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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(220 ILCS 5/) Public Utilities Act.

220 ILCS 5/4-610

    (220 ILCS 5/4-610)
    Sec. 4-610. Thermal energy networks.
    (a) The General Assembly finds that:
        (1) the State has an interest in decarbonizing
buildings in a manner that is affordable and accessible, preserves and creates living-wage jobs, and retains the knowledge and experience of the existing utility workforce;
        (2) thermal energy networks have the potential to
affordably decarbonize buildings at the community-scale and utility-scale and help achieve the goals of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-662);
        (3) the construction industry is highly skilled and
labor intensive, and the installation of modern thermal energy networks involves particularly complex work, therefore effective qualification standards for craft labor personnel employed on these projects are critically needed to promote successful project delivery; and
        (4) it is the intent of the General Assembly to
establish a stakeholder workshop within the Commission to promote the successful planning and delivery of thermal energy networks in an equitable manner that reduces emissions, offers affordable building decarbonization, and provides opportunities for employment with fair labor standards and preapprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.
    (b) As used in this Section:
    "Thermal energy" means piped noncombustible fluids used for transferring heat into and out of buildings for the purpose of reducing any resultant onsite greenhouse gas emissions of all types of heating and cooling processes, including, but not limited to, comfort heating and cooling, domestic hot water, and refrigeration.
    "Thermal energy network" means all real estate, fixtures, and personal property operated, owned, used, or to be used for, in connection with, or to facilitate a utility-scale distribution infrastructure project that supplies thermal energy.
    (c) The Commission, in order to develop a regulatory structure for utility thermal energy networks that scale with affordable and accessible building electrification, protect utility customers, and promote the successful planning and delivery of thermal energy networks, shall convene a workshop process for the purpose of establishing an open, inclusive, and cooperative forum regarding such thermal energy networks. The workshops may be facilitated by an independent, third-party facilitator selected by the Commission. The series of workshops shall include no fewer than 3 workshops. After the conclusion of the workshops, the Commission shall open a comment period that allows interested and diverse stakeholders to submit comments and recommendations regarding the thermal energy networks. Based on the workshop process and stakeholder comments and recommendations offered verbally or in writing during the workshops and in writing during the comment period following the workshops, the Commission or, if applicable, the independent third-party facilitator, shall prepare a report, to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than March 1, 2024, describing the stakeholders, discussions, proposals, and areas of consensus and disagreement from the workshop process, and making recommendations regarding thermal energy networks.
    (d) The workshop shall be designed to achieve the following objectives:
        (1) determine appropriate ownership, market, and rate
structures for thermal energy networks and whether the provision of thermal energy services by thermal network energy providers is in the public interest;
        (2) consider project designs that could maximize the
value of existing State energy efficiency and weatherization programs and maximize federal funding opportunities to the extent practicable;
        (3) determine whether thermal energy network projects
further climate justice and emissions reductions and benefits to utility customers and society at large, including but not limited to public health benefits in areas with disproportionate environmental burdens, job retention and creation, reliability, and increased affordability of renewable thermal energy options;
        (4) consider approaches to thermal energy network
projects that advance financial and technical approaches to equitable and affordable building electrification, including access to thermal energy network benefits by low and moderate income households; and
        (5) consider approaches to promote the training and
transition of utility workers to work on thermal energy networks.
(Source: P.A. 103-580, eff. 12-8-23.)

