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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(220 ILCS 5/) Public Utilities Act.

220 ILCS 5/15-401

    (220 ILCS 5/15-401)
    Sec. 15-401. Licensing.
    (a) No person shall operate as a common carrier by pipeline unless the person possesses a certificate in good standing authorizing it to operate as a common carrier by pipeline. No person shall begin or continue construction of a pipeline or other facility, other than the repair or replacement of an existing pipeline or facility, for use in operations as a common carrier by pipeline unless the person possesses a certificate in good standing.
    (b) Requirements for issuance. The Commission, after a hearing, shall grant an application for a certificate authorizing operations as a common carrier by pipeline, in whole or in part, to the extent that it finds that the application was properly filed; a public need for the service exists; the applicant is fit, willing, and able to provide the service in compliance with this Act, Commission regulations, and orders; and the public convenience and necessity requires issuance of the certificate. Evidence encompassing any of the factors described in items (1) through (9) of this subsection (b) that is submitted by the applicant, any other party, or the Commission's staff shall also be considered by the Commission in determining whether a public need for the service exists under either current or expected conditions. The changes in this subsection (b) are intended to be confirmatory of existing law.
    In its determination of public convenience and necessity for a proposed pipeline or facility designed or intended to transport crude oil and any alternate locations for such proposed pipeline or facility, the Commission shall consider, but not be limited to, the following:
        (1) any evidence presented by the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency regarding the environmental impact of the proposed pipeline or other facility;
        (2) any evidence presented by the Illinois
Department of Transportation regarding the impact of the proposed pipeline or facility on traffic safety, road construction, or other transportation issues;
        (3) any evidence presented by the Department of
Natural Resources regarding the impact of the proposed pipeline or facility on any conservation areas, forest preserves, wildlife preserves, wetlands, or any other natural resource;
        (4) any evidence of the effect of the pipeline upon
the economy, infrastructure, and public safety presented by local governmental units that will be affected by the proposed pipeline or facility;
        (5) any evidence of the effect of the pipeline upon
property values presented by property owners who will be affected by the proposed pipeline or facility, provided that the Commission need not hear evidence as to the actual valuation of property such as that as would be presented to and determined by the courts under the Eminent Domain Act;
        (6) any evidence presented by the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity regarding the current and future local, State-wide, or regional economic effect, direct or indirect, of the proposed pipeline or facility including, but not limited to, property values, employment rates, and residential and business development;
        (7) any evidence addressing the factors described in
items (1) through (9) of this subsection (b) or other relevant factors that is presented by any other State agency, the applicant, a party, or other entity that participates in the proceeding, including evidence presented by the Commission's staff;
        (8) any evidence presented by a State agency or unit
of State or local government as to the current and future national, State-wide, or regional economic effects of the proposed pipeline, direct or indirect, as they affect residents or businesses in Illinois, including, but not limited to, such impacts as the ability of manufacturers in Illinois to meet public demand for related services and products and to compete in the national and regional economies, improved access of suppliers to regional and national shipping grids, the ability of the State to access funds made available for energy infrastructure by the federal government, mitigation of foreseeable spikes in price affecting Illinois residents or businesses due to sudden changes in supply or transportation capacity, and the likelihood that the proposed construction will substantially encourage related investment in the State's energy infrastructure and the creation of energy related jobs; and
        (9) any evidence presented by any State or federal
governmental entity as to how the proposed pipeline or facility will affect the security, stability, and reliability of energy in the State or in the region.
    In its written order, the Commission shall address all of the evidence presented, and if the order is contrary to any of the evidence, the Commission shall state the reasons for its determination with regard to that evidence.
    (c) An application filed pursuant to this Section may request either that the Commission review and approve a specific route for a pipeline, or that the Commission review and approve a project route width that identifies the areas in which the pipeline would be located, with such width ranging from the minimum width required for a pipeline right-of-way up to 500 feet in width. The purpose for allowing the option of review and approval of a project route width is to provide increased flexibility during the construction process to accommodate specific landowner requests, avoid environmentally sensitive areas, or address special environmental permitting requirements.
    (d) A common carrier by pipeline may request any other approvals as may be needed from the Commission for completion of the pipeline under Article VIII or any other Article or Section of this Act at the same time, and as part of the same application, as its request for a certificate of good standing under this Section. The Commission's rules shall ensure that notice of such a consolidated application is provided within 30 days after filing to the landowners along a proposed project route, or to the potentially affected landowners within a proposed project route width, using the notification procedures set forth in the Commission's rules. If a consolidated application is submitted, then the requests shall be heard on a consolidated basis and a decision on all issues shall be entered within the time frames stated in subsection (e) of this Section. In such a consolidated proceeding, the Commission may consider evidence relating to the same factors identified in items (1) through (9) of subsection (b) of this Section in granting authority under Section 8-503 of this Act. If the Commission grants approval of a project route width as opposed to a specific project route, then the common carrier by pipeline must, as it finalizes the actual pipeline alignment within the project route width, file its final list of affected landowners with the Commission at least 14 days in advance of beginning construction on any tract within the project route width and also provide the Commission with at least 14 days notice before filing a complaint for eminent domain in the circuit court with regard to any tract within the project route width.
    (e) The Commission shall make its determination on any application filed pursuant to this Section and issue its final order within one year after the date that the application is filed unless an extension is granted as provided in this subsection (e). The Commission may extend the one-year time period for issuing a final order on an application filed pursuant to this Section up to an additional 6 months if it finds, following the filing of initial testimony by the parties to the proceeding, that due to the number of affected landowners and other parties in the proceeding and the complexity of the contested issues before it, additional time is needed to ensure a complete review of the evidence. If an extension is granted, then the schedule for the proceeding shall not be further extended beyond this 6-month period, and the Commission shall issue its final order within the 6-month extension period. The Commission shall also have the power to establish an expedited schedule for making its determination on an application filed pursuant to this Section in less than one year if it finds that the public interest requires the setting of such an expedited schedule.
    (f) Within 6 months after the Commission's entry of an order approving either a specific route or a project route width under this Section, the common carrier by pipeline that receives such order may file supplemental applications for minor route deviations outside the approved project route width, allowing for additions or changes to the approved route to address environmental concerns encountered during construction or to accommodate landowner requests. Notice of a supplemental application shall be provided to any State agency that appeared in the original proceeding or immediately affected landowner at the time such supplemental application is filed. The route deviations shall be approved by the Commission within 45 days, unless a written objection is filed to the supplemental application within 20 days after the date such supplemental application is filed. Hearings on any such supplemental application shall be limited to the reasonableness of the specific variance proposed, and the issues of public need or public convenience or necessity for the project or fitness of the applicant shall not be reopened in the supplemental proceeding.
    (g) The rules of the Commission may include additional options for expediting the issuance of permits and certificates under this Section. Such rules may provide that, in the event that an applicant elects to use an option provided for in such rules; (1) the applicant must request the use of the expedited process at the time of filing its application for a license or permit with the Commission; (2) the Commission may engage experts and procure additional administrative resources that are reasonably necessary for implementing the expedited process; and (3) the applicant must bear any additional costs incurred by the Commission as a result of the applicant's use of such expedited process.
    (h) Duties and obligations of common carriers by pipeline. Each common carrier by pipeline shall provide adequate service to the public at reasonable rates and without discrimination.
(Source: P.A. 97-405, eff. 8-16-11.)

