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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


305 ILCS 5/12-21.9

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.9) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.9)
    Sec. 12-21.9. Limitations on indebtedness. No indebtedness shall be incurred by any Supervisor of General Assistance in excess of taxes levied for public aid purposes and uncollected, or for the payment of which funds are not currently available, without the consent of the city council or board of trustees, board of town trustees, or county board, as the case may be.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.10

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.10) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.10)
    Sec. 12-21.10. Default and misappropriation of funds; Removal of supervisor; Conditions requiring appointment of interim supervisor. If the Supervisor of General Assistance is a defaulter and in arrears with the governmental unit, or has misused, misappropriated, or converted to his own use or the use of any other person any of the funds of the unit, or is guilty of any other misconduct in office, the governing body of the governmental unit, and in the case of a township, the board of town trustees, may remove him as Supervisor of General Assistance and appoint a suitable person to be the supervisor therein; provided, that for a township containing 4,000 inhabitants or more, upon written request of the township supervisors, the board of town trustees may appoint a Supervisor of General Assistance who is a resident of such township, and fix his compensation and term of office, which shall not exceed the term of the board.
    If, as provided in Section 12-21.18, the Illinois Department has ordered the withholding of State funds for failure of the governmental unit to comply with the Department's rules and regulations, the governing body of the governmental unit, and in the case of a township, the board of town trustees, upon written order of the Illinois Department shall appoint an Interim Supervisor of General Assistance, acceptable to the Illinois Department, to serve as Supervisor of General Assistance for the governmental unit until such time as the policies and procedures of the unit are determined by the Department to be in compliance with its rules. If, after a reasonable time as determined by the Illinois Department, the governmental unit or agency to which such order is directed fails to make an appointment, or appoints a person who is not acceptable to the Illinois Department, the Public Aid Committee, established under Section 11-8, of the county in which the governmental unit is located, upon written order of the Illinois Department, shall appoint an Interim Supervisor, which appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Illinois Department.
    The appointing authority shall fix the compensation of the Interim Supervisor of General Assistance, subject to approval of the Illinois Department, which shall be payable from the general assistance fund of the local governmental unit.
    An Interim Supervisor of General Assistance may be removed and another person appointed in his place in the same manner and for the same reasons as in the case of an initial appointment of an Interim Supervisor.
    The Illinois Department shall not order the appointment of an Interim Supervisor of General Assistance if the local governmental unit takes such action as the Department considers to have established satisfactory compliance with its rules, and a reasonable time, to be determined by the Department, shall be allowed the governmental unit to establish such compliance.
    If an Interim Supervisor of General Assistance has been appointed, he shall exercise all the powers of that office in respect to the administration of general assistance, and shall have the sole authority to disburse State and local funds available for this purpose. If the governmental unit thereafter takes such action to assure the Department that it will comply with the Department's rules, the service of the Interim Supervisor shall be terminated.
(Source: P.A. 92-111, eff. 1-1-02.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.11

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.11) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.11)
    Sec. 12-21.11. Bonds. Every Supervisor of General Assistance, including an Interim Supervisor of General Assistance appointed as provided in Section 12-21.10, shall execute to the governmental unit which he serves an official bond in a penal sum and with sureties to be fixed and approved by the governing body thereof, and, in the case of a township, as fixed and approved by the board of town trustees, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties and the due application of all funds and property which shall come to his hands as such Supervisor. If the local governmental unit receives State funds in accordance with the provisions of this Code, the amount and surety of the bond shall be subject to the further approval of the Illinois Department.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.12

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.12) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.12)
    Sec. 12-21.12. Actions against local governmental units - Intervention of Attorney General. In any action against a local governmental unit to recover expenditures alleged to be the responsibility of the governmental unit under Article VI of this Code, the Supervisor of General Assistance of such governmental unit shall notify the Illinois Department of the filing of the action. If the governmental unit was a recipient of State funds for public aid purposes during all or part of the period of the expenditures for which the action is brought, or if, as a result of the action, the governmental unit may qualify for and request State funds, the Attorney General shall be permitted to intervene and participate in the action in order to protect the State's interest therein.
(Source: P.A. 81-1085.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.13

