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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(10 ILCS 5/) Election Code.

10 ILCS 5/10-10.1

    (10 ILCS 5/10-10.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-10.1)
    Sec. 10-10.1. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, a candidate or objector aggrieved by the decision of an electoral board may secure judicial review of such decision in the circuit court of the county in which the hearing of the electoral board was held. The party seeking judicial review must file, within 5 days after service of the decision of the electoral board as provided in Section 10-10, a petition with the clerk of the court that names as respondents the electoral board, its members, and the prevailing candidates or objectors in the initial proceeding before the board. The party seeking judicial review must serve a copy of the petition upon each of the respondents named in the petition for judicial review by registered or certified mail within 5 days after service of the decision of the electoral board as provided in Section 10-10. The petition shall contain a brief statement of the reasons why the decision of the board should be reversed. The petitioner shall file proof of service with the clerk of the court within 5 days after service of the decision of the electoral board as provided in Section 10-10. No answer to the petition need be filed, but the electoral board shall cause the record of proceedings before the electoral board to be filed with the clerk of the court on or before the date of the hearing on the petition or as ordered by the court.
    The court shall set the matter for hearing to be held within 30 days after the filing of the petition and shall make its decision promptly after such hearing.
    (b) An objector or proponent aggrieved by the decision of an electoral board regarding a petition filed pursuant to Section 18-120 of the Property Tax Code may secure a review of such decision by the State Board of Elections. The party seeking such review must file a petition therefor with the State Board of Elections within 10 days after the decision of the electoral board. Any such objector or proponent may apply for and obtain judicial review of a decision of the State Board of Elections entered under this amendatory Act of 1985, in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)

10 ILCS 5/10-10.5

    (10 ILCS 5/10-10.5)
    Sec. 10-10.5. Removal of judicial officer's address information from the certificate of nomination or nomination papers.
    (a) Upon expiration of the period for filing an objection to a judicial candidate's certificate of nomination or nomination papers, a judicial officer who is a judicial candidate may file a written request with the State Board of Elections for redaction of the judicial officer's home address information from his or her certificate of nomination or nomination papers. After receipt of the judicial officer's written request, the State Board of Elections shall redact or cause redaction of the judicial officer's home address from his or her certificate of nomination or nomination papers within 5 business days.
    (b) Prior to expiration of the period for filing an objection to a judicial candidate's certificate of nomination or nomination papers, the home address information from the certificate of nomination or nomination papers of a judicial officer who is a judicial candidate is available for public inspection. After redaction of a judicial officer's home address information under paragraph (a) of this Section, the home address information is only available for an in camera inspection by the court reviewing an objection to the judicial officer's certificate of nomination or nomination papers.
    (c) For the purposes of this Section, "home address" has the meaning as defined in Section 1-10 of the Judicial Privacy Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-847, eff. 9-22-12; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)

