Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2820
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2820  103rd General Assembly




HB2820 EngrossedLRB103 29740 JDS 56146 b

1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and
5Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
6amended by changing Section 2310-222 as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 2310/2310-222)
8    Sec. 2310-222. Obstetric hemorrhage and hypertension
10    (a) As used in this Section:
11    "Birthing facility" means (1) a hospital, as defined in
12the Hospital Licensing Act, with more than one licensed
13obstetric bed or a neonatal intensive care unit; (2) a
14hospital operated by a State university; or (3) a birth
15center, as defined in the Alternative Health Care Delivery
16Act; or (4) a birth center, as defined in the Birth Center
17Licensing Act.
18    "Postpartum" means the 12-month period after a person has
19delivered a baby.
20    (b) The Department shall ensure that all birthing
21facilities have a written policy and conduct continuing
22education yearly for providers and staff of obstetric medicine
23and of the emergency department and other staff that may care



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1for pregnant or postpartum women. The written policy and
2continuing education shall include yearly educational modules
3regarding management of severe maternal hypertension and
4obstetric hemorrhage, addressing airway emergencies
5experienced during childbirth, and management of other leading
6causes of maternal mortality for units that care for pregnant
7or postpartum women. Birthing facilities must demonstrate
8compliance with these written policy and , education, and
9training requirements.
10    (c) The Department shall collaborate with the Illinois
11Perinatal Quality Collaborative or its successor organization
12to develop an initiative to improve birth equity and reduce
13peripartum racial and ethnic disparities. The Department shall
14ensure that the initiative includes the development of best
15practices for implicit bias training and education in cultural
16competency to be used by birthing facilities in interactions
17between patients and providers. In developing the initiative,
18the Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative or its successor
19organization shall consider existing programs, such as the
20Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health and the California
21Maternal Quality Collaborative's pilot work on improving birth
22equity. The Department shall support the initiation of a
23statewide perinatal quality improvement initiative in
24collaboration with birthing facilities to implement strategies
25to reduce peripartum racial and ethnic disparities and to
26address implicit bias in the health care system.



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1    (d) In order to better facilitate continuity of care, the
2Department, in consultation with the Illinois Perinatal
3Quality Collaborative, shall make available to all birthing
4facilities best practices for timely identification and
5assessment of all pregnant and postpartum women for common
6pregnancy or postpartum complications in the emergency
7department and for care provided by the birthing facility
8throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period. The best
9practices shall include the appropriate and timely
10consultation of an obstetric or other relevant provider to
11provide input on management and follow-up, such as offering
12coordination of a post-delivery early postpartum visit or
13other services that may be appropriate and available. Birthing
14facilities shall incorporate these best practices into the
15written policy required under subsection (b). Birthing
16facilities may use telemedicine for the consultation.
17    (e) The Department may adopt rules for the purpose of
18implementing this Section.
19(Source: P.A. 101-390, eff. 1-1-20; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21;
20102-665, eff. 10-8-21.)
21    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
22becoming law.