(515 ILCS 5/Art. 1 heading) ARTICLE 1.
(515 ILCS 5/1-1) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-1)
Sec. 1-1.
Short title.
This Code may be cited as the Fish and Aquatic Life Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-5) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-5)
Sec. 1-5.
Administrative agency.
This Code shall be administered by and
under the direction of the Department of Natural Resources.
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-10) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-10)
Sec. 1-10.
As used in this Code, terms are defined according
to the following Sections.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-15) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-15)
Sec. 1-15.
Administrative rule.
"Administrative rule" means a regulatory
measure issued by the Director under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-17) Sec. 1-17. Air rifle. "Air rifle" means an air gun, air pistol, spring gun, gas gun, spring pistol, B-B gun, pellet gun, or any implement that is not a firearm and propels a singular globular projectile or pellet constructed of steel, lead, or other hard materials by the use of compressed air, compressed gas, or spring power.
(Source: P.A. 102-837, eff. 5-13-22.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-18) Sec. 1-18. Angling methods. "Angling methods" means the action of sport fishing by hook and line.
(Source: P.A. 102-837, eff. 5-13-22.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-20) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-20)
Sec. 1-20. Aquatic life. "Aquatic life" means all
fish, mollusks, crustaceans, algae, aquatic
plants, aquatic invertebrates, and any other aquatic animals or plants that the Department identifies in rules adopted after consultation with biologists, zoologists, or other wildlife experts. "Aquatic life" does not mean any herptiles that are found in the Herptiles-Herps Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-752, eff. 1-1-15; 98-771, eff. 1-1-15; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-20.5)
Sec. 1-20.5.
Aquatic life farm.
"Aquatic life farm" means property: (i)
containing any or a combination of levee ponds, a strip mine lake, or other
type of lake that has floating cages, raceways, or other aquatic life rearing
equipment and (ii) where the owner of the aquatic life farm has posted a
conspicuous written notice to that effect. If more than one person owns or has
to the lake, "aquatic life farm" means the area of the lake containing the
floating cages, raceways, or other aquatic life rearing equipment.
(Source: P.A. 92-513, eff. 6-1-02.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-25) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-25)
Sec. 1-25.
Authorized employee.
"Authorized employee" means all sworn
members of the Law Enforcement Division and those specifically granted law
enforcement authorization by the Director.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-26) Sec. 1-26. Blow gun. "Blow gun" means a weapon, hunting, or fishing device consisting of a tube through which an arrow, dart, or projectile is propelled by force of the breath of a person.
(Source: P.A. 102-837, eff. 5-13-22.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-27) Sec. 1-27. Combination license. "Combination license" means an electronic or physical license authorizing the person to take a certain type of fish or animal during a specified period of time.
(Source: P.A. 100-703, eff. 8-3-18.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-30) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-30)
Sec. 1-30.
"Contraband" applies to all aquatic
life or any part of aquatic life taken, bought, sold or bartered,
shipped, or held in possession, or any conveyance, vehicle,
watercraft, or other means of transportation whatever, except
sealed railroad cars or other common carriers, used to transport
or ship any part of aquatic life so taken, contrary to this Code,
including administrative rules, or used to transport, contrary to
this Code, including administrative rules, any of the previously
specified species when taken illegally.
(Source: P.A. 87-833 .)
(515 ILCS 5/1-35) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-35)
Sec. 1-35.
"Department" means the Department of Natural
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-40) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-40)
Sec. 1-40.
"Director" means the Director of the Department
of Natural Resources.
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-45) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-45)
Sec. 1-45.
"Dressed" means having the head removed.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-50) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-50)
Sec. 1-50.
"Fishing" means taking or attempting to take
aquatic life in any waters of the State, by any method, and all other acts
such as placing, setting, drawing, or using any device commonly used for
the taking of aquatic life whether resulting in taking or not.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-51) Sec. 1-51. Fishing license. "Fishing license" means an electronic or physical license authorizing the person to take a certain type of fish during a specified period of time.
(Source: P.A. 100-703, eff. 8-3-18.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-53)
Sec. 1-53. Indigenous species. "Indigenous species" means those species of aquatic life specified by administrative rule.
(Source: P.A. 94-592, eff. 1-1-06.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-55) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-55)
Sec. 1-55. Minnow. "Minnow" means any fish in the family Cyprinidae
except common carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and Asian carp [bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molotrix)].
