Full Text of SB2936 97th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2011 and 2012 SB2936 Introduced 2/1/2012, by Sen. Iris Y. Martinez SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
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Amends the Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act. Changes the short title to the Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Act. Provides that any person who practices, offers to practice, attempts to practice, or
holds oneself out as being able to provide dietetics and nutrition services without being
licensed under the Act shall, in
addition to any other penalty provided by law, pay a civil penalty to the
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in an amount not to exceed $10,000 (instead of $5,000) for each offense as determined by
the Department. Reduces the number of members on the Dietitian
Nutritionist Practice Board to 5 (instead of 7). Provides that to qualify for
licensure as a dietitian nutritionist, the number of hours completed in a dietetic internship or documented, supervised practice
experience in dietetics and nutrition services is a minimum of 1,200 hours
(instead of 900 hours). Provides that the
Department may, with regard to any license, refuse to issue or renew or
may revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand or take other
disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department may deem proper, including imposing fines not
to exceed $10,000 (instead of $1,000) per violation,
for any one or any combination of specified offenses. Creates a provision concerning the confidentiality of all information collected by the Department in the course of an examination or investigation of a licensee or applicant. Repeals provisions concerning transition and deposit of fees and fines. Makes other changes. Amends the Regulatory Sunset Act to extend the Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Act from January 1, 2013 to January 1, 2023. Effective immediately.
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| | A BILL FOR |
| | | SB2936 | | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 1. The Regulatory Sunset Act is amended by changing | 5 | | Section 4.23 and by adding Section 4.33 as follows:
| 6 | | (5 ILCS 80/4.23)
| 7 | | Sec. 4.23. Acts and Sections repealed on January 1,
2013. | 8 | | The following Acts and Sections of Acts are
repealed on January | 9 | | 1, 2013:
| 10 | | The Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act.
| 11 | | The Elevator Safety and Regulation Act.
| 12 | | The Fire Equipment Distributor and Employee Regulation Act | 13 | | of 2011. | 14 | | The Funeral Directors and Embalmers Licensing Code.
| 15 | | The Naprapathic Practice Act.
| 16 | | The Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional | 17 | | Counselor
Licensing Act.
| 18 | | The Wholesale Drug Distribution Licensing Act.
| 19 | | Section 2.5 of the Illinois Plumbing License Law.
| 20 | | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-1499, eff. 1-18-11.)
| 21 | | (5 ILCS 80/4.33 new) | 22 | | Sec. 4.33. Act repealed on January 1,
2023. The following |
| | | SB2936 | - 2 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | Act is
repealed on January 1, 2023: | 2 | | The Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Act. | 3 | | Section 2. The Department of Public Health Powers and | 4 | | Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | 5 | | amended by changing Section 2310-210 as follows:
| 6 | | (20 ILCS 2310/2310-210) (was 20 ILCS 2310/55.62a)
| 7 | | Sec. 2310-210. Advisory Panel on Minority Health.
| 8 | | (a) In this Section:
| 9 | | "Health profession" means any health profession regulated | 10 | | under the laws of
this State, including, without limitation, | 11 | | professions regulated under the
Illinois Athletic Trainers | 12 | | Practice Act, the Clinical Psychologist Licensing
Act, the | 13 | | Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act, the Illinois | 14 | | Dental
Practice Act, the Dietitian Nutritionist Dietetic and | 15 | | Nutrition Services Practice Act, the Marriage
and Family | 16 | | Therapy Licensing Act, the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the
| 17 | | Naprapathic Practice Act, the Nurse Practice Act, the
| 18 | | Occupational Therapy Practice Act, the Illinois Optometric | 19 | | Practice Act of
1987, the Illinois
Physical Therapy Act, the | 20 | | Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987, the
Podiatric Medical | 21 | | Practice Act of
1987, the Professional Counselor and Clinical | 22 | | Professional Counselor Licensing
Act, and the Illinois | 23 | | Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Act.
| 24 | | "Minority" has the same meaning as in Section 2310-215.
| | | SB2936 | - 3 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (b) The General Assembly finds as follows:
| 2 | | (1) The health status of individuals from ethnic and | 3 | | racial minorities in
this State is significantly lower than | 4 | | the health status of the general
population of the State.
| 5 | | (2) Minorities suffer disproportionately high rates of | 6 | | cancer, stroke,
heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell | 7 | | anemia, lupus, substance abuse, acquired
immune deficiency | 8 | | syndrome, other diseases and disorders, unintentional
| 9 | | injuries, and suicide.
| 10 | | (3) The incidence of infant mortality among minorities | 11 | | is almost double
that for the general population.
| 12 | | (4) Minorities suffer disproportionately from lack of | 13 | | access to health
care and poor living conditions.
| 14 | | (5) Minorities are under-represented in the health | 15 | | care professions.
| 16 | | (6) Minority participation in the procurement policies | 17 | | of the health care
industry is lacking.
| 18 | | (7) Minority health professionals historically have | 19 | | tended to practice in
low-income areas and to serve | 20 | | minorities.
| 21 | | (8) National experts on minority health report that | 22 | | access to health care
among minorities can be substantially | 23 | | improved by increasing the number of
minority health | 24 | | professionals.
| 25 | | (9) Increasing the number of minorities serving on the | 26 | | facilities of
health professional schools is an important |
| | | SB2936 | - 4 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | factor in attracting minorities to
pursue a career in | 2 | | health professions.
| 3 | | (10) Retaining minority health professionals currently | 4 | | practicing in this
State and those receiving training and | 5 | | education in this State is an important
factor in | 6 | | maintaining and increasing the number of minority health
| 7 | | professionals in Illinois.
| 8 | | (11) An Advisory Panel on Minority Health is necessary | 9 | | to address the
health issues affecting minorities in this | 10 | | State.
| 11 | | (c) The General Assembly's intent is as follows:
| 12 | | (1) That all Illinoisans have access to health care.
| 13 | | (2) That the gap between the health status of | 14 | | minorities and other
be closed.
| 15 | | (3) That the health issues that disproportionately | 16 | | affect minorities be
addressed to improve the health status | 17 | | of minorities.
| 18 | | (4) That the number of minorities in the health | 19 | | professions be increased.
| 20 | | (d) The Advisory Panel on Minority Health is created. The | 21 | | Advisory Panel
shall consist of 25 members appointed by the | 22 | | Director of Public Health. The
members shall represent health | 23 | | professions and the General Assembly.
| 24 | | (e) The Advisory Panel shall assist the Department in the | 25 | | following manner:
| 26 | | (1) Examination of the following areas as they relate |
| | | SB2936 | - 5 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | to minority health:
| 2 | | (A) Access to health care.
| 3 | | (B) Demographic factors.
| 4 | | (C) Environmental factors.
| 5 | | (D) Financing of health care.
| 6 | | (E) Health behavior.
| 7 | | (F) Health knowledge.
| 8 | | (G) Utilization of quality care.
| 9 | | (H) Minorities in health care professions.
| 10 | | (2) Development of monitoring, tracking, and reporting | 11 | | mechanisms for
and services with minority health | 12 | | goals and objectives.
| 13 | | (3) Communication with local health departments, | 14 | | community-based
voluntary health | 15 | | organizations, and other public and private organizations
| 16 | | statewide, on an ongoing basis, to learn more about their | 17 | | services to
minority communities, the health problems of | 18 | | minority communities, and their
ideas for improving | 19 | | minority health.
| 20 | | (4) Promotion of communication among all State | 21 | | agencies that provide
to minority populations.
| 22 | | (5) Building coalitions between the State and | 23 | | leadership in minority
| 24 | | (6) Encouragement of recruitment and retention of | 25 | | minority health
| 26 | | (7) Improvement in methods for collecting and |
| | | SB2936 | - 6 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | reporting data on minority
| 2 | | (8) Improvement in accessibility to health and medical | 3 | | care for minority
populations in under-served rural and | 4 | | urban areas.
| 5 | | (9) Reduction of communication barriers for | 6 | | non-English speaking
| 7 | | (10) Coordination of the development and dissemination | 8 | | of culturally
and sensitive education | 9 | | material, public awareness messages, and health
promotion | 10 | | programs for minorities.
| 11 | | (f) On or before January 1, 1997 the Advisory Panel shall | 12 | | submit an
interim report to the Governor and the General | 13 | | Assembly. The interim report
shall include an update on the | 14 | | Advisory Panel's progress in performing its
functions under | 15 | | this Section and shall include
recommendations, including | 16 | | recommendations for any necessary legislative
| 17 | | On or before January 1, 1998 the Advisory Panel shall | 18 | | submit a final report
to the Governor and the General Assembly. | 19 | | The final report shall include the
| 20 | | (1) An evaluation of the health status of minorities in | 21 | | this State.
| 22 | | (2) An evaluation of minority access to health care in | 23 | | this State.
| 24 | | (3) Recommendations for improving the health status of | 25 | | minorities in this
| 26 | | (4) Recommendations for increasing minority access to |
| | | SB2936 | - 7 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | health care in this
| 2 | | (5) Recommendations for increasing minority | 3 | | participation in the
procurement policies of the health | 4 | | care industry.
| 5 | | (6) Recommendations for increasing the number of | 6 | | minority health
professionals in this State.
| 7 | | (7) Recommendations that will ensure that the health | 8 | | status of minorities
in this State continues to be | 9 | | addressed beyond the expiration of the Advisory
| 10 | | (Source: P.A. 95-639, eff. 10-5-07.)
| 11 | | Section 3. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | 12 | | changing Section 356w as follows:
| 13 | | (215 ILCS 5/356w)
| 14 | | Sec. 356w. Diabetes self-management training and | 15 | | education.
| 16 | | (a) A group policy of accident and health insurance that is | 17 | | amended,
issued, or renewed after the
effective date | 18 | | of this amendatory Act of 1998 shall provide coverage for
| 19 | | outpatient self-management
training and education, equipment, | 20 | | and supplies, as set forth in this Section,
for the treatment | 21 | | of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes
| 22 | | mellitus.
| 23 | | (b) As used in this Section:
| 24 | | "Diabetes self-management training"
means instruction in |
| | | SB2936 | - 8 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | an outpatient setting
which enables a diabetic patient to | 2 | | understand the diabetic management process
and daily | 3 | | management of
diabetic therapy as a means of avoiding frequent | 4 | | hospitalization and
complications. Diabetes self-management | 5 | | training shall include
the content areas listed in the National | 6 | | Standards for Diabetes Self-Management
Education Programs as | 7 | | published by the American Diabetes Association, including
| 8 | | medical nutrition therapy and education programs, as defined by | 9 | | the contract of insurance, that allow the patient to maintain | 10 | | an A1c level within the range identified in nationally | 11 | | recognized standards of care.
| 12 | | "Medical nutrition therapy" shall have the meaning
| 13 | | ascribed to that term "medical nutrition care" in the Dietitian | 14 | | Nutritionist Dietetic and Nutrition Services
Practice Act.
| 15 | | "Physician" means a
physician licensed to practice | 16 | | medicine in all of
its branches providing care to the | 17 | | individual.
| 18 | | "Qualified provider" for an
individual that is enrolled in:
| 19 | | (1) a health maintenance organization that uses a
| 20 | | primary
care physician to
control access to specialty care | 21 | | means (A) the individual's primary care
physician licensed | 22 | | to practice
medicine in all of its branches, (B) a | 23 | | physician licensed to practice
medicine in all of its | 24 | | branches to
whom the individual has been referred by the | 25 | | primary care physician, or (C) a
certified, registered, or
| 26 | | licensed network health care professional with expertise |
| | | SB2936 | - 9 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | in diabetes management
to whom the individual
has been | 2 | | referred by the primary care physician.
| 3 | | (2) an insurance plan
means (A) a physician licensed to | 4 | | practice medicine in
all of its branches or (B) a
| 5 | | certified, registered, or licensed health care | 6 | | professional with expertise in
diabetes management to whom | 7 | | the individual has been referred by a physician.
| 8 | | (c) Coverage under this Section for diabetes | 9 | | self-management training,
including medical nutrition
| 10 | | education, shall be limited to the following:
| 11 | | (1) Up to 3 medically necessary visits to a qualified | 12 | | provider upon
initial diagnosis of diabetes
by the | 13 | | patient's
physician or, if diagnosis of diabetes was made | 14 | | within one year prior to the
effective date of
this | 15 | | amendatory Act
of 1998 where the insured was a covered | 16 | | individual, up to 3 medically necessary
visits to a | 17 | | qualified provider within one
year after that
| 18 | | date.
| 19 | | (2) Up to 2 medically necessary visits to a qualified | 20 | | provider upon a
determination by a
physician that | 21 | | a significant change in the patient's symptoms or medical
| 22 | | condition has
occurred. A "significant change" in | 23 | | condition means symptomatic
hyperglycemia (greater than | 24 | | 250 mg/dl on repeated occasions), severe
hypoglycemia | 25 | | (requiring the assistance of another person), onset or | 26 | | progression
of diabetes, or a significant change in medical |
| | | SB2936 | - 10 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | condition that would require a
significantly different | 2 | | treatment regimen.
| 3 | | Payment by the insurer or health maintenance organization | 4 | | for the coverage
required for diabetes self-management | 5 | | training pursuant to the provisions of
this Section is only | 6 | | required to be made for services provided.
