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Illinois Compiled Statutes
Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide. Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.
VEHICLES (625 ILCS 5/) Illinois Vehicle Code. 625 ILCS 5/4-307
(625 ILCS 5/4-307) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 4-307)
Sec. 4-307.
Funding and fees.
(a) The programs initiated by the Board
shall be funded by appropriations by the General Assembly to the Board.
In addition to any fees enacted by the General Assembly, the Board
shall recommend additional and optional methods of financing such programs
to the end that the programs shall become self-sufficient.
(b) In addition to any provisions made by the General Assembly,
the Board shall recommend incentives to induce the junking of abandoned
and derelict vehicles not suitable for rebuilding or restoring as antiques
or historic vehicles. The Board may further recommend a subsidy to
implement Section 4-305.
(Source: P.A. 84-470.)
625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5
(625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 heading)
625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. I
(625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. I heading)
625 ILCS 5/5-100
(625 ILCS 5/5-100) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-100)
Sec. 5-100. Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following
words shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:
"Additional place of business" means a place owned or leased and occupied
by the dealer in addition to its established place of business, at which the
dealer conducts or intends to conduct business on a permanent or long term
basis. The term does not include an area where an off site sale or exhibition
is conducted. The Secretary of State shall adopt guidelines for the
administration and enforcement of this definition by rule.
"Display exhibition" means a temporary display of vehicles by a dealer
licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102, at a location at which no vehicles are
offered for sale, that is conducted at a place other than the dealer's
established and additional places of business.
"Established place of business" means the place owned or leased and occupied
by any person duly licensed or required to be licensed as a dealer for the
purpose of engaging in selling, buying, bartering, displaying, exchanging or
dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, vehicles and their essential parts
and for such other ancillary purposes as may be permitted by the Secretary
by rule. It shall include an office in which the dealer's records shall be
separate and distinct from any other business or tenant which may occupy
space in the same building except as provided in Section 5-101.1. This
office shall not be located in a house
trailer, residence, tent, temporary stand, temporary address, room or rooms
in a hotel or rooming house, nor the premises occupied by a single or
multiple unit residence. "Established place of business" only includes a place with an outdoor lot capable of parking at least 5 vehicles or an indoor lot with space for a minimum of one vehicle to be parked in its indoor showroom. The established place of business of a scrap
processor shall be the fixed location where the scrap processor maintains
its principal place of business. The Secretary of State shall, by rule and
regulation, adopt guidelines for the administration and enforcement of this
definition, such as, but not limited to issues concerning the required
hours of operation, describing where vehicles are displayed and offered for
sale, where books and records are maintained and requirements for the
fulfillment of warranties. A dealer may have an additional place of business
as defined under this Section.
"Motor vehicle financing affiliate" means a business organization
registered to
business in Illinois that, pursuant to a written contract with either (1) a
single new or used
motor vehicle dealer or (2) a single group of new or used motor vehicle dealers
that share
a common ownership within the group, purchases new or used motor vehicles on
of the dealer or group of dealers and then sells, transfers, or assigns those
motor vehicles
to the dealer or group of dealers. The motor vehicle financing affiliate must
incorporated or organized solely to purchase new or used vehicles on behalf of
the new or
used motor vehicle dealer or group of dealers with which it has contracted,
shall not sell
motor vehicles at retail, shall perform only those business functions related
to the
purchasing of motor vehicles and selling, transferring, or assigning those
motor vehicles
to the dealer or group of dealers. The motor vehicle financing affiliate must
be licensed
under the provisions of Section 5-101.1 and must not be licensed as a new or
used motor
vehicle dealer.
"Off site sale" means the temporary display and sale of vehicles, for a
period of not more than 7 calendar days (excluding Sundays), by a dealer
licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102 at a place other than the dealer's
established and additional places of business.
"Relevant market area", for a new vehicle dealer licensed under Section
5-101 and for a used vehicle dealer licensed under Section 5-102, means the
area within 10 miles of the established or additional place of business of the
dealer located in a county with a population of 300,000 or more, or within 15
miles if the established place of business is located in a county with a
population of less than 300,000.
"Trade show exhibition" means a temporary display of vehicles,
by dealers licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102, or any other
person as defined in subsection (c) of Section 5-102.1, at a location at which
no vehicles are offered for sale that is conducted at a place other than the
dealer's established and additional places of business. In order for a display
exhibition to be considered a trade
show exhibition, it must be participated in by at least 3
dealers, 2 of which must be licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102; and
a trade show exhibition of new vehicles shall only be participated in by
licensed new vehicle dealers at least 2 of which must be licensed under Section
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-100-1
(625 ILCS 5/5-100-1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-100-1)
Sec. 5-100-1.
Findings and Purpose.
The General Assembly finds that:
(1) crimes involving the theft of vehicles and their parts have risen
steadily over the past years, with a resulting loss of millions of dollars
to the residents of this State; (2) essential to the criminal enterprise
of vehicle theft operations is the ability of thieves to transfer
or sell stolen vehicles or their parts through legitimate commercial
channels, making them available for sale to the automotive industry;
(3) vehicle dealers, scrap processors, automotive
parts recyclers, repairers and rebuilders who comprise the vast majority
of the persons engaged in the automotive business in this State are
frequently exposed to pressures and influences from motor vehicle
thieves; (4) elements of organized crime
are constantly attempting to influence businessmen engaged in the sale
and repair of motor vehicles so as to further their own criminal interests;
and (5) close and strict government regulation of vehicle dealers, scrap
processors, automotive parts recyclers,
repairers and rebuilders will provide a system of tracking the flow of
vehicles and their essential parts and therefore significantly reduce the
numbers of vehicle-related thefts in this State. It is, therefore, the
intent of the General Assembly to establish a system of mandatory licensing
and record keeping which will prevent or reduce the transfer or sale of
stolen vehicles or their parts within this State.
It further is the intent of the General Assembly that government
agencies work in cooperation with vehicle dealers, scrap processors,
automotive parts recyclers, repairers and rebuilders, utilizing their
professional expertise in the development and execution of programs and
strategies to reduce vehicle-related crime and maximize consumer
protection while ensuring a healthy business climate for the legitimate
automotive industry.
(Source: P.A. 85-572.)
625 ILCS 5/5-101
(625 ILCS 5/5-101) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-101)
Sec. 5-101. New vehicle dealers must be licensed.
(a) No person shall engage in this State in the business of selling
or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, new vehicles of any make, or
act as an intermediary or agent or broker for any licensed dealer or
vehicle purchaser other than as a salesperson, or represent or advertise
that he is so engaged or intends to so engage in such business unless
licensed to do so in writing by the Secretary of State under the
provisions of this Section.
(b) An application for a new vehicle dealer's license shall be filed
with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, on such form as the
Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall contain:
1. The name and type of business organization of the | | applicant and his established and additional places of business, if any, in this State.
2. If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its
| | officers, directors, and shareholders having a ten percent or greater ownership interest in the corporation, setting forth the residence address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar form of business organization, the name and residence address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager.
3. The make or makes of new vehicles which the
| | applicant will offer for sale at retail in this State.
4. The name of each manufacturer or franchised
| | distributor, if any, of new vehicles with whom the applicant has contracted for the sale of such new vehicles. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a signed statement from each such manufacturer or franchised distributor. If the applicant is in the business of offering for sale new conversion vehicles, trucks or vans, except for trucks modified to serve a special purpose which includes but is not limited to the following vehicles: street sweepers, fertilizer spreaders, emergency vehicles, implements of husbandry or maintenance type vehicles, he must furnish evidence of a sales and service agreement from both the chassis manufacturer and second stage manufacturer.
5. A statement that the applicant has been approved
| | for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the Department of Revenue: Provided that this requirement does not apply to a dealer who is already licensed hereunder with the Secretary of State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that that Department has approved the applicant for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
6. A statement that the applicant has complied with
| | the appropriate liability insurance requirement. A Certificate of Insurance in a solvent company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois shall be included with each application covering each location at which he proposes to act as a new vehicle dealer. The policy must provide liability coverage in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property. Such policy shall expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed. The expiration of the insurance policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising during the period for which the policy was filed. Trailer and mobile home dealers are exempt from this requirement.
