(105 ILCS 5/22-9)
Sec. 22-9. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 77-2267. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-10) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-10)
Sec. 22-10.
Payments and grants in aid of church or sectarian purpose.
No county, city, town, township, school district or other public
corporation shall make any appropriation, or pay from any school fund
anything in aid of any church or sectarian purpose or to support or sustain
any school, academy, seminary, college, university or other literary or
scientific institution controlled by any church or sectarian denomination;
nor shall any grant or donation of money or other personal property be made
by any such corporation to any church or for any sectarian purpose. Any
officer or other person having under his charge or direction school funds
or property who perverts the same in the manner forbidden in this section
shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 77-2267.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-11) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-11)
Sec. 22-11.
Exclusion of children on account of color.
Any school officer or other person who excludes or aids in excluding
from the public schools, on account of color, any child who is entitled to
the benefits of such school shall be guilty of a petty offense and shall be
fined not less than $5 nor more than $100.
(Source: P.A. 77-2267.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-12)
Sec. 22-12.
Preventing or interfering with a child's attendance at school.
Whoever by threat, menace, or intimidation prevents any child
entitled to attend a public or nonpublic school in this State from
attending such
school or interferes with any such child's attendance at that school shall
be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 92-96, eff. 1-1-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-13) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-13)
Sec. 22-13.
of Illinois mined coal.
School boards shall comply with the provisions of "An Act concerning the
use of Illinois mined coal in certain plants and institutions", filed July
13, 1937, as amended.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-14) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-14)
Sec. 22-14.
Scholastic records of discontinued districts.
If any school district is discontinued under this Act and is not made a
distinct part of another school district that makes arrangements to safely
keep all scholastic records of the former pupils of the discontinued
district, the last governing authorities of the discontinued district shall
turn over all scholastic records of its former pupils to the county
superintendent of schools of the county in which the school building of the
district is located; and such county superintendent of schools shall take
possession of and arrange for the safekeeping of such records for the
purpose of reference by said former pupils.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-15) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-15)
Sec. 22-15. Insurance on athletes.
(a) In this Section, "IHSA" means the Illinois High School Association. (b) A public school district maintaining grades 9 through 12 shall provide catastrophic accident insurance coverage, with aggregate benefit limits of $3 million or 5 years, whichever occurs first, for eligible students in grades 9 through 12 who sustain an accidental injury while participating in school-sponsored or school-supervised interscholastic athletic events sanctioned by the IHSA (including direct and uninterrupted travel to and from the athletic event as well as during a temporary stay at the location of an athletic event held away from the student's school) that results in medical expenses in excess of $50,000. These benefit limits are to be in excess of any and all other insurance, coverage or benefit, in whatever form or designation.
Any public school that requires students participating in school-sponsored or school-supervised interscholastic athletic events sanctioned by the IHSA (including direct and uninterrupted travel to and from the athletic event as well as during a temporary stay at the location of an athletic event
held away from the student's school) to be covered under an individual or group policy of accident and health insurance is exempt from the requirements of this Section. Non-public schools maintaining grades 9 through 12 shall provide catastrophic accident insurance coverage, with aggregate benefit limits of $3 million or 5 years, whichever occurs first, for eligible students in grades 9 through 12 who sustain an accidental injury while participating in school-sponsored or school-supervised interscholastic athletic tournaments sanctioned by the IHSA (including direct and uninterrupted travel to and from the athletic tournament as well as during a temporary stay at the location of an athletic tournament held away from the student's school) that results in medical expenses in excess of $50,000. These benefit limits are to be in excess of any and all other insurance, coverage or benefit, in whatever form or designation. Any non-public school that requires students participating in school-sponsored or school-supervised interscholastic athletic events sanctioned by the IHSA (including direct and uninterrupted travel to and from the athletic event as well as during a temporary stay at the location of an athletic event
held away from the student's school) to be covered under an individual or group policy of accident and health insurance is exempt from the requirements of this Section. (c) The IHSA has the exclusive authority to promulgate a plan of coverage necessary to ensure compliance with this Section. The IHSA shall provide a group policy providing the coverage necessary to comply with this Section. Public school districts and non-public schools may purchase the coverage necessary to comply with this Section by participating in the group policy. Alternatively, public school districts or non-public schools that do not participate in the group policy may obtain the coverage necessary to comply with this Section from other coverage providers, but must submit to the IHSA, 60 days before the coverage inception, a certificate of insurance from the coverage provider stating that the insurance provided by the coverage provider is in compliance with the plan of coverage approved by the IHSA. A public school district that manages schools located within a city of over 500,000 inhabitants may provide the catastrophic accident insurance coverage required by this Section through a program of self-insurance, and the public school district must submit to the IHSA, 60 days before coverage inception, proof that the program is in compliance with the plan of coverage. (d) A public school district maintaining grades kindergarten through 8 may provide
medical or hospital service, or both, through accident and health insurance
on a group or individual basis, or through non-profit hospital service
corporations or medical service plan corporations or both, for pupils of
the district in grades kindergarten through 8 injured while participating in any athletic activity under the
jurisdiction of or sponsored or controlled by the district or the
authorities of any school thereof. The cost of such insurance or of
subscriptions to such non-profit corporations, when paid from the funds of
the district, shall, to the extent such moneys are sufficient, be paid from
moneys derived from athletic activities. To the extent that moneys derived
from athletic activities are insufficient, such cost may be paid from the
educational fund of the district. Such insurance may be purchased from or such subscriptions may be taken
in only such companies or corporations as are authorized to do business in
(Source: P.A. 98-166, eff. 8-5-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-16) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-16)
Sec. 22-16.
