Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4592
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4592  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Kam Buckner

Filed: 4/2/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4592 on page 12,
3line 22, after the period, by inserting "No person, public
4entity, private entity, or agency shall establish a policy
5that requires an electronic credential instead of a physical
6credential."; and
7    on page 13, line 25, after the period, by inserting
8"Except for willful and wanton misconduct, any law enforcement
9officer, court, or officer of the court presented with the
10device shall be immune from any liability resulting from
11damage to the mobile device."; and
12on page 27, line 20, after the period, by inserting "No person,
13public entity, private entity, or agency shall establish a
14policy that requires an electronic credential instead of a
15physical credential."; and



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1on page 28, line 23, after the period, by inserting "Except for
2willful and wanton misconduct, any law enforcement officer,
3court, or officer of the court presented with the device shall
4be immune from any liability resulting from damage to the
5mobile device."; and
6by replacing line 20 on page 33 through line 2 on page 34 with
7the following:
8    "Mobile driver's license" means an electronic extension of
9the Secretary of State issued physical driver's license that
10conveys identity and driving privilege information and is in
11compliance with the American Association of Motor Vehicle
12Administrator's Mobile Driver's License Implementation
13Guidelines and the ISO/IEC 18013-5 standard. "Mobile driver's
14license" does not include a digital copy, photograph, or image
15of a driver's license that is not downloaded through the
16Secretary of State's application on a mobile device."; and
17on page 34, line 9, by replacing "digitized" with "mobile";
19on page 34, line 18, after the period, by inserting "Except for
20willful and wanton misconduct, any law enforcement officer,
21court, or officer of the court presented with the device shall
22be immune from any liability resulting from damage to the
23mobile device.".