If the permitted user has a liability insurance
| | policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, then the permitted user's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the dealer's insurer shall be the secondary insurer. If the permitted user does not have a liability insurance policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, or does not have any insurance at all, then the dealer's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the permitted user's insurer shall be the secondary insurer.
When a permitted user is "test driving" a new
| | vehicle dealer's automobile, the new vehicle dealer's insurance shall be primary and the permitted user's insurance shall be secondary.
As used in this paragraph 6, a "permitted user" is a
| | person who, with the permission of the new vehicle dealer or an employee of the new vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by the new vehicle dealer which the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle. The term "permitted user" also includes a person who, with the permission of the new vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the new vehicle dealer for loaner purposes while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
As used in this paragraph 6, "test driving" occurs
| | when a permitted user who, with the permission of the new vehicle dealer or an employee of the new vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by a new vehicle dealer that the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle.
As used in this paragraph 6, "loaner purposes" means
| | when a person who, with the permission of the new vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the new vehicle dealer while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
7. (A) An application for a new motor vehicle
| | dealer's license shall be accompanied by the following license fees:
(i) $1,000 for applicant's established place of
| | business, and $100 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for applicant's established place of business plus $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. All moneys received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this subparagraph (i) prior to applications for the 2004 licensing year shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund and shall be used to administer the Motor Vehicle Review Board under the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act. Of the money received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this subparagraph (i) for the 2004 licensing year and thereafter, 10% shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund and shall be used to administer the Motor Vehicle Review Board under the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act and 90% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
(ii) Except for dealers selling 25 or fewer
| | automobiles or as provided in subsection (h) of Section 5-102.7 of this Code, an Annual Dealer Recovery Fund Fee in the amount of $500 for the applicant's established place of business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the fee shall be $250 for the applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. For a license renewal application, the fee shall be based on the amount of automobiles sold in the past year according to the following formula:
| (1) $0 for dealers selling 25 or less
| | (2) $150 for dealers selling more than 25 but
| | less than 200 automobiles;
| (3) $300 for dealers selling 200 or more
| | automobiles but less than 300 automobiles; and
| (4) $500 for dealers selling 300 or more
| | License fees shall be returnable only in the
| | event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Moneys received under this subparagraph (ii) shall be deposited into the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund.
| (B) An application for a new vehicle dealer's
| | license, other than for a new motor vehicle dealer's license, shall be accompanied by the following license fees:
(i) $1,000 for applicant's established place of
| | business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Of the money received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this subparagraph (i) for the 2004 licensing year and thereafter, 95% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
(ii) Except as provided in subsection (h) of
| | Section 5-102.7 of this Code, an Annual Dealer Recovery Fund Fee in the amount of $500 for the applicant's established place of business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the fee shall be $250 for the applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Moneys received under this subparagraph (ii) shall be deposited into the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund.
| 8. A statement that the applicant's officers,
| | directors, shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, a partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager or other principals in the business have not committed in the past 3 years any one violation as determined in any civil, criminal or administrative proceedings of any one of the following Acts:
(A) The Anti-Theft Laws of the Illinois Vehicle
| |
(B) The Certificate of Title Laws of the Illinois
| |
(C) The Offenses against Registration and
| | Certificates of Title Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(D) The Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers and
| | Rebuilders Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(E) Section 21-2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or
| | the Criminal Code of 2012, Criminal Trespass to Vehicles; or
(F) The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
9. A statement that the applicant's officers,
| | directors, shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager or other principals in the business have not committed in any calendar year 3 or more violations, as determined in any civil, criminal or administrative proceedings, of any one or more of the following Acts:
(A) The Consumer Finance Act;
(B) The Consumer Installment Loan Act;
(C) The Retail Installment Sales Act;
(D) The Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales
| |
(E) The Interest Act;
(F) The Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
(G) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
| |
(H) The Consumer Fraud Act.
9.5. A statement that, within 10 years of
| | application, each officer, director, shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has not committed, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, in any calendar year one or more forcible felonies under the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 2012, Article 29B of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a similar out-of-state offense. For the purposes of this paragraph, "forcible felony" has the meaning provided in Section 2-8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| 10. A bond or certificate of deposit in the amount of
| | $50,000 for each location at which the applicant intends to act as a new vehicle dealer. The bond shall be for the term of the license, or its renewal, for which application is made, and shall expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed. The bond shall run to the People of the State of Illinois, with surety by a bonding or insurance company authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act) accepted by the applicant as a new vehicle dealer.
11. Such other information concerning the business of
| | the applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe.
12. A statement that the applicant understands
| | Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 of this Code.
13. The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information
contained in any application for a new vehicle dealer's license shall be
amended within 30 days after the occurrence of such change on such form
as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule or regulation,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(d) Anything in this Chapter 5 to the contrary notwithstanding no
person shall be licensed as a new vehicle dealer unless:
1. He is authorized by contract in writing between
| | himself and the manufacturer or franchised distributor of such make of vehicle to so sell the same in this State, and
2. Such person shall maintain an established place of
| | business as defined in this Act.
(e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after
receipt, examine an application submitted to him under this Section and
unless he makes a determination that the application submitted to him
does not conform with the requirements of this Section or that grounds
exist for a denial of the application, under Section 5-501 of this
Chapter, grant the applicant an original new vehicle dealer's license in
writing for his established place of business and a supplemental license
in writing for each additional place of business in such form as he may
prescribe by rule or regulation which shall include the following:
1. The name of the person licensed;
2. If a corporation, the name and address of its
| | officers or if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association or any similar form of business organization, the name and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee or manager;
3. In the case of an original license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee;
4. In the case of a supplemental license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee and the additional place of business to which such supplemental license pertains;
5. The make or makes of new vehicles which the
| | licensee is licensed to sell;
6. The full name, address, and contact information of
| | each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (f) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a certified
copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State, shall be kept posted
conspicuously in the established place of business of the licensee and
in each additional place of business, if any, maintained by such
(g) Except as provided in subsection (h) hereof, all new vehicle
dealer's licenses granted under this Section shall expire by operation
of law on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are granted
unless sooner revoked or cancelled under the provisions of Section 5-501
of this Chapter.
(h) A new vehicle dealer's license may be renewed upon application
and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of proof of
coverage under an approved bond under the Retailers' Occupation Tax
Act or proof that applicant is not subject to such bonding
requirements, as in the case of an original license, but in case an
application for the renewal of an effective license is made during the
month of December, the effective license shall remain in force until the
application is granted or denied by the Secretary of State.
(i) All persons licensed as a new vehicle dealer are required to
furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle:
1. In the case of a new vehicle a manufacturer's
| | statement of origin and in the case of a used motor vehicle a certificate of title, in either case properly assigned to the purchaser;
2. A statement verified under oath that all
| | identifying numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title or manufacturer's statement of origin;
3. A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of such
| |
4. A copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction
| | reporting return referred to in Section 5-402 hereof;
5. In the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the
| | Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status; and
6. In the case of a vehicle for which the warranty
| | has been reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(j) Except at the time of sale or repossession of the vehicle, no person
licensed as a new vehicle dealer may issue any other person a newly created
key to a vehicle unless the new vehicle dealer makes a color photocopy or electronic scan of the driver's
license or State identification card of the person requesting or obtaining the
newly created key. The new vehicle dealer must retain the photocopy or scan for 30 days.
A new vehicle dealer who violates this subsection (j) is guilty of a
petty offense. Violation of this subsection (j) is not cause to suspend,
cancel, or deny renewal of the new vehicle dealer's license.
This amendatory Act of 1983 shall be applicable to the 1984 registration
year and thereafter.
(k) If a licensee under this Section voluntarily surrenders a license to the Illinois Secretary of State Police or a representative of the Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department due to the licensee's inability to adhere to recordkeeping provisions, or the inability to properly issue certificates of title or registrations under this Code, or the Secretary revokes a license under this Section, then the licensee and the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative, if applicable, may not be named on a new application for a licensee under this Section or under this Chapter, nor is the licensee or the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative permitted to work for another licensee under this Chapter in a recordkeeping, management, or financial position or as an employee who handles certificate of title and registration documents and applications.
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20; 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-101.1
(625 ILCS 5/5-101.1)
Sec. 5-101.1. Motor vehicle financing affiliates; licensing.