No coverage is | 7 | | required for additional visits beyond those specified in items
| 8 | | (1) and (2) of this subsection.
| 9 | | Coverage under this subsection (c) for diabetes | 10 | | self-management training
be subject to the same
| 11 | | deductible, co-payment, and co-insurance provisions that apply | 12 | | to coverage
the policy for other
services provided by the | 13 | | same type of provider.
| 14 | | (d) Coverage shall be provided for the following
equipment | 15 | | when medically necessary
and prescribed by a physician licensed | 16 | | to practice medicine in all
of its branches.
Coverage for the | 17 | | following items shall be subject to deductible, co-payment
and | 18 | | co-insurance provisions
provided for under the policy or a | 19 | | durable medical equipment rider to the
| 20 | | (1) blood glucose monitors;
| 21 | | (2) blood glucose monitors for the legally blind;
| 22 | | (3) cartridges for the legally blind; and
| 23 | | (4) lancets and lancing devices.
| 24 | | This subsection does not apply to a group policy of | 25 | | accident and health
insurance that does not provide a durable | 26 | | medical equipment benefit.
| | | SB2936 | - 11 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (e) Coverage shall be provided for the following | 2 | | pharmaceuticals and
supplies when
medically necessary and | 3 | | prescribed by a physician licensed to
practice medicine in all | 4 | | of its
Coverage for the following items shall be | 5 | | subject to the same coverage,
co-payment, and | 6 | | co-insurance
provisions under the policy or a drug rider to the | 7 | | policy:
| 8 | | (1) insulin;
| 9 | | (2) syringes and needles;
| 10 | | (3) test strips for glucose monitors;
| 11 | | (4) FDA approved oral agents used to control blood | 12 | | sugar; and
| 13 | | (5) glucagon emergency kits.
| 14 | | This subsection does not apply to a group policy of | 15 | | accident and health
insurance that does not provide a drug | 16 | | benefit.
| 17 | | (f) Coverage shall be provided for regular foot care exams | 18 | | by a
physician or by a
physician to whom a physician has | 19 | | referred the patient. Coverage
for regular foot care exams
| 20 | | shall be subject to the same deductible, co-payment, and | 21 | | co-insurance
that apply under the policy for
other | 22 | | services provided by the same type of provider.
| 23 | | (g) If authorized by a physician, diabetes self-management
| 24 | | training may be provided as a part of an office visit, group | 25 | | setting, or home
| 26 | | (h) This Section shall not apply to agreements, contracts, |
| | | SB2936 | - 12 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | or policies that
provide coverage for a specified diagnosis or | 2 | | other limited benefit coverage.
| 3 | | (Source: P.A. 97-281, eff. 1-1-12.)
| 4 | | Section 5. The Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act | 5 | | is amended by changing Sections 1, 10, 15, 15.5, 20, 30, 37, | 6 | | 45, 65, 70, 80, 85, 95, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, | 7 | | 135, 140, 145, 155, 165, 175, and 180 and by adding Section 108 | 8 | | as follows:
| 9 | | (225 ILCS 30/1) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-1)
| 10 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 11 | | Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Dietitian | 12 | | Nutritionist Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act.
| 13 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 14 | | (225 ILCS 30/10) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-10)
| 15 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 16 | | Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| 17 | | "Address of record" means the designated address recorded | 18 | | by the Department in the applicant's or licensee's application
| 19 | | file or license file as maintained by the Department's | 20 | | licensure maintenance unit. It is the duty of the applicant or
| 21 | | licensee to inform the Department of any change of address and | 22 | | those changes must be made either through the Department's | 23 | | website or by contacting the Department. |
| | | SB2936 | - 13 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | "Board" means the Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Board
| 2 | | appointed by the Secretary Director .
| 3 | | "Department" means the Department of Financial and | 4 | | Professional Regulation.
| 5 | | "Dietetics and nutrition services" means the integration | 6 | | and application of principles derived from the sciences of food | 7 | | and nutrition to provide for all aspects of nutrition care for | 8 | | individuals and groups, including, but not limited to: | 9 | | (1) nutrition counseling; "nutrition counseling" means | 10 | | advising and assisting individuals or groups on | 11 | | appropriate nutrition intake by integrating information | 12 | | from the nutrition assessment; | 13 | | (2) nutrition assessment; "nutrition assessment" means | 14 | | the evaluation of the nutrition needs of individuals or | 15 | | groups using appropriate data to determine nutrient needs | 16 | | or status and make appropriate nutrition recommendations; | 17 | | (3) medically prescribed diet; "medically prescribed | 18 | | diet" means a diet prescribed when specific food or | 19 | | nutrient levels need to be monitored, altered, or both as a | 20 | | component of a treatment program for an individual whose | 21 | | health status is impaired or at risk due to disease, | 22 | | injury, or surgery and may only be performed as initiated | 23 | | by or in consultation with a physician licensed to practice | 24 | | medicine in all of its branches; | 25 | | (4) medical nutrition therapy; "medical nutrition | 26 | | therapy" means the component of nutrition care that deals |
| | | SB2936 | - 14 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | with: | 2 | | (A) interpreting and recommending nutrient needs | 3 | | relative to medically prescribed diets, including, but | 4 | | not limited to, enteral feedings, specialized | 5 | | intravenous solutions, and specialized oral feedings; | 6 | | (B) food and prescription drug interactions; and | 7 | | (C) developing and managing food service | 8 | | operations whose chief function is nutrition care and | 9 | | provision of medically prescribed diets; | 10 | | (5) nutrition services for individuals and groups; | 11 | | "nutrition services for individuals and groups" includes, | 12 | | but is not limited to, all of the following: | 13 | | (A) providing nutrition assessments relative to | 14 | | preventive maintenance or restorative care; | 15 | | (B) providing nutrition education and nutrition | 16 | | counseling as components of preventive maintenance or | 17 | | restorative care; and | 18 | | (C) developing and managing systems whose chief | 19 | | function is nutrition care; nutrition services for | 20 | | individuals and groups does not include medical | 21 | | nutrition therapy as defined in this Act; and | 22 | | (6) restorative; "restorative" means the component of | 23 | | nutrition care that deals with oral dietary needs for | 24 | | individuals and groups; activities shall relate to the | 25 | | metabolism of food and the requirements for nutrients, | 26 | | including dietary supplements for growth, development, |
| | | SB2936 | - 15 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | maintenance, or attainment of optimal health. | 2 | | "Dietetics" means the integration and application of | 3 | | principles derived
from the sciences of food and nutrition to | 4 | | provide for all aspects of
nutrition care for individuals and | 5 | | groups, including, but not limited to
nutrition services and | 6 | | medical nutrition therapy as defined in
this Act.
| 7 | | "Director" means the Director of the Department of | 8 | | Professional
| 9 | | "Licensed dietitian nutritionist" means a person licensed | 10 | | under this Act to
practice dietetics and nutrition services, as | 11 | | defined in this Section including medical nutrition therapy .
| 12 | | Activities of a licensed dietitian nutritionist do not include | 13 | | the medical
differential diagnosis of the health status of an | 14 | | individual.
| 15 | | "Medical nutrition therapy" means the component of | 16 | | nutrition
care that deals
| 17 | | (a) interpreting and recommending nutrient needs | 18 | | relative to medically
prescribed diets, including, but not | 19 | | limited to tube feedings, specialized
intravenous | 20 | | solutions, and specialized oral feedings;
| 21 | | (b) food and prescription drug interactions; and
| 22 | | (c) developing and managing food service operations | 23 | | whose chief
function is nutrition care and provision of | 24 | | medically prescribed diets.
| 25 | | "Medically prescribed diet" means a diet prescribed when | 26 | | specific food or
nutrient levels need to be monitored, altered, |
| | | SB2936 | - 16 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | or both as a component of a
treatment program for an individual | 2 | | whose health status is impaired or at
risk due to disease, | 3 | | injury, or surgery and may only be performed as
initiated by or | 4 | | in consultation with a physician licensed to practice
medicine | 5 | | in all of its branches.
| 6 | | "Nutrition assessment" means the evaluation of the | 7 | | nutrition needs of
individuals or groups using appropriate data | 8 | | to determine nutrient needs
or status and make appropriate | 9 | | nutrition recommendations.
| 10 | | "Nutrition counseling" means advising and assisting | 11 | | individuals or groups
on appropriate nutrition intake by | 12 | | integrating information from the nutrition
| 13 | | "Nutrition services for individuals and groups" shall | 14 | | include, but is not
limited to, all of the following;
| 15 | | (a) Providing nutrition assessments relative to | 16 | | preventive maintenance
or restorative care.
| 17 | | (b) Providing nutrition education and nutrition | 18 | | counseling as
components of preventive maintenance or | 19 | | restorative care.
| 20 | | (c) Developing and managing systems whose chief | 21 | | function is nutrition
care. Nutrition services for | 22 | | individuals and groups does not include
medical nutrition | 23 | | therapy as defined in this Act.
| 24 | | "Practice experience" means a preprofessional, documented, | 25 | | supervised
practice in dietetics or nutrition services that is | 26 | | acceptable to the
Department in compliance with requirements |
| | | SB2936 | - 17 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | for licensure, as specified in Section
Sections 45 and 50 . It | 2 | | may be or may include a documented, supervised
practice | 3 | | experience which is a component of the educational requirements
| 4 | | for licensure, as specified in Section 45 or 50 .
| 5 | | "Registered dietitian" means an individual registered with | 6 | | the Commission
on Dietetic Registration, the accrediting body | 7 | | of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, formerly known as | 8 | | for the American
| 9 | | "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and | 10 | | Professional Regulation. | 11 | | "Restorative" means the component of nutrition care that | 12 | | deals with oral
dietary needs for individuals and groups. | 13 | | Activities shall relate to the
metabolism of food and the | 14 | | requirements for nutrients, including dietary
supplements for | 15 | | growth, development, maintenance, or attainment of optimal
| 16 | | health.
| 17 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 18 | | (225 ILCS 30/15) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-15)
| 19 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 20 | | Sec. 15. License required.
| 21 | | (a) No person may engage for remuneration in the practice | 22 | | of dietetics and nutrition services nutrition services | 23 | | practice
or hold himself or herself out as a licensed dietitian | 24 | | nutritionist unless the
person is licensed in accordance with | 25 | | this Act . or meets one or more of the
following criteria:
| | | SB2936 | - 18 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (b) This Section does not prohibit the practice of | 2 | | dietetics and nutrition services by the following:
| 3 | | (1) A The person is licensed in this State under any | 4 | | other Act that
authorizes the person to provide these | 5 | | services.