(Source: P.A. 94-592, eff. 1-1-06.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-60) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-60)
Sec. 1-60.
Mussel devices.
"Mussel devices" includes any rake, fork,
crow-foot bar, dredge, or air breathing device described as follows: (i)
rake or fork: any rake or fork with forks or tines used for collecting or
assembling mussels; (ii) crow-foot bar: a bar of any material equipped with
a series of hooks designed to take mussels by the insertion of the hooks
between the shells of mussels; (iii) dredge: any hand operated dredge with
openings not larger than 2 feet in width used for taking mussels; and (iv)
air breathing device: any air breathing apparatus that is attached to a
diver and is used during the collecting of mussels.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-65) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-65)
Sec. 1-65.
"Mussels" means and embraces any fresh water mussel
or the shell of a mussel.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-70) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-70)
Sec. 1-70.
"Person" includes the plural "persons", females as
well as males, and shall extend and be applied to clubs, associations,
corporations, firms, and partnerships as well as individuals.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-75) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-75)
Sec. 1-75. Resident. "Resident" means a person who in good faith makes
application for any license or permit and verifies by statement that he or
she has maintained his or her permanent abode in this State for a period of at least 30 consecutive days immediately preceding the person's application, and who does not maintain permanent abode or claim residency in another state for the purposes of obtaining any of the same or similar licenses or permits covered by this Code. A person's permanent abode is his or her fixed and permanent dwelling place, as distinguished from a temporary or transient place of residence. Domiciliary intent is required to establish that the person is maintaining his or her permanent abode in this State. Evidence of domiciliary intent includes, but is not limited to, the location where the person votes, pays personal income tax, or obtains a drivers license. Except for the purposes of obtaining a Lifetime License, any person on
active duty in the Armed Forces shall be considered a resident of Illinois
during his or her period of military duty.
(Source: P.A. 94-10, eff. 6-7-05.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-80) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-80)
Sec. 1-80.
Resident commercial fisherman.
"Resident commercial
fisherman" means an individual who has actually resided in Illinois for one
year immediately preceding his or her application for a commercial fishing
license and who does not claim residency for a commercial fishing license
in another state or country.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-85) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-85)
Sec. 1-85.
"Salmon" includes all the salmons and trouts.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-90) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-90)
Sec. 1-90.
Salmon stamp.
"Salmon stamp" means a special stamp issued by
the Department authorizing taking or attempting to take salmon in Lake
(Source: P.A. 87-833; 88-91.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-91)
Sec. 1-91.
Inland trout stamp.
"Inland trout stamp" means a special stamp
issued by the Department authorizing taking or attempting to take trout in all
waters except Lake Michigan.
(Source: P.A. 88-91.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-95) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-95)
Sec. 1-95.
Sport fisherman.
"Sport fisherman" means an individual who
uses or attempts to use sport fishing devices as stated in Sections 10-95,
10-110, and 10-140.
(Source: P.A. 89-66, eff. 1-1-96.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-100) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-100)
Sec. 1-100.
"Take" means lure, kill, destroy, capture, gig or
spear, trap or ensnare, or attempt to do so.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-103)
Sec. 1-103.
"Taxidermy" means the art of preparing, preserving,
and mounting the skins of fish, birds, or mammals to make them appear lifelike.
(Source: P.A. 88-416.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-105) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-105)
Sec. 1-105.
Transport; ship.
"Transport" or "ship" means to convey by
parcel post, express, freight, baggage, or shipment by common carrier of
any description; by automobile, motorcycle, or other vehicle of any kind;
by water or aircraft of any kind; or by any other means of transportation.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-110) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-110)
Sec. 1-110.
"Individual" means a natural person.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-115) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-115)
Sec. 1-115.
Resident commercial musselor.
"Resident commercial musselor"
means an individual who has actually resided in Illinois for one year
immediately preceding his or her application for a commercial mussel
license and who does not claim residency for a commercial mussel license in
another state or country.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-116) Sec. 1-116. Roe. "Roe" means the eggs of fish that are whole and intact within the egg sac, whether within the body cavity of the fish or removed. "Roe" does not include eggs removed from the egg sac.
(Source: P.A. 95-147, eff. 8-14-07.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-117) Sec. 1-117. Roe-bearing species. "Roe-bearing species" means sturgeon, paddlefish, bowfin, and any other fish listed as such by the Department in an administrative rule.