(a) In this State, no business shall engage in the business of a motor
vehicle financing
affiliate without a license to do so in writing from the Secretary of State.
(b) An application for a motor vehicle financing affiliate's license must be
filed with
the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, on a form prescribed by the
Secretary of
State and shall contain all of the following:
(1) The name and type of business organization of the | | applicant and the applicant's established place of business and any additional places of business in this State.
(2) The name and address of the licensed new or used
| | vehicle dealer to which the applicant will be selling, transferring, or assigning new or used motor vehicles pursuant to a written contract. If more than one dealer is on the application, the applicant shall state in writing the basis of common ownership among the dealers.
(3) A list of the business organization's officers,
| | directors, members, and shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest in the business, providing the residential address for each person listed.
(4) If selling, transferring, or assigning new motor
| | vehicles, the make or makes of new vehicles that it will sell, assign, or otherwise transfer to the contracting new motor vehicle dealer listed on the application pursuant to paragraph (2).
(5) The name of each manufacturer or franchised
| | distributor, if any, of new vehicles with whom the applicant has contracted for the sale of new vehicles and a signed statement from each manufacturer or franchised distributor acknowledging the contract.
(6) A statement that the applicant has been approved
| | for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the Department of Revenue. This requirement does not apply to a motor vehicle financing affiliate that is already licensed with the Secretary of State and is applying for a renewal of its license.
(7) A statement that the applicant has complied with
| | the appropriate liability insurance requirement and a Certificate of Insurance that shall not expire before December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed with a minimum liability coverage of $100,000 for the bodily injury or death of any person, $300,000 for the bodily injury or death of 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property. The expiration of the insurance policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising during the period for which the policy was filed. Trailer and mobile home dealers are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph. A motor vehicle financing affiliate is exempt from the requirements of this paragraph if it is covered by the insurance policy of the new or used dealer listed on the application pursuant to paragraph (2).
(8) A license fee of $1,000 for the applicant's
| | established place of business and $250 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. However, if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for the applicant's established place of business and $125 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. These license fees shall be returnable only in the event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State.
(9) A statement incorporating the requirements of
| | paragraphs 8 and 9 of subsection (b) of Section 5-101.
(10) Any other information concerning the business of
| | the applicant as the Secretary of State may prescribe.
(11) A statement that the applicant understands
| | Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 of this Code.
(12) The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information contained in
application for a motor vehicle financing affiliate's license shall be amended
within 30
days after the occurrence of the change on a form prescribed by the Secretary
of State,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(d) If a new vehicle dealer is not listed on the application, pursuant to
paragraph (2) of
subsection (b), the motor vehicle financing affiliate shall not receive,
possess, or transfer
any new vehicle. If a new motor vehicle dealer is listed on the application,
pursuant to
paragraph (2) of subsection (b), the new motor vehicle dealer can only receive
those new
cars it is permitted to receive under its franchise agreement. If both a new
and used
motor vehicle dealer are listed on the application, pursuant to paragraph (2)
of subsection
(b), only the new motor vehicle dealer may receive new motor vehicles. If a
used motor
vehicle is listed on the application, pursuant to paragraph (2) of
subsection (b), the used
motor vehicle dealer shall not receive any new motor vehicles.
(e) The applicant and dealer provided pursuant to paragraph (2) of
subsection (b)
must be business organizations registered to conduct business in Illinois.
of the dealer's board of directors must be members of the motor vehicle
affiliate's board of directors, if applicable.
(f) Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter 5, no business organization
registered to
do business in Illinois shall be licensed as a motor vehicle financing
affiliate unless:
(1) The motor vehicle financing affiliate shall only
| | sell, transfer, or assign motor vehicles to the licensed new or used dealer listed on the application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
(2) The motor vehicle financing affiliate sells,
| | transfers, or assigns to the new motor vehicle dealer listed on the application, if any, only those new motor vehicles the motor vehicle financing affiliate has received under the contract set forth in paragraph (5) of subsection (b).
(3) Any new vehicle dealer listed pursuant to
| | paragraph (2) of subsection (b) has a franchise agreement that permits the dealer to receive motor vehicles from the motor vehicle franchise affiliate.
(4) The new or used motor vehicle dealer listed on
| | the application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b) has one established place of business or supplemental places of business as referenced in subsection (g).
(g) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after receipt,
examine an
application submitted pursuant to this Section and, unless it is determined
that the
application does not conform with the requirements of this Section or that
grounds exist
for a denial of the application under Section 5-501, grant the applicant a
motor vehicle
financing affiliate license in writing for the applicant's established place of
business and
a supplemental license in writing for each additional place of business in a
form prescribed
by the Secretary, which shall include all of the following:
(1) The name of the business licensed;
(2) The name and address of its officers, directors,
| | or members, as applicable;
(3) In the case of an original license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee;
(4) If applicable, the make or makes of new vehicles
| | which the licensee is licensed to sell to the new motor vehicle dealer listed on the application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b); and
(5) The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (h) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a certified copy,
provided by
the Secretary of State, shall be kept posted conspicuously in the established
place of
business of the licensee.
(i) Except as provided in subsection (h), all motor vehicle financing
licenses granted under this Section shall expire by operation of law on
December 31 of
the calendar year for which they are granted, unless revoked or canceled at an
earlier date
pursuant to Section 5-501.
(j) A motor vehicle financing affiliate's license may be renewed upon
application and
payment of the required fee. However, when an application for renewal of a
vehicle financing affiliate's license is made during the month of December, the
license shall remain in force until the application is granted or denied by the
Secretary of
(k) The contract a motor vehicle financing affiliate has with a manufacturer
franchised distributor, as provided in paragraph (5) of subsection (b), shall
only permit
the applicant to sell, transfer, or assign new motor vehicles to the new motor
dealer listed on the application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
The contract
shall specifically prohibit the motor vehicle financing affiliate from selling
vehicles at retail. This contract shall not be considered the granting of a
franchise as
defined in Section 2 of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Act.
(l) When purchasing a motor vehicle by a new or used motor vehicle
dealer, all
persons licensed as a motor vehicle financing affiliate are required to furnish
all of the
(1) For a new vehicle, a manufacturer's statement of
| | origin properly assigned to the purchasing dealer. For a used vehicle, a certificate of title properly assigned to the purchasing dealer.
(2) A statement verified under oath that all
| | identifying numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title or manufacturer's statement of origin.
(3) A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of the
| |
(4) A copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction report
| | pursuant to Section 5-402.
(5) In the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the
| | Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status pursuant to Section 5-104.3.
(6) In the case of a vehicle for which a warranty has
| | been reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(m) The motor vehicle financing affiliate shall use the established and
place or places of business the new or used vehicle dealer listed on the
pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b) as its established and supplemental
place or
places of business.
(n) The motor vehicle financing affiliate shall keep all books and records
required by
this Code with the books and records of the new or used vehicle dealer listed
on the
application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b). The motor vehicle
affiliate may use the books and records of the new or used motor vehicle dealer
listed on
the application pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
(o) Under no circumstances shall a motor vehicle financing affiliate sell,
transfer, or
assign a new vehicle to any place of business of a new motor vehicle dealer,
unless that
place of business is licensed under this Chapter to sell, assign, or otherwise
transfer the
make of the new motor vehicle transferred.
(p) All moneys received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this
shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund and shall be used
administer the Motor Vehicle Review Board under the Motor Vehicle Franchise
(q) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, a motor vehicle financing
shall comply with all provisions of this Code.
(r) If a licensee under this Section voluntarily surrenders a license to the Illinois Secretary of State Police or a representative of the Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department due to the licensee's inability to adhere to recordkeeping provisions, or the inability to properly issue certificates of title or registrations under this Code, or the Secretary revokes a license under this Section, then the licensee and the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative, if applicable, may not be named on a new application for a licensee under this Section or under this Chapter, nor is the licensee or the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative permitted to work for another licensee under this Chapter in a recordkeeping, management, or financial position or as an employee who handles certificate of title and registration documents and applications.
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)
625 ILCS 5/5-101.2
(625 ILCS 5/5-101.2)
Sec. 5-101.2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22. Repealed by P.A. 102-941, eff. 7-1-22.)
625 ILCS 5/5-102
(625 ILCS 5/5-102) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-102)
Sec. 5-102. Used vehicle dealers must be licensed.