10 ILCS 5/10-11

    (10 ILCS 5/10-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-11)
    Sec. 10-11. Any vacancy in the nomination of a new political party candidate occurring prior to the date of certification of candidates for the ballot by the certifying board or officer must be filled prior to the date of certification. The resolution to fill such vacancy shall be sent by U.S. mail or personal delivery to the certifying officer or board within 3 days of the action by which the vacancy was filled; provided, if such resolution is sent by mail and the U.S. postmark on the envelope containing such resolution is dated prior to the expiration of such 3 day limit, the notice or resolution shall be deemed filed within such 3 day limit. Failure to so transmit the notice or resolution within the time specified in this Section shall authorize the certifying officer or board to certify the original candidate. Vacancies shall be filled by the new political party officers.
    Any vacancy in nomination occurring after certification but prior to 15 days before a regular election shall be filled by the new political party officers within 8 days after the event creating the vacancy in the manner heretofore prescribed.
    The resolution to fill a vacancy in nomination shall be duly acknowledged before an officer qualified to take acknowledgements of deeds and shall include, upon its face, the following information:
    (a) the name of the original nominee and the office vacated;
    (b) the date on which the vacancy occurred;
    (c) the name and address of the nominee selected to fill the vacancy and the date of selection.
    The resolution to fill a vacancy in nomination shall be accompanied by a Statement of Candidacy, as prescribed in Section 10-5, completed by the selected nominee and a receipt indicating that such nominee has filed a statement of economic interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act.
    The provisions of Sections 10-8 through 10-10.1 relating to objections to certificates of nomination and nomination papers, hearings on objections, and judicial review, shall apply to and govern objections to resolutions for filling a vacancy in nomination.
    Any vacancy in nomination occurring 15 days or less before a regular election shall not be filled. In this event the certification of the original candidate shall stand and his name shall appear on the official ballot to be voted at the election.
    A vacancy in nomination occurs when a candidate who has been nominated under the provisions of Section 10-2 dies before the election, or declines the nomination; provided that nomination may become vacant for other reasons.
    However, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any vacancy in nomination for a municipal office for which the Municipal Code, as now or hereafter amended, provides a different method for filling such vacancy, and the applicable provision of the Municipal Code shall govern in such cases.
    Any vacancy in a nomination by caucus of an established political party for a township or municipal office shall be filled in accordance with Section 7-61 of this Code.
    For purposes of this Section, the words "certify" and "certification" shall refer to the act of officially declaring the names of candidates entitled to be printed upon the official ballot at an election and directing election authorities to place the names of such candidates upon the official ballot. "Certifying officers or board" shall refer to the local election official, election authority or the State Board of Elections, as the case may be, with whom nomination papers, certificates of nomination papers and resolutions to fill vacancies in nomination are filed and whose duty it is to "certify" candidates.
(Source: P.A. 84-757.)

10 ILCS 5/10-11.1

    (10 ILCS 5/10-11.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-11.1)
    Sec. 10-11.1. Whenever a vacancy in the office of State Senator is to be filled by election pursuant to Article IV, Section 2(d) of the Constitution and Section 25-6 of this Code, nominations shall be made pursuant to this Section:
        (1) If the vacancy in office occurs before the first
date provided in Section 10-3 for filing nomination papers for the general election in the next even-numbered year following the commencement of the term, the nomination of independent candidates for such office shall be made as otherwise provided in this Article.
        (2) If the vacancy occurs in office after the first
day for filing nomination papers for independent candidates as provided in Section 10-3 but before the first day provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for the general election in the next even-numbered year following the commencement of the term, independent candidates for such office shall file their nomination papers during the filing period set forth in Section 10-6 for new political party candidates.
        (3) If a vacancy in office occurs prior to the first
day provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates for the next ensuing general election, new political party candidates for such office shall file their nomination papers during the filing period as set forth in Section 10-6 as otherwise provided in this Article.
        (4) If the vacancy in office occurs during the time
provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates for the next ensuing general election, the time for independent and new political party candidates to file nomination papers for such office shall be not more than 92 days nor less than 85 days prior to the date of the general election.
        (5) If the vacancy in office occurs after the last
day provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates, independent and new political party candidates shall be nominated as provided by rules and regulations of the State Board of Elections.
    The provisions of Sections 10-8 and 10-10.1 relating to objections to nomination papers, hearings on objections and judicial review, shall also apply to and govern objections to nomination papers filed pursuant to this Section.
    Unless otherwise specified herein, the nomination and election provided for in this Section shall be governed by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 96-1008, eff. 7-6-10.)

10 ILCS 5/10-11.2

    (10 ILCS 5/10-11.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-11.2)
    Sec. 10-11.2. Whenever a vacancy in any elective county office is to be filled by election pursuant to Section 25-11 of this Code, nominations shall be made and any vacancy in nomination shall be filled pursuant to this Section:
        (1) If the vacancy in office occurs before the first
date provided in Section 10-3 for filing nomination papers for the general election in the next even-numbered year following the commencement of the term, the nomination of independent candidates for such office shall be made as otherwise provided in this Article.
        (2) If the vacancy in office occurs after the first
day for filing nomination papers for independent candidates as provided in Section 10-3 but before the first day provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates for the general election in the next even-numbered year following the commencement of the term, independent candidates for such office shall file their nomination papers during the filing period set forth in Section 10-6 for new political party candidates.
        (3) If the vacancy in office occurs prior to the
first date provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates for the next ensuing general election, new political party candidates for such office shall file their nomination papers during the filing period as set forth in Section 10-6 for new political party candidates.
        (4) If the vacancy in office occurs during the time
provided in Section 10-6 for filing nomination papers for new political party candidates for the next ensuing general election the time for independent and new political party candidates to file nomination papers for such office shall be not more than 92 days nor less than 85 days prior to the date of the general election.
    The provisions of Sections 10-8 through 10-10.1 relating to objections to nomination papers, hearings on objections and judicial review, shall also apply to and govern objections to nomination papers filed pursuant to this Section.
    Unless otherwise specified herein, the nomination and election provided for in this Section shall be governed by this Code.
(Source: P.A. 96-1008, eff. 7-6-10.)