Acquisition of land outside school district.
Whenever, in the opinion of the corporate authority of any school
district, a lot or parcel of land situated not more than 2 miles outside
of said school district or in the case of a building project under
authority of Section 10-22.31b of this Act, within the boundaries of
the joint agreement area or within 2 miles of the boundaries of any school
district which is a party to the joint agreement, may be required for such
school purposes,
title to such lot or parcel of land may be acquired by such school
district by purchase or in the manner provided by law for the exercise
of the right of eminent domain.
(Source: P.A. 80-270 .)
(105 ILCS 5/22-17) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-17)
Sec. 22-17.
Leasing property from building commission.
In addition to other powers and authority now possessed by it, the
corporate authority of any school district, including any special charter
district, shall have power:
(1) To lease from any public building commission created pursuant to the
provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955,
and as amended from time to time, any real or personal property for the
purpose of securing office or other space for its administrative or
educational functions for a period of time not exceeding 40 years;
(2) To pay for the use of this leased property in accordance with the
terms of the lease; and
(3) To enter into such lease without making a previous appropriation or
provision in the budget for the expense thereby incurred.
(Source: P.A. 77-1351.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-18) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-18)
Sec. 22-18.
Apportionment of assets in district without property.
Whenever there is no property within a school district subject to
taxation for ordinary operating purposes, the county clerk shall so notify
the trustees of the township or townships or county board of school
trustees wherein the school district is located who shall apportion the
assets of such district among the remaining school districts of such
township or townships in proportion to the last preceding apportionment
from the common school fund to such townships and shall notify the school
treasurer to note such apportionment in the proper account of each
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-19) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-19)
Sec. 22-19.
Upon the filing of a complaint with the State Board of Education,
executed in duplicate and subscribed with the names
and addresses of at least 50 residents of a school district or 10% of
the residents, whichever is less, alleging that any pupil
has been excluded from or segregated in any school on account of his or
her color, race, nationality, sex, religion or religious affiliation, or that
any employee of
or applicant for employment or assignment with any such school district
has been questioned concerning his or her color, race, nationality, sex,
religion or religious affiliation or subjected to discrimination by reason thereof,
by or on behalf of the school board of such district, the State Board of
Education shall promptly mail a copy of such complaint to
the secretary or clerk of such school board.
The State Board of Education
shall fix a date, not less than 20 nor more than 30 days from the date of
the filing of such complaint, for a hearing upon the allegations therein.
The State Board of Education may also fix a date for a hearing whenever
it has reason to believe that such discrimination may exist in any school
district. Reasonable notice of the time and place of such hearing shall
be mailed to the secretary or
clerk of the school board and to the first signatory
to such complaint.
The State Board of Education may designate an assistant to conduct such
hearing and receive testimony concerning the situation complained of. The
complainants may be represented at such hearing by one of their number or
by counsel. Each party shall have the privilege of cross examining witnesses.
The State Board of Education or the hearing officer appointed by it shall
have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, and require
the production of
evidence relating to any relevant matter under this Act. Any circuit
court of this State, upon the application of the
State Board of Education or the hearing officer appointed by
it, may, in its or his or her discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses,
the production of books, papers, records or memoranda and the giving of
testimony before the State Board of Education or the hearing
officer appointed by it conducting an investigation or holding a
hearing authorized by this Act, by an attachment for contempt, or
otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may be compelled
before the court. The State Board of Education or the
hearing officer appointed by it may cause the depositions of witnesses
within the State to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for like
depositions in civil actions in courts of this State, and to that end
compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers,
records or memoranda. All testimony shall be taken under oath
administered by the hearing officer, but the formal rules pertaining to
evidence in judicial proceedings shall not apply. The State Board of Education
shall provide a competent reporter to record
all testimony. Either party desiring a transcript of the hearing shall
pay for the cost of such transcript. A continuance may be granted
provided both parties agree. The hearing officer shall report a summary
of the testimony within 60 days after the hearing commences, unless a
continuance is granted, to the State Board of Education who
shall determine whether the allegations of the complaint are
substantially correct. If a continuance is granted, the summary of
testimony shall be reported to the State Board of Education
within 60 days after the hearing recommences. The State Board of Education
shall notify both parties of its decision within 30
days after it receives a summary of the testimony from the hearing
officer. If the State Board of Education determines that a violation exists,
it shall request the Attorney General to apply to the appropriate circuit
court for such injunctive or other relief as may be necessary to rectify the practice
complained of.
The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and
modifications thereof and the rules adopted
pursuant thereto shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the
judicial review of any final decision rendered by the State Board of Education
pursuant to this Section.
(Source: P.A. 84-126.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-20) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-20)
Sec. 22-20.
