(625 ILCS 5/7-202) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-202)
Sec. 7-202. Exceptions to requirements of security. (a) The requirements
as to security and suspension as provided by Sections 7-201 and 7-205 shall not apply:
1. To the driver or owner if such owner had in |
| effect at the time of such motor vehicle crash a liability policy covering such driver and owner with respect to the vehicle involved in such motor vehicle crash;
2. To the driver, if not the owner of such vehicle,
| if there was in effect at the time of such motor vehicle crash a liability policy or bond with respect to the operation of motor vehicles not owned by the driver;
3. To the driver or owner if the liability of such
| driver or owner for damages resulting from such motor vehicle crash is covered by any other form of liability insurance policy or bond;
4. To the driver or owner, if such owner is qualified
| as a self-insurer as provided in Section 7-502;
5. To the owner if such owner at the time of such
| motor vehicle crash was in compliance with Section 8-101 or Section 9-101;
6. To the driver or owner if such owner at the time
| of such motor vehicle crash was in compliance with the Federal Revised Interstate Commerce Act (P.L. 95-473), as now or hereafter amended;
7. To the owner if the vehicle involved in such motor
| vehicle crash was owned by the United States, this State or any political sub-division of this State, any municipality therein, or any local Mass Transit District;
8. To the driver or the owner of a vehicle involved
| in a motor vehicle crash wherein no injury or damage was caused to the person or property of any one other than such driver or owner;
9. To the driver or the owner of a vehicle which at
| the time of the motor vehicle crash was parked, unless such vehicle was parked at a place where parking was at the time of the crash prohibited under any applicable law or ordinance;
10. To the owner of a vehicle if at the time of the
| motor vehicle crash the vehicle was being operated without his permission, express or implied, or was parked by a person who had been operating such motor vehicle without such permission;
11. To the driver, if not the owner, of a commercial
| motor vehicle on which there was no liability policy or bond with respect to the operation of such vehicle in effect at the time of the motor vehicle crash when the driver was operating the vehicle in the course of the driver's employment and had no actual knowledge of such lack of a liability policy or bond prior to the motor vehicle crash.
(b) If at the time of the motor vehicle crash, an owner or
driver is covered by a motor vehicle liability policy or bond meeting the
requirements of this Code, such owner or driver shall be exempt
from suspension under Section 7-205 as to that motor vehicle crash,
if the company issuing the policy or bond has failed, and such policy or
bond was not effective at the time of the motor vehicle crash or
any time thereafter, provided, that the owner or driver had no knowledge
of the company's failure prior to the motor vehicle crash, and such
owner or driver has secured within 30 days after learning of such failure
another liability policy or bond meeting the requirements of the Code relating
to future occurrences or motor vehicle crashes.
As used in this paragraph, the words "failed" or "failure"
mean that the company has suspended operations by order of a court.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/7-317) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-317)
Sec. 7-317. "Motor vehicle liability policy" defined. (a)
Certification. -A "motor vehicle liability policy", as that term is
used in this Act, means an "owner's policy" or an "operator's policy" of
liability insurance, certified as provided in Section 7-315 or Section
7-316 as proof of financial responsibility for the future, and issued,
except as otherwise provided in Section 7-316, by an insurance carrier
duly authorized to transact business in this State, to or for the
benefit of the person named therein as insured.
(b) Owner's Policy. --Such owner's policy of liability insurance:
1. Shall designate by explicit description or by |
| appropriate reference, all motor vehicles with respect to which coverage is thereby intended to be granted;
2. Shall insure the person named therein and any
| other person using or responsible for the use of such motor vehicle or vehicles with the express or implied permission of the insured;
3. Shall insure every named insured and any other
| person using or responsible for the use of any motor vehicle owned by the named insured and used by such other person with the express or implied permission of the named insured on account of the maintenance, use or operation of any motor vehicle owned by the named insured, within the continental limits of the United States or the Dominion of Canada against loss from liability imposed by law arising from such maintenance, use or operation, to the extent and aggregate amount, exclusive of interest and cost, with respect to each motor vehicle, of $25,000 for bodily injury to or death of one person as a result of any one crash and, subject to such limit as to one person, the amount of $50,000 for bodily injury to or death of all persons as a result of any one crash and the amount of $20,000 for damage to property of others as a result of any one crash. The changes to this paragraph made by this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly apply only to policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2015.
(c) Operator's Policy. --When an operator's policy is required, it
shall insure the person named therein as insured against the liability
imposed by law upon the insured for bodily injury to or death of any
person or damage to property to the amounts and limits above set forth
and growing out of the use or operation by the insured within the
continental limits of the United States or the Dominion of Canada of any
motor vehicle not owned by him.
(d) Required Statements in Policies. --Every motor vehicle liability
policy must specify the name and address of the insured, the coverage
afforded by the policy, the premium charged therefor, the policy period,
and the limits of liability, and shall contain an agreement that the
insurance thereunder is provided in accordance with the coverage defined
in this Act, as respects bodily injury and death or property damage or
both, and is subject to all the provisions of this Act.
(e) Policy Need Not Insure Workers' Compensation. --Any liability
policy or policies issued hereunder need not cover any liability of the
insured assumed by or imposed upon the insured under any workers'
compensation law nor any liability for damage to property in charge of
the insured or the insured's employees.
(f) Provisions Incorporated in Policy. --Every motor vehicle
liability policy is subject to the following provisions which need not
be contained therein:
1. The liability of the insurance carrier under any
| such policy shall become absolute whenever loss or damage covered by the policy occurs and the satisfaction by the insured of a final judgment for such loss or damage shall not be a condition precedent to the right or obligation of the carrier to make payment on account of such loss or damage.
2. No such policy may be cancelled or annulled as
| respects any loss or damage, by any agreement between the carrier and the insured after the insured has become responsible for such loss or damage, and any such cancellation or annulment shall be void.
3. The insurance carrier shall, however, have the
| right to settle any claim covered by the policy, and if such settlement is made in good faith, the amount thereof shall be deductible from the limits of liability specified in the policy.
4. The policy, the written application therefor, if
| any, and any rider or endorsement which shall not conflict with the provisions of this Act shall constitute the entire contract between the parties.
(g) Excess or Additional Coverage. --Any motor vehicle liability
policy may, however, grant any lawful coverage in excess of or in
addition to the coverage herein specified or contain any agreements,
provisions, or stipulations not in conflict with the provisions of this
Act and not otherwise contrary to law.
(h) Reimbursement Provision Permitted. --The policy may provide that
the insured, or any other person covered by the policy shall reimburse
the insurance carrier for payment made on account of any loss or damage
claim or suit involving a breach of the terms, provisions or conditions
of the policy; and further, if the policy shall provide for limits in
excess of the limits specified in this Act, the insurance carrier may
plead against any plaintiff, with respect to the amount of such excess
limits of liability, any defense which it may be entitled to plead
against the insured.
(i) Proration of Insurance Permitted. --The policy may provide for
the pro-rating of the insurance thereunder with other applicable valid
and collectible insurance.
(j) Binders. --Any binder pending the issuance of any policy, which
binder contains or by reference includes the provisions hereunder shall
be sufficient proof of ability to respond in damages.
(k) Copy of Policy to Be Filed with Department of
Insurance--Approval. --A copy of the form of every motor vehicle
liability policy which is to be used to meet the requirements of this
Act must be filed, by the company offering such policy, with the
Department of Insurance, which shall approve or disapprove the policy
within 30 days of its filing. If the Department approves the policy in
writing within such 30 day period or fails to take action for 30 days,
the form of policy shall be deemed approved as filed. If within the 30
days the Department disapproves the form of policy filed upon the ground
that it does not comply with the requirements of this Act, the
Department shall give written notice of its decision and its reasons
therefor to the carrier and the policy shall not be accepted as proof of
financial responsibility under this Act.
(l) Insurance Carrier Required to File Certificate. --An insurance
carrier who has issued a motor vehicle liability policy or policies or
an operator's policy meeting the requirements of this Act shall, upon
the request of the insured therein, deliver to the insured for filing,
or at the request of the insured, shall file direct, with the Secretary
of State a certificate, as required by this Act, which shows that such
policy or policies have been issued. No insurance carrier may require
the payment of any extra fee or surcharge, in addition to the insurance
premium, for the execution, delivery or filing of such certificate.
(m) Proof When Made By Endorsement. --Any motor vehicle liability
policy which by endorsement contains the provisions required hereunder
shall be sufficient proof of ability to respond in damages.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/7-603.5) Sec. 7-603.5. Electronic verification of a liability insurance policy. (a) The Secretary may implement a program of electronic motor vehicle liability insurance policy verification for motor vehicles subject to Section 7-601 of this Code for the purpose of verifying whether or not the motor vehicle is insured. The development and implementation of the program shall be consistent with the standards and procedures of a nationwide organization whose primary membership consists of individual insurance companies and insurance trade associations. The program shall include, but is not limited to: (1) a requirement that an insurance company |
| authorized to sell motor vehicle liability insurance in this State shall make available, in a format designated by the Secretary that is consistent with a nationwide organization whose primary membership consists of individual insurance companies and insurance trade organizations, to the Secretary for each motor vehicle liability insurance policy issued by the company the following information:
(A) the name of the policy holder;
(B) the make, model, year, and vehicle
| identification number of the covered motor vehicle;
(C) the policy number;
(D) the policy effective date;
(E) the insurance company's National Association
| of Insurance Commissioner's number; and
(F) any other information the Secretary deems
| necessary to match an eligible vehicle with an insurance policy;
(2) a method for searching motor vehicle liability
| insurance policies issued and in effect in this State by using the information under paragraph (1) of this subsection (a);
(3) a requirement that at least twice per calendar
| year, the Secretary shall verify the existence of a liability insurance policy for every registered motor vehicle subject to Section 7-601 of this Code; and if the Secretary is unable to verify the existence of a liability insurance policy, the Secretary shall, by U.S. mail or electronic mail, send the vehicle owner a written notice allowing the vehicle owner 30 calendar days to provide proof of insurance on the date of attempted verification, or to provide proof that the vehicle is no longer operable;
(4) a requirement that a vehicle owner who does not
| provide proof of insurance or proof of an inoperable vehicle under paragraph (3) of this subsection (a) shall be in violation of Section 7-601 of this Code and the Secretary shall suspend the vehicle's registration and the owner shall pay any applicable reinstatement fees and shall provide proof of insurance before the Secretary may reinstate the vehicle's registration under Section 7-606 of this Code;
(5) a requirement that if a vehicle owner provides
| proof of insurance on the date of the attempted verification under paragraph (3) of this subsection (1), the Secretary may verify the vehicle owner's response by furnishing necessary information to the insurance company. Within 7 calendar days of receiving the information, the insurance company shall confirm and notify the Secretary the dates of the motor vehicle's insurance coverage. If the insurance company does not confirm coverage for the date of attempted verification, the Secretary shall suspend the vehicle's registration and the owner of the vehicle shall pay any applicable reinstatement fees and shall provide proof of insurance before the Secretary may reinstate the vehicle's registration under Section 7-606 of this Code;
(6) a requirement that the Secretary may consult with
| members of the insurance industry during the implementation of the program, including, but not limited to, during the drafting process for adopting any rules that may be necessary to implement or manage an electronic motor vehicle liability insurance policy verification program;
(7) a requirement that commercial lines of automobile
| insurance are excluded from the program, but may voluntarily report insurance coverage to the State.
(b) In addition to the semi-annual verification of liability insurance under subsection (a) of this Section, the Secretary may select monthly verification for a motor vehicle owned or registered by a person:
(1) whose motor vehicle registration during the
| preceding 4 years has been suspended under Section 7-606 or 7-607 of this Code;
(2) who, during the preceding 4 years, has been
| convicted of violating Section 3-707, 3-708, or 3-710 of this Code while operating a vehicle owned by another person;
(3) whose driving privileges have been suspended
| during the preceding 4 years;
(4) who, during the preceding 4 years, acquired
| ownership of a motor vehicle while the registration of the vehicle under the previous owner was suspended under Section 7-606 or 7-607 of this Code; or
(5) who, during the preceding 4 years, has received a
| disposition of court supervision under subsection (c) of Section 5-6-1 of the Unified Code of Corrections for a violation of Section 3-707, 3-708, or 3-710 of this Code.
(c) Nothing in this Section provides the Secretary with regulatory authority over insurance companies.
(d) The Secretary may contract with a private contractor to carry out the Secretary's duties under this Section.
(e) Any information collected, stored, maintained, or referred to under this Section shall be used solely for the purpose of verifying whether a registered motor vehicle meets the requirements of Section 7-601 of this Code and shall be exempt from a records request or from inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information Act. A request for release of verification of liability insurance policy information from the Secretary shall require a court order, subpoena, or the motor vehicle owner's approval.
(f) An insurer identified by an electronic motor vehicle liability insurance policy program as insuring less than 1,000 vehicles per year shall be exempt from the reporting requirements under subsection (a) of this Section.
(g) The Secretary may adopt any rules necessary to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-373, eff. 1-1-18 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208)
(from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-208)
Sec. 11-208. Powers of local authorities.
(a) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to prevent
local authorities with respect to streets and highways under their
jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from:
1. Regulating the standing or parking of vehicles, |
| except as limited by Sections 11-1306 and 11-1307 of this Act;
2. Regulating traffic by means of police officers or
3. Regulating or prohibiting processions or
| assemblages on the highways; and certifying persons to control traffic for processions or assemblages;
4. Designating particular highways as one-way
| highways and requiring that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specific direction;
5. Regulating the speed of vehicles in public parks
| subject to the limitations set forth in Section 11-604;
6. Designating any highway as a through highway, as
| authorized in Section 11-302, and requiring that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the same or designating any intersection as a stop intersection or a yield right-of-way intersection and requiring all vehicles to stop or yield the right-of-way at one or more entrances to such intersections;
7. Restricting the use of highways as authorized in
8. Regulating the operation of mobile carrying
| devices, bicycles, low-speed electric bicycles, and low-speed gas bicycles, and requiring the registration and licensing of same, including the requirement of a registration fee;
9. Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles
| or specified types of vehicles at intersections;
10. Altering the speed limits as authorized in
11. Prohibiting U-turns;
12. Prohibiting pedestrian crossings at other than
| designated and marked crosswalks or at intersections;
13. Prohibiting parking during snow removal operation;
14. Imposing fines in accordance with Section
| 11-1301.3 as penalties for use of any parking place reserved for persons with disabilities, as defined by Section 1-159.1, or veterans with disabilities by any person using a motor vehicle not bearing registration plates specified in Section 11-1301.1 or a special decal or device as defined in Section 11-1301.2 as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a person with disabilities or a veteran with a disability;
15. Adopting such other traffic regulations as are
| specifically authorized by this Code; or
16. Enforcing the provisions of subsection (f) of
| Section 3-413 of this Code or a similar local ordinance.
(b) No ordinance or regulation enacted under paragraph 1, 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10, 11 or 13 of subsection (a) shall be effective until signs giving
reasonable notice of such local traffic regulations are posted.
(c) The provisions of this Code shall not prevent any
municipality having a population of 500,000 or more inhabitants from
prohibiting any person from driving or operating any motor vehicle upon
the roadways of such municipality with headlamps on high beam or bright.
(d) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to prevent local
authorities within the reasonable exercise of their police power from
prohibiting, on private property, the unauthorized use of parking spaces
reserved for persons with disabilities.
(e) No unit of local government, including a home rule unit, may enact or
enforce an ordinance that applies only to motorcycles if the principal purpose
for that ordinance is to restrict the access of motorcycles to any highway or
portion of a highway for which federal or State funds have been used for the
planning, design, construction, or maintenance of that highway. No unit of
local government, including a home rule unit, may enact an ordinance requiring
motorcycle users to wear protective headgear. Nothing in this subsection
(e) shall affect the authority of a unit of local government to regulate
motorcycles for traffic control purposes or in accordance with Section 12-602
of this Code. No unit of local government, including a home rule unit, may
regulate motorcycles in a manner inconsistent with this Code. This subsection
(e) is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the
Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers
and functions exercised by the State.
(e-5) The City of Chicago may enact an ordinance providing for a noise monitoring system upon any portion of the roadway known as Lake Shore Drive. Twelve months after the installation of the noise monitoring system, and any time after the first report as the City deems necessary, the City of Chicago shall prepare a noise monitoring report with the data collected from the system and shall, upon request, make the report available to the public. For purposes of this subsection (e-5), "noise monitoring system" means an automated noise monitor capable of recording noise levels 24 hours per day and 365 days per year with computer equipment sufficient to process the data.