10 ILCS 5/10-14

    (10 ILCS 5/10-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-14)
    Sec. 10-14. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, not less than 74 days before the date of the general election the State Board of Elections shall certify to the county clerk of each county the name of each candidate whose nomination papers, certificate of nomination, or resolution to fill a vacancy in nomination has been filed with the State Board of Elections and direct the county clerk to place upon the official ballot for the general election the names of such candidates in the same manner and in the same order as shown upon the certification. The name of no candidate for an office to be filled by the electors of the entire state shall be placed upon the official ballot unless his name is duly certified to the county clerk upon a certificate signed by the members of the State Board of Elections. The names of group candidates on petitions shall be certified to the several county clerks in the order in which such names appear on such petitions filed with the State Board of Elections.
    Except as otherwise provided in this Code, not less than 68 days before the date of the general election, each county clerk shall certify the names of each of the candidates for county offices whose nomination papers, certificates of nomination, or resolutions to fill a vacancy in nomination have been filed with such clerk and declare that the names of such candidates for the respective offices shall be placed upon the official ballot for the general election in the same manner and in the same order as shown upon the certification. Each county clerk shall place a copy of the certification on file in his or her office and at the same time issue to the State Board of Elections a copy of such certification. In addition, each county clerk in whose county there is a board of election commissioners shall, not less than 69 days before the election, certify to the board of election commissioners the name of the person or persons nominated for such office as shown by the certificate of the State Board of Elections, together with the names of all other candidates as shown by the certification of county officers on file in the clerk's office, and in the order so certified. The county clerk or board of election commissioners shall print the names of the nominees on the ballot for each office in the order in which they are certified to or filed with the county clerk; provided, that in printing the name of nominees for any office, if any of such nominees have also been nominated by one or more political parties pursuant to this Code, the location of the name of such candidate on the ballot for nominations made under this Article shall be precisely in the same order in which it appears on the certification of the State Board of Elections to the county clerk.
    For the general election, the candidates of new political parties shall be placed on the ballot for said election after the established political party candidates and in the order of new political party petition filings.
    Each certification shall indicate, where applicable, the following:
        (1) The political party affiliation, if any, of the
candidates for the respective offices;
        (2) If there is to be more than one candidate elected
to an office from the State, political subdivision, or district;
        (3) If the voter has the right to vote for more than
one candidate for an office;
        (4) The term of office, if a vacancy is to be filled
for less than a full term or if the offices to be filled in a political subdivision are for different terms.
    The State Board of Elections or the county clerk, as the case may be, shall issue an amended certification whenever it is discovered that the original certification is in error.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

