Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4276
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4276  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Janet Yang Rohr

Filed: 4/15/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4276 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Life Care Facilities Act is amended by
5adding Sections 5.1 and 5.2 as follows:
6    (210 ILCS 40/5.1 new)
7    Sec. 5.1. Pre-sale disclosures.
8    (a) Prior to the execution of a refundable life care
9contract and the transfer of any money or other property to a
10provider or escrow agent, the provider shall deliver to the
11consumer a pre-sale disclosure printed on paper. The pre-sale
12disclosure shall be signed by the consumer prior to executing
13the life care contract. The pre-sale disclosure shall include:
14        (1) the caption, "ENTRY FEE REFUNDS: CONSUMER NOTICE",
15    in at least 28-point font and the remaining portion in at
16    least 12-point font;



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1        (2) the caption, "The timing of refunds for past
2    residents may not be indicative of your refund experience.
3    Your ability to collect on the full amount of the
4    calculated refund may be modified or nullified pending
5    market conditions, any future sale of this organization,
6    or in the event of bankruptcy. Current residents, former
7    residents awaiting refunds, and the estates of former
8    residents awaiting refunds shall be provided with the most
9    recent entry fee refund data disclosure upon request.";
10        (3) for refunds returned by the provider in the most
11    recently completed calendar year:
12            (A) the average number of months passed before the
13        refund of an entry fee by the provider; and
14            (B) the median number of months passed before the
15        refund of an entry fee by the provider;
16        (4) the percentage of entry fee contracts awaiting
17    refunds from the provider with wait times exceeding 24
18    months as of the end of the most recently completed
19    calendar year;
20        (5) the percentage of entry fee contracts awaiting
21    refunds from the provider with wait times exceeding 36
22    months as of the end of the most recently completed
23    calendar year;
24        (6) the percentage of entry fee contracts awaiting
25    refunds from the provider with wait times exceeding 60
26    months as of the end of the most recently completed



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1    calendar year;
2        (7) the number of entry fee contracts awaiting refunds
3    from the provider as of the last day of the most recently
4    completed calendar year; and
5        (8) the number of entry fee refunds returned by the
6    provider in the most recently completed calendar year.
7    (b) Pre-sale disclosures may include additional data by
8calendar year.
9    (c) If a payee for an entry fee refund cannot be
10determined, for purposes of calculating the data in subsection
11(a), a refund shall be considered complete when a new resident
12occupies the specified living unit.
13    (d) The most current pre-sale disclosure data detailed in
14subsection (a) shall be made available, upon request, to
15current residents that have refundable entry fee contracts,
16former residents who have not yet received refunds for their
17refundable entry fees, and the estates of former residents who
18have not yet received refunds for their refundable entry fees.
19    (210 ILCS 40/5.2 new)
20    Sec. 5.2. Living unit reappropriation. If an unoccupied
21living unit is contemplated for use for a purpose other than as
22a living unit, including, but not limited to, an exam room or a
23storage room, and if there exist beneficiaries awaiting an
24entry fee refund, the beneficiaries of the entry fee refund
25must provide a signed acknowledgment of, and agreement to, the



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1reappropriation that may be in effect up to a specific date.
2The reappropriation acknowledgment shall include:
3        (1) the caption, "ENTRY FEE REFUND DELAYS: CONSUMER
4    NOTICE" in at least 28-point font and the remaining
5    portion in at least a 12-point font;
6        (2) the caption, "Your agreement to this arrangement
7    may result in the delayed sale of the living unit as well
8    as the delayed return of the entry fee."; and
9        (3) a statement that the rights provided under this
10    Section may not be waived.".