Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(705 ILCS 405/) Juvenile Court Act of 1987.

705 ILCS 405/5-810

    (705 ILCS 405/5-810)
    Sec. 5-810. Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecutions.
    (1)(a) If the State's Attorney files a petition, at any time prior to commencement of the minor's trial, to designate the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution and the petition alleges the commission by a minor 13 years of age or older of any offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, and, if the juvenile judge assigned to hear and determine petitions to designate the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution determines that there is probable cause to believe that the allegations in the petition and motion are true, there is a rebuttable presumption that the proceeding shall be designated as an extended jurisdiction juvenile proceeding.
    (b) The judge shall enter an order designating the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction juvenile proceeding unless the judge makes a finding based on clear and convincing evidence that sentencing under Chapter V of the Unified Code of Corrections would not be appropriate for the minor based on an evaluation of the following factors:
        (i) the age of the minor;
        (ii) the history of the minor, including:
            (A) any previous delinquent or criminal history
of the minor,
            (B) any previous abuse or neglect history of the
            (C) any mental health, physical and/or
educational history of the minor, and
            (D) any involvement of the minor in the child
welfare system;
        (iii) the circumstances of the offense, including:
            (A) the seriousness of the offense,
            (B) whether the minor is charged through
            (C) whether there is evidence the offense was
committed in an aggressive and premeditated manner,
            (D) whether there is evidence the offense caused
serious bodily harm,
            (E) whether there is evidence the minor possessed
a deadly weapon,
            (F) whether there is evidence the minor was
subjected to outside pressure, including peer pressure, familial pressure, or negative influences, and
            (G) the minor's degree of participation and
specific role in the offense;
        (iv) the advantages of treatment within the juvenile
justice system including whether there are facilities or programs, or both, particularly available in the juvenile system;
        (v) whether the security of the public requires
sentencing under Chapter V of the Unified Code of Corrections:
            (A) the minor's history of services, including
the minor's willingness to participate meaningfully in available services;
            (B) whether there is a reasonable likelihood that
the minor can be rehabilitated before the expiration of the juvenile court's jurisdiction;
            (C) the adequacy of the punishment or services.
    In considering these factors, the court shall give greater weight to the seriousness of the alleged offense, and the minor's prior record of delinquency than to other factors listed in this subsection.
    (2) Procedures for extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecutions. The State's Attorney may file a written motion for a proceeding to be designated as an extended juvenile jurisdiction prior to commencement of trial. Notice of the motion shall be in compliance with Section 5-530. When the State's Attorney files a written motion that a proceeding be designated an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, the court shall commence a hearing within 30 days of the filing of the motion for designation, unless good cause is shown by the prosecution or the minor as to why the hearing could not be held within this time period. If the court finds good cause has been demonstrated, then the hearing shall be held within 60 days of the filing of the motion. The hearings shall be open to the public unless the judge finds that the hearing should be closed for the protection of any party, victim or witness. If the Juvenile Judge assigned to hear and determine a motion to designate an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution determines that there is probable cause to believe that the allegations in the petition and motion are true the court shall grant the motion for designation. Information used by the court in its findings or stated in or offered in connection with this Section may be by way of proffer based on reliable information offered by the State or the minor. All evidence shall be admissible if it is relevant and reliable regardless of whether it would be admissible under the rules of evidence.
    (3) Trial. A minor who is subject of an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution has the right to trial by jury. Any trial under this Section shall be open to the public.
    (4) Sentencing. If an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution under subsection (1) results in a guilty plea, a verdict of guilty, or a finding of guilt, the court shall impose the following:
        (i) one or more juvenile sentences under Section
5-710; and
        (ii) an adult criminal sentence in accordance with
the provisions of Section 5-4.5-105 of the Unified Code of Corrections, the execution of which shall be stayed on the condition that the offender not violate the provisions of the juvenile sentence.
Any sentencing hearing under this Section shall be open to the public.
    (5) If, after an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution trial, a minor is convicted of a lesser-included offense or of an offense that the State's Attorney did not designate as an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, the State's Attorney may file a written motion, within 10 days of the finding of guilt, that the minor be sentenced as an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution offender. The court shall rule on this motion using the factors found in paragraph (1)(b) of Section 5-805. If the court denies the State's Attorney's motion for sentencing under the extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution provision, the court shall proceed to sentence the minor under Section 5-710.
    (6) When it appears that a minor convicted in an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution under subsection (1) has violated the conditions of the minor's sentence, or is alleged to have committed a new offense upon the filing of a petition to revoke the stay, the court may, without notice, issue a warrant for the arrest of the minor. After a hearing, if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the minor committed a new offense, the court shall order execution of the previously imposed adult criminal sentence. After a hearing, if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the minor committed a violation of the minor's sentence other than by a new offense, the court may order execution of the previously imposed adult criminal sentence or may continue the minor on the existing juvenile sentence with or without modifying or enlarging the conditions. Upon revocation of the stay of the adult criminal sentence and imposition of that sentence, the minor's extended jurisdiction juvenile status shall be terminated. The on-going jurisdiction over the minor's case shall be assumed by the adult criminal court and juvenile court jurisdiction shall be terminated and a report of the imposition of the adult sentence shall be sent to the Illinois State Police.
    (7) Upon successful completion of the juvenile sentence the court shall vacate the adult criminal sentence.
    (8) Nothing in this Section precludes the State from filing a motion for transfer under Section 5-805.
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23; 103-191, eff. 1-1-24; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

705 ILCS 405/5-815

    (705 ILCS 405/5-815)
    Sec. 5-815. Habitual Juvenile Offender.
    (a) Definition. Any minor having been twice adjudicated a delinquent minor for offenses which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have been felonies under the laws of this State, and who is thereafter adjudicated a delinquent minor for a third time shall be adjudged an Habitual Juvenile Offender where:
        1. the third adjudication is for an offense occurring
after adjudication on the second; and
        2. the second adjudication was for an offense
occurring after adjudication on the first; and
        3. the third offense occurred after January 1, 1980;
        4. the third offense was based upon the commission of
or attempted commission of the following offenses: first degree murder, second degree murder or involuntary manslaughter; criminal sexual assault or aggravated criminal sexual assault; aggravated or heinous battery involving permanent disability or disfigurement or great bodily harm to the victim; burglary of a home or other residence intended for use as a temporary or permanent dwelling place for human beings; home invasion; robbery or armed robbery; or aggravated arson.
    Nothing in this Section shall preclude the State's Attorney from seeking to prosecute a minor as an adult as an alternative to prosecution as a habitual juvenile offender.
    A continuance under supervision authorized by Section 5-615 of this Act shall not be permitted under this Section.
    (b) Notice to minor. The State shall serve upon the minor written notice of intention to prosecute under the provisions of this Section within 5 judicial days of the filing of any delinquency petition, adjudication upon which would mandate the minor's disposition as a Habitual Juvenile Offender.
    (c) Petition; service. A notice to seek adjudication as a Habitual Juvenile Offender shall be filed only by the State's Attorney.
    The petition upon which such Habitual Juvenile Offender notice is based shall contain the information and averments required for all other delinquency petitions filed under this Act and its service shall be according to the provisions of this Act.
    No prior adjudication shall be alleged in the petition.
    (d) Trial. Trial on such petition shall be by jury unless the minor demands, in open court and with advice of counsel, a trial by the court without jury.
    Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of this Act concerning delinquency proceedings generally shall be applicable to Habitual Juvenile Offender proceedings.
    (e) Proof of prior adjudications. No evidence or other disclosure of prior adjudications shall be presented to the court or jury during any adjudicatory hearing provided for under this Section unless otherwise permitted by the issues properly raised in such hearing. In the event the minor who is the subject of these proceedings elects to testify on the minor's behalf, it shall be competent to introduce evidence, for purposes of impeachment, that the minor has previously been adjudicated a delinquent minor upon facts which, had the minor been tried as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement. Introduction of such evidence shall be according to the rules and procedures applicable to the impeachment of an adult defendant by prior conviction.
    After an admission of the facts in the petition or adjudication of delinquency, the State's Attorney may file with the court a verified written statement signed by the State's Attorney concerning any prior adjudication of an offense set forth in subsection (a) of this Section which offense would have been a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement had the minor been tried as an adult.
    The court shall then cause the minor to be brought before it; shall inform the minor of the allegations of the statement so filed, and of the minor's right to a hearing before the court on the issue of such prior adjudication and of the minor's right to counsel at such hearing; and unless the minor admits such adjudication, the court shall hear and determine such issue, and shall make a written finding thereon.
    A duly authenticated copy of the record of any such alleged prior adjudication shall be prima facie evidence of such prior adjudication or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement.
    Any claim that a previous adjudication offered by the State's Attorney is not a former adjudication of an offense which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement, is waived unless duly raised at the hearing on such adjudication, or unless the State's Attorney's proof shows that such prior adjudication was not based upon proof of what would have been a felony.
    (f) Disposition. If the court finds that the prerequisites established in subsection (a) of this Section have been proven, it shall adjudicate the minor a Habitual Juvenile Offender and commit the minor to the Department of Juvenile Justice for a period of time as provided in subsection (3) of Section 5-750, subject to the target release date provisions as provided in subsection (c) of Section 3-2.5-85 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
(Source: P.A. 102-350, eff. 8-13-21; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-820