(a) No person, other than a licensed new vehicle dealer, shall engage in
the business of selling or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, 5 or
more used vehicles of any make during the year (except house trailers as
authorized by paragraph (j) of this Section and rebuilt salvage vehicles
sold by their rebuilders to persons licensed under this Chapter), or act as
an intermediary, agent or broker for any licensed dealer or vehicle
purchaser (other than as a salesperson) or represent or advertise that he
is so engaged or intends to so engage in such business unless licensed to
do so by the Secretary of State under the provisions of this Section.
(b) An application for a used vehicle dealer's license shall be
filed with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, in such form
as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall
1. The name and type of business organization | | established and additional places of business, if any, in this State.
2. If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its
| | officers, directors, and shareholders having a ten percent or greater ownership interest in the corporation, setting forth the residence address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar form of business organization, the names and residence address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager.
3. A statement that the applicant has been approved
| | for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the Department of Revenue. However, this requirement does not apply to a dealer who is already licensed hereunder with the Secretary of State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the Department has approved the applicant for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
4. A statement that the applicant has complied with
| | the appropriate liability insurance requirement. A Certificate of Insurance in a solvent company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois shall be included with each application covering each location at which he proposes to act as a used vehicle dealer. The policy must provide liability coverage in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, two or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property. Such policy shall expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed. The expiration of the insurance policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising during the period for which the policy was filed. Trailer and mobile home dealers are exempt from this requirement.
If the permitted user has a liability insurance
| | policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, then the permitted user's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the dealer's insurer shall be the secondary insurer. If the permitted user does not have a liability insurance policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, or does not have any insurance at all, then the dealer's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the permitted user's insurer shall be the secondary insurer.
When a permitted user is "test driving" a used
| | vehicle dealer's automobile, the used vehicle dealer's insurance shall be primary and the permitted user's insurance shall be secondary.
As used in this paragraph 4, a "permitted user" is a
| | person who, with the permission of the used vehicle dealer or an employee of the used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by the used vehicle dealer which the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle. The term "permitted user" also includes a person who, with the permission of the used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the used vehicle dealer for loaner purposes while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
As used in this paragraph 4, "test driving" occurs
| | when a permitted user who, with the permission of the used vehicle dealer or an employee of the used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by a used vehicle dealer that the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle.
As used in this paragraph 4, "loaner purposes" means
| | when a person who, with the permission of the used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the used vehicle dealer while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
5. An application for a used vehicle dealer's license
| | shall be accompanied by the following license fees:
(A) $1,000 for applicant's established place of
| | business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; however, if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Of the money received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this subparagraph (A) for the 2004 licensing year and thereafter, 95% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
(B) Except for dealers selling 25 or fewer
| | automobiles or as provided in subsection (h) of Section 5-102.7 of this Code, an Annual Dealer Recovery Fund Fee in the amount of $500 for the applicant's established place of business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the fee shall be $250 for the applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. For a license renewal application, the fee shall be based on the amount of automobiles sold in the past year according to the following formula:
| (1) $0 for dealers selling 25 or less
| | (2) $150 for dealers selling more than 25 but
| | less than 200 automobiles;
| (3) $300 for dealers selling 200 or more
| | automobiles but less than 300 automobiles; and
| (4) $500 for dealers selling 300 or more
| | License fees shall be returnable only in the
| | event that the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Moneys received under this subparagraph (B) shall be deposited into the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund.
| 6. A statement that the applicant's officers,
| | directors, shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principals in the business have not committed in the past 3 years any one violation as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings of any one of the following Acts:
(A) The Anti-Theft Laws of the Illinois Vehicle
| |
(B) The Certificate of Title Laws of the Illinois
| |
(C) The Offenses against Registration and
| | Certificates of Title Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(D) The Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers and
| | Rebuilders Laws of the Illinois Vehicle Code;
(E) Section 21-2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or
| | the Criminal Code of 2012, Criminal Trespass to Vehicles; or
(F) The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
7. A statement that the applicant's officers,
| | directors, shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principals in the business have not committed in any calendar year 3 or more violations, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings, of any one or more of the following Acts:
(A) The Consumer Finance Act;
(B) The Consumer Installment Loan Act;
(C) The Retail Installment Sales Act;
(D) The Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales
| |
(E) The Interest Act;
(F) The Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
(G) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
| |
(H) The Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
| |
7.5. A statement that, within 10 years of
| | application, each officer, director, shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has not committed, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, in any calendar year one or more forcible felonies under the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 2012, Article 29B of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a similar out-of-state offense. For the purposes of this paragraph, "forcible felony" has the meaning provided in Section 2-8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| 8. A bond or Certificate of Deposit in the amount of
| | $50,000 for each location at which the applicant intends to act as a used vehicle dealer. The bond shall be for the term of the license, or its renewal, for which application is made, and shall expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed. The bond shall run to the People of the State of Illinois, with surety by a bonding or insurance company authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act) accepted by the applicant as a used vehicle dealer.
9. Such other information concerning the business of
| | the applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe.
10. A statement that the applicant understands
| | Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 of this Code.
11. A copy of the certification from the prelicensing
| | 12. The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information
contained in any application for a used vehicle dealer's license shall
be amended within 30 days after the occurrence of each change on such
form as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule or regulation,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(d) Anything in this Chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no
person shall be licensed as a used vehicle dealer unless such person
maintains an established place of business as
defined in this Chapter.
(e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after
receipt, examine an application submitted to him under this Section.
Unless the Secretary makes a determination that the application
submitted to him does not conform to this Section or that grounds exist
for a denial of the application under Section 5-501 of this Chapter, he
must grant the applicant an original used vehicle dealer's license in
writing for his established place of business and a supplemental license
in writing for each additional place of business in such form as he may
prescribe by rule or regulation which shall include the following:
1. The name of the person licensed;
2. If a corporation, the name and address of its
| | officers or if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association or any similar form of business organization, the name and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager;
3. In case of an original license, the established
| | place of business of the licensee;
4. In the case of a supplemental license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee and the additional place of business to which such supplemental license pertains;
5. The full name, address, and contact information of
| | each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (f) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a certified
copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State shall be kept posted,
conspicuously, in the established place of business of the licensee and
in each additional place of business, if any, maintained by such
(g) Except as provided in subsection (h) of this Section, all used
vehicle dealer's licenses granted under this Section expire by operation
of law on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are granted
unless sooner revoked or cancelled under Section 5-501 of this Chapter.
(h) A used vehicle dealer's license may be renewed upon application
and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of proof of
coverage by an approved bond under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act
or proof that applicant is not subject to such bonding requirements, as
in the case of an original license, but in case an application for the
renewal of an effective license is made during the month of December,
the effective license shall remain in force until the application for
renewal is granted or denied by the Secretary of State.
(i) All persons licensed as a used vehicle dealer are required to
furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle:
1. A certificate of title properly assigned to the
| |
2. A statement verified under oath that all
| | identifying numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title;
3. A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of such
| |
4. A copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction
| | reporting return referred to in Section 5-402 of this Chapter;
5. In the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the
| | Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status; and
6. In the case of a vehicle for which the warranty
| | has been reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(j) A real estate broker holding a valid certificate of registration issued
pursuant to "The Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen License Act" may engage
in the business of selling or dealing in house trailers not his own without
being licensed as a used vehicle dealer under this Section; however such
broker shall maintain a record of the transaction including the following:
(1) the name and address of the buyer and seller,
(2) the date of sale,
(3) a description of the mobile home, including the
| | vehicle identification number, make, model, and year, and
(4) the Illinois certificate of title number.
The foregoing records shall be available for inspection by any officer
of the Secretary of State's Office at any reasonable hour.
(k) Except at the time of sale or repossession of the vehicle, no
person licensed as a used vehicle dealer may issue any other person a newly
created key to a vehicle unless the used vehicle dealer makes a color photocopy or electronic scan of the
driver's license or State identification card of the person requesting or
obtaining the newly created key. The used vehicle dealer must retain the photocopy or scan
for 30 days.
A used vehicle dealer who violates this subsection (k) is guilty of a
petty offense. Violation of this subsection (k) is not cause to suspend,
revoke, cancel, or deny renewal of the used vehicle dealer's license.