(2) The person that is licensed to practice | 6 | | nutrition under the law of another
state, territory of the | 7 | | United States, or country and has applied in writing
to the | 8 | | Department in form and substance satisfactory to the | 9 | | Department for a
license as a dietitian nutritionist until | 10 | | (i) the expiration of 6 months after
filing the written | 11 | | application, (ii) the withdrawal of the application, or
| 12 | | (iii) the denial of the application by the Department.
| 13 | | (b) No person shall practice dietetics, as defined in this | 14 | | Act, or hold
himself or herself out as a licensed dietitian | 15 | | nutritionist unless that
person is so
licensed under this Act | 16 | | or meets one or more of the following criteria:
| 17 | | (1) The person is licensed in this State under any | 18 | | other Act that
authorizes the person to provide these | 19 | | services.
| 20 | | (2) The person is a dietary technical support person, | 21 | | working in a
hospital setting or a regulated Department of | 22 | | Public Health
or Department on Aging
or program, | 23 | | who has been trained and is supervised while engaged in the
| 24 | | practice of dietetics by a licensed dietitian nutritionist | 25 | | in accordance
with this Act and
whose services are retained | 26 | | by that facility or program on a full time or
regular, |
| | | SB2936 | - 19 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | ongoing consultant basis.
| 2 | | (2) A (3) The person that is licensed to practice | 3 | | dietetics under
the law of another state,
territory of the | 4 | | United States, or country, or is a registered dietitian, | 5 | | who
has applied in writing to the Department in form and | 6 | | substance satisfactory
to the Department for a license as a | 7 | | dietitian nutritionist until (i) the
expiration of
6 months | 8 | | after the filing the written application, (ii) the | 9 | | withdrawal of
the application, or (iii) the denial of the | 10 | | application by the Department.
| 11 | | (c) No person shall practice dietetics or nutrition | 12 | | services, as defined
in this Act, or hold himself or herself | 13 | | out as a licensed dietitian
nutritionist, a dietitian, a | 14 | | nutritionist, or a nutrition counselor unless the
person is
| 15 | | licensed in accordance with this Act.
| 16 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 17 | | (225 ILCS 30/15.5)
| 18 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 19 | | Sec. 15.5. Unlicensed practice; violation; civil penalty.
| 20 | | (a) Any person who practices, offers to practice, attempts | 21 | | to practice, or
holds oneself out as being able to provide | 22 | | practice dietetics and or nutrition services without being
| 23 | | licensed under this Act shall, in
addition to any other penalty | 24 | | provided by law, pay a civil penalty to the
Department in an | 25 | | amount not to exceed $10,000 $5,000 for each offense as |
| | | SB2936 | - 20 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | determined by
the Department. The civil penalty shall be | 2 | | assessed by the Department after a
hearing is held in | 3 | | accordance with the provisions set forth in this Act
regarding | 4 | | the provision of a hearing for the discipline of a licensee.
| 5 | | (b) The Department has the authority and power to | 6 | | investigate any and all
unlicensed activity.
| 7 | | (c) The civil penalty shall be paid within 60 days after | 8 | | the effective date
of the order imposing the civil penalty. The | 9 | | order shall constitute a judgment
and may be filed and | 10 | | execution had thereon in the same manner as any judgment
from | 11 | | any court of record.
| 12 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 13 | | (225 ILCS 30/20) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-20)
| 14 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 15 | | Sec. 20. Exemptions. This Act does not prohibit or | 16 | | restrict:
| 17 | | (a) Any person licensed in this State under any other Act | 18 | | from engaging
in the practice for which he or she is licensed.
| 19 | | (b) The practice of dietetics and or nutrition services by | 20 | | a person who is
employed by
the United States or State | 21 | | government or any of its bureaus, divisions, or
while | 22 | | in the discharge of the employee's official duties.
| 23 | | (c) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services by a | 24 | | person employed as a
cooperative extension home economist, to | 25 | | the extent the activities are part
of his or her employment.
| | | SB2936 | - 21 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (d) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services or | 2 | | dietetics by a person pursuing
a course of study leading to a | 3 | | degree in dietetics, nutrition , or an equivalent
major , as | 4 | | authorized by the Department, from a regionally accredited | 5 | | school or
program, if the activities and services constitute a | 6 | | part of a supervised
course of study and if the person is | 7 | | designated by a title that clearly
indicates the person's | 8 | | status as a student or trainee.
| 9 | | (e) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services or | 10 | | dietetics by a person fulfilling
the supervised practice | 11 | | experience component of Section Sections 45 or 50 , if the
| 12 | | activities and services constitute a part of the experience | 13 | | necessary to meet
the requirements of Section 45 or 50 .
| 14 | | (f) A person from providing oral nutrition information as | 15 | | an operator or
employee of a health food store or business that | 16 | | sells health products,
including dietary supplements, food, or | 17 | | food materials, or disseminating
written nutrition information | 18 | | in connection with the marketing and
distribution of those | 19 | | products.
| 20 | | (g) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services by an | 21 | | educator who is in the
employ of a nonprofit organization ; , as | 22 | | authorized by the Department, a federal ,
state, county, or | 23 | | municipal agency, or other political subdivision; an
| 24 | | elementary or secondary school; or a regionally accredited | 25 | | institution of
higher education, as long as the activities and | 26 | | services of the educator are
part of his or her employment.
| | | SB2936 | - 22 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (h) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services by any | 2 | | person who provides weight
control services, provided the | 3 | | nutrition program has been reviewed by,
consultation is | 4 | | available from, and no program change can be initiated
without | 5 | | prior approval by an individual licensed under this Act,
an | 6 | | individual licensed to
practice dietetics or nutrition | 7 | | services
in another state that has
licensure requirements | 8 | | considered by the Department to be at least as stringent
as the | 9 | | requirements for licensure under this Act, or a registered | 10 | | dietitian.
| 11 | | (i) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services or | 12 | | dietetics by any person with a
masters or doctorate degree with | 13 | | a major in nutrition or equivalent from a
regionally accredited | 14 | | school recognized by the Department for the purpose of
| 15 | | education and research.
| 16 | | (j) (Blank). Any person certified in this State and who is | 17 | | employed by a facility
or program regulated by the State of | 18 | | Illinois from engaging in the practice
for which he or she is | 19 | | certified and authorized by the Department.
| 20 | | (k) The practice of dietetics and nutrition services by a | 21 | | graduate of a 2 year
associate program or a 4 year | 22 | | baccalaureate program from a school or
program accredited at | 23 | | the time of graduation by the appropriate
accrediting agency | 24 | | recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation
and | 25 | | the United States Department of Education with a major in human
| 26 | | nutrition, food and nutrition or its equivalent, as authorized |
| | | SB2936 | - 23 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | by the
Department, who is directly supervised by an individual | 2 | | licensed under this
| 3 | | (l) Providing nutrition information as an employee of a | 4 | | nursing
facility operated exclusively by and for those relying | 5 | | upon spiritual means
through prayer alone for healing in | 6 | | accordance with the tenets and
practices of a recognized church | 7 | | or religious denomination.
| 8 | | (m) A dietary technical support person working in a | 9 | | hospital setting or a regulated Department of Public Health or | 10 | | Department on Aging facility or program who has been trained | 11 | | and is supervised while engaged in the practice of dietetics by | 12 | | a licensed dietitian nutritionist in accordance with this Act | 13 | | and whose services are retained by that facility or program on | 14 | | a full-time or regular, ongoing consultant basis. | 15 | | The provisions of this Act shall not be construed to | 16 | | prohibit
or limit any person from the free dissemination of | 17 | | information, from
conducting a class or seminar, or from giving | 18 | | a speech related to nutrition
if that person does not hold | 19 | | himself or herself out as a licensed dietitian nutritionist
| 20 | | nutrition counselor or licensed dietitian in a manner | 21 | | prohibited by Section 15.
| 22 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 23 | | (225 ILCS 30/30) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-30)
| 24 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 25 | | Sec. 30. Dietitian Nutritionist Practice Board. The |
| | | SB2936 | - 24 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | Secretary Director shall appoint a Dietitian
Nutritionist | 2 | | Practice Board as follows: 5
7 individuals who shall be | 3 | | appointed by and shall serve in an
advisory capacity to the | 4 | | Secretary Director . Of these 5 7 individuals, 4 members must
be | 5 | | licensed under this Act ; one member must be a physician | 6 | | licensed to practice medicine
all of its branches; one | 7 | | member must be a licensed professional nurse; and one
member | 8 | | must be a public member not licensed under this Act.
| 9 | | Members shall serve 3-year 3 year terms and until their | 10 | | successors are appointed
and qualified , except the terms of the | 11 | | initial appointments . No member shall be reappointed to
the | 12 | | Board for a term that would cause his or her continuous service | 13 | | on the
Board to be longer than 8 years. Appointments to fill | 14 | | vacancies shall be
made in the same manner as original | 15 | | appointments, for the unexpired portion
of the vacated term. | 16 | | Initial terms shall begin upon the effective date of
this Act | 17 | | and Board members in office on that date shall be appointed to
| 18 | | specific terms as indicated in this Section.
| 19 | | Insofar as possible, the licensed professionals appointed | 20 | | to serve on the Board shall be generally representative of the | 21 | | geographical distribution of licensed professionals within The | 22 | | membership of the Board shall reasonably represent all the | 23 | | geographic
areas in this State. Any time there is a vacancy on | 24 | | the Board, any
professional association composed of persons | 25 | | licensed under this Act may
recommend licensees to fill the | 26 | | vacancy to the Board for the appointment of
licensees , the |
| | | SB2936 | - 25 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | organization representing the largest number of licensed
| 2 | | physicians for the appointment of physicians to the Board, and | 3 | | the
organization representing the largest number of licensed | 4 | | professional
nurses for the appointment of a nurse to the | 5 | | Board .
| 6 | | A vacancy in the membership of the Board shall not impair | 7 | | the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform | 8 | | all the duties of the Board. | 9 | | Members of the Board shall have no liability in any action | 10 | | based upon
any disciplinary proceeding or other activity | 11 | | performed in good faith as
members of the Board.
| 12 | | The Secretary Director shall have the authority to remove | 13 | | or suspend any member of the Board for cause at any time before | 14 | | the expiration of his or her term. The Secretary shall be the | 15 | | sole arbiter of cause
from office for neglect of any duty | 16 | | required by law or for incompetency or
unprofessional or | 17 | | dishonorable conduct .
| 18 | | The Secretary Director shall consider the recommendation | 19 | | of the Board on questions
of standards of professional conduct, | 20 | | discipline, and qualifications of
candidates or licensees | 21 | | under this Act.
| 22 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 23 | | (225 ILCS 30/45) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-45)
| 24 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 25 | | Sec. 45. Dietitian nutritionist; qualifications. A person |
| | | SB2936 | - 26 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | shall be
qualified for
licensure as a dietitian nutritionist if | 2 | | that person meets all of the
| 3 | | (a) Has applied in writing in form and substance acceptable | 4 | | to the
Department and possesses a baccalaureate degree or post | 5 | | baccalaureate
degree in human nutrition, foods and nutrition, | 6 | | dietetics, food systems
management, nutrition education, or an | 7 | | equivalent major course of study as
recommended by the Board | 8 | | and approved by the Department from a school or
program | 9 | | accredited at the time of graduation from the appropriate | 10 | | regional
agency recognized by the Council on Higher | 11 | | Education
Accreditation and the United
States Department of | 12 | | Education.
| 13 | | (b) Has successfully completed the examination authorized | 14 | | by the
Department which may be or may include an examination | 15 | | given by the
Commission on Dietetic Registration.
| 16 | | The Department shall establish by rule a waiver of the | 17 | | examination
requirement to applicants who, at the time of | 18 | | application, are acknowledged
to be registered dietitians by | 19 | | the Commission on Dietetic Registration and
who are in | 20 | | compliance with other qualifications as included in the Act.
| 21 | | (c) Has completed a dietetic internship or documented, | 22 | | supervised practice
experience in dietetics and nutrition | 23 | | services of not less than 1,200 900 hours
under the supervision | 24 | | of a
registered dietitian or a licensed dietitian nutritionist, | 25 | | a State licensed
practitioner, or an individual with | 26 | | a doctoral degree conferred by a U.S.
