(705 ILCS 405/4-18) (from Ch. 37, par. 804-18)
    Sec. 4-18. Continuance under supervision.
    (1) The court may enter an order of continuance under supervision (a) upon an admission or stipulation by the appropriate respondent or minor respondent of the facts supporting the petition and before proceeding to findings and adjudication, or after hearing the evidence at the adjudicatory hearing but before noting in the minutes of the proceeding a finding of whether or not the minor is an addict, and (b) in the absence of objection made in open court by the minor, the minor's parent, guardian, custodian, responsible relative, or defense attorney, or the State's Attorney.
    (2) If the minor, the minor's parent, guardian, custodian, responsible relative, or defense attorney, or the State's Attorney objects in open court to any such continuance and insists upon proceeding to findings and adjudication, the court shall so proceed.
    (3) Nothing in this Section limits the power of the court to order a continuance of the hearing for the production of additional evidence or for any other proper reason.
    (4) When a hearing is continued pursuant to this Section, the court may permit the minor to remain in the minor's home subject to such conditions concerning the minor's conduct and supervision as the court may require by order.
    (5) If a petition is filed charging a violation of a condition of the continuance under supervision, the court shall conduct a hearing. If the court finds that such condition of supervision has not been fulfilled the court may proceed to findings and adjudication and disposition. The filing of a petition for violation of a condition of the continuance under supervision shall toll the period of continuance under supervision until the final determination of the charge, and the term of the continuance under supervision shall not run until the hearing and disposition of the petition for violation; provided where the petition alleges conduct that does not constitute a criminal offense, the hearing must be held within 15 days of the filing of the petition unless a delay in such hearing has been occasioned by the minor, in which case the delay shall continue the tolling of the period of continuance under supervision for the period of such delay.
    (6) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 103-22, eff. 8-8-23; 103-379, eff. 7-28-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)