Full Text of HB3462 97th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2011 and 2012 HB3462 Introduced 2/24/2011, by Rep. Greg Harris SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
| 215 ILCS 105/8 | from Ch. 73, par. 1308 |
Amends the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act. Deletes from the list of expenses that are not covered under the Plan, any expense or charge for routine physical examinations or tests.
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| | A BILL FOR |
| | | HB3462 | | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning insurance.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act is | 5 | | amended by changing Section 8 as follows: | 6 | | (215 ILCS 105/8) (from Ch. 73, par. 1308) | 7 | | Sec. 8. Minimum benefits. | 8 | | a. Availability. The Plan shall offer in a periodically | 9 | | renewable policy major medical expense coverage to every | 10 | | eligible
person who is not eligible for Medicare. Major medical
| 11 | | expense coverage offered by the Plan shall pay an eligible | 12 | | person's
covered expenses, subject to limit on the deductible | 13 | | and coinsurance
payments authorized under paragraph (4) of | 14 | | subsection d of this Section,
up to a lifetime benefit limit of | 15 | | $5,000,000. The maximum
limit under this subsection shall not | 16 | | be altered by the Board, and no
actuarial equivalent benefit | 17 | | may be substituted by the Board.
Any person who otherwise would | 18 | | qualify for coverage under the Plan, but
is excluded because he | 19 | | or she is eligible for Medicare, shall be eligible
for any | 20 | | separate Medicare supplement policy or policies which the Board | 21 | | may
offer. | 22 | | b. Outline of benefits. Covered expenses shall be
limited | 23 | | to the usual and customary charge, including negotiated fees, |
| | | HB3462 | - 2 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | in
the locality for the following services and articles when | 2 | | prescribed by a
physician and determined by the Plan to be | 3 | | medically necessary
for the following areas of services, | 4 | | subject to such separate deductibles,
co-payments, exclusions, | 5 | | and other limitations on benefits as the Board shall
establish | 6 | | and approve, and the other provisions of this Section: | 7 | | (1) Hospital
services, except that
any services | 8 | | provided by a hospital that is
located more than 75 miles | 9 | | outside the State of Illinois shall be covered only
for a | 10 | | maximum of 45 days in any calendar year. With respect to | 11 | | covered
expenses incurred during any calendar year ending | 12 | | on or after December 31,
1999, inpatient hospitalization of | 13 | | an eligible person for the
treatment of mental illness at a | 14 | | hospital located within the State of
shall be | 15 | | subject to the same terms and conditions as for any other | 16 | | illness. | 17 | | (2) Professional services for the diagnosis or | 18 | | treatment of injuries,
illnesses or conditions, other than | 19 | | dental and mental
nervous disorders as
described in | 20 | | paragraph (17), which are rendered by a physician, or by | 21 | | other
licensed professionals at the physician's
direction. | 22 | | This includes reconstruction of the breast on which a | 23 | | mastectomy
was performed; surgery and reconstruction of | 24 | | the other breast to produce a
symmetrical appearance; and | 25 | | prostheses and treatment of physical complications
at all | 26 | | stages of the mastectomy, including lymphedemas. |
| | | HB3462 | - 3 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | (2.5) Professional services provided by a physician to | 2 | | children under
the age of 16 years for physical | 3 | | examinations and age appropriate
immunizations ordered by | 4 | | a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its
| 5 | | branches. | 6 | | (3) (Blank). | 7 | | (4) Outpatient prescription drugs that by law require
| 8 | | prescription
written by a physician licensed to practice | 9 | | medicine in all its branches
subject to such separate | 10 | | deductible, copayment, and other limitations or
| 11 | | restrictions as the Board shall approve, including the use | 12 | | of a prescription
drug card or any other program, or both. | 13 | | (5) Skilled nursing services of a licensed
| 14 | | nursing facility for not more than 120 days during a policy | 15 | | year. | 16 | | (6) Services of a home health agency in accord with a | 17 | | home health care
plan, up to a maximum of 270 visits per | 18 | | year. | 19 | | (7) Services of a licensed hospice for not more than | 20 | | 180
