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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(5 ILCS 100/) Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.

5 ILCS 100/5-85

    (5 ILCS 100/5-85) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-85)
    Sec. 5-85. Correction of rules filed with the Secretary of State.
    (a) Corrections to a proposed rulemaking that has been published in the Illinois Register but is not yet adopted shall be made pursuant to the rules of the Secretary of State. Corrections to an adopted rulemaking that has been published in the Illinois Register shall be made by initiating a new rulemaking or pursuant to subsection (b).
    (b) Expedited corrections to any form of adopted rule that has been published in the Illinois Register shall be made pursuant to the procedures set forth in this subsection (b) and the rules of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection (b).
    An agency may request that the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules issue a certification of correction under this subsection (b) to correct: (1) non-substantive errors such as typographical, clerical, grammatical, printing, copying or other inadvertent errors such as omission of existing or inclusion of previously repealed Illinois Administrative Code text; (2) any omissions or errors that create unintentional discrepancies between adopted rule text and text previously published in the Illinois Register or second notice rule text; or (3) any discrepancies between adopted rule text and agreements certified by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules during the second notice period.
    In requesting the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to issue a certification of correction, the agency shall specify which of the above reasons for correction is applicable and shall submit the full affected Section of the Code, indicating both the incorrect text and the agency's proposal for correcting the error. The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules shall verify that the requested correction meets the criteria of this subsection (b), that the public interest will be served and no hardship created by remediation of the error or omission more quickly than could be accomplished by the regular rulemaking process, and that the public notice considerations of this Act are not being unduly circumvented.
    Upon receiving a certification of correction from the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, an agency shall file a notice of correction with the Secretary of State for publication in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. Pursuant to agreement between the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and the agency, the effective date of the correction shall be identical to that of the adopted rule being corrected or a specified later date.
    The agency shall take reasonable and appropriate measures to make rule corrections known to persons who may be affected by them.
(Source: P.A. 87-823; 87-830; 87-895; 88-667, eff. 9-16-94.)

5 ILCS 100/5-90

    (5 ILCS 100/5-90) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-90)
    Sec. 5-90. Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
    (a) The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules is established as a legislative support services agency subject to the Legislative Commission Reorganization Act of 1984. When feasible, the agenda of each meeting of the Joint Committee shall be submitted to the Secretary of State to be published at least 5 days before the meeting in the Illinois Register. The Joint Committee may also weekly, or as often as necessary, submit for publication in the Illinois Register lists of the dates on which notices under Section 5-40 were received and the dates on which the proposed rulemakings will be considered. The provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit the Joint Committee from acting upon an item that was not contained in the published agenda.
    (b) The Joint Committee may charge reasonable fees for copies of documents or publications to cover the cost of copying or printing. The Joint Committee shall, however, provide copies of documents or publications without cost to agencies that are directly affected by recommendations or findings included in the documents or publications.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)

5 ILCS 100/5-95

    (5 ILCS 100/5-95) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-95)
    Sec. 5-95. Oaths and affirmations.
    (a) The Executive Director of the Joint Committee or any designated person may administer oaths or affirmations and take affidavits or depositions of any person.
    (b) The Executive Director, upon approval of a majority vote of the Joint Committee, or the presiding officers may subpoena and compel the attendance before the Joint Committee and examine under oath any person. They also may subpoena and compel the production for the Joint Committee of any records, books, papers, contracts, or other documents.
    (c) If any person fails to obey a subpoena issued under this Section, the Joint Committee may apply to any circuit court to secure compliance with the subpoena. The failure to comply with the order of the court issued in response thereto shall be punished as a contempt.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)

5 ILCS 100/5-100

    (5 ILCS 100/5-100) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-100)
    Sec. 5-100. Powers of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee shall have the following powers under this Act:
    (a) The function of the Joint Committee shall be the promotion of adequate and proper rules by agencies and an understanding on the part of the public respecting those rules. This function shall be advisory only, except as provided in Sections 5-115 and 5-125.
    (b) The Joint Committee may undertake studies and investigations concerning rulemaking and agency rules.
    (c) The Joint Committee shall monitor and investigate agencies' compliance with the provisions of this Act, make periodic investigations of the rulemaking activities of all agencies, and evaluate and report on all rules in terms of their propriety, legal adequacy, relation to statutory authorization, economic and budgetary effects, and public policy.
    (d) Hearings and investigations conducted by the Joint Committee under this Act may be held at times and places within the State as the Committee deems necessary.
    (e) The Joint Committee may request from any agency an analysis of the following:
        (1) The effect of a new rule, amendment, or repealer,
including any direct economic effect on the persons regulated by the rule; any anticipated effect on the proposing agency's budget and the budgets of other State agencies; and any anticipated effects on State revenues.
        (2) The agency's evaluation of the submissions
presented to the agency under Section 5-40.
        (3) A description of any modifications from the
initially published proposal made in the finally accepted version of the intended rule, amendment, or repealer.
        (4) The agency's justification and rationale for the
intended rule, amendment, or repealer.
    (f) Failure of the Joint Committee to object to any proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or any existing rule shall not be construed as implying direct or indirect approval of the rule or proposed rule, amendment, or repealer by the Joint Committee or the General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)