All courts and law enforcement agencies of the State of
Illinois and its political subdivisions shall report to the principal of
any public school in this State whenever a child enrolled therein is
detained for proceedings under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, as heretofore
and hereafter amended, or for any criminal offense, including illegal gang activity, or any violation of a
municipal or county ordinance. The report shall include the basis for
detaining the child, circumstances surrounding the events which led to the
child's detention, and status of proceedings. The report shall be updated as
appropriate to notify the principal of developments and the disposition of the
The information derived thereby shall be kept separate from and shall
not become a part of the official school record of such child and shall not
be a public record. Such information shall be used solely by the appropriate school official or officials whom the school has determined to have a legitimate educational or safety interest to aid in the proper rehabilitation
of the child and to protect the safety of students and employees in the
(Source: P.A. 97-1104, eff. 1-1-13; 98-59, eff. 1-1-14.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-21) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-21)
Sec. 22-21.
Elections-Use of school buildings.
(a) Every school board shall offer to the appropriate officer or board
having responsibility for providing polling places for elections the use of
any and all buildings under its jurisdiction for any and all elections to
be held, if so requested by such appropriate officer or board.
(b) Election officers shall place 2 or more cones, small United States
national flags, or some other marker a distance of 100 horizontal feet from
each entrance to the room used by voters to engage in voting, which shall be
known as the polling room. If
the polling room is located within a building that is a public or private
and the
distance of 100 horizontal feet ends within the interior of the
building, then the markers shall be placed outside of the
building at each entrance used by voters to enter that
building on the grounds adjacent to the thoroughfare or walkway. If the polling
room is located within a public or private school building with 2 or more
floors and
the polling room is located on the ground floor, then the markers shall be
placed 100 horizontal feet from each entrance to the polling room used by
voters to engage in voting. If the polling room is located in a public or
private school building with 2 or more floors and the polling room is located
on a
floor above or below the ground floor,
then the markers shall be placed a distance of 100 feet from the nearest
elevator or staircase used by voters on the ground floor to access the floor
where the polling room is located. The area within where the markers are placed
shall be known as a campaign free zone, and electioneering is prohibited
pursuant to this subsection.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the area on polling place
property beyond the campaign free zone,
publicly or privately owned, is a public forum for the time that the polls are
open on an election day. At the request of election officers any publicly owned
building must be made available for use as a polling place. A person shall have
the right to congregate and engage in electioneering on any polling place
property while the polls are open beyond the campaign free zone, including but
not limited to, the placement of temporary signs.
This subsection shall be construed liberally in favor of persons engaging in
on all polling place property beyond the campaign free zone for the time that
the polls are open on an election day.
(Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-22) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-22)
Sec. 22-22.
Secondary Education.
The term "secondary education"
means the curriculum offered by a school district or an attendance center
or centers serving grades 9 through 12 or grades 10 through 12.
(Source: P.A. 84-814.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-23) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-23)
Sec. 22-23.
Sprinkler systems.
(a) The provisions of this Section apply to the school board, board of
education, board of school directors, board of school inspectors or other
governing body of each school district in this State, including special
charter districts and districts organized under Article 34.
(b) As used in this Section, the term "school construction" means (1)
the construction of a new school building, or addition to an existing
building, within any period of 30 months, having 7,200 or more square feet, and (2) any alteration, as defined in 71 Illinois
Administrative Code, Section 400.210, within any period of 30 months,
affecting one or more areas of a school building
which cumulatively are equal to 50% or more of the square footage of the
school building.
(c) New areas or uses of buildings not required to be sprinklered under
this Section shall be protected with the installation of an automatic fire
detection system.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, no school
construction shall be commenced in any school district on or after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991 unless sprinkler systems are
required by, and are installed in accordance with
approved plans and specifications in the school building, addition or
project areas which constitute school construction as defined in subsection
(b). Plans and specifications shall comply with rules and regulations
established by the State Board of Education, and such rules and regulations
shall be consistent so far as practicable with nationally recognized
standards such as those established by the National Fire Protection
(Source: P.A. 90-566, eff. 1-2-98.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-24) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-24)
Sec. 22-24.
IHSA Liaison.
To facilitate communication and coordination
between the General Assembly and the Illinois High School Association on
matters relative to the continuing development of interscholastic athletic
and activity participation among secondary school students in Illinois, the
Governor shall appoint, from the membership of the General Assembly,
liaison representatives to meet with the Board of Directors of the Illinois
High School Association at regular meetings of that Board. The Governor
shall appoint one member from each chamber of the General Assembly to serve
as a liaison representative and one member from each chamber to serve as the
liaison representative's alternate. The 2 liaison representatives shall not
be members of the same political party, nor shall a liaison representative's
alternate be a member of the same political party as the liaison
representative for whom he or she is an alternate. The terms of the liaison
representatives and alternate liaison representatives
appointed by the Governor shall be 2 years, commencing on the second
Wednesday of January in odd numbered years, except that the terms of the
liaison representatives and alternate liaison representatives initially
appointed by the Governor under this Section shall commence on the date of
their appointment and expire on the second Wednesday of January, 1993.
Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Governor for the unexpired
term, and the person appointed to fill a vacancy shall be a member of the
same chamber of the General Assembly and the same political party as his or
her predecessor in office. The liaison representatives, or their
alternates who meet with the Board of Directors of the Illinois High School
Association at any meetings of that Board which the liaison representatives
are unable to attend, shall communicate to the members of the General
Assembly information of importance to the cooperative relationship between
the Illinois High School Association and the General Assembly. It shall be
the responsibility of the Illinois High School Association to timely supply
to both liaison representatives and both alternates all agenda materials
and information that are customarily supplied by that Association to
the members of its Board of Directors for use in connection with the
meetings of that Board.
(Source: P.A. 87-239; 87-895.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-25)
Sec. 22-25.