(e-10) A unit of local government, including a home rule unit, may not enact an ordinance prohibiting the use of Automated Driving System equipped vehicles on its roadways. Nothing in this subsection (e-10) shall affect the authority of a unit of local government to regulate Automated Driving System equipped vehicles for traffic control purposes. No unit of local government, including a home rule unit, may regulate Automated Driving System equipped vehicles in a manner inconsistent with this Code. For purposes of this subsection (e-10), "Automated Driving System equipped vehicle" means any vehicle equipped with an Automated Driving System of hardware and software that are collectively capable of performing the entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis, regardless of whether it is limited to a specific operational domain. This subsection (e-10) is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(f) A municipality or county designated in Section 11-208.6 may enact an ordinance providing for an
automated traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of this Code or
a similar provision of a local ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner or lessee of a vehicle used in such a violation.
(g) A municipality or county, as provided in Section 11-1201.1, may enact an ordinance providing for an automated traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of Section 11-1201 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner of a vehicle used in such a violation.
(h) A municipality designated in Section 11-208.8 may enact an ordinance providing for an
automated speed enforcement system to enforce violations of Article VI of Chapter 11 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance.
(i) A municipality or county designated in Section 11-208.9 may enact an ordinance providing for an
automated traffic law enforcement system to enforce violations of Section 11-1414 of this Code or
a similar provision of a local ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner or lessee of a vehicle used in such a violation.
(Source: P.A. 100-209, eff. 1-1-18; 100-257, eff. 8-22-17; 100-352, eff. 6-1-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-123, eff. 7-26-19.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208.3) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-208.3)
Sec. 11-208.3. Administrative adjudication of violations of traffic
regulations concerning the standing, parking, or condition of
vehicles, automated traffic law violations, and automated speed enforcement system violations.
(a) Any municipality or county may provide by ordinance for a system of
administrative adjudication of vehicular standing and parking violations and
vehicle compliance violations as described in this subsection, automated traffic law violations as defined in Section 11-208.6, 11-208.9, or 11-1201.1, and automated speed enforcement system violations as defined in Section 11-208.8.
The administrative system shall have as its purpose the fair and
efficient enforcement of municipal or county regulations through the
administrative adjudication of automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violations and violations of municipal or county ordinances
regulating the standing and parking of vehicles, the condition and use of
vehicle equipment, and the display of municipal or county wheel tax licenses within the
or county's borders. The administrative system shall only have authority to adjudicate
civil offenses carrying fines not in excess of $500 or requiring the completion of a traffic education program, or both, that occur after the
effective date of the ordinance adopting such a system under this Section.
For purposes of this Section, "compliance violation" means a violation of a
municipal or county regulation governing the condition or use of equipment on a vehicle
or governing the display of a municipal or county wheel tax license.
(b) Any ordinance establishing a system of administrative adjudication
under this Section shall provide for:
(1) A traffic compliance administrator authorized to |
| adopt, distribute, and process parking, compliance, and automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violation notices and other notices required by this Section, collect money paid as fines and penalties for violation of parking and compliance ordinances and automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violations, and operate an administrative adjudication system.
(2) A parking, standing, compliance, automated speed
| enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation notice that shall specify or include the date, time, and place of violation of a parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law regulation; the particular regulation violated; any requirement to complete a traffic education program; the fine and any penalty that may be assessed for late payment or failure to complete a required traffic education program, or both, when so provided by ordinance; the vehicle make or a photograph of the vehicle; the state registration number of the vehicle; and the identification number of the person issuing the notice. With regard to automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violations, vehicle make shall be specified on the automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violation notice if the notice does not include a photograph of the vehicle and the make is available and readily discernible. With regard to municipalities or counties with a population of 1 million or more, it shall be grounds for dismissal of a parking violation if the state registration number or vehicle make specified is incorrect. The violation notice shall state that the completion of any required traffic education program, the payment of any indicated fine, and the payment of any applicable penalty for late payment or failure to complete a required traffic education program, or both, shall operate as a final disposition of the violation. The notice also shall contain information as to the availability of a hearing in which the violation may be contested on its merits. The violation notice shall specify the time and manner in which a hearing may be had.
(3) Service of a parking, standing, or compliance
| violation notice by: (i) affixing the original or a facsimile of the notice to an unlawfully parked or standing vehicle; (ii) handing the notice to the operator of a vehicle if he or she is present; or (iii) mailing the notice to the address of the registered owner or lessee of the cited vehicle as recorded with the Secretary of State or the lessor of the motor vehicle within 30 days after the Secretary of State or the lessor of the motor vehicle notifies the municipality or county of the identity of the owner or lessee of the vehicle, but not later than 90 days after the date of the violation, except that in the case of a lessee of a motor vehicle, service of a parking, standing, or compliance violation notice may occur no later than 210 days after the violation; and service of an automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law violation notice by mail to the address of the registered owner or lessee of the cited vehicle as recorded with the Secretary of State or the lessor of the motor vehicle within 30 days after the Secretary of State or the lessor of the motor vehicle notifies the municipality or county of the identity of the owner or lessee of the vehicle, but not later than 90 days after the violation, except that in the case of a lessee of a motor vehicle, service of an automated traffic law violation notice may occur no later than 210 days after the violation. A person authorized by ordinance to issue and serve parking, standing, and compliance violation notices shall certify as to the correctness of the facts entered on the violation notice by signing his or her name to the notice at the time of service or, in the case of a notice produced by a computerized device, by signing a single certificate to be kept by the traffic compliance administrator attesting to the correctness of all notices produced by the device while it was under his or her control. In the case of an automated traffic law violation, the ordinance shall require a determination by a technician employed or contracted by the municipality or county that, based on inspection of recorded images, the motor vehicle was being operated in violation of Section 11-208.6, 11-208.9, or 11-1201.1 or a local ordinance. If the technician determines that the vehicle entered the intersection as part of a funeral procession or in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle, a citation shall not be issued. In municipalities with a population of less than 1,000,000 inhabitants and counties with a population of less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the automated traffic law ordinance shall require that all determinations by a technician that a motor vehicle was being operated in violation of Section 11-208.6, 11-208.9, or 11-1201.1 or a local ordinance must be reviewed and approved by a law enforcement officer or retired law enforcement officer of the municipality or county issuing the violation. In municipalities with a population of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants and counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, the automated traffic law ordinance shall require that all determinations by a technician that a motor vehicle was being operated in violation of Section 11-208.6, 11-208.9, or 11-1201.1 or a local ordinance must be reviewed and approved by a law enforcement officer or retired law enforcement officer of the municipality or county issuing the violation or by an additional fully trained reviewing technician who is not employed by the contractor who employs the technician who made the initial determination. In the case of an automated speed enforcement system violation, the ordinance shall require a determination by a technician employed by the municipality, based upon an inspection of recorded images, video or other documentation, including documentation of the speed limit and automated speed enforcement signage, and documentation of the inspection, calibration, and certification of the speed equipment, that the vehicle was being operated in violation of Article VI of Chapter 11 of this Code or a similar local ordinance. If the technician determines that the vehicle speed was not determined by a calibrated, certified speed equipment device based upon the speed equipment documentation, or if the vehicle was an emergency vehicle, a citation may not be issued. The automated speed enforcement ordinance shall require that all determinations by a technician that a violation occurred be reviewed and approved by a law enforcement officer or retired law enforcement officer of the municipality issuing the violation or by an additional fully trained reviewing technician who is not employed by the contractor who employs the technician who made the initial determination. Routine and independent calibration of the speeds produced by automated speed enforcement systems and equipment shall be conducted annually by a qualified technician. Speeds produced by an automated speed enforcement system shall be compared with speeds produced by lidar or other independent equipment. Radar or lidar equipment shall undergo an internal validation test no less frequently than once each week. Qualified technicians shall test loop-based equipment no less frequently than once a year. Radar equipment shall be checked for accuracy by a qualified technician when the unit is serviced, when unusual or suspect readings persist, or when deemed necessary by a reviewing technician. Radar equipment shall be checked with the internal frequency generator and the internal circuit test whenever the radar is turned on. Technicians must be alert for any unusual or suspect readings, and if unusual or suspect readings of a radar unit persist, that unit shall immediately be removed from service and not returned to service until it has been checked by a qualified technician and determined to be functioning properly. Documentation of the annual calibration results, including the equipment tested, test date, technician performing the test, and test results, shall be maintained and available for use in the determination of an automated speed enforcement system violation and issuance of a citation. The technician performing the calibration and testing of the automated speed enforcement equipment shall be trained and certified in the use of equipment for speed enforcement purposes. Training on the speed enforcement equipment may be conducted by law enforcement, civilian, or manufacturer's personnel and if applicable may be equivalent to the equipment use and operations training included in the Speed Measuring Device Operator Program developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The vendor or technician who performs the work shall keep accurate records on each piece of equipment the technician calibrates and tests. As used in this paragraph, "fully trained reviewing technician" means a person who has received at least 40 hours of supervised training in subjects which shall include image inspection and interpretation, the elements necessary to prove a violation, license plate identification, and traffic safety and management. In all municipalities and counties, the automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law ordinance shall require that no additional fee shall be charged to the alleged violator for exercising his or her right to an administrative hearing, and persons shall be given at least 25 days following an administrative hearing to pay any civil penalty imposed by a finding that Section 11-208.6, 11-208.8, 11-208.9, or 11-1201.1 or a similar local ordinance has been violated. The original or a facsimile of the violation notice or, in the case of a notice produced by a computerized device, a printed record generated by the device showing the facts entered on the notice, shall be retained by the traffic compliance administrator, and shall be a record kept in the ordinary course of business. A parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation notice issued, signed, and served in accordance with this Section, a copy of the notice, or the computer-generated record shall be prima facie correct and shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the facts shown on the notice. The notice, copy, or computer-generated record shall be admissible in any subsequent administrative or legal proceedings.
(4) An opportunity for a hearing for the registered
| owner of the vehicle cited in the parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation notice in which the owner may contest the merits of the alleged violation, and during which formal or technical rules of evidence shall not apply; provided, however, that under Section 11-1306 of this Code the lessee of a vehicle cited in the violation notice likewise shall be provided an opportunity for a hearing of the same kind afforded the registered owner. The hearings shall be recorded, and the person conducting the hearing on behalf of the traffic compliance administrator shall be empowered to administer oaths and to secure by subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. Persons appearing at a hearing under this Section may be represented by counsel at their expense. The ordinance may also provide for internal administrative review following the decision of the hearing officer.
(5) Service of additional notices, sent by first
| class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner of the cited vehicle as recorded with the Secretary of State or, if any notice to that address is returned as undeliverable, to the last known address recorded in a United States Post Office approved database, or, under Section 11-1306 or subsection (p) of Section 11-208.6 or 11-208.9, or subsection (p) of Section 11-208.8 of this Code, to the lessee of the cited vehicle at the last address known to the lessor of the cited vehicle at the time of lease or, if any notice to that address is returned as undeliverable, to the last known address recorded in a United States Post Office approved database. The service shall be deemed complete as of the date of deposit in the United States mail. The notices shall be in the following sequence and shall include, but not be limited to, the information specified herein:
(i) A second notice of parking, standing, or
| compliance violation if the first notice of the violation was issued by affixing the original or a facsimile of the notice to the unlawfully parked vehicle or by handing the notice to the operator. This notice shall specify or include the date and location of the violation cited in the parking, standing, or compliance violation notice, the particular regulation violated, the vehicle make or a photograph of the vehicle, the state registration number of the vehicle, any requirement to complete a traffic education program, the fine and any penalty that may be assessed for late payment or failure to complete a traffic education program, or both, when so provided by ordinance, the availability of a hearing in which the violation may be contested on its merits, and the time and manner in which the hearing may be had. The notice of violation shall also state that failure to complete a required traffic education program, to pay the indicated fine and any applicable penalty, or to appear at a hearing on the merits in the time and manner specified, will result in a final determination of violation liability for the cited violation in the amount of the fine or penalty indicated, and that, upon the occurrence of a final determination of violation liability for the failure, and the exhaustion of, or failure to exhaust, available administrative or judicial procedures for review, any incomplete traffic education program or any unpaid fine or penalty, or both, will constitute a debt due and owing the municipality or county.
(ii) A notice of final determination of parking,
| standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability. This notice shall be sent following a final determination of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability and the conclusion of judicial review procedures taken under this Section. The notice shall state that the incomplete traffic education program or the unpaid fine or penalty, or both, is a debt due and owing the municipality or county. The notice shall contain warnings that failure to complete any required traffic education program or to pay any fine or penalty due and owing the municipality or county, or both, within the time specified may result in the municipality's or county's filing of a petition in the Circuit Court to have the incomplete traffic education program or unpaid fine or penalty, or both, rendered a judgment as provided by this Section, or, where applicable, may result in suspension of the person's driver's license for failure to complete a traffic education program.
(6) A notice of impending driver's license
| suspension. This notice shall be sent to the person liable for failure to complete a required traffic education program. The notice shall state that failure to complete a required traffic education program within 45 days of the notice's date will result in the municipality or county notifying the Secretary of State that the person is eligible for initiation of suspension proceedings under Section 6-306.5 of this Code. The notice shall also state that the person may obtain a photostatic copy of an original ticket imposing a fine or penalty by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the municipality or county along with a request for the photostatic copy. The notice of impending driver's license suspension shall be sent by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address recorded with the Secretary of State or, if any notice to that address is returned as undeliverable, to the last known address recorded in a United States Post Office approved database.
(7) Final determinations of violation liability. A
| final determination of violation liability shall occur following failure to complete the required traffic education program or to pay the fine or penalty, or both, after a hearing officer's determination of violation liability and the exhaustion of or failure to exhaust any administrative review procedures provided by ordinance. Where a person fails to appear at a hearing to contest the alleged violation in the time and manner specified in a prior mailed notice, the hearing officer's determination of violation liability shall become final: (A) upon denial of a timely petition to set aside that determination, or (B) upon expiration of the period for filing the petition without a filing having been made.
(8) A petition to set aside a determination of
| parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability that may be filed by a person owing an unpaid fine or penalty. A petition to set aside a determination of liability may also be filed by a person required to complete a traffic education program. The petition shall be filed with and ruled upon by the traffic compliance administrator in the manner and within the time specified by ordinance. The grounds for the petition may be limited to: (A) the person not having been the owner or lessee of the cited vehicle on the date the violation notice was issued, (B) the person having already completed the required traffic education program or paid the fine or penalty, or both, for the violation in question, and (C) excusable failure to appear at or request a new date for a hearing. With regard to municipalities or counties with a population of 1 million or more, it shall be grounds for dismissal of a parking violation if the state registration number or vehicle make, only if specified in the violation notice, is incorrect. After the determination of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability has been set aside upon a showing of just cause, the registered owner shall be provided with a hearing on the merits for that violation.
(9) Procedures for non-residents. Procedures by which
| persons who are not residents of the municipality or county may contest the merits of the alleged violation without attending a hearing.
(10) A schedule of civil fines for violations of
| vehicular standing, parking, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law regulations enacted by ordinance pursuant to this Section, and a schedule of penalties for late payment of the fines or failure to complete required traffic education programs, provided, however, that the total amount of the fine and penalty for any one violation shall not exceed $250, except as provided in subsection (c) of Section 11-1301.3 of this Code.
(11) Other provisions as are necessary and proper to
| carry into effect the powers granted and purposes stated in this Section.
(b-5) An automated speed enforcement system or automated traffic law ordinance adopted under this Section by a municipality or county shall require that the determination to issue a citation be vested solely with the municipality or county and that such authority may not be delegated to any vendor retained by the municipality or county. Any contract or agreement violating such a provision in the ordinance is null and void.
(c) Any municipality or county establishing vehicular standing, parking,
compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law
regulations under this Section may also provide by ordinance for a
program of vehicle immobilization for the purpose of facilitating
enforcement of those regulations. The program of vehicle
immobilization shall provide for immobilizing any eligible vehicle upon the
public way by presence of a restraint in a manner to prevent operation of
the vehicle. Any ordinance establishing a program of vehicle
immobilization under this Section shall provide:
(1) Criteria for the designation of vehicles eligible
| for immobilization. A vehicle shall be eligible for immobilization when the registered owner of the vehicle has accumulated the number of incomplete traffic education programs or unpaid final determinations of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability, or both, as determined by ordinance.
(2) A notice of impending vehicle immobilization and
| a right to a hearing to challenge the validity of the notice by disproving liability for the incomplete traffic education programs or unpaid final determinations of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation liability, or both, listed on the notice.