220 ILCS 5/4-615

    (220 ILCS 5/4-615)
    Sec. 4-615. Training for carbon dioxide emergencies.
    (a) Prior to any pipeline for the transportation of carbon dioxide becoming operational, the Illinois Fire Service Institute, in coordination with the Office of the State Fire Marshal, an EMS System, the Department of Public Health, and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security, shall develop and offer at least one course for first responders who respond when carbon dioxide is released from a pipeline or a sequestration facility. At a minimum, the course shall cover:
        (1) how to identify a carbon dioxide release;
        (2) communications procedures to quickly share
information about a carbon dioxide release, including alarms, sirens, text message alerts, and other means of alerting the public;
        (3) procedures for locating residents and others in
the affected area and, when necessary, transporting residents and others in the affected area out of the area to health care facilities; and
        (4) signs and symptoms of exposure to a carbon
dioxide release.
    (b) Each year thereafter, the Illinois Fire Service Institute, in coordination with the Office of the State Fire Marshal, an EMS System and the Department of Public Health, shall offer a training session at the Illinois Fire Service Institute's Regions for Training Delivery on emergency response procedures during carbon dioxide releases. These trainings shall be available to first responders in the State with priority participation given to counties in which carbon dioxide is proposed to be or is transported or sequestered.
    (c) Prior to a carbon dioxide pipeline becoming operational, the owner or operator of the pipeline shall develop, in coordination with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security and Department of Public Health, emergency preparedness materials for residents and local businesses in the counties within 2 miles of where the owner or operator is transporting or sequestering carbon dioxide. At a minimum, these materials shall include:
        (1) what to do in the event of a carbon dioxide
        (2) symptoms of exposure to a carbon dioxide release;
        (3) recommendations for items residents and local
businesses may want to acquire, including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide monitors and air supply respirators.
    The Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security and the Department of Public Health shall publish this information on their websites and provide these materials to local emergency management agencies and local public health departments in relevant counties.
    (d) For each carbon dioxide pipeline, the owner or operator of the pipeline shall use modeling that can handle non-flat terrain; obstacles, such as vegetation and buildings; time or spatial variations in wind, including direction and speed; ambient weather conditions, such as temperature and humidity; variations to the direction of release of CO2; and concentrations and durations of CO2, in addition to the specifics related to the pipeline design, including, but not limited to, diameter, thickness, and shutoff valves, to develop a risk-based assessment and a chemical safety contingency plan. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security shall publish this information on its website and provide these materials to local emergency management agencies in relevant counties.
    (e) Each year, the owner or operator of a pipeline, in coordination with Department of Public Health and local emergency response personnel, shall offer at least 2 public training sessions for residents and local businesses in every county in which carbon dioxide is transported or sequestered. These trainings shall be offered in person and virtually. Each training shall be recorded and provided to Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security and the Department of Public Health to maintain a copy on their websites, as appropriate, with the emergency preparedness materials identified in subsection (c).
    (f) Each year, the owner or operator of the pipeline shall develop, in coordination with the Department of Public Health, and offer a training session for medical personnel in each county along the pipeline route, including staff in hospitals and emergency rooms, health clinics, and other health care facilities. These trainings shall be offered in person and virtually and be approved by the Department of Public Health. Each training shall be recorded and provided to the Department of Public Health to maintain a copy on its website, as appropriate, and distribute to staff in hospitals and emergency rooms, health clinics, and other health care facilities.
    (g) At least every 5 years, the Illinois Fire Service Institute shall review and, if appropriate, revise or add trainings developed under this Section to incorporate new best practices, technologies, developments, or information that improves emergency response and treatment for carbon dioxide releases.
    (h) At least every 5 years, the owner or operator, in coordination with local emergency response personnel, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security, and the Department of Public Health, shall review and, if appropriate, update emergency preparedness materials and trainings for residents and local businesses identified in subsections (c) and (d) to incorporate new best practices, technologies, developments, or information that may assist local residents and businesses to be prepared if a carbon dioxide release occurs.
(Source: P.A. 103-651, eff. 7-18-24.)

220 ILCS 5/Art. V

    (220 ILCS 5/Art. V heading)

220 ILCS 5/5-101

    (220 ILCS 5/5-101) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-101)
    Sec. 5-101. Every public utility shall furnish to the Commission all information required by it to carry into effect the provisions of this Act, and shall make specific answers to all questions submitted by the Commission.
    Any public utility receiving from the Commission any blanks with directions to fill the same, shall cause the same to be properly filled out so as to answer fully and correctly each question therein propounded, and in case it is unable to answer any question, it shall give a good and sufficient reason for such failure; and said answer shall be verified under oath by the president, secretary, superintendent or general manager of such public utility and returned to the Commission at its office within the period fixed by the Commission.
    Whenever required by the Commission, every public utility shall deliver to the Commission, any or all maps, profiles, reports, documents, books, accounts, papers and records in its possession, or in any way relating to its property or affecting its business, and inventories of its property, in such form as the Commission may direct, or verified copies of any or all of the same.
    Every public utility shall obey and comply with each and every requirement of this Act and every order, decision, direction, rule or regulation made or prescribed by the Commission in the matters herein specified, or any other matter in any way relating to or affecting its business as a public utility, and shall do everything necessary or proper in order to secure compliance with and observance of this Act and every such order, decision, direction, rule or regulation by all of its officers, agents and employees.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)