220 ILCS 5/15-501

    (220 ILCS 5/15-501)
    Sec. 15-501. Published rates. No common carrier by pipeline shall render service until the carrier has in effect a tariff or schedule of rates applicable to service in compliance with this Act. No carrier shall render service under a license issued by the Commission if the Commission has suspended or cancelled the tariff or schedule of rates previously in effect and applicable to the service, or if the tariff or schedule is, by action of a party thereto or by its own terms, no longer effective.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-502

    (220 ILCS 5/15-502)
    Sec. 15-502. Effective dates of new or amended rates. The Commission shall prescribe the periods of notice that must elapse between the filing of a proposed rate and its proposed effective date. The Commission shall not prescribe a notice period greater than 45 days.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-503

    (220 ILCS 5/15-503)
    Sec. 15-503. (a) General requirement of filing, publication, and posting. Each common carrier by pipeline shall file, publish, and make available for public inspection its current tariffs. Copies of the tariffs shall be provided by the carrier to members of the public on request at a reasonable cost.
    (b) Tariff and schedule specifications. Tariffs and schedules filed in accordance with this subsection shall be in the form and contain the information as the Commission may specify. The Commission may, by special permission for good cause shown, grant permission to deviate from its tariff and schedule regulations.
    (c) Rejection of tariffs and schedules. The Commission may, at any time prior to the effective date of a tariff or schedule, reject or suspend a tariff or schedule that does not conform to its specifications or that on its face is in violation of this Act, Commission regulations, or orders.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-504