days during a policy year. | 21 | | (8) Use of radium or other radioactive materials. | 22 | | (9) Oxygen. | 23 | | (10) Anesthetics. | 24 | | (11) Orthoses and prostheses other than dental. | 25 | | (12) Rental or purchase in accordance with Board | 26 | | policies or
procedures of durable medical equipment, other |
| | | HB3462 | - 4 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | than eyeglasses or hearing
aids, for which there is no | 2 | | personal use in the absence of the condition
for which it | 3 | | is prescribed. | 4 | | (13) Diagnostic x-rays and laboratory tests. | 5 | | (14) Oral surgery (i) for excision of partially or | 6 | | completely unerupted
impacted teeth when not performed in
| 7 | | connection with the routine extraction or repair of teeth; | 8 | | (ii) for excision
of tumors or cysts of the jaws, cheeks, | 9 | | lips, tongue, and roof and floor of the
mouth; (iii) | 10 | | required for correction of cleft lip and palate
other | 11 | | craniofacial and maxillofacial birth defects; or (iv) for | 12 | | treatment of injuries to natural teeth or a fractured jaw | 13 | | due to an accident. | 14 | | (15) Physical, speech, and functional occupational | 15 | | therapy as
medically necessary and provided by appropriate | 16 | | licensed professionals. | 17 | | (16) Emergency and other medically necessary | 18 | | transportation provided
by a licensed ambulance service to | 19 | | the
nearest health care facility qualified to treat a | 20 | | covered
illness, injury, or condition, subject to the | 21 | | provisions of the
Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) Act. | 22 | | (17) Outpatient services for
diagnosis and
treatment | 23 | | of mental and nervous disorders provided that a
covered | 24 | | person shall be required to make a copayment not to exceed | 25 | | 50% and that
the Plan's payment shall not exceed such | 26 | | amounts as are established by the
Board. |
| | | HB3462 | - 5 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | (18) Human organ or tissue transplants specified by the | 2 | | Board that
are performed at a hospital designated by the | 3 | | Board as a participating
transplant center for that | 4 | | specific organ or tissue transplant. | 5 | | (19) Naprapathic services, as appropriate, provided by | 6 | | a licensed
naprapathic practitioner. | 7 | | c. Exclusions. Covered expenses of the Plan shall not
| 8 | | include the following: | 9 | | (1) Any charge for treatment for cosmetic purposes | 10 | | other than for
reconstructive surgery when the service is | 11 | | incidental to or follows
surgery resulting from injury, | 12 | | sickness or other diseases of the involved
part or surgery | 13 | | for the repair or treatment of a congenital bodily defect
| 14 | | to restore normal bodily functions. | 15 | | (2) Any charge for care that is primarily for rest,
| 16 | | custodial, educational, or domiciliary purposes. | 17 | | (3) Any charge for services in a private room to the | 18 | | extent it is in
excess of the institution's charge for its | 19 | | most common semiprivate room,
unless a private room is | 20 | | prescribed as medically necessary by a physician. | 21 | | (4) That part of any charge for room and board or for | 22 | | services
rendered or articles prescribed by a physician, | 23 | | dentist, or other health
care personnel that exceeds the | 24 | | reasonable and customary charge in the
locality or for any | 25 | | services or supplies not medically necessary for the
| 26 | | diagnosed injury or illness. |
| | | HB3462 | - 6 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | (5) Any charge for services or articles the provision | 2 | | of which is not
within the scope of licensure of the | 3 | | institution or individual
providing the services or | 4 | | articles. | 5 | | (6) Any expense incurred prior to the effective date of | 6 | | coverage by the
Plan for the person on whose behalf the | 7 | | expense is incurred. | 8 | | (7) Dental care, dental surgery, dental treatment, any | 9 | | other dental
procedure involving the teeth or | 10 | | periodontium, or any dental appliances,
including crowns, | 11 | | bridges, implants, or partial or complete dentures,
| 12 | | as specifically provided in paragraph
(14) of subsection b | 13 | | of this Section. | 14 | | (8) Eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or their | 15 | | fitting. | 16 | | (9) Illness or injury due to acts of war. | 17 | | (10) Services of blood donors and any fee for failure | 18 | | to replace the
first 3 pints of blood
provided to a covered | 19 | | person each policy year. | 20 | | (11) Personal supplies or services provided by a | 21 | | hospital or nursing
home, or any other nonmedical or | 22 | | nonprescribed supply or service. | 23 | | (12) Routine maternity charges for a pregnancy, except | 24 | | where added as