(3) The right to a prompt hearing after a vehicle has
| been immobilized or subsequently towed without the completion of the required traffic education program or payment of the outstanding fines and penalties on parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violations, or both, for which final determinations have been issued. An order issued after the hearing is a final administrative decision within the meaning of Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(4) A post immobilization and post-towing notice
| advising the registered owner of the vehicle of the right to a hearing to challenge the validity of the impoundment.
(d) Judicial review of final determinations of parking, standing,
compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law
violations and final administrative decisions issued after hearings
regarding vehicle immobilization and impoundment made
under this Section shall be subject to the provisions of
the Administrative Review Law.
(e) Any fine, penalty, incomplete traffic education program, or part of any fine or any penalty remaining
unpaid after the exhaustion of, or the failure to exhaust, administrative
remedies created under this Section and the conclusion of any judicial
review procedures shall be a debt due and owing the municipality or county and, as
such, may be collected in accordance with applicable law. Completion of any required traffic education program and payment in full
of any fine or penalty resulting from a standing, parking,
compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation shall
constitute a final disposition of that violation.
(f) After the expiration of the period within which judicial review may
be sought for a final determination of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law
violation, the municipality
or county may commence a proceeding in the Circuit Court for purposes of obtaining a
judgment on the final determination of violation. Nothing in this
Section shall prevent a municipality or county from consolidating multiple final
determinations of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violations against a
person in a proceeding.
Upon commencement of the action, the municipality or county shall file a certified
copy or record of the final determination of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law
violation, which shall be
accompanied by a certification that recites facts sufficient to show that
the final determination of violation was
issued in accordance with this Section and the applicable municipal
or county ordinance. Service of the summons and a copy of the petition may be by
any method provided by Section 2-203 of the Code of Civil Procedure or by
certified mail, return receipt requested, provided that the total amount of
fines and penalties for final determinations of parking, standing,
compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violations does not
exceed $2500. If the court is satisfied that the final determination of
parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation was entered in accordance with
the requirements of
this Section and the applicable municipal or county ordinance, and that the registered
owner or the lessee, as the case may be, had an opportunity for an
administrative hearing and for judicial review as provided in this Section,
the court shall render judgment in favor of the municipality or county and against
the registered owner or the lessee for the amount indicated in the final
determination of parking, standing, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation, plus costs.
The judgment shall have
the same effect and may be enforced in the same manner as other judgments
for the recovery of money.
(g) The fee for participating in a traffic education program under this Section shall not exceed $25.
A low-income individual required to complete a traffic education program under this Section who provides proof of eligibility for the federal earned income tax credit under Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code or the Illinois earned income tax credit under Section 212 of the Illinois Income Tax Act shall not be required to pay any fee for participating in a required traffic education program.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a person shall not be liable for violations, fees, fines, or penalties under this Section during the period in which the motor vehicle was stolen or hijacked, as indicated in a report to the appropriate law enforcement agency filed in a timely manner.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; 103-364, eff. 7-28-23.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208.6) Sec. 11-208.6. Automated traffic law enforcement system. (a) As used in this Section, "automated traffic law enforcement system" means a device with one or more motor vehicle sensors working in conjunction with a red light signal to produce recorded images of motor vehicles entering an intersection against a red signal indication in violation of Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance. An automated traffic law enforcement system is a system, in a municipality or county operated by a governmental agency, that produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must also display the time, date, and location of the violation. (b) As used in this Section, "recorded images" means images recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system on: (1) 2 or more photographs; (2) 2 or more microphotographs; (3) 2 or more electronic images; or (4) a video recording showing the motor vehicle and, |
| on at least one image or portion of the recording, clearly identifying the registration plate or digital registration plate number of the motor vehicle.
(b-5) A municipality or county that produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance must make the recorded images of a violation accessible to the alleged violator by providing the alleged violator with a website address, accessible through the Internet.
(c) Except as provided under Section 11-208.8 of this Code, a county or municipality, including a home rule county or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law enforcement system to provide recorded images of a motor vehicle for the purpose of recording its speed. Except as provided under Section 11-208.8 of this Code, the regulation of the use of automated traffic law enforcement systems to record vehicle speeds is an exclusive power and function of the State. This subsection (c) is a denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
(c-5) A county or municipality, including a home rule county or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law enforcement system to issue violations in instances where the motor vehicle comes to a complete stop and does not enter the intersection, as defined by Section 1-132 of this Code, during the cycle of the red signal indication unless one or more pedestrians or bicyclists are present, even if the motor vehicle stops at a point past a stop line or crosswalk where a driver is required to stop, as specified in subsection (c) of Section 11-306 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance.
(c-6) A county, or a municipality with less than 2,000,000 inhabitants, including a home rule county or municipality, may not use an automated traffic law enforcement system to issue violations in instances where a motorcyclist enters an intersection against a red signal indication when the red signal fails to change to a green signal within a reasonable period of time not less than 120 seconds because of a signal malfunction or because the signal has failed to detect the arrival of the motorcycle due to the motorcycle's size or weight.
(d) For each violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance recorded by an automatic traffic law enforcement system, the county or municipality having jurisdiction shall issue a written notice of the violation to the registered owner of the vehicle as the alleged violator. The notice shall be delivered to the registered owner of the vehicle, by mail, within 30 days after the Secretary of State notifies the municipality or county of the identity of the owner of the vehicle, but in no event later than 90 days after the violation.
The notice shall include:
(1) the name and address of the registered owner of
(2) the registration number of the motor vehicle
| involved in the violation;
(3) the violation charged;
(4) the location where the violation occurred;
(5) the date and time of the violation;
(6) a copy of the recorded images;
(7) the amount of the civil penalty imposed and the
| requirements of any traffic education program imposed and the date by which the civil penalty should be paid and the traffic education program should be completed;
(8) a statement that recorded images are evidence of
| a violation of a red light signal;
(9) a warning that failure to pay the civil penalty,
| to complete a required traffic education program, or to contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of liability;
(10) a statement that the person may elect to proceed
(A) paying the fine, completing a required
| traffic education program, or both; or
(B) challenging the charge in court, by mail, or
| by administrative hearing; and
(11) a website address, accessible through the
| Internet, where the person may view the recorded images of the violation.
(e) (Blank).
(f) Based on inspection of recorded images produced by an automated traffic law enforcement system, a notice alleging that the violation occurred shall be evidence of the facts contained in the notice and admissible in any proceeding alleging a violation under this Section.
(g) Recorded images made by an automatic traffic law enforcement system are confidential and shall be made available only to the alleged violator and governmental and law enforcement agencies for purposes of adjudicating a violation of this Section, for statistical purposes, or for other governmental purposes. Any recorded image evidencing a violation of this Section, however, may be admissible in any proceeding resulting from the issuance of the citation.
(h) The court or hearing officer may consider in defense of a violation:
(1) that the motor vehicle or registration plates or
| digital registration plates of the motor vehicle were stolen before the violation occurred and not under the control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(1.5) that the motor vehicle was hijacked before the
| violation occurred and not under the control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(2) that the driver of the vehicle passed through the
| intersection when the light was red either (i) in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or (ii) as part of a funeral procession; and
(3) any other evidence or issues provided by
| municipal or county ordinance.
(i) To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or the motor vehicle or registration plates or digital registration plates were stolen before the violation occurred and were not under the control or possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation, the owner or lessee must submit proof that a report concerning the motor vehicle or registration plates was filed with a law enforcement agency in a timely manner.
(j) Unless the driver of the motor vehicle received a Uniform Traffic Citation from a police officer at the time of the violation, the motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil penalty not exceeding $100 or the completion of a traffic education program, or both, plus an additional penalty of not more than $100 for failure to pay the original penalty or to complete a required traffic education program, or both, in a timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system. A violation for which a civil penalty is imposed under this Section is not a violation of a traffic regulation governing the movement of vehicles and may not be recorded on the driving record of the owner of the vehicle.
(j-3) A registered owner who is a holder of a valid commercial driver's license is not required to complete a traffic education program.
(j-5) For purposes of the required traffic education program only, a registered owner may submit an affidavit to the court or hearing officer swearing that at the time of the alleged violation, the vehicle was in the custody and control of another person. The affidavit must identify the person in custody and control of the vehicle, including the person's name and current address. The person in custody and control of the vehicle at the time of the violation is required to complete the required traffic education program. If the person in custody and control of the vehicle at the time of the violation completes the required traffic education program, the registered owner of the vehicle is not required to complete a traffic education program.
(k) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system must be posted with a sign visible to approaching traffic indicating that the intersection is being monitored by an automated traffic law enforcement system and informing drivers whether, following a stop, a right turn at the intersection is permitted or prohibited.
(k-3) A municipality or county that has one or more intersections equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by posting the locations of automated traffic law systems on the municipality or county website.
(k-5) An intersection equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system must have a yellow change interval that conforms with the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (IMUTCD) published by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Beginning 6 months before it installs an automated traffic law enforcement system at an intersection, a county or municipality may not change the yellow change interval at that intersection.
(k-7) A municipality or county operating an automated traffic law enforcement system shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of each automated traffic law enforcement system at an intersection following installation of the system and every 2 years thereafter. Each statistical analysis shall be based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, and shall cover a period of time before and after installation of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid comparison of safety impact. Each statistical analysis shall be consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry practice. Each statistical analysis also shall be consistent with the data required for valid comparisons of before and after conditions and shall be conducted within a reasonable period following the installation of the automated traffic law enforcement system. Each statistical analysis required by this subsection (k-7) shall be made available to the public and shall be published on the website of the municipality or county. If a statistical analysis indicates that there has been an increase in the rate of crashes at the approach to the intersection monitored by the system, the municipality or county shall undertake additional studies to determine the cause and severity of the crashes, and may take any action that it determines is necessary or appropriate to reduce the number or severity of the crashes at that intersection.
(k-8) Any municipality or county operating an automated traffic law enforcement system before July 28, 2023 (the effective date of Public Act 103-364) shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of each automated traffic law enforcement system at an intersection by no later than one year after July 28, 2023 (the effective date of Public Act 103-364) and every 2 years thereafter. The statistical analyses shall be based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, and shall cover a period of time before and after installation of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid comparison of safety impact. The statistical analyses shall be consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry practice. The statistical analyses also shall be consistent with the data required for valid comparisons of before and after conditions. The statistical analyses required by this subsection shall be made available to the public and shall be published on the website of the municipality or county. If the statistical analysis for any period following installation of the system indicates that there has been an increase in the rate of accidents at the approach to the intersection monitored by the system, the municipality or county shall undertake additional studies to determine the cause and severity of the accidents, and may take any action that it determines is necessary or appropriate to reduce the number or severity of the accidents at that intersection.
(l) The compensation paid for an automated traffic law enforcement system must be based on the value of the equipment or the services provided and may not be based on the number of traffic citations issued or the revenue generated by the system.
(l-1) No member of the General Assembly and no officer or employee of a municipality or county shall knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former member of the General Assembly shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of service as a member of the General Assembly, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former officer or employee of a municipality or county shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of municipal or county employment, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties.
(m) This Section applies only to the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, Madison, McHenry, St. Clair, and Will and to municipalities located within those counties.
(n) The fee for participating in a traffic education program under this Section shall not exceed $25.
A low-income individual required to complete a traffic education program under this Section who provides proof of eligibility for the federal earned income tax credit under Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code or the Illinois earned income tax credit under Section 212 of the Illinois Income Tax Act shall not be required to pay any fee for participating in a required traffic education program.
(o) (Blank).
(p) No person who is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant to a written lease agreement shall be liable for an automated speed or traffic law enforcement system violation involving such motor vehicle during the period of the lease; provided that upon the request of the appropriate authority received within 120 days after the violation occurred, the lessor provides within 60 days after such receipt the name and address of the lessee.
Upon the provision of information by the lessor pursuant to this subsection, the county or municipality may issue the violation to the lessee of the vehicle in the same manner as it would issue a violation to a registered owner of a vehicle pursuant to this Section, and the lessee may be held liable for the violation.
(q) If a county or municipality selects a new vendor for its automated traffic law enforcement system and must, as a consequence, apply for a permit, approval, or other authorization from the Department for reinstallation of one or more malfunctioning components of that system and if, at the time of the application for the permit, approval, or other authorization, the new vendor operates an automated traffic law enforcement system for any other county or municipality in the State, then the Department shall approve or deny the county or municipality's application for the permit, approval, or other authorization within 90 days after its receipt.
(r) The Department may revoke any permit, approval, or other authorization granted to a county or municipality for the placement, installation, or operation of an automated traffic law enforcement system if any official or employee who serves that county or municipality is charged with bribery, official misconduct, or a similar crime related to the placement, installation, or operation of the automated traffic law enforcement system in the county or municipality.
The Department shall adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer this subsection. The rules adopted by the Department shall describe the revocation process, shall ensure that notice of the revocation is provided, and shall provide an opportunity to appeal the revocation. Any county or municipality that has a permit, approval, or other authorization revoked under this subsection may not reapply for such a permit, approval, or other authorization for a period of one year after the revocation.
(s) If an automated traffic law enforcement system is removed or rendered inoperable due to construction, then the Department shall authorize the reinstallation or use of the automated traffic law enforcement system within 30 days after the construction is complete.
(Source: P.A. 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-364, eff. 7-28-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208.7) Sec. 11-208.7. Administrative fees and procedures for impounding vehicles for specified violations. (a) Any county or municipality may, consistent with this Section, provide by ordinance procedures for the release of properly impounded vehicles and for the imposition of a reasonable administrative fee related to its administrative and processing costs associated with the investigation, arrest, and detention of an offender, or the removal, impoundment, storage, and release of the vehicle. The administrative fee imposed by the county or municipality may be in addition to any fees
charged for the towing and storage of an impounded vehicle. The administrative fee shall be waived by the county or municipality upon verifiable proof that the vehicle was stolen or hijacked at the time the vehicle was impounded. (b) An ordinance establishing procedures for the release of properly impounded vehicles under this Section may impose fees only for the following violations: (1) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the |
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, an offense for which a motor vehicle may be seized and forfeited pursuant to Section 36-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012; or
(2) driving under the influence of alcohol, another
| drug or drugs, an intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof, in violation of Section 11-501 of this Code; or
(3) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, a felony or in violation of the Cannabis Control Act; or
(4) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, an offense in violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act; or
(5) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, an offense in violation of Section 24-1, 24-1.5, or 24-3.1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; or
(6) driving while a driver's license, permit, or
| privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or revoked pursuant to Section 6-303 of this Code; except that vehicles shall not be subjected to seizure or impoundment if the suspension is for an unpaid citation (parking or moving) or due to failure to comply with emission testing; or
(7) operation or use of a motor vehicle while
| soliciting, possessing, or attempting to solicit or possess cannabis or a controlled substance, as defined by the Cannabis Control Act or the Illinois Controlled Substances Act; or
(8) operation or use of a motor vehicle with an
| expired driver's license, in violation of Section 6-101 of this Code, if the period of expiration is greater than one year; or
(9) operation or use of a motor vehicle without ever
| having been issued a driver's license or permit, in violation of Section 6-101 of this Code, or operating a motor vehicle without ever having been issued a driver's license or permit due to a person's age; or
(10) operation or use of a motor vehicle by a person
| against whom a warrant has been issued by a circuit clerk in Illinois for failing to answer charges that the driver violated Section 6-101, 6-303, or 11-501 of this Code; or
(11) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, an offense in violation of Article 16 or 16A of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; or
(12) operation or use of a motor vehicle in the
| commission of, or in the attempt to commit, any other misdemeanor or felony offense in violation of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, when so provided by local ordinance; or
(13) operation or use of a motor vehicle in violation
| of Section 11-503 of this Code:
(A) while the vehicle is part of a funeral
(B) in a manner that interferes with a funeral
(c) The following shall apply to any fees imposed for administrative and processing costs pursuant to subsection (b):
(1) All administrative fees and towing and storage
| charges shall be imposed on the registered owner of the motor vehicle or the agents of that owner.
(1.5) No administrative fees shall be imposed on
| the registered owner or the agents of that owner if the motor vehicle was stolen or hijacked at the time the vehicle was impounded. To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or stolen at the time the vehicle was impounded, the owner or the agents of the owner must submit proof that a report concerning the motor vehicle was filed with a law enforcement agency in a timely manner.
(2) The fees shall be in addition to (i) any other
| penalties that may be assessed by a court of law for the underlying violations; and (ii) any towing or storage fees, or both, charged by the towing company.