    (705 ILCS 405/5-820)
    Sec. 5-820. Violent Juvenile Offender.
    (a) Definition. A minor having been previously adjudicated a delinquent minor for an offense which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have been a Class 2 or greater felony involving the use or threat of physical force or violence against an individual or a Class 2 or greater felony for which an element of the offense is possession or use of a firearm, and who is thereafter adjudicated a delinquent minor for a second time for any of those offenses shall be adjudicated a Violent Juvenile Offender if:
        (1) The second adjudication is for an offense
occurring after adjudication on the first; and
        (2) The second offense occurred on or after January
1, 1995.
    (b) Notice to minor. The State shall serve upon the minor written notice of intention to prosecute under the provisions of this Section within 5 judicial days of the filing of a delinquency petition, adjudication upon which would mandate the minor's disposition as a Violent Juvenile Offender.
    (c) Petition; service. A notice to seek adjudication as a Violent Juvenile Offender shall be filed only by the State's Attorney.
    The petition upon which the Violent Juvenile Offender notice is based shall contain the information and averments required for all other delinquency petitions filed under this Act and its service shall be according to the provisions of this Act.
    No prior adjudication shall be alleged in the petition.
    (d) Trial. Trial on the petition shall be by jury unless the minor demands, in open court and with advice of counsel, a trial by the court without a jury.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the provisions of this Act concerning delinquency proceedings generally shall be applicable to Violent Juvenile Offender proceedings.
    (e) Proof of prior adjudications. No evidence or other disclosure of prior adjudications shall be presented to the court or jury during an adjudicatory hearing provided for under this Section unless otherwise permitted by the issues properly raised in that hearing. In the event the minor who is the subject of these proceedings elects to testify on the minor's behalf, it shall be competent to introduce evidence, for purposes of impeachment, that the minor has previously been adjudicated a delinquent minor upon facts which, had the minor been tried as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement. Introduction of such evidence shall be according to the rules and procedures applicable to the impeachment of an adult defendant by prior conviction.
    After an admission of the facts in the petition or adjudication of delinquency, the State's Attorney may file with the court a verified written statement signed by the State's Attorney concerning any prior adjudication of an offense set forth in subsection (a) of this Section that would have been a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement had the minor been tried as an adult.
    The court shall then cause the minor to be brought before it; shall inform the minor of the allegations of the statement so filed, of the minor's right to a hearing before the court on the issue of the prior adjudication and of the minor's right to counsel at the hearing; and unless the minor admits the adjudication, the court shall hear and determine the issue, and shall make a written finding of the issue.
    A duly authenticated copy of the record of any alleged prior adjudication shall be prima facie evidence of the prior adjudication or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement.
    Any claim that a previous adjudication offered by the State's Attorney is not a former adjudication of an offense which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a Class 2 or greater felony involving the use or threat of force or violence, or a firearm, a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement is waived unless duly raised at the hearing on the adjudication, or unless the State's Attorney's proof shows that the prior adjudication was not based upon proof of what would have been a felony.
    (f) Disposition. If the court finds that the prerequisites established in subsection (a) of this Section have been proven, it shall adjudicate the minor a Violent Juvenile Offender and commit the minor to the Department of Juvenile Justice for a period of time as provided in subsection (3) of Section 5-750, subject to the target release date provisions in subsection (c) of Section 3-2.5-85 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
    (g) Nothing in this Section shall preclude the State's Attorney from seeking to prosecute a minor as a habitual juvenile offender or as an adult as an alternative to prosecution as a Violent Juvenile Offender.
    (h) A continuance under supervision authorized by Section 5-615 of this Act shall not be permitted under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-350, eff. 8-13-21; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-821

    (705 ILCS 405/5-821)
    Sec. 5-821. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 94-574, eff. 8-12-05. Repealed by P.A. 99-258, eff. 1-1-16.)

705 ILCS 405/5-822

    (705 ILCS 405/5-822)
    Sec. 5-822. Data collection. On the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly:
        (1) The Clerk of the Circuit Court of every county in
this State, shall track the filing, processing, and disposition of all cases:
            (a) initiated in criminal court under Section
5-130 of this Act;
            (b) in which a motion to transfer was filed by
the State under Section 5-805 of this Act;
            (c) in which a motion for extended jurisdiction
was filed by the State under Section 5-810 of this Act;
            (d) in which a designation is sought of a
Habitual Juvenile Offender under Section 5-815 of this Act; and
            (e) in which a designation is sought of a Violent
Juvenile Offender under Section 5-820 of this Act.
        (2) For each category of case listed in subsection
(1), the clerk shall collect the following:
            (a) age of the defendant and of the victim or
victims at the time of offense;
            (b) race and ethnicity of the defendant and the
victim or victims;
            (c) gender of the defendant and the victim or
            (d) the offense or offenses charged;
            (e) date filed and the date of final disposition;
            (f) the final disposition;
            (g) for those cases resulting in a finding or
plea of guilty:
                (i) charge or charges for which they are
                (ii) sentence for each charge;
            (h) for cases under paragraph (c) of subsection
(1), the clerk shall report if the adult sentence is applied due to non-compliance with the juvenile sentence.
        (3) On January 15 and June 15 of each year beginning
6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, the Clerk of each county shall submit a report outlining all of the information from subsection (2) to the General Assembly and the county board of the clerk's respective county.
        (4) No later than 2 months after the effective date
of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, the standards, confidentiality protocols, format, and data depository for the semi-annual reports described in this Section shall be identified by the State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and distributed to the General Assembly, county boards, and county clerks' offices.
(Source: P.A. 99-258, eff. 1-1-16.)

705 ILCS 405/Art. V Pt. 9

    (705 ILCS 405/Art. V Pt. 9 heading)