High School Quality Guarantees.
The school board of any
district that maintains grades 9-12, including special charter districts and
any district organized under Article 34, may enter into agreements that
guarantee the academic skills and performance of graduates of their high
schools in the workforce or in higher education. Any quality guarantee
agreements established shall be subject to such qualifications and restrictions
as the school board may determine.
(Source: P.A. 89-610, eff. 8-6-96.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-26)
Sec. 22-26. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 91-491, eff. 8-13-99. Repealed internally, eff. 1-2-00; repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-27)
Sec. 22-27. World War II, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam Conflict veterans; service member killed in action; diplomas.
(a) Upon request, the school board of any district that maintains
grades 10 through 12 may award a diploma to any honorably discharged veteran
(1) served in the armed forces of the United States | ||
| ||
(2) resided within an area currently within the | ||
| ||
(3) left high school before graduating in order to | ||
| ||
(4) has not received a high school diploma.
(a-5) Upon request, the school board of a school district that maintains grades 10 through 12 may posthumously award a diploma to any service member who was killed in action while performing active military duty with the armed forces of the United States if all of the following criteria have been met: (1) He or she resided in an area currently within the | ||
| ||
(2) He or she left high school before graduating to | ||
| ||
(3) He or she did not receive a high school diploma. (b) The State Board of Education and the Department of Veterans' Affairs
may issue rules consistent with the provisions of this Section that are
necessary to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-131, eff. 7-26-19.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-30) Sec. 22-30. Self-administration and self-carry of asthma medication and epinephrine injectors; administration of undesignated epinephrine injectors; administration of an opioid antagonist; administration of undesignated asthma medication; supply of undesignated oxygen tanks; asthma episode emergency response protocol. (a) For the purpose of this Section only, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: "Asthma action plan" means a written plan developed with a pupil's medical provider to help control the pupil's asthma. The goal of an asthma action plan is to reduce or prevent flare-ups and emergency department visits through day-to-day management and to serve as a student-specific document to be referenced in the event of an asthma episode. "Asthma episode emergency response protocol" means a procedure to provide assistance to a pupil experiencing symptoms of wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, or breathing difficulty. "Epinephrine injector" includes an auto-injector approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the administration of epinephrine and a pre-filled syringe approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and used for the administration of epinephrine that contains a pre-measured dose of epinephrine that is equivalent to the dosages used in an auto-injector. "Asthma medication" means quick-relief asthma medication, including albuterol or other short-acting bronchodilators, that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of respiratory distress. "Asthma medication" includes medication delivered through a device, including a metered dose inhaler with a reusable or disposable spacer or a nebulizer with a mouthpiece or mask. "Opioid antagonist" means a drug that binds to opioid receptors and blocks or inhibits the effect of opioids acting on those receptors, including, but not limited to, naloxone hydrochloride or any other similarly acting drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Respiratory distress" means the perceived or actual presence of wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, breathing difficulty, or any other symptoms consistent with asthma. Respiratory distress may be categorized as "mild-to-moderate" or "severe". "School nurse" means a registered nurse working in a school with or without licensure endorsed in school nursing. "Self-administration" means a pupil's discretionary use of his or her prescribed asthma medication or epinephrine injector. "Self-carry" means a pupil's ability to carry his or her prescribed asthma medication or epinephrine injector. "Standing protocol" may be issued by (i) a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches, (ii) a licensed physician assistant with prescriptive authority, or (iii) a licensed advanced practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority. "Trained personnel" means any school employee or volunteer personnel authorized in Sections 10-22.34, 10-22.34a, and 10-22.34b of this Code who has completed training under subsection (g) of this Section to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis, an opioid overdose, or respiratory distress. "Undesignated asthma medication" means asthma medication prescribed in the name of a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school. "Undesignated epinephrine injector" means an epinephrine injector prescribed in the name of a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school. (b) A school, whether public, charter, or nonpublic, must permit the self-administration and self-carry of asthma medication by a pupil with asthma or the self-administration and self-carry of an epinephrine injector by a pupil, provided that: (1) the parents or guardians of the pupil provide to | ||
| ||
(2) the parents or guardians of the pupil provide to | ||
| ||
(A) the name and purpose of the epinephrine | ||
| ||
(B) the prescribed dosage; and (C) the time or times at which or the special | ||
| ||
The information provided shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or, in the absence of a school nurse, the school's administrator. (b-5) A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may authorize the provision of a student-specific or undesignated epinephrine injector to a student or any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, or plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to administer an epinephrine injector to the student, that meets the student's prescription on file. (b-10) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may authorize a school nurse or trained personnel to do the following: (i) provide an undesignated epinephrine injector to a student for self-administration only or any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan to administer to the student that meets the student's prescription on file; (ii) administer an undesignated epinephrine injector that meets the prescription on file to any student who has an Individual Health Care Action Plan, allergy emergency action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan that authorizes the use of an epinephrine injector; (iii) administer an undesignated epinephrine injector to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction; (iv) administer an opioid antagonist to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an opioid overdose; (v) provide undesignated asthma medication to a student for self-administration only or to any personnel authorized under a student's Individual Health Care Action Plan or asthma action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan to administer to the student that meets the student's prescription on file; (vi) administer undesignated asthma medication that meets the prescription on file to any student who has an Individual Health Care Action Plan or asthma action plan, plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or individualized education program plan that authorizes the use of asthma medication; and (vii) administer undesignated asthma medication to any person that the school nurse or trained personnel believes in good faith is having respiratory distress. (c) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must inform the parents or guardians of the pupil, in writing, that the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents, including a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse providing standing protocol and a prescription for school epinephrine injectors, an