Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3713
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3713  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Adriane Johnson

Filed: 5/23/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3713 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Sections
52-3.204, 10-20.87, and 34-18.87 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/2-3.204 new)
7    Sec. 2-3.204. School ventilation document.
8    (a) As used in this Section, "active classroom" means a
9room currently being used for any duration of in-person
11    (b) Subject to appropriation, the State Board of
12Education, in consultation with the Department of Public
13Health, shall develop an educational document explaining, at a
14minimum, the values of good indoor air quality and shall
15supply the document in a Portable Document Format (PDF) to
16school districts within one year after an appropriation is



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1made for this purpose.
2    (c) Subject to appropriation, a school district shall
3supply all active classroom instructors, school staff, school
4administrators, and district leadership with the educational
5document developed by the State Board under subsection (b) in
6a PDF and a physical format.
7    (105 ILCS 5/10-20.87 new)
8    Sec. 10-20.87. School ventilation.
9    (a) As used in this Section, "active classroom" means a
10room currently being used for any duration of in-person
12    (b) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
13from an appropriation made for this purpose, a school district
14shall ensure that all active classrooms that are not
15mechanically ventilated have at least 2 properly functioning
16windows, or one window in situations where only one is
17present, that can open and can safely stay open. A school
18district must be in compliance with this subsection within 2
19years after funding is made available to the school district
20for this purpose.
21    (c) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
22from an appropriation made for this purpose, a school district
23shall ensure that all active classrooms are equipped with an
24air quality monitor or sensor that is installed and operating.
25Each school shall record all incidents in which the



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1recommended parts-per-million level was breached in a
2classroom and maintain those records for at least 5 years. An
3air quality monitor or sensor supplied under this subsection
4may not be shared between active classrooms.
5    (d) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
6from an appropriation made for this purpose, a school district
7shall ensure that all active classrooms are equipped with an
8in-room air cleaner that is installed and operating. An
9in-room air cleaner supplied under this subsection may not be
10shared between active classrooms.
11    (e) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
12from an appropriation made for this purpose, a school district
13shall supply each school in the district with 5 additional
14in-room air cleaners and 5 additional air quality monitors or
15sensors to be used in the school health office, the school
16library, the school cafeteria, and other similar school
18    (f) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
19from an appropriation made for this purpose, the regional
20office of education or intermediate service center for a
21school district shall undertake a ventilation verification
22assessment of all mechanical ventilation systems in a school
23district. The ventilation verification assessment shall verify
24whether the existing mechanical ventilation system is
25operating in accordance with design parameters and meets the
26requirements of any applicable building codes.



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1    (105 ILCS 5/34-18.87 new)
2    Sec. 34-18.87. School ventilation.
3    (a) As used in this Section, "active classroom" means a
4room currently being used for any duration of in-person
6    (b) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
7from an appropriation made for this purpose, the school
8district shall ensure that all active classrooms that are not
9mechanically ventilated have at least 2 properly functioning
10windows, or one window in situations where only one is
11present, that can open and can safely stay open. The school
12district must be in compliance with this subsection within 2
13years after funding is made available to the school district
14for this purpose.
15    (c) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
16from an appropriation made for this purpose, the school
17district shall ensure that all active classrooms are equipped
18with an air quality monitor or sensor that is installed and
19operating. Each school shall record all incidents in which the
20recommended parts-per-million level was breached in a
21classroom and maintain those records for at least 5 years. An
22air quality monitor or sensor supplied under this subsection
23may not be shared between active classrooms.
24    (d) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
25from an appropriation made for this purpose, the school



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1district shall ensure that all active classrooms are equipped
2with an in-room air cleaner that is installed and operating.
3An in-room air cleaner supplied under this subsection may not
4be shared between active classrooms.
5    (e) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
6from an appropriation made for this purpose, the school
7district shall supply each school in the district with 5
8additional in-room air cleaners and 5 additional air quality
9monitors or sensors to be used in the school health office, the
10school library, the school cafeteria, and other similar school
12    (f) Subject to funding from the State Board of Education
13from an appropriation made for this purpose, the State Board
14of Education shall undertake a ventilation verification
15assessment of all mechanical ventilation systems in the school
16district. The ventilation verification assessment shall verify
17whether the existing mechanical ventilation system is
18operating in accordance with design parameters and meets the
19requirements of any applicable building codes.".