Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0646
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0646  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Cristina H. Pacione-Zayas

Filed: 3/28/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 646 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Task
5Force for a Healing-Centered Illinois Act.
6    Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly makes the
7following findings:
8        (1) The short-term, long-term, and multi-generational
9    impacts of trauma are well-documented and include
10    increased risk for reduced life expectancy, cancer,
11    cardiovascular disease, diabetes, smoking, substance
12    abuse, depression, unplanned pregnancies, low birth
13    weight, and suicide attempts as well as workplace
14    absenteeism, unemployment, lower educational achievement,
15    and lower wages.
16        (2) Trauma-informed and healing-centered principles,



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1    policies, and practices can prevent and mitigate the
2    adverse health and social outcomes associated with trauma.
3        (3) Equitable strategies and a multisector approach
4    are needed to ensure that all residents at every stage of
5    life have the supports at home and in their communities
6    that build well-being, buffer against negative
7    experiences, foster healing, and make it possible to
8    thrive.
9        (4) The State of Illinois is a national leader in
10    supporting trauma-informed strategies and is committed to
11    becoming a trauma-informed and healing-centered State.
12        (5) The State of Illinois has previously recognized
13    the impact of trauma on its residents' health and
14    well-being, including through Trauma-Informed Awareness
15    resolutions in 2019, 2021, and 2022, the creation of the
16    Whole Child Task Force in 2021, and the Children's Mental
17    Health Transformation Initiative established in 2022.
18        (6) The State of Illinois has public entities, such as
19    the State Board of Education, the Department of Human
20    Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the
21    Department of Public Health, and the Illinois Criminal
22    Justice Information Authority, non-governmental entities,
23    such as the Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition and the
24    Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative, and public-private
25    entities, such as the Illinois Children's Mental Health
26    Partnership, leading efforts related to being



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1    trauma-informed and healing-centered.
2        (7) Better coordination and alignment of existing
3    trauma-informed and healing-centered activities among
4    public and non-governmental agencies will lead to more
5    effective, equitable, and consistently high-quality
6    implementation of services and supports to Illinois
7    residents.
8        (8) Designing a sustainable structure to support and
9    measure trauma-informed, healing-centered activities is
10    essential to long-term transformation and should take into
11    consideration the importance of providing ongoing training
12    and support to the multisector, multidisciplinary
13    workforce, as well as ongoing research to inform the
14    development and implementation of trauma-informed,
15    healing-centered policies, practices, and programs.
16    Section 10. Purpose. The Healing-Centered Illinois Task
17Force is created to advance the State's efforts to become
18trauma-informed and healing-centered through improved
19alignment of existing efforts, common definitions and metrics,
20and strategic planning for long-term transformation. The Task
21Force shall have the following objectives:
22        (1) Recommend shared language and common definitions
23    for the State to become trauma-informed and
24    healing-centered across sectors by aligning language and
25    definitions included in the work of the Whole Child Task



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1    Force, the Children's Mental Health Transformation
2    Initiative, and the Illinois Children's Mental Health
3    Plan.
4        (2) Ensure the meaningful inclusion in Task Force
5    matters of young people, parents, survivors of trauma, and
6    residents who have engaged with Illinois systems or
7    policies, such as child welfare and the legal criminal
8    system.
9        (3) Identify the current training capacity and the
10    training needs to support healing-centered and
11    trauma-informed environments among organizations,
12    professional cohorts, educational institutions, and future
13    practitioners and project how best to meet those needs.
14        (4) Design a process identifying what data are needed
15    to understand the dimensions of trauma in the State and
16    the status of the trauma-related work in Illinois and
17    identify current relevant data sources in Illinois.
18        (5) Recommend a process for collecting and aggregating
19    such data identified, as well as a process for improving
20    transparency and accountability by developing and
21    maintaining a platform of aggregated data that is
22    accessible to a range of stakeholders, including the
23    public.
24        (6) Identify existing State resources that are being
25    invested to support trauma-informed and healing-centered
26    work, develop recommendations to align these resources,