opioid antagonist, or undesignated asthma medication, are to incur no liability or professional discipline, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse. The parents or guardians of the pupil must sign a statement acknowledging that the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents are to incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse and that the parents or guardians must indemnify and hold harmless the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of the administration of asthma medication, an epinephrine injector, or an opioid antagonist regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse. (c-5) When a school nurse or trained personnel administers an undesignated epinephrine injector to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction, administers an opioid antagonist to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having an opioid overdose, or administers undesignated asthma medication to a person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes is having respiratory distress, notwithstanding the lack of notice to the parents or guardians of the pupil or the absence of the parents or guardians signed statement acknowledging no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school and its employees and agents, and a physician, a physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse providing standing protocol and a prescription for undesignated epinephrine injectors, an opioid antagonist, or undesignated asthma medication, are to incur no liability or professional discipline, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the use of an undesignated epinephrine injector, the use of an opioid antagonist, or the use of undesignated asthma medication, regardless of whether authorization was given by the pupil's parents or guardians or by the pupil's physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse. (d) The permission for self-administration and self-carry of asthma medication or the self-administration and self-carry of an epinephrine injector is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year upon fulfillment of the requirements of this Section. (e) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a pupil with asthma may self-administer and self-carry his or her asthma medication or a pupil may self-administer and self-carry an epinephrine injector (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property or while being transported on a school bus. (e-5) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer an undesignated epinephrine injector to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be having an anaphylactic reaction (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property or while being transported on a school bus. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry undesignated epinephrine injectors on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity. (e-10) Provided that the requirements of this Section are fulfilled, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer an opioid antagonist to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be having an opioid overdose (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry an opioid antagonist on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity. (e-15) If the requirements of this Section are met, a school nurse or trained personnel may administer undesignated asthma medication to any person whom the school nurse or trained personnel in good faith believes to be experiencing respiratory distress (i) while in school, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, (iii) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (iv) before or after normal school activities, including before-school or after-school care on school-operated property. A school nurse or trained personnel may carry undesignated asthma medication on his or her person while in school or at a school-sponsored activity. (f) The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may maintain a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors in any secure location that is accessible before, during, and after school where an allergic person is most at risk, including, but not limited to, classrooms and lunchrooms. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated epinephrine injectors in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of epinephrine injectors shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall maintain a supply of an opioid antagonist in any secure location where an individual may have an opioid overdose, unless there is a shortage of opioid antagonists, in which case the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall make a reasonable effort to maintain a supply of an opioid antagonist. Unless the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school is able to obtain opioid antagonists without a prescription, a health care professional who has been delegated prescriptive authority for opioid antagonists in accordance with Section 5-23 of the Substance Use Disorder Act shall prescribe opioid antagonists in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school, to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of opioid antagonists shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may maintain a supply of asthma medication in any secure location that is accessible before, during, or after school where a person is most at risk, including, but not limited to, a classroom or the nurse's office. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority under Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority under Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated asthma medication in the name of the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of undesignated asthma medication must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A school district that provides special educational facilities for children with disabilities under Section 14-4.01 of this Code may maintain a supply of undesignated oxygen tanks in any secure location that is accessible before, during, and after school where a person with developmental disabilities is most at risk, including, but not limited to, classrooms and lunchrooms. A physician, a physician assistant who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 7.5 of the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has prescriptive authority in accordance with Section 65-40 of the Nurse Practice Act may prescribe undesignated oxygen tanks in the name of the school district that provides special educational facilities for children with disabilities under Section 14-4.01 of this Code to be maintained for use when necessary. Any supply of oxygen tanks shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with the local fire department's rules. (f-3) Whichever entity initiates the process of obtaining undesignated epinephrine injectors and providing training to personnel for carrying and administering undesignated epinephrine injectors shall pay for the costs of the undesignated epinephrine injectors. (f-5) Upon any administration of an epinephrine injector, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must immediately activate the EMS system and notify the student's parent, guardian, or emergency contact, if known. Upon any administration of an opioid antagonist, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must immediately activate the EMS system and notify the student's parent, guardian, or emergency contact, if known. (f-10) Within 24 hours of the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who provided the standing protocol and a prescription for the undesignated epinephrine injector of its use. Within 24 hours after the administration of an opioid antagonist, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the health care professional who provided the prescription for the opioid antagonist of its use. Within 24 hours after the administration of undesignated asthma medication, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must notify the student's parent or guardian or emergency contact, if known, and the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who provided the standing protocol and a prescription for the undesignated asthma medication of its use. The district or school must follow up with the school nurse, if available, and may, with the consent of the child's parent or guardian, notify the child's health care provider of record, as determined under this Section, of its use. (g) Prior to the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis that meets the requirements of subsection (h) of this Section. Training must be completed annually. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records related to the training curriculum and trained personnel. Prior to the administration of an opioid antagonist, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, which curriculum must meet the requirements of subsection (h-5) of this Section. The school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records relating to the training curriculum and the trained personnel. Prior to the administration of undesignated asthma medication, trained personnel must submit to the school's administration proof of completion of a training curriculum to recognize and respond to respiratory distress, which must meet the requirements of subsection (h-10) of this Section. Training must be completed annually, and the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records relating to the training curriculum and the trained personnel. (h) A training curriculum to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis, including the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector, may be conducted online or in person. Training shall include, but is not limited to: (1) how to recognize signs and symptoms of an | ||
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(2) how to administer an epinephrine injector; and (3) a test demonstrating competency of the knowledge | ||
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Training may also include, but is not limited to: (A) a review of high-risk areas within a school and | ||
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(B) steps to take to prevent exposure to allergens; (C) emergency follow-up procedures, including the | ||
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(D) how to respond to a student with a known allergy, | ||
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(E) other criteria as determined in rules adopted | ||
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(F) any policy developed by the State Board of | ||
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In consultation with statewide professional organizations representing physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, registered nurses, and school nurses, the State Board of Education shall make available resource materials consistent with criteria in this subsection (h) for educating trained personnel to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis. The State Board may take into consideration the curriculum on this subject developed by other states, as well as any other curricular materials suggested by medical experts and other groups that work on life-threatening allergy issues. The State Board is not required to create new resource materials. The State Board shall make these resource materials available on its Internet website. (h-5) A training curriculum to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, including the administration of an opioid antagonist, may be conducted online or in person. The training must comply with any training requirements under Section 5-23 of the Substance Use Disorder Act and the corresponding rules. It must include, but is not limited to: (1) how to recognize symptoms of an opioid overdose; (2) information on drug overdose prevention and | ||
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(3) how to perform rescue breathing and resuscitation; (4) how to respond to an emergency involving an | ||
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(5) opioid antagonist dosage and administration; (6) the importance of calling 9-1-1 or, if 9-1-1 is | ||
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(7) care for the overdose victim after administration | ||
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(8) a test demonstrating competency of the knowledge | ||
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(9) other criteria as determined in rules adopted | ||
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(h-10) A training curriculum to recognize and respond to respiratory distress, including the administration of undesignated asthma medication, may be conducted online or in person. The training must include, but is not limited to: (1) how to recognize symptoms of respiratory distress | ||
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(2) how to respond to an emergency involving | ||
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(3) asthma medication dosage and administration; (4) the importance of calling 9-1-1 or, if 9-1-1 is | ||
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(5) a test demonstrating competency of the knowledge | ||
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(6) other criteria as determined in rules adopted | ||
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(i) Within 3 days after the administration of an undesignated epinephrine injector by a school nurse, trained personnel, or a student at a school or school-sponsored activity, the school must report to the State Board of Education in a form and manner prescribed by the State Board the following information: (1) age and type of person receiving epinephrine | ||
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(2) any previously known diagnosis of a severe | ||
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(3) trigger that precipitated allergic episode; (4) location where symptoms developed; (5) number of doses administered; (6) type of person administering epinephrine (school | ||
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(7) any other information required by the State Board. If a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school maintains or has an independent contractor providing transportation to students who maintains a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors, then the school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must report that information to the State Board of Education upon adoption or change of the policy of the school district, public school, charter school, nonpublic school, or independent contractor, in a manner as prescribed by the State Board. The report must include the number of undesignated epinephrine injectors in supply. (i-5) Within 3 days after the administration of an opioid antagonist by a school nurse or trained personnel, the school must report to the State Board of Education, in a form and manner prescribed by the State Board, the following information: (1) the age and type of person receiving the opioid | ||
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(2) the location where symptoms developed; (3) the type of person administering the opioid | ||
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(4) any other information required by the State | ||
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(i-10) Within 3 days after the administration of undesignated asthma medication by a school nurse, trained personnel, or a student at a school or school-sponsored activity, the school must report to the State Board of Education, on a form and in a manner prescribed by the State Board of Education, the following information: (1) the age and type of person receiving the asthma | ||
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(2) any previously known diagnosis of asthma for the | ||
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(3) the trigger that precipitated respiratory | ||
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(4) the location of where the symptoms developed; (5) the number of doses administered; (6) the type of person administering the asthma | ||
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(7) the outcome of the asthma medication | ||
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(8) any other information required by the State | ||