(l) Used vehicle dealers licensed under this Section shall provide the Secretary of State a register for the sale at auction of each salvage or junk certificate vehicle. Each register shall include the following information:
1. The year, make, model, style, and color of the
| | 2. The vehicle's manufacturer's identification number
| | or, if applicable, the Secretary of State or Illinois State Police identification number;
| 3. The date of acquisition of the vehicle;
4. The name and address of the person from whom the
| | 5. The name and address of the person to whom any
| | vehicle was disposed, the person's Illinois license number or if the person is an out-of-state salvage vehicle buyer, the license number from the state or jurisdiction where the buyer is licensed; and
| 6. The purchase price of the vehicle.
The register shall be submitted to the Secretary of State via written or electronic means within 10 calendar days from the date of the auction.
(m) If a licensee under this Section voluntarily surrenders a license to the Illinois Secretary of State Police or a representative of the Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department due to the licensee's inability to adhere to recordkeeping provisions, or the inability to properly issue certificates of title or registrations under this Code, or the Secretary revokes a license under this Section, then the licensee and the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative, if applicable, may not be named on a new application for a licensee under this Section or under this Chapter, nor is the licensee or the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative permitted to work for another licensee under this Chapter in a recordkeeping, management, or financial position or as an employee who handles certificate of title and registration documents and applications.
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20; 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-102.1 (625 ILCS 5/5-102.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-102.1) Sec. 5-102.1. Permits for off site sales and exhibitions. (a) A licensed new or used motor vehicle dealer licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102 shall not engage in any off site sale without an off site sale permit issued by the Secretary under this Section. The Secretary shall issue an off site sale permit to a dealer if: (1) an application therefor is received by the | | Secretary prior to the beginning date of the proposed off site sale, accompanied by a fee of $25;
| (2) the applicant is a licensed new vehicle dealer or
| | used vehicle dealer in good standing; and
| (3) the Secretary determines that the proposed off
| | site sale will conform with the requirements imposed by law.
| However, in no event shall an off site sale permit be issued to any licensed new or used vehicle dealer for any off site sale to be conducted outside that dealer's relevant market area, as that term is defined in this Chapter, except that this restriction shall not apply to off site sales of motor homes or recreational vehicles.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to self-contained motor homes, mini motor homes, van campers, and recreational trailers, including trailers designed and used to transport vessels or watercraft.
An off site sale permit does not authorize the sale of vehicles on a Sunday.
(b) Only a new or used vehicle dealer licensed under Section 5-101 or 5-102 may participate in a display exhibition and shall obtain a display exhibition permit issued by the Secretary under this Section.
The Secretary shall issue a display exhibition permit to a dealer if:
(1) an application therefor is received by the
| | Secretary prior to the beginning date of the proposed exhibition, accompanied by a fee of $10;
| (2) the applicant is a licensed new vehicle dealer or
| | used vehicle dealer in good standing; and
| (3) the Secretary determines that the proposed
| | exhibition will conform with the requirements imposed by law.
| A display exhibition permit shall be valid for a period of no longer than 30 days.
(c) A licensed new or used motor vehicle dealer under Section 5-101 or 5-102, or any other person as defined in this Section, may participate in a trade show exhibition and must obtain a trade show exhibition permit issued by the Secretary under this Section.
The Secretary shall issue a trade show exhibition permit if:
(1) an application is received by the Secretary
| | before the beginning date of the proposed trade show exhibition, accompanied by a fee of $10;
| (2) the applicant is a licensed new vehicle dealer or
| | used vehicle dealer in good standing; and
| (3) the Secretary determines that the proposed trade
| | show exhibition shall conform with the requirements imposed by law.
| A trade show exhibition permit shall be valid for a period of no longer than 30 days.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to self-contained motor homes, mini motor homes, van campers, and recreational trailers, including trailers designed and used to transport vessels or watercraft.
The term "any other person" shall mean new or used vehicle dealers licensed by other states; provided however, a trade show exhibition of new vehicles shall only be participated in by licensed new vehicle dealers, at least 2 of which must be licensed under Section 5-101.
(d) An Illinois or out-of-state licensed new or used trailer dealer, manufactured home dealer, motor home dealer, mini motor home dealer, or van camper dealer shall not engage in any off site sale or trade show exhibition without first acquiring a permit issued by the Secretary under this subsection. However, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to a licensed trailer dealer selling a mobile home or manufactured housing, as defined in the Illinois Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Safety Act, if the manufactured housing or mobile home has utilities permanently attached. The Secretary shall issue a permit to an Illinois dealer if:
(1) an application is received by the Secretary
| | before the beginning date of the proposed off site sale or trade show exhibition, accompanied by a fee of $25;
| (2) the applicant is a licensed new or used vehicle
| | dealer in good standing; and
| (3) the Secretary determines that the proposed off
| | site sale or trade show exhibition will conform with the requirements imposed by law.
| The Secretary shall issue a permit to an out-of-state dealer if the requirements of subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection (d) are met and at least 2 licensed Illinois dealers will participate in the off site sale or trade show exhibition.
A permit issued pursuant to this subsection shall allow for the sale of vehicles at either an off site sale or at a trade show exhibition. The permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed 30 days.
(e) The Secretary of State may adopt rules regulating the conduct of off site deliveries, sales, and exhibitions, and governing the issuance and enforcement of the permits authorized under this Section. An Illinois licensed new or used motor vehicle dealer is authorized to conduct sales activities, including the collection of electronic signatures, via the Internet and deliver vehicles to a customer at the address provided in the customer's application, if the sale, lease, or delivery is requested by the customer in writing and only after the identity of the customer has been verified at the time of delivery. Any documents that State or federal law require to be signed in person may be signed at the time of delivery without constituting an off site sale that is subject to this Section. If a vehicle is delivered to an address other than the licensed dealer's established place of business, the date of the sale shall be that date on which the application for title is signed by the purchaser of the vehicle.