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.13) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.13)
    Sec. 12-21.13. Local funds required to qualify for state aid. To qualify for State funds to supplement local funds for public aid purposes, a local governmental unit shall, except as hereinafter provided, levy within the time that such levy is authorized to be made a tax of an amount which, when added to the unobligated balance available for such purposes at the close of the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the tax is levied will equal .10% of the last known total equalized value of all taxable property in the governmental unit.
    In a county of less than 3 million population in which there is created a County Veterans Assistance Commission, the county shall levy for assistance to military veterans and their families, within the time that such levy is authorized to be made, a tax of an amount which, when added to the unobligated balance available for such purpose at the close of the preceding fiscal year will equal .02% of the last known assessed value of the taxable property in the county, or which will equal .03% of such assessed value if such higher amount is authorized by the electors of the county, as provided in Section 5-2006 of the Counties Code.
    If, however, at the latest date in the year on which the aforesaid taxes are authorized to be levied there is in the unobligated balance of the local governmental unit an amount equal to .10%, or .02% in the case of Veterans' Assistance, of the last known total equalized value of all taxable property in the governmental unit, then no tax need be levied in that year in order for the local governmental unit to qualify for State funds.
    In determining the amount of the unobligated balance which is to be applied in producing the required levy for receipt of State funds, or which is to be applied in determining whether a tax levy is required, there shall be deducted from the gross unobligated balance of funds available at the close of the preceding fiscal year the total amount of State funds allocated to the governmental unit during that year and the total amount of any monies transferred to a township's general town fund under Section 235-20 of the Township Code during that year, and only the remainder shall be considered in determining the amount of the deficiency needed to produce an amount equal to the qualifying levy for the current year.
(Source: P.A. 87-796; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.14

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.14) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.14)
    Sec. 12-21.14. Requirements; review by Illinois Department; allocations. The County Board of each county or a duly appointed committee thereof, or any other county agency designated by the County Board, shall by the last day of each month submit to the Illinois Department an itemized statement showing, for all local governmental units therein except a city, village or incorporated town of more than 500,000 population, assistance furnished in the county under Article VI of this Code during the previous month and the expenses for the administration thereof, and the actual revenues available through taxation by the local governmental units. If the Illinois Department has reason to believe that the amounts submitted by any county are excessive, it may require appropriate officials of the county to appear before it and substantiate the amounts to the satisfaction of the Department.
    The Illinois Department shall review these amounts and shall determine and allocate to the several counties the amounts necessary to supplement local funds actually available for public aid purposes. There shall be a yearly reconciliation of amounts allocated to the local governmental units by the Illinois Department to supplement local funds.
    If, because of circumstances beyond the local governmental unit's control, such as a sudden caseload increase or an unexpected increase in the administrative expenses, a local governmental unit has insufficient local funds actually available to furnish assistance or pay administrative expenses, the Illinois Department shall provide a special allocation of funds to the local governmental unit to meet the need. In calculating the need for a special allocation, the Illinois Department shall take into consideration the amount of funds legally available from the taxes levied by the local governmental unit for public aid purposes and any available unobligated balances.
    If a local governmental unit has not received State funds for public aid purposes for at least 84 consecutive months immediately prior to its request for State funds, the Illinois Department shall not consider as a legally available resource of the governmental unit public aid funds, or the proceeds of public aid taxes and tax anticipation warrants which may have been transferred or expended during such period for other purposes.
    Except as hereinafter provided, State allocations shall be paid to the County Treasurer for disbursement to local governmental units as certified by the Illinois Department. Until January 1, 1974, moneys allocated by the Illinois Department for General Assistance purposes in a city, village or incorporated town of more than 500,000 population and moneys received from the Treasurer of the municipality from taxes levied for General Assistance purposes in the municipality and other moneys and funds designated in Section 11-43-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code shall be paid into the special fund established by the County Treasurer of the county in which the municipality is located and retained for disbursement by the Director of the County Department of Public Aid serving as Supervisor of General Assistance for the municipality.
    On January 1, 1974, or as soon thereafter as is feasible but not later than January 1, 1975, the County Treasurer shall transfer to the Special Purposes Trust Fund (now known as the DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund) established by Section 12-10 of this Code all State and municipal moneys remaining in or due to the special fund of the County Treasury. After December 31, 1973, but not later than June 30, 1979, State allocations and municipal funds for General Assistance purposes in such a municipality, and other moneys and funds designated by Section 11-43-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, shall be paid into the Special Purposes Trust Fund (now known as the DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund) and disbursed as provided in Section 12-10. State and municipal moneys paid into the Special Purposes Trust Fund (now known as the DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund) under the foregoing provision shall be used exclusively for (1) furnishing General Assistance within the municipality; (2) the payment of administrative costs; and (3) the payment of warrants issued against and in anticipation of taxes levied by the municipality for General Assistance purposes, and the accrued interest thereon. After June 30, 1979, moneys and funds designated by Section 11-43-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund as reimbursement for appropriated funds disbursed.
(Source: P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.16