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(j) By October 1, 2015 and every year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall submit a report to the General Assembly identifying the frequency and circumstances of undesignated epinephrine and undesignated asthma medication administration during the preceding academic year. Beginning with the 2017 report, the report shall also contain information on which school districts, public schools, charter schools, and nonpublic schools maintain or have independent contractors providing transportation to students who maintain a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors. This report shall be published on the State Board's Internet website on the date the report is delivered to the General Assembly. (j-5) Annually, each school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall request an asthma action plan from the parents or guardians of a pupil with asthma. If provided, the asthma action plan must be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or, in the absence of a school nurse, the school administrator. Copies of the asthma action plan may be distributed to appropriate school staff who interact with the pupil on a regular basis, and, if applicable, may be attached to the pupil's federal Section 504 plan or individualized education program plan. (j-10) To assist schools with emergency response procedures for asthma, the State Board of Education, in consultation with statewide professional organizations with expertise in asthma management and a statewide organization representing school administrators, shall develop a model asthma episode emergency response protocol before September 1, 2016. Each school district, charter school, and nonpublic school shall adopt an asthma episode emergency response protocol before January 1, 2017 that includes all of the components of the State Board's model protocol. (j-15) (Blank). (j-20) On or before October 1, 2016 and every year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall submit a report to the General Assembly and the Department of Public Health identifying the frequency and circumstances of opioid antagonist administration during the preceding academic year. This report shall be published on the State Board's Internet website on the date the report is delivered to the General Assembly. (k) The State Board of Education may adopt rules necessary to implement this Section. (l) Nothing in this Section shall limit the amount of epinephrine injectors that any type of school or student may carry or maintain a supply of. (Source: P.A. 102-413, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-175, eff. 6-30-23; 103-196, eff. 1-1-24; 103-348, eff. 1-1-24; 103-542, eff. 7-1-24 (see Section 905 of P.A. 103-563 for effective date of P.A. 103-542); 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.) |
(105 ILCS 5/22-33) Sec. 22-33. Medical cannabis. (a) This Section may be referred to as Ashley's Law. (a-5) In this Section: "Designated caregiver", "medical cannabis infused product", "qualifying patient", and "registered" have the meanings given to those terms under Section 10 of the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act. "Self-administration" means a student's discretionary use of his or her medical cannabis infused product. (b) Subject to the restrictions under subsections (c) through (g) of this Section, a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall authorize a parent or guardian or any other individual registered with the Department of Public Health as a designated caregiver of a student who is a registered qualifying patient to administer a medical cannabis infused product to the student on the premises of the child's school or on the child's school bus if both the student (as a registered qualifying patient) and the parent or guardian or other individual (as a registered designated caregiver) have been issued registry identification cards under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act. After administering the product, the parent or guardian or other individual shall remove the product from the school premises or the school bus. (b-5) Notwithstanding subsection (b) and subject to the restrictions under subsections (c) through (g), a school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must allow a school nurse or school administrator to administer a medical cannabis infused product to a student who is a registered qualifying patient (i) while on school premises, (ii) while at a school-sponsored activity, or (iii) before or after normal school activities, including while the student is in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property or while the student is being transported on a school bus. A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may authorize the self-administration of a medical cannabis infused product by a student who is a registered qualifying patient if the self-administration takes place under the direct supervision of a school nurse or school administrator. Before allowing the administration of a medical cannabis infused product by a school nurse or school administrator or a student's self-administration of a medical cannabis infused product under the supervision of a school nurse or school administrator under this subsection, the parent or guardian of a student who is the registered qualifying patient must provide written authorization for its use, along with a copy of the registry identification card of the student (as a registered qualifying patient) and the parent or guardian (as a registered designated caregiver). The written authorization must specify the times at which or the special circumstances under which the medical cannabis infused product must be administered. The written authorization and a copy of the registry identification cards must be kept on file in the office of the school nurse. The authorization for a student to self-administer medical cannabis infused products is effective for the school year in which it is granted and must be renewed each subsequent school year upon fulfillment of the requirements of this Section. (b-10) Medical cannabis infused products that are to be administered under subsection (b-5) must be stored with the school nurse at all times in a manner consistent with storage of other student medication at the school and may be accessible only by the school nurse or a school administrator. (c) A parent or guardian or other individual may not administer a medical cannabis infused product under this Section in a manner that, in the opinion of the school district or school, would create a disruption to the school's educational environment or would cause exposure of the product to other students. (d) A school district or school may not discipline a student who is administered a medical cannabis infused product by a parent or guardian or other individual under this Section or who self-administers a medical cannabis infused product under the supervision of a school nurse or school administrator under this Section and may not deny the student's eligibility to attend school solely because the student requires the administration of the product. (e) Nothing in this Section requires a member of a school's staff to administer a medical cannabis infused product to a student. (f) A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school may not authorize the use of a medical cannabis infused product under this Section if the school district or school would lose federal funding as a result of the authorization. (f-5) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the Department of Public Health, must develop a training curriculum for school nurses and school administrators on the administration of medical cannabis infused products. Prior to the administration of a medical cannabis infused product under subsection (b-5), a school nurse or school administrator must annually complete the training curriculum developed under this subsection and must submit to the school's administration proof of its completion. A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school must maintain records related to the training curriculum and of the school nurses or school administrators who have completed the training. (g) A school district, public school, charter school, or nonpublic school shall adopt a policy to implement
this Section.
(Source: P.A. 101-363, eff. 8-9-19; 101-370, eff. 1-1-20; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.) |
(105 ILCS 5/22-35)
Sec. 22-35. Sharing information on school lunch applicants;
consent. Before an entity shares with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services
information on an applicant for free or reduced-price lunches under
Section 2-3.131, 3-14.29, 10-28, or 34-18.26 of this Code or Section 10 of the
Breakfast and Lunch Program Act, that entity must obtain, in writing,
the consent of the applicant's parent or legal guardian.
