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2    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois has been without a complete
3budget since July of 2015 due to the continuing failures of the
4Governor and the General Assembly to do their jobs and pass a
5balanced budget; and
6    WHEREAS, Because of these failures, Illinois seniors have
7lost access to meals-on-wheels and transportation services;
8home healthcare agencies serving low-income seniors and people
9with disabilities have closed or reduced service areas; K-12
10schools are struggling due to cuts to funding for
11transportation, special education, and school lunches; and
12services that help keep kids out of jail have closed in 24
13counties; and
14    WHEREAS, Programs that provide shelter, counseling, and
15advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault
16were not funded by the six-month stop-gap budget, resulting in
17layoffs of counselors and case managers, and building waiting
18lists for services; and
19    WHEREAS, State vendors and community service providers who
20have unwittingly and willingly lent their services to the State
21have either received late payments or no payments at all,
22demonstrating a lack of ethics and dereliction of the duties of



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1the Governor and the General Assembly; and
2    WHEREAS, This stalemate has placed an undue burden upon our
3higher education network, community hospitals, and other
4related service-providers that are valuable economic engines
5creating jobs, tax revenues, stability, and opportunities for
6the people of Illinois; and
7    WHEREAS, State-owned facilities all over Illinois are in
8need of maintenance and repair, whether it be the State
9Fairgrounds in Springfield and Du Quoin, the World Shooting
10Recreational Complex in Sparta, all State Parks, and the
11prisons, hospitals, license facilities, tourism bureaus, and
12more in every corner of the State; continued deferred
13maintenance will cost the State exponentially more in
14construction costs, lost revenue, diminished efficiency, and
15loss of good will; and
16    WHEREAS, Equitable contract terms need to be reached with
17all State employee unions, including the payment of back-pay
18and the full funding of employee health insurance to provide
19peace of mind for them and their families, and so that the
20State of Illinois can deliver services that have been promised
21and upon which the citizens rely; and
22    WHEREAS, Moody's Investor Service rates the State of



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1Illinois the lowest among all of the states, only two levels
2above their "junk" rating, a singular travesty considering
3Illinois has the fifth largest economy; four Illinois
4universities have already had some or all of their debt rated
5junk, with downgrades of more universities anticipated this
6year; this decline must be reversed; and
7    WHEREAS, The Governor and the General Assembly are inching
8ever-closer to a more equitable PK-12 school funding formula;
9however, the full positive effects of reforming the school
10funding formula cannot be fully leveraged without the benefits
11of a complete and enacted State budget; and
12    WHEREAS, The Governor of Illinois is empowered with the
13line-item veto and should consider utilizing that power in
14order to facilitate a budget more acceptable to him; and
15    WHEREAS, The people are suffering and angry because the
16Governor and the General Assembly continue to play politics
17with their lives, ignoring the duties of the offices to which
18they were elected and foregoing their oaths of office; and
19    WHEREAS, The General Assembly has missed countless
20opportunities to address these problems by being in Springfield
21for less than half of the working calendar days while the State
22is in crisis; and



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1    WHEREAS, Instead of being in Springfield and working with
2the General Assembly, the Governor spends session days in
3Chicago raising money for his re-election and campaigning all
4over the State; it is unseemly for anyone of either party to
5actively raise funds to campaign for office while the General
6Assembly is in session and while the State has a backlog of $13
7billion in unpaid bills; and
8    WHEREAS, Further stalemate can and will be exploited for
9political benefit at the expense of those who can least afford
10the cost; and
11    WHEREAS, Right now the most important thing State
12government can do is to provide the predictability and
13stability that comes from having a balanced budget to halt the
14migration of residents and businesses from the State and
15encourage more to come to Illinois; and
16    WHEREAS, The sooner the Governor and General Assembly
17commit to in-person meetings and creating political solutions,
18the faster we can avoid the further digging of a hole of debt
19and taxes the burden of which future generations of Illinoisans
20will bear; therefore, be it



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2CONCURRING HEREIN, that the Governor shall fulfill his
3responsibilities under Section 2(a) of Article VIII of the
4Illinois Constitution and deliver a balanced budget to the
5General Assembly; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That once a balanced budget is received from the
7Governor, the General Assembly shall fulfill its
8responsibilities under Section 2(b) of the Illinois
9Constitution by passing a balanced budget, and until a balanced
10budget is passed, the General Assembly is to remain in session
11Monday through Saturday for at least 10 hours per day; and be
12it further
13    RESOLVED, That the Governor shall remain in Springfield
14while the General Assembly is in session, actively engaged and
15working with the General Assembly to end the budget impasse;
16and be it further
17    RESOLVED, That under no circumstances shall the
18fulfillment of this resolution cost the taxpayers more money in
19legislative pay, per diems, or travel expenses; and be it
21    RESOLVED, That the Governor and the General Assembly should
22spend their energies leading and governing by working for the



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1next generation and not the next election.