(Source: P.A. 95-147, eff. 8-14-07.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-120) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-120)
Sec. 1-120.
Seasons; daily limits.
The seasons during which protected
aquatic life may be taken and the size limits and daily catch limits set
out in this Code are based upon a proper biological balance and shall be
regulated by administrative rule.
The Department may not provide for a longer season or a larger daily
catch limit than is provided in this Code, except as provided
by Section 1-150.
The Department shall modify existing provisions, when necessary,
including open seasons, size limits, quotas, limited entry, and methods of
taking fish from the waters of Lake Michigan under the jurisdiction of the
State of Illinois, in order that the compact between the Canadian provinces
and those States of the United States adjacent to the Great Lakes,
including the United States and Canadian Governments, may be fulfilled in
the best interests of the fisheries resources and the general public.
Employees or agents of any federal, State, or municipal government or
body, when engaged in investigative work, may by prior written approval of
the Director be exempted from this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-125) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-125)
Sec. 1-125. Administrative rules. The Department is authorized to issue
administrative rules for carrying out, administering, and enforcing the
provisions of this Code. The administrative rules shall be promulgated in
accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
Rules, after becoming effective, shall be enforced in the same manner as
are any other provisions of this Code. It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision of any administrative rule promulgated by the Department. Violators of administrative rules
are subject to the penalties set out in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-592, eff. 1-1-06.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-130) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-130)
Sec. 1-130.
Cooperation with EPA.
The Department is authorized to
cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois
in making pollution investigations and reports of pollution investigations.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-135) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-135)
Sec. 1-135.
Taking for propagation or maintaining biological
balance. The Department and persons authorized by it may
take, purchase, or propagate any aquatic life or their eggs for
propagation and stocking purposes.
The Department may remove and dispose of any aquatic life
from any waters under the jurisdiction of this State to maintain the
biological balance of aquatic life as the Department deems proper.
The Department is authorized to sell or contract with any person to so
remove and dispose of aquatic life upon terms to be approved by the
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-140) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-140)
Sec. 1-140.
Production for stocking.
The Department may produce
under Section 1-135 any aquatic life or their eggs and distribute
them to suitable waters for propagation or restocking. Planting
stock not required for State and public owned waters may be sold
to owners of other water areas for stocking purposes at a price
not greater than the cost of production to the State. The sale of
planting stock to these water owners shall be upon conditions
and plans as may be approved by the Department for the purposes
of producing a fishery.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-145) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-145)
Sec. 1-145.
Propagation facilities.
The Department may, for the purpose
of propagating aquatic life, establish and maintain facilities upon any
water owned or leased by the State of Illinois or by the United States of
America with the United States Government, as the case may be, or agency,
State or federal, having jurisdiction over the water.
The Department is empowered, or it may participate jointly with any
municipality or other subdivision of this State or the United States,
to select and purchase, lease, receive by donation, or acquire in
accordance with the laws relating to eminent domain:
(a) suitable waters for the propagation and conservation of aquatic life;
(b) waters to be used as public fishing and recreation areas; or
(c) suitable waters, real property, or both for the construction
and operation of conservation lakes and public fishing grounds, and to
construct and maintain on the property or waters any buildings, roads,
bridges, and other recreational facilities the Department deems necessary
or desirable for a full and complete utilization of the property or waters
for the purposes set forth in this Code. The Department is further
authorized to acquire all the necessary property or rights-of-way for the
purposes of ingress and egress to these waters and lands and to construct
and maintain on the property or rights-of-way all necessary roads and bridges.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-147) Sec. 1-147. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any power granted under this Code to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.) |
(515 ILCS 5/1-150) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-150)
Sec. 1-150.
Preservation of aquatic life; actions to enforce Code.
Department shall take all measures necessary for the conservation,
distribution, introduction, and restoration of aquatic life. After any
investigation when it is found by the Director that there is imminent
danger of loss of aquatic life, the Director may authorize the taking of
aquatic life from any area and specify other reasonable limits, methods,
and devices as the Director may deem advisable to salvage imperiled aquatic
life. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to permit the
Department to take action that hinders the operation of an electric
generating station of an electric supplier as defined in the Electric
Suppliers Act.
