations as it may
deem necessary, and the branch offices may be open on any or all dates
and hours during which registrations may be taken in the main office.
All officers and employees of the Board of Election Commissioners who
are authorized by such board to take registrations under this Article
shall be considered officers of the circuit court, and shall be subject
to the same control as is provided by Section 14-5 of this Act with
respect to judges of election.
In any election called for the submission of the revision or
alteration of, or the amendments to the Constitution, submitted by a
Constitutional Convention, the final day for registration at the office
of the election authority charged with the printing of the ballot of
this election shall be the 15th day prior to the date of election.
The Board of Election Commissioners shall appoint one or more
registration teams, consisting of 2 of its employees for each team, for
the purpose of accepting the registration of any voter who files an
affidavit, within the period for taking registrations provided for in
this Article, that he is physically unable to appear at the office of
the Board or at any appointed place of registration. On the day or days
when a precinct registration is being conducted such teams shall consist
of one member from each of the 2 leading political parties who are
serving on the Precinct Registration Board. Each team so designated
shall visit each person with a disability and shall accept the registration of
such person the same as if he had applied for registration in person.
Any otherwise qualified person who is absent from his county of
residence due to business of the United States, or who is temporarily residing
outside the territorial limits of the United
States, may make application to become registered by mail to the Board
of Election Commissioners within the periods for registration provided
for in this Article or by simultaneous application for registration by mail
and vote by mail ballot as provided in Article 20 of this Code.
Upon receipt of such application the Board of Election Commissioners
shall immediately mail an affidavit of registration in duplicate, which
affidavit shall contain the following and such other information as the
State Board of Elections may think it proper to require for the
identification of the applicant:
Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or
Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such
middle name, if any.
Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue or other
location of the dwelling, and such additional clear and definite
description as may be necessary to determine the exact location of the
dwelling of the applicant. Where the location cannot be determined by
street and number, then the section, congressional township and range
number may be used, or such other information as may be necessary,
including post office mailing address.
Electronic mail address, if the registrant has provided this information. Term of residence in the State of Illinois and the precinct.
Nativity. The state or country in which the applicant was born.
Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized.
If naturalized, the court, place and date of naturalization.
Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.
Out of State address of ..................
State of .........) ) ss. County of ........)
I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States;
that on the day of the next election I shall have resided in the State
of Illinois and in the election precinct 30 days; that I am fully
qualified to vote, that I am not registered to vote anywhere else in the
United States, that I intend to remain a resident of the State of
Illinois, and of the election precinct, that I intend to return to the State
of Illinois, and that the
above statements are true.
(His or her signature or mark)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, an officer qualified to administer
oaths, on (insert date).
Signature of officer administering oath.
Upon receipt of the executed duplicate affidavit of Registration, the
Board of Election Commissioners shall transfer the information contained
thereon to duplicate Registration Cards provided for in Section 6-35 of
this Article and shall attach thereto a copy of each of the duplicate
affidavit of registration and thereafter such registration card and
affidavit shall constitute the registration of such person the same as
if he had applied for registration in person.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 10-1-13; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
10 ILCS 5/6-30
(10 ILCS 5/6-30) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-30)
Sec. 6-30.
If any city, village or incorporated town adopts and becomes
entitled to the benefits of this Article 6 and Articles 14 and 18 of this
Act, after the date for the first registration hereunder, registration
therein shall be governed by the law applicable thereto at the time of the
adoption of said Articles until a complete first registration can be had.
Such first registration shall be in the manner provided in this Article and
shall precede the primary held for the nomination of candidates for the
next succeeding congressional election, and the periods provided for each
step in such registration shall be the same as are provided by this Article
6 with respect to cities, villages and incorporated towns subject to this
Article at the time when it takes effect. A period for registration at the
office of the board of election commissioners prior to such election shall
be allowed equal to that provided by this Article, for the period
intervening between the first Tuesday in August, 1936 and the first Tuesday
after the first Monday in November, 1936.
(Source: Laws 1943, vol. 2, p. 1.)
10 ILCS 5/6-31
(10 ILCS 5/6-31) (from Ch. 46, par. 6-31)
Sec. 6-31.
In addition to the registration authorized at the office of the
Board of Election Commissioners, there shall be two days of registration in
each precinct preceding the election to be held on the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in November, 1936. The place of registration in each
precinct shall be designated by the Board of Election Commissioners, and
public notice thereof given, and the provisions of Article 11, Section 11-4
of this Act shall apply thereto. The registration places so designated
shall be open from 8:00 o'clock a.m. until 9:00 o'clock p.m. on each of
such days of registration.
The first of said two days of registration shall be on Saturday
preceding the Tuesday four weeks before said election; the second of said
two days of registration shall be on Tuesday three weeks preceding said
election; provided, however, that in cities, villages and incorporated
towns of 200,000 or more, having a board of election commissioners, and in
cities, villages and incorporated towns within the jurisdiction of said
board of election commissioners, the first day of registration shall be on
Saturday preceding the Tuesday six weeks preceding said election; and the
second day of such registration shall be on Tuesday four weeks preceding
said election.
In addition to the two days of registration hereinabove provided, the
Board of Election Commissioners may provide for additional days of
registration (not exceeding two) before said election. The last day so
designated shall be earlier than the last day of registration hereinabove