5 ILCS 100/5-105

    (5 ILCS 100/5-105) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-105)
    Sec. 5-105. Responsibilities of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee shall have the following responsibilities under this Act:
        (a) The Joint Committee shall conduct a systematic
and continuing study of the rules and rulemaking process of all State agencies, including those agencies not covered in Section 1-25, for the purpose of improving the rulemaking process, reducing the number and bulk of rules, removing redundancies and unnecessary repetitions, and correcting grammatical, typographical, and similar errors not affecting the construction or meaning of the rules. The Joint Committee shall make recommendations to the appropriate affected agency.
        (b) The Joint Committee shall review the statutory
authority on which any administrative rule is based.
        (c) The Joint Committee shall maintain a review
program to study the impact of legislative changes, court rulings, and administrative action on agency rules and rulemaking.
        (d) The Joint Committee shall suggest rulemaking by
an agency whenever the Joint Committee, in the course of its review of the agency's rules under this Act, determines that the agency's rules are incomplete, inconsistent, or otherwise deficient.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)

5 ILCS 100/5-110

    (5 ILCS 100/5-110) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-110)
    Sec. 5-110. Responsibilities of the Joint Committee with respect to proposed rules, amendments, or repealers.
    (a) The Joint Committee shall examine any proposed rule, amendment to a rule, and repeal of a rule to determine whether the proposed rule, amendment to a rule, or repeal of a rule is within the statutory authority upon which it is based; whether the rule, amendment to a rule, or repeal of a rule is in proper form; and whether the notice was given before its adoption, amendment, or repeal and was sufficient to give adequate notice of the purpose and effect of the rule, amendment, or repeal. In addition, the Joint Committee may consider whether the agency has considered alternatives to the rule that are consistent with the stated objectives of both the applicable statutes and regulations and whether the rule is designed to minimize economic impact on small businesses.
    (b) If the Joint Committee objects to a proposed rule, amendment to a rule, or repeal of a rule, it shall certify the fact to the issuing agency and include with the certification a statement of its specific objections.
    (c) If within the second notice period the Joint Committee certifies its objections to the issuing agency, then that agency shall do one of the following within 90 days after receiving the statement of objection:
        (1) Modify the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer
to meet the Joint Committee's objections.
        (2) Withdraw the proposed rule, amendment, or
repealer in its entirety.
        (3) Refuse to modify or withdraw the proposed rule,
amendment, or repealer.
    (d) If an agency elects to modify a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer to meet the Joint Committee's objections, it shall make those modifications that are necessary to meet the objections and shall resubmit the rule, amendment, or repealer to the Joint Committee. In addition, the agency shall submit a notice of its election to modify the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer to meet the Joint Committee's objections to the Secretary of State, and the notice shall be published in the first available issue of the Illinois Register, but the agency shall not be required to conduct a public hearing. If the Joint Committee determines that the modifications do not remedy the Joint Committee's objections, it shall so notify the agency in writing and shall submit a copy of that notification to the Secretary of State for publication in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. In addition, the Joint Committee may recommend legislative action as provided in subsection (g) for agency refusals.
    (e) If an agency elects to withdraw a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer as a result of the Joint Committee's objections, it shall notify the Joint Committee in writing of its election and shall submit a notice of the withdrawal to the Secretary of State. The notice shall be published in the next available issue of the Illinois Register.
    (f) Failure of an agency to respond to the Joint Committee's objections to a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer within the time prescribed in subsection (c) shall constitute withdrawal of the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer in its entirety. The Joint Committee shall submit a notice to that effect to the Secretary of State, and the notice shall be published in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. The Secretary of State shall refuse to accept for filing a certified copy of the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer under the provisions of Section 5-65.
    (g) If an agency refuses to modify or withdraw the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer to remedy an objection stated by the Joint Committee, it shall notify the Joint Committee in writing of its refusal and shall submit a notice of refusal to the Secretary of State. The notice shall be published in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. If the Joint Committee decides to recommend legislative action in response to an agency refusal, then the Joint Committee shall have drafted and introduced into either house of the General Assembly appropriate legislation to implement the recommendations of the Joint Committee.
    (h) No rule, amendment, or repeal of a rule shall be accepted by the Secretary of State for filing under Section 5-65, if the rulemaking is subject to this Section, until after the agency has responded to the objections of the Joint Committee as provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98.)