regionally accredited |
| | | SB2936 | - 27 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | college or university with a major course of study in
human | 2 | | nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics | 3 | | or food
systems management. Supervised practice experience | 4 | | must be completed in the
United States or its territories. | 5 | | Supervisors who obtained their doctoral
degree outside the | 6 | | United States and its territories must have their degrees
| 7 | | validated as equivalent to the doctoral degree conferred by a | 8 | | U.S. regionally
accredited college or university.
| 9 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 10 | | (225 ILCS 30/65) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-65)
| 11 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 12 | | Sec. 65. Expiration and renewal dates. The expiration date | 13 | | and
renewal period for each license issued under this Act shall | 14 | | be set by rule.
| 15 | | As a condition for renewal of a license that expires on | 16 | | October 31, 2003, a
licensed nutrition counselor shall be | 17 | | required to complete and submit to the
Department proof of 30 | 18 | | hours of continuing education in dietetics or nutrition
| 19 | | services during the 24 months preceding the expiration date of | 20 | | the license in
accordance with rules established by the | 21 | | Department. A minimum of 24 hours of
the required 30 hours of | 22 | | continuing education shall be in medical nutrition
therapy, | 23 | | which shall
diet therapy, medical dietetics, clinical | 24 | | nutrition, or the equivalent, as
provided by continuing | 25 | | education sponsors approved by the Department. The
Department |
| | | SB2936 | - 28 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | may adopt rules to implement this Section.
| 2 | | As a condition for renewal of a license, the licensee shall | 3 | | be required
to complete 30 hours of continuing education in | 4 | | dietetics or nutrition
services during the 24 months preceding | 5 | | the expiration date of the license in
accordance with rules | 6 | | established by the Department. The continuing
education shall | 7 | | be in courses approved by the Commission on Dietetic
| 8 | | Registration or in courses taken from a sponsor approved by the | 9 | | Department.
A sponsor shall be required to file an application, | 10 | | meet the
requirements set forth in the rules of the Department, | 11 | | and pay the
appropriate fee. The requirements for continuing | 12 | | education may be waived,
in whole or in part, in cases of | 13 | | extreme hardship as defined by rule of the
Department. The | 14 | | Department shall provide an orderly process for the
| 15 | | reinstatement of licenses that have not been renewed due to the | 16 | | failure to
meet the continuing education requirements of this | 17 | | Section.
| 18 | | Any person who has permitted his or her license to expire | 19 | | or who has had
his or her license on inactive status may have | 20 | | the license restored by
submitting an application to the | 21 | | Department, meeting continuing education
requirements, and | 22 | | filing proof acceptable with the Department of fitness to
have | 23 | | the license restored, which may include sworn evidence | 24 | | certifying to
active practice in another jurisdiction | 25 | | satisfactory to the Department and by
paying the required | 26 | | restoration fee.
| | | SB2936 | - 29 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | If the person has not maintained an active practice in | 2 | | another jurisdiction
satisfactory to the Department, the | 3 | | Department shall determine, by
an evaluation program | 4 | | established by rule, his or her fitness to resume active
status | 5 | | and may require the person to complete a period of evaluated
| 6 | | professional experience and may require successful completion | 7 | | of a practical
| 8 | | Any person, however, whose license expired while (i) in | 9 | | Federal
Service on active duty with the Armed Forces of the | 10 | | United States, or
called into service or training with the | 11 | | State Militia, or (ii) in training
or education under the | 12 | | supervision of the United States preliminary to
induction into | 13 | | the military service may have his or her license restored
| 14 | | without paying any lapsed renewal fees if within 2 years after | 15 | | honorable
termination of the service, training, or education he | 16 | | or she furnishes the
Department with satisfactory evidence to | 17 | | the effect that he or she has been
so engaged and that the | 18 | | service, training or education has been terminated.
| 19 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 7-11-02.)
| 20 | | (225 ILCS 30/70) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-70)
| 21 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 22 | | Sec. 70. Inactive status; restoration ; military service . | 23 | | (a) Any person who notifies the
Department in writing on | 24 | | forms prescribed by the Department may elect to
place his or | 25 | | her license on an inactive status and shall, subject to rules
| | | SB2936 | - 30 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | of the Department, be excused from payment of renewal fees | 2 | | until he or she
notifies the Department in writing of the | 3 | | desires to resume active status.
| 4 | | (b) A licensee who has permitted his or her license to | 5 | | expire or who has had his or her license on inactive status may | 6 | | have the license restored by making application to the | 7 | | Department by filing proof acceptable to the Department of his | 8 | | or her fitness to have the license restored and by paying the | 9 | | required fees. Proof of fitness may include sworn evidence | 10 | | certifying to active lawful practice in another jurisdiction. | 11 | | If the licensee has not maintained an active practice in | 12 | | another jurisdiction satisfactory to the Department, then the | 13 | | Department shall determine, by an evaluation program | 14 | | established by rule, his or her fitness for restoration of the | 15 | | license and shall establish procedures and requirements for | 16 | | restoration. | 17 | | (c) A licensee whose license expired while he or she was | 18 | | (1) in federal service on active duty with the Armed Forces of | 19 | | the United States or the State Militia called into service or | 20 | | training or (2) in training or education under the supervision | 21 | | of the United States before induction into the military | 22 | | service, may have the license restored without paying any | 23 | | lapsed renewal fees if within 2 years after honorable | 24 | | termination of the service, training, or education he or she | 25 | | furnishes the Department with satisfactory evidence to the | 26 | | effect that he or she has been so engaged and that his or her |
| | | SB2936 | - 31 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | service, training, or education has been so terminated. | 2 | | (d) Any person requesting restoration from inactive status | 3 | | shall be required
to pay the current renewal fee, shall meet | 4 | | continuing education
requirements, and shall be required to | 5 | | restore his or her
license as provided in Section 65 of this | 6 | | Act.
| 7 | | (e) A person licensed under this Act
whose license is on | 8 | | inactive status
or in a non-renewed status shall not engage in | 9 | | the practice of dietetics or
nutrition services in the State of | 10 | | Illinois or use the title or advertise that
he or she performs | 11 | | the services of a licensed dietitian nutritionist.
| 12 | | (f) Any person violating this Section shall be considered | 13 | | to be practicing
without a license and will be subject to the | 14 | | disciplinary provisions of this
| 15 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 16 | | (225 ILCS 30/80) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-80)
| 17 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 18 | | Sec. 80. Use of title; advertising. Only a person who is | 19 | | issued a license as a dietitian nutritionist under
this Act may | 20 | | use the words "dietitian nutritionist", "dietitian",
| 21 | | "nutritionist", or "nutrition counselor" or the letters | 22 | | "L.D.N." in connection
with his or her name.
| 23 | | A person who meets the additional criteria for registration | 24 | | by the
Commission on Dietetic Registration for the American | 25 | | Dietetic Association
may assume or use the title or designation |
| | | SB2936 | - 32 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | "Registered Dietitian" or
"Registered Dietician" or use the | 2 | | letters "R.D." or any words, letters,
abbreviations, or | 3 | | insignia indicating that the person is a registered
| 4 | | Any person who meets the additional criteria for | 5 | | certification by the
Clinical Nutrition Certification Board of | 6 | | the International and American
Associations of Clinical | 7 | | Nutritionists may assume or use the title or
designation | 8 | | "Certified Clinical Nutritionist" or use the letters
"C.C.N." | 9 | | or any words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating
| 10 | | that the person is a certified clinical nutritionist.
| 11 | | Any person who meets the additional criteria for | 12 | | certification by the
Certification Board of Nutrition | 13 | | Specialists may assume or use the title
or designation | 14 | | "Certified Nutrition Specialist", or use the letters
"C.N.S." | 15 | | or any words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating
| 16 | | that the person is a certified nutrition specialist.
| 17 | | A licensee shall include in every advertisement for | 18 | | services regulated
under this Act his or her title as it | 19 | | appears on the license or the
initials authorized under this | 20 | | Act. Advertisements shall not include false, fraudulent, | 21 | | deceptive, or misleading material or guarantees of success.
| 22 | | (Source: P.A. 92-642, eff. 10-31-03.)
| 23 | | (225 ILCS 30/85) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-85)
| 24 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 25 | | Sec. 85. Fees. The Department shall provide by rule for a |
| | | SB2936 | - 33 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | schedule of
fees for the administration and enforcement of this | 2 | | Act, including , but not
limited to , original licensure, | 3 | | registration, renewal, and restoration. The fees shall be
| 4 | | nonrefundable.
| 5 | | All fees , fines, and penalties collected under this Act | 6 | | shall be deposited into the General
Professions Dedicated Fund | 7 | | and shall be appropriated to the Department for the
ordinary | 8 | | and contingent expenses of the Department in the administration | 9 | | of
this Act.
| 10 | | (Source: P.A. 91-454, eff. 1-1-00.)
| 11 | | (225 ILCS 30/95) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-95)
| 12 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 13 | | Sec. 95. Grounds for discipline.
| 14 | | (1) The Department may refuse to issue or
renew, or may | 15 | | revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, or take other
| 16 | | disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department may | 17 | | deem appropriate proper , including imposing fines not to
exceed | 18 | | $10,000 $1000 for each violation, with regard to any license or | 19 | | certificate for
any one or combination of the following causes:
| 20 | | (a) Material misstatement in furnishing information to | 21 | | the Department.
| 22 | | (b) Violations of this Act or of
its rules adopted | 23 | | under this Act .
| 24 | | (c) Conviction by plea of guilty or nolo contendere, | 25 | | finding of guilt, jury verdict, or entry of judgment or by |
| | | SB2936 | - 34 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | sentencing of any crime, including, but not limited to, | 2 | | convictions, preceding sentences of supervision, | 3 | | conditional discharge, or first offender probation, under | 4 | | the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States (i) that | 5 | | is a felony or (ii) that is a misdemeanor, an essential | 6 | | element of which is dishonesty, or that is directly related | 7 | | to the practice of the profession Conviction of any crime | 8 | | under the laws of the United States or any
state or | 9 | | territory thereof that is (i) a felony; (ii) a misdemeanor, | 10 | | an
essential element of which is dishonesty; or (iii) a | 11 | | crime that is directly
related to the practice of the | 12 | | profession .
| 13 | | (d) Fraud or Making any misrepresentation in applying | 14 | | for or procuring a license under this Act or in connection | 15 | | with applying for renewal of a license under this Act for | 16 | | the purpose of obtaining licensure
or violating any | 17 | | provision of this Act .
| 18 | | (e) Professional incompetence or gross negligence.
| 19 | | (f) Malpractice.
| 20 | | (g) Aiding or assisting another person in violating any | 21 | | provision of
this Act or its rules.
| 22 | | (h) Failing to provide information within 60 days in | 23 | | response to a
written request made by the Department.
| 24 | | (i) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical or | 25 | | unprofessional conduct of a
character likely to deceive, | 26 | | defraud, or harm the public.
| | | SB2936 | - 35 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (j) Habitual or excessive use or abuse of drugs defined | 2 | | in law as controlled substances, alcohol addiction to | 3 | | alcohol, narcotics,
stimulants , or any other substance | 4 | | that chemical agent or drug that results in the
inability | 5 | | to practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety.
| 6 | | (k) Discipline by another state, the District of | 7 | | Columbia, territory, or country , or governmental agency if | 8 | | at least one
of the grounds for the discipline is the same | 9 | | or substantially equivalent
to those set forth in this Act.
| 10 | | (l) Charging for professional services not rendered, | 11 | | including filing false statements for the collection of | 12 | | fees for which services are not rendered Directly or | 13 | | indirectly giving to or receiving from any person, firm,
| 14 | | corporation, partnership, or association any fee, | 15 | | commission, rebate, or
other form of compensation for any | 16 | | professional services not actually or
personally rendered . | 17 | | Nothing in this paragraph (1) affects any bona fide | 18 | | independent contractor or employment arrangements among | 19 | | health care professionals, health facilities, health care | 20 | | providers, or other entities, except as otherwise | 21 | | prohibited by law. Any employment arrangements may include | 22 | | provisions for compensation, health insurance, pension, or | 23 | | other employment benefits for the provision of services | 24 | | within the scope of the licensee's practice under this Act. | 25 | | Nothing in this paragraph (1) shall be construed to require | 26 | | an employment arrangement to receive professional fees for |
| | | SB2936 | - 36 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | services rendered.
