Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3683
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3683  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Harry Benton

Filed: 3/22/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3683 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
5changing Section 3-600 as follows:
6    (625 ILCS 5/3-600)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-600)
7    Sec. 3-600. Requirements for issuance of special plates.
8    (a) The Secretary of State shall issue only special plates
9that have been authorized by the General Assembly. Except as
10provided in subsection (a-5), the Secretary of State shall not
11issue a series of special plates, or Universal special plates
12associated with an organization authorized to issue decals for
13Universal special plates, unless applications, as prescribed
14by the Secretary, have been received for 2,000 plates of that
15series. Where a special plate is authorized by law to raise
16funds for a specific civic group, charitable entity, or other



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1identified organization, or when the civic group, charitable
2entity, or organization is authorized to issue decals for
3Universal special license plates, and where the Secretary of
4State has not received the required number of applications to
5issue that special plate within 2 years of the effective date
6of the Public Act authorizing the special plate or decal, the
7Secretary of State's authority to issue the special plate or a
8Universal special plate associated with that decal is
9nullified. All applications for special plates shall be on a
10form designated by the Secretary and shall be accompanied by
11any civic group's, charitable entity's, or other identified
12fundraising organization's portion of the additional fee
13associated with that plate or decal. All fees collected under
14this Section are non-refundable and shall be deposited in the
15special fund as designated in the enabling legislation,
16regardless of whether the plate or decal is produced. Upon the
17adoption of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly,
18no further special license plates shall be authorized by the
19General Assembly unless that special license plate is
20authorized under subsection (a-5) of this Section.
21    (a-5) If the General Assembly authorizes the issuance of a
22special plate that recognizes the applicant's military service
23or receipt of a military medal or award, the Secretary may
24immediately begin issuing that special plate.
25    (b) The Secretary of State, upon issuing a new series of
26special license plates, shall notify all law enforcement



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1officials of the design, color and other special features of
2the special license plate series.
3    (c) This Section shall not apply to the Secretary of
4State's discretion as established in Section 3-611.
5    (d) If a law authorizing a special license plate provides
6that the sponsoring organization is to designate a charitable
7entity as the recipient of the funds from the sale of that
8license plate, the designated charitable entity must be in
9compliance with the registration and reporting requirements of
10the Charitable Trust Act and the Solicitation for Charity Act.
11In addition, the charitable entity must annually provide the
12Secretary of State's office a letter of compliance issued by
13the Illinois Attorney General's office verifying the entity is
14in compliance with the Acts.
15    In the case of a law in effect before the effective date of
16this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the name of
17the charitable entity which is to receive the funds shall be
18provided to the Secretary of State within one year after the
19effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
20Assembly. In the case of a law that takes effect on or after
21the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
22Assembly, the name of the charitable entity which is to
23receive the funds shall be provided to the Secretary of State
24within one year after the law takes effect. If the
25organization fails to designate an appropriate charitable
26entity within the one-year period, or if the designated



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1charitable entity fails to annually provide the Secretary of
2State a letter of compliance issued by the Illinois Attorney
3General's office, any funds collected from the sale of plates
4authorized for that organization and not previously disbursed
5shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund, and the
6special plates shall be discontinued.
7    (e) If fewer than 1,000 sets of any special license plate
8authorized by law and issued by the Secretary of State are
9actively registered for 2 consecutive calendar years, the
10Secretary of State may discontinue the issuance of that
11special license plate or require that special license plate to
12be exchanged for Universal special plates with appropriate
14    (f) Where special license plates have been discontinued
15pursuant to subsection (d) or (e) of this Section, or when the
16special license plates are required to be exchanged for
17Universal special plates under subsection (e) of this Section,
18all previously issued plates of that type shall be recalled.
19Owners of vehicles which were registered with recalled plates
20shall not be charged a reclassification or registration
21sticker replacement plate fee upon the issuance of new plates
22for those vehicles.
23    (g) Any special plate that is authorized to be issued for
24motorcycles may also be issued for autocycles. Any military
25series registration plate authorized for issuance under this
26Article shall be issued in a form appropriate for autocycles.



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1    (h) The Secretary may use alternating numeric and
2alphabetical characters when issuing a special registration
3plate authorized under this Chapter.
4    (i) The Secretary of State may issue digital registration
5plates and stickers in accordance with this Section and
6Section 3-401.5.
7(Source: P.A. 100-956, eff. 1-1-19; 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)".