5 ILCS 100/5-115

    (5 ILCS 100/5-115) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-115)
    Sec. 5-115. Other action by the Joint Committee.
    (a) If the Joint Committee determines that the adoption and effectiveness of a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or portion of a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer by an agency would be objectionable under any of the standards for the Joint Committee's review specified in Section 5-100, 5-105, 5-110, 5-120, or 5-130 and would constitute a serious threat to the public interest, safety, or welfare, the Joint Committee may issue a statement to that effect at any time before the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer takes effect. The statement may be issued by the Joint Committee only upon the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the members appointed to the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee, however, may withdraw a statement within 180 days after it is issued upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members appointed to the Joint Committee. A certified copy of each statement and withdrawal shall be transmitted to the proposing agency and to the Secretary of State for publication in the next available issue of the Illinois Register.
    (b) The proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion of the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer to which the Joint Committee has issued a statement under subsection (a) shall not be accepted for filing by the Secretary of State and shall not take effect unless the statement is withdrawn or a joint resolution is passed as provided in subsection (c). The agency may not enforce or invoke for any reason a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or any portion thereof that is prohibited from being filed by this subsection.
    (c) After the issuance of a statement under subsection (a), any member of the General Assembly may introduce in the General Assembly a joint resolution stating that the General Assembly desires to discontinue the prohibition against the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion thereof to which the statement was issued being filed and taking effect. If the joint resolution is not passed by both houses of the General Assembly within 180 days after receipt of the statement by the Secretary of State or the statement is not withdrawn as provided in subsection (a), the agency shall be prohibited from filing the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion thereof and the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion thereof shall not take effect. The Secretary of State shall not accept for filing the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion thereof with respect to which the Joint Committee has issued a statement under subsection (a) unless that statement is withdrawn or a joint resolution is passed as provided in this subsection. If the 180-day period expires before passage of the joint resolution, the agency may not file the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or the portion thereof as adopted and it shall not take effect.
    (d) If a statement is issued under this Section, then, in response to an objection or suggestion of the Joint Committee, the agency may propose changes to the proposed rule, amendment, or repealer or portion of a proposed rule, amendment, or repealer. If the agency proposes changes, it must provide additional notice to the Joint Committee under the same terms and conditions and shall be subject to the same requirements and limitations as those set forth for a second notice period under subsection (c) of Section 5-40.
(Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04; 93-1074, eff. 1-18-05.)

5 ILCS 100/5-120

    (5 ILCS 100/5-120) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-120)
    Sec. 5-120. Responsibilities of the Joint Committee with respect to emergency, peremptory, and other existing rules.
    (a) The Joint Committee may examine any rule to determine whether the rule is within the statutory authority upon which it is based and whether the rule is in proper form.
    (b) If the Joint Committee objects to a rule, it shall, within 5 days of the objection, certify the fact to the adopting agency and include within the certification a statement of its specific objections.
    (c) Within 90 days after receiving the certification, the agency shall do one of the following:
        (1) Notify the Joint Committee that it has elected to
amend the rule to meet the Joint Committee's objection.
        (2) Notify the Joint Committee that it has elected to
repeal the rule.
        (3) Notify the Joint Committee that it refuses to
amend or repeal the rule.
    (d) If the agency elects to amend a rule to meet the Joint Committee's objections, it shall notify the Joint Committee in writing and shall initiate rulemaking procedures for that purpose by giving notice as required by Section 5-35. The Joint Committee shall give priority to rules so amended when setting its agenda.
    (e) If the agency elects to repeal a rule as a result of the Joint Committee's objections, it shall notify the Joint Committee in writing of its election and shall initiate rulemaking procedures for that purpose by giving notice as required by Section 5-35.
    (f) If the agency elects to amend or repeal a rule as a result of the Joint Committee's objections, it shall complete the process within 180 days after giving notice in the Illinois Register.
    (g) Failure of the agency to respond to the Joint Committee's objections to a rule within the time prescribed in subsection (c) shall constitute a refusal to amend or repeal the rule.
    (h) If an agency refuses to amend or repeal a rule to remedy an objection stated by the Joint Committee, it shall notify the Joint Committee in writing of its refusal and shall submit a notice of refusal to the Secretary of State. The notice shall be published in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. If the Joint Committee, in response to an agency refusal, decides to suspend a rule adopted under Section 5-45 or 5-50, then it may do so pursuant to Section 5-125. Any member of the General Assembly may introduce legislation in the General Assembly to implement the recommendations of the Joint Committee concerning emergency, peremptory, and other existing rules.
(Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04; 93-1074, eff. 1-18-05.)