optional coverage with payment of an | 25 | | additional premium for pregnancy
resulting from conception | 26 | | occurring after the effective date of the
optional |
| | | HB3462 | - 7 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | coverage. | 2 | | (13) (Blank). | 3 | | (14) Any expense or charge for services, drugs, or | 4 | | supplies that are:
(i) not provided in accord with | 5 | | generally accepted standards of current
medical practice; | 6 | | (ii) for procedures, treatments, equipment, transplants,
| 7 | | or implants, any of which are investigational, | 8 | | experimental, or for
research purposes; (iii) | 9 | | investigative and not proven safe and effective;
or (iv) | 10 | | for, or resulting from, a gender
transformation operation. | 11 | | (15) (Blank) Any expense or charge for routine physical | 12 | | examinations or tests
except as provided in item (2.5) of | 13 | | subsection b of this Section . | 14 | | (16) Any expense for which a charge is not made in the | 15 | | absence of
insurance or for which there is no legal | 16 | | obligation on the part of the
patient to pay. | 17 | | (17) Any expense incurred for benefits provided under | 18 | | the laws of the
United States and this State, including | 19 | | Medicare, Medicaid, and
medical assistance, maternal | 20 | | and child health services and any other program
that is | 21 | | administered or funded by the Department of Human Services, | 22 | | Department
of Healthcare and Family Services, or | 23 | | Department of Public Health, military service-connected
| 24 | | disability payments, medical
services provided for members | 25 | | of the armed forces and their dependents or
employees of | 26 | | the armed forces of the United States, and medical services
| | | HB3462 | - 8 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | financed on behalf of all citizens by the United States. | 2 | | (18) Any expense or charge for in vitro fertilization, | 3 | | artificial
insemination, or any other artificial means | 4 | | used to cause pregnancy. | 5 | | (19) Any expense or charge for oral contraceptives used | 6 | | for birth
control or any other temporary birth control | 7 | | measures. | 8 | | (20) Any expense or charge for sterilization or | 9 | | sterilization reversals. | 10 | | (21) Any expense or charge for weight loss programs, | 11 | | exercise
equipment, or treatment of obesity, except when | 12 | | certified by a physician as
morbid obesity (at least 2 | 13 | | times normal body weight). | 14 | | (22) Any expense or charge for acupuncture treatment | 15 | | unless used as an
anesthetic agent for a covered surgery. | 16 | | (23) Any expense or charge for or related to organ or | 17 | | tissue
transplants other than those performed at a hospital | 18 | | with a Board approved
organ transplant program that has | 19 | | been designated by the Board as a
preferred or exclusive | 20 | | provider organization for that specific organ or tissue
| 21 | | transplant. | 22 | | (24) Any expense or charge for procedures, treatments, | 23 | | equipment, or
services that are provided in special | 24 | | settings for research purposes or in
a controlled | 25 | | environment, are being studied for safety, efficiency, and
| 26 | | effectiveness, and are awaiting endorsement by the |
| | | HB3462 | - 9 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | appropriate national
medical speciality college for | 2 | | general use within the medical community. | 3 | | d. Deductibles and coinsurance. | 4 | | The Plan coverage defined in Section 6 shall provide for a | 5 | | choice
deductibles per individual as authorized by the | 6 | | Board. If 2 individual members
of the same family
household, | 7 | | who are both covered persons under the Plan, satisfy the
same | 8 | | applicable deductibles, no other member of that family who is
| 9 | | also a covered person under the Plan shall be
required to
meet | 10 | | any deductibles for the balance of that calendar year. The
| 11 | | deductibles must be applied first to the authorized amount of | 12 | | covered expenses
incurred by the
covered person. A mandatory | 13 | | coinsurance requirement shall be imposed at
the rate authorized | 14 | | by the Board in excess of the mandatory
deductible, the | 15 | | coinsurance
in the aggregate not to exceed such amounts as are | 16 | | authorized by the Board
per annum. At its discretion the Board | 17 | | may, however, offer catastrophic
coverages or other policies | 18 | | that provide for larger deductibles with or
without coinsurance | 19 | | requirements. The deductibles and coinsurance
factors may be | 20 | | adjusted annually according to the Medical Component of the
| 21 | | Consumer Price Index. | 22 | | e. Scope of coverage. | 23 | | (1) In approving any of the benefit plans to be offered | 24 | | by the Plan, the