705 ILCS 405/5-901

    (705 ILCS 405/5-901)
    Sec. 5-901. Court file.
    (1) The court file with respect to proceedings under this Article shall consist of the petitions, pleadings, victim impact statements, process, service of process, orders, writs and docket entries reflecting hearings held and judgments and decrees entered by the court. The court file shall be kept separate from other records of the court.
        (a) The file, including information identifying the
victim or alleged victim of any sex offense, shall be disclosed only to the following parties when necessary for discharge of their official duties:
            (i) A judge of the circuit court and members of
the staff of the court designated by the judge;
            (ii) Parties to the proceedings and their
            (iii) Victims and their attorneys, except in
cases of multiple victims of sex offenses in which case the information identifying the nonrequesting victims shall be redacted;
            (iv) Probation officers, law enforcement officers
or prosecutors or their staff;
            (v) Adult and juvenile Prisoner Review Boards.
        (b) The Court file redacted to remove any information
identifying the victim or alleged victim of any sex offense shall be disclosed only to the following parties when necessary for discharge of their official duties:
            (i) Authorized military personnel;
            (ii) Persons engaged in bona fide research, with
the permission of the judge of the juvenile court and the chief executive of the agency that prepared the particular recording: provided that publication of such research results in no disclosure of a minor's identity and protects the confidentiality of the record;
            (iii) The Secretary of State to whom the Clerk of
the Court shall report the disposition of all cases, as required in Section 6-204 or Section 6-205.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. However, information reported relative to these offenses shall be privileged and available only to the Secretary of State, courts, and police officers;
            (iv) The administrator of a bonafide substance
abuse student assistance program with the permission of the presiding judge of the juvenile court;
            (v) Any individual, or any public or private
agency or institution, having custody of the juvenile under court order or providing educational, medical or mental health services to the juvenile or a court-approved advocate for the juvenile or any placement provider or potential placement provider as determined by the court.
    (2) (Reserved).
    (3) A minor who is the victim or alleged victim in a juvenile proceeding shall be provided the same confidentiality regarding disclosure of identity as the minor who is the subject of record. Information identifying victims and alleged victims of sex offenses, shall not be disclosed or open to public inspection under any circumstances. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the victim or alleged victim of any sex offense from voluntarily disclosing this identity.
    (4) Relevant information, reports and records shall be made available to the Department of Juvenile Justice when a juvenile offender has been placed in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.
    (4.5) Relevant information, reports and records, held by the Department of Juvenile Justice, including social investigation, psychological and medical records, of any juvenile offender, shall be made available to any county juvenile detention facility upon written request by the Superintendent or Director of that juvenile detention facility, to the Chief Records Officer of the Department of Juvenile Justice where the subject youth is or was in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice and is subsequently ordered to be held in a county juvenile detention facility.
    (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (5), juvenile court records shall not be made available to the general public but may be inspected by representatives of agencies, associations and news media or other properly interested persons by general or special order of the court. The State's Attorney, the minor, the minor's parents, guardian and counsel shall at all times have the right to examine court files and records.
        (a) The court shall allow the general public to have
access to the name, address, and offense of a minor who is adjudicated a delinquent minor under this Act under either of the following circumstances:
            (i) The adjudication of delinquency was based
upon the minor's commission of first degree murder, attempt to commit first degree murder, aggravated criminal sexual assault, or criminal sexual assault; or
            (ii) The court has made a finding that the minor
was at least 13 years of age at the time the act was committed and the adjudication of delinquency was based upon the minor's commission of: (A) an act in furtherance of the commission of a felony as a member of or on behalf of a criminal street gang, (B) an act involving the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, (C) an act that would be a Class X felony offense under or the minor's second or subsequent Class 2 or greater felony offense under the Cannabis Control Act if committed by an adult, (D) an act that would be a second or subsequent offense under Section 402 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act if committed by an adult, (E) an act that would be an offense under Section 401 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act if committed by an adult, or (F) an act that would be an offense under the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act if committed by an adult.
        (b) The court shall allow the general public to have
access to the name, address, and offense of a minor who is at least 13 years of age at the time the offense is committed and who is convicted, in criminal proceedings permitted or required under Section 5-805, under either of the following circumstances:
            (i) The minor has been convicted of first degree
murder, attempt to commit first degree murder, aggravated criminal sexual assault, or criminal sexual assault,
            (ii) The court has made a finding that the minor
was at least 13 years of age at the time the offense was committed and the conviction was based upon the minor's commission of: (A) an offense in furtherance of the commission of a felony as a member of or on behalf of a criminal street gang, (B) an offense involving the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, (C) a Class X felony offense under the Cannabis Control Act or a second or subsequent Class 2 or greater felony offense under the Cannabis Control Act, (D) a second or subsequent offense under Section 402 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, (E) an offense under Section 401 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, or (F) an offense under the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act.
    (6) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the use of an adjudication of delinquency as evidence in any juvenile or criminal proceeding, where it would otherwise be admissible under the rules of evidence, including, but not limited to, use as impeachment evidence against any witness, including the minor if the minor testifies.
    (7) Nothing in this Section shall affect the right of a Civil Service Commission or appointing authority examining the character and fitness of an applicant for a position as a law enforcement officer to ascertain whether that applicant was ever adjudicated to be a delinquent minor and, if so, to examine the records or evidence which were made in proceedings under this Act.
    (8) Following any adjudication of delinquency for a crime which would be a felony if committed by an adult, or following any adjudication of delinquency for a violation of Section 24-1, 24-3, 24-3.1, or 24-5 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, the State's Attorney shall ascertain whether the minor respondent is enrolled in school and, if so, shall provide a copy of the sentencing order to the principal or chief administrative officer of the school. Access to such juvenile records shall be limited to the principal or chief administrative officer of the school and any school counselor designated by the principal or chief administrative officer.
    (9) Nothing contained in this Act prevents the sharing or disclosure of information or records relating or pertaining to juveniles subject to the provisions of the Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program when that information is used to assist in the early identification and treatment of habitual juvenile offenders.
    (10) (Reserved).
    (11) The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall report to the Illinois State Police, in the form and manner required by the Illinois State Police, the final disposition of each minor who has been arrested or taken into custody before the minor's 18th birthday for those offenses required to be reported under Section 5 of the Criminal Identification Act. Information reported to the Illinois State Police under this Section may be maintained with records that the Illinois State Police files under Section 2.1 of the Criminal Identification Act.
    (12) Information or records may be disclosed to the general public when the court is conducting hearings under Section 5-805 or 5-810.
    (13) The changes made to this Section by Public Act 98-61 apply to juvenile court records of a minor who has been arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-61).
(Source: P.A. 102-197, eff. 7-30-21; 102-320, eff. 8-6-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-905

    (705 ILCS 405/5-905)
    Sec. 5-905. Law enforcement records.
    (1) Law Enforcement Records. Inspection and copying of law enforcement records maintained by law enforcement agencies that relate to a minor who has been investigated, arrested, or taken into custody before the minor's 18th birthday shall be restricted to the following and when necessary for the discharge of their official duties:
        (a) A judge of the circuit court and members of the
staff of the court designated by the judge;
        (b) Law enforcement officers, probation officers or
prosecutors or their staff, or, when necessary for the discharge of its official duties in connection with a particular investigation of the conduct of a law enforcement officer, an independent agency or its staff created by ordinance and charged by a unit of local government with the duty of investigating the conduct of law enforcement officers;
        (c) The minor, the minor's parents or legal guardian
and their attorneys, but only when the juvenile has been charged with an offense;
        (d) Adult and Juvenile Prisoner Review Boards;
        (e) Authorized military personnel;
        (f) Persons engaged in bona fide research, with the
permission of the judge of juvenile court and the chief executive of the agency that prepared the particular recording: provided that publication of such research results in no disclosure of a minor's identity and protects the confidentiality of the record;
        (g) Individuals responsible for supervising or
providing temporary or permanent care and custody of minors pursuant to orders of the juvenile court or directives from officials of the Department of Children and Family Services or the Department of Human Services who certify in writing that the information will not be disclosed to any other party except as provided under law or order of court;
        (h) The appropriate school official only if the
agency or officer believes that there is an imminent threat of physical harm to students, school personnel, or others who are present in the school or on school grounds.
             (A) Inspection and copying shall be limited to
law enforcement records transmitted to the appropriate school official or officials whom the school has determined to have a legitimate educational or safety interest by a local law enforcement agency under a reciprocal reporting system established and maintained between the school district and the local law enforcement agency under Section 10-20.14 of the School Code concerning a minor enrolled in a school within the school district who has been arrested or taken into custody for any of the following offenses:
                (i) any violation of Article 24 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
                (ii) a violation of the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act;
                (iii) a violation of the Cannabis Control
                (iv) a forcible felony as defined in Section
2-8 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
                (v) a violation of the Methamphetamine
Control and Community Protection Act;
                (vi) a violation of Section 1-2 of the
Harassing and Obscene Communications Act;
                (vii) a violation of the Hazing Act; or
                (viii) a violation of Section 12-1, 12-2,
12-3, 12-3.05, 12-3.1, 12-3.2, 12-3.4, 12-3.5, 12-5, 12-7.3, 12-7.4, 12-7.5, 25-1, or 25-5 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012.
            The information derived from the law enforcement
records shall be kept separate from and shall not become a part of the official school record of that child and shall not be a public record. The information shall be used solely by the appropriate school official or officials whom the school has determined to have a legitimate educational or safety interest to aid in the proper rehabilitation of the child and to protect the safety of students and employees in the school. If the designated law enforcement and school officials deem it to be in the best interest of the minor, the student may be referred to in-school or community based social services if those services are available. "Rehabilitation services" may include interventions by school support personnel, evaluation for eligibility for special education, referrals to community-based agencies such as youth services, behavioral healthcare service providers, drug and alcohol prevention or treatment programs, and other interventions as deemed appropriate for the student.
            (B) Any information provided to appropriate
school officials whom the school has determined to have a legitimate educational or safety interest by local law enforcement officials about a minor who is the subject of a current police investigation that is directly related to school safety shall consist of oral information only, and not written law enforcement records, and shall be used solely by the appropriate school official or officials to protect the safety of students and employees in the school and aid in the proper rehabilitation of the child. The information derived orally from the local law enforcement officials shall be kept separate from and shall not become a part of the official school record of the child and shall not be a public record. This limitation on the use of information about a minor who is the subject of a current police investigation shall in no way limit the use of this information by prosecutors in pursuing criminal charges arising out of the information disclosed during a police investigation of the minor. For purposes of this paragraph, "investigation" means an official systematic inquiry by a law enforcement agency into actual or suspected criminal activity;
        (i) The president of a park district. Inspection and
copying shall be limited to law enforcement records transmitted to the president of the park district by the Illinois State Police under Section 8-23 of the Park District Code or Section 16a-5 of the Chicago Park District Act concerning a person who is seeking employment with that park district and who has been adjudicated a juvenile delinquent for any of the offenses listed in subsection (c) of Section 8-23 of the Park District Code or subsection (c) of Section 16a-5 of the Chicago Park District Act.
    (2) Information identifying victims and alleged victims of sex offenses, shall not be disclosed or open to public inspection under any circumstances. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the victim or alleged victim of any sex offense from voluntarily disclosing this identity.
    (2.5) If the minor is a victim of aggravated battery, battery, attempted first degree murder, or other non-sexual violent offense, the identity of the victim may be disclosed to appropriate school officials, for the purpose of preventing foreseeable future violence involving minors, by a local law enforcement agency pursuant to an agreement established between the school district and a local law enforcement agency subject to the approval by the presiding judge of the juvenile court.
    (3) Relevant information, reports and records shall be made available to the Department of Juvenile Justice when a juvenile offender has been placed in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.
    (4) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the inspection or disclosure to victims and witnesses of photographs contained in the records of law enforcement agencies when the inspection or disclosure is conducted in the presence of a law enforcement officer for purposes of identification or apprehension of any person in the course of any criminal investigation or prosecution.
    (5) The records of law enforcement officers, or of an independent agency created by ordinance and charged by a unit of local government with the duty of investigating the conduct of law enforcement officers, concerning all minors under 18 years of age must be maintained separate from the records of adults and may not be open to public inspection or their contents disclosed to the public except by order of the court or when the institution of criminal proceedings has been permitted under Section 5-130 or 5-805 or required under Section 5-130 or 5-805 or such a person has been convicted of a crime and is the subject of pre-sentence investigation or when provided by law.
    (6) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (6), law enforcement officers, and personnel of an independent agency created by ordinance and charged by a unit of local government with the duty of investigating the conduct of law enforcement officers, may not disclose the identity of any minor in releasing information to the general public as to the arrest, investigation or disposition of any case involving a minor. Any victim or parent or legal guardian of a victim may petition the court to disclose the name and address of the minor and the minor's parents or legal guardian, or both. Upon a finding by clear and convincing evidence that the disclosure is either necessary for the victim to pursue a civil remedy against the minor or the minor's parents or legal guardian, or both, or to protect the victim's person or property from the minor, then the court may order the disclosure of the information to the victim or to the parent or legal guardian of the victim only for the purpose of the victim pursuing a civil remedy against the minor or the minor's parents or legal guardian, or both, or to protect the victim's person or property from the minor.
    (7) Nothing contained in this Section shall prohibit law enforcement agencies when acting in their official capacity from communicating with each other by letter, memorandum, teletype or intelligence alert bulletin or other means the identity or other relevant information pertaining to a person under 18 years of age. The information provided under this subsection (7) shall remain confidential and shall not be publicly disclosed, except as otherwise allowed by law.
    (8) No person shall disclose information under this Section except when acting in the person's official capacity and as provided by law or order of court.
    (9) The changes made to this Section by Public Act 98-61 apply to law enforcement records of a minor who has been arrested or taken into custody on or after January 1, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-61).
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-910