220 ILCS 5/5-102

    (220 ILCS 5/5-102) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-102)
    Sec. 5-102. The Commission shall have power to establish a uniform system of accounts to be kept by public utilities or to classify public utilities and to establish a uniform system of accounts for each class and to prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of accounts to be kept by public utilities, including records of service, as well as accounts of earnings and expenses, and any other forms, records and memoranda which in the judgment of the Commission may be necessary to carry out any of the provisions of this Act. Where the Commission has prescribed the forms of accounts to be kept by any public utility for any of its business, it shall thereafter be unlawful for such public utility to keep any accounts for such business other than those prescribed or approved by the Commission, or those prescribed by or under the authority of any other state or of the United States.
    The Commission may, from time to time, alter, amend or repeal, in whole or in part, any uniform system of accounts, or the form and manner of keeping accounts.
(Source: P.A. 100-840, eff. 8-13-18.)

220 ILCS 5/5-103

    (220 ILCS 5/5-103) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-103)
    Sec. 5-103. Such systems of accounts shall provide for forms showing all sources of incomes, the amounts due and received from each source and the amounts expended and due for each purpose, distinguishing clearly all payments for operating expenses from those for new construction, extensions and additions and for balance sheets showing assets and liabilities and various forms of proprietary interest.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)

220 ILCS 5/5-104

    (220 ILCS 5/5-104) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-104)
    Sec. 5-104. Depreciation accounts.
    (a) The Commission shall have power, after hearing, to require any or all public utilities, except electric public utilities, to keep such accounts as will adequately reflect depreciation, obsolescence and the progress of the arts. The Commission may, from time to time, ascertain and determine and by order fix the proper and adequate rate of depreciation of the several classes of property for each public utility; and each public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates so ascertained, determined and fixed.
    (b) The Commission shall have the power, after hearing, to require any or all electric public utilities to keep such accounts as will adequately reflect depreciation, obsolescence, and the progress of the arts. The Commission may, from time to time, ascertain and determine and by order fix the proper and adequate rate of depreciation of the several classes of property for each electric public utility; and each electric public utility shall thereafter, absent further order of the Commission, conform its depreciation accounts to the rates so ascertained, determined and fixed until at least the end of the first full calendar year following the date of such determination.
    (c) An electric public utility may from time to time alter the annual rates of depreciation, which for purposes of this subsection (c) and subsection (d) shall include amortization, that it applies to its several classes of assets so long as the rates are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The electric public utility shall file a statement with the Commission which shall set forth the new rates of depreciation and which shall contain a certification by an independent certified public accountant that the new rates of depreciation are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Upon the filing of such statement, the new rates of depreciation shall be deemed to be approved by the Commission as the rates of depreciation to be applied thereafter by the public utility as though an order had been entered pursuant to subsection (b).
    (d) In any proceeding conducted pursuant to Section 9-201 or 9-202 to set an electric public utility's rates for service, the Commission may determine not to use, in determining the depreciation expense component of the public utility's rates for service, the rates of depreciation established pursuant to subsection (c), if the Commission in that proceeding finds based on the record that different rates of depreciation are required to adequately reflect depreciation, obsolescence and the progress of the arts, and fixes by order and uses for purposes of that proceeding new rates of depreciation to be thereafter employed by the electric public utility until the end of the first full calendar year following the date of the determination and thereafter until altered in accordance with subsection (b) or (c) of this Section.
    (e) A gas public utility serving more than 1,600,000 customers as of January 1, 2013 may from time to time alter the annual rates of depreciation, which for purposes of this subsection (e) shall include amortization, that the gas public utility applies to its several classes of assets so long as the rates are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The gas public utility shall file testimony with the Commission setting forth the new rates of depreciation that shall include: (i) a summary of the causes for the change in depreciation rates; (ii) a certification by an independent certified public accountant that the new rates of depreciation are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles; (iii) the depreciation study; and (iv) the expected impact on depreciation expense from the new depreciation rates. The gas public utility shall also simultaneously submit to the Commission all work papers that support the filed depreciation study. No later than 120 days after the filing by the gas public utility under this subsection (e), the Commission shall ascertain and determine and, by order, fix the proper and adequate rate of depreciation of the several classes of property for the gas public utility. The gas public utility shall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates so ascertained, determined, and fixed. Rates of depreciation established by the Commission pursuant to this subsection (e) shall become effective upon the date of the gas public utility's filing.
(Source: P.A. 98-473, eff. 8-16-13.)