Board shall establish such benefit levels, | 25 | | deductibles, coinsurance factors,
exclusions, and | 26 | | limitations as it may deem appropriate and that it believes |
| | | HB3462 | - 10 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | to
be generally reflective of and commensurate with health | 2 | | insurance coverage that
is provided in the individual | 3 | | market in this State. | 4 | | (2) The benefit plans approved by the Board may also | 5 | | provide for and
various cost containment measures | 6 | | and other requirements including, but not
limited to, | 7 | | preadmission certification, prior approval, second | 8 | | surgical
opinions, concurrent utilization review programs, | 9 | | individual case management,
preferred provider | 10 | | organizations, health maintenance organizations, and other
| 11 | | cost effective arrangements for paying for covered | 12 | | expenses. | 13 | | f. Preexisting conditions. | 14 | | (1) Except for federally eligible individuals | 15 | | qualifying for Plan
coverage under Section 15 of this Act
| 16 | | or eligible persons who qualify
for the waiver authorized | 17 | | in paragraph (3) of this subsection,
plan coverage shall | 18 | | exclude charges or expenses incurred
during the first 6 | 19 | | months following the effective date of coverage as to
any | 20 | | condition for which medical advice, care or treatment was | 21 | | recommended or
received during the 6 month period
| 22 | | immediately preceding the effective date
of coverage. | 23 | | (2) (Blank). | 24 | | (3) Waiver: The preexisting condition exclusions as | 25 | | set forth in
paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be | 26 | | waived to the extent to which
the eligible person (a) has |
| | | HB3462 | - 11 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | satisfied similar exclusions under any prior
individual | 2 | | health insurance policy that was involuntarily terminated
| 3 | | because of the insolvency of the issuer of the policy and | 4 | | (b) has applied
for Plan coverage within 90 days following | 5 | | the involuntary
termination of that individual health | 6 | | insurance coverage. | 7 | | (4) Waiver: The preexisting condition exclusions as | 8 | | set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be | 9 | | waived to the extent to which the eligible person (a) has | 10 | | satisfied the exclusion under prior Comprehensive Health | 11 | | Insurance Plan coverage that was involuntarily terminated | 12 | | because of meeting a lower lifetime benefit limit and (b) | 13 | | has reapplied for Plan coverage within 90 days following an | 14 | | increase in the lifetime benefit limit set forth in Section | 15 | | 8 of this Act. | 16 | | g. Other sources primary; nonduplication of benefits. | 17 | | (1) The Plan shall be the last payor of benefits | 18 | | whenever any other
benefit or source of third party payment | 19 | | is available. Subject to the
provisions of subsection e of | 20 | | Section 7, benefits
otherwise payable under Plan coverage | 21 | | shall be reduced by
all amounts paid or payable by Medicare | 22 | | or any other government program
or through any health | 23 | | insurance coverage or group health plan,
whether by | 24 | | insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise, or through
any | 25 | | third party liability,
settlement, judgment, or award,
| 26 | | regardless of the date of the settlement, judgment, or |
| | | HB3462 | - 12 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | award, whether the
settlement, judgment, or award is in the | 2 | | form of a contract, agreement, or
trust on behalf of a | 3 | | minor or otherwise and whether the settlement,
judgment, or | 4 | | award is payable to the covered person, his or her | 5 | | dependent,
estate, personal representative, or guardian in | 6 | | a lump sum or over time,
and by all hospital or medical | 7 | | expense benefits
paid or payable under any worker's | 8 | | compensation coverage, automobile
medical payment, or | 9 | | liability insurance, whether provided on the basis of
fault | 10 | | or nonfault, and by any hospital or medical benefits paid | 11 | | or payable
under or provided pursuant to any State or | 12 | | federal law or program. | 13 | | (2) The Plan shall have a cause of action against any
| 14 | | covered person or any other person or entity for
the | 15 | | recovery of any amount paid to the extent
the amount was | 16 | | for treatment, services, or supplies not covered in this
| 17 | | Section or in excess of benefits as set forth in this | 18 | | Section. | 19 | | (3) Whenever benefits are due from the Plan because of | 20 | | sickness or