(3) The fees shall be uniform for all similarly
(4) The fees shall be collected by and paid to the
| county or municipality imposing the fees.
(5) The towing or storage fees, or both, shall be
| collected by and paid to the person, firm, or entity that tows and stores the impounded vehicle.
(d) Any ordinance establishing procedures for the release of properly impounded vehicles under this Section shall provide for an opportunity for a hearing, as provided in subdivision (b)(4) of Section 11-208.3 of this Code, and for the release of the vehicle to the owner of record, lessee, or a lienholder of record upon payment of all administrative fees and towing and storage fees.
(e) Any ordinance establishing procedures for the impoundment
and release of vehicles under this Section shall include the following provisions concerning notice of impoundment:
(1) Whenever a police officer has cause to believe
| that a motor vehicle is subject to impoundment, the officer shall provide for the towing of the vehicle to a facility authorized by the county or municipality.
(2) At the time the vehicle is towed, the county or
| municipality shall notify or make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner, lessee, or person identifying himself or herself as the owner or lessee of the vehicle, or any person who is found to be in control of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offense, of the fact of the seizure, and of the vehicle owner's or lessee's right to an administrative hearing.
(3) The county or municipality shall also provide
| notice that the motor vehicle will remain impounded pending the completion of an administrative hearing, unless the owner or lessee of the vehicle or a lienholder posts with the county or municipality a bond equal to the administrative fee as provided by ordinance and pays for all towing and storage charges.
(f) Any ordinance establishing procedures for the impoundment and
release of vehicles under this Section shall include a provision providing that the
registered owner or lessee of the vehicle and any lienholder of record shall be provided with a
notice of hearing. The notice shall:
(1) be served upon the owner, lessee, and any
| lienholder of record either by personal service or by first class mail to the interested party's address as registered with the Secretary of State;
(2) be served upon interested parties within 10 days
| after a vehicle is impounded by the municipality; and
(3) contain the date, time, and location of the
| administrative hearing. An initial hearing shall be scheduled and convened no later than 45 days after the date of the mailing of the notice of hearing.
(g) In addition to the requirements contained in
subdivision (b)(4) of Section 11-208.3 of this Code relating to administrative hearings, any ordinance providing for the impoundment
and release of vehicles under this Section shall include the following requirements concerning administrative hearings:
(1) administrative hearings shall be conducted by a
| hearing officer who is an attorney licensed to practice law in this State for a minimum of 3 years;
(1.5) the hearing officer shall consider as a
| defense to the vehicle impoundment that the motor vehicle was stolen or hijacked at the time the vehicle was impounded; to demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or stolen at the time the vehicle was impounded, the owner or the agents of the owner or a lessee must submit proof that a report concerning the motor vehicle was filed with a law enforcement agency in a timely manner;
(2) at the conclusion of the administrative hearing,
| the hearing officer shall issue a written decision either sustaining or overruling the vehicle impoundment;
(3) if the basis for the vehicle impoundment is
| sustained by the administrative hearing officer, any administrative fee posted to secure the release of the vehicle shall be forfeited to the county or municipality;
(4) all final decisions of the administrative hearing
| officer shall be subject to review under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, unless the county or municipality allows in the enabling ordinance for direct appeal to the circuit court having jurisdiction over the county or municipality;
(5) unless the administrative hearing officer
| overturns the basis for the vehicle impoundment, no vehicle shall be released to the owner, lessee, or lienholder of record until all administrative fees and towing and storage charges are paid;
(6) if the administrative hearing officer finds that
| a county or municipality that impounds a vehicle exceeded its authority under this Code, the county or municipality shall be liable to the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle for the cost of storage fees and reasonable attorney's fees; and
(7) notwithstanding any other provision of law to
| the contrary, if the administrative hearing officer finds that a county or municipality impounded a motor vehicle that was stolen or hijacked at the time the vehicle was impounded, the county or municipality shall refund any administrative fees already paid by the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle.
(h) Vehicles not retrieved from the towing facility or storage facility
within 35 days after the administrative hearing officer issues a written decision shall be deemed abandoned and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Article II of Chapter
4 of this Code.
(i) Unless stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction, any fine, penalty, or administrative fee imposed under this
Section which remains unpaid in whole or in part after the expiration of the deadline for seeking judicial
review under the Administrative Review Law may be enforced in the same manner as a judgment entered by a court of
competent jurisdiction.
(j) The fee limits in subsection (b), the exceptions in paragraph (6) of subsection (b), and all of paragraph (6) of subsection (g) of this Section shall not apply to a home rule unit that tows a vehicle on a public way if a circumstance requires the towing of the vehicle or if the vehicle is towed due to a violation of a statute or local ordinance, and the home rule unit:
(1) owns and operates a towing facility within its
| boundaries for the storage of towed vehicles; and
(2) owns and operates tow trucks or enters into a
| contract with a third party vendor to operate tow trucks.
(Source: P.A. 102-905, eff. 1-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208.8) Sec. 11-208.8. Automated speed enforcement systems in safety zones. (a) As used in this Section: "Automated speed enforcement
system" means a photographic device, radar device, laser device, or other electrical or mechanical device or devices installed or utilized in a safety zone and designed to record the speed of a vehicle and obtain a clear photograph or other recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's registration plate or digital registration plate while the driver is violating Article VI of Chapter 11 of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance. An automated speed enforcement system is a system, located in a safety zone which is under the jurisdiction of a municipality, that produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must also display the time, date, and location of the violation. "Owner" means the person or entity to whom the vehicle is registered. "Recorded image" means images
recorded by an automated speed enforcement system on: (1) 2 or more photographs; (2) 2 or more microphotographs; (3) 2 or more electronic images; or (4) a video recording showing the motor vehicle and, |
| on at least one image or portion of the recording, clearly identifying the registration plate or digital registration plate number of the motor vehicle.
"Safety zone" means an area that is within one-eighth of a mile from the nearest property line of any public or private elementary or secondary school, or from the nearest property line of any facility, area, or land owned by a school district that is used for educational purposes approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, not including school district headquarters or administrative buildings. A safety zone also includes an area that is within one-eighth of a mile from the nearest property line of any facility, area, or land owned by a park district used for recreational purposes. However, if any portion of a roadway is within either one-eighth mile radius, the safety zone also shall include the roadway extended to the furthest portion of the next furthest intersection. The term "safety zone" does not include any portion of the roadway known as Lake Shore Drive or any controlled access highway with 8 or more lanes of traffic.
(a-5) The automated speed enforcement system shall be operational and violations shall be recorded only at the following times:
(i) if the safety zone is based upon the property
| line of any facility, area, or land owned by a school district, only on school days and no earlier than 6 a.m. and no later than 8:30 p.m. if the school day is during the period of Monday through Thursday, or 9 p.m. if the school day is a Friday; and
(ii) if the safety zone is based upon the property
| line of any facility, area, or land owned by a park district, no earlier than one hour prior to the time that the facility, area, or land is open to the public or other patrons, and no later than one hour after the facility, area, or land is closed to the public or other patrons.
(b) A municipality that
produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's
violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance must make the recorded images of a violation accessible to the alleged violator by providing the alleged violator with a website address, accessible through the Internet.
(c) Notwithstanding any penalties for any other violations of this Code, the owner of a motor vehicle used in a traffic violation recorded by an automated speed enforcement system shall be subject to the following penalties:
(1) if the recorded speed is no less than 6 miles per
| hour and no more than 10 miles per hour over the legal speed limit, a civil penalty not exceeding $50, plus an additional penalty of not more than $50 for failure to pay the original penalty in a timely manner; or
(2) if the recorded speed is more than 10 miles per
| hour over the legal speed limit, a civil penalty not exceeding $100, plus an additional penalty of not more than $100 for failure to pay the original penalty in a timely manner.
A penalty may not be imposed under this Section if the driver of the motor vehicle received a Uniform Traffic Citation from a police officer for a speeding violation occurring within one-eighth of a mile and 15 minutes of the violation that was recorded by the system. A violation for which a civil penalty is imposed
under this Section is not a violation of a traffic regulation governing
the movement of vehicles and may not be recorded on the driving record
of the owner of the vehicle. A law enforcement officer is not required to be present or to witness the violation. No penalty may be imposed under this Section if the recorded speed of a vehicle is 5 miles per hour or less over the legal speed limit. The municipality may send, in the same manner that notices are sent under this Section, a speed violation warning notice where the violation involves a speed of 5 miles per hour or less above the legal speed limit.
(d) The net proceeds that a municipality receives from civil penalties imposed under an automated speed enforcement system, after deducting all non-personnel and personnel costs associated with the operation and maintenance of such system, shall be expended or obligated by the municipality for the following purposes:
(i) public safety initiatives to ensure safe
| passage around schools, and to provide police protection and surveillance around schools and parks, including but not limited to: (1) personnel costs; and (2) non-personnel costs such as construction and maintenance of public safety infrastructure and equipment;
(ii) initiatives to improve pedestrian and traffic
(iii) construction and maintenance of
| infrastructure within the municipality, including but not limited to roads and bridges; and
(iv) after school programs.
(e) For each violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance
recorded by an automated speed enforcement system, the municipality having
jurisdiction shall issue a written notice of the
violation to the registered owner of the vehicle as the alleged
violator. The notice shall be delivered to the registered
owner of the vehicle, by mail, within 30 days after the Secretary of State notifies the municipality of the identity of the owner of the vehicle, but in no event later than 90 days after the violation.
(f) The notice required under subsection (e) of this Section shall include:
(1) the name and address of the registered owner of
(2) the registration number of the motor vehicle
| involved in the violation;
(3) the violation charged;
(4) the date, time, and location where the violation
(5) a copy of the recorded image or images;
(6) the amount of the civil penalty imposed and the
| date by which the civil penalty should be paid;
(7) a statement that recorded images are evidence of
| a violation of a speed restriction;
(8) a warning that failure to pay the civil penalty
| or to contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of liability;
(9) a statement that the person may elect to proceed
(A) paying the fine; or
(B) challenging the charge in court, by mail, or
| by administrative hearing; and
(10) a website address, accessible through the
| Internet, where the person may view the recorded images of the violation.
(g) (Blank).
(h) Based on inspection of recorded images produced by an
automated speed enforcement system, a notice alleging that the violation occurred shall be evidence of the facts contained
in the notice and admissible in any proceeding alleging a
violation under this Section.
(i) Recorded images made by an automated speed
enforcement system are confidential and shall be made
available only to the alleged violator and governmental and
law enforcement agencies for purposes of adjudicating a
violation of this Section, for statistical purposes, or for other governmental purposes. Any recorded image evidencing a
violation of this Section, however, may be admissible in
any proceeding resulting from the issuance of the citation.
(j) The court or hearing officer may consider in defense of a violation:
(1) that the motor vehicle or registration plates or
| digital registration plates of the motor vehicle were stolen before the violation occurred and not under the control or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(1.5) that the motor vehicle was hijacked before
| the violation occurred and not under the control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(2) that the driver of the motor vehicle received a
| Uniform Traffic Citation from a police officer for a speeding violation occurring within one-eighth of a mile and 15 minutes of the violation that was recorded by the system; and
(3) any other evidence or issues provided by
(k) To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or the motor vehicle or registration
plates or digital registration plates were stolen before the violation occurred and were not under the
control or possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation, the
owner or lessee must submit proof that a report concerning the
motor vehicle or registration plates was filed with a law enforcement agency in a timely manner.
(l) A roadway equipped with an automated speed enforcement system shall be posted with a sign conforming to the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices that is visible to approaching traffic stating that vehicle speeds are being photo-enforced and indicating the speed limit. The municipality shall install such additional signage as it determines is necessary to give reasonable notice to drivers as to where automated speed enforcement systems are installed.
(m) A roadway where a new automated speed enforcement system is installed shall be posted with signs providing 30 days notice of the use of a new automated speed enforcement system prior to the issuance of any citations through the automated speed enforcement system.
(n) The compensation paid for an automated speed enforcement system
must be based on the value of the equipment or the services provided and may
not be based on the number of traffic citations issued or the revenue generated
by the system.
(n-1) No member of the General Assembly and no officer or employee of a municipality or county shall knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated speed enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former member of the General Assembly shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of service as a member of the General Assembly, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated speed enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former officer or employee of a municipality or county shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of municipal or county employment, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated speed enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties.
(o) (Blank).
(p) No person who is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant to a written lease agreement shall be liable for an automated speed or traffic law enforcement system violation involving such motor vehicle during the period of the lease; provided that upon the request of the appropriate authority received within 120 days after the violation occurred, the lessor provides within 60 days after such receipt the name and address of the lessee. The drivers license number of a lessee may be subsequently individually requested by the appropriate authority if needed for enforcement of this Section.
Upon the provision of information by the lessor pursuant to this subsection, the municipality may issue the violation to the lessee of the vehicle in the same manner as it would issue a violation to a registered owner of a vehicle pursuant to this Section, and the lessee may be held liable for the violation.
(q) A municipality using an automated speed enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by publishing the locations of all safety zones where system equipment is installed on the website of the municipality.
(r) A municipality operating an automated speed enforcement system shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of the system following installation of the system and every 2 years thereafter. A municipality operating an automated speed enforcement system before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of the system by no later than one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly and every 2 years thereafter. Each statistical analysis shall be based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, and shall cover a period of time before and after installation of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid comparison of safety impact. Each statistical analysis shall be consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry practice. Each statistical analysis also shall be consistent with the data required for valid comparisons of before and after conditions and shall be conducted within a reasonable period following the installation of the automated traffic law enforcement system. Each statistical analysis required by this subsection shall be made available to the public and shall be published on the website of the municipality.
(s) This Section applies only to municipalities with a population of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants.
(t) If a county or municipality selects a new vendor for its automated speed enforcement
system and must, as a consequence, apply for a permit, approval, or other authorization from the Department for reinstallation of one or more malfunctioning components of that system and if, at the time of the application for the permit, approval, or other authorization, the new vendor operates an automated speed enforcement
system for any other county or municipality in the State, then the Department shall approve or deny the county or municipality's application for the permit, approval, or other authorization within 90 days after its receipt.
(u) The Department may revoke any permit, approval, or other authorization granted to a county or municipality for the placement, installation, or operation of an automated speed enforcement
system if any official or employee who serves that county or municipality is charged with bribery, official misconduct, or a similar crime related to the placement, installation, or operation of the automated speed enforcement
system in the county or municipality.
The Department shall adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer this subsection. The rules adopted by the Department shall describe the revocation process, shall ensure that notice of the revocation is provided, and shall provide an opportunity to appeal the revocation. Any county or municipality that has a permit, approval, or other authorization revoked under this subsection may not reapply for such a permit, approval, or other authorization for a period of 1 year after the revocation.
(Source: P.A. 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; 103-364, eff. 7-28-23.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-208.9)
Sec. 11-208.9. Automated traffic law enforcement system; approaching, overtaking, and passing a school bus. (a) As used in this Section, "automated traffic law enforcement
system" means a device with one or more motor vehicle sensors working
in conjunction with the visual signals on a school bus, as specified in Sections 12-803 and 12-805 of this Code, to produce recorded images of
motor vehicles that fail to stop before meeting or overtaking, from either direction, any school bus stopped at any location for the purpose of receiving or discharging pupils in violation of Section 11-1414 of this Code or a similar provision
of a local ordinance. An
automated traffic law enforcement system is a system, in a municipality or
county operated by a
governmental agency, that
produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's
violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance
and is designed to obtain a clear recorded image of the
vehicle and the vehicle's license plate. The recorded image must also
display the time, date, and location of the violation. (b) As used in this Section, "recorded images" means images
recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system on: (1) 2 or more photographs; (2) 2 or more microphotographs; (3) 2 or more electronic images; or (4) a video recording showing the motor vehicle and, |
| on at least one image or portion of the recording, clearly identifying the registration plate or digital registration plate number of the motor vehicle.
(c) A municipality or
county that
produces a recorded image of a motor vehicle's
violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance must make the recorded images of a violation accessible to the alleged violator by providing the alleged violator with a website address, accessible through the Internet.
(d) For each violation of a provision of this Code or a local ordinance
recorded by an automated
traffic law enforcement system, the county or municipality having
jurisdiction shall issue a written notice of the
violation to the registered owner of the vehicle as the alleged
violator. The notice shall be delivered to the registered
owner of the vehicle, by mail, within 30 days after the Secretary of State notifies the municipality or county of the identity of the owner of the vehicle, but in no event later than 90 days after the violation.