220 ILCS 5/5-105

    (220 ILCS 5/5-105) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-105)
    Sec. 5-105. The Commission may provide for the examination and audit of all accounts, and all items shall be allocated to the accounts in the manner prescribed by the Commission. The officers and employees of the Commission shall have authority under the direction of the Commission to inspect and examine any and all books, accounts, papers, records and memoranda kept by such public utilities.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)

220 ILCS 5/5-106

    (220 ILCS 5/5-106) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-106)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-716)
    Sec. 5-106. Each public utility shall have an office in one of the cities, villages or incorporated towns in this State in which its property or some part thereof is located, and shall keep in said office all such books, accounts, papers, records and memoranda as shall be ordered by the Commission to be kept within the State. The address of such office shall be filed with the Commission. No books, accounts, papers, records or memoranda ordered by the Commission to be kept within the State shall be at any time removed from the State, except upon such conditions as may be prescribed by the Commission.
    Each public utility shall be liable for, and upon proper invoice from the Commission shall promptly reimburse the Commission for, the reasonable costs and expenses associated with the audit or inspection of any books, accounts, papers, records and memoranda kept outside the State.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-716)
    Sec. 5-106. Each public utility shall have an office in one of the cities, villages or incorporated towns in this State in which its property or some part thereof is located, and shall keep in said office all such books, accounts, papers, records and memoranda as shall be ordered by the Commission to be kept within the State. The address of such office shall be filed with the Commission. No books, accounts, papers, records or memoranda ordered by the Commission to be kept within the State shall be at any time removed from the State, except upon such conditions as may be prescribed by the Commission.
    Each public utility shall be liable for, and upon proper invoice from the Commission shall promptly reimburse the Commission for, the reasonable costs and expenses associated with the audit or inspection of any books, accounts, papers, records and memoranda kept outside the State.
    In the case of a public utility that provides drinking water services, upon the request of a municipal wastewater agency or unit of local government organized under the Sanitary District Act of 1907, the North Shore Water Reclamation District Act, the Sanitary District Act of 1917, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act, the Sanitary District Act of 1936, the Metro-East Sanitary District Act of 1974, or the Eastern Will Sanitary District Act, such public utility shall provide timely and accurate water usage data, in a format identifiable to the requester, for purposes of calculating wastewater billings. The public utility shall be entitled to collect its reasonable costs incurred to provide such data.
(Source: P.A. 103-716, eff. 1-1-25.)

220 ILCS 5/5-107

    (220 ILCS 5/5-107) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-107)
    Sec. 5-107. Any person who shall wilfully make any false entry in the accounts, or in any record or memoranda or by any other means or device falsify the record of any such account, record or memoranda, or who shall willfully neglect or fail to make full, true, and correct entries in such accounts, records, or memoranda of all facts in transactions appertaining to the business of the public utility, or shall keep any accounts or record other than those prescribed or approved by the Commission, shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
    If any such books, accounts, records or memoranda shall have been preserved for a period of at least three years, a public utility may with the consent of the Commission destroy such of them as in the judgment of the Commission may properly be destroyed.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)

220 ILCS 5/5-108

    (220 ILCS 5/5-108) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-108)
    Sec. 5-108. Any officer or employee of the Commission who divulges any fact or information coming to his knowledge during the course of an inspection, examination or investigation of any account, record, memorandum, book or paper of a public utility, except in so far as he may be authorized by the Commission or by a circuit court, shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)

220 ILCS 5/5-109

    (220 ILCS 5/5-109) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-109)
    Sec. 5-109. Reports; false reports; penalty. Each public utility in the State, other than a commercial mobile radio service provider, shall each year furnish to the Commission, in such form as the Commission shall require, annual reports as to all the items mentioned in the preceding Sections of this Article, and in addition such other items, whether of a nature similar to those therein enumerated or otherwise, as the Commission may prescribe. Such annual reports shall contain all the required information for the period of 12 months ending on June 30 in each year, or ending on December 31 in each year, as the Commission may by order prescribe for each class of public utilities, except commercial mobile radio service providers, and shall be filed with the Commission at its office in Springfield within 3 months after the close of the year for which the report is made. The Commission shall have authority to require any public utility to file monthly reports of earnings and expenses of such utility, and to file other periodical or special, or both periodical and special reports concerning any matter about which the Commission is authorized by law to keep itself informed. All reports shall be under oath.
    When any report is erroneous or defective or appears to the Commission to be erroneous or defective, the Commission may notify the public utility to amend such report within 30 days, and before or after the termination of such period the Commission may examine the officers, agents, or employees, and books, records, accounts, vouchers, plant, equipment and property of such public utility, and correct such items in the report as upon such examination the Commission may find defective or erroneous.
    All reports made to the Commission by any public utility and the contents thereof shall be open to public inspection, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. Such reports shall be preserved in the office of the Commission.
    Any public utility which fails to make and file any report called for by the Commission within the time specified; or to make specific answer to any question propounded by the Commission within 30 days from the time it is lawfully required to do so, or within such further time, not to exceed 90 days, as may in its discretion be allowed by the Commission, shall forfeit up to $100 for each and every day it may so be in default if the utility collects less than $100,000 annually in gross revenue; and if the utility collects $100,000 or more annually in gross revenue, it shall forfeit $1,000 per day for each and every day it is in default.
    Any person who willfully makes any false return or report to the Commission or to any member, officer, or employee thereof, any person who willfully, in a return or report, withholds or fails to provide material information to which the Commission is entitled under this Act and which information is either required to be filed by statute, rule, regulation, order, or decision of the Commission or has been requested by the Commission, and any person who willfully aids or abets such person shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