    (705 ILCS 405/5-910)
    Sec. 5-910. Social, psychological and medical records.
    (1) The social investigation, psychological and medical records of any juvenile offender shall be privileged and shall not be disclosed except:
        (a) upon the written consent of the former juvenile
or, if the juvenile offender is under 18 years of age, by the parent of the juvenile; or
        (b) upon a determination by the head of the treatment
facility, who has the records, that disclosure to another individual or facility providing treatment to the minor is necessary for the further treatment of the juvenile offender; or
        (c) when any court having jurisdiction of the
juvenile offender orders disclosure; or
        (d) when requested by any attorney representing the
juvenile offender, but the records shall not be further disclosed by the attorney unless approved by the court or presented as admissible evidence; or
        (e) upon a written request of a juvenile probation
officer in regard to an alleged juvenile offender when the information is needed for screening and assessment purposes, for preparation of a social investigation or presentence investigation, or placement decisions; but the records shall not be further disclosed by the probation officer unless approved by the court; or
        (f) when the State's Attorney requests a copy of the
social investigation for use at a sentencing hearing or upon written request of the State's Attorney for psychological or medical records when the minor contests the minor's fitness for trial or relies on an affirmative defense of intoxication or insanity.
    (2) Willful violation of this Section is a Class C misdemeanor.
    (3) Nothing in this Section shall operate to extinguish any rights of a juvenile offender established by attorney-client, physician-patient, psychologist-client or social worker-client privileges except as otherwise provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-915