(e) The notice required under subsection (d) shall include:
(1) the name and address of the registered owner of
(2) the registration number of the motor vehicle
| involved in the violation;
(3) the violation charged;
(4) the location where the violation occurred;
(5) the date and time of the violation;
(6) a copy of the recorded images;
(7) the amount of the civil penalty imposed and the
| date by which the civil penalty should be paid;
(8) a statement that recorded images are evidence of
| a violation of overtaking or passing a school bus stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging pupils;
(9) a warning that failure to pay the civil penalty
| or to contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of liability;
(10) a statement that the person may elect to proceed
(A) paying the fine; or
(B) challenging the charge in court, by mail, or
| by administrative hearing; and
(11) a website address, accessible through the
| Internet, where the person may view the recorded images of the violation.
(f) (Blank).
(g) Based on inspection of recorded images produced by an
automated traffic law enforcement system, a notice alleging that the violation occurred shall be evidence of the facts contained
in the notice and admissible in any proceeding alleging a
violation under this Section.
(h) Recorded images made by an automated traffic law
enforcement system are confidential and shall be made
available only to the alleged violator and governmental and
law enforcement agencies for purposes of adjudicating a
violation of this Section, for statistical purposes, or for other governmental purposes. Any recorded image evidencing a
violation of this Section, however, may be admissible in
any proceeding resulting from the issuance of the citation.
(i) The court or hearing officer may consider in defense of a violation:
(1) that the motor vehicle or registration plates or
| digital registration plates of the motor vehicle were stolen before the violation occurred and not under the control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(1.5) that the motor vehicle was hijacked before
| the violation occurred and not under the control of or in the possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation;
(2) that the driver of the motor vehicle received a
| Uniform Traffic Citation from a police officer for a violation of Section 11-1414 of this Code within one-eighth of a mile and 15 minutes of the violation that was recorded by the system;
(3) that the visual signals required by Sections
| 12-803 and 12-805 of this Code were damaged, not activated, not present in violation of Sections 12-803 and 12-805, or inoperable; and
(4) any other evidence or issues provided by
| municipal or county ordinance.
(j) To demonstrate that the motor vehicle was hijacked or the motor vehicle or registration
plates or digital registration plates were stolen before the violation occurred and were not under the
control or possession of the owner or lessee at the time of the violation, the
owner or lessee must submit proof that a report concerning the
motor vehicle or registration plates was filed with a law enforcement agency in a timely manner.
(k) Unless the driver of the motor vehicle received a Uniform
Traffic Citation from a police officer at the time of the violation,
the motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil penalty not exceeding
$150 for a first time violation or $500 for a second or subsequent violation, plus an additional penalty of not more than $100 for failure to pay the original penalty in a timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an automated traffic law
enforcement system. A violation for which a civil penalty is imposed
under this Section is not a violation of a traffic regulation governing
the movement of vehicles and may not be recorded on the driving record
of the owner of the vehicle, but may be recorded by the municipality or county for the purpose of determining if a person is subject to the higher fine for a second or subsequent offense.
(l) A school bus equipped with an automated traffic law
enforcement system must be posted with a sign indicating that the school bus is being monitored by an automated
traffic law enforcement system.
(m) A municipality or
county that has one or more school buses equipped with an automated traffic law
enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by posting a list of school districts using school buses equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system on the municipality or county website. School districts that have one or more school buses equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system must provide notice to drivers by posting that information on their websites.
(n) A municipality or county operating an automated traffic law enforcement system shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact in each school district using school buses equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system following installation of the system and every 2 years thereafter. A municipality or county operating an automated speed enforcement system before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly shall conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of the system by no later than one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly and every 2 years thereafter. Each statistical analysis shall be based upon the best available crash, traffic, and other data, and shall cover a period of time before and after installation of the system sufficient to provide a statistically valid comparison of safety impact. Each statistical analysis shall be consistent with professional judgment and acceptable industry practice. Each statistical analysis also shall be consistent with the data required for valid comparisons of before and after conditions and shall be conducted within a reasonable period following the installation of the automated traffic law enforcement system. Each statistical analysis required by this subsection shall be made available to the public and shall be published on the website of the municipality or county. If a statistical analysis indicates that there has been an increase in the rate of crashes at the approach to school buses monitored by the system, the municipality or county shall undertake additional studies to determine the cause and severity of the crashes, and may take any action that it determines is necessary or appropriate to reduce the number or severity of the crashes involving school buses equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system.
(o) The compensation paid for an automated traffic law enforcement system
must be based on the value of the equipment or the services provided and may
not be based on the number of traffic citations issued or the revenue generated
by the system.
(o-1) No member of the General Assembly and no officer or employee of a municipality or county shall knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former member of the General Assembly shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of service as a member of the General Assembly, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties. No former officer or employee of a municipality or county shall, within a period of 2 years immediately after the termination of municipal or county employment, knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties.
(p) No person who is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant to a written lease agreement shall be liable for an automated speed or traffic law enforcement system violation involving such motor vehicle during the period of the lease; provided that upon the request of the appropriate authority received within 120 days after the violation occurred, the lessor provides within 60 days after such receipt the name and address of the lessee.
Upon the provision of information by the lessor pursuant to this subsection, the county or municipality may issue the violation to the lessee of the vehicle in the same manner as it would issue a violation to a registered owner of a vehicle pursuant to this Section, and the lessee may be held liable for the violation.
(q) (Blank).
(r) After a municipality or county enacts an ordinance providing for automated traffic law enforcement systems under this Section, each school district within that municipality or county's jurisdiction may implement an automated traffic law enforcement system under this Section. The elected school board for that district must approve the implementation of an automated traffic law enforcement system. The school district shall be responsible for entering into a contract, approved by the elected school board of that district, with vendors for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the automated traffic law enforcement system. The school district must enter into an intergovernmental agreement, approved by the elected school board of that district, with the municipality or county with jurisdiction over that school district for the administration of the automated traffic law enforcement system. The proceeds from a school district's automated traffic law enforcement system's fines shall be divided equally between the school district and the municipality or county administering the automated traffic law enforcement system.
(s) If a county or municipality changes the vendor it uses for its automated traffic law enforcement
system and must, as a consequence, apply for a permit, approval, or other authorization from the Department for reinstallation of one or more malfunctioning components of that system and if, at the time of the application, the new vendor operates an automated traffic law enforcement
system for any other county or municipality in the State, then the Department shall approve or deny the county or municipality's application for that permit, approval, or other authorization within 90 days after its receipt.
(t) The Department may revoke any permit, approval, or other authorization granted to a county or municipality for the placement, installation, or operation of an automated traffic law enforcement
system if any official or employee who serves that county or municipality is charged with bribery, official misconduct, or a similar crime related to the placement, installation, or operation of the automated traffic law enforcement system in the county or municipality.
The Department shall adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer this subsection. The rules adopted by the Department shall describe the revocation process, shall ensure that notice of the revocation is provided, and shall provide an opportunity to appeal the revocation. Any county or municipality that has a permit, approval, or other authorization revoked under this subsection may not reapply for such a permit, approval, or other authorization for a period of 1 year after the revocation.
(Source: P.A. 102-905, eff. 1-1-23; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23; 103-364, eff. 7-28-23.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-209) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-209)
Sec. 11-209. Powers of municipalities and counties - Contract with
school boards, hospitals, churches, condominium complex unit owners'
associations, and commercial and industrial facility, shopping center,
and apartment complex owners for regulation of traffic. (a) The corporate authorities of any municipality or the county
board of any county, and a school board, hospital, church, condominium
complex unit owners' association, or owner of any
commercial and industrial facility,
shopping center, or apartment complex which controls a parking area
located within the limits of the municipality, or outside the limits of
the municipality and within the boundaries of the county, may, by
contract, empower the municipality or county to regulate the parking of
automobiles and the traffic at such parking area. Such contract shall
empower the municipality or county to accomplish all or any part of the
1. The erection of stop signs, flashing signals, |
| person with disabilities parking area signs or yield signs at specified locations in a parking area and the adoption of appropriate regulations thereto pertaining, or the designation of any intersection in the parking area as a stop intersection or as a yield intersection and the ordering of like signs or signals at one or more entrances to such intersection, subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
2. The prohibition or regulation of the turning of
| vehicles or specified types of vehicles at intersections or other designated locations in the parking area.
3. The regulation of a crossing of any roadway in the
| parking area by pedestrians.
4. The designation of any separate roadway in the
| parking area for one-way traffic.
5. The establishment and regulation of loading zones.
6. The prohibition, regulation, restriction or
| limitation of the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in specified areas of the parking area.
7. The designation of safety zones in the parking
8. Providing for the removal and storage of vehicles
| parked or abandoned in the parking area during snowstorms, floods, fires, or other public emergencies, or found unattended in the parking area, (a) where they constitute an obstruction to traffic, or (b) where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited, and for the payment of reasonable charges for such removal and storage by the owner or operator of any such vehicle.
9. Providing that the cost of planning, installation,
| maintenance and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations pursuant to any contract entered into under the authority of this paragraph (a) of this Section be borne by the municipality or county, or by the school board, hospital, church, property owner, apartment complex owner, or condominium complex unit owners' association, or that a percentage of the cost be shared by the parties to the contract.
10. Causing the installation of parking meters on the
| parking area and establishing whether the expense of installing said parking meters and maintenance thereof shall be that of the municipality or county, or that of the school board, hospital, church, condominium complex unit owners' association, shopping center or apartment complex owner. All moneys obtained from such parking meters as may be installed on any parking area shall belong to the municipality or county.
11. Causing the installation of parking signs in
| accordance with Section 11-301 in areas of the parking lots covered by this Section and where desired by the person contracting with the appropriate authority listed in paragraph (a) of this Section, indicating that such parking spaces are reserved for persons with disabilities.
12. Contracting for such additional reasonable rules
| and regulations with respect to traffic and parking in a parking area as local conditions may require for the safety and convenience of the public or of the users of the parking area.
(b) No contract entered into pursuant to this Section shall exceed a
period of 20 years. No lessee of a shopping center or apartment complex
shall enter into such a contract for a longer period of time than the
length of his lease.
(c) Any contract entered into pursuant to this Section shall be
recorded in the office of the recorder in the county in which
the parking area is located, and no regulation made pursuant to the
contract shall be effective or enforceable until 3 days after the
contract is so recorded.
(d) At such time as parking and traffic regulations have been
established at any parking area pursuant to the contract as provided for
in this Section, then it shall be a petty offense for any person to do
any act forbidden or to fail to perform any act required by such parking
or traffic regulation. If the violation is the parking in a parking space
reserved for persons with disabilities under paragraph (11) of this Section, by
a person without special registration plates issued to a person with
disabilities, as defined by Section 1-159.1, pursuant to Section
3-616 of this Code, or to a veteran with a disability pursuant to Section 3-609 of
this Code, the local police of the contracting corporate municipal
authorities shall issue a parking ticket to such parking violator and issue
a fine in accordance with Section 11-1301.3.
(e) The term "shopping center", as used in this Section, means
premises having one or more stores or business establishments in
connection with which there is provided on privately-owned property near
or contiguous thereto an area, or areas, of land used by the public as
the means of access to and egress from the stores and business
establishments on such premises and for the parking of motor vehicles of
customers and patrons of such stores and business establishments on such
(f) The term "parking area", as used in this Section, means an area,
or areas, of land near or contiguous to a school, church, or hospital
building, shopping center, apartment complex, or condominium
but not the public highways or alleys, and used by
the public as the means of access to and egress from such buildings and
the stores and business establishments at a shopping center and for the
parking of motor vehicles.
(g) The terms "owner", "property owner", "shopping center owner",
and "apartment complex owner",
as used in this Section, mean the actual
legal owner of the shopping center parking area or apartment
the trust officer of a banking institution having the right to manage
and control such property, or a person having the legal right, through
lease or otherwise, to manage or control the property.
(g-5) The term "condominium complex unit owners' association", as used in
this Section, means a "unit owners' association" as defined in Section 2 of the
Condominium Property Act.
(h) The term "fire lane", as used in this Section, means travel
lanes for the fire fighting equipment upon which there shall be no
standing or parking of any motor vehicle at any time so that fire
fighting equipment can move freely thereon.
(i) The term "apartment complex", as used in this Section, means
premises having one or more apartments in connection with which there is
provided on privately-owned property near or contiguous thereto an area,
or areas, of land used by occupants of such apartments or their guests
as a means of access to and egress from such apartments or for the
parking of motor vehicles of such occupants or their guests.
(j) The term "condominium complex", as used in this Section, means
the units, common elements, and limited common elements that are located on the
parcels, as those terms are defined in Section 2 of the Condominium Property
(k) The term "commercial and industrial facility", as used in this
Section, means a premises containing one or more commercial and industrial
facility establishments in connection with which there is
provided on
privately-owned property near or contiguous to the premises an area or areas of
land used by the public as the means of access to and egress from the
commercial and industrial facility establishment on the premises and for the
parking of motor vehicles of customers, patrons, and employees of the
commercial and industrial facility establishment on the premises.
(l) The provisions of this Section shall not be deemed to
prevent local
authorities from enforcing, on private property, local ordinances imposing
fines, in accordance with Section 11-1301.3, as penalties for use of any
place reserved for persons with disabilities, as defined by Section 1-159.1, or
veterans with disabilities by any person using a motor vehicle not bearing registration
plates specified in Section 11-1301.1 or a special decal or device as defined
in Section 11-1301.2 as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a
person with disabilities or a veteran with a disability.
This amendatory Act of 1972 is not a prohibition upon the contractual
and associational powers granted by Article VII, Section 10 of the
Illinois Constitution.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-212) Sec. 11-212. Traffic and pedestrian stop statistical study. (a) Whenever a State or local law enforcement officer issues a uniform traffic citation or warning citation for an alleged violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code, he or she shall record at least the following: (1) the name, address, gender, and the officer's |
| subjective determination of the race of the person stopped; the person's race shall be selected from the following list: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White;
(2) the alleged traffic violation that led to the
(3) the make and year of the vehicle stopped;
(4) the date and time of the stop, beginning when the
| vehicle was stopped and ending when the driver is free to leave or taken into physical custody;
(5) the location of the traffic stop;
(5.5) whether or not a consent search contemporaneous
| to the stop was requested of the vehicle, driver, passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether consent was given or denied;
(6) whether or not a search contemporaneous to the
| stop was conducted of the vehicle, driver, passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether it was with consent or by other means;
(6.2) whether or not a police dog performed a sniff
| of the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not the dog alerted to the presence of contraband; and, if so, whether or not an officer searched the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not contraband was discovered; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband;
(6.5) whether or not contraband was found during a
| search; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband seized; and
(7) the name and badge number of the issuing officer.
(b) Whenever a State or local law enforcement officer stops a motorist for an alleged violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code and does not issue a uniform traffic citation or warning citation for an alleged violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code, he or she shall complete a uniform stop card, which includes field contact cards, or any other existing form currently used by law enforcement containing information required pursuant to this Act, that records at least the following:
(1) the name, address, gender, and the officer's
| subjective determination of the race of the person stopped; the person's race shall be selected from the following list: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White;
(2) the reason that led to the stop of the motorist;
(3) the make and year of the vehicle stopped;
(4) the date and time of the stop, beginning when the
| vehicle was stopped and ending when the driver is free to leave or taken into physical custody;
(5) the location of the traffic stop;
(5.5) whether or not a consent search contemporaneous
| to the stop was requested of the vehicle, driver, passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether consent was given or denied;
(6) whether or not a search contemporaneous to the
| stop was conducted of the vehicle, driver, passenger, or passengers; and, if so, whether it was with consent or by other means;
(6.2) whether or not a police dog performed a sniff
| of the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not the dog alerted to the presence of contraband; and, if so, whether or not an officer searched the vehicle; and, if so, whether or not contraband was discovered; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband;
(6.5) whether or not contraband was found during a
| search; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband seized; and
(7) the name and badge number of the issuing officer.