an injury to a covered person resulting from a | 21 | | third party's wrongful act
or negligence and the covered | 22 | | person has recovered or may recover damages
from a third | 23 | | party or its insurer, the Plan shall have the right to | 24 | | reduce
benefits or to refuse to pay benefits that otherwise | 25 | | may be payable by the
amount of damages that the covered | 26 | | person has recovered or may recover
regardless of the date |
| | | HB3462 | - 13 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | of the sickness or injury or the date of any
settlement, | 2 | | judgment, or award resulting from that sickness or injury. | 3 | | During the pendency of any action or claim that is | 4 | | brought by or on
behalf of a covered person against a third | 5 | | party or its insurer, any
benefits that would otherwise be | 6 | | payable except for the provisions of this
paragraph (3) | 7 | | shall be paid if payment by or for the third party has not | 8 | | yet
been made and the covered person or, if incapable, that | 9 | | person's legal
representative agrees in writing to pay back | 10 | | promptly the benefits paid as
a result of the sickness or | 11 | | injury to the extent of any future payments
made by or for | 12 | | the third party for the sickness or injury. This agreement
| 13 | | is to apply whether or not liability for the payments is | 14 | | established or
admitted by the third party or whether those | 15 | | payments are itemized. | 16 | | Any amounts due the plan to repay benefits may be | 17 | | deducted from other
benefits payable by the Plan after | 18 | | payments by or for the third party are made. | 19 | | (4) Benefits due from the Plan may be reduced or | 20 | | refused as an offset
against any amount otherwise | 21 | | recoverable under this Section. | 22 | | h. Right of subrogation; recoveries. | 23 | | (1) Whenever the Plan has paid benefits because of | 24 | | sickness or an
injury to any covered person resulting from | 25 | | a third party's wrongful act or
negligence, or for which an | 26 | | insurer is liable in accordance with the
provisions of any |
| | | HB3462 | - 14 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | policy of insurance, and the covered person has recovered
| 2 | | or may recover damages from a third party that is liable | 3 | | for the damages,
the Plan shall have the right to recover | 4 | | the benefits it paid from any
amounts that the covered | 5 | | person has received or may receive regardless of
the date | 6 | | of the sickness or injury or the date of any settlement, | 7 | | judgment,
or award resulting from that sickness
or injury. | 8 | | The Plan shall be subrogated to any right of recovery the
| 9 | | covered person may have under the terms of any private or | 10 | | public health
care coverage or liability coverage, | 11 | | including coverage under the Workers'
Compensation Act or | 12 | | the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, without the
| 13 | | necessity of assignment of claim or other authorization to | 14 | | secure the right
of recovery. To enforce its subrogation | 15 | | right, the Plan may (i) intervene
or join in an action or | 16 | | proceeding brought by the covered person or his
personal | 17 | | representative, including his guardian, conservator, | 18 | | estate,
dependents, or survivors,
against any third party | 19 | | or the third party's insurer that may be liable or
(ii) | 20 | | institute and prosecute legal proceedings against any | 21 | | third party or
the third party's insurer that may be liable | 22 | | for the sickness or injury in
an appropriate court either | 23 | | in the name of the Plan or in the name of the
covered | 24 | | person or his personal representative, including his | 25 | | guardian,
conservator, estate, dependents, or survivors. | 26 | | (2) If any action or claim is brought by or on behalf |
| | | HB3462 | - 15 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | of a covered
person against a third party or the third | 2 | | party's insurer, the covered
person or his personal | 3 | | representative, including his guardian,
conservator, | 4 | | estate, dependents, or survivors, shall notify the Plan by
| 5 | | personal service or registered mail of the action or claim | 6 | | and of the name
of the court in which the action or claim | 7 | | is brought, filing proof thereof
in the action or claim. | 8 | | The Plan may, at any time thereafter, join in the
action or | 9 | | claim upon its motion so that all orders of court after | 10 | | hearing
and judgment shall be made for its protection. No | 11 | | release or settlement of
a claim for damages and no | 12 | | satisfaction of judgment in the action shall be
valid | 13 | | without the written consent of the Plan to the extent of | 14 | | its interest