(Source: P.A. 103-392, eff. 1-1-24 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-102.5 (625 ILCS 5/5-102.5) Sec. 5-102.5. Used vehicle dealer prelicensing education program courses. (a) An applicant for a license as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer under Section 5-102.8 or a used vehicle
dealer shall complete a minimum of 8 hours of prelicensing
education program courses pursuant to this Section prior to
submitting an application to the Secretary of State. (b) To meet the requirements of this Section, at least one
individual who is associated with the used vehicle
dealer or Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer as an owner, principal, corporate officer, director, or
member or partner of a limited liability company or limited
liability partnership shall complete the education program
courses. (c) The education program courses shall be provided by public or private entities with an expertise in the area as approved by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State must approve course curricula and instruction, in consultation with the Illinois Department of Transportation and any private entity with expertise in the area in the Secretary of State's discretion. (d) Each person who successfully completes an approved prelicensing education program under this Section shall be issued a certificate by the education program provider of the course. The current certificate of completion, or a copy of the certificate, shall be posted conspicuously in the principal office of the licensee. (e) The provisions of this Section apply to all Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealers under Section 5-1028 or used vehicle dealers including, but not limited to, individuals,
corporations, and partnerships, except for the following: (1) Motor vehicle rental companies having a national | | (2) National motor vehicle auction companies;
(3) Wholesale dealer-only auction companies;
(4) Used vehicle dealerships owned by a franchise
| | motor vehicle dealer; and
| (5) Banks, credit unions, and savings and loan
| |
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-102.7 (625 ILCS 5/5-102.7) Sec. 5-102.7. Dealer Recovery Trust Fund. (a) The General Assembly finds that motor vehicle dealers that go out of business without fulfilling agreements to pay off the balance of their customers' liens on traded-in vehicles cause financial harm to those customers by leaving those customers liable for multiple vehicle loans and cause harm to the integrity of the motor vehicle retailing industry. It is the intent of the General Assembly to protect vehicle purchasers by creating a Dealer Recovery Trust Fund to reimburse these consumers. (b) The Dealer Recovery Trust Fund shall be used solely for the limited purpose of
helping victims of dealership closings. Any interest accrued by moneys in the Fund shall be
deposited and become part of the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund and its purpose. The sole beneficiaries of the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund are victims of
dealership closings. (c) Except where the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases, when used in this Section, have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection (c): "Applicant" means a person who applies for reimbursement from the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund Board. "Board" means the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund Board created under this Section. "Dealer" means a new vehicle dealer licensed under Section 5-101, a used vehicle dealer licensed under Section 5-102, or a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer licensed under 5-102.8, excepting a dealer who primarily sells mobile homes, recreational vehicles, or trailers. "Fund" means the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund created under this Section. "Fund Administrator" means the private entity, which shall be appointed by the Board, that administers the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund. (d) Beginning October 1, 2011, each application or renewal for a new vehicle dealer's license and each application or renewal for a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer licensed under 5-102.8 or a used vehicle dealer's license shall be accompanied by the applicable Annual Dealer Recovery Fund Fee under Section 5-101 or 5-102 of this Code. The fee shall be in addition to any other fees imposed under this Article, shall be submitted at the same time an application or renewal for a new vehicle dealer's license, used vehicle dealer's license, or Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer is submitted, and shall be made payable to and remitted directly to the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund, a trust fund outside of the State Treasury which is hereby created. In addition, the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund may accept any federal, State, or private moneys for deposit into the Fund. (e) The Fund Administrator shall maintain a list of all dealers who have paid the fee under subsection (d) of this Section for the current year, which shall be available to the Secretary of State and the Board. The Secretary of State shall revoke the dealer license of any dealer who does not pay the fee imposed under subsection (d) of this Section. The Secretary of State and the Fund Administrator may enter into information sharing agreements as needed to implement this Section. (f) The Fund shall be audited annually by an independent auditor who is a certified public accountant and who has been selected by the Board. The independent auditor shall compile an annual report, which shall be filed with the Board and shall be a public record. The auditor shall be paid by the Fund, pursuant to an order of the Board. (g) The Fund shall be maintained by the Fund Administrator, who shall keep current records of the amounts deposited into the Fund and the amounts paid out of the Fund pursuant to an order of the Board. These records shall be made available to all members of the Board upon reasonable request during normal business hours. The Fund Administrator shall report the balance in the Fund to the Board monthly, by the 15th day of each month. For purposes of determining the amount available to pay claims under this Section at any meeting of the Board, the Board shall use the Fund Administrator's most recent monthly report. The Fund Administrator shall purchase liability insurance to cover management of the Fund at a cost not to exceed 2% of the balance in the Fund as of January 15th of that year. (h) In any year for which the balance in the Fund as of August 31st is greater than $3,500,000, the Fund Administrator shall notify the Secretary of State and the Secretary of State shall suspend collection of the fee for the following year for any dealer who has not had a claim paid from the Fund, has not had his or her license suspended or revoked, and has not been assessed any civil penalties under this Code during the 3 previous years. (i) Moneys in the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund may be paid from the Fund only as directed by a written order of the Board and used only for the following purposes: (i) to pay claims under a written order of the Board | | as provided in this Section; or
| (ii) to reimburse the Fund Administrator for its
| | expenses related to the administration of the Fund, provided that the reimbursement to the Fund Administrator in any year shall not exceed 2% of the balance in the Fund as of January 15th of that year.
| (j) The Dealer Recovery Trust Fund Board is hereby created. The Board shall consist of the Secretary of State, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair, the Attorney General, or his or her designee, who shall serve as secretary, and one person alternatively representing new and independent Illinois automobile dealers, selected collectively by the Attorney General, or his or her designee, and the Secretary of State, or his or her designee. The Secretary of State may propose procedures and employ personnel as necessary to implement this Section. The Board shall meet quarterly, and as needed, as directed by the chair. The Board may not pay out any claims before the balance deposited into the Fund exceeds $500,000. Board meetings shall be open to the public. The Board has the authority to take any action by at least a two-thirds majority vote.
(k) The following persons may apply to the Board for reimbursement from the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund:
(i) A retail customer who, on or after October 1,
| | 2011, purchases a vehicle from a dealer who subsequently files for bankruptcy or whose vehicle dealer's license is subsequently revoked by the Secretary of State or otherwise terminated and, as part of the purchase transaction, trades in a vehicle with an outstanding lien to the dealer if lien satisfaction was a condition of the purchase agreement and the retail customer determines that the lien has not been satisfied;
| (ii) A retail customer who, on or after October 1,
| | 2011, purchases a vehicle with an undisclosed lien from a dealer who subsequently files for bankruptcy or whose vehicle dealer's license is subsequently revoked by the Secretary of State or otherwise terminated;
| (iii) A dealer who, on or after October 1, 2011,
| | purchases a vehicle with an undisclosed lien from another dealer who subsequently files for bankruptcy or whose vehicle dealer's license is subsequently revoked by the Secretary of State or otherwise terminated.
| (l) To be considered by the Board, an applicant must submit his or her claim to the Board within 2 years after the date of the transaction that gave rise to the claim.
(m) At each meeting of the Board, it shall consider all claims that are properly submitted to it on forms prescribed by the Secretary of State at least 30 days before the date of the Board's meeting. Before the Board may consider a claim against a dealer, it must make a written determination that the dealer has filed for bankruptcy under the provisions of 11 U.S.C. Chapter 7; that the Secretary of State has revoked his or her dealer's license; or that the license has been otherwise terminated. Once the Board has made this determination, it may consider the applicant's claim against the dealer. If a two-thirds majority of the Board determines that the dealer has committed a violation under subsection (k), it shall grant the applicant's claim. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the maximum amount of any award for a claim under paragraph (i) of subsection (k) of this Section shall be equal to the amount of the unpaid balance of the lien that the dealer agreed to pay off on behalf of the applicant as shown on the bill of sale or the retail installment sales contract. The maximum amount of any claim under paragraph (ii) or (iii) of subsection (k) of this Section shall be equal to the amount of the undisclosed lien. However, no award for a claim under subsection (k) of this Section shall exceed $35,000.
(n) If the balance in the Fund at the time of any Board meeting is less than the amount of the total amount of all claims awarded at that meeting, then all awards made at that meeting shall be reduced, pro rata, so that the amount of claims does not exceed the balance in the Fund. Before it reviews new claims, the Board shall issue written orders to pay the remaining portion of any claims that were so reduced, provided that the balance in the Fund is sufficient to pay those claims.
(o) Whenever the balance of the Fund falls below $500,000, the Board may charge dealers
an additional assessment of up to $50 to bring the balance to at least $500,000.
Not more than one additional assessment may be made against a dealer in any 12-month period.
(p) If the total amount of claims awarded against any dealer exceeds 33% of the balance in the Fund, the Board may permanently reduce the amount of those claims, pro rata, so that those claims do not exceed 33% of the balance in the Fund.
(q) The Board shall issue a written order directing the Fund Administrator to pay an applicant's claim to a secured party where the Board has received a signed agreement between the applicant and the secured party holding the lien. The agreement must (i) state that the applicant and the secured party agree to accept payment from the Fund to the secured party as settlement in full of all claims against the dealer; and (ii) release the lien and the title, if applicable, to the vehicle that was the subject of the claim. The written order shall state the amount of the claim and the name and address of the secured party to whom the claim shall be paid. The Fund Administrator shall pay the claim within 30 days after it receives the Board's order.
(r) No dealer or principal associated with a dealer's license is eligible for licensure, renewal or relicensure until the full amount of reimbursement for an unpaid claim, plus interest as determined by the Board, is paid to the Fund. Nothing in this Section shall limit the authority of the Secretary of State to suspend, revoke, or levy civil penalties against a dealer, nor shall full repayment of the amount owed to the Fund nullify or modify the effect of any action by the Secretary.
(s) Nothing in this Section shall limit the right of any person to seek relief though civil action against any other person as an alternative to seeking reimbursement from the Fund.
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-102.8 (625 ILCS 5/5-102.8) Sec. 5-102.8. Licensure of Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealers. (a) As used in this Section, "Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer" means any entity that engages in the business of selling or leasing of vehicles and finances the sale or purchase price of the vehicle to a customer without the customer using a third-party lender. (b) No person shall engage in
the business of selling or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, 5 or
more used vehicles of any make during the year (except rebuilt salvage vehicles
sold by their rebuilders to persons licensed under this Chapter), or act as
an intermediary, agent, or broker for any licensed dealer or vehicle
purchaser (other than as a salesperson) or represent or advertise that he or she
is so engaged or intends to so engage in such business of a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer unless licensed to
do so by the Secretary of State under the provisions of this Section.
