(30 ILCS 587/25)
    Sec. 25. Review and amendment of standards. In calendar year 2026 and not less often than every 3 years thereafter, the Department of Innovation and Technology shall review the accessibility standards and, as appropriate, amend the standards to reflect technological advances or changes in electronic and information technology. The Secretary of Innovation and Technology may convene a working group of appropriate State entity representatives, stakeholders, and other appropriate individuals and officials to advise and assist in the process of reviewing and amending the standards. Within 6 months after the publication by the Department of Innovation and Technology of amendments to the standards, other State entities shall review the amended standards and make any necessary changes to their existing procurement policies and procedures to incorporate amendments to the accessibility standards into their procurement policies and procedures. The amended accessibility standards shall apply to electronic and information technology developed or procured by a State entity, or to substantial modifications made to electronic and information technology by a State entity, after the other State entities incorporate the amended accessibility standards into their procurement policies and procedures.
(Source: P.A. 103-729, eff. 8-2-24.)