    (705 ILCS 405/5-915)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-22)
    Sec. 5-915. Expungement of juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records.
    (0.05) (Blank).
    (0.1)(a) The Illinois State Police and all law enforcement agencies within the State shall automatically expunge, on or before January 1 of each year, except as described in paragraph (c) of subsection (0.1), all juvenile law enforcement records relating to events occurring before an individual's 18th birthday if:
        (1) one year or more has elapsed since the date of
the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records;
        (2) no petition for delinquency or criminal charges
were filed with the clerk of the circuit court relating to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records; and
        (3) 6 months have elapsed since the date of the
arrest without an additional subsequent arrest or filing of a petition for delinquency or criminal charges whether related or not to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records.
    (b) If the law enforcement agency is unable to verify satisfaction of conditions (2) and (3) of this subsection (0.1), records that satisfy condition (1) of this subsection (0.1) shall be automatically expunged if the records relate to an offense that if committed by an adult would not be an offense classified as a Class 2 felony or higher, an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or Criminal Code of 2012, or an offense under Section 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
    (c) If the juvenile law enforcement record was received through a public submission to a statewide student confidential reporting system administered by the Illinois State Police, the record will be maintained for a period of 5 years according to all other provisions in subsection (0.1).
    (0.15) If a juvenile law enforcement record meets paragraph (a) of subsection (0.1) of this Section, a juvenile law enforcement record created:
        (1) prior to January 1, 2018, but on or after
January 1, 2013 shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2020;
        (2) prior to January 1, 2013, but on or after January
1, 2000, shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2023; and
        (3) prior to January 1, 2000 shall not be subject to
the automatic expungement provisions of this Act.
    Nothing in this subsection (0.15) shall be construed to restrict or modify an individual's right to have the person's juvenile law enforcement records expunged except as otherwise may be provided in this Act.
    (0.2)(a) Upon dismissal of a petition alleging delinquency or upon a finding of not delinquent, the successful termination of an order of supervision, or the successful termination of an adjudication for an offense which would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult, the court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court records and juvenile law enforcement records. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or the chief law enforcement officer's designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained until the statute of limitations for the felony has run. If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or the chief law enforcement officer's designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed with respect to an internal investigation of any law enforcement office, that information and information identifying the juvenile may be retained within an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or the disciplinary action, including appeals, has been completed, whichever is later. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of a juvenile's record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.3)(a) Upon an adjudication of delinquency based on any offense except a disqualified offense, the juvenile court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court and law enforcement records 2 years after the juvenile's case was closed if no delinquency or criminal proceeding is pending and the person has had no subsequent delinquency adjudication or criminal conviction. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order. In this subsection (0.3), "disqualified offense" means any of the following offenses: Section 8-1.2, 9-1, 9-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-6.5, 12-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.3, 12-4.4a, 12-5.02, 12-6.2, 12-6.5, 12-7.1, 12-7.5, 12-20.5, 12-32, 12-33, 12-34, 12-34.5, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-6, 19-3, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1, 24-1.2, 24-1.2-5, 24-1.5, 24-3A, 24-3B, 24-3.2, 24-3.8, 24-3.9, 29D-14.9, 29D-20, 30-1, 31-1a, 32-4a, or 33A-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012, or subsection (b) of Section 8-1, paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of Section 11-14.4, subsection (a-5) of Section 12-3.1, paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) of Section 12-6, subsection (a-3) or (a-5) of Section 12-7.3, paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Section 12-7.4, subparagraph (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 12-9, subparagraph (H) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1.6, paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 25-1, or subsection (a-7) of Section 31-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or the chief law enforcement officer's designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained in an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or for one additional year, whichever is sooner. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's juvenile law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of a juvenile's record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.4) Automatic expungement for the purposes of this Section shall not require law enforcement agencies to obliterate or otherwise destroy juvenile law enforcement records that would otherwise need to be automatically expunged under this Act, except after 2 years following the subject arrest for purposes of use in civil litigation against a governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel which created, maintained, or used the records. However, these juvenile law enforcement records shall be considered expunged for all other purposes during this period and the offense, which the records or files concern, shall be treated as if it never occurred as required under Section 5-923.
    (0.5) Subsection (0.1) or (0.2) of this Section does not apply to violations of traffic, boating, fish and game laws, or county or municipal ordinances.
    (0.6) Juvenile law enforcement records of a plaintiff who has filed civil litigation against the governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel that created, maintained, or used the records, or juvenile law enforcement records that contain information related to the allegations set forth in the civil litigation may not be expunged until after 2 years have elapsed after the conclusion of the lawsuit, including any appeal.
    (0.7) Officer-worn body camera recordings shall not be automatically expunged except as otherwise authorized by the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act.
    (1) Whenever a person has been arrested, charged, or adjudicated delinquent for an incident occurring before a person's 18th birthday that if committed by an adult would be an offense, and that person's juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3), the person may petition the court at any time for expungement of juvenile law enforcement records and juvenile court records relating to the incident and, upon termination of all juvenile court proceedings relating to that incident, the court shall order the expungement of all records in the possession of the Illinois State Police, the clerk of the circuit court, and law enforcement agencies relating to the incident, but only in any of the following circumstances:
        (a) the minor was arrested and no petition for
delinquency was filed with the clerk of the circuit court;
        (a-5) the minor was charged with an offense and the
petition or petitions were dismissed without a finding of delinquency;
        (b) the minor was charged with an offense and was
found not delinquent of that offense;
        (c) the minor was placed under supervision under
Section 5-615, and the order of supervision has since been successfully terminated; or
        (d) the minor was adjudicated for an offense which
would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult.
    (1.5) The Illinois State Police shall allow a person to use the Access and Review process, established in the Illinois State Police, for verifying that the person's juvenile law enforcement records relating to incidents occurring before the person's 18th birthday eligible under this Act have been expunged.
    (1.6) (Blank).
    (1.7) (Blank).
    (1.8) (Blank).
    (2) Any person whose delinquency adjudications are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.3) of this Section may petition the court to expunge all juvenile law enforcement records relating to any incidents occurring before the person's 18th birthday which did not result in proceedings in criminal court and all juvenile court records with respect to any adjudications except those based upon first degree murder or an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 if the person is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act at the time the person petitions the court for expungement; provided that 2 years have elapsed since all juvenile court proceedings relating to the person have been terminated and the person's commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice under this Act has been terminated.
    (2.5) If a minor is arrested and no petition for delinquency is filed with the clerk of the circuit court at the time the minor is released from custody, the youth officer, if applicable, or other designated person from the arresting agency, shall notify verbally and in writing to the minor or the minor's parents or guardians that the minor shall have an arrest record and shall provide the minor and the minor's parents or guardians with an expungement information packet, information regarding this State's expungement laws including a petition to expunge juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records obtained from the clerk of the circuit court.
    (2.6) If a minor is referred to court, then, at the time of sentencing, dismissal of the case, or successful completion of supervision, the judge shall inform the delinquent minor of the minor's rights regarding expungement and the clerk of the circuit court shall provide an expungement information packet to the minor, written in plain language, including information regarding this State's expungement laws and a petition for expungement, a sample of a completed petition, expungement instructions that shall include information informing the minor that (i) once the case is expunged, it shall be treated as if it never occurred, (ii) the minor may apply to have petition fees waived, (iii) once the minor obtains an expungement, the minor may not be required to disclose that the minor had a juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court record, and (iv) if petitioning the minor may file the petition on the minor's own or with the assistance of an attorney. The failure of the judge to inform the delinquent minor of the minor's right to petition for expungement as provided by law does not create a substantive right, nor is that failure grounds for: (i) a reversal of an adjudication of delinquency; (ii) a new trial; or (iii) an appeal.
    (2.7) (Blank).
    (2.8) (Blank).
    (3) (Blank).
    (3.1) (Blank).
    (3.2) (Blank).
    (3.3) (Blank).
    (4) (Blank).
    (5) (Blank).
    (5.5) Whether or not expunged, records eligible for automatic expungement under subdivision (0.1)(a), (0.2)(a), or (0.3)(a) may be treated as expunged by the individual subject to the records.
    (6) (Blank).
    (6.5) The Illinois State Police or any employee of the Illinois State Police shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for failure to expunge any records of arrest that are subject to expungement under this Section because of inability to verify a record. Nothing in this Section shall create Illinois State Police liability or responsibility for the expungement of juvenile law enforcement records it does not possess.
    (7) (Blank).
    (7.5) (Blank).
    (8) The expungement of juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3) of this Section shall be funded by appropriation by the General Assembly for that purpose.
    (9) (Blank).
    (10) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-752, eff. 1-1-23; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-154)
    Sec. 5-915. Expungement of juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records.
    (0.05) (Blank).
    (0.1)(a) The Illinois State Police and all law enforcement agencies within the State shall automatically expunge, on or before January 1 of each year, except as described in paragraph (c) of subsection (0.1), all juvenile law enforcement records relating to events occurring before an individual's 18th birthday if:
        (1) one year or more has elapsed since the date of
the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records;
        (2) no petition for delinquency or criminal charges
were filed with the clerk of the circuit court relating to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records; and
        (3) 6 months have elapsed since the date of the
arrest without an additional subsequent arrest or filing of a petition for delinquency or criminal charges whether related or not to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records.
    (b) If the law enforcement agency is unable to verify satisfaction of conditions (2) and (3) of this subsection (0.1), records that satisfy condition (1) of this subsection (0.1) shall be automatically expunged if the records relate to an offense that if committed by an adult would not be an offense classified as a Class 2 felony or higher, an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or Criminal Code of 2012, or an offense under Section 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
    (c) If the juvenile law enforcement record was received through a public submission to a statewide student confidential reporting system administered by the Illinois State Police, the record will be maintained for a period of 5 years according to all other provisions in subsection (0.1).
    (0.15) If a juvenile law enforcement record meets paragraph (a) of subsection (0.1) of this Section, a juvenile law enforcement record created:
        (1) prior to January 1, 2018, but on or after
January 1, 2013 shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2020;
        (2) prior to January 1, 2013, but on or after January
1, 2000, shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2023; and
        (3) prior to January 1, 2000 shall not be subject to
the automatic expungement provisions of this Act.
    Nothing in this subsection (0.15) shall be construed to restrict or modify an individual's right to have his or her juvenile law enforcement records expunged except as otherwise may be provided in this Act.
    (0.2)(a) Upon dismissal of a petition alleging delinquency or upon a finding of not delinquent, the successful termination of an order of supervision, or the successful termination of an adjudication for an offense which would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult, the court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court records and juvenile law enforcement records. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained until the statute of limitations for the felony has run. If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed with respect to an internal investigation of any law enforcement office, that information and information identifying the juvenile may be retained within an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or the disciplinary action, including appeals, has been completed, whichever is later. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.3)(a) Upon an adjudication of delinquency based on any offense except a disqualified offense, the juvenile court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court and law enforcement records 2 years after the juvenile's case was closed if no delinquency or criminal proceeding is pending and the person has had no subsequent delinquency adjudication or criminal conviction. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order. In this subsection (0.3), "disqualified offense" means any of the following offenses: Section 8-1.2, 9-1, 9-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-6.5, 12-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.3, 12-4.4a, 12-5.02, 12-6.2, 12-6.5, 12-7.1, 12-7.5, 12-20.5, 12-32, 12-33, 12-34, 12-34.5, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-6, 19-3, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1, 24-1.2, 24-1.2-5, 24-1.5, 24-3A, 24-3B, 24-3.2, 24-3.8, 24-3.9, 29D-14.9, 29D-20, 30-1, 31-1a, 32-4a, or 33A-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012, or subsection (b) of Section 8-1, paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of Section 11-14.4, subsection (a-5) of Section 12-3.1, paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) of Section 12-6, subsection (a-3) or (a-5) of Section 12-7.3, paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Section 12-7.4, subparagraph (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 12-9, subparagraph (H) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1.6, paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 25-1, or subsection (a-7) of Section 31-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained in an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or for one additional year, whichever is sooner. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's juvenile law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.4) Automatic expungement for the purposes of this Section shall not require law enforcement agencies to obliterate or otherwise destroy juvenile law enforcement records that would otherwise need to be automatically expunged under this Act, except after 2 years following the subject arrest for purposes of use in civil litigation against a governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel which created, maintained, or used the records. However, these juvenile law enforcement records shall be considered expunged for all other purposes during this period and the offense, which the records or files concern, shall be treated as if it never occurred as required under Section 5-923.
    (0.5) Subsection (0.1) or (0.2) of this Section does not apply to violations of traffic, boating, fish and game laws, or county or municipal ordinances.