in the settlement or judgment and of the | 15 | | covered person or his
personal representative. | 16 | | (3) In the event that the covered person or his | 17 | | personal
representative fails to institute a proceeding | 18 | | against any appropriate
third party before the fifth month | 19 | | before the action would be barred, the
Plan may, in its own | 20 | | name or in the name of the covered person or personal
| 21 | | representative, commence a proceeding against any | 22 | | appropriate third party
for the recovery of damages on | 23 | | account of any sickness, injury, or death to
the covered | 24 | | person. The covered person shall cooperate in doing what is
| 25 | | reasonably necessary to assist the Plan in any recovery and | 26 | | shall not take
any action that would prejudice the Plan's |
| | | HB3462 | - 16 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | right to recovery. The Plan
shall pay to the covered person | 2 | | or his personal representative all sums
collected from any | 3 | | third party by judgment or otherwise in excess of
amounts | 4 | | paid in benefits under the Plan and amounts paid or to be | 5 | | paid as
costs, attorneys fees, and reasonable expenses | 6 | | incurred by the Plan in
making the collection or enforcing | 7 | | the judgment. | 8 | | (4) In the event that a covered person or his personal | 9 | | representative,
including his guardian, conservator, | 10 | | estate, dependents, or survivors,
recovers damages from a | 11 | | third party for sickness or injury caused to the
covered | 12 | | person, the covered person or the personal representative | 13 | | shall pay to the Plan
from the damages recovered the amount | 14 | | of benefits paid or to be paid on
behalf of the covered | 15 | | person. | 16 | | (5) When the action or claim is brought by the covered | 17 | | person alone
and the covered person incurs a personal | 18 | | liability to pay attorney's fees
and costs of litigation, | 19 | | the Plan's claim for reimbursement of the benefits
provided | 20 | | to the covered person shall be the full amount of benefits | 21 | | paid to
or on behalf of the covered person under this Act | 22 | | less a pro rata share
that represents the Plan's reasonable | 23 | | share of attorney's fees paid by the
covered person and | 24 | | that portion of the cost of litigation expenses
determined | 25 | | by multiplying by the ratio of the full amount of the
| 26 | | expenditures to the full amount of the judgement, award, or |
| | | HB3462 | - 17 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | settlement. | 2 | | (6) In the event of judgment or award in a suit or | 3 | | claim against a
third party or insurer, the court shall | 4 | | first order paid from any judgement
or award the reasonable | 5 | | litigation expenses incurred in preparation and
| 6 | | prosecution of the action or claim, together with | 7 | | reasonable attorney's
fees. After payment of those | 8 | | expenses and attorney's fees, the court shall
apply out of | 9 | | the balance of the judgment or award an amount sufficient | 10 | | to
reimburse the Plan the full amount of benefits paid on | 11 | | behalf of the
covered person under this Act, provided the | 12 | | court may reduce and apportion
the Plan's portion of the | 13 | | judgement proportionate to the recovery of the
covered | 14 | | person. The burden of producing evidence sufficient to | 15 | | support the
exercise by the court of its discretion to | 16 | | reduce
the amount of a proven charge sought to be enforced | 17 | | against the recovery
shall rest with the party seeking the | 18 | | reduction. The court may consider
the nature and extent of | 19 | | the injury, economic and non-economic loss,
settlement | 20 | | offers, comparative negligence as it applies to the case at
| 21 | | hand, hospital costs, physician costs, and all other | 22 | | appropriate costs.
The Plan shall pay its pro rata share of | 23 | | the attorney fees based on the
Plan's recovery as it | 24 | | compares to the total judgment. Any reimbursement
rights of | 25 | | the Plan shall take priority over all other liens and | 26 | | charges
existing under the laws of this State with the |
| | | HB3462 | - 18 - | LRB097 10590 RPM 50951 b |
| 1 | | exception of any attorney
liens filed under the Attorneys | 2 | | Lien Act. | 3 | | (7) The Plan may compromise or settle and release any | 4 | | claim for
benefits provided under this Act or waive any | 5 | | claims for benefits, in whole
or in part, for the | 6 | | convenience of the Plan or if the Plan determines that
| 7 | | collection would result in undue hardship upon the covered | 8 | | person. | 9 | | (Source: P.A. 95-547, eff. 8-29-07; 96-791, eff. 9-25-09; | 10 | | 96-938, eff. 6-24-10.)