| 2 | | (m) A finding by the Department that the licensee, | 3 | | after having his or her
license placed on probationary | 4 | | status, has violated the terms of probation.
| 5 | | (n) Willfully making or filing false records or reports | 6 | | in his or her practice, including, but not limited to, | 7 | | false records filed with State agencies or departments | 8 | | Conviction by any court of competent jurisdiction, either | 9 | | within
or outside this State, of any violation of any law | 10 | | governing the practice
of dietetics or nutrition | 11 | | counseling, if the Department determines, after
| 12 | | investigation, that the person has not been sufficiently | 13 | | rehabilitated to
warrant the public trust .
| 14 | | (o) Allowing one's license under this Act to be used by | 15 | | an unlicensed person in violation of this Act A finding | 16 | | that licensure has been applied for or obtained by
| 17 | | fraudulent means .
| 18 | | (p) Practicing under a false or, except as provided by | 19 | | law, an assumed name or attempting to practice under a name | 20 | | other than the
full name as shown on the license or any | 21 | | other legally authorized name .
| 22 | | (q) Gross and willful overcharging for professional | 23 | | services including
filing statements for collection of | 24 | | fees or monies for which services are not
rendered .
| 25 | | (r) (Blank). Failure to (i) file a return, (ii) pay the | 26 | | tax, penalty or interest
shown in a filed return, or (iii) |
| | | SB2936 | - 37 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or
interest, as | 2 | | required by any tax Act administered by the Illinois
| 3 | | Department of Revenue, until the requirements of any such | 4 | | tax
Act are satisfied.
| 5 | | (s) Willfully failing to report an instance of | 6 | | suspected child abuse
or neglect as required by the Abused | 7 | | and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
| 8 | | (t) Cheating on or attempting to subvert the licensing | 9 | | examination administered under this Act. | 10 | | (u) Mental illness or disability that results in the | 11 | | inability to practice under this Act with reasonable | 12 | | judgment, skill, or safety. | 13 | | (v) Physical illness, including, but not limited to, | 14 | | deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor | 15 | | skill that results in a licensee's inability to practice | 16 | | under this Act with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety. | 17 | | (2) The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend | 18 | | without hearing, as provided for in the Code of Civil | 19 | | Procedure, the license of any person who fails to file a | 20 | | return, or pay the tax, penalty, or interest shown in a filed | 21 | | return, or pay any final assessment of the tax, penalty, or | 22 | | interest as required by any tax Act administered by the | 23 | | Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the | 24 | | requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied in accordance | 25 | | with subsection (g) of Section 2105-15 of the Civil | 26 | | Administrative Code of Illinois. |
| | | SB2936 | - 38 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (3) The Department shall deny a license or renewal | 2 | | authorized by this Act to a person who has defaulted on an | 3 | | educational loan or scholarship provided or guaranteed by the | 4 | | Illinois Student Assistance Commission or any governmental | 5 | | agency of this State in accordance with item (5) of subsection | 6 | | (a) of Section 2105-15 of the Civil Administrative Code of | 7 | | Illinois. | 8 | | (4) In cases where the Department of Healthcare and Family | 9 | | Services has previously determined a licensee or a potential | 10 | | licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in the payment of | 11 | | child support and has subsequently certified the delinquency to | 12 | | the Department, the Department may refuse to issue or renew or | 13 | | may revoke or suspend that person's license or may take other | 14 | | disciplinary action against that person based solely upon the | 15 | | certification of delinquency made by the Department of | 16 | | Healthcare and Family Services in accordance with item (5) of | 17 | | subsection (a) of Section 1205-15 of the Civil Administrative | 18 | | Code of Illinois. | 19 | | (5) The determination by a circuit court that a licensee is | 20 | | subject to involuntary admission or judicial admission, as | 21 | | provided in the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities | 22 | | Code, operates as an automatic suspension. The suspension shall | 23 | | end only upon a finding by a court that the patient is no | 24 | | longer subject to involuntary admission or judicial admission | 25 | | and the issuance of an order so finding and discharging the | 26 | | patient. |
| | | SB2936 | - 39 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (6) In enforcing this Act, the Department, upon a showing | 2 | | of a possible violation, may compel an individual licensed to | 3 | | practice under this Act, or who has applied for licensure under | 4 | | this Act, to submit to a mental or physical examination, or | 5 | | both, as required by and at the expense of the Department. The | 6 | | Department may order the examining physician to present | 7 | | testimony concerning the mental or physical examination of the | 8 | | licensee or applicant. No information shall be excluded by | 9 | | reason of any common law or statutory privilege relating to | 10 | | communications between the licensee or applicant and the | 11 | | examining physician. The examining physicians shall be | 12 | | specifically designated by the Department. The individual to be | 13 | | examined may have, at his or her own expense, another physician | 14 | | of his or her choice present during all aspects of this | 15 | | examination. The examination shall be performed by a physician | 16 | | licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. Failure of | 17 | | an individual to submit to a mental or physical examination, | 18 | | when directed, shall result in an automatic suspension without | 19 | | hearing. | 20 | | A person holding a license under this Act or who has | 21 | | applied for a license under this Act who, because of a physical | 22 | | or mental illness or disability, including, but not limited to, | 23 | | deterioration through the aging process or loss of motor skill, | 24 | | is unable to practice the profession with reasonable judgment, | 25 | | skill, or safety, may be required by the Department to submit | 26 | | to care, counseling, or treatment by physicians approved or |
| | | SB2936 | - 40 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | designated by the Department as a condition, term, or | 2 | | restriction for continued, reinstated, or renewed licensure to | 3 | | practice. Submission to care, counseling, or treatment as | 4 | | required by the Department shall not be considered discipline | 5 | | of a license. If the licensee refuses to enter into a care, | 6 | | counseling, or treatment agreement or fails to abide by the | 7 | | terms of the agreement, then the Department may file a | 8 | | complaint to revoke, suspend, or otherwise discipline the | 9 | | license of the individual. The Secretary may order the license | 10 | | suspended immediately, pending a hearing by the Department. | 11 | | Fines shall not be assessed in disciplinary actions involving | 12 | | physical or mental illness or impairment. | 13 | | In instances in which the Secretary immediately suspends a | 14 | | person's license under this Section, a hearing on that person's | 15 | | license must be convened by the Department within 15 days after | 16 | | the suspension and completed without appreciable delay. The | 17 | | Department shall have the authority to review the subject | 18 | | individual's record of treatment and counseling regarding the | 19 | | impairment to the extent permitted by applicable federal | 20 | | statutes and regulations safeguarding the confidentiality of
| 21 | | medical records. | 22 | | An individual licensed under this Act and affected under | 23 | | this Section shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate to | 24 | | the Department that he or she can resume practice in compliance | 25 | | with acceptable and prevailing standards under the provisions | 26 | | of his or her license. |
| | | SB2936 | - 41 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (2) In enforcing this Section, the Board, upon a showing of | 2 | | a possible
violation, may compel a licensee or applicant to | 3 | | submit to a mental or physical
examination, or both, as | 4 | | required by and at the expense of the Department. The
examining | 5 | | physician shall be specifically designated by the Board. The | 6 | | Board
or the Department may order the examining physician to | 7 | | present testimony
concerning the mental or physical | 8 | | examination of a licensee or applicant. No
information may be | 9 | | excluded by reason of any common law or statutory privilege
| 10 | | relating to communications between a licensee or applicant and | 11 | | the examining
physician. An individual to be examined may have, | 12 | | at his or her own expense,
another physician of his or her | 13 | | choice present during all aspects of the
examination. Failure | 14 | | of an individual to submit to a mental or physical
examination, | 15 | | when directed, is grounds for suspension of his or her license.
| 16 | | The license must remain suspended until the time that the | 17 | | individual submits to
the examination or the Board finds, after | 18 | | notice and a hearing, that the
refusal to submit to the | 19 | | examination was with reasonable cause.
If the Board finds that | 20 | | an individual is unable to practice because of the
reasons set | 21 | | forth in this Section, the Board must require the individual to
| 22 | | submit to care, counseling, or treatment by a physician | 23 | | approved by the Board,
as a condition, term, or restriction for | 24 | | continued, reinstated, or renewed
licensure to practice. In | 25 | | lieu of care, counseling, or treatment, the Board
may recommend | 26 | | that the Department file a complaint to immediately suspend or
| | | SB2936 | - 42 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | revoke the license of the individual or otherwise discipline | 2 | | him or her. Any
individual whose license was granted, | 3 | | continued, reinstated, or renewed subject
to conditions, | 4 | | terms, or restrictions, as provided for in this Section, or any
| 5 | | individual who was disciplined or placed on supervision | 6 | | pursuant to this
Section must be referred to the Director for a | 7 | | determination as to whether the
individual shall have his or | 8 | | her license suspended immediately, pending a
hearing by the | 9 | | Board.
| 10 | | The Department shall deny any license or renewal under this | 11 | | Act to
any person who has defaulted on an educational loan | 12 | | guaranteed by the
Illinois Student Assistance Commission; | 13 | | however, the Department may issue a
license or renewal if the | 14 | | person in default has established a satisfactory
repayment | 15 | | record as determined by the Illinois Student Assistance | 16 | | Commission.
| 17 | | The determination by a circuit court that a registrant is | 18 | | subject to
involuntary admission or judicial admission as | 19 | | provided in the Mental
Health and Developmental Disabilities | 20 | | Code
operates as an automatic suspension. This suspension will | 21 | | end only upon a
finding by a court that the patient is no | 22 | | longer subject to involuntary
admission or judicial admission, | 23 | | the issuance of an order so finding and
discharging the | 24 | | patient, and the recommendation of the Board to the
Director | 25 | | that the registrant be allowed to resume practice.
| 26 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1482, eff. 11-29-10.)
| | | SB2936 | - 43 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (225 ILCS 30/97) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-97)
| 2 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 3 | | Sec. 97. Payments; penalty for insufficient funds. Any | 4 | | person who delivers a check or other payment to the Department | 5 | | that
is returned to the Department unpaid by the financial | 6 | | institution upon
which it is drawn shall pay to the Department, | 7 | | in addition to the amount
already owed to the Department, a | 8 | | fine of $50. The fines imposed by this Section are in addition
| 9 | | to any other discipline provided under this Act for unlicensed
| 10 | | practice or practice on a nonrenewed license. The Department | 11 | | shall notify
the person that payment of fees and fines shall be | 12 | | paid to the Department
by certified check or money order within | 13 | | 30 calendar days of the
notification. If, after the expiration | 14 | | of 30 days from the date of the
notification, the person has | 15 | | failed to submit the necessary remittance, the
Department shall | 16 | | automatically terminate the license or certificate or deny
the | 17 | | application, without hearing. If, after termination or denial, | 18 | | the
person seeks a license or certificate, he or she shall | 19 | | apply to the
Department for restoration or issuance of the | 20 | | license or certificate and
pay all fees and fines due to the | 21 | | Department. The Department may establish
a fee for the | 22 | | processing of an application for restoration of a license or
| 23 | | certificate to pay all expenses of processing this application. | 24 | | The Secretary Director
may waive the fines due under this | 25 | | Section in individual cases where the Secretary
Director finds |
| | | SB2936 | - 44 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | that the fines would be unreasonable or unnecessarily
| 2 | | burdensome.
| 3 | | (Source: P.A. 92-146, eff. 1-1-02.)
| 4 | | (225 ILCS 30/100) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-100)
| 5 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 6 | | Sec. 100. Injunctions; cease and desist orders.
| 7 | | (a) If any person violates a provision of this Act, the | 8 | | Secretary
Director may, in the name of the People of the State | 9 | | of Illinois through
the Attorney General of the State of | 10 | | Illinois or the State's Attorney of the county in which the | 11 | | violation is alleged to have occurred , petition for an order
| 12 | | enjoining the violation or for an order enforcing compliance | 13 | | with this Act.