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.16) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.16)
    Sec. 12-21.16. Administrative costs. In any local governmental unit receiving State funds, moneys expended for costs of administration, exclusive of any compensation paid to the Supervisor of General Assistance from funds other than public aid funds, shall not exceed amounts which have been submitted to and approved by the Illinois Department.
    If a local governmental unit is a participating municipality in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund created by Article 7 of the "Illinois Pension Code", its estimate of administrative expenses may include amounts required as contributions by the governmental unit in behalf of its employees engaged in the administration of public aid for retirement annuity purposes for current service rendered by such employees on and after July 1, 1953, provided the governmental unit has levied a tax at a rate not less than one-half the maximum rate authorized under Section 7-171 of the aforesaid Article.
    Contributions for retirement annuity purposes of employees of the County Department engaged in administration of General Assistance for such a municipality shall be met from funds appropriated for the State contribution to the State Employees Retirement System under Article 14 of the "Illinois Pension Code".
    The contributions of a governmental unit for retirement annuity purposes which are authorized to be included in estimates of administrative expenses shall include Social Security contributions for which the unit is obligated under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund created by Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code, or if the governmental unit is not a participating municipality in that Fund, the Social Security contributions for which it is obligated pursuant to an agreement executed under Article 21 of the Illinois Pension Code. In like manner, if the retirement fund established under Article 9 of the Illinois Pension Code becomes obligated for Social Security employer contributions, the estimated expenses of the County Department may include the Social Security contributions together with the regular contributions for which the county is obligated.
    A local governmental unit receiving State funds may include in its estimate of administrative expenses obligations assumed by it for insurance premiums or charges for group life or health insurance, or both, for employees of the local governmental unit, for any such employees who retire or who had retired on or after January 1, 1966, and for dependents receiving an annuity as survivors of such employees or retired employees if the governmental unit has so acted under Section 3 of "An Act defining the powers and duties of local governmental agencies to pay premiums and costs or portions thereof, and to withhold parts of employee and elected or appointed official compensation to provide insurance or retirement benefits for employees and appointed or elected officials", approved August 16, 1963, as amended, or has so acted in exercise of its powers as a home rule unit. The amount included for this purpose in the estimate of administrative expenses shall not exceed the comparable insurance premiums or charges per employee, retiree, or survivor currently paid by the State of Illinois for State employees under the "State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971".
(Source: P.A. 78-1297.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.17

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.17) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.17)
    Sec. 12-21.17. Supervision by Illinois Department. If a local governmental unit receives State funds for public aid purposes under Article VI its administration, including the use of local resources, shall be subject to the supervision and the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department. The Department shall also supervise the setting of the local uniform budget standard and its enforcement.
    Such units and the officers thereof shall deliver to the Illinois Department for examination and inspection all books, records, accounts, and other documents which the Department requires.
(Source: P.A. 81-1085.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.18

