Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3412
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3412  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Laura Ellman

Filed: 4/8/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3412 on page 14,
3line 6, after "(7)", by adding "or (16)"; and
4on page 15, by deleting lines 5 through 7; and
5on page 22, line 23, by deleting "that"; and
6on page 25, line 4, by deleting "next"; and
7on page 26, line 18, by deleting "next"; and
8on page 36, line 2, by replacing "The" with "(a) The"; and
9on page 57, line 7, by replacing "after" with "of"; and
10on page 61, line 21, by replacing "$1,000,000" with
11"$100,000"; and



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1on page 67, line 8, by replacing "If" with "In the event of";
3on page 68, by replacing lines 6 through 22 with the following:
4            "date of the letter of credit:
5                (i) the original letter of credit (including
6            any amendments); and
7                (ii) a written statement from the beneficiary
8            stating that any of the following events have
9            occurred:
10                    (I) the filing of a petition by or against
11                the licensee under the United States
12                Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. 101 through 110, as
13                amended or recodified from time to time, for
14                bankruptcy or reorganization;
15                    (II) the filing of a petition by or
16                against the licensee for receivership, or the
17                commencement of any other judicial or
18                administrative proceeding for its dissolution
19                or reorganization;
20                    (III) the seizure of assets of a licensee
21                by a Secretary pursuant to an emergency order
22                issued in accordance with applicable law, on
23                the basis of an action, violation, or
24                condition that has caused or is likely to



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1                cause the insolvency of the licensee; or
2                    (IV) the beneficiary has received notice
3                of expiration or nonextension of a letter of
4                credit and the licensee failed to demonstrate
5                to the satisfaction of the beneficiary that
6                the licensee will maintain permissible
7                investments in accordance with subsection (a)
8                of Section 10-3 upon the expiration or
9                nonextension of the letter of credit."; and
10on page 74, line 4, by replacing "willful blindness" with
11"grossly negligent inattention to its legal obligations"; and
12on page 78, immediately below line 8, by inserting the
14    "Section 11-4. Orders to cease and desist and civil
16    (a) If the Secretary determines that a licensee, an
17authorized delegate, or any other person has engaged or is
18engaged in practices contrary to this Act, the rules adopted
19under this Act, or an order issued under this Act, the
20Secretary may issue an order requiring the licensee or
21authorized delegate to cease and desist from the violation.
22The order becomes effective upon service of it upon the
23licensee or authorized delegate.



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1    (b) The Secretary may issue an order against a licensee to
2cease and desist from providing money transmission through an
3authorized delegate that is the subject of a separate order by
4the Secretary.
5    (c) The Secretary may, in addition to or without the
6issuance of a cease and desist order, assess a penalty up to
7$1,000 against a licensee or other person for each violation
8of this Act, the rules adopted under this Act, or an order
9issued under this Act as set forth in Section 11-6. The
10issuance of an order under this Section shall not be a
11prerequisite to the taking of any action by the Secretary
12under this or any other Section of this Act.
13    (d) The Secretary shall issue a formal written notice of
14the cease and desist order, setting forth the specific reasons
15for the order and serve the licensee or the authorized
16delegate, either personally or by certified mail. Service by
17certified mail shall be deemed completed when the notice is
18deposited in the U.S. Mail."; and
19on page 82, by replacing lines 10 and 11 with the following:
20    "(e) A provider of payroll processing services that was
21not licensed pursuant to the Transmitters of Money Act on the
22effective date of this Act and transmitted no more than
23$10,000,000 in calendar year 2023 shall not be required to be
24licensed and comply with this Act until October 1, 2024. A
25provider of payroll processing services that was not licensed



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1pursuant to the Transmitters of Money Act on the effective
2date of this Act and transmitted no more than $10,000,000 in
3calendar year 2023 shall not be penalized for providing such
4services before the effective date of this Act if the provider
5submits a completed application for licensure prior to October
61, 2024.
7    (f) Except as otherwise stated, this Act supersedes the
8Transmitters of Money Act.".