10 ILCS 5/10-15

    (10 ILCS 5/10-15) (from Ch. 46, par. 10-15)
    Sec. 10-15. Not less than 68 days before the date of the consolidated and nonpartisan elections, each local election official with whom certificates of nomination or nominating petitions have been filed shall certify to each election authority having jurisdiction over any of the territory of his political subdivision the names of all candidates entitled to be printed on the ballot for offices of that political subdivision to be voted upon at such election and direct the election authority to place upon the official ballot for such election the names of such candidates in the same manner and in the same order as shown upon the certification.
    The local election officials shall certify such candidates for each office in the order in which such candidates' certificates of nomination or nominating petitions were filed in his office. However, subject to appeal, the names of candidates whose petitions have been held invalid by the appropriate electoral board provided in Section 10-9 of this Act shall not be so certified. The certification shall be modified as necessary to comply with the requirements of any other statute or any ordinance adopted pursuant to Article VII of the Constitution prescribing specific provisions for nonpartisan elections, including without limitation Articles 4 and 5 of "The Municipal Code" or Article 9 of The School Code.
    In every instance where applicable, the following shall also be indicated in the certification:
        (1) The political party affiliation, if any, of the
candidates for the respective offices;
        (2) Where there is to be more than one candidate
elected to an office from a political subdivision or district;
        (3) Where a voter has the right to vote for more than
one candidate for an office;
        (4) The terms of the office to be on the ballot, when
a vacancy is to be filled for less than a full term, or when offices of a particular subdivision to be on the ballot at the same election are to be filled for different terms;
        (5) The territory in which a candidate is required by
law to reside, when such residency requirement is not identical to the territory of the political subdivision from which the candidate is to be elected or nominated;
        (6) Where a candidate's nominating papers or
petitions have been objected to and the objection has been sustained by the electoral board established in Section 10-10, the words "OBJECTION SUSTAINED" shall be placed under the title of the office being sought by the candidate and the name of the aggrieved candidate shall not appear; and
        (7) Where a candidate's nominating papers or
petitions have been objected to and the decision of the electoral board established in Section 10-10 is either unknown or known to be in judicial review, the words "OBJECTION PENDING" shall be placed under the title of the office being sought by the candidate and next to the name of the candidate.
    For the consolidated election, and for the general primary in the case of certain municipalities having annual elections, the candidates of new political parties shall be placed on the ballot for such elections after the established political party candidates and in the order of new political party petition filings.
    The local election official shall issue an amended certification whenever it is discovered that the original certification is in error.
(Source: P.A. 95-699, eff. 11-9-07; 96-1008, eff. 7-6-10.)

10 ILCS 5/Art. 11

    (10 ILCS 5/Art. 11 heading)

10 ILCS 5/11-1

    (10 ILCS 5/11-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-1)
    Sec. 11-1. In counties not under township organization, the election precincts shall remain as now established until changed by the Board of County Commissioners, but said County Board may, from time to time, change the boundaries of election precincts and establish new ones. In counties under township organization, each town shall constitute at least one election precinct. Insofar as is practicable, each precinct shall be situated within a single congressional, legislative and representative district and within a single municipal ward. In order to situate each precinct within a single district or ward, the County Board shall change the boundaries of election precincts after each decennial census as soon as is practicable following the completion of congressional and legislative redistricting.
    At any consolidated primary or consolidated election at which municipal officers are to be elected, and at any emergency referendum at which a public question relating to a municipality is to be voted on, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the election authority shall establish a polling place within such municipality upon the request of the municipal council or board of trustees at least 60 days before the election and provided that the municipality provides a suitable polling place. To accomplish this purpose, the election authority may establish an election precinct constituting a single municipality of under 500 population for all elections, notwithstanding the minimum precinct size otherwise specified herein.
    Notwithstanding the above, when there are not more than 50 registered voters in a precinct who are entitled to vote in a local government or school district election, the election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct is authorized to reassign such voters to one or more polling places in adjacent precincts, within or without the election authority's jurisdiction, for that election. For the purposes of such local government or school district election only, the votes of the reassigned voters shall be tallied and canvassed as votes from the precinct of the polling place to which such voters have been reassigned. The election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct shall approve all administrative and polling place procedures. Such procedures shall take into account voter convenience, and ensure that the integrity of the election process is maintained and that the secrecy of the ballot is not violated.
    Except in the event of a fire, flood or total loss of heat in a place fixed or established by any election authority pursuant to this Section as a polling place for an election, no election authority shall change the location of a polling place so established for any precinct after notice of the place of holding the election for that precinct has been given as required under Article 12 unless the election authority notifies all registered voters in the precinct of the change in location by first class mail in sufficient time for such notice to be received by the registered voters in the precinct at least one day prior to the date of the election.
    The provisions of this Section apply to all precincts, including those where voting machines or electronic voting systems are used.
    If, as a result of the redistricting of legislative, representative, or congressional districts following a decennial census, there exists a census block with only one voter that is the only census block in a precinct that is in a legislative, representative, or congressional district, then the county board, at any meeting of the county board, may change the precinct boundaries so that the census block is within a precinct that has more than one voter in the legislative, representative, or congressional district.
(Source: P.A. 88-525.)