220 ILCS 5/5-110

    (220 ILCS 5/5-110)
    Sec. 5-110. Disclosure of customer information to law enforcement agencies. A public utility shall not disclose customer record information to a law enforcement agency unless the law enforcement agency requests the customer record information in writing, specifying that the information is necessary for a law enforcement purpose. Customer record information includes, but is not limited to, social security numbers, public aid numbers, and employment data. Nothing in this Section shall affect the Commission's access to information under this Act or any other law.
(Source: P.A. 90-727, eff. 8-7-98.)

220 ILCS 5/5-111

    (220 ILCS 5/5-111)
    Sec. 5-111. Natural gas performance reporting.
    (a) The General Assembly recognizes that for well over a century Illinois residents and businesses have relied on the natural gas utility system. The General Assembly finds that in order for a natural gas utility to provide safe, reliable, and affordable service to the State's current and future utility customers, a utility must refurbish, rebuild, modernize, and expand its infrastructure and adequately train its workforce on appropriate operations procedures and policies designed to effectively maintain its infrastructure.
    (b) A natural gas public utility shall report annually to the Commission the following information, compiled on a calendar-year basis, beginning with the first report on April 1, 2014:
        (1) the number of emergency calls with response
times exceeding both 30 minutes and 60 minutes and the number of emergency calls in which the utility stopped the flow of natural gas on the system or appropriately vented natural gas in a time exceeding both 60 minutes and 90 minutes;
        (2) the number of incidents of damage per thousand
gas facility locate requests to the utility's pipeline facilities resulting from utility error and the number of incidents of damage per thousand gas facility locate requests to the utility's pipeline facilities resulting from the fault of third parties;
        (3) the number of scheduled cathodic protection
readings below -0.850 volts;
        (4) the number of service lines that were inactive
for over 3 years and not disconnected from a source of supply;
        (5) the number of difficult to locate services
        (6) the number of remotely-readable cathodic
protection devices;
        (7) the miles of main and numbers of services
replaced that were constructed of cast iron, wrought iron, ductile iron, unprotected coated steel, unprotected bare steel, mechanically coupled steel, copper, Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) plastic, pre-1973 DuPont Aldyl "A" polyethylene, PVC, or other types of materials identified by a State or federal governmental agency as being prone to leakage;
        (8) the number of miles of transmission facilities
on which maximum allowable operating pressures have been established;
        (9) the number of miles of transmission facilities
equipped with remotely controlled shut-off valve capability; and
        (10) the value in dollars of contracts in force
with minority-owned, female-owned, and qualified service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.
    (c) Reports required under this Section shall be submitted to the Commission by April 1 of each year. Reports shall be verified in the same manner as Form 21 ILCC and contain the information specified in subsection (b) of this Section for the preceding calendar year. The reports shall further identify the number of jobs attributable to each of the reporting requirements in (b)(1) through (b)(10) of this Section. Following the submission of a utility's initial report, subsequent reports by the utility shall state year-over-year changes in the information being reported. The Commission shall post the reports on the public portion of its web site.
    (d) A natural gas utility shall submit an annual plan specifying its goals for each of the items identified in subsection (b) of this Section, and such utility is expected to show reasonable and continuing progress in improving its performance under the criteria identified in subsection (b) of this Section. If the Commission finds, after notice and hearing, that a utility has failed to show progressive improvement in its performance under those criteria, the Commission may require the natural gas utility to submit a remediation plan for the criteria identified in subsection (b) of this Section designed to improve the utility's performance.
    (e) The Commission may adopt rules to implement the requirements of this Section.
    (f) This Section does not apply to a gas utility that on January 1, 2013 provided gas service to fewer than 100,000 customers in Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 98-57, eff. 7-5-13.)