    (0.6) Juvenile law enforcement records of a plaintiff who has filed civil litigation against the governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel that created, maintained, or used the records, or juvenile law enforcement records that contain information related to the allegations set forth in the civil litigation may not be expunged until after 2 years have elapsed after the conclusion of the lawsuit, including any appeal.
    (0.7) Officer-worn body camera recordings shall not be automatically expunged except as otherwise authorized by the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act.
    (1) Whenever a person has been arrested, charged, or adjudicated delinquent for an incident occurring before his or her 18th birthday that if committed by an adult would be an offense, and that person's juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3), the person may petition the court at any time for expungement of juvenile law enforcement records and juvenile court records relating to the incident and, upon termination of all juvenile court proceedings relating to that incident, the court shall order the expungement of all records in the possession of the Illinois State Police, the clerk of the circuit court, and law enforcement agencies relating to the incident, but only in any of the following circumstances:
        (a) the minor was arrested and no petition for
delinquency was filed with the clerk of the circuit court;
        (a-5) the minor was charged with an offense and the
petition or petitions were dismissed without a finding of delinquency;
        (b) the minor was charged with an offense and was
found not delinquent of that offense;
        (c) the minor was placed under supervision under
Section 5-615, and the order of supervision has since been successfully terminated; or
        (d) the minor was adjudicated for an offense which
would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult.
    (1.5) The Illinois State Police shall allow a person to use the Access and Review process, established in the Illinois State Police, for verifying that his or her juvenile law enforcement records relating to incidents occurring before his or her 18th birthday eligible under this Act have been expunged.
    (1.6) (Blank).
    (1.7) (Blank).
    (1.8) (Blank).
    (2) Any person whose delinquency adjudications are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.3) of this Section may petition the court to expunge all juvenile law enforcement records relating to any incidents occurring before his or her 18th birthday which did not result in proceedings in criminal court and all juvenile court records with respect to any adjudications except those based upon first degree murder or an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 if the person is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act at the time he or she petitions the court for expungement; provided that 2 years have elapsed since all juvenile court proceedings relating to him or her have been terminated and his or her commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice under this Act has been terminated.
    (2.5) If a minor is arrested and no petition for delinquency is filed with the clerk of the circuit court at the time the minor is released from custody, the youth officer, if applicable, or other designated person from the arresting agency, shall notify verbally and in writing to the minor or the minor's parents or guardians that the minor shall have an arrest record and shall provide the minor and the minor's parents or guardians with an expungement information packet, information regarding this State's expungement laws including a petition to expunge juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records obtained from the clerk of the circuit court.
    (2.6) If a minor is referred to court, then, at the time of sentencing, dismissal of the case, or successful completion of supervision, the judge shall inform the delinquent minor of his or her rights regarding expungement and the clerk of the circuit court shall provide an expungement information packet to the minor, written in plain language, including information regarding this State's expungement laws and a petition for expungement, a sample of a completed petition, expungement instructions that shall include information informing the minor that (i) once the case is expunged, it shall be treated as if it never occurred, (ii) he or she may apply to have petition fees waived, (iii) once he or she obtains an expungement, he or she may not be required to disclose that he or she had a juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court record, and (iv) if petitioning he or she may file the petition on his or her own or with the assistance of an attorney. The failure of the judge to inform the delinquent minor of his or her right to petition for expungement as provided by law does not create a substantive right, nor is that failure grounds for: (i) a reversal of an adjudication of delinquency; (ii) a new trial; or (iii) an appeal.
    (2.7) (Blank).
    (2.8) (Blank).
    (3) (Blank).
    (3.1) (Blank).
    (3.2) (Blank).
    (3.3) (Blank).
    (4) (Blank).
    (5) (Blank).
    (5.5) Whether or not expunged, records eligible for automatic expungement under subdivision (0.1)(a), (0.2)(a), or (0.3)(a) may be treated as expunged by the individual subject to the records.
    (6) (Blank).
    (6.5) The Illinois State Police or any employee of the Illinois State Police shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for failure to expunge any records of arrest that are subject to expungement under this Section because of inability to verify a record. Nothing in this Section shall create Illinois State Police liability or responsibility for the expungement of juvenile law enforcement records it does not possess.
    (7) (Blank).
    (7.5) (Blank).
    (8) The expungement of juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3) of this Section shall be funded by appropriation by the General Assembly for that purpose.
    (9) (Blank).
    (10) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-752, eff. 1-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-379)
    Sec. 5-915. Expungement of juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records.
    (0.05) (Blank).
    (0.1) (a) The Illinois State Police and all law enforcement agencies within the State shall automatically expunge, on or before January 1 of each year, except as described in paragraph (c) of subsection (0.1), all juvenile law enforcement records relating to events occurring before an individual's 18th birthday if:
        (1) one year or more has elapsed since the date of
the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records;
        (2) no petition for delinquency or criminal charges
were filed with the clerk of the circuit court relating to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records; and
        (3) 6 months have elapsed since the date of the
arrest without an additional subsequent arrest or filing of a petition for delinquency or criminal charges whether related or not to the arrest or law enforcement interaction documented in the records.
    (b) If the law enforcement agency is unable to verify satisfaction of conditions (2) and (3) of this subsection (0.1), records that satisfy condition (1) of this subsection (0.1) shall be automatically expunged if the records relate to an offense that if committed by an adult would not be an offense classified as a Class 2 felony or higher, an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or Criminal Code of 2012, or an offense under Section 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
    (c) If the juvenile law enforcement record was received through a public submission to a statewide student confidential reporting system administered by the Illinois State Police, the record will be maintained for a period of 5 years according to all other provisions in subsection (0.1).
    (0.15) If a juvenile law enforcement record meets paragraph (a) of subsection (0.1) of this Section, a juvenile law enforcement record created:
        (1) prior to January 1, 2018, but on or after
January 1, 2013 shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2020;
        (2) prior to January 1, 2013, but on or after January
1, 2000, shall be automatically expunged prior to January 1, 2023; and
        (3) prior to January 1, 2000 shall not be subject to
the automatic expungement provisions of this Act.
    Nothing in this subsection (0.15) shall be construed to restrict or modify an individual's right to have his or her juvenile law enforcement records expunged except as otherwise may be provided in this Act.
    (0.2) (a) Upon dismissal of a petition alleging delinquency or upon a finding of not delinquent, the successful termination of an order of supervision, or the successful termination of an adjudication for an offense which would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult, the court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court records and juvenile law enforcement records. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained until the statute of limitations for the felony has run. If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed with respect to an internal investigation of any law enforcement office, that information and information identifying the juvenile may be retained within an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or the disciplinary action, including appeals, has been completed, whichever is later. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.3) (a) Upon an adjudication of delinquency based on any offense except a disqualified offense, the juvenile court shall automatically order the expungement of the juvenile court and law enforcement records 2 years after the juvenile's case was closed if no delinquency or criminal proceeding is pending and the person has had no subsequent delinquency adjudication or criminal conviction. The clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the expungement order to the Illinois State Police and the arresting agency. Upon request, the State's Attorney shall furnish the name of the arresting agency. The expungement shall be completed within 60 business days after the receipt of the expungement order. In this subsection (0.3), "disqualified offense" means any of the following offenses: Section 8-1.2, 9-1, 9-1.2, 9-2, 9-2.1, 9-3, 9-3.2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3.1, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-6.5, 12-2, 12-3.05, 12-3.3, 12-4.4a, 12-5.02, 12-6.2, 12-6.5, 12-7.1, 12-7.5, 12-20.5, 12-32, 12-33, 12-34, 12-34.5, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-6, 19-3, 19-6, 20-1, 20-1.1, 24-1.2, 24-1.2-5, 24-1.5, 24-3A, 24-3B, 24-3.2, 24-3.8, 24-3.9, 29D-14.9, 29D-20, 30-1, 31-1a, 32-4a, or 33A-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012, or subsection (b) of Section 8-1, paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of Section 11-14.4, subsection (a-5) of Section 12-3.1, paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) of Section 12-6, subsection (a-3) or (a-5) of Section 12-7.3, paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Section 12-7.4, subparagraph (i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 12-9, subparagraph (H) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1.6, paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 25-1, or subsection (a-7) of Section 31-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
    (b) If the chief law enforcement officer of the agency, or his or her designee, certifies in writing that certain information is needed for a pending investigation involving the commission of a felony, that information, and information identifying the juvenile, may be retained in an intelligence file until the investigation is terminated or for one additional year, whichever is sooner. Retention of a portion of a juvenile's juvenile law enforcement record does not disqualify the remainder of his or her record from immediate automatic expungement.
    (0.4) Automatic expungement for the purposes of this Section shall not require law enforcement agencies to obliterate or otherwise destroy juvenile law enforcement records that would otherwise need to be automatically expunged under this Act, except after 2 years following the subject arrest for purposes of use in civil litigation against a governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel which created, maintained, or used the records. However, these juvenile law enforcement records shall be considered expunged for all other purposes during this period and the offense, which the records or files concern, shall be treated as if it never occurred as required under Section 5-923.
    (0.5) Subsection (0.1) or (0.2) of this Section does not apply to violations of traffic, boating, fish and game laws, or county or municipal ordinances.
    (0.6) Juvenile law enforcement records of a plaintiff who has filed civil litigation against the governmental entity or its law enforcement agency or personnel that created, maintained, or used the records, or juvenile law enforcement records that contain information related to the allegations set forth in the civil litigation may not be expunged until after 2 years have elapsed after the conclusion of the lawsuit, including any appeal.
    (0.7) Officer-worn body camera recordings shall not be automatically expunged except as otherwise authorized by the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act.
    (1) Whenever a person has been arrested, charged, or adjudicated delinquent for an incident occurring before his or her 18th birthday that if committed by an adult would be an offense, and that person's juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3), the person may petition the court at any time at no cost to the person for expungement of juvenile law enforcement records and juvenile court records relating to the incident and, upon termination of all juvenile court proceedings relating to that incident, the court shall order the expungement of all records in the possession of the Illinois State Police, the clerk of the circuit court, and law enforcement agencies relating to the incident, but only in any of the following circumstances:
        (a) the minor was arrested and no petition for
delinquency was filed with the clerk of the circuit court;
        (a-5) the minor was charged with an offense and the
petition or petitions were dismissed without a finding of delinquency;
        (b) the minor was charged with an offense and was
found not delinquent of that offense;
        (c) the minor was placed under supervision under
Section 5-615, and the order of supervision has since been successfully terminated; or
        (d) the minor was adjudicated for an offense which
would be a Class B misdemeanor, Class C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense if committed by an adult.
    (1.5) At no cost to the person, the Illinois State Police shall allow a person to use the Access and Review process, established in the Illinois State Police, for verifying that his or her juvenile law enforcement records relating to incidents occurring before his or her 18th birthday eligible under this Act have been expunged.
    (1.6) (Blank).
    (1.7) (Blank).
    (1.8) (Blank).
    (2) Any person whose delinquency adjudications are not eligible for automatic expungement under subsection (0.3) of this Section may petition the court at no cost to the person to expunge all juvenile law enforcement records relating to any incidents occurring before his or her 18th birthday which did not result in proceedings in criminal court and all juvenile court records with respect to any adjudications except those based upon first degree murder or an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 if the person is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act at the time he or she petitions the court for expungement; provided that 2 years have elapsed since all juvenile court proceedings relating to him or her have been terminated and his or her commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice under this Act has been terminated.
    (2.5) If a minor is arrested and no petition for delinquency is filed with the clerk of the circuit court at the time the minor is released from custody, the youth officer, if applicable, or other designated person from the arresting agency, shall notify verbally and in writing to the minor or the minor's parents or guardians that the minor shall have an arrest record and shall provide the minor and the minor's parents or guardians with an expungement information packet, information regarding this State's expungement laws including a petition to expunge juvenile law enforcement and juvenile court records obtained from the clerk of the circuit court.
    (2.6) If a minor is referred to court, then, at the time of sentencing, dismissal of the case, or successful completion of supervision, the judge shall inform the delinquent minor of his or her rights regarding expungement and the clerk of the circuit court shall provide an expungement information packet to the minor, written in plain language, including information regarding this State's expungement laws and a petition for expungement, a sample of a completed petition, expungement instructions that shall include information informing the minor that (i) once the case is expunged, it shall be treated as if it never occurred, (ii) he or she shall not be charged a fee to petition for expungement, (iii) once he or she obtains an expungement, he or she may not be required to disclose that he or she had a juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court record, and (iv) if petitioning he or she may file the petition on his or her own or with the assistance of an attorney. The failure of the judge to inform the delinquent minor of his or her right to petition for expungement as provided by law does not create a substantive right, nor is that failure grounds for: (i) a reversal of an adjudication of delinquency; (ii) a new trial; or (iii) an appeal.
    (2.7) (Blank).
    (2.8) (Blank).
    (3) (Blank).
    (3.1) (Blank).
    (3.2) (Blank).
    (3.3) (Blank).
    (4) (Blank).
    (5) (Blank).
    (5.5) Whether or not expunged, records eligible for automatic expungement under subdivision (0.1)(a), (0.2)(a), or (0.3)(a) may be treated as expunged by the individual subject to the records.
    (6) (Blank).
    (6.5) The Illinois State Police or any employee of the Illinois State Police shall be immune from civil or criminal liability for failure to expunge any records of arrest that are subject to expungement under this Section because of inability to verify a record. Nothing in this Section shall create Illinois State Police liability or responsibility for the expungement of juvenile law enforcement records it does not possess.
    (7) (Blank).
    (7.5) (Blank).
    (8) The expungement of juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records under subsection (0.1), (0.2), or (0.3) of this Section shall be funded by appropriation by the General Assembly for that purpose.
    (9) (Blank).
    (10) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-752, eff. 1-1-23; 103-379, eff. 7-28-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-920