10 ILCS 5/11-2

    (10 ILCS 5/11-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-2)
    Sec. 11-2. Election precincts. The County Board in each county, except in counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over, shall, at its regular meeting in June or an adjourned meeting in July, divide its election precincts so that each precinct shall contain, as near as may be practicable, 1,200 registered voters. Insofar as is practicable, each precinct shall be situated within a single congressional, legislative and representative district and in not more than one County Board district and one municipal ward. In order to situate each precinct within a single district or ward, the County Board shall change the boundaries of election precincts after each decennial census as soon as is practicable following the completion of congressional and legislative redistricting, except that, in 2021, the county board shall change the boundaries at a regular or special meeting within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. In determining whether a division of precincts should be made, the county board may anticipate increased voter registration in any precinct in which there is in progress new construction of dwelling units which will be occupied by voters more than 30 days before the next election. Each district shall be composed of contiguous territory in as compact form as can be for the convenience of the electors voting therein. The several county boards in establishing districts shall describe them by metes and bounds and number them. And so often thereafter as it shall appear by the number of votes cast at the general election held in November of any year, that any election district or undivided election precinct contains more than 1,200 registered voters, the County Board of the county in which the district or precinct may be, shall at its regular meeting in June, or an adjourned meeting in July next, after such November election, redivide or readjust such election district or election precinct, so that no district or election precinct shall contain more than the number of votes above specified. If for any reason the County Board fails in any year to redivide or readjust the election districts or election precinct, then the districts or precincts as then existing shall continue until the next regular June meeting of the County Board; at which regular June meeting or an adjourned meeting in July the County Board shall redivide or readjust the election districts or election precincts in manner as herein required. When at any meeting of the County Board any redivision, readjustment or change in name or number of election districts or election precincts is made by the County Board, the County Clerk shall immediately notify the State Board of Elections of such redivision, readjustment or change. The County Board in every case shall fix and establish the places for holding elections in its respective county and all elections shall be held at the places so fixed. The polling places shall in all cases be upon the ground floor in the front room, the entrance to which is in a highway or public street which is at least 40 feet wide, and is as near the center of the voting population of the precinct as is practicable, and for the convenience of the greatest number of electors to vote thereat; provided, however, where the County Board is unable to secure a suitable polling place within the boundaries of a precinct, it may select a polling place at the most conveniently located suitable place outside the precinct; but in no case shall an election be held in any room used or occupied as a saloon, dramshop, bowling alley or as a place of resort for idlers and disreputable persons, billiard hall or in any room connected therewith by doors or hallways. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election except at the polling place for the precinct in which he resides, except as otherwise provided in this Section or Article 19 of this Act. In counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over the County Board shall divide its election precincts and shall fix and establish places for holding elections as hereinbefore provided during the month of January instead of at its regular meeting in June or at an adjourned meeting in July.
    However, in the event that additional divisions of election precincts are indicated after a division made by the County Board in the month of January, such additional divisions may be made by the County Board in counties having a population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or over, at the regular meeting in June or at adjourned meeting in July. The county board of such county may divide or readjust precincts at any meeting of the county board when the voter registration in a precinct has increased beyond 1,800 registered voters and an election is scheduled before the next regular January or June meeting of the county board.
    When in any city, village or incorporated town territory has been annexed thereto or disconnected therefrom, which annexation or disconnection becomes effective after election precincts or election districts have been established as above provided in this Section, the clerk of the municipality shall inform the county clerk thereof as provided in Section 4-21, 5-28.1, or 6-31.1, whichever is applicable. In the event that a regular meeting of the County Board is to be held after such notification and before any election, the County Board shall, at its next regular meeting establish new election precinct lines in affected territory. In the event that no regular meeting of the County Board is to be held before such election the county clerk shall, within 5 days after being so informed, call a special meeting of the county board on a day fixed by him not more than 20 days thereafter for the purpose of establishing election precincts or election districts in the affected territory for the ensuing elections.
    At any consolidated primary or consolidated election at which municipal officers are to be elected, and at any emergency referendum at which a public question relating to a municipality is to be voted on, notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the election authority shall establish a polling place within such municipality, upon the request of the municipal council or board of trustees at least 60 days before the election and provided that the municipality provides a suitable polling place. To accomplish this purpose, the election authority may establish an election precinct constituting a single municipality of under 500 population for all elections, notwithstanding the minimum precinct size otherwise specified herein.
    Notwithstanding the above, when there are no more than 50 registered voters in a precinct who are entitled to vote in a local government or school district election, the election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct is authorized to reassign such voters to one or more polling places in adjacent precincts, within or without the election authority's jurisdiction, for that election. For the purposes of such local government or school district election only, the votes of the reassigned voters shall be tallied and canvassed as votes from the precinct of the polling place to which such voters have been reassigned. The election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct shall approve all administrative and polling place procedures. Such procedures shall take into account voter convenience, and ensure that the integrity of the election process is maintained and that the secrecy of the ballot is not violated.
    Except in the event of a fire, flood or total loss of heat in a place fixed or established by any county board or election authority pursuant to this Section as a polling place for an election, no election authority shall change the location of a polling place so established for any precinct after notice of the place of holding the election for that precinct has been given as required under Article 12 unless the election authority notifies all registered voters in the precinct of the change in location by first class mail in sufficient time for such notice to be received by the registered voters in the precinct at least one day prior to the date of the election.
    The provisions of this Section apply to all precincts, including those where voting machines or electronic voting systems are used.
(Source: P.A. 102-668, eff. 11-15-21.)

