(310 ILCS 65/7) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 1257)
    Sec. 7. Powers of the Program Administrator. The Program Administrator, in addition to the powers set forth in the Illinois Housing Development Act and the powers identified in Sections 8 and 9 of this Act, has the power to:
        (a) identify, select and make financing available to
eligible applicants from monies in the Trust Fund or from monies secured by the Trust Fund for affordable housing for low and very low-income families;
        (b) purchase first and second mortgages, to make
secured, unsecured or deferred repayment loans, to make no interest or low interest loans or to issue grants, payments or subsidies for the predevelopment expenses, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation development, operation, insurance, or retention of projects in support of affordable single family and multi-family housing for low and very low-income households;
        (c) expend monies for mortgage participation
certificates representing an undivided interest in specified, first-lien conventional residential Illinois mortgages which are underwritten, insured, guaranteed or purchased by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation;
        (d) fix, determine, charge and collect any fees,
costs and expenses, including without limitation, any application fees, commitment or servicing fees, program fees, financing charges, or publication fees in connection with activities under this Act;
        (e) establish applications, notification procedures,
and other forms, and to prepare and issue rules deemed necessary and appropriate to implement this Act with consultation from the Commission; and to issue emergency rules, as necessary, for program implementation needed prior to publication of the first annual plan required by Section 12 of this Act;
        (f) make and enter into and enforce all loans, loan
commitments, contracts and agreements necessary, convenient or desirable to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this Act;
        (g) consent, subject to the provisions of any
contract or agreement with another person, whenever it deems it is necessary or desirable in the fulfillment of the purposes of this Act, to the modification or restructuring of any loan commitment, loan, contract or agreement to which the Program Administrator is a party;
        (h) acquire by purchase, gift, or foreclosure, but
not by condemnation, any real or personal property, or any interest therein, to procure insurance against loss, to enter into any lease of property and to hold, sell, assign, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property, or any interest therein, or relinquish any right, title, claim, lien, interest, easement or demand however acquired, and to do any of the foregoing by public or private sale;
        (i) subject to the provisions of any contract or
agreement with another party to collect, enforce the collection of, and foreclose on any property or collateral securing its loan or loans, mortgage or mortgages, and acquire or take possession of such property or collateral and release or relinquish any right, title, claim, lien, interest, easement, or demand in property foreclosed by it or to sell the same at public or private sale, with or without bidding, and otherwise deal with such collateral as may be necessary to protect the interest of the Program Administrator;
        (j) sell any eligible loan made by the Program
Administrator or mortgage interest owned by it, at public or private sale, with or without bidding, either singly or in groups, or in shares of loans or shares of groups of loans, and to deposit and invest the funds derived from such sales in any manner authorized by this Act;
        (k) provide, contract or arrange, or participate with
or enter into agreements with any department, agency or authority of the United States or of this State, or any local unit of government, or any banking institution, insurance company, trust or fiduciary or any foundation or not-for-profit agency for the review, application, servicing, processing or administration of any proposed loan, grant, application, servicing, processing or administration of any proposed loan, grant, agreement, or contract of the Department when such arrangement is in furtherance of this Act;
        (l) receive and accept any gifts, grants, donations
or contributions from any source, of money, property, labor or other things of value, to be held, used and applied to carry out the purposes of this Act subject to including, but not limited to, gifts or grants from any Department or agency of the United States or the State or from any local unit of government, not-for-profit organization or private firm or individual for any purpose consistent with this Act; and
        (m) exercise such other powers as are necessary or
incidental to the administration of this Act or performance of duties under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 103-616, eff. 7-1-24.)