Upon the filing of a verified petition, the | 14 | | court may issue a temporary
restraining order, without notice | 15 | | or bond, and may preliminarily and
permanently enjoin the | 16 | | violation. If it is established that the person has
violated or | 17 | | is violating the injunction, the Court may punish the offender
| 18 | | for contempt of court. Proceedings under this Section shall be | 19 | | in addition
to, and not in lieu of, all other remedies and | 20 | | penalties provided by this Act.
| 21 | | (b) If any person practices as a dietitian nutritionist | 22 | | dietitian or nutrition counselor or
holds himself or herself | 23 | | out as such without having a valid license under
this Act, then | 24 | | any licensee, any interested party, or any person injured
| 25 | | thereby may, in addition to the Secretary Director , petition |
| | | SB2936 | - 45 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | for relief as provided
in subsection (a) of this Section.
| 2 | | (c) Whenever in the opinion of the Department any person | 3 | | violates any
provision of this Act, the Department may issue a | 4 | | rule to show cause why an
order to cease and desist should be | 5 | | entered against him or her. The rule shall
clearly set forth | 6 | | the grounds relied upon the Department and shall provide
a | 7 | | period of 7 days from the date of the rule to file an answer to | 8 | | the
satisfaction of the Department. Failure to answer to the | 9 | | satisfaction of
the Department shall cause in order to cease | 10 | | and desist to be issued
| 11 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 12 | | (225 ILCS 30/105) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-105)
| 13 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 14 | | Sec. 105. Investigation; notice and hearing. The | 15 | | Department may investigate
the actions or qualifications of any | 16 | | applicant or of any person or persons
holding or claiming to | 17 | | hold a license or certificate of registration.
The Department | 18 | | shall, before refusing to issue or renew a license or to | 19 | | discipline a licensee under Section 95 before suspending, | 20 | | revoking, placing on
probationary status, or taking any other | 21 | | disciplinary action as the
Department may deem proper with | 22 | | regard to any license or certificate of
registration , at least | 23 | | 30 days before the date set for the
hearing, (i) notify the | 24 | | accused in writing of any charges made and the time and
place | 25 | | for a hearing of the charges before the Board, (ii) direct him |
| | | SB2936 | - 46 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | or her to
file his or her written answer to the charges with | 2 | | the
Board under oath within 20 days after the service on him or | 3 | | her of the such notice,
and (iii) inform the applicant or | 4 | | licensee him or her that failure if he or she fails to file an | 5 | | answer shall result in ,
default being will be taken against the | 6 | | applicant or licensee. At the time and place fixed in the | 7 | | notice, the Department shall proceed to hear the charges and | 8 | | the parties or their counsel shall be accorded ample | 9 | | opportunity to present any pertinent statements, testimony, | 10 | | evidence, and arguments. The Department may continue the | 11 | | hearing from time to time. In case the person, after receiving | 12 | | the notice, fails to file an answer, his or her license, may, | 13 | | in the discretion of the Department, be revoked, suspended, or | 14 | | placed on probationary status or the Department may take | 15 | | whatever disciplinary action considered proper, including | 16 | | limiting the scope, nature, or extent of the person's practice | 17 | | or the imposition of a fine, without a hearing, if the act or | 18 | | acts charged constitute sufficient grounds for that action | 19 | | under the Act. The written notice and any notice in the | 20 | | subsequent proceeding may be served by registered or certified | 21 | | mail to the licensee's address of record. him or her and his or | 22 | | her license or certificate
of registration may be suspended, | 23 | | revoked, placed on probationary
status, or other disciplinary | 24 | | action may be taken with regard to the license or
certificate, | 25 | | including limiting the scope, nature or extent of his or her
| 26 | | practice, as the Department may deem proper. In case the |
| | | SB2936 | - 47 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | person, after
receiving notice, fails to file an answer, his or | 2 | | her license or certificate
may, in the discretion of the | 3 | | Department, be suspended, revoked, or placed on
probationary | 4 | | status, or the Department may take whatever disciplinary action
| 5 | | deemed proper, including limiting the scope, nature, or extent | 6 | | of the person's
practice or the imposition of a fine, without a | 7 | | hearing, if the act or acts
charged constitute sufficient | 8 | | grounds for such action under this Act.
| 9 | | This written notice and any notice in the subsequent | 10 | | proceedings may be
served by personal delivery to the accused | 11 | | person, or by registered or
certified mail to the address last | 12 | | specified by the accused in his or her last
notification to the | 13 | | Department. The written answer shall be served by personal
| 14 | | delivery, certified delivery, or certified or registered mail | 15 | | to the
Department. At the time and place fixed in the notice, | 16 | | the Department shall
proceed to hear the charges and the | 17 | | parties or their counsel shall be accorded
ample opportunity to | 18 | | present such statements, testimony, evidence, and argument
as | 19 | | may be pertinent to the charges or to the defense thereto. The | 20 | | Department
may continue such hearing from time to time. At the | 21 | | discretion of the Director
after having first received the | 22 | | recommendation of the Board, the accused
person's certificate | 23 | | of registration may be suspended or revoked, if the
evidence | 24 | | constitutes sufficient grounds for such action under this Act.
| 25 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 87-1000; 87-1031; 88-45.)
| | | SB2936 | - 48 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (225 ILCS 30/108 new) | 2 | | Sec. 108. Confidentiality. All information collected by | 3 | | the Department in the course of an examination or investigation | 4 | | of a licensee or applicant, including, but not limited to, any | 5 | | complaint against a licensee filed with the Department and | 6 | | information collected to investigate any such complaint, shall | 7 | | be maintained for the confidential use of the Department and | 8 | | shall not be disclosed. The Department may not disclose the | 9 | | information to anyone other than law enforcement officials, | 10 | | other regulatory agencies that have an appropriate regulatory | 11 | | interest as determined by the Secretary, or a party presenting | 12 | | a lawful subpoena to the Department. Information and documents | 13 | | disclosed to a federal, State, county, or local law enforcement | 14 | | agency shall not be disclosed by the agency for any purpose to | 15 | | any other agency or person. A formal complaint filed against a | 16 | | licensee by the Department or any order issued by the | 17 | | Department against a licensee or applicant shall be a public | 18 | | record, except as otherwise prohibited by law.
| 19 | | (225 ILCS 30/110) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-110)
| 20 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 21 | | Sec. 110. Record of hearing. The Department, at its | 22 | | expense, shall
preserve a record of all proceedings at the | 23 | | formal hearing of any case. The
notice of hearing, complaint, | 24 | | and other documents in the nature of pleadings
and written | 25 | | motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony, |
| | | SB2936 | - 49 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | the
report of the Board, and orders of the Department shall be | 2 | | in the record of the
proceedings. The Department shall furnish | 3 | | a transcript of the record to any
person interested in the | 4 | | hearing upon payment of the fee required under Section
2105-115 | 5 | | of the Department of Professional Regulation Law (20 ILCS
| 6 | | 2105/2105-115).
| 7 | | (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
| 8 | | (225 ILCS 30/115) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-115)
| 9 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 10 | | Sec. 115. Subpoenas; oaths; attendance of witnesses. | 11 | | (a) The Department may shall have the power to subpoena and | 12 | | to bring before it
any person and to take the oral or written | 13 | | testimony or compel the production of any books, papers, | 14 | | records, or any other documents that the Secretary or his or | 15 | | her designee deems relevant or material to any investigation or | 16 | | hearing conducted by the Department either orally or by | 17 | | deposition, or both,
with the same fees and mileage and in the | 18 | | same manner as prescribed in civil
cases in the courts of this | 19 | | State.
| 20 | | (b) The Secretary Director , the designated hearing | 21 | | officer, any and every member of the
Board , or a certified | 22 | | shorthand court reporter may shall have power to administer | 23 | | oaths to witnesses at any hearing
that the Department conducts | 24 | | is authorized to conduct and any other oaths
authorized in any | 25 | | Act administered by the Department . Notwithstanding any other |
| | | SB2936 | - 50 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | statute or Department rule to the contrary, all requests for | 2 | | testimony, production of documents, or records shall be in | 3 | | accordance with this Act.
| 4 | | (c) Any circuit court may , upon application of the | 5 | | Department or designee or of
the applicant, licensee , or person | 6 | | holding a license against whom proceedings
under this Act are | 7 | | pending , may enter an order requiring the attendance and | 8 | | testimony of
witnesses and their testimony, and the production | 9 | | of relevant documents, papers, files,
books and records in | 10 | | connection with any hearing or investigations. The court
may | 11 | | compel obedience to its order by proceedings for contempt.
| 12 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 87-1000.)
| 13 | | (225 ILCS 30/120) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-120)
| 14 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 15 | | Sec. 120. Board report. At the conclusion of the hearing, | 16 | | the Board
shall present to the Secretary Director a written | 17 | | report of its findings of fact, conclusions of law, and
| 18 | | recommendations. The report shall contain a finding whether or | 19 | | not the
accused person violated this Act or failed to comply | 20 | | with the conditions
required in this Act. The Board shall | 21 | | specify the nature of the violation
or failure to comply and | 22 | | shall make its recommendations to the Secretary Director .
| 23 | | The report of findings of fact, conclusions of law and | 24 | | recommendation of
the Board shall be the basis for the | 25 | | Department's order for refusing to issue, restore, or renew a |
| | | SB2936 | - 51 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | license or otherwise disciplining a licensee refusal or for
the | 2 | | granting of a license . If the Secretary Director disagrees in | 3 | | any regard with
the report of the Board, the Secretary Director | 4 | | may issue an order in contravention
of the report. The Director | 5 | | shall provide a written report to the Board on any
deviation | 6 | | and shall specify with particularity the reasons for that | 7 | | action
in the final order. The finding is not admissible in | 8 | | evidence against the
person in a criminal prosecution brought | 9 | | for the violation of this Act, but
the hearing and finding is | 10 | | not a bar to a criminal prosecution brought for
the violation | 11 | | of this Act.
| 12 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 13 | | (225 ILCS 30/125) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-125)
| 14 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 15 | | Sec. 125. Motion for rehearing. In any hearing involving | 16 | | the refusal to issue or renew or the discipline of a
licensee, | 17 | | a copy of the Board's report shall be served upon the | 18 | | respondent by
the Department, either personally or as provided | 19 | | in this Act for the service of
the notice of hearing. Within 20 | 20 | | calendar days after the service, the
respondent may present to | 21 | | the Department a motion in writing for a rehearing
which shall | 22 | | specify the particular grounds for rehearing. If no motion for
| 23 | | rehearing is filed, then upon the expiration of the time | 24 | | specified for filing a
motion, or if motion for rehearing is | 25 | | denied, then upon denial, the Secretary Director
may enter an |
| | | SB2936 | - 52 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | order in accordance with recommendations of the Board, except | 2 | | as
provided for in Section 120. If the respondent orders a | 3 | | transcript of the
record from the reporting service and pays | 4 | | for it within the time for filing a
motion for rehearing, the | 5 | | 20 calendar day period within which a motion for
rehearing may | 6 | | be filed shall commence upon the delivery of the
transcript to | 7 | | the respondent.
| 8 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 87-1000.)
| 9 | | (225 ILCS 30/130) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-130)
| 10 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 11 | | Sec. 130. Order for rehearing Rehearing . Whenever the | 12 | | Secretary Director is not satisfied that
substantial justice | 13 | | has been done in the revocation, suspension, or refusal
to | 14 | | issue or renew a license the Secretary Director may order a | 15 | | rehearing by the same
or other hearing officers examiners .
| 16 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 17 | | (225 ILCS 30/135) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-135)
| 18 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 19 | | Sec. 135. Hearing officer. The Secretary Director shall | 20 | | have the authority to
appoint any attorney duly licensed to | 21 | | practice law in the State of Illinois
to serve as the hearing | 22 | | officer in any action for refusal to issue or renew
a license | 23 | | or to discipline a licensee or person holding a license. The
| 24 | | hearing officer shall have full authority to conduct the |
| | | SB2936 | - 53 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | hearing. The
hearing officer shall report his or her findings | 2 | | and recommendations to the Board
and the Secretary Director . | 3 | | The Board shall have 60 calendar days from receipt of the
| 4 | | report to review the report of the hearing officer and present | 5 | | its findings
of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations | 6 | | to the Secretary Director . If the
Board fails to present its | 7 | | report within the 60 calendar day period, the
Secretary | 8 | | Director may issue an order based on the report of the hearing | 9 | | officer.