The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may not seek any punitive action against
or withhold any benefit or subsidy from an applicant for a free or
reduced-price lunch due to the applicant's parent or legal guardian withholding
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/22-40) Sec. 22-40. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any power granted under this Code to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.) |
(105 ILCS 5/22-45) Sec. 22-45. Illinois P-20 Council. (a) The General Assembly finds that preparing Illinoisans for success in school and the workplace requires a continuum of quality education from preschool through graduate school. This State needs a framework to guide education policy and integrate education at every level. A statewide coordinating council to study and make recommendations concerning education at all levels can avoid fragmentation of policies, promote improved teaching and learning, and continue to cultivate and demonstrate strong accountability and efficiency. Establishing an Illinois P-20 Council will develop a statewide agenda that will move the State towards the common goals of improving academic achievement, increasing college access and success, improving use of existing data and measurements, developing improved accountability, fostering innovative approaches to education, promoting lifelong learning, easing the transition to college, and reducing remediation. A pre-kindergarten through grade 20 agenda will strengthen this State's economic competitiveness by producing a highly-skilled workforce. In addition, lifelong learning plans will enhance this State's ability to leverage funding. (b) There is created the Illinois P-20 Council. The Illinois P-20 Council shall include all of the following members: (1) The Governor or his or her designee, to serve as | ||
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(2) Four members of the General Assembly, one | ||
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(3) Six at-large members appointed by the Governor as | ||
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(A) one representative of civic leaders; (B) one representative of local government; (C) one representative of trade unions; (D) one representative of nonprofit organizations | ||
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(E) one representative of parents' organizations; | ||
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(F) one education research expert. (4) Five members appointed by statewide business | ||
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(5) Six members appointed by statewide professional | ||
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(6) Two members appointed by associations | ||
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(7) One member representing community colleges, | ||
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(8) One member representing 4-year independent | ||
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(9) One member representing public 4-year | ||
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(10) Ex-officio members as follows: (A) The State Superintendent of Education or his | ||
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(A-5) The Secretary of Early Childhood or the | ||
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(B) The Executive Director of the Board of Higher | ||
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(C) The Executive Director of the Illinois | ||
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(D) The Executive Director of the Illinois | ||
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(E) The Co-chairpersons of the Illinois Workforce | ||
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(F) The Director of Commerce and Economic | ||
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(G) The Chairperson of the Illinois Early | ||
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(H) The President of the Illinois Mathematics and | ||
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(I) The president of an association representing | ||
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Ex-officio members shall have no vote on the Illinois P-20 Council. Appointed members shall serve for staggered terms expiring on July 1 of the first, second, or third calendar year following their appointments or until their successors are appointed and have qualified. Staggered terms shall be determined by lot at the organizing meeting of the Illinois P-20 Council. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments, and any member so appointed shall serve during the remainder of the term for which the vacancy occurred. (c) The Illinois P-20 Council shall be funded through State appropriations to support staff activities, research, data-collection, and dissemination. The Illinois P-20 Council shall be staffed by the Office of the Governor, in coordination with relevant State agencies, boards, and commissions. The Illinois Education Research Council shall provide research and coordinate research collection activities for the Illinois P-20 Council. (d) The Illinois P-20 Council shall have all of the following duties: (1) To make recommendations to do all of the | ||
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(A) Coordinate pre-kindergarten through grade 20 | ||
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(B) Coordinate and leverage strategies, actions, | ||
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(C) Better align the high school curriculum with | ||
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(D) Better align assessments across all levels of | ||
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(E) Reduce the need for students entering | ||
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(F) Smooth the transition from high school to | ||
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(G) Improve high school and college graduation | ||
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(H) Improve the rigor and relevance of academic | ||
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(I) Better align college and university teaching | ||
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(2) To advise the Governor, the General Assembly, the | ||
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(3) To articulate a framework for systemic | ||
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(4) To provide an estimated fiscal impact for | ||
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(5) To make recommendations for short-term and | ||
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(A) Closing the digital divide for all students, | ||
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(B) Evaluating the academic growth and | ||
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(C) Establishing a system for the collection and | ||
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(D) Providing students with resources and | ||
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(E) Providing students with resources and support | ||
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(F) Ensuring more time for students' academic, | ||
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(G) Strengthening the transition from secondary | ||
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(e) The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may authorize the creation of working groups focusing on areas of interest to Illinois educational and workforce development, including without limitation the following areas: (1) Preparation, recruitment, and certification of | ||
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(2) Mentoring and induction of highly qualified | ||
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(3) The diversity of highly qualified teachers. (4) Funding for highly qualified teachers, including | ||
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(5) Highly effective administrators. (6) Illinois birth through age 3 education, | ||
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(7) The assessment, alignment, outreach, and network | ||
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(8) Alternative routes to college access. (9) Research data and accountability. (10) Community schools, community participation, and | ||
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(11) Tuition, financial aid, and other issues related | ||
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(12) Learning recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 | ||
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The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may designate Council members to serve as working group chairpersons. Working groups may invite organizations and individuals representing pre-kindergarten through grade 20 interests to participate in discussions, data collection, and dissemination. (Source: P.A. 103-594, eff. 6-25-24.) |
(105 ILCS 5/22-50) Sec. 22-50. Twice-exceptional children; recommendations. The State Advisory Council on the Education of Children with Disabilities and the Advisory Council on the Education of Gifted and Talented Children shall research and discuss best practices for addressing the needs of "twice-exceptional" children, those who are gifted and talented and have a disability. The Councils shall then jointly make recommendations to the State Board of Education with respect to the State Board of Education providing guidance and technical assistance to school districts in furthering improved educational outcomes for gifted and twice-exceptional children. Recommendations shall include strategies to
(i) educate teachers and other providers about the unique needs of this population, (ii) train teachers in target, research-based, identification and pedagogical methods, and (iii) establish guidelines for unique programming for twice-exceptional students.
(Source: P.A. 96-382, eff. 8-13-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10.) |
(105 ILCS 5/22-55)
Sec. 22-55. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10. Repealed by P.A. 97-355, eff. 1-1-12.)