Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0817
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0817  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Don Harmon

Filed: 1/5/2025





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 817, AS AMENDED, by
3replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5    "Section 5. The State Treasurer Act is amended by changing
6Section 35 as follows:
7    (15 ILCS 505/35)
8    Sec. 35. State Treasurer may purchase real property.
9    (a) Subject to the provisions of the Public Contract Fraud
10Act, the State Treasurer, on behalf of the State of Illinois,
11is authorized during State fiscal years 2019 and 2020 to
12acquire real property located in the City of Springfield,
13Illinois which the State Treasurer deems necessary to properly
14carry out the powers and duties vested in him or her. Real
15property acquired under this Section may be acquired subject
16to any third party interests in the property that do not



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1prevent the State Treasurer from exercising the intended
2beneficial use of such property.
3    (a-5) To ensure the safe and optimal operation of any real
4property acquired under subsection (a) and any improvements
5made to that real property, the State Treasurer, or the
6Department of Natural Resources on the State Treasurer's
7behalf, may acquire, at any time, any interest in any other
8real property, and the State Treasurer may make improvements
9and repairs on any property acquired under subsection (a) and
10this subsection.
11    (b) Subject to the provisions of the Treasurer's
12Procurement Rules, which shall be substantially in accordance
13with the requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code, the
14State Treasurer may:
15        (1) enter into contracts relating to construction,
16    reconstruction or renovation projects for any such
17    buildings or lands acquired pursuant to subsections
18    subsection (a) and (a-5); and
19        (2) equip, lease, operate and maintain those grounds,
20    buildings and facilities as may be appropriate to carry
21    out his or her statutory purposes and duties.
22    (c) The State Treasurer may enter into agreements with any
23person with respect to the use and occupancy of the grounds,
24buildings, and facilities of the State Treasurer, including
25concession, license, and lease agreements on terms and
26conditions as the State Treasurer determines and in accordance



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1with the procurement processes for the Office of the State
2Treasurer, which shall be substantially in accordance with the
3requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code.
4    (d) The exercise of the authority vested in the Treasurer
5by this Section is subject to the appropriation of the
6necessary funds.
7    (e) State Treasurer's Capital Fund.
8        (1) The State Treasurer's Capital Fund is created as a
9    trust fund in the State treasury. Moneys in the Fund shall
10    be utilized by the State Treasurer in the exercise of the
11    authority vested in the Treasurer by subsection (b) of
12    this Section. All interest earned by the investment or
13    deposit of moneys accumulated in the Fund shall be
14    deposited into the Fund.
15        (2) Moneys in the State Treasurer's Capital Fund are
16    subject to appropriation by the General Assembly.
17        (3) The State Treasurer may transfer amounts from the
18    State Treasurer's Administrative Fund and from the
19    Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the State Treasurer's
20    Capital Fund. In no fiscal year may the total of such
21    transfers exceed $500,000 or the amount appropriated by
22    the General Assembly in a fiscal year for that purpose,
23    whichever is greater $250,000. The State Treasurer may
24    accept gifts, grants, donations, federal funds, or other
25    revenues or transfers for deposit into the State
26    Treasurer's Capital Fund.



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1        (4) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of
2    the 102nd General Assembly and prior to July 1, 2022 the
3    State Treasurer and State Comptroller shall transfer from
4    the CDB Special Projects Fund to the State Treasurer's
5    Capital Fund an amount equal to the unexpended balance of
6    funds transferred by the State Treasurer to the CDB
7    Special Projects Fund in 2019 and 2020 pursuant to an
8    intergovernmental agreement between the State Treasurer
9    and the Capital Development Board.
10(Source: P.A. 101-487, eff. 8-23-19; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21;
11102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
12    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
13becoming law.".