If the Secretary Director disagrees with the | 10 | | recommendation of the Board or of the
hearing officer, the | 11 | | Secretary Director may issue an order in contravention of the
| 12 | | recommendation.
| 13 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 87-1000.)
| 14 | | (225 ILCS 30/140) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-140)
| 15 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 16 | | Sec. 140. Order; certified copy. An order or a certified | 17 | | copy of an
order, over the seal of the Department and | 18 | | purporting to be signed by the Secretary
Director , shall be | 19 | | prima facie proof:
| 20 | | (a) that the signature is the genuine signature of the | 21 | | Secretary Director ; and
| 22 | | (b) that the Secretary Director is duly appointed and | 23 | | qualified . ; and
| 24 | | (c) that the Board and the Board members are qualified.
| 25 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| | | SB2936 | - 54 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (225 ILCS 30/145) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-145)
| 2 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 3 | | Sec. 145. Restoration of license from discipline . At any | 4 | | time after the successful completion of a term of indefinite | 5 | | probation, suspension, or revocation of a license, the | 6 | | Department may restore the license to the licensee, unless, | 7 | | after an investigation and a hearing, the Secretary determines | 8 | | that restoration is not in the public interest or that the | 9 | | licensee has not been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the | 10 | | public trust. No person or entity whose license, certificate, | 11 | | or authority has been revoked as authorized in this Act may | 12 | | apply for restoration of that license, certification, or | 13 | | authority until such time as provided for in the Civil | 14 | | Administrative Code of Illinois. suspension
or revocation of | 15 | | any
license, the Department may restore the license to the | 16 | | accused person upon
the written recommendation of the Board, | 17 | | unless after an investigation and
a hearing the Board | 18 | | determines that restoration is not in the public interest.
| 19 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 20 | | (225 ILCS 30/155) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-155)
| 21 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 22 | | Sec. 155. Summary suspension. The Secretary Director may | 23 | | summarily suspend
the license of a licensee dietitian or | 24 | | nutrition counselor without a hearing,
simultaneously with the |
| | | SB2936 | - 55 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | institution of proceedings for a hearing provided
for in | 2 | | Section 105 of this Act, if the Secretary Director finds that | 3 | | the evidence in his
or her possession indicates that a | 4 | | licensee's continuation in practice
would constitute an | 5 | | imminent danger to the public. In the event that the Secretary
| 6 | | Director summarily suspends the license of a dietitian or | 7 | | nutrition
counselor without a hearing, a hearing shall by the | 8 | | Board must be commenced held within 30
calendar days after the | 9 | | suspension has occurred and shall be concluded as expeditiously | 10 | | as possible .
| 11 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 87-1000.)
| 12 | | (225 ILCS 30/165) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-165)
| 13 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 14 | | Sec. 165. Certification of record; receipt. The Department | 15 | | shall not
be required to certify any record to the Court or | 16 | | file any answer in court
or otherwise appear in any court in a | 17 | | judicial review proceeding, unless and until the Department has | 18 | | received from the plaintiff
there is filed in the court, with | 19 | | the complaint, a receipt from the
Department acknowledging | 20 | | payment of the costs of furnishing and certifying
the record , | 21 | | which costs shall be determined by the Department. Exhibits | 22 | | shall be certified without cost . Failure on the part of the | 23 | | plaintiff to file a receipt in
Court is shall be grounds for | 24 | | dismissal of the action.
| 25 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| | | SB2936 | - 56 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (225 ILCS 30/175) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-175)
| 2 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 3 | | Sec. 175. Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The | 4 | | Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act is expressly adopted and | 5 | | incorporated as if
all of the provisions of that Act were | 6 | | included in this Act, except that
the provision of paragraph | 7 | | (d) of Section 10-65 of the
Illinois Administrative Procedure | 8 | | Act, which provides that at hearings the
licensee or person | 9 | | holding a license has the right to show
compliance with all | 10 | | lawful requirements for retention or continuation of the
| 11 | | license, is specifically excluded. For the purpose of this Act, | 12 | | the notice
required under Section 10-25 of the Illinois | 13 | | Administrative
Procedure Act is deemed sufficient when mailed | 14 | | to the last known
address of record of a party.
| 15 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
| 16 | | (225 ILCS 30/180) (from Ch. 111, par. 8401-180)
| 17 | | (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2013)
| 18 | | Sec. 180. Home rule. The regulation and licensing of | 19 | | dietitian nutritionists dietitians and
nutrition counselors | 20 | | are exclusive functions of the State. A home rule
unit may not | 21 | | regulate or license dietitian nutritionists dietitians or | 22 | | nutrition counselors . This
Section is a limitation and denial | 23 | | of home rule powers under paragraph (h)
of Section 6 of Article | 24 | | VII of the Illinois Constitution.
| | | SB2936 | - 57 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (Source: P.A. 87-784.)
| 2 | | (225 ILCS 30/56 rep.)
| 3 | | (225 ILCS 30/87 rep.)
| 4 | | Section 6. The Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act | 5 | | is amended by repealing Sections 56 and 87. | 6 | | Section 8. The Elder Abuse and Neglect Act is amended by | 7 | | changing Section 2 as follows:
| 8 | | (320 ILCS 20/2) (from Ch. 23, par. 6602)
| 9 | | Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | 10 | | context
requires otherwise:
| 11 | | (a) "Abuse" means causing any physical, mental or sexual | 12 | | injury to an
eligible adult, including exploitation of such | 13 | | adult's financial resources.
| 14 | | Nothing in this Act shall be construed to mean that an | 15 | | eligible adult is a
victim of abuse, neglect, or self-neglect | 16 | | for the sole reason that he or she is being
furnished with or | 17 | | relies upon treatment by spiritual means through prayer
alone, | 18 | | in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized | 19 | | church
or religious denomination.
| 20 | | Nothing in this Act shall be construed to mean that an | 21 | | eligible adult is a
victim of abuse because of health care | 22 | | services provided or not provided by
licensed health care | 23 | | professionals.
| | | SB2936 | - 58 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (a-5) "Abuser" means a person who abuses, neglects, or | 2 | | financially
exploits an eligible adult.
| 3 | | (a-7) "Caregiver" means a person who either as a result of | 4 | | a family
relationship, voluntarily, or in exchange for | 5 | | compensation has assumed
responsibility for all or a portion of | 6 | | the care of an eligible adult who needs
assistance with | 7 | | activities of daily
| 8 | | (b) "Department" means the Department on Aging of the State | 9 | | of Illinois.
| 10 | | (c) "Director" means the Director of the Department.
| 11 | | (d) "Domestic living situation" means a residence where the | 12 | | eligible
adult at the time of the report lives alone or with | 13 | | his or her family or a caregiver, or others,
or a board and | 14 | | care home or other community-based unlicensed facility, but
is | 15 | | not:
| 16 | | (1) A licensed facility as defined in Section 1-113 of | 17 | | the Nursing Home
Care Act;
| 18 | | (1.5) A facility licensed under the ID/DD Community | 19 | | Care Act; | 20 | | (1.7) A facility licensed under the Specialized Mental | 21 | | Health Rehabilitation Act;
| 22 | | (2) A "life care facility" as defined in the Life Care | 23 | | Facilities Act;
| 24 | | (3) A home, institution, or other place operated by the | 25 | | federal
government or agency thereof or by the State of | 26 | | Illinois;
| | | SB2936 | - 59 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (4) A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution, the | 2 | | principal activity
or business of which is the diagnosis, | 3 | | care, and treatment of human illness
through the | 4 | | maintenance and operation of organized facilities | 5 | | therefor,
which is required to be licensed under the | 6 | | Hospital Licensing Act;
| 7 | | (5) A "community living facility" as defined in the | 8 | | Community Living
Facilities Licensing Act;
| 9 | | (6) (Blank);
| 10 | | (7) A "community-integrated living arrangement" as | 11 | | defined in
the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements | 12 | | Licensure and Certification Act;
| 13 | | (8) An assisted living or shared housing establishment | 14 | | as defined in the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act; | 15 | | or
| 16 | | (9) A supportive living facility as described in | 17 | | Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
| 18 | | (e) "Eligible adult" means a person 60 years of age or | 19 | | older who
resides in a domestic living situation and is, or is | 20 | | alleged
to be, abused, neglected, or financially exploited by | 21 | | another individual or who neglects himself or herself.
| 22 | | (f) "Emergency" means a situation in which an eligible | 23 | | adult is living
in conditions presenting a risk of death or | 24 | | physical, mental or sexual
injury and the provider agency has | 25 | | reason to believe the eligible adult is
unable to
consent to | 26 | | services which would alleviate that risk.
| | | SB2936 | - 60 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (f-5) "Mandated reporter" means any of the following | 2 | | persons
while engaged in carrying out their professional | 3 | | duties:
| 4 | | (1) a professional or professional's delegate while | 5 | | engaged in: (i) social
services, (ii) law enforcement, | 6 | | (iii) education, (iv) the care of an eligible
adult or | 7 | | eligible adults, or (v) any of the occupations required to | 8 | | be licensed
the Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act, | 9 | | the Clinical Social Work and Social
Work Practice Act, the | 10 | | Illinois Dental Practice Act, the Dietitian Nutritionist | 11 | | Dietetic and Nutrition
Services Practice Act, the Marriage | 12 | | and Family Therapy Licensing Act, the
Medical Practice Act | 13 | | of 1987, the Naprapathic Practice Act, the
Nurse Practice | 14 | | Act, the Nursing Home
Administrators Licensing and
| 15 | | Disciplinary Act, the Illinois Occupational Therapy | 16 | | Practice Act, the Illinois
Optometric Practice Act of 1987, | 17 | | the Pharmacy Practice Act, the
Illinois Physical Therapy | 18 | | Act, the Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987,
the | 19 | | Podiatric Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Respiratory | 20 | | Care Practice
the Professional Counselor and
Clinical | 21 | | Professional Counselor Licensing Act, the Illinois | 22 | | Speech-Language
Pathology and Audiology Practice Act, the | 23 | | Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Practice Act of 2004, and | 24 | | the Illinois Public Accounting Act;
| 25 | | (2) an employee of a vocational rehabilitation | 26 | | facility prescribed or
supervised by the Department of |
| | | SB2936 | - 61 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | Human Services;
| 2 | | (3) an administrator, employee, or person providing | 3 | | services in or through
an unlicensed community based | 4 | | facility;
| 5 | | (4) any religious practitioner who provides treatment | 6 | | by prayer or spiritual means alone in accordance with the | 7 | | tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious | 8 | | denomination, except as to information received in any | 9 | | confession or sacred communication enjoined by the | 10 | | discipline of the religious denomination to be held | 11 | | confidential;
| 12 | | (5) field personnel of the Department of Healthcare and | 13 | | Family Services, Department of Public
Health, and | 14 | | Department of Human Services, and any county or
municipal | 15 | | health department;
| 16 | | (6) personnel of the Department of Human Services, the | 17 | | Guardianship and
Advocacy Commission, the State Fire | 18 | | Marshal, local fire departments, the
Department on Aging | 19 | | and its subsidiary Area Agencies on Aging and provider
| 20 | | agencies, and the Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman;
| 21 | | (7) any employee of the State of Illinois not otherwise | 22 | | specified herein
who is involved in providing services to | 23 | | eligible adults, including
professionals providing medical | 24 | | or rehabilitation services and all
other persons having | 25 | | direct contact with eligible adults;
| 26 | | (8) a person who performs the duties of a coroner
or |
| | | SB2936 | - 62 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | medical examiner; or
| 2 | | (9) a person who performs the duties of a paramedic or | 3 | | an emergency
| 4 | | (g) "Neglect" means
another individual's failure to | 5 | | provide an eligible
adult with or willful withholding from an | 6 | | eligible adult the necessities of
life including, but not | 7 | | limited to, food, clothing, shelter or health care.