5 ILCS 100/5-125

    (5 ILCS 100/5-125) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-125)
    Sec. 5-125. Other Joint Committee action with respect to emergency or peremptory rulemaking.
    (a) If the Joint Committee determines that a rule or portion of a rule adopted under Section 5-45 or 5-50 is objectionable under any of the standards for the Joint Committee's review specified in Section 5-100, 5-105, 5-110, 5-120, or 5-130 and constitutes a serious threat to the public interest, safety, or welfare, the Joint Committee may issue a statement to that effect. The statement may be issued by the Joint Committee only upon the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the members appointed to the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee, however, may withdraw a statement within 180 days after it is issued upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members appointed to the Joint Committee. A certified copy of each statement and withdrawal shall be transmitted to the affected agency and to the Secretary of State for publication in the next available issue of the Illinois Register. Within 30 days of transmittal of the statement to the agency, the agency shall notify the Joint Committee in writing whether it has elected to repeal or amend the rule. Failure of the agency to notify the Joint Committee and Secretary of State within 30 days constitutes a decision by the agency to not repeal the rule.
    (b) The effectiveness of the rule or the portion of a rule shall be suspended immediately upon receipt of the certified statement by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall indicate the suspension prominently and clearly on the face of the affected rule or the portion of a rule filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Rules or portions of rules suspended under this subsection shall not become effective again unless the statement is withdrawn as provided in subsection (a) or unless within 180 days from receipt of the statement by the Secretary of State, the General Assembly discontinues the suspension by joint resolution under subsection (c). The agency may not enforce, or invoke for any reason, a rule or portion of a rule that has been suspended under this subsection. During the 180-day period, the agency may not file, and the Secretary of State may not accept for filing, any rule that (i) has the same purpose and effect as rules or portions of rules suspended under this subsection or (ii) does not substantially address the statement issued under subsection (a), except as otherwise provided in this Section.
    (c) After the issuance of a statement under subsection (a), any member of the General Assembly may introduce in the General Assembly a joint resolution stating that the General Assembly desires to discontinue the suspension of effectiveness of a rule or the portion of the rule to which the statement was issued. If the joint resolution is not passed by both houses of the General Assembly within the 180-day period provided in subsection (b) or the statement is not withdrawn, the rule or the portion of the rule shall be considered repealed and the Secretary of State shall immediately remove the rule or portion of a rule from the collection of effective rules.
    (d) If a statement is issued under this Section, then, in response to an objection or suggestion of the Joint Committee, the agency may propose changes to the rule, amendment, or repealer or portion of a rule, amendment, or repealer. If the agency proposes changes, it must provide additional notice to the Joint Committee under the same terms and conditions and shall be subject to the same requirements and limitations as those set forth for a second notice period under subsection (c) of Section 5-40.
(Source: P.A. 93-1035, eff. 9-10-04; 93-1074, eff. 1-18-05.)

5 ILCS 100/5-130

    (5 ILCS 100/5-130) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-130)
    Sec. 5-130. Periodic review of existing rules.
    (a) The Joint Committee shall evaluate the rules of each agency at least once every 5 years. The Joint Committee by rule shall develop a schedule for this periodic evaluation. In developing this schedule the Joint Committee shall group rules by specified areas to assure the evaluation of similar rules at the same time. The schedule shall include at least the following categories:
        (1) Human resources.
        (2) Law enforcement.
        (3) Energy.
        (4) Environment.
        (5) Natural resources.
        (6) Transportation.
        (7) Public utilities.
        (8) Consumer protection.
        (9) Licensing laws.
        (10) Regulation of occupations.
        (11) Labor laws.
        (12) Business regulation.
        (13) Financial institutions.
        (14) Government purchasing.
    (b) When evaluating rules under this Section, the Joint Committee's review shall include an examination of the following:
        (1) Organizational, structural, and procedural
reforms that affect rules or rulemaking.
        (2) Merger, modification, establishment, or abolition
of regulations.
        (3) Eliminating or phasing out outdated, overlapping,
or conflicting regulatory jurisdictions or requirements of general applicability.
        (4) Economic and budgetary effects.
(Source: P.A. 87-823; 88-667, eff. 9-16-94.)