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1    and propose an approach and recommendations to support
2    ongoing or expanded stable resources for this work.
3        (7) Identify what, if any, administrative or
4    legislative policy changes are needed to advance goals to
5    make Illinois a healing-centered or trauma-informed State.
6        (8) Recommend an overarching organizational structure
7    to ensure coordination, alignment, and progress to make
8    Illinois a trauma-informed, healing-centered State.
9        (9) Devise a set of benchmarks to measure success in
10    advancing the State toward becoming trauma-informed and
11    healing-centered and a process for measuring them.
12    Section 15. Membership. Members of the Healing-Centered
13Illinois Task Force must represent the diversity of this State
14and possess the expertise needed to perform the work required
15to meet the objectives of the Task Force set forth under
16Section 10. Members of the Task Force shall include the
18        (1) One representative of a statewide coalition
19    addressing childhood trauma, appointed by the Lieutenant
20    Governor.
21        (2) One representative of a statewide collaborative
22    addressing trauma across the lifespan (birth through older
23    adulthood), appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
24        (3) One representative from the Resilience Education
25    to Advance Community Healing (REACH) Statewide Initiative,



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1    appointed by the Superintendent of the Illinois State
2    Board of Education.
3        (4) One member of the General Assembly, appointed by
4    the President of the Senate.
5        (5) One member of the General Assembly, appointed by
6    the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
7        (6) One member of the General Assembly, appointed by
8    the Minority Leader of the Senate.
9        (7) One member of the General Assembly, appointed by
10    the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
11        (8) The Director of the Governor's Children's Mental
12    Health Transformation Initiative or the Director's
13    designee.
14        (9) The Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice
15    Information Authority or the Director's designee.
16        (10) The Director of Public Health or the Director's
17    designee.
18        (11) The Secretary of Human Services or the
19    Secretary's designee.
20        (12) The State Superintendent of Education or the
21    State Superintendent's designee.
22        (13) The Director of Juvenile Justice or the
23    Director's designee.
24        (14) The Director of Corrections or the Director's
25    designee.
26        (15) The Director of Children and Family Services or



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1    the Director's designee.
2        (16) The Director of Aging or the Director's designee.
3        (17) The Director of Healthcare and Family Services or
4    the Director's designee.
5        (18) The Chair of the Illinois Law Enforcement
6    Training Standards Board or the Chair's designee.
7        (19) The Director of the Administrative Office of the
8    Illinois Courts or the Director's designee.
9        (20) Up to 5 additional representatives appointed by
10    the Lieutenant Governor who have expertise in
11    trauma-informed policies and practices within health care,
12    public health, public education, the criminal legal
13    system, violence prevention, child welfare, human
14    services, adult behavioral health services, children's
15    behavioral health services, or law enforcement.
16        (21) Up to 3 representatives who have been impacted by
17    State systems, including the criminal legal system and
18    child welfare, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
19        (22) At least one representative from student and
20    youth counsels or advisory groups focused on advancing
21    awareness and resources for mental health and
22    trauma-informed services in diverse communities across the
23    State, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
24        (23) At least one representative from an organization
25    that brings parents together to improve mental health and
26    supports for children and families, appointed by the



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1    Lieutenant Governor.
2        (24) One representative from a public-private
3    partnership to support children's behavioral health,
4    appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
5    Section 20. Meetings. The Healing-Centered Illinois Task
6Force shall meet at the call of the Lieutenant Governor or his
7or her designee, who shall serve as the chairperson. The
8Office of the Lieutenant Governor shall provide administrative
9support to the Task Force. Members of the Task Force shall
10serve without compensation except those designated by the
11Lieutenant Governor at the time of appointment as community or
12system-impacted people may receive stipends as compensation
13for their time.
14    Section 25. Reports. The Healing-Centered Illinois Task
15Force shall submit a report of its findings and
16recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor
17within one year after the effective date of this Act. The Task
18Force is dissolved, and this Act is repealed, one year after
19the date of the report.".