This | 8 | | subsection does not create any new affirmative duty to provide | 9 | | support to
eligible adults. Nothing in this Act shall be | 10 | | construed to mean that an
eligible adult is a victim of neglect | 11 | | because of health care services provided
or not provided by | 12 | | licensed health care professionals.
| 13 | | (h) "Provider agency" means any public or nonprofit agency | 14 | | in a planning
and service area appointed by the regional | 15 | | administrative agency with prior
approval by the Department on | 16 | | Aging to receive and assess reports of
alleged or suspected | 17 | | abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation.
| 18 | | (i) "Regional administrative agency" means any public or | 19 | | nonprofit
agency in a planning and service area so designated | 20 | | by the Department,
provided that the designated Area Agency on | 21 | | Aging shall be designated the
regional administrative agency if | 22 | | it so requests.
The Department shall assume the functions of | 23 | | the regional administrative
agency for any planning and service | 24 | | area where another agency is not so
| 25 | | (i-5) "Self-neglect" means a condition that is the result | 26 | | of an eligible adult's inability, due to physical or mental |
| | | SB2936 | - 63 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | impairments, or both, or a diminished capacity, to perform | 2 | | essential self-care tasks that substantially threaten his or | 3 | | her own health, including: providing essential food, clothing, | 4 | | shelter, and health care; and obtaining goods and services | 5 | | necessary to maintain physical health, mental health, | 6 | | emotional well-being, and general safety. The term includes | 7 | | compulsive hoarding, which is characterized by the acquisition | 8 | | and retention of large quantities of items and materials that | 9 | | produce an extensively cluttered living space, which | 10 | | significantly impairs the performance of essential self-care | 11 | | tasks or otherwise substantially threatens life or safety.
| 12 | | (j) "Substantiated case" means a reported case of alleged | 13 | | or suspected
abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or | 14 | | self-neglect in which a provider agency,
after assessment, | 15 | | determines that there is reason to believe abuse,
neglect, or | 16 | | financial exploitation has occurred.
| 17 | | (Source: P.A. 96-339, eff. 7-1-10; 96-526, eff. 1-1-10; 96-572, | 18 | | eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, | 19 | | eff. 1-1-12; 97-300, eff. 8-11-11; revised 10-4-11.) | 20 | | Section 10. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by | 21 | | changing Section 5-5-5 as follows:
| 22 | | (730 ILCS 5/5-5-5) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-5-5)
| 23 | | Sec. 5-5-5. Loss and Restoration of Rights.
| 24 | | (a) Conviction and disposition shall not entail the loss by |
| | | SB2936 | - 64 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | the
defendant of any civil rights, except under this Section | 2 | | and Sections 29-6
and 29-10 of The Election Code, as now or | 3 | | hereafter amended.
| 4 | | (b) A person convicted of a felony shall be ineligible to | 5 | | hold an office
created by the Constitution of this State until | 6 | | the completion of his sentence.
| 7 | | (c) A person sentenced to imprisonment shall lose his right | 8 | | to vote
until released from imprisonment.
| 9 | | (d) On completion of sentence of imprisonment or upon | 10 | | discharge from
probation, conditional discharge or periodic | 11 | | imprisonment, or at any time
thereafter, all license rights and | 12 | | privileges
granted under the authority of this State which have | 13 | | been revoked or
suspended because of conviction of an offense | 14 | | shall be restored unless the
authority having jurisdiction of | 15 | | such license rights finds after
investigation and hearing that | 16 | | restoration is not in the public interest.
This paragraph (d) | 17 | | shall not apply to the suspension or revocation of a
license to | 18 | | operate a motor vehicle under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
| 19 | | (e) Upon a person's discharge from incarceration or parole, | 20 | | or upon a
person's discharge from probation or at any time | 21 | | thereafter, the committing
court may enter an order certifying | 22 | | that the sentence has been
satisfactorily completed when the | 23 | | court believes it would assist in the
rehabilitation of the | 24 | | person and be consistent with the public welfare.
Such order | 25 | | may be entered upon the motion of the defendant or the State or
| 26 | | upon the court's own motion.
| | | SB2936 | - 65 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (f) Upon entry of the order, the court shall issue to the | 2 | | person in
whose favor the order has been entered a certificate | 3 | | stating that his
behavior after conviction has warranted the | 4 | | issuance of the order.
| 5 | | (g) This Section shall not affect the right of a defendant | 6 | | to
collaterally attack his conviction or to rely on it in bar | 7 | | of subsequent
proceedings for the same offense.
| 8 | | (h) No application for any license specified in subsection | 9 | | (i) of this
Section granted under the
authority of this State | 10 | | shall be denied by reason of an eligible offender who
has | 11 | | obtained a certificate of relief from disabilities, as
defined | 12 | | in Article 5.5 of this Chapter, having been previously | 13 | | convicted of one
or more
criminal offenses, or by reason of a | 14 | | finding of lack of "good moral
character" when the finding is | 15 | | based upon the fact that the applicant has
previously been | 16 | | convicted of one or more criminal offenses, unless:
| 17 | | (1) there is a direct relationship between one or more | 18 | | of the previous
criminal offenses and the specific license | 19 | | sought; or
| 20 | | (2) the issuance of the license would
involve an | 21 | | unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare | 22 | | of
specific individuals or the general public.
| 23 | | In making such a determination, the licensing agency shall | 24 | | consider the
following factors:
| 25 | | (1) the public policy of this State, as expressed in | 26 | | Article 5.5 of this
Chapter, to encourage the licensure and |
| | | SB2936 | - 66 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | employment of persons previously
convicted of one or more | 2 | | criminal offenses;
| 3 | | (2) the specific duties and responsibilities | 4 | | necessarily related to the
license being sought;
| 5 | | (3) the bearing, if any, the criminal offenses or | 6 | | offenses for which the
was previously convicted will | 7 | | have on his or her fitness or ability to perform
one or
| 8 | | more such duties and responsibilities;
| 9 | | (4) the time which has elapsed since the occurrence of | 10 | | the criminal
offense or offenses;
| 11 | | (5) the age of the person at the time of occurrence of | 12 | | the criminal
offense or offenses;
| 13 | | (6) the seriousness of the offense or offenses;
| 14 | | (7) any information produced by the person or produced | 15 | | on his or her
behalf in
regard to his or her rehabilitation | 16 | | and good conduct, including a certificate
of relief from | 17 | | disabilities issued to the applicant, which certificate | 18 | | shall
create a presumption of rehabilitation in regard to | 19 | | the offense or offenses
specified in the certificate; and
| 20 | | (8) the legitimate interest of the licensing agency in | 21 | | protecting
property, and
the safety and welfare of specific | 22 | | individuals or the general public.
| 23 | | (i) A certificate of relief from disabilities shall be | 24 | | issued only
for a
license or certification issued under the | 25 | | following Acts:
| 26 | | (1) the Animal Welfare Act; except that a certificate |
| | | SB2936 | - 67 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | of relief from
disabilities may not be granted
to provide | 2 | | for
issuance or restoration of a license under the | 3 | | Animal Welfare Act for any
person convicted of violating | 4 | | Section 3, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.03-1, or 4.01 of
the Humane | 5 | | Care for Animals Act or Section 26-5 of the Criminal Code | 6 | | of
| 7 | | (2) the Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act;
| 8 | | (3) the Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, Hair Braiding, | 9 | | and Nail Technology Act of 1985;
| 10 | | (4) the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Repairer Regulation | 11 | | Act;
| 12 | | (5) the Boxing and Full-contact Martial Arts Act;
| 13 | | (6) the Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters Act of | 14 | | 1984;
| 15 | | (7) the Illinois Farm Labor Contractor Certification | 16 | | Act;
| 17 | | (8) the Interior Design Title Act;
| 18 | | (9) the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of | 19 | | 1989;
| 20 | | (10) the Illinois Landscape Architecture Act of 1989;
| 21 | | (11) the Marriage and Family Therapy Licensing Act;
| 22 | | (12) the Private Employment Agency Act;
| 23 | | (13) the Professional Counselor and Clinical | 24 | | Professional Counselor
| 25 | | (14) the Real Estate License Act of 2000;
| 26 | | (15) the Illinois Roofing Industry Licensing Act; |
| | | SB2936 | - 68 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | (16) the Professional Engineering Practice Act of | 2 | | 1989; | 3 | | (17) the Water Well and Pump Installation Contractor's | 4 | | License Act; | 5 | | (18) the Electrologist Licensing Act;
| 6 | | (19) the Auction License Act; | 7 | | (20) Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989; | 8 | | (21) the Dietitian Nutritionist Dietetic and Nutrition | 9 | | Services Practice Act; | 10 | | (22) the Environmental Health Practitioner Licensing | 11 | | Act; | 12 | | (23) the Funeral Directors and Embalmers Licensing | 13 | | Code; | 14 | | (24) the Land Sales Registration Act of 1999; | 15 | | (25) the Professional Geologist Licensing Act; | 16 | | (26) the Illinois Public Accounting Act; and | 17 | | (27) the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989.
| 18 | | (Source: P.A. 96-1246, eff. 1-1-11; 97-119, eff. 7-14-11.)
| 19 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 20 | | becoming law.
| | | | SB2936 | - 69 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | |
| 2 | |
Statutes amended in order of appearance
| | 3 | | 5 ILCS 80/4.23 | | | 4 | | 5 ILCS 80/4.33 new | | | 5 | | 20 ILCS 2310/2310-210 | was 20 ILCS 2310/55.62a | | 6 | | 215 ILCS 5/356w | | | 7 | | 225 ILCS 30/1 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-1 | | 8 | | 225 ILCS 30/10 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-10 | | 9 | | 225 ILCS 30/15 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-15 | | 10 | | 225 ILCS 30/15.5 | | | 11 | | 225 ILCS 30/20 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-20 | | 12 | | 225 ILCS 30/30 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-30 | | 13 | | 225 ILCS 30/45 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-45 | | 14 | | 225 ILCS 30/65 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-65 | | 15 | | 225 ILCS 30/70 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-70 | | 16 | | 225 ILCS 30/80 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-80 | | 17 | | 225 ILCS 30/85 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-85 | | 18 | | 225 ILCS 30/95 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-95 | | 19 | | 225 ILCS 30/97 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-97 | | 20 | | 225 ILCS 30/100 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-100 | | 21 | | 225 ILCS 30/105 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-105 | | 22 | | 225 ILCS 30/108 new | | | 23 | | 225 ILCS 30/110 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-110 | | 24 | | 225 ILCS 30/115 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-115 | | 25 | | 225 ILCS 30/120 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-120 | |
| | | SB2936 | - 70 - | LRB097 16902 CEL 62090 b |
| 1 | | 225 ILCS 30/125 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-125 | | 2 | | 225 ILCS 30/130 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-130 | | 3 | | 225 ILCS 30/135 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-135 | | 4 | | 225 ILCS 30/140 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-140 | | 5 | | 225 ILCS 30/145 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-145 | | 6 | | 225 ILCS 30/155 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-155 | | 7 | | 225 ILCS 30/165 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-165 | | 8 | | 225 ILCS 30/175 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-175 | | 9 | | 225 ILCS 30/180 | from Ch. 111, par. 8401-180 | | 10 | | 225 ILCS 30/56 rep. | | | 11 | | 225 ILCS 30/87 rep. | | | 12 | | 320 ILCS 20/2 | from Ch. 23, par. 6602 | | 13 | | 730 ILCS 5/5-5-5 | from Ch. 38, par. 1005-5-5 |
| |