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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(305 ILCS 5/) Illinois Public Aid Code.

305 ILCS 5/5B-4

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-4) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-4)
    Sec. 5B-4. Payment of assessment; penalty.
    (a) The assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 shall be due and payable monthly, on the last State business day of the month for occupied bed days reported for the preceding third month prior to the month in which the tax is payable and due. A facility that has delayed payment due to the State's failure to reimburse for services rendered may request an extension on the due date for payment pursuant to subsection (b) and shall pay the assessment within 30 days of reimbursement by the Department. The Illinois Department may provide that county nursing homes directed and maintained pursuant to Section 5-1005 of the Counties Code may meet their assessment obligation by certifying to the Illinois Department that county expenditures have been obligated for the operation of the county nursing home in an amount at least equal to the amount of the assessment.
    (a-5) The Illinois Department shall provide for an electronic submission process for each long-term care facility to report at a minimum the number of occupied bed days of the long-term care facility for the reporting period and other reasonable information the Illinois Department requires for the administration of its responsibilities under this Code. Beginning July 1, 2013, a separate electronic submission shall be completed for each long-term care facility in this State operated by a long-term care provider. The Illinois Department shall provide a self-reporting notice of the assessment form that the long-term care facility completes for the required period and submits with its assessment payment to the Illinois Department. To the extent practicable, the Department shall coordinate the assessment reporting requirements with other reporting required of long-term care facilities.
    (b) The Illinois Department is authorized to establish delayed payment schedules for long-term care providers that are unable to make assessment payments when due under this Section due to financial difficulties, as determined by the Illinois Department. The Illinois Department may not deny a request for delay of payment of the assessment imposed under this Article if the long-term care provider has not been paid by the State or the Medicaid managed care organization for services provided during the month on which the assessment is levied.
    (c) If a long-term care provider fails to pay the full amount of an assessment payment when due (including any extensions granted under subsection (b)), there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 a penalty assessment equal to the lesser of (i) 5% of the amount of the assessment payment not paid on or before the due date plus 5% of the portion thereof remaining unpaid on the last day of each month thereafter or (ii) 100% of the assessment payment amount not paid on or before the due date. For purposes of this subsection, payments will be credited first to unpaid assessment payment amounts (rather than to penalty or interest), beginning with the most delinquent assessment payments. Payment cycles of longer than 60 days shall be one factor the Director takes into account in granting a waiver under this Section.
    (c-5) If a long-term care facility fails to file its assessment bill with payment, there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment due a penalty assessment equal to 25% of the assessment due. After July 1, 2013, no penalty shall be assessed under this Section if the Illinois Department does not provide a process for the electronic submission of the information required by subsection (a-5).
    (d) Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1993 shall be construed to prevent the Illinois Department from collecting all amounts due under this Article pursuant to an assessment imposed before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1993.
    (e) Nothing in this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall be construed to prevent the Illinois Department from collecting all amounts due under this Code pursuant to an assessment, tax, fee, or penalty imposed before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
    (f) No installment of the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 shall be due and payable until after the Department notifies the long-term care providers, in writing, that the payment methodologies to long-term care providers required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the waivers under 42 CFR 433.68 for the assessment imposed by this Section, if necessary, have been granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Upon notification to the Department of approval of the payment methodologies required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code and the waivers granted under 42 CFR 433.68, all installments otherwise due under Section 5B-4 prior to the date of notification shall be due and payable to the Department upon written direction from the Department within 90 days after issuance by the Comptroller of the payments required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-649, eff. 7-7-20; 102-1035, eff. 5-31-22.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-5