    (705 ILCS 405/5-920)
    Sec. 5-920. Petitions for expungement.
    (a) The petition for expungement for subsections (1) and (2) of Section 5-915 may include multiple offenses on the same petition and shall be substantially in the following form:

(Name of Petitioner)
(Section 5-915 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 (Subsections 1 and 2))
Now comes ............., petitioner, and respectfully requests that this Honorable Court enter an order expunging all juvenile law enforcement and court records of petitioner and in support thereof states that: Petitioner was arrested on ..... by the ....... Police Department for the offense or offenses of ......., and:
(Check All That Apply:)
( ) a. no petition or petitions were filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
( ) b. was charged with ...... and was found not delinquent of the offense or offenses.
( ) c. a petition or petitions were filed and the petition or petitions were dismissed without a finding of delinquency on .....
( ) d. on ....... placed under supervision pursuant to Section 5-615 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 and such order of supervision successfully terminated on ........
( ) e. was adjudicated for the offense or offenses, which would have been a Class B misdemeanor, a Class C misdemeanor, or a petty offense or business offense if committed by an adult.
( ) f. was adjudicated for a Class A misdemeanor or felony, except first degree murder or an offense under Article 11 of the Criminal Code of 2012 if the person is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, and 2 years have passed since the case was closed.
Petitioner .... has .... has not been arrested on charges in this or any county other than the charges listed above. If petitioner has been arrested on additional charges, please list the charges below:
Charge(s): ......
Arresting Agency or Agencies: ...........
Disposition/Result: (choose from a. through f., above): .....
WHEREFORE, the petitioner respectfully requests this Honorable Court to (1) order all law enforcement agencies to expunge all records of petitioner to this incident or incidents, and (2) to order the Clerk of the Court to expunge all records concerning the petitioner regarding this incident or incidents.
Petitioner (Signature)

Petitioner's Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Petitioner's Telephone Number

Pursuant to the penalties of perjury under the Code of Civil Procedure, 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I hereby certify that the statements in this petition are true and correct, or on information and belief I believe the same to be true.
Petitioner (Signature)
    (b) The chief judge of the circuit in which an arrest was made or a charge was brought or any judge of that circuit designated by the chief judge may, upon verified petition of a person who is the subject of an arrest or a juvenile court proceeding under subsection (1) or (2) of Section 5-915, order the juvenile law enforcement records or official court file, or both, to be expunged from the official records of the arresting authority, the clerk of the circuit court and the Illinois State Police. The person whose juvenile law enforcement record, juvenile court record, or both, are to be expunged shall petition the court using the appropriate form containing the person's current address and shall promptly notify the clerk of the circuit court of any change of address. Notice of the petition shall be served upon the State's Attorney or prosecutor charged with the duty of prosecuting the offense, the Illinois State Police, and the arresting agency or agencies by the clerk of the circuit court. If an objection is filed within 45 days of the notice of the petition, the clerk of the circuit court shall set a date for hearing after the 45-day objection period. At the hearing, the court shall hear evidence on whether the expungement should or should not be granted. Unless the State's Attorney or prosecutor, the Illinois State Police, or an arresting agency objects to the expungement within 45 days of the notice, the court may enter an order granting expungement. The clerk shall forward a certified copy of the order to the Illinois State Police and deliver a certified copy of the order to the arresting agency.
    (c) The Notice of Expungement shall be in substantially the following form:

(Name of Petitioner)
TO:  State's Attorney
TO:  Arresting Agency


TO:  Illinois State Police


ATTENTION: Expungement
You are hereby notified that on ....., at ....., in courtroom ..., located at ..., before the Honorable ..., Judge, or any judge sitting in the Judge's stead, I shall then and there present a Petition to Expunge Juvenile Records in the above-entitled matter, at which time and place you may appear.
Petitioner's Signature
Petitioner's Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Petitioner's Telephone Number
On the ....... day of ......, 20..., I on oath state that I served this notice and true and correct copies of the above-checked documents by:
(Check One:)
delivering copies personally to each entity to whom they are directed;
by mailing copies to each entity to whom they are directed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, proper postage fully prepaid, before the hour of 5:00 p.m., at the United States Postal Depository located at .................