(c) An application for a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer's license shall be
filed with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, in such form
as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall
(1) The name and type of business organization | | established and additional places of business, if any, in this State.
(2) If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its
| | officers, directors, and shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest in the corporation, setting forth the residence address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar form of business organization, the names and residence address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager.
(3) A statement that the applicant has been approved
| | for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the Department of Revenue. However, this requirement does not apply to a dealer who is already licensed hereunder with the Secretary of State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his or her license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the Department has approved the applicant for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
| (4) A statement that the applicant has complied with
| | the appropriate liability insurance requirement. A Certificate of Insurance in a solvent company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois shall be included with each application covering each location at which he or she proposes to act as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer. The policy must provide liability coverage in the minimum amounts of $100,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property. Such policy shall expire not sooner than December 31 of the year for which the license was issued or renewed. The expiration of the insurance policy shall not terminate the liability under the policy arising during the period for which the policy was filed.
If the permitted user has a liability insurance
| | policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, then the permitted user's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the dealer's insurer shall be the secondary insurer. If the permitted user does not have a liability insurance policy that provides automobile liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any person, $300,000 for bodily injury to or the death of any 2 or more persons in any one crash, and $50,000 for damage to property, or does not have any insurance at all, then the dealer's insurer shall be the primary insurer and the permitted user's insurer shall be the secondary insurer.
| When a permitted user is "test driving" a Buy Here,
| | Pay Here used vehicle dealer's automobile, the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer's insurance shall be primary and the permitted user's insurance shall be secondary.
As used in this paragraph, "permitted user" means a
| | person who, with the permission of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer or an employee of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer that the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle. "Permitted user" includes a person who, with the permission of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer for loaner purposes while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
As used in this paragraph, "test driving" occurs when
| | a permitted user who, with the permission of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer or an employee of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned and held for sale or lease by a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer that the person is considering to purchase or lease, in order to evaluate the performance, reliability, or condition of the vehicle.
As used in this paragraph, "loaner purposes" means
| | when a person who, with the permission of the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer, drives a vehicle owned or held for sale or lease by the used vehicle dealer while the user's vehicle is being repaired or evaluated.
(5) An application for a Buy Here, Pay Here used
| | vehicle dealer's license shall be accompanied by the following license fees:
(A) $1,000 for the applicant's established place
| | of business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; however, if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for the applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only if the application is denied by the Secretary of State. Of the money received by the Secretary of State as license fees under this subparagraph, 95% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
| (B) Except for dealers selling 25 or fewer
| | automobiles or as provided in subsection (h) of Section 5-102.7 of this Code, an Annual Dealer Recovery Fund Fee in the amount of $500 for the applicant's established place of business, and $50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains; but if the application is made after June 15 of any year, the fee shall be $250 for the applicant's established place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. For a license renewal application, the fee shall be based on the amount of automobiles sold in the past year according to the following formula:
| (1) $0 for dealers selling 25 or less
| | (2) $150 for dealers selling more than 25 but
| | less than 200 automobiles;
| (3) $300 for dealers selling 200 or more
| | automobiles but less than 300 automobiles; and
| (4) $500 for dealers selling 300 or more
| | Fees shall be returnable only if the application
| | is denied by the Secretary of State. Money received under this subparagraph shall be deposited into the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund. A Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer shall pay into the Dealer Recovery Trust Fund for every vehicle that is financed, sold, or otherwise transferred to an individual or entity other than the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer even if the individual or entity to which the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer transfers the vehicle is unable to continue to adhere to the terms of the transaction by the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer.
| (6) A statement that each officer, director,
| | shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has not committed in the past 3 years any one violation as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings of any one of the following:
(A) the Anti-Theft Laws of this Code;
(B) the Certificate of Title Laws of this Code;
(C) the Offenses against Registration and
| | Certificates of Title Laws of this Code;
(D) the Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers and
| | Rebuilders Laws of this Code;
(E) Section 21-2 of the Illinois Criminal Code of
| | 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, Criminal Trespass to Vehicles; or
(F) the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
(7) A statement that each officer, director,
| | shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has not committed in any calendar year 3 or more violations, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings, of any one or more of the following:
(A) the Consumer Finance Act;
(B) the Consumer Installment Loan Act;
(C) the Retail Installment Sales Act;
(D) the Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales
| |
(E) the Interest Act;
(F) the Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
(G) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
| |
(H) the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
| |
(8) A statement that, within 10 years of application,
| | each officer, director, shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest therein, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has not committed, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, in any calendar year one or more forcible felonies under the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 1961, or a violation of either or both Article 16 or 17 of the Criminal Code of 2012, Article 29B of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or a similar out-of-state offense. For the purposes of this paragraph, "forcible felony" has the meaning provided in Section 2-8 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
| (9) A bond or Certificate of Deposit in the amount of
| | $50,000 for each location at which the applicant intends to act as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer. The bond shall be for the term of the license. The bond shall run to the People of the State of Illinois, with surety by a bonding or insurance company authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act) accepted by the applicant as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer.
| (10) Such other information concerning the business
| | of the applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule prescribe.
(11) A statement that the applicant understands
| | Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 of this Code.
(12) A copy of the certification from the
| | prelicensing education program.
| (13) The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (d) Any change that renders no longer accurate any information
contained in any application for a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer's license shall
be amended within 30 days after the occurrence of each change on such
form as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule,
accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
(e) Anything in this Chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no
person shall be licensed as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer unless the person
maintains an established place of business as
defined in this Chapter.
(f) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after
receipt, examine an application submitted under this Section.
Unless the Secretary makes a determination that the application does not conform to this Section or that grounds exist
for a denial of the application under Section 5-501 of this Chapter, the Secretary
must grant the applicant an original Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer's license in
writing for his or her established place of business and a supplemental license
in writing for each additional place of business in such form as the Secretary may
prescribe by rule that shall include the following:
(1) The name of the person licensed.
(2) If a corporation, the name and address of its
| | officers or if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, or any similar form of business organization, the name and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager.
(3) In the case of an original license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee.
(4) In the case of a supplemental license, the
| | established place of business of the licensee and the additional place of business to which the supplemental license pertains.
| (5) The full name, address, and contact information
| | of each of the dealer's agents or legal representatives who is an Illinois resident and liable for the performance of the dealership.
| (g) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a certified
copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State shall be kept posted,
conspicuously, in the established place of business of the licensee and
in each additional place of business, if any, maintained by the
(h) Except as provided in subsection (i), all Buy Here, Pay Here used
vehicle dealer's licenses granted under this Section expire by operation
of law on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are granted
unless sooner revoked or cancelled under Section 5-501 of this Chapter.
(i) A Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer's license may be renewed upon application
and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of proof of
coverage by an approved bond under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act
or proof that the applicant is not subject to such bonding requirements, as
in the case of an original license, but in the case of an application for the
renewal of an effective license made during the month of December,
the effective license shall remain in force until the application for
renewal is granted or denied by the Secretary of State.
(j) Each person licensed as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer is required to
furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle:
(1) a certificate of title properly assigned to the
| |
(2) a statement verified under oath that all
| | identifying numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title;
(3) a bill of sale properly executed on behalf of the
| |
(4) a copy of the Uniform Invoice-transaction
| | reporting return referred to in Section 5-402;
(5) in the case of a rebuilt vehicle, a copy of the
| | Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status; and
(6) in the case of a vehicle for which the warranty
| | has been reinstated, a copy of the warranty.
(k) Except at the time of sale or repossession of the vehicle, no
person licensed as a Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer may issue any other person a newly
created key to a vehicle unless the Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer makes a color photocopy or electronic scan of the
driver's license or State identification card of the person requesting or
obtaining the newly created key. The Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer must retain the photocopy or scan
for 30 days.
A Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer who violates this subsection (k) is guilty of a
petty offense. Violation of this subsection (k) is not cause to suspend,
revoke, cancel, or deny renewal of the used vehicle dealer's license.
(l) A Buy Here, Pay Here used vehicle dealer licensed under this Section shall provide the Secretary of State a register for the sale at auction of each salvage or junk certificate vehicle. Each register shall include the following information:
(1) the year, make, model, style, and color of the
| | (2) the vehicle's manufacturer's identification
| | number or, if applicable, the Secretary of State or Illinois Department of State Police identification number;
| (3) the date of acquisition of the vehicle;
(4) the name and address of the person from whom the
| | (5) the name and address of the person to whom any
| | vehicle was disposed, the person's Illinois license number or, if the person is an out-of-state salvage vehicle buyer, the license number from the state or jurisdiction where the buyer is licensed; and
| (6) the purchase price of the vehicle.