The Department shall also bring or cause to be brought actions and
proceedings, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of
Illinois, to enforce this Code, including administrative rules, and to
recover any and all fines and penalties provided for. Nothing in this Code
shall be construed to authorize the Department to change any penalty
prescribed by law or to change the amount of license fees or the authority
conferred by licenses prescribed by law. The Department is authorized to
cooperate with the appropriate Departments of the federal government and
other Departments or agencies of State government and educational
institutions in conducting surveys, experiments, or work of joint interest
or benefit.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-155) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-155)
Sec. 1-155.
Conservation training schools; public education.
Department may establish Conservation Training Schools and employ
technicians and other help necessary for the purpose of
teaching conservation methods to employees of the Department and
other interested groups as the Department deems necessary or desirable
to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Code.
In order to educate the citizens of this State in the modern trends of
conservation, the Department shall disseminate conservation information and
the provisions of this Code through lectures, motion pictures, photographs,
exhibits, radio, news items, pamphlets, and other media the Department may
deem suitable for this purpose.
The Department may publish, periodically, a bulletin or magazine
containing information concerning the work of the Department, the
conservation and propagation of wildlife, hunting and fishing, and any other
information as the Department deems to be of general or special interest to
sportsmen and others affected by any law administered by the Department. A
reasonable charge may be made for each copy of the publication. All funds
derived from the sale of that publication shall be deposited into the
Wildlife and Fish Fund in the State Treasury.
The Department shall provide and maintain management and habitat
development on State controlled lands or waters used in propagating or
breeding aquatic life as the Department deems necessary to conform with the
most modern conservation methods. The Department may also cooperate in
management and habitat development with any person propagating or breeding
aquatic life on privately-owned lands or waters.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-160) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-160)
Sec. 1-160.
Peace officers.
All employees of the Department authorized
by the Director shall have the power of, and shall be, peace officers in
the enforcement of this Code, including administrative rules, and may carry
weapons as may be necessary in the performance of their duties.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-165) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-165)
Sec. 1-165.
Arrests; warrants.
All authorized employees of the
Department and all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and other police officers
shall arrest any person detected in violation of any of the provisions of
this Code, including administrative rules. Any duly accredited officer of
the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service may arrest any person detected in
violation of any of the provisions of this Code, including administrative
All officers shall make prompt investigation of any violation of this
Code, including administrative rules, reported by any other persons, and
shall cause a complaint to be filed in case there seems just ground for a
complaint and evidence procurable to support the complaint.
Upon the filing of a complaint, the officers shall render assistance
in the prosecution of the party against whom complaint is made.
Peace officers, other than employees of the Department, making arrests
and serving warrants provided for by this Code shall receive
the fees and mileage as provided by law for sheriffs.
Each duly accredited officer and authorized employee of the Department
is empowered to execute and serve all warrants and processes issued by the
Circuit Court.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-170) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-170)
Sec. 1-170.
Prosecutions; State's Attorneys.
All prosecutions shall be
brought in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of
Illinois before the Circuit Court for the county where the offense was
All State's Attorneys shall enforce the provisions of this Code,
including administrative rules, in their respective counties and shall
prosecute all persons charged with violating its provisions when so
requested by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-175) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-175)
Sec. 1-175.
All prosecutions under this Code shall be
commenced within 2 years from the time the offense charged was committed.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-180) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-180)
Sec. 1-180.
Collection of fines.
All fines provided for by this Code
shall be collected and remitted to the Department, within 30 days after the
collection of the fine, by the Clerk of the Circuit Court collecting the
fines, who shall submit at the same time to the Department a statement of
the names of the persons so fined and the name of the arresting officer,
the offense committed, the amount of the fine, and the date of conviction.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-185) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-185)
Sec. 1-185.
Power of entry and examination.
Authorized employees of the
Department are empowered, under law, to enter all lands and waters to
enforce this Code. Authorized employees are further empowered to examine
all buildings, private or public clubs (except dwellings), fish markets,
cold storage houses, locker plants, camps, vessels, cars (except sealed
railroad cars or other common carriers), conveyances, vehicles, water
craft, or any other means of transportation or shipping, tents, game bags,
game coats, or other receptacles and to open and examine any box, barrel,
package, or other receptacle in the possession of a common carrier, that
they have reason to believe contains aquatic life or any part of aquatic
life taken, bought, sold or bartered, shipped, or had in possession
contrary to this Code, including administrative rules, or that the
receptacle containing the aquatic life is falsely labeled.
Authorized employees of the Department shall be given free access to
and shall not be hindered or interfered with in making an entry and
examination. Any license held by a person preventing free access or
interfering with or hindering an employee shall not be issued to that
person for the period of one year after his or her action.