10 ILCS 5/11-2.1

    (10 ILCS 5/11-2.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-2.1)
    Sec. 11-2.1. The county board in each county where any State soldiers' and sailors' home, or any national home for disabled volunteer soldiers is located, the inhabitants of which are entitled to vote, shall fix and establish the place or places for holding elections, at some convenient and comfortable place or places easy of access on the grounds and within the enclosures where such State soldiers' and sailors' home, or homes, or national home for disabled volunteer soldiers are located.
(Source: P.A. 84-808.)

10 ILCS 5/11-3

    (10 ILCS 5/11-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-3)
    Sec. 11-3. Election precincts.
    (a) It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners established by Article 6 of this Act, within 2 months after its first organization, to divide the city, village or incorporated town which may adopt or is operating under Article 6, into election precincts, each of which shall be situated within a single congressional, legislative and representative district insofar as is practicable and in not more than one County Board district and one municipal ward; in order to situate each precinct within a single district or ward, the Board of Election Commissioners shall change the boundaries of election precincts after each decennial census as soon as is practicable following the completion of congressional and legislative redistricting and such precincts shall contain as nearly as practicable: (i) 1,200 registered voters if the precinct is located in a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants; or (ii) 1,800 registered voters if the precinct is located in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants.
    (b) Within 90 days after each presidential election, such board in a city with fewer than 500,000 inhabitants, village or incorporated town shall revise and rearrange such precincts on the basis of the votes cast at such election, making such precincts to contain, as near as practicable, 1,200 registered voters or 1,800 registered voters, as applicable. However, any apartment building in which more than 1,200 or 1,800 registered voters, as applicable, reside may be made a single precinct even though the vote in such precinct exceeds 1,200 or 1,800 registered voters, as applicable.
    (c) Within 90 days after each presidential election, a board in a city with more than 500,000 inhabitants shall revise and rearrange such precincts on the basis of the votes cast at such election, making such precincts to contain, as near as practicable: (i) 1,200 registered voters if the precinct is located in a county with fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants; or (ii) 1,800 registered voters if the precinct is located in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. However, any apartment building in which more than 1,200 registered voters or 1,800 registered voters, as applicable, reside may be made a single precinct even though the vote in such precinct exceeds 1,200 or 1,800 registered voters, as applicable.
    (d) Immediately after the annexation of territory to the city, village or incorporated town becomes effective the Board of Election Commissioners shall revise and rearrange election precincts therein to include such annexed territory.
    (e) Provided, however, that at any election where but one candidate is nominated and is to be voted upon at any election held in any political subdivision of a city, village or incorporated town, the Board of Election Commissioners shall have the power in such political subdivision to determine the number of voting precincts to be established in such political subdivision at such election, without reference to the number of qualified voters therein. The precincts in each ward, village or incorporated town shall be numbered from one upwards, consecutively, with no omission.
    (f) The provisions of this Section apply to all precincts, including those where voting machines or electronic voting systems are used.
(Source: P.A. 102-668, eff. 11-15-21.)