The register shall be submitted to the Secretary of State via written or electronic means within 10 calendar days from the date of the auction.
(m) If a licensee under this Section voluntarily surrenders a license to the Illinois Secretary of State Police or a representative of the Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department due to the licensee's inability to adhere to recordkeeping provisions, or the inability to properly issue certificates of title or registrations under this Code, or the Secretary revokes a license under this Section, then the licensee and the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative, if applicable, may not be named on a new application for a licensee under this Section or under this Chapter, nor is the licensee or the licensee's agent, designee, or legal representative permitted to work for another licensee under this Chapter in a recordkeeping, management, or financial position or as an employee who handles certificate of title and registration documents and applications.
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20; 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-982, eff. 7-1-23 .)
625 ILCS 5/5-102.9 (625 ILCS 5/5-102.9) Sec. 5-102.9. Alternative vehicle sales and ownership. (a) The Secretary may create special dealership licenses for entities that specialize in specific types of used motor vehicles that may be based on model, make, age, or any other factor that the Secretary deems appropriate. (b) Any owner who is not a manufacturer of the vehicle and chooses to lease a used vehicle for a period of less than 12 months shall ensure that the lessee maintains valid registration and liability insurance as set forth in Chapter 7 of this Code. The owner of the vehicle shall not collect any fees in connection with the registration of the vehicle unless the owner is also a licensed remittance agent under this Code. (c) The Secretary may adopt any rules necessary to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-505, eff. 1-1-20 .) |
625 ILCS 5/5-103
(625 ILCS 5/5-103) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-103)
Sec. 5-103.
(a) Every new vehicle
manufacturer shall specify the delivery and
preparation obligations of its vehicle dealers prior to delivery of new
vehicles to retail buyers. A copy of the delivery and preparation
obligations of its dealers shall be filed with the Secretary of State by
every vehicle manufacturer and shall constitute the vehicle dealer's only
responsibility for product liability as between the dealer and the
manufacturer. A manufacturer's product or warranty liability to the dealer
shall extend to any mechanical, body or parts defect constituting a breach
of any express or implied warranty of the manufacturer. The manufacturer
shall reasonably compensate any authorized dealer who rectifies a defect
which constitutes a breach of any express or implied warranty of the
manufacturer and for preparation and delivery obligations. Every dealer
shall perform the preparation and get ready services specified by the
manufacturer to be performed prior to the delivery of the new vehicle to
the buyer.
(b) The owner of the vehicle may cause the vehicle to be inspected
according to this Section and have the original manufacturer's warranty
reinstated if the vehicle is a theft recovery that has been salvaged and is
recovered without structural damage or missing essential parts, excluding
wheels, damage to the steering column, and radios provided the owner:
(1) Submits the vehicle to a franchised dealer for a | | complete inspection, including fluids, frame, essential parts, and other items deemed by the manufacturer as essential for verification of the condition of the vehicle at the time of recovery.
(2) Submits a copy of the police recovery report to
| |
(3) Paid the inspection fee charged by the franchised
| |
The manufacturer shall reinstate the original manufacturer's warranty if a
vehicle is certified by a franchised dealer as having complied with the
provisions of this Section. The manufacturer shall, in addition to reinstating
warranty, provide the owner with a written statement indicating that the
original manufacturer's warranty has been reinstated.
(c) Nothing in this Section shall affect a cause of action a buyer may have
against a dealer or manufacturer under present applicable statutory or case
(Source: P.A. 92-458, eff. 8-22-01.)
625 ILCS 5/5-104
(625 ILCS 5/5-104) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-104)
Sec. 5-104.
On and after January 1, 1976, each manufacturer
of a 1976 or later model year vehicle of the first division manufactured for sale in
this State, other than a motorcycle, shall clearly and conspicuously indicate, on the
price listing affixed to the vehicle pursuant to the Automobile Information
Disclosure Act, (15 United States Code 1231 through 1233), the following, with the
appropriate gasoline mileage figure:
"In tests for fuel economy in city and highway driving conducted
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, this passenger
vehicle obtained ....... miles per gallon of gasoline.".
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
625 ILCS 5/5-104.1
(625 ILCS 5/5-104.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-104.1)
Sec. 5-104.1.
Informational labels on pickup trucks; penalty.
Every manufacturer of second division vehicles having a gross vehicle
weight rating of 8,500
pounds or less which are sold or offered for sale for use upon the public
streets or highways within this State shall, prior to the delivery of the
second division vehicle to an Illinois dealer, or on or prior to the introduction date of
new models delivered to an Illinois dealer,
securely affix to the windshield or side window of the second division
vehicle a label upon
which the manufacturer shall endorse clearly, distinctly and legibly true
and correct entries disclosing information identical to and in the same
manner as required on new first division vehicles. The label
shall remain affixed to the second division vehicle until delivery of the
second division vehicle to the
ultimate purchaser. Any manufacturer who shall willfully fail to affix a
proper label required by this Section or any person who shall willfully
remove, alter or mutilate a label prior to delivery of the second division vehicle to the
ultimate purchaser is guilty of a misdemeanor. This Section shall not
apply to such second division vehicles for which the annual sales in
Illinois of the previous
model year were less than 200.
(2) This Section shall apply to second division vehicles having a gross
vehicle weight rating of 8,500 pounds or less built after December 31, 1987.
(Source: P.A. 85-387.)
625 ILCS 5/5-104.2
(625 ILCS 5/5-104.2)
Sec. 5-104.2.
Nonconforming vehicles; sale.
(a) Every manufacturer shall be prohibited from reselling any motor
vehicle that has been finally ordered, determined, or adjudicated as having
a nonconformity under the New Vehicle Buyer Protection Act or a similar law
of any state, territory, or country, and that the manufacturer repurchased
or replaced because of the nonconformity, unless the manufacturer has
corrected the nonconformity and issues a disclosure statement prior to
resale stating that the vehicle was repurchased or replaced under the New
Vehicle Buyer Protection Act or similar law of any other state, territory,
or country; identifying the nonconformity; and warranting that the
nonconformity has been corrected. The disclosure statement must accompany
the vehicle through the first retail purchase.
(b) "Nonconformity" refers to a new vehicle's failure to conform to all
express warranties applicable to the vehicle, which failure substantially
impairs the use, market value, or safety of the vehicle.
(c) The disclosure statement referred to in subsection (a) shall be in
substantially the same form as below:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): (Insert VIN Number); | | Year: (Insert Year); Make (Insert Make); Model: (Insert Model). This vehicle was previously sold as new. It was subsequently ordered as having a nonconformity by final decision of court proceeding or State run arbitration. It was subsequently repurchased by its manufacturer because it did not conform to the manufacturer's express warranty and the nonconformity was not cured within a reasonable time as provided by Illinois law. The following nonconformities have been corrected (a minimum of 5 numbered lines shall be provided to describe the nonconformity or nonconformities)."
The customer shall sign the disclosure statement. This disclosure language
shall be in at least 8-point type.
(Source: P.A. 88-415.)
625 ILCS 5/5-104.3
(625 ILCS 5/5-104.3)
Sec. 5-104.3. Disclosure of rebuilt vehicle.
(a) No person shall knowingly, with intent to defraud or deceive
another, sell a
vehicle for which a rebuilt title has been issued unless that vehicle is
accompanied by a Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status form, properly signed
and delivered to the buyer.
(a-5) No dealer or rebuilder licensed under Sections 5-101, 5-102, or 5-301 of this Code shall sell a vehicle for which a rebuilt title has been issued from another jurisdiction without first obtaining an Illinois certificate of title with a "REBUILT" notation under Section 3-118.1 of this Code. (b) The Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe the format
and information contained in the Disclosure of Rebuilt Vehicle Status form.
(c) A violation of subsection (a) or (a-5) of this Section is a
Class A misdemeanor.
A second or subsequent violation of subsection (a) or (a-5) of this Section is a
Class 4 felony.
(Source: P.A. 100-104, eff. 11-9-17; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)