Employees of the Department as specifically authorized by the Director
are empowered to enter all lands and waters for purposes of pollution
investigations, State and federal permit inspections, as well as aquatic
life and wildlife censuses or inventories, and are further empowered to
conduct examination of equipment and devices in the field, under law, to
ensure compliance with this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-190) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-190)
Sec. 1-190.
Prima facie evidence; confiscation.
The possession of any
aquatic life protected under this Code is prima facie evidence that the
aquatic life is subject to all the provisions of this Code, including
administrative rules.
Whenever the contents of any box, barrel, package, or receptacle
consists partly of contraband and partly of legal aquatic life or any part
of aquatic life, the entire contents of the box, barrel, package, or other
receptacle are subject to confiscation.
Whenever a person has in his or her possession in excess of the number of
aquatic life or parts of aquatic life permitted under this Code, including
administrative rules, the entire number of aquatic life or parts of aquatic
life in his or her possession is subject to confiscation.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-195) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-195)
Sec. 1-195.
Search warrant; process.
Whenever any authorized employee of
the Department, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or other peace officer of the
State has reason to believe that any person, commercial institution,
commission house, restaurant or cafe keeper, or fish dealer possesses any
aquatic life or any part of aquatic life contrary to the provisions of this
Code, including administrative rules, he or she may file, or cause to be
filed, a sworn complaint to that effect before the Circuit Court and
procure and execute a search warrant. Upon the execution of the search
warrant, the officer executing the search warrant shall make due return of
the search warrant to the court issuing the search warrant, together with
an inventory of all the aquatic life or any part of aquatic life taken
under the search warrant. The Court shall then issue process against the
party owning, controlling, or transporting the aquatic life or any part of
aquatic life seized, and upon its return shall proceed to determine whether
or not the aquatic life was held, possessed, or transported in violation of
this Code, including administrative rules. In case of a finding to the
effect that it was illegally held, possessed, transported, or sold, a
judgment shall be entered against the owner or party found in possession of
the aquatic life for the costs of the proceeding and providing for the
disposition of the property seized, as provided for by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-200) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-200)
Sec. 1-200.
Obstructing an officer.
It shall be unlawful for any person
to resist or obstruct any officer or employee of the Department in the
discharge of his or her duties under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-205) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-205)
Sec. 1-205.
Posing as an officer.
It shall be unlawful for any person to
represent himself or herself falsely to be an officer or employee of the
Department or to assume to act as an officer or employee of the Department
without having been duly appointed and employed.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-210) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-210)
Sec. 1-210.
Confiscation of contraband.
All aquatic life or
any part of aquatic life taken, bought, sold or bartered,
shipped, or had in possession contrary to any of the provisions
of this Code, including administrative rules, is contraband
and subject to seizure and confiscation by any authorized
employee of the Department.
Contraband aquatic life or any part of aquatic life seized and
confiscated shall be disposed of as directed by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-215) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-215)
Sec. 1-215. Illegal fishing devices; public nuisance. Every fishing
device, including seines, nets, or traps, or any electrical device or any
other devices, including vehicles, watercraft, or aircraft, used or
operated illegally or attempted to be used or operated illegally by any
person in taking, transporting, holding, or conveying any aquatic life
contrary to this Code, including administrative rules, shall be deemed a
public nuisance and therefore illegal and subject to seizure and
confiscation by any authorized employee of the Department. Upon the
seizure of such an item the Department shall take and hold the item until
disposed of as provided in this Code.
Upon the seizure of any device because of its illegal use, the officer
or authorized employee of the Department making the seizure shall, as soon
as reasonably possible, cause a complaint to be filed before the Circuit
Court and a summons to be issued requiring the owner or person in
possession of the property to appear in court and show cause why the
device seized should not be forfeited to the State. Upon the return of
the summons duly served or upon posting or publication of notice as provided
in this Code, the court shall proceed to determine the question of the
illegality of the use of the seized property. Upon judgment being entered
to the effect that the property was illegally used, an order shall be
entered providing for the forfeiture of the seized property to the State.
The owner of the property, however, may have a jury determine the
illegality of its use, and shall have the right of an appeal as in other
civil cases. Confiscation or forfeiture shall not preclude or mitigate
against prosecution and assessment of penalties provided in Section 20-35
of this Code.
Upon seizure of any property under circumstances supporting a
reasonable belief that the property was abandoned, lost, stolen, or
otherwise illegally possessed or used contrary to this
Code, except property seized during a search or arrest, and ultimately
returned, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of under order of a court
in accordance with this Code, the authorized employee of the Department
shall make reasonable inquiry and efforts to identify and notify the owner
or other person entitled to possession of the property and shall return the
property after the person provides reasonable and satisfactory proof of
his or her ownership or right to possession and reimburses the Department
for all reasonable expenses of custody. If the identity or location of the
owner or other person entitled to possession of the property has not been
ascertained within 6 months after the Department obtains possession, the
Department shall effectuate the sale of the property for cash to the
highest bidder at a public auction. The owner or other person entitled to
possession of the property may claim and recover possession of the
property at any time before its sale at public auction upon providing
reasonable and satisfactory proof of ownership or right of possession and
reimbursing the Department for all reasonable expenses of custody.
Any property forfeited to the State by court order under this Section
may be disposed of by public auction, except that any property that is
the subject of a court order shall not be disposed of pending appeal
of the order. The proceeds of the sales at auction shall be deposited in
the Wildlife and Fish Fund.
The Department shall pay all costs of posting or publication of
notices required by this Section. Property seized or forfeited under this Section is subject to reporting under the Seizure and Forfeiture Reporting Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-512, eff. 7-1-18 .)
(515 ILCS 5/1-220) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-220)
Sec. 1-220.
Violations; separate offenses.
Each act of pursuing, taking,
shipping, offering or receiving for shipment, transporting, buying, selling
or bartering, or having in one's possession any protected aquatic life,
seines, nets, or other devices used or to be used in violation of this
Code, including administrative rules, constitutes a separate offense.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-225) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-225)
Sec. 1-225.
Any person who aids in or contributes in any way
to a violation of this Code, including administrative rules, is
individually liable, as a separate offense under this Code, for the
penalties imposed against the person who committed the violation.
(Source: P.A. 87-833.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-230) (from Ch. 56, par. 1-230)
Sec. 1-230. Wildlife and Fish Fund; disposition of money
received. All fees, fines, income of whatever kind or nature derived
from hunting and fishing activities on lands, waters, or both under the
jurisdiction or control of the Department, and all penalties collected under
this Code shall be deposited into the State Treasury and
shall be set apart in a special fund to be known as the Wildlife and Fish
Fund; except that fees derived solely from the sale of salmon stamps, income
from art contests for the salmon stamp, including income from the sale
of reprints, and gifts, donations, grants, and bequests of money for the
conservation and propagation of salmon shall be deposited into the State
Treasury and set apart in the special fund to be known as the Salmon
Fund; and except that fees derived solely from the sale of state
migratory waterfowl stamps, and gifts, donations, grants and bequests of
money for the conservation and propagation of waterfowl, shall be deposited
into the State Treasury and set apart in the special fund to be known as the
State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund. All interest that accrues from moneys
in the Wildlife and Fish Fund, the Salmon Fund, and the State Migratory
Waterfowl Stamp Fund shall be retained in those funds respectively.
Except for the additional moneys deposited under Section 805-550 of the Department of Natural Resources (Conservation) Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, appropriations from the Wildlife and Fish Fund shall be made only to the
Department for the carrying out of the powers and functions vested by law
in the Department
for the administration and management of fish and wildlife resources of this State for such activities as (i) the purchase of land for fish hatcheries,
wildlife refuges, preserves, and public shooting and fishing grounds; (ii)
the purchase and distribution of wild birds, the eggs of wild birds, and
wild mammals; (iii) the rescuing, restoring and distributing of fish; (iv)
the maintenance of wildlife refuges or preserves, public shooting grounds,
public fishing grounds, and fish hatcheries; and (v) the feeding and care
of wild birds, wild mammals, and fish. Appropriations from the Salmon Fund
shall be made only to the Department to be used solely for the conservation
and propagation of salmon, including construction, operation, and
maintenance of a cold water hatchery, and for payment of the costs of
printing salmon stamps, the expenses incurred in acquiring salmon stamp
designs, and the expenses of producing reprints.
(Source: P.A. 95-853, eff. 8-18-08; 96-1160, eff. 1-1-11; 96-1518, eff. 2-4-11.)
(515 ILCS 5/1-235)
Sec. 1-235. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 87-833. Repealed by P.A. 97-916, eff. 8-9-12.)