Rep. Will Guzzardi

Filed: 4/16/2018





10000HB4900ham001LRB100 20493 MJP 38544 a


2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4900 on page 1, line
35, by replacing "Illinois Generic Drug Pricing Fairness" with
4"Pharmaceutical and Health Affordability: Restrictions on
5Manufacturers' Amoral Behavior through Reasonable Oversight";
7on page 2, line 7, after "Act.", by inserting ""Manufacturer"
8does not include an entity operating as a wholesale drug
9distributor as defined in Section 15 of the Wholesale Drug
10Distribution Licensing Act."; and
11on page 2, by replacing lines 10 through 14 with the following:
12        "(1) would result in the wholesale acquisition cost of
13    a 30-day supply of the essential off-patent or generic drug
14    exceeding $20 and would result in an increase in the
15    wholesale acquisition cost of the essential off-patent or
16    generic drug of:



10000HB4900ham001- 2 -LRB100 20493 MJP 38544 a

1            (A) 30% or more within the preceding year;
2            (B) 50% or more within the preceding 3 years; or
3            (C) 75% or more within the preceding 5 years; or";
4        and
5on page 3, line 9, after "drug", by inserting "that is
6ultimately sold in Illinois"; and
7on page 3, line 13, by replacing "additional costs" with "an
8increase in the wholesale acquisition cost"; and
9on page 3, line 15, after "drug", by inserting "or due to
10market forces in those cases where there are multiple competing
11generic drug products"; and
12on page 4, lines 10 and 12, by replacing "price" each time it
13appears with "wholesale acquisition cost".