Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3412
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3412  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Margaret Croke

Filed: 5/16/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3412 on page 5,
3line 13, after the period, by inserting "Solely for purposes
4of payroll processing services, "in this State" for a
5transaction requested electronically or by phone, means the
6mailing address the person requesting the payroll processing
7services uses with the Internal Revenue Service is in
8Illinois."; and
9on page 33, line 20, by replacing "delegate" with "delegates";
11on page 35, by replacing lines 21 and 22 with "shall be
12nonrefundable unless otherwise indicated."; and
13on page 83, by replacing lines 2 through 13 with the following:
14    "(e) A provider of payroll processing services that was
15not licensed pursuant to the Transmitters of Money Act on the



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1effective date of this Act and transmitted no more than
2$50,000,000 in this State in calendar year 2023 shall not be
3required to be licensed and comply with this Act until January
41, 2025. A provider of payroll processing services that was
5not licensed pursuant to the Transmitters of Money Act on the
6effective date of this Act and transmitted no more than
7$50,000,000 in this State in calendar year 2023 shall not be
8penalized for providing such services before January 1, 2025
9if the provider submits a completed application for licensure
10prior to January 1, 2025."; and
11by deleting line 23 on page 102 through line 2 on page 103.