Clerk of the Circuit Court or Deputy Clerk
Printed Name of Delinquent Minor/Petitioner: ....
Address: ........................................
Telephone Number: ...............................
    (d) The Order of Expungement shall be in substantially the following form:

(Name of Petitioner)
DOB ................
Arresting Agency/Agencies ......
(Section 5-920 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 (Subsection c))
This matter having been heard on the petitioner's motion and the court being fully advised in the premises does find that the petitioner is indigent or has presented reasonable cause to waive all costs in this matter, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:
    ( ) 1. Clerk of Court and Illinois State Police costs are hereby waived in this matter.
    ( ) 2. The Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification and the following law enforcement agencies expunge all records of petitioner relating to an arrest dated ...... for the offense of ......
Law Enforcement Agencies:
    ( ) 3. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court expunge all records regarding the above-captioned case.
ENTER: ......................

DATED: .......
Attorney for:
Address: City/State/Zip:
Attorney Number:
    (e) The Notice of Objection shall be in substantially the following form:
....................... JUDICIAL CIRCUIT

(Name of Petitioner)
TO:(Attorney, Public Defender, Minor)
TO:(Illinois State Police)
TO:(Clerk of the Court)
TO:(Arresting Agency/Agencies)
ATTENTION: You are hereby notified that an objection has been filed by the following entity regarding the above-named minor's petition for expungement of juvenile records:
( ) State's Attorney's Office;
( ) Prosecutor (other than State's Attorney's Office) charged with the duty of prosecuting the offense sought to be expunged;
( ) Illinois State Police; or
( ) Arresting Agency or Agencies.
The agency checked above respectfully requests that this case be continued and set for hearing on whether the expungement should or should not be granted.
DATED: .......
Attorney For:
Attorney No.:
This matter has been set for hearing on the foregoing objection, on ...... in room ...., located at ....., before the Honorable ....., Judge, or any judge sitting in the Judge's stead. (Only one hearing shall be set, regardless of the number of Notices of Objection received on the same case).
A copy of this completed Notice of Objection containing the court date, time, and location, has been sent via regular U.S. Mail to the following entities. (If more than one Notice of Objection is received on the same case, each one must be completed with the court date, time and location and mailed to the following entities):
( ) Attorney, Public Defender or Minor;
( ) State's Attorney's Office;
( ) Prosecutor (other than State's Attorney's Office) charged with the duty of prosecuting the offense sought to be expunged;
( ) Illinois State Police; and
( ) Arresting agency or agencies.
Date: ......
Initials of Clerk completing this section: .....
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)

705 ILCS 405/5-923

    (705 ILCS 405/5-923)
    Sec. 5-923. Dissemination and retention of expunged records.
    (a) Upon entry of an order expunging the juvenile law enforcement record or juvenile court record, or both, the records or files for that offense shall be treated as if it never occurred. Law enforcement officers and other public offices and agencies shall properly reply on inquiry that no record or file exists with respect to the person. A person whose juvenile records have been expunged is not entitled to remission of any fines, costs, or other money paid as a consequence of expungement.
    (b) Local law enforcement agencies shall send written notice to the minor of the expungement of any juvenile law enforcement records within 60 days of automatic expungement or the date of service of an expungement order, whichever applies. If a minor's court file has been expunged, the clerk of the circuit court shall send written notice to the minor of the expungement of any juvenile court records within 60 days of automatic expungement or the date of service of an expungement order, whichever applies. Notice to minors of the expungement of any juvenile law enforcement records created prior to 2016 may be satisfied by public notice. The names of persons whose records are being expunged shall not be published in this public notice.
    (c) Except with respect to authorized military personnel, an expunged juvenile law enforcement record or expunged juvenile court record may not be considered by any private or public entity in employment matters, certification, licensing, revocation of certification or licensure, or registration. Applications for employment within the State must contain specific language that states that the applicant is not obligated to disclose expunged juvenile records of adjudication or arrest. Employers may not ask, in any format or context, if an applicant has had a juvenile record expunged. Information about an expunged record obtained by a potential employer, even inadvertently, from an employment application that does not contain specific language that states that the applicant is not obligated to disclose expunged juvenile records of adjudication or arrest, shall be treated as dissemination of an expunged record by the employer. The Department of Labor shall develop a link on the Department's website to inform employers that employers may not ask if an applicant had a juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court record expunged and that application for employment must contain specific language that states that the applicant is not obligated to disclose expunged juvenile records of adjudication, arrest, or conviction.
    (d) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit the maintenance of information relating to an offense after records or files concerning the offense have been expunged if the information is kept in a manner that does not enable identification of the individual. This information may only be used for anonymous statistical and bona fide research purposes.
    (d-5) The expungement of juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records shall not be subject to the record retention provisions of the Local Records Act.
    (d-10) No evidence of the juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records may be retained by any law enforcement agency, the juvenile court, or by any municipal, county, or State agency or department unless specifically authorized by this Act. However, non-personal identifying data of a statistical, crime, or trend analysis nature such as the date, time, location of incident, offense type, general demographic information, including gender, race, and ethnicity information, and all other similar information that does not identify a specific individual may be retained. Nothing in this Act shall require the physical destruction of the internal office records, files, or databases maintained by a State's Attorney's Office or other prosecutor, a public defender, a probation officer, or the Office of the Secretary of State.
    (e) Willful dissemination of any information contained in an expunged record shall be treated as a Class C misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $1,000 per violation. Willful dissemination for financial gain of any information contained in an expunged record shall be treated as a Class 4 felony. Dissemination for financial gain by an employee of any municipal, county, or State agency, including law enforcement, shall result in immediate termination. The person whose record was expunged has a right of action against any person who intentionally disseminates an expunged record. In the proceeding, punitive damages up to an amount of $1,000 may be sought in addition to any actual damages. The prevailing party shall be entitled to costs and reasonable attorney fees. The punishments for dissemination of an expunged record shall never apply to the person whose record was expunged.
(Source: P.A. 100-1162, eff. 12-20-18.)

705 ILCS 405/5-925

    (705 ILCS 405/5-925)
    Sec. 5-925. State Appellate Defender juvenile expungement program.
    (a) The State Appellate Defender shall establish, maintain, and carry out a juvenile expungement program to provide information and assistance to minors eligible to have their juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records expunged.
    (b) The State Appellate Defender shall develop brochures, pamphlets, and other materials in printed form and through the agency's World Wide Web site. The pamphlets and other materials shall include at a minimum the following information:
        (1) an explanation of the State's juvenile
expungement laws, including both automatic expungement and expungement by petition;
        (2) the circumstances under which juvenile
expungement may occur;
        (3) the juvenile offenses that may be expunged;
        (4) the steps necessary to initiate and complete the
juvenile expungement process; and
        (5) directions on how to contact the State Appellate
    (c) The State Appellate Defender shall establish and maintain a statewide toll-free telephone number that a person may use to receive information or assistance concerning the expungement of juvenile law enforcement or juvenile court records. The State Appellate Defender shall advertise the toll-free telephone number statewide. The State Appellate Defender shall develop an expungement information packet that may be sent to eligible persons seeking expungement of their juvenile law enforcement or court records, which may include, but is not limited to, a pre-printed expungement petition with instructions on how to complete the petition and a pamphlet containing information that would assist individuals through the juvenile expungement process.
    (d) The State Appellate Defender shall compile a statewide list of volunteer attorneys willing to assist eligible individuals through the juvenile expungement process.
    (e) This Section shall be implemented from funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the State Appellate Defender for this purpose. The State Appellate Defender shall employ the necessary staff and adopt the necessary rules for implementation of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-1162, eff. 12-20-18.)