(b-5) For purposes of this subsection (b-5), "detention" means all frisks, searches, summons, and arrests. Whenever a law enforcement officer subjects a pedestrian to detention in a public place, he or she shall complete a uniform pedestrian stop card, which includes any existing form currently used by law enforcement containing all the information required under this Section, that records at least the following:
(1) the gender, and the officer's subjective
| determination of the race of the person stopped; the person's race shall be selected from the following list: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White;
(2) all the alleged reasons that led to the stop of
(3) the date and time of the stop;
(4) the location of the stop;
(5) whether or not a protective pat down or frisk was
| conducted of the person; and, if so, all the alleged reasons that led to the protective pat down or frisk, and whether it was with consent or by other means;
(6) whether or not contraband was found during the
| protective pat down or frisk; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband seized;
(7) whether or not a search beyond a protective pat
| down or frisk was conducted of the person or his or her effects; and, if so, all the alleged reasons that led to the search, and whether it was with consent or by other means;
(8) whether or not contraband was found during the
| search beyond a protective pat down or frisk; and, if so, the type and amount of contraband seized;
(9) the disposition of the stop, such as a warning, a
| ticket, a summons, or an arrest;
(10) if a summons or ticket was issued, or an arrest
| made, a record of the violations, offenses, or crimes alleged or charged; and
(11) the name and badge number of the officer who
This subsection (b-5) does not apply to searches or inspections for compliance authorized under the Fish and Aquatic Life Code, the Wildlife Code, the Herptiles-Herps Act, or searches or inspections during routine security screenings at facilities or events.
(c) The Illinois Department of Transportation shall provide a standardized law enforcement data compilation form on its website.
(d) Every law enforcement agency shall, by February 1 with regard to data collected during July through December of the previous calendar year and by August 1 with regard to data collected during January through June of the current calendar year, compile the data described in subsections (a), (b), and (b-5) on the standardized law enforcement data compilation form provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation and transmit the data to the Department.
(e) The Illinois Department of Transportation shall analyze the data provided by law enforcement agencies required by this Section and submit a report of the previous year's findings to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board, and each law enforcement agency no later than July 1 of each year. The Illinois Department of Transportation may contract with an outside entity for the analysis of the data provided. In analyzing the data collected under this Section, the analyzing entity shall scrutinize the data for evidence of statistically significant aberrations. The following list, which is illustrative, and not exclusive, contains examples of areas in which statistically significant aberrations may be found:
(1) The percentage of minority drivers, passengers,
| or pedestrians being stopped in a given area is substantially higher than the proportion of the overall population in or traveling through the area that the minority constitutes.
(2) A substantial number of false stops including
| stops not resulting in the issuance of a traffic ticket or the making of an arrest.
(3) A disparity between the proportion of citations
| issued to minorities and proportion of minorities in the population.
(4) A disparity among the officers of the same law
| enforcement agency with regard to the number of minority drivers, passengers, or pedestrians being stopped in a given area.
(5) A disparity between the frequency of searches
| performed on minority drivers or pedestrians and the frequency of searches performed on non-minority drivers or pedestrians.
(f) Any law enforcement officer identification information and driver or pedestrian identification information that is compiled by any law enforcement agency or the Illinois Department of Transportation pursuant to this Act for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of this Section shall be confidential and exempt from public inspection and copying, as provided under Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act, and the information shall not be transmitted to anyone except as needed to comply with this Section. This Section shall not exempt those materials that, prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, were available under the Freedom of Information Act. This subsection (f) shall not preclude law enforcement agencies from reviewing data to perform internal reviews.
(g) Funding to implement this Section shall come from federal highway safety funds available to Illinois, as directed by the Governor.
(h) The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, in consultation with law enforcement agencies, officials, and organizations, including Illinois chiefs of police, the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Sheriffs Association, and the Chicago Police Department, and community groups and other experts, shall undertake a study to determine the best use of technology to collect, compile, and analyze the traffic stop statistical study data required by this Section. The Department shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by March 1, 2022.
(h-1) The Traffic and Pedestrian Stop Data Use and Collection Task Force is hereby created.
(1) The Task Force shall undertake a study to
| determine the best use of technology to collect, compile, and analyze the traffic stop statistical study data required by this Section.
(2) The Task Force shall be an independent Task Force
| under the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for administrative purposes, and shall consist of the following members:
(A) 2 academics or researchers who have studied
| issues related to traffic or pedestrian stop data collection and have education or expertise in statistics;
(B) one professor from an Illinois university who
| specializes in policing and racial equity;
(C) one representative from the Illinois State
(D) one representative from the Chicago Police
(E) one representative from the Illinois Chiefs
(F) one representative from the Illinois Sheriffs
(G) one representative from the Chicago Fraternal
(H) one representative from the Illinois
| Fraternal Order of Police;
(I) the Executive Director of the American Civil
| Liberties Union of Illinois, or his or her designee; and
(J) 5 representatives from different community
| organizations who specialize in civil or human rights, policing, or criminal justice reform work, and that represent a range of minority interests or different parts of the State.
(3) The Illinois Criminal Justice Information
| Authority may consult, contract, work in conjunction with, and obtain any information from any individual, agency, association, or research institution deemed appropriate by the Authority.
(4) The Task Force shall report its findings and
| recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by March 1, 2022 and every 3 years after.
(h-5) For purposes of this Section:
(1) "American Indian or Alaska Native" means a person
| having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America, including Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
(2) "Asian" means a person having origins in any of
| the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
(2.5) "Badge" means an officer's department issued
| identification number associated with his or her position as a police officer with that department.
(3) "Black or African American" means a person having
| origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
(4) "Hispanic or Latino" means a person of Cuban,
| Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
(5) "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" means
| a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
(6) "White" means a person having origins in any of
| the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
(i) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-465, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-1047, eff. 1-1-25 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-306)
(from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-306)
Sec. 11-306. Traffic-control signal legend. Whenever traffic is controlled
by traffic-control signals exhibiting different colored lights or color
lighted arrows, successively one at a time or in combination, only the
colors green, red and yellow shall be used, except for special pedestrian
signals carrying a word legend, and the lights shall indicate and apply to
drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
(a) Green indication.
1. Vehicular traffic facing a circular green signal |
| may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. Vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right of way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time such signal is exhibited.
2. Vehicular traffic facing a green arrow signal,
| shown alone or in combination with another indication, may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by such arrow, or such other movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time. Such vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
3. Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control
| signal, as provided in Section 11-307, pedestrians facing any green signal, except when the sole green signal is a turn arrow, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk.
(b) Steady yellow indication.
1. Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular yellow
| or yellow arrow signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter.
2. Pedestrians facing a steady circular yellow or
| yellow arrow signal, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal as provided in Section 11-307, are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway before a red indication is shown and no pedestrian shall then start to cross the roadway.
(b-5) Flashing yellow arrow indication.
1. Vehicular traffic facing a flashing yellow arrow
| indication may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by the arrow and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time the signal is exhibited.
2. Pedestrians facing a flashing yellow arrow
| indication, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal as provided in Section 11-307, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk that crosses the lane or lanes used to depart the intersection by traffic controlled by the flashing yellow arrow indication. Pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles lawfully within the intersection at the time that the flashing yellow signal indication is first displayed.
(c) Steady red indication.
1. Except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 3.5 of this
| subsection (c), vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if there is no such stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if there is no such crosswalk, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown.
2. Except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 3.5 of this
| subsection (c), vehicular traffic facing a steady red arrow signal shall not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by the arrow and, unless entering the intersection to make a movement permitted by another signal, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if there is no such stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if there is no such crosswalk, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain standing until an indication permitting the movement indicated by such red arrow is shown.
3. Except when a sign is in place prohibiting a turn
| and local authorities by ordinance or State authorities by rule or regulation prohibit any such turn, vehicular traffic facing any steady red signal may cautiously enter the intersection to turn right, or to turn left from a one-way street into a one-way street, after stopping as required by paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of this subsection. After stopping, the driver shall yield the right of way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another roadway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time such driver is moving across or within the intersection or junction or roadways. Such driver shall yield the right of way to pedestrians within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk.
3.5. In municipalities with less than 2,000,000
| inhabitants, after stopping as required by paragraph 1 or 2 of this subsection, the driver of a motorcycle or bicycle, facing a steady red signal which fails to change to a green signal within a reasonable period of time not less than 120 seconds because of a signal malfunction or because the signal has failed to detect the arrival of the motorcycle or bicycle due to the vehicle's size or weight, shall have the right to proceed, after yielding the right of way to oncoming traffic facing a green signal, subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign as required by Section 11-1204 of this Code.
4. Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control
| signal as provided in Section 11-307, pedestrians facing a steady circular red or red arrow signal alone shall not enter the roadway.
(d) In the event an official traffic control signal is
erected and maintained
at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of this Section shall
be applicable except as to provisions which by their nature can have no
application. Any stop required shall be at a traffic sign or a marking
on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made or, in the absence
of such sign or marking, the stop shall be made at the signal.
(e) The motorman of any streetcar shall obey the above signals as applicable
to vehicles.
(Source: P.A. 97-627, eff. 1-1-12; 97-762, eff. 7-6-12; 98-798, eff. 7-31-14.)
(625 ILCS 5/11-501) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-501) Sec. 11-501. Driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds or any combination thereof.
(a) A person shall not drive or be in actual physical control of any vehicle within this State while: (1) the alcohol concentration in the person's blood, |
| other bodily substance, or breath is 0.08 or more based on the definition of blood and breath units in Section 11-501.2;
(2) under the influence of alcohol;
(3) under the influence of any intoxicating compound
| or combination of intoxicating compounds to a degree that renders the person incapable of driving safely;
(4) under the influence of any other drug or
| combination of drugs to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving;
(5) under the combined influence of alcohol, other
| drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving;
(6) there is any amount of a drug, substance, or
| compound in the person's breath, blood, other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act; or
(7) the person has, within 2 hours of driving or
| being in actual physical control of a vehicle, a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration in the person's whole blood or other bodily substance as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code. Subject to all other requirements and provisions under this Section, this paragraph (7) does not apply to the lawful consumption of cannabis by a qualifying patient licensed under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act who is in possession of a valid registry card issued under that Act, unless that person is impaired by the use of cannabis.
(b) The fact that any person charged with violating this Section is or has been legally entitled to use alcohol, cannabis under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof, shall not constitute a defense against any charge of violating this Section.
(c) Penalties.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, any
| person convicted of violating subsection (a) of this Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(2) A person who violates subsection (a) or a similar
| provision a second time shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of either 5 days of imprisonment or 240 hours of community service in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(3) A person who violates subsection (a) is subject
| to 6 months of imprisonment, an additional mandatory minimum fine of $1,000, and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children if the person was transporting a person under the age of 16 at the time of the violation.
(4) A person who violates subsection (a) a first
| time, if the alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, shall be subject, in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, to a mandatory minimum of 100 hours of community service and a mandatory minimum fine of $500.
(5) A person who violates subsection (a) a second
| time, if at the time of the second violation the alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, shall be subject, in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, to a mandatory minimum of 2 days of imprisonment and a mandatory minimum fine of $1,250.
(d) Aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof.
(1) Every person convicted of committing a violation
| of this Section shall be guilty of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof if:
(A) the person committed a violation of
| subsection (a) or a similar provision for the third or subsequent time;
(B) the person committed a violation of
| subsection (a) while driving a school bus with one or more passengers on board;
(C) the person in committing a violation of
| subsection (a) was involved in a motor vehicle crash that resulted in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another, when the violation was a proximate cause of the injuries;
(D) the person committed a violation of
| subsection (a) and has been previously convicted of violating Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 or a similar provision of a law of another state relating to reckless homicide in which the person was determined to have been under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds as an element of the offense or the person has previously been convicted under subparagraph (C) or subparagraph (F) of this paragraph (1);
(E) the person, in committing a violation of
| subsection (a) while driving at any speed in a school speed zone at a time when a speed limit of 20 miles per hour was in effect under subsection (a) of Section 11-605 of this Code, was involved in a motor vehicle crash that resulted in bodily harm, other than great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement, to another person, when the violation of subsection (a) was a proximate cause of the bodily harm;
(F) the person, in committing a violation of
| subsection (a), was involved in a motor vehicle crash or snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or watercraft accident that resulted in the death of another person, when the violation of subsection (a) was a proximate cause of the death;
(G) the person committed a violation of
| subsection (a) during a period in which the defendant's driving privileges are revoked or suspended, where the revocation or suspension was for a violation of subsection (a) or a similar provision, Section 11-501.1, paragraph (b) of Section 11-401, or for reckless homicide as defined in Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012;
(H) the person committed the violation while he
| or she did not possess a driver's license or permit or a restricted driving permit or a judicial driving permit or a monitoring device driving permit;
(I) the person committed the violation while he
| or she knew or should have known that the vehicle he or she was driving was not covered by a liability insurance policy;
(J) the person in committing a violation of
| subsection (a) was involved in a motor vehicle crash that resulted in bodily harm, but not great bodily harm, to the child under the age of 16 being transported by the person, if the violation was the proximate cause of the injury;
(K) the person in committing a second violation
| of subsection (a) or a similar provision was transporting a person under the age of 16; or
(L) the person committed a violation of
| subsection (a) of this Section while transporting one or more passengers in a vehicle for-hire.
(2)(A) Except as provided otherwise, a person
| convicted of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
(B) A third violation of this Section or a similar
| provision is a Class 2 felony. If at the time of the third violation the alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, a mandatory minimum of 90 days of imprisonment and a mandatory minimum fine of $2,500 shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If at the time of the third violation, the defendant was transporting a person under the age of 16, a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(C) A fourth violation of this Section or a similar
| provision is a Class 2 felony, for which a sentence of probation or conditional discharge may not be imposed. If at the time of the violation, the alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If at the time of the fourth violation, the defendant was transporting a person under the age of 16 a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(D) A fifth violation of this Section or a similar
| provision is a Class 1 felony, for which a sentence of probation or conditional discharge may not be imposed. If at the time of the violation, the alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If at the time of the fifth violation, the defendant was transporting a person under the age of 16, a mandatory fine of $25,000, and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(E) A sixth or subsequent violation of this Section
| or similar provision is a Class X felony. If at the time of the violation, the alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine was 0.16 or more based on the definition of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine units in Section 11-501.2, a mandatory minimum fine of $5,000 shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If at the time of the violation, the defendant was transporting a person under the age of 16, a mandatory fine of $25,000 and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(F) For a violation of subparagraph (C) of paragraph
| (1) of this subsection (d), the defendant, if sentenced to a term of imprisonment, shall be sentenced to not less than one year nor more than 12 years.
(G) A violation of subparagraph (F) of paragraph (1)
| of this subsection (d) is a Class 2 felony, for which the defendant, unless the court determines that extraordinary circumstances exist and require probation, shall be sentenced to: (i) a term of imprisonment of not less than 3 years and not more than 14 years if the violation resulted in the death of one person; or (ii) a term of imprisonment of not less than 6 years and not more than 28 years if the violation resulted in the deaths of 2 or more persons.
(H) For a violation of subparagraph (J) of paragraph
| (1) of this subsection (d), a mandatory fine of $2,500, and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(I) A violation of subparagraph (K) of paragraph (1)
| of this subsection (d), is a Class 2 felony and a mandatory fine of $2,500, and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction. If the child being transported suffered bodily harm, but not great bodily harm, in a motor vehicle crash, and the violation was the proximate cause of that injury, a mandatory fine of $5,000 and 25 days of community service in a program benefiting children shall be imposed in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(J) A violation of subparagraph (D) of paragraph (1)
| of this subsection (d) is a Class 3 felony, for which a sentence of probation or conditional discharge may not be imposed.
(3) Any person sentenced under this subsection (d)
| who receives a term of probation or conditional discharge must serve a minimum term of either 480 hours of community service or 10 days of imprisonment as a condition of the probation or conditional discharge in addition to any other criminal or administrative sanction.
(e) Any reference to a prior violation of subsection (a) or a similar provision includes any violation of a provision of a local ordinance or a provision of a law of another state or an offense committed on a military installation that is similar to a violation of subsection (a) of this Section.
(f) The imposition of a mandatory term of imprisonment or assignment of community service for a violation of this Section shall not be suspended or reduced by the court.
(g) Any penalty imposed for driving with a license that has been revoked for a previous violation of subsection (a) of this Section shall be in addition to the penalty imposed for any subsequent violation of subsection (a).
(h) For any prosecution under this Section, a certified copy of the driving abstract of the defendant shall be admitted as proof of any prior conviction.
(Source: P.A. 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-501.1)
Sec. 11-501.1. Suspension of drivers license; statutory summary
alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or
compounds related suspension or revocation; implied consent. (a) Any person who drives or is in actual physical control of a motor
vehicle upon the public highways of this State shall be deemed to have given
consent, subject to the provisions of Section 11-501.2, to a chemical test or
tests of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine for the purpose of determining the content of
alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds or
any combination thereof in the person's blood if arrested,
as evidenced by the issuance of a Uniform Traffic Ticket, for any offense
as defined in Section 11-501 or a similar provision of a local ordinance, or if arrested for violating Section 11-401.