220 ILCS 5/5-115

    (220 ILCS 5/5-115)
    Sec. 5-115. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 97-1041, eff. 8-20-12. Repealed by P.A. 98-1056, eff. 8-26-14.)

220 ILCS 5/5-117

    (220 ILCS 5/5-117)
    Sec. 5-117. Supplier diversity goals.
    (a) The public policy of this State is to collaboratively work with companies that serve Illinois residents to improve their supplier diversity in a non-antagonistic manner.
    (b) The Commission shall require all gas, electric, and water utilities with at least 100,000 customers under its authority to submit an annual report by April 15, 2015 and every April 15 thereafter, in a searchable Adobe PDF format, on all procurement goals and actual spending for female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises in the previous calendar year. These goals shall be expressed as a percentage of the total work performed by the entity submitting the report, and the actual spending for all female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises shall also be expressed as a percentage of the total work performed by the entity submitting the report.
    (c) Each participating company in its annual report shall include the following information:
        (1) an explanation of the plan for the next year to
increase participation;
        (2) an explanation of the plan to increase the goals;
        (3) the areas of procurement each company shall be
actively seeking more participation in the next year;
        (3.5) a buying plan for the specific goods and
services the company intends to buy in the next 6 to 18 months, that is either (i) organized by and reported at the level of each applicable North American Industry Classification System code, (ii) provided using a method, system, or description similar to the North American Industry Classification System, or (iii) provided using the major categories of goods and related services utilized in the company's procurement system, and including any procurement codes used by the company, to assist entrepreneurs and diverse companies to understand upcoming opportunities to work with the company, however, a utility shall not be required to include commercially-sensitive data, nonpublic procurement information, or other information that could compromise a utility's ability to negotiate the most advantageous price or terms;
        (4) an outline of the plan to alert and encourage
potential vendors in that area to seek business from the company;
        (5) an explanation of the challenges faced in finding
quality vendors and offer any suggestions for what the Commission could do to be helpful to identify those vendors;
        (6) a list of the certifications the company
        (7) the point of contact for any potential vendor who
wishes to do business with the company and explain the process for a vendor to enroll with the company as a minority-owned, women-owned, or veteran-owned company; and
        (8) any particular success stories to encourage other
companies to emulate best practices.
    (d) Each annual report shall include as much State-specific data as possible. If the submitting entity does not submit State-specific data, then the company shall include any national data it does have and explain why it could not submit State-specific data and how it intends to do so in future reports, if possible.
    (e) Each annual report shall include the rules, regulations, and definitions used for the procurement goals in the company's annual report.
    (f) The Commission and all participating entities shall hold an annual workshop open to the public in 2015 and every year thereafter on the state of supplier diversity to collaboratively seek solutions to structural impediments to achieving stated goals, including testimony from each participating entity as well as subject matter experts and advocates. The Commission shall publish a database on its website of the point of contact for each participating entity for supplier diversity, along with a list of certifications each company recognizes from the information submitted in each annual report. The Commission shall publish each annual report on its website and shall maintain each annual report for at least 5 years.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-662, eff. 9-15-21; 102-673, eff. 11-30-21; 102-1031, eff. 5-27-22.)

220 ILCS 5/5-201

    (220 ILCS 5/5-201) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 5-201)
    Sec. 5-201. In case any public utility shall do, cause to be done or permit to be done any act, matter or thing prohibited, forbidden or declared to be unlawful, or shall omit to do any act, matter or thing required to be done either by any provisions of this Act or any rule, regulation, order or decision of the Commission, issued under authority of this Act, the public utility shall be liable to the persons or corporations affected thereby for all loss, damages or injury caused thereby or resulting therefrom, and if the court shall find that the act or omission was wilful, the court may in addition to the actual damages, award damages for the sake of example and by the way of punishment. An action to recover for such loss, damage or injury may be brought in the circuit court by any person or corporation.
    In every case of a recovery of damages by any person or corporation under the provisions of this Section, the plaintiff shall be entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court, which fee shall be taxed and collected as part of the costs in the case.
    No recovery as in this Section provided shall in any manner affect a recovery by the State of the penalties in this Act provided.
(Source: P.A. 84-617.)