10 ILCS 5/11-4

    (10 ILCS 5/11-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-4)
    Sec. 11-4. It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Commissioners, established under Article 6 of this Act, to appoint the place of registry in each precinct for the first registration under Article 6 of this Act and the places for registry in subsequent registrations in the manner provided by such Article, and also the polling place in each precinct in such city, village or incorporated town which has adopted or is operating under said Article 6, and to give public notice thereof, and shall cause the same to be fitted up, warmed, lighted and cleaned, but in each election precinct and in each area for which a registration place is designated such place or places shall be in the most public, orderly and convenient portions thereof, and no building or part of a building shall be designated or used as a place of registry, or revision of registration, or as a polling place, in which spirituous or intoxicating liquor is sold. Provided, however, where the Board of Election Commissioners is unable to secure a suitable polling place within the boundaries of a precinct, it may select a polling place on a street immediately adjacent to and adjoining the precinct. Said Board of Election Commissioners may demand of the chief of police or the sheriff, to furnish officers of the law to attend during the progress of any registration, revision or election, at any place or places of registration, or any polling place, or places, designated by said commissioners, or to attend at any meeting of said commissioners. Said officers of the law, shall be furnished by said chief of police or sheriff and shall be stationed in the place or places of registration and polling place or places in such manner as said commissioners shall direct, and during said assignment shall be under the direction and control of the election commissioners.
    Notwithstanding the above, when there are no more than 50 registered voters in a precinct who are entitled to vote in a local government or school district election, the election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct, is authorized to reassign such voters to one or more polling places in adjacent precincts, within or without the election authority's jurisdiction, for that election. For the purposes of such local government or school district election only, the votes of the reassigned voters shall be tallied and canvassed as votes from the precinct of the polling place to which such voters have been reassigned. The election authority having jurisdiction over the precinct shall approve all administrative and polling place procedures. Such procedures shall take into account voter convenience, and ensure that the integrity of the election process is maintained and that the secrecy of the ballot is not violated.
    Except in the event of a fire, flood or total loss of heat in a place fixed or established by the Board of Election Commissioners pursuant to this Section as a polling place for an election, no election authority shall change the location of a polling place so established for any precinct after notice of the place of holding the election for that precinct has been given as required under Article 12 unless the election authority notifies all registered voters in the precinct of the change in location by first class mail in sufficient time for such notice to be received by the registered voters in the precinct at least one day prior to the date of the election.
    If, within the 10 days before any election, an election authority changes a polling location, the election authority shall send notice by electronic mail or phone call to the township committeeperson, ward committeeperson, or precinct committeepersons, as applicable, as soon as the location of the polling place is changed.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)

10 ILCS 5/11-4.1

    (10 ILCS 5/11-4.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 11-4.1)
    Sec. 11-4.1. (a) In appointing polling places under this Article, the county board or board of election commissioners shall, insofar as they are convenient and available, use schools and other public buildings as polling places.
    (b) Upon request of the county board or board of election commissioners, the proper agency of government (including school districts and units of local government) shall make a public building under its control available for use as a polling place on an election day and for a reasonably necessary time before and after election day, without charge. If the county board or board of election commissioners chooses a school to be a polling place, then the school district must make the school available for use as a polling place. However, for the day of the election, a school district is encouraged to (i) close the school or (ii) hold a teachers institute on that day with students not in attendance.
    (c) A government agency which makes a public building under its control available for use as a polling place shall (i) ensure the portion of the building to be used as the polling place is accessible to voters with disabilities and elderly voters and (ii) allow the election authority to administer the election as authorized under this Code.
    (d) If a qualified elector's precinct polling place is a school and the elector will be unable to enter that polling place without violating Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012 because the elector is a child sex offender as defined in Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012, that elector may vote by a vote by mail ballot in accordance with Article 19 of this Code or may vote early in accordance with Article 19A of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 98-773, eff. 7-18-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)