If a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the person was under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof, the law enforcement officer shall request a chemical test or tests which shall be administered at the direction of the arresting
officer. The law enforcement agency employing the officer shall designate which
of the aforesaid tests shall be administered. Up to 2 additional tests of urine or other bodily substance may be administered
even after a blood or breath test or both has
been administered. For purposes of this Section, an Illinois law
enforcement officer of this State who is investigating the person for any
offense defined in Section 11-501 may travel into an adjoining state, where
the person has been transported for medical care, to complete an
investigation and to request that the person submit to the test or tests
set forth in this Section. The requirements of this Section that the
person be arrested are inapplicable, but the officer shall issue the person
a Uniform Traffic Ticket for an offense as defined in Section 11-501 or a
similar provision of a local ordinance prior to requesting that the person
submit to the test or tests. The issuance of the Uniform Traffic Ticket
shall not constitute an arrest, but shall be for the purpose of notifying
the person that he or she is subject to the provisions of this Section and
of the officer's belief of the existence of probable cause to
arrest. Upon returning to this State, the officer shall file the Uniform
Traffic Ticket with the Circuit Clerk of the county where the offense was
committed, and shall seek the issuance of an arrest warrant or a summons
for the person. (a-5) (Blank). (b) Any person who is dead, unconscious, or who is otherwise in a condition
rendering the person incapable of refusal, shall be deemed not to have
withdrawn the consent provided by paragraph (a) of this Section and the test or
tests may be administered, subject to the provisions of Section 11-501.2. (c) A person requested to submit to a test as provided above shall
be warned by the law enforcement officer requesting the test that a
refusal to submit to the test will result in the statutory summary
suspension of the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle, as provided
in Section 6-208.1 of this Code, and will also result in the disqualification of the person's privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-514 of this Code, if the person is a CDL holder. The person shall also be warned that a refusal to submit to the test, when the person was involved in a motor vehicle crash that caused personal injury or death to another, will result in the statutory summary revocation of the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-208.1, and will also result in the disqualification of the person's privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-514 of this Code, if the person is a CDL holder. The person shall also be warned by the law
enforcement officer that if the person submits to the test or tests
provided in paragraph (a) of this Section and the alcohol concentration in
the person's blood, other bodily substance, or breath is 0.08 or greater, or testing discloses the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of
drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption
of a controlled
listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound
listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act is detected in the person's
blood, other bodily substance or urine, a statutory summary suspension of the person's privilege to
operate a motor vehicle, as provided in Sections 6-208.1 and 11-501.1 of this
Code, will be imposed. If the person is also a CDL holder, he or she shall be warned by the law
enforcement officer that if the person submits to the test or tests
provided in paragraph (a) of this Section and the alcohol concentration in
the person's blood, other bodily substance, or breath is 0.08 or greater, or any amount of
drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption
of cannabis as covered by the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled
listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound
listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act is detected in the person's
blood, other bodily substance, or urine, a disqualification of
the person's privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-514 of this Code, will be imposed. A person who is under the age of 21 at the time the person is requested to
submit to a test as provided above shall, in addition to the warnings provided
for in this Section, be further warned by the law enforcement officer
requesting the test that if the person submits to the test or tests provided in
paragraph (a) of this Section and the alcohol concentration in the person's
blood, other bodily substance, or breath is greater than 0.00 and less than 0.08, a
suspension of the
person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle, as provided under Sections
6-208.2 and 11-501.8 of this Code, will be imposed. The results of this test
shall be admissible in a civil or criminal action or proceeding arising from an
arrest for an offense as defined in Section 11-501 of this Code or a similar
provision of a local ordinance or pursuant to Section 11-501.4 in prosecutions
for reckless homicide brought under the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012. These test
results, however, shall be admissible only in actions or proceedings directly
related to the incident upon which the test request was made. A person requested to submit to a test shall also acknowledge, in writing, receipt of the warning required under this Section. If the person refuses to acknowledge receipt of the warning, the law enforcement officer shall make a written notation on the warning that the person refused to sign the warning. A person's refusal to sign the warning shall not be evidence that the person was not read the warning. (d) If the person refuses testing or submits to a test that discloses
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or testing discloses the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in the person's breath, blood,
other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, the law enforcement officer shall immediately submit a sworn report to
circuit court of venue and the Secretary of State, certifying that the test or
tests was or were requested under paragraph (a) and the person refused to
submit to a test, or tests, or submitted to testing that disclosed an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more, testing discloses the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in the person's breath, blood, other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act. If the person is also a CDL holder and refuses testing or submits to a test that discloses
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in the person's breath, blood, other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, the law enforcement officer shall also immediately submit a sworn report to
circuit court of venue and the Secretary of State, certifying that the test or
tests was or were requested under paragraph (a) and the person refused to
submit to a test, or tests, or submitted to testing that disclosed an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in the person's breath, blood, other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances
Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds
Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act. (e) Upon receipt of the sworn report of a law enforcement officer
submitted under paragraph (d), the Secretary of State shall enter the
statutory summary suspension or revocation and disqualification for the periods specified in Sections
6-208.1 and 6-514, respectively,
and effective as provided in paragraph (g). If the person is a first offender as defined in Section 11-500 of this
Code, and is not convicted of a violation of Section 11-501
of this Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, then reports
received by the Secretary of State under this Section shall, except during
the actual time the Statutory Summary Suspension is in effect, be
privileged information and for use only by the courts, police officers,
prosecuting authorities or the Secretary of State, unless the person is a CDL holder, is operating a commercial motor vehicle or vehicle required to be placarded for hazardous materials, in which case the suspension shall not be privileged. Reports received by the Secretary of State under this Section shall also be made available to the parent or guardian of a person under the age of 18 years that holds an instruction permit or a graduated driver's license, regardless of whether the statutory summary suspension is in effect. A statutory summary revocation shall not be privileged information. (f) The law enforcement officer submitting the sworn report under paragraph
(d) shall serve immediate notice of the statutory summary suspension or revocation on the
person and the suspension or revocation and disqualification shall be effective as provided in paragraph (g). (1) In cases involving a person who is not a CDL |
| holder where the blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater or any amount of a drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act is established by a subsequent analysis of blood, other bodily substance, or urine or analysis of whole blood or other bodily substance establishes a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, collected at the time of arrest, the arresting officer or arresting agency shall give notice as provided in this Section or by deposit in the United States mail of the notice in an envelope with postage prepaid and addressed to the person at his or her address as shown on the Uniform Traffic Ticket and the statutory summary suspension shall begin as provided in paragraph (g).
(1.3) In cases involving a person who is a CDL holder
| where the blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater or any amount of a drug, substance, or compound resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of cannabis as covered by the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act is established by a subsequent analysis of blood, other bodily substance, or urine collected at the time of arrest, the arresting officer or arresting agency shall give notice as provided in this Section or by deposit in the United States mail of the notice in an envelope with postage prepaid and addressed to the person at his or her address as shown on the Uniform Traffic Ticket and the statutory summary suspension and disqualification shall begin as provided in paragraph (g).
(1.5) The officer shall confiscate any Illinois
| driver's license or permit on the person at the time of arrest. If the person has a valid driver's license or permit, the officer shall issue the person a receipt, in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, that will allow that person to drive during the periods provided for in paragraph (g). The officer shall immediately forward the driver's license or permit to the circuit court of venue along with the sworn report provided for in paragraph (d).
(2) (Blank).
(g) The statutory summary suspension or revocation and disqualification
referred to in this Section shall
take effect on the 46th day following the date the notice of the statutory
summary suspension or revocation was given to the person.
(h) The following procedure shall apply
whenever a person is arrested for any offense as defined in Section 11-501
or a similar provision of a local ordinance:
Upon receipt of the sworn report from the law enforcement officer,
the Secretary of State shall confirm the statutory summary suspension or revocation by
mailing a notice of the effective date of the suspension or revocation to the person and
the court of venue. The Secretary of State shall also mail notice of the effective date of the disqualification to the person. However, should the sworn report be defective by not
containing sufficient information or be completed in error, the
confirmation of the statutory summary suspension or revocation shall not be mailed to the
person or entered to the record; instead, the sworn report shall
forwarded to the court of venue with a copy returned to the issuing agency
identifying any defect.
(i) As used in this Section, "personal injury" includes any Type A injury as indicated on the traffic crash report completed by a law enforcement officer that requires immediate professional attention in either a doctor's office or a medical facility. A Type A injury includes severely bleeding wounds, distorted extremities, and injuries that require the injured party to be carried from the scene.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-501.2) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-501.2)
Sec. 11-501.2. Chemical and other tests.
(a) Upon the trial of any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising out
of an arrest for an offense as defined in Section 11-501 or a similar local
ordinance or proceedings pursuant to Section 2-118.1, evidence of the
concentration of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or
compounds, or any combination thereof in a person's blood
or breath at the time alleged, as determined by analysis of the person's blood,
urine, breath, or other bodily substance, shall be admissible. Where such test
is made the following provisions shall apply:
1. Chemical analyses of the person's blood, urine, |
| breath, or other bodily substance to be considered valid under the provisions of this Section shall have been performed according to standards promulgated by the Illinois State Police by a licensed physician, registered nurse, trained phlebotomist, licensed paramedic, or other individual possessing a valid permit issued by that Department for this purpose. The Director of the Illinois State Police is authorized to approve satisfactory techniques or methods, to ascertain the qualifications and competence of individuals to conduct such analyses, to issue permits which shall be subject to termination or revocation at the discretion of that Department and to certify the accuracy of breath testing equipment. The Illinois State Police shall prescribe regulations as necessary to implement this Section.
2. When a person in this State shall submit to a
| blood test at the request of a law enforcement officer under the provisions of Section 11-501.1, only a physician authorized to practice medicine, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed advanced practice registered nurse, a registered nurse, trained phlebotomist, or licensed paramedic, or other qualified person approved by the Illinois State Police may withdraw blood for the purpose of determining the alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug content therein. This limitation shall not apply to the taking of breath, other bodily substance, or urine specimens.
When a blood test of a person who has been taken to
| an adjoining state for medical treatment is requested by an Illinois law enforcement officer, the blood may be withdrawn only by a physician authorized to practice medicine in the adjoining state, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed advanced practice registered nurse, a registered nurse, a trained phlebotomist acting under the direction of the physician, or licensed paramedic. The law enforcement officer requesting the test shall take custody of the blood sample, and the blood sample shall be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the Illinois State Police for that purpose.
3. The person tested may have a physician, or a
| qualified technician, chemist, registered nurse, or other qualified person of their own choosing administer a chemical test or tests in addition to any administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer. The failure or inability to obtain an additional test by a person shall not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the test or tests taken at the direction of a law enforcement officer.
4. Upon the request of the person who shall submit to
| a chemical test or tests at the request of a law enforcement officer, full information concerning the test or tests shall be made available to the person or such person's attorney.
5. Alcohol concentration shall mean either grams of
| alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
6. Tetrahydrocannabinol concentration means either 5
| nanograms or more of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol per milliliter of whole blood or 10 nanograms or more of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol per milliliter of other bodily substance.
(a-5) Law enforcement officials may use validated roadside chemical tests or standardized field sobriety tests approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration when conducting investigations of a violation of Section 11-501 or similar local ordinance by drivers suspected of driving under the influence of cannabis. The General Assembly finds that (i) validated roadside chemical tests are effective means to determine if a person is under the influence of cannabis and (ii) standardized field sobriety tests approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are divided attention tasks that are intended to determine if a person is under the influence of cannabis. The purpose of these tests is to determine the effect of the use of cannabis on a person's capacity to think and act with ordinary care and therefore operate a motor vehicle safely. Therefore, the results of these validated roadside chemical tests and standardized field sobriety tests, appropriately administered, shall be admissible in the trial of any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising out of an arrest for a cannabis-related offense as defined in Section 11-501 or a similar local ordinance or proceedings under Section 2-118.1 or 2-118.2. Where a test is made the following provisions shall apply:
1. The person tested may have a physician, or a
| qualified technician, chemist, registered nurse, or other qualified person of their own choosing administer a chemical test or tests in addition to the standardized field sobriety test or tests administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer. The failure or inability to obtain an additional test by a person does not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the test or tests taken at the direction of a law enforcement officer.
2. Upon the request of the person who shall submit to
| validated roadside chemical tests or a standardized field sobriety test or tests at the request of a law enforcement officer, full information concerning the test or tests shall be made available to the person or the person's attorney.
3. At the trial of any civil or criminal action or
| proceeding arising out of an arrest for an offense as defined in Section 11-501 or a similar local ordinance or proceedings under Section 2-118.1 or 2-118.2 in which the results of these validated roadside chemical tests or standardized field sobriety tests are admitted, the person may present and the trier of fact may consider evidence that the person lacked the physical capacity to perform the validated roadside chemical tests or standardized field sobriety tests.
(b) Upon the trial of any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising
out of acts alleged to have been committed by any person while driving or
in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol,
the concentration of alcohol in the person's blood or breath at the time
alleged as shown by analysis of the person's blood, urine, breath, or other
bodily substance shall give rise to the following presumptions:
1. If there was at that time an alcohol concentration
| of 0.05 or less, it shall be presumed that the person was not under the influence of alcohol.
2. If there was at that time an alcohol concentration
| in excess of 0.05 but less than 0.08, such facts shall not give rise to any presumption that the person was or was not under the influence of alcohol, but such fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining whether the person was under the influence of alcohol.
3. If there was at that time an alcohol concentration
| of 0.08 or more, it shall be presumed that the person was under the influence of alcohol.
4. The foregoing provisions of this Section shall not
| be construed as limiting the introduction of any other relevant evidence bearing upon the question whether the person was under the influence of alcohol.
(b-5) Upon the trial of any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising out of acts alleged to have been committed by any person while driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds or any combination thereof, the concentration of cannabis in the person's whole blood or other bodily substance at the time alleged as shown by analysis of the person's blood or other bodily substance shall give rise to the following presumptions:
1. If there was a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration
| of 5 nanograms or more in whole blood or 10 nanograms or more in an other bodily substance as defined in this Section, it shall be presumed that the person was under the influence of cannabis.
2. If there was at that time a tetrahydrocannabinol
| concentration of less than 5 nanograms in whole blood or less than 10 nanograms in an other bodily substance, such facts shall not give rise to any presumption that the person was or was not under the influence of cannabis, but such fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining whether the person was under the influence of cannabis.
(c) 1. If a person under arrest refuses to submit to a chemical test
the provisions of Section 11-501.1, evidence of refusal shall be admissible
in any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising out of acts alleged
to have been committed while the person under the influence of alcohol,
other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds, or
any combination thereof was driving or in actual physical
control of a motor vehicle.
2. Notwithstanding any ability to refuse under this Code to submit to
these tests or any ability to revoke the implied consent to these tests, if a
law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a motor vehicle
driven by or in actual physical control of a person under the influence of
alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or
or any combination thereof
has caused the death or
personal injury to another, the law enforcement officer shall request, and that person shall submit, upon the request of a law
enforcement officer, to a chemical test or tests of his or her blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
urine for the purpose of
determining the alcohol content thereof or the presence of any other drug or
combination of both.
This provision does not affect the applicability of or imposition of driver's
license sanctions under Section 11-501.1 of this Code.
3. For purposes of this Section, a personal injury includes any Type A
injury as indicated on the traffic crash report completed by a law
enforcement officer that requires immediate professional attention in either a
doctor's office or a medical facility. A Type A injury includes severe
bleeding wounds, distorted extremities, and injuries that require the injured
party to be carried from the scene.
(d) If a person refuses validated roadside chemical tests or standardized field sobriety tests under Section 11-501.9 of this Code, evidence of refusal shall be admissible in any civil or criminal action or proceeding arising out of acts committed while the person was driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle and alleged to have been impaired by the use of cannabis.