5 ILCS 100/5-135

    (5 ILCS 100/5-135) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-135)
    Sec. 5-135. Administration of Act. The Joint Committee may adopt rules to administer the provisions of this Act relating to the Joint Committee's responsibilities, powers, and duties under this Article 5.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)

5 ILCS 100/5-140

    (5 ILCS 100/5-140) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-140)
    Sec. 5-140. Reports to the General Assembly. The Joint Committee shall report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations, including suggested legislation, to the General Assembly by February 1 of each year.
    The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by filing copies of the report as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act, and filing additional copies with the State Government Report Distribution Center for the General Assembly as required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-1148, eff. 12-10-18.)

5 ILCS 100/5-145

    (5 ILCS 100/5-145) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-145)
    Sec. 5-145. Request for adoption of rules.
    (a) An agency shall, in accordance with Section 5-35, adopt rules that implement recently enacted legislation of the General Assembly in a timely and expeditious manner.
    (b) Any interested person may request an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal a rule. Each agency shall prescribe by rule the procedure for consideration and disposition of the person's request. If, within 30 days after submission of a request, the agency has not initiated rulemaking proceedings in accordance with Section 5-35, the request shall be deemed to have been denied.
(Source: P.A. 87-823; 88-667, eff. 9-16-94.)

5 ILCS 100/5-146

    (5 ILCS 100/5-146)
    Sec. 5-146. Rule change; intellectual disability. Any State agency with a rule that contains a reference to a mentally retarded person or similar reference shall amend the text of the rule to contain a reference to a person with an intellectual disability. Any State agency with a rule that contains the term "mental retardation" shall amend the text of the rule to substitute the term "intellectual disability" for "mental retardation", and shall make any other changes that may be necessary to conform to the changes made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

5 ILCS 100/5-147

    (5 ILCS 100/5-147)
    Sec. 5-147. Rule change; physical disability. Any State agency with a rule that contains a reference to a crippled person or similar reference shall amend the text of the rule to contain a reference to a person with a physical disability. Any State agency with a rule that contains the term "crippling" to refer to a person with a physical disability shall amend the text of the rule to substitute the term "physical disability" or "physically disabling", as appropriate, for "crippling", and shall make any other changes that may be necessary to conform to the changes made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

5 ILCS 100/5-148

    (5 ILCS 100/5-148)
    Sec. 5-148. Rule change; persons with a disability. Any State agency with a rule that contains the term "the physically handicapped" or "the handicapped" or "handicapped persons" or "handicapped individuals" or "handicapping condition" shall amend the text of the rule to substitute the term "persons with physical disabilities" for "the physically handicapped" and "persons with disabilities" for "the handicapped" or "handicapped persons" or "handicapped individuals" and "disabling condition", as appropriate, for "handicapping condition", and shall make any other changes that may be necessary to conform to the changes made by this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

5 ILCS 100/5-150

    (5 ILCS 100/5-150) (from Ch. 127, par. 1005-150)
    Sec. 5-150. Declaratory rulings.
    (a) Requests for rulings. Each agency may in its discretion provide by rule for the filing and prompt disposition of petitions or requests for declaratory rulings as to the applicability to the person presenting the petition or request of any statutory provision enforced by the agency or of any rule of the agency. Declaratory rulings shall not be appealable. The agency shall maintain as a public record in the agency's principal office and make available for public inspection and copying any such rulings. The agency shall delete trade secrets or other confidential information from the ruling before making it available.
    (b) Overlapping regulations.
        (1) Any persons subject to a rule imposed by a State
agency and to a similar rule imposed by the federal government may petition the agency administering the State rule for a declaratory ruling as to whether compliance with the federal rule will be accepted as compliance with the State rule.
        (2) If the agency determines that compliance with the
federal rule would not satisfy the purposes or relevant provisions of the State law involved, the agency shall so inform the petitioner in writing, stating the reasons for the determination, and may issue a declaratory ruling to that effect.
        (3) If the agency determines that compliance with the
federal rule would satisfy the purposes and relevant provisions of the State law involved but that it would not satisfy the relevant provisions of the State rule involved, the agency shall so inform the petitioner and the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, and the agency may initiate a rulemaking proceeding in accordance with Section 5-35 to consider revising the rule to accept compliance with the federal rule in a manner that is consistent with the purposes and relevant provisions of the State law.
        (4) If the agency determines that compliance with the
federal rule would satisfy the purposes and relevant provisions of the State law and the State rule involved, the agency shall issue a declaratory ruling indicating its intention to accept compliance with the federal rule as compliance with the State rule and the terms and conditions under which it intends to do so.
(Source: P.A. 87-823.)