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.18) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.18)
    Sec. 12-21.18. Non-compliance with rules of the Illinois Department. If a local governmental unit subject to the supervision of the Illinois Department is, in the determination of the Department, refusing or failing to comply with the Department's rules and regulations, the Illinois Department shall give notice promptly by United States registered or certified mail to the Supervisor of General Assistance or other proper officer of such unit of the rules which are not being observed and give the governmental unit or its designated representative an opportunity to appear before it and substantiate its position in respect to the rule or rules at issue.
    If within 5 days after such notice, the local governmental unit continues to refuse or fails to comply with the Department's rules, or fails to avail itself of the opportunity offered for a hearing before the Department, the Department shall instruct the County Treasurer of the County in which the governmental unit is located to withhold the payment of any further State funds until he receives notice from the Department to release the funds.
    The Illinois Department may suspend an order for the withholding of funds (1) if the governmental unit takes such action as the Department considers to have established satisfactory compliance with its rules or (2) upon appointment of an Interim Supervisor of General Assistance, as directed by the provisions of Section 12-21.10.
    The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, as amended, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Illinois Department under this Section. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.20

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.20) (from Ch. 23, par. 12-21.20)
    Sec. 12-21.20. Destruction of Obsolete Records. Obsolete records, documents, papers, and memoranda pertaining to public aid under Article VI may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by local governmental units at any time subsequent to the expiration of 5 years after the matters to which they relate have been concluded.
(Source: P.A. 92-111, eff. 1-1-02.)

305 ILCS 5/12-21.21

    (305 ILCS 5/12-21.21)
    Sec. 12-21.21. Federal waiver or State Plan amendment. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of Human Services shall jointly submit the necessary application to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a waiver or State Plan amendment to allow remote monitoring and support services as a waiver-reimbursable service for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The application shall be submitted no later than January 1, 2021.
    No later than July 1, 2021, the Department of Human Services shall adopt rules to allow remote monitoring and support services at community-integrated living arrangements.
(Source: P.A. 101-649, eff. 7-7-20.)

305 ILCS 5/Art. XIII

    (305 ILCS 5/Art. XIII heading)

305 ILCS 5/13-1

    (305 ILCS 5/13-1) (from Ch. 23, par. 13-1)
    Sec. 13-1. Purpose.
    It is the purpose of this Code to restate, simplify, eliminate obsolescences and redundancies and reorganize into a more understandable and usable form the provisions of the 1949 Code repealed hereby.
    It is intended that this Code shall grant no lesser or greater rights or impose any greater or lesser obligations upon applicants or recipients or administrative agencies than exercised under such prior Code except as they may be changed hereafter by specific amendment to this Code. All such rights and obligations are preserved without change, and without loss or impairment, precisely as if such Code had not been repealed.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.)

305 ILCS 5/13-2

    (305 ILCS 5/13-2) (from Ch. 23, par. 13-2)
    Sec. 13-2. Repeal.
    The "Act to revise the public assistance laws of Illinois, to consolidate and codify such laws, to prescribe the functions, powers, and duties of governmental units, agencies, and persons thereunder, to provide penalties for the violation thereof and to repeal certain Acts herein named", approved August 4, 1949, as amended, referred to herein as the 1949 Code, is repealed.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.)

305 ILCS 5/13-3

    (305 ILCS 5/13-3) (from Ch. 23, par. 13-3)
    Sec. 13-3. Savings provisions.
    The repeal of the 1949 Code Act shall not affect or impair the continuity of grants heretofore made to or in behalf of recipients pursuant to said Code. Nor shall such repeal affect or impair any power or the performance of any act or duty by any governmental unit, or officer, agency or employee thereof, validly exercised, performed or done under said Code. However, after the effective date of this Code all such recipients, governmental units, agencies, officers and employees shall in all respects be subject to and governed by the provisions of this Code.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.)

305 ILCS 5/13-4

    (305 ILCS 5/13-4) (from Ch. 23, par. 13-4)
    Sec. 13-4. Partial invalidity.
    Should any Section, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this Code to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason whatsoever such holdings shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.)

305 ILCS 5/13-5

    (305 ILCS 5/13-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 13-5)
    Sec. 13-5. Emergency-effective date.
    Whereas many members of the General Assembly wish to offer bills amending the law relating to public assistance at the current session of the General Assembly and such bills should be drafted as amendments to this Act and not to the 1949 Act, therefore an emergency exists and this Act shall take effect upon its becoming a law.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 122.)