(e) Illinois State Police compliance with the changes in this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly concerning testing of other bodily substances and tetrahydrocannabinol concentration by Illinois State Police laboratories is subject to appropriation and until the Illinois State Police adopt standards and completion validation. Any laboratories that test for the presence of cannabis or other drugs under this Article, the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act, or the Boat Registration and Safety Act must comply with ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
(Source: P.A. 101-27, eff. 6-25-19; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
(625 ILCS 5/11-501.6) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-501.6) Sec. 11-501.6. Driver involvement in personal injury or fatal motor
vehicle crash; chemical test. (a) Any person who drives or is in actual control of a motor vehicle
upon the public highways of this State and who has been involved in a
personal injury or fatal motor vehicle crash, shall be deemed to have
given consent to a breath test using a portable device as approved by the
Illinois State Police or to a chemical test or tests
of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or
urine for the purpose of determining the content of alcohol,
drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds of such
person's blood if arrested as evidenced by the issuance of a Uniform Traffic
Ticket for any violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of
a local ordinance, with the exception of equipment violations contained in
Chapter 12 of this Code, or similar provisions of local ordinances. The test
or tests shall be administered at the direction of the arresting officer. The
law enforcement agency employing the officer shall designate which of the
aforesaid tests shall be administered. Up to 2 additional tests of urine or other bodily substance may be administered even
after a blood or breath test or both has been administered. Compliance with
this Section does not relieve such person from the requirements of Section
11-501.1 of this Code. (b) Any person who is dead, unconscious or who is otherwise in a
condition rendering such person incapable of refusal shall be deemed not to
have withdrawn the consent provided by subsection (a) of this Section. In
addition, if a driver of a vehicle is receiving medical treatment as a
result of a motor vehicle crash, any physician licensed to practice
medicine, licensed physician assistant, licensed advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse or a phlebotomist acting under the direction of
a licensed physician shall withdraw blood for testing purposes to ascertain
the presence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating
compound or compounds, upon the specific request of a law
enforcement officer. However, no such testing shall be performed until, in
the opinion of the medical personnel on scene, the withdrawal can be made
without interfering with or endangering the well-being of the patient. (c) A person requested to submit to a test as provided above shall be
warned by the law enforcement officer requesting the test that a refusal to
submit to the test, or submission to the test resulting in an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more, or testing discloses the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of a drug, substance,
or intoxicating compound
resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of a controlled substance listed in the Illinois
Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of
Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act as detected in such person's blood, other bodily substance, or urine, may
result in the suspension of such person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle. If the person is also a CDL holder, he or she shall be
warned by the law enforcement officer requesting the test that a refusal to
submit to the test, or submission to the test resulting in an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug, substance,
or intoxicating compound
resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of cannabis, as covered by the
Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the Illinois
Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use of
Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act as detected in the person's blood, other bodily substance, or urine, may result in the disqualification of the person's privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-514 of this Code.
The length of the suspension shall be the same as outlined in Section
6-208.1 of this Code regarding statutory summary suspensions. A person requested to submit to a test shall also acknowledge, in writing, receipt of the warning required under this Section. If the person refuses to acknowledge receipt of the warning, the law enforcement officer shall make a written notation on the warning that the person refused to sign the warning. A person's refusal to sign the warning shall not be evidence that the person was not read the warning. (d) If the person refuses testing or submits to a test which discloses
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of a drug,
or intoxicating compound in such person's blood or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or
consumption of a controlled
substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, the law
enforcement officer shall immediately submit a sworn report to the Secretary of
State on a form prescribed by the Secretary, certifying that the test or tests
were requested under subsection (a) and the person refused to submit to a
test or tests or submitted to testing which disclosed an alcohol concentration
of 0.08 or more, the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount of a drug, substance, or intoxicating
in such
person's blood, other bodily substance, or urine, resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of
a controlled substance
listed in
the Illinois Controlled Substances Act,
an intoxicating compound listed in
the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act. If the person is also a CDL holder and refuses testing or submits to a test which discloses
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug,
or intoxicating compound in the person's blood, other bodily substance, or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or
consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled
substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, the law
enforcement officer shall immediately submit a sworn report to the Secretary of
State on a form prescribed by the Secretary, certifying that the test or tests
were requested under subsection (a) and the person refused to submit to a
test or tests or submitted to testing which disclosed an alcohol concentration
of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug, substance, or intoxicating
in such
person's blood, other bodily substance, or urine, resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of
cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance
listed in
the Illinois Controlled Substances Act,
an intoxicating compound listed in
the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act. Upon receipt of the sworn report of a law enforcement officer, the
Secretary shall enter the suspension and disqualification to the individual's driving record and the
suspension and disqualification shall be effective on the 46th day following the date notice of the
suspension was given to the person. The law enforcement officer submitting the sworn report shall serve immediate
notice of this suspension on the person and such suspension and disqualification shall be effective
on the 46th day following the date notice was given. In cases involving a person who is not a CDL holder where the blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more,
or blood testing discloses the presence of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act with a tetrahydrocannabinol concentration as defined in paragraph 6 of subsection (a) of Section 11-501.2 of this Code, or any amount
of a drug, substance, or intoxicating compound resulting from the unlawful
use or
consumption of a
substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act,
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, is established by a
subsequent analysis of blood, other bodily substance, or urine collected at the time of arrest, the
arresting officer shall give notice as provided in this Section or by deposit
in the United States mail of such notice in an envelope with postage prepaid
and addressed to such person at his or her address as shown on the Uniform Traffic
Ticket and the suspension shall be effective on the 46th day following the date
notice was given. In cases involving a person who is a CDL holder where the blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more,
or any amount
of a drug, substance, or intoxicating compound resulting from the unlawful
use or
consumption of cannabis as listed in the Cannabis Control Act, a
substance listed in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act,
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, is established by a
subsequent analysis of blood, other bodily substance, or urine collected at the time of arrest, the
arresting officer shall give notice as provided in this Section or by deposit
in the United States mail of such notice in an envelope with postage prepaid
and addressed to the person at his or her address as shown on the Uniform Traffic
Ticket and the suspension and disqualification shall be effective on the 46th day following the date
notice was given. Upon receipt of the sworn report of a law enforcement officer, the Secretary
shall also give notice of the suspension and disqualification to the driver by mailing a notice of
the effective date of the suspension and disqualification to the individual. However, should the
sworn report be defective by not containing sufficient information or be
completed in error, the notice of the suspension and disqualification shall not be mailed to the
person or entered to the driving record, but rather the sworn report shall be
returned to the issuing law enforcement agency. (e) A driver may contest this suspension of his or her
driving privileges and disqualification of his or her CDL privileges by
requesting an administrative hearing with the Secretary in accordance with
Section 2-118 of this Code. At the conclusion of a hearing held under
Section 2-118 of this Code, the Secretary may rescind, continue, or modify the
of suspension and disqualification. If the Secretary does not rescind the orders of suspension and disqualification, a restricted
driving permit may be granted by the Secretary upon application being made and
good cause shown. A restricted driving permit may be granted to relieve undue
hardship to allow driving for employment, educational, and medical purposes as
outlined in Section 6-206 of this Code. The provisions of Section 6-206 of
this Code shall apply. In accordance with 49 C.F.R. 384, the Secretary of State may not issue a restricted driving permit for the operation of a commercial motor vehicle to a person holding a CDL whose driving privileges have been suspended, revoked, cancelled, or disqualified.
(f) (Blank). (g) For the purposes of this Section, a personal injury shall include
any type A injury as indicated on the traffic crash report completed
by a law enforcement officer that requires immediate professional attention
in either a doctor's office or a medical facility. A type A injury shall
include severely bleeding wounds, distorted extremities, and injuries that
require the injured party to be carried from the scene. (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .) |
(625 ILCS 5/11-501.8)
Sec. 11-501.8. Suspension of driver's license; persons under age 21.
(a) A person who is less than 21 years of age and who drives or
is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon the
public highways of this State shall be deemed to have given consent to a
chemical test or tests of blood, breath, other bodily substance, or urine for the purpose of
determining the alcohol content of the person's blood if arrested, as evidenced
by the issuance of a Uniform Traffic Ticket for any violation of the Illinois
Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance, if a police officer
has probable cause to believe that the driver has consumed any amount of an
alcoholic beverage based upon evidence of the driver's physical condition or
other first hand knowledge of the police officer. The test or tests shall be
administered at the direction of the arresting officer. The law enforcement
agency employing the officer shall designate which of the aforesaid tests shall
be administered. Up to 2 additional tests of urine or other bodily substance may be administered even after a blood or
breath test or both has been administered.
(b) A person who is dead, unconscious, or who is otherwise in a condition
rendering that person incapable of refusal, shall be deemed not to have
withdrawn the consent provided by paragraph (a) of this Section and the test or
tests may be administered subject to the following provisions:
(i) Chemical analysis of the person's blood, urine, |
| breath, or other bodily substance, to be considered valid under the provisions of this Section, shall have been performed according to standards promulgated by the Illinois State Police by an individual possessing a valid permit issued by that Department for this purpose. The Director of the Illinois State Police is authorized to approve satisfactory techniques or methods, to ascertain the qualifications and competence of individuals to conduct analyses, to issue permits that shall be subject to termination or revocation at the direction of that Department, and to certify the accuracy of breath testing equipment. The Illinois State Police shall prescribe regulations as necessary.
(ii) When a person submits to a blood test at the
| request of a law enforcement officer under the provisions of this Section, only a physician authorized to practice medicine, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed advanced practice registered nurse, a registered nurse, or other qualified person trained in venipuncture and acting under the direction of a licensed physician may withdraw blood for the purpose of determining the alcohol content therein. This limitation does not apply to the taking of breath, other bodily substance, or urine specimens.
(iii) The person tested may have a physician,
| qualified technician, chemist, registered nurse, or other qualified person of his or her own choosing administer a chemical test or tests in addition to any test or tests administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer. The failure or inability to obtain an additional test by a person shall not preclude the consideration of the previously performed chemical test.
(iv) Upon a request of the person who submits to a
| chemical test or tests at the request of a law enforcement officer, full information concerning the test or tests shall be made available to the person or that person's attorney.
(v) Alcohol concentration means either grams of
| alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
(vi) If a driver is receiving medical treatment as a
| result of a motor vehicle crashes, a physician licensed to practice medicine, licensed physician assistant, licensed advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse, or other qualified person trained in venipuncture and acting under the direction of a licensed physician shall withdraw blood for testing purposes to ascertain the presence of alcohol upon the specific request of a law enforcement officer. However, that testing shall not be performed until, in the opinion of the medical personnel on scene, the withdrawal can be made without interfering with or endangering the well-being of the patient.
(c) A person requested to submit to a test as provided above shall be warned
by the law enforcement officer requesting the test that a refusal to submit to
the test, or submission to the test resulting in an alcohol concentration of
more than 0.00, may result in the loss of that person's privilege to operate a
motor vehicle and may result in the disqualification of the person's privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle, as provided in Section 6-514 of this Code, if the person is a CDL holder. The loss of driving privileges shall be imposed in accordance
with Section 6-208.2 of this Code.
A person requested to submit to a test shall also acknowledge, in writing, receipt of the warning required under this Section. If the person refuses to acknowledge receipt of the warning, the law enforcement officer shall make a written notation on the warning that the person refused to sign the warning. A person's refusal to sign the warning shall not be evidence that the person was not read the warning.
(d) If the person refuses testing or submits to a test that discloses an
alcohol concentration of more than 0.00, the law enforcement officer shall
immediately submit a sworn report to the Secretary of State on a form
prescribed by the Secretary of State, certifying that the test or tests were
requested under subsection (a) and the person refused to submit to a test
or tests or submitted to testing which disclosed an alcohol concentration of
more than 0.00. The law enforcement officer shall submit the same sworn report
when a person under the age of 21 submits to testing under Section
11-501.1 of this Code and the testing discloses an alcohol concentration of
more than 0.00 and less than 0.08.
Upon receipt of the sworn report of a law enforcement officer, the Secretary
of State shall enter the suspension and disqualification on the individual's driving
record and the suspension and disqualification shall be effective on the 46th day following the date
notice of the suspension was given to the person. If this suspension is the
individual's first driver's license suspension under this Section, reports
received by the Secretary of State under this Section shall, except during the
time the suspension is in effect, be privileged information and for use only by
the courts, police officers, prosecuting authorities, the Secretary of State,
or the individual personally, unless the person is a CDL holder, is operating a commercial motor vehicle or vehicle required to be placarded for hazardous materials, in which case the suspension shall not be privileged.
Reports received by the Secretary of State under this Section shall also be made available to the parent or guardian of a person under the age of 18 years that holds an instruction permit or a graduated driver's license, regardless of whether the suspension is in effect.
The law enforcement officer submitting the sworn report shall serve immediate
notice of this suspension on the person and the suspension and disqualification shall
be effective on the 46th day following the date notice was given.
In cases where the blood alcohol concentration of more than 0.00 is
established by a subsequent analysis of blood, other bodily substance, or urine, the police officer or
arresting agency shall give notice as provided in this Section or by deposit
in the United States mail of that notice in an envelope with postage prepaid
and addressed to that person at his last known address and the loss of driving
privileges shall be effective on the 46th day following the date notice was
Upon receipt of the sworn report of a law enforcement officer, the Secretary
of State shall also give notice of the suspension and disqualification to the driver
by mailing a notice of the effective date of the suspension and disqualification to the individual.
However, should the sworn report be defective by not containing sufficient
information or be completed in error, the notice of the suspension and disqualification shall not be mailed to the person or entered to the driving record,
but rather the sworn report shall be returned to the issuing law enforcement
(e) A driver may contest this suspension and disqualification by requesting an
administrative hearing with the Secretary of State in accordance with Section
2-118 of this Code. An individual whose blood alcohol concentration is shown
to be more than 0.00 is not subject to this Section if he or she consumed
alcohol in the performance of a religious service or ceremony. An individual
whose blood alcohol concentration is shown to be more than 0.00 shall not be
subject to this Section if the individual's blood alcohol concentration
resulted only from ingestion of the prescribed or recommended dosage of
medicine that contained alcohol. The petition for that hearing shall not stay
or delay the effective date of the impending suspension. The scope of this
hearing shall be limited to the issues of:
(1) whether the police officer had probable cause to
| believe that the person was driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon the public highways of the State and the police officer had reason to believe that the person was in violation of any provision of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance; and
(2) whether the person was issued a Uniform Traffic
| Ticket for any violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance; and
(3) whether the police officer had probable cause to
| believe that the driver had consumed any amount of an alcoholic beverage based upon the driver's physical actions or other first-hand knowledge of the police officer; and
(4) whether the person, after being advised by the
| officer that the privilege to operate a motor vehicle would be suspended if the person refused to submit to and complete the test or tests, did refuse to submit to or complete the test or tests to determine the person's alcohol concentration; and
(5) whether the person, after being advised by the
| officer that the privileges to operate a motor vehicle would be suspended if the person submits to a chemical test or tests and the test or tests disclose an alcohol concentration of more than 0.00, did submit to and complete the test or tests that determined an alcohol concentration of more than 0.00; and
(6) whether the test result of an alcohol
| concentration of more than 0.00 was based upon the person's consumption of alcohol in the performance of a religious service or ceremony; and
(7) whether the test result of an alcohol
| concentration of more than 0.00 was based upon the person's consumption of alcohol through ingestion of the prescribed or recommended dosage of medicine.
At the conclusion of the hearing held under Section 2-118 of
this Code, the Secretary of State may rescind, continue, or modify the suspension and disqualification. If the Secretary of State does not rescind the suspension and disqualification, a
restricted driving permit may be granted by the Secretary of State upon
application being made and good cause shown. A restricted driving permit may be
granted to relieve undue hardship by allowing driving for employment,
educational, and medical purposes as outlined in item (3) of part (c) of
Section 6-206 of this Code. The provisions of item (3) of part (c) of Section
6-206 of this Code and of subsection (f) of that Section shall apply. The Secretary of State shall promulgate rules
providing for participation in an alcohol education and awareness program or
activity, a drug education and awareness program or activity, or both as a
condition to the issuance of a restricted driving permit for suspensions
imposed under this Section.
(f) The results of any chemical testing performed in accordance with
subsection (a) of this Section are not admissible in any civil or criminal
proceeding, except that the results of the testing may be considered at a
hearing held under Section 2-118 of this Code. However, the results of
the testing may not be used to impose driver's license sanctions under
Section 11-501.1 of this Code. A law enforcement officer may, however, pursue
a statutory summary suspension or revocation of driving privileges under Section 11-501.1 of
this Code if other physical evidence or first hand knowledge forms the basis
of that suspension or revocation.
(g) This Section applies only to drivers who are under
age 21 at the time of the issuance of a Uniform Traffic Ticket for a
violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar provision of a local
ordinance, and a chemical test request is made under this Section.
(h) The action of the Secretary of State in suspending, revoking, cancelling, or
disqualifying any license or
permit shall be
subject to judicial review in the Circuit Court of Sangamon County or in the
Circuit Court of Cook County, and the provisions of the Administrative Review
Law and its rules are hereby adopted and shall apply to and govern every action
for the judicial review of final acts or decisions of the Secretary of State
under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)