    (220 ILCS 5/15-504)
    Sec. 15-504. Rate proceedings.
    (a) Initiation of proceedings. The Commission may initiate a proceeding to investigate or prescribe tariffs or schedules on its own motion or complaint.
    (b) Suspension of tariffs. The Commission may suspend a tariff, in whole or in part, during the pendency of a proceeding to consider the reasonableness of the tariff, whether it is discriminatory, or whether it otherwise violates provisions of this Article, Commission regulations, or orders, provided the order of suspension is issued prior to the effective date of the tariff. The suspension shall remain in effect for 11 months unless the Commission order provides for a shorter period of suspension. At the end of the statutory suspension period, the suspension may be extended by agreement of the parties; otherwise, the tariff shall go into effect.
    (c) Burden of proof in investigation proceedings. The burden of proof in an investigation proceeding shall be on the proponent of the rate.
    (d) Prescription of tariffs and schedules. The Commission may prescribe tariffs if it has determined that a tariff published by a carrier is unreasonable, discriminatory, or otherwise in violation of this Article, Commission regulations, or orders. The Commission may prescribe schedules if it has determined, after a hearing, that a schedule filed by a carrier is in violation of this Article, Commission regulations, or orders.
    (e) Relief. The Commission may, if it finds a tariff or schedule is in violation of this Article, its regulations, or orders, or finds rates or provisions in a tariff unjust, unreasonable, or discriminatory, direct the carrier to:
        (1) Publish and file a supplement cancelling the
tariff or file notice of cancellation of the schedule, in whole or in part;
        (2) Publish and file a new tariff or file a new
schedule containing rates and provisions prescribed by the Commission; and
        (3) Repay any overcharges or collect any
undercharges, and pay reparations.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-505

    (220 ILCS 5/15-505)
    Sec. 15-505. Ratemaking standards. Rates for common carrier by pipeline service must be just, reasonable, and not discriminatory. The Commission shall, in exercising its ratemaking powers, consider, among other factors, the inherent advantages of transportation by common carrier pipeline, the public need for and interest in adequate and efficient transportation service, at rates consistent with provision of the service, and the revenue needs of carriers under honest, economical, and efficient management. The Commission shall not, in exercising its ratemaking powers, consider the value of any operating authority held by a carrier, or the value of goodwill or earning power connected with operations of the carrier.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-506

    (220 ILCS 5/15-506)
    Sec. 15-506. Charges to conform to tariffs or schedules and orders of the Commission.
    (a) Overcharges and undercharges prohibited. No common carrier by pipeline shall offer, advertise, charge, demand, collect, or receive, in any manner, a greater, lesser, or different compensation for transportation or service in connection therewith than the rates and charges specified in tariffs or schedules on file with the Commission and in effect at the time the transportation or other service is rendered. No carrier shall offer, advertise, charge, demand, collect, or receive any compensation for transportation or other service rendered in connection therewith if there is not in effect at the time a lawfully applicable tariff or schedule. No carrier shall refund or remit, in any manner, or by any device, whether directly or indirectly, or through an agent or otherwise, other than or under Commission order, a portion of the rates or charges specified in tariffs or schedules on file with the Commission and in effect at the time. No carrier shall extend a discount, value, privilege, or facility for transportation or service rendered in connection therewith, except as specified in tariffs or schedules on file with the Commission and in effect at the time.
    (b) Repayment of overcharges, collection of undercharges and reparations.
        (1) Repayment of overcharges and payment of
reparations. The Commission may order a common carrier by pipeline to pay to one or more shippers the amount of compensation the carrier received that was greater than the rates and charges specified in tariffs or schedules in effect at the time the carrier rendered the transportation or other service in connection therewith. The Commission may likewise order a common carrier by pipeline to pay to one or more shippers the amount of compensation the carrier received that was greater than reasonable rates and charges as determined by the Commission.
        (2) Collection of undercharges. The Commission may
order a common carrier by pipeline to make all reasonable efforts to collect from one or more shippers the difference between amounts collected and the amount of compensation specified in tariffs or schedules in effect at the time the transportation or other service in connection therewith was rendered.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-507

    (220 ILCS 5/15-507)
    Sec. 15-507. Joint rates and routes.
    (a) Establishment by carriers. Two or more common carriers by pipeline may establish through routes and joint rates, provided that the rates, divisions, and practices relating thereto are just, reasonable, and not discriminatory.
    (b) Establishment by the Commission. The Commission may, on its own motion, petition, or complaint, where 2 or more carriers by pipeline have failed to establish through routes, joint rates, divisions, and practices relating thereto, establish such routes, rates, divisions, and practices. The Commission shall take this action only after notice and a hearing to consider whether the proposed routes, rates, divisions, and practices are just, reasonable, and not discriminatory, whether a carrier has a reasonable objection to establishment of the routes, rates, divisions, and practices, and whether the objections can be satisfied by imposing reasonable terms and conditions on the application of the routes, rates, divisions, and practices.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)

220 ILCS 5/15-508

    (220 ILCS 5/15-508)
    Sec. 15-508. Statute of limitations for charges.
    (a) Collection actions. Actions to collect charges under lawfully applicable rates must be instituted within 3 years after rendition of the service.
    (b) Reparations or overcharge proceedings. Petitions seeking reparations or repayment of overcharges must be filed with the Commission within 3 years after rendition of the service, and an action seeking judicial enforcement of a Commission order awarding reparations must be instituted within one year after issuance of such order. Where an action seeking judicial review of a Commission order awarding reparations is filed, the time preceding final adjudication of the action shall be excluded in computing the time for instituting the action seeking judicial enforcement of the Commission order.
(Source: P.A. 89-42, eff. 1-1-96.)