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-5)
    Sec. 5B-5. Annual reporting; penalty; maintenance of records.
    (a) After December 31 of each year, and on or before March 31 of the succeeding year, every long-term care provider subject to assessment under this Article shall file a report with the Illinois Department. The report shall be in a form and manner prescribed by the Illinois Department and shall state the revenue received by the long-term care provider, reported in such categories as may be required by the Illinois Department, and other reasonable information the Illinois Department requires for the administration of its responsibilities under this Code.
    (b) If a long-term care provider operates or maintains more than one long-term care facility in this State, the provider may not file a single return covering all those long-term care facilities, but shall file a separate return for each long-term care facility and shall compute and pay the assessment for each long-term care facility separately.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, in the case of a person who ceases to operate or maintain a long-term care facility in respect of which the person is subject to assessment under this Article as a long-term care provider, the person shall file a final, amended return with the Illinois Department not more than 90 days after the cessation reflecting the adjustment and shall pay with the final return the assessment for the year as so adjusted (to the extent not previously paid). If a person fails to file a final amended return on a timely basis, there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment due a penalty assessment equal to 25% of the assessment due.
    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, a provider who commences operating or maintaining a long-term care facility that was under a prior ownership and remained licensed by the Department of Public Health shall notify the Illinois Department of any change in ownership regardless of percentage, and shall be responsible to immediately pay any prior amounts owed by the facility. In addition, beginning January 1, 2023, all providers operating or maintaining a long-term care facility shall notify the Illinois Department of all individual owners and any individuals or organizations that are part of a limited liability company with ownership of that facility and the percentage ownership of each owner. This ownership reporting requirement does not include individual shareholders in a publicly held corporation. Submission of the information as part of the Department's cost reporting requirements shall satisfy this requirement.
    (e) The Department shall develop a procedure for sharing with a potential buyer of a facility information regarding outstanding assessments and penalties owed by that facility.
    (f) In the case of a long-term care provider existing as a corporation or legal entity other than an individual, the return filed by it shall be signed by its president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer or by its properly authorized agent.
    (g) If a long-term care provider fails to file its return on or before the due date of the return, there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 a penalty assessment equal to 25% of the assessment imposed for the year. After July 1, 2013, no penalty shall be assessed if the Illinois Department has not established a process for the electronic submission of information.
    (h) Every long-term care provider subject to assessment under this Article shall keep records and books that will permit the determination of occupied bed days on a calendar year basis. All such books and records shall be kept in the English language and shall, at all times during business hours of the day, be subject to inspection by the Illinois Department or its duly authorized agents and employees.
    (i) The Illinois Department shall establish a process for long-term care providers to electronically submit all information required by this Section no later than July 1, 2013.
(Source: P.A. 102-1035, eff. 5-31-22.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-6

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-6) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-6)
    Sec. 5B-6. Disposition of proceeds. The Illinois Department shall pay all moneys received from long-term care providers under this Article into the Long-Term Care Provider Fund. Upon certification by the Illinois Department to the State Comptroller of its intent to withhold from a provider under Section 5B-7(b), the State Comptroller shall draw a warrant on the treasury or other fund held by the State Treasurer, as appropriate. The warrant shall state the amount for which the provider is entitled to a warrant, the amount of the deduction, and the reason therefor and shall direct the State Treasurer to pay the balance to the provider, all in accordance with Section 10.05 of the State Comptroller Act. The warrant also shall direct the State Treasurer to transfer the amount of the deduction so ordered from the treasury or other fund into the Long-Term Care Provider Fund.
(Source: P.A. 87-861.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-7

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-7) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-7)
    Sec. 5B-7. Administration; enforcement provisions.
    (a) To the extent practicable, the Illinois Department shall administer and enforce this Article and collect the assessments, interest, and penalty assessments imposed under this Article, using procedures employed in its administration of this Code generally and, as it deems appropriate, in a manner similar to that in which the Department of Revenue administers and collects the retailers' occupation tax under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act ("ROTA"). Instead of certificates of registration, the Illinois Department shall establish and maintain a listing of all long-term care providers appearing in the licensing records of the Department of Public Health, which shall show each provider's name, principal place of business, and the name and address of each long-term care facility operated or maintained by the provider in this State. In addition, the following provisions of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act are incorporated by reference into this Section, except that the Illinois Department and its Director (rather than the Department of Revenue and its Director) and every long-term care provider subject to assessment measured by occupied bed days and to the return filing requirements of this Article (rather than persons subject to retailers' occupation tax measured by gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property at retail and to the return filing requirements of ROTA) shall have the powers, duties, and rights specified in these ROTA provisions, as modified in this Section or by the Illinois Department in a manner consistent with this Article and except as manifestly inconsistent with the other provisions of this Article:
        (1) ROTA, Section 4 (examination of return; notice of
correction; evidence; limitations; protest and hearing), except that (i) the Illinois Department shall issue notices of assessment liability (rather than notices of tax liability as provided in ROTA, Section 4); (ii) in the case of a fraudulent return or in the case of an extended period agreed to by the Illinois Department and the long-term care provider before the expiration of the limitation period, no notice of assessment liability shall be issued more than 3 years after the later of the due date of the return required by Section 5B-5 or the date the return (or an amended return) was filed (rather within the period stated in ROTA, Section 4); and (iii) the penalty provisions of ROTA, Section 4 shall not apply.
        (2) ROTA, Section 5 (failure to make return; failure
to pay assessment), except that the penalty and interest provisions of ROTA, Section 5 shall not apply.
        (3) ROTA, Section 5a (lien; attachment; termination;
notice; protest; review; release of lien; status of lien).
        (4) ROTA, Section 5b (State lien notices; State lien
index; duties of recorder and registrar of titles).
        (5) ROTA, Section 5c (liens; certificate of release).
        (6) ROTA, Section 5d (Department not required to
furnish bond; claim to property attached or levied upon).
        (7) ROTA, Section 5e (foreclosure on liens;
        (8) ROTA, Section 5f (demand for payment; levy and
sale of property; limitation).
        (9) ROTA, Section 5g (sale of property; redemption).
        (10) ROTA, Section 5j (sales on transfers outside
usual course of business; report; payment of assessment; rights and duties of purchaser; penalty).
        (11) ROTA, Section 6 (erroneous payments; credit or
refund), provided that (i) the Illinois Department may only apply an amount otherwise subject to credit or refund to a liability arising under this Article; (ii) except in the case of an extended period agreed to by the Illinois Department and the long term care provider prior to the expiration of this limitation period, a claim for credit or refund must be filed no more than 3 years after the due date of the return required by Section 5B-5 (rather than the time limitation stated in ROTA, Section 6); and (iii) credits or refunds shall not bear interest.
        (12) ROTA, Section 6a (claims for credit or refund).
        (13) ROTA, Section 6b (tentative determination of
claim; notice; hearing; review), provided that a long-term care provider or its representative shall have 60 days (rather than 20 days) within which to file a protest and request for hearing in response to a tentative determination of claim.
        (14) ROTA, Section 6c (finality of tentative
        (15) ROTA, Section 8 (investigations and hearings).
        (16) ROTA, Section 9 (witness; immunity).
        (17) ROTA, Section 10 (issuance of subpoenas;
attendance of witnesses; production of books and records).
        (18) ROTA, Section 11 (information confidential;
        (19) ROTA, Section 12 (rules and regulations;
hearing; appeals), except that a long-term care provider shall not be required to file a bond or be subject to a lien in lieu thereof in order to seek court review under the Administrative Review Law of a final assessment or revised final assessment or the equivalent thereof issued by the Illinois Department under this Article.
    (b) In addition to any other remedy provided for and without sending a notice of assessment liability, the Illinois Department may collect an unpaid assessment by withholding, as payment of the assessment, reimbursements or other amounts otherwise payable by the Illinois Department to the provider.
(Source: P.A. 87-861.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-8

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-8) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-8)
    Sec. 5B-8. Long-Term Care Provider Fund.
    (a) There is created in the State Treasury the Long-Term Care Provider Fund. Interest earned by the Fund shall be credited to the Fund. The Fund shall not be used to replace any moneys appropriated to the Medicaid program by the General Assembly.
    (b) The Fund is created for the purpose of receiving and disbursing moneys in accordance with this Article. Disbursements from the Fund shall be made only as follows:
        (1) For payments to nursing facilities, including
county nursing facilities but excluding State-operated facilities, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and Article V of this Code.
        (1.5) For payments to managed care organizations as
defined in Section 5-30.1 of this Code.
        (2) For the reimbursement of moneys collected by the
Illinois Department through error or mistake.
        (3) For payment of administrative expenses incurred
by the Illinois Department or its agent in performing the activities authorized by this Article.
        (3.5) For reimbursement of expenses incurred by
long-term care facilities, and payment of administrative expenses incurred by the Department of Public Health, in relation to the conduct and analysis of background checks for identified offenders under the Nursing Home Care Act.
        (4) For payments of any amounts that are reimbursable
to the federal government for payments from this Fund that are required to be paid by State warrant.
        (5) For making transfers to the General Obligation
Bond Retirement and Interest Fund, as those transfers are authorized in the proceedings authorizing debt under the Short Term Borrowing Act, but transfers made under this paragraph (5) shall not exceed the principal amount of debt issued in anticipation of the receipt by the State of moneys to be deposited into the Fund.
        (6) For making transfers, at the direction of the
Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget during each fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2011, to other State funds in an annual amount of $20,000,000 of the tax collected pursuant to this Article for the purpose of enforcement of nursing home standards, support of the ombudsman program, and efforts to expand home and community-based services. No transfer under this paragraph shall occur until (i) the payment methodologies created by Public Act 96-1530 under Section 5-5.4 of this Code have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and (ii) the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 of this Code is determined to be a permissible tax under Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
    Disbursements from the Fund, other than transfers made pursuant to paragraphs (5) and (6) of this subsection, shall be by warrants drawn by the State Comptroller upon receipt of vouchers duly executed and certified by the Illinois Department.
    (c) The Fund shall consist of the following:
        (1) All moneys collected or received by the Illinois
Department from the long-term care provider assessment imposed by this Article.
        (2) All federal matching funds received by the
Illinois Department as a result of expenditures made from the Fund.
        (3) Any interest or penalty levied in conjunction
with the administration of this Article.
        (4) (Blank).
        (5) All other monies received for the Fund from any
other source, including interest earned thereon.
(Source: P.